12.- Adjectives _ending_ in - Ed and -Ing

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Transcript of 12.- Adjectives _ending_ in - Ed and -Ing

  • 8/12/2019 12.- Adjectives _ending_ in - Ed and -Ing


    GRAMTICA (GRAMMAR)www.english4allages.com



    En ingls existe un nmero considerable de adjetivos que tienen la alternancia -ed/- ingcomo


    Bored Boring Excited Exciting

    Disappointed Disappointing Interested Interesting

    Tired Tiring Annoyed annoying

    Ej: The film was really interesting. Im interested in foreign languages

    Si buscamos, por ejemplo, la palabra aburrido en el diccionario, nos aparecer entre otros las

    palabras bored y boring. Cul de ellas escoger?. Las dos son adjetivos.

    El criterio o norma para utilizar edo inges el siguiente:

    ed : indica el estado en el que est una persona ( o muy puntualmente animal).

    She is excited about the new house( ella est emocionada con la casa nueva)

    ing: indica el efecto que algo o alguien produce.

    The story is exciting ( la historia es emocionante)

    La relacin entre uno y otro es de causa- efecto:

    a)Im interested in Music.

    b) Music is interesting

    c) Im interested in music because Music is interesting.

    Here are some more adjectives with both endings

    Surprised Surprising Amused Amusing

    Amazed Amazing Depressed Depressing

    Shocked Shocking Frightened Frightening

    Embarrassed embarrassing Horrified Horrifying.

  • 8/12/2019 12.- Adjectives _ending_ in - Ed and -Ing


    GRAMTICA (GRAMMAR)www.english4allages.com


    PRACTICE.- .- Adjectives in - ed/-ing

    1.- Choose the right adjective. Example: I was disappointing/disappointed with

    the film. I had expected it to be better.1

    1 We were all horrifying/horrified when we heard about the disaster.

    2 It's sometimes embarrassing/embarrassed when you have to ask people for money.

    3 Are you interesting/interested in football?

    4 I enjoyed the football match. It was quite exciting/excited.

    5 It was a really terrifying/terrified experience. Afterwards everybody was very

    shocking/ shocked.

    6 I had never expected to be offered the job. I was really amazing/amazed when I

    was offered it.

    7 The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. It was really disgusting/disgusted.

    8 Do you easily get embarrassing/embarrassed ?

    2.- - Answer the following questions

    Think of something that has been disappointing for you lately.


    Write the last time that you found yourself in an embarrassing situation


    Write one of the most annoying thing for you


    Its really shocking when__________________________ (complete the sentence)

    1Exercise taken from English Grammar in Use, by Raymond Murphy. Cambridge University Press.