
I 1. L_ .. ii hl' ; - urhur I 11 f I \ II I I t, It I I l I I I



Transcript of 12-01-1910

Page 1: 12-01-1910

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ii hl' ; - urhur I 11 f I \ II I I t, It I


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The Anchor \


STUDENTS L OUR SALE of up-to-the-minute clothing is now

on in full force and it will be your last chance on


BRAND SUITS or OVERCOATS which we have

put on sale in Three Lp ts. •



Any Suit or Overcoat up to the value of $25.00 ~

NOW $15.00 Any Suit or Overcoat VP to the value of $20.00

NOW $10.00 Any Suit or Overcoat up to the value of $10.00

NOW $5.00

We MUST sell every Suit and Overcoat NOW

i or not at all so come in and save money. ,.-

~ .

- ~. _l. t

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P. S. 11oter & ·co.


Page 3: 12-01-1910

2 The Anchor

MID WINTER Clothing Sale

Now on in full for NOW is

the time to buy a


At Greatly Reduced Prices.

Lokker-Rutgers Co. Clothing, Shoes and Gent's


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The Anchor 3

G. J . DIBKEMA. Prceident G. W. MOitMA. C•ebler


With Savings Department CAPITAL, $50,0L'0.00

Corner Eighth Street and Central Ave. HOLLAND, MICWGAN

After the lectures and bas et ball games have your

E :-v-e:1:1i:1:1g T --u..:1:1ch at


Phone 1041 HOLIJAND, MICH.


CEN·TRAL MARKET Molenaar& De Coed, Props.


Staple and Fancy Groceries

Before you have that steak roast down the river, drop in and see our

juicy cuts

B~ sure not to read this and then forget it

Tomorro-w -we shave for nothing

DOGGER & MEPPLINK Nearest the College .l • On the CC?t11eT

Page 4: 12-01-1910

4 Th e A nc h o r


Some beautiful CHAFING DISHES that ar very, \' ry

anxious to get into good hon1es \vhere th '.\' rna.v \\'o rk

for their lodging. l( indly tell your big-hearted parent~

of this opportunity for doing good.

DePree Hardware Co.

Red -1- Cro~a Barber Shop

We employ nothing but first-class Barbers. Good work and

satisfied customers are the natural result

Two Bath Rooms in Connection

We sell Razors, Strops, Hon s, afcty Razor , C'tc.

Agency for The Baxter Steam Laundry, Grand Rapids

River St., Holland, Mich. ..



WQr i\nrQnr I I


"@>pl'rn tK Dro " r '

~=============== ' NUMBK" 3 '

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(~·-~····-~ Tum•: ' ' Die Wa<:ht am Rhein"

Un 1/u/w· .... (•del shwl y C(IHIJHIB stwmls A hut,.,,, I ialff to iiW uy hwcls, llcr yf,,.;,,,,,._ bcoul, her nollle Jet ow 'fJ,is m r x:W.cJf' to the wm·ld JH'IWlaim:

C 'ho·r us

( J/d ( 'wwtn:: hftntl ?IICl!J jnyous be, CJ/d ('mitlltJS lutm{IUCt!J jn!IOit~ {Je,

c )II r huu·t~. o11 r [fJt'f> , ll't' l'h·dge , tee Jllt•dyc • tn Tht•t•!

f J•n· ltnt r/s, our ha·e, we pledge , 1ce , pic cl!Jf' {o I ht'1'!

'J'/H' t·htw!Jillrt . · ct ·ne~ (~f years will crown c l 1'1' lltflll!/ dr·t•ds wiflt glod ren,IJ/Un .

Fur ltttlynm cloys uluue will Ul' , Olr/ ( 'nsJ11n~ bunt/, tlw meed fo r Thee.

( 'honts

A II It u j l lo fn I 11 rt' ,. i.-: I a v I• r ig J..t . \II /w t l to JH'IISJWd.'i of dd ight. (I t 1 J,,},.r/ .'(, u11r lore. t)/11' rotHIJ/tH1 good

1\ '1 '""'''' ·~J ~ttiMf' Ur(Jf!t(·rllflotl! ( IWI't(

~. . Sl' II WITTER ., ') 1



Page 5: 12-01-1910

6 The Anchor


FTENTl i\1 E- have I wi · heel tu mu~e am mg the monuments of England's illu striuu ~

d ead . pun the r egister:-; of the sulem n

cath edral J \\'<. luld read the triumph!-' uf her w arriors, the expl )its uf her kings. and the

ng-s of her poet~ . At the s hrine of unc 1 w o uld pay h o mage su~h a~ is fitting o nly

to tho~e who c mmand the ,·anguard in the pn>gress of mind and soul ; for in times (lf di ssensi m, thnntgh tlte )HlWCr uf his pen and the grandeur uf his pcrsunality. he ~rcated a great refo rm and stamped the , ·irtuc uf his intellect upo n sun.·eeding generations. 'This, the shrine uf th e prince uf I·:~sayists, the

~ 'pectatur uf human kind- J < lSCph :\cld ison . The story of . \ddiscm':-; career i" p eculiarly hcantiful an d

changing. To s tudy the age in whic h he Ji,·ed. i:-; to learn of

the g reatest trans itio n era literature and suciety ha,·c experi­enced. To trace the de,·elupment o f his nature from a happy y o uth to an ingeni o u s manhoo d, is t o r ecnun t the nClblcst f early biocTraphies. T o r e,· iew the inA uence o f his 1 i terary actlvtty, i to ee the crumbling of- c ld ideals and principle:-; and the m o ldin rr of a public con:cien ce for a grander destiny. Finally, to give a true e:timate o f his -character. is t o add the charm which ha endeared him in the heart~ o f a great pel)ple and ever pa e o n to radia te with e nno bling purpo rt.

Should we ~ tudy Addison without a comprehen s ive kno v.-Iedge o f hi s timeL it w o uld detract fro m those features which in\'ite appreciatio n of a gTand and n o ble life in a great and tro ublo u s age. It was an era emphatically prosai ·; yet. throuah the intellectual curiosity and unrestrained SJ>irit o f b •

ad,·ance, it pro duced great res ults fur literatur . E:--sentially. th e literature o f this periud was characteri zed hy its cunfurmity to lassicis m. I\len o f l e tt er:-; were n o l11ng-cr act u ated hy th u:--c exalted passi n s and g-lowing flights of imag·i nat i• 1n as were the Elizabethan!-;. s ince the~c ardent emotiuns had lo:--t thcm­seh·es in c o ld reason and unimpass ic,ncd Jc,gic. ' ritil·is m. res traint. and an undefined lTa,· ing fur eleg-ann: uf e 'i:pn.:sstun, weakened the impul:es fur creati,·e th 'u g ht and -.upplantcd

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The Anchor 7

the seer 1)\· ,the artif1n.'l'. The writer must nut de,·iate from the naJTII\\' path nf lini:--h mad.: <l ''llt hy the 'la!"sics of ld. Indeed the ,.,,ic.:c pf the :-.inger had been silenced on ly t< he ht·arcl ag·ain aitt·r the lap-.c c•f a h ttn clt cd ycar:-i. I lowe,·e r. this r ·acti,,n again.;t Pu1 ita ·lie print.:it,Je:-- wa:-. 1111t a ~tttp id dedine <1ncl meanin;..:,k-.:-. lull. 11ltt a decided assertion nn the part of l an .~u:t;...!l' it:-- ·If f11r :--elf-pre:--cn· atit~n and exten:-- i1111 of sc >pe. . \11 agt· ... "full .. r tudnlll'nce and di:--t~rdc r. thf)ttg-h nPt furni~h­in g lan,J,l·;q )l'='"' i"r t!t~..· P"l.· t':-- attnt~..·ti . m. was, ne,· ertheles~.

r~..·pll'tc \\ith i1uit iu 1 i ll-. trt!ctic•n ic11· the ~t.arcr:-- in the cnnOil·t. ancl i"ttnd. amid the tumult 'u i party ::-trife. it:-- appearance in an enli \ ctll'd and lu ·· id pn • .. c li terat ure. The~e fcelin~s c., f unn·::-t in the r·:dm •. ~· th t• tt :! ltt. t:rfc~..·tcd tints j,,r the Fairest f .;tn~~ua;-:e tlt••'l' L nt .~..·iul ·han~·~,. ... \\ hi~h pbn:d it upu n a plane makhle::--' fc 1r it prc,·i,i , o~t and dircdne~s .

\\' !tile tltl'"'l' tlllJlll'H·ndin .~ ~.: 1 1an:--.c:-; in literary expressio n \\"l'lt: takin ;..:. pl:i '1..' . cu:i .. · .- l la cl l•l'C it plun~ing it::--clf in to th(lse

a-.t rllltH1ill;.! cltpth-. \\ hi Lh Ita\ c i)l'l.'ll the hlut oi l~ngland's

t:i\ ilizati11!l l'' et -.inn· . The t'l.' \ · ·lutinn c)f l(l~R was accum­pli~hecl h~ a t• •ta l <krait ·ement c ,j .... ,,c ial and relig·iuus statu~. l'rc ·~ rl.•-.-. \\a-. i t -. 11 11 11••: ~ut .. \\hat d i rticultic:-- tll ~urmount!

\\ ' hat ··~..pn1 -. i 'c ..... Tt~ l.' .. t<~ 1 r i ~ lttc n ! Dehauch and intrig-ue, ia-.hi, ,n itlacl pt• :.ii:..a:} ,j n•an n e r :-- h e ld hig-h-fea~t in hi~h

td a~..·~:--. Cttt riJ j•ii• •t: ~u·l' Ld n .Lk<.·dly tllruugh all ::-lrata u f • !--l't·ie ty : in trutlt t! a : i t i :~h e r r;tnk~· \, ere murc be~pattered and

hl'iclttlc•l t1wn v. ~ rc th~...· !c''' l'l . T t :(l,~,· king in p t •l i tit.:al ~~hcmes

11 ... ·1 • • • c1 ti t l' .. 1 1.. ., 1l' ~ t t. 1 ~ 11 l .... " i t. · ~ ; l'"" e. . \ fa s t c 'q >an d i n g com -~· .~ :--.. .. .

11 :c 1 '"· c a·;d 1::r .... 1..· • tat ~..·~ • i l:tntl iutni-..hc<l the means tu he id ly :-.pent in l •utl . i11·· ;,;,, ul .c,.· t tl't'e~-h•· i.· :-- c:-. a nd gaml>lin;..!,· dens.

C 1a ;' l.· j , 1 i!lt ~~~ i\ a:~ : ... 1;~n ;tltn• -.t i:,t. l tradnc='"· J\.o,·alty and flut;d )l-.·--: l '"a-..t : t "" ai;J-. c..: \\l.' 'l.· gtadua lly appruaching thllse mi:--~..· ra ldc l't •t!di t i, 11 ... ' hl'rl.ill t l • \\ ' c-.lcy:-- jt,und the hn,·er e t a-..:-~:-; at tl·c time ,. j the lc ,· i,al. 'fhe \\·ildcst acb u f fu pi:;h­

nc-.:-- anclc••qttl'tl .' \'\l'Je rl'flL'l'tl'cl in a prdentiutt:-i a nd . enti­mcntal drama. ·1 hen ah• ,., ~ this ,· it't'-t.lli :-' ~cept i L·i:-;m an<~ g reed fu r wealth. tl.l'te ptidell t h·, ... ~ tk;..:.ant 1HI\\':-' ancl ~~>mplnnents \\ llidt the man 11i qua li ty <h:ll. .. :-- t :' t 11 his inmu~t :--elf, fu r to hin1

thi:-- p •ditcnc . ... and :--htt•\\' Pi !...!""d ht eedin~ 1:-- but an pen and

~hocking- , ·eneer. . \ 1nid :--urh c~.md itiuns _\ddi=--un began hi · career as a

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6 The Anchor


FTENTJ nl ES ha ,.e I wished to muse am mg the m.onumen t s of England ·s illustriuus dead. ·r~on the registers of the solemn

Q cathedral I \\'ottld read the triumph. uf her \\'arriors, the exploits of her king-s. and the

:ongs of her puets. At the sh ri nc of u nc 1 \\'ould pay homage :'ttch as i:' fitting- o nly

to those \\'ho command the \·anguard in the p1·ugress of mind and ·o ul; fur in times uf disscnsiu n. thrt~ttgh the pu\\'cr uf his pen and the g rande u1· of his persunal i ty. he ere a ted a great reform and stamped the virtue uf his intellc ·t upun s u cceed ing generat-ions. This, the s hrin of the prince of J·:ssayists, the Spectator uf humankind- J uscph ;\ddison .

The s to ry o f . \ddison's career is pcnlliarly heautiful and changing. To s tudy the age in whicl1 he li,·ed . is to learn of the greatest transition era I it era tu re and society ha ,.c experi­enced. To trace the de,·elupmcnt of hi s nature from a happy youth to an ingenio u s manh o d , is t recPttnt the nobles t o f early biographies . To reYiew the inAuence of hi s literary acti,·ity, is t o ee the crumbling of o ]d ideals and principles and the molding of a public conscience for a grander destiny. FinaiJy, to gi\·e a true estimate of hi · character, is tu add the charm which has endeared him in the hearts o f a g reat pe )pte and ever pa ses o n to radiate with ennoblin n· purport.

Should we study Addison with ut a comprehensi , .e knowledge of hi · time., it w o uld detract fr ) Ill those feature~ which in\"ite. appreciation of a g-rand and noble life in a great and troublo u age. It was an era emphatically prosaic; yet, thro ugh the intellectual <: u1·insity and unrestntined spirit o f ad,·ance, it produced,.g-rcat r s uits fur literature. 1~:--scntially.

the literature lf thi~ perio d was d)aracte1·iz d hy its cunfurm ity to C lassicism. !\len o f le tters \\'ere n o Iu n g-er actuated hy thl)s"' exalted pass i on~ and glowing fli ghts of im ag-inat i1111 as \\' •r the Elizabethan ~. since thc:'c ardent e m ut in n s had ft,:--t them-e! ve~ in cold rea~on and u ni mpass il)ncd logic. · ri t ic is m,

re!'traint. and an undefined (Ta\· in g- r1 1r cJcg·ancc nr •xp n .:SSI!ill, weakened the impulses fu r crca t i , .e th u u g-h t and -..uppla nled


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The Anchor 7

the :--ccr 1)\· the a~lil: <..'r. The \\TJter must not de,·iate from the narr« 'w~path uf tini:--h mark <1 n ut))\· the ' Ia~s ics of o ld. I nclced the ,.,,icc c ,f the :--in~cr had hcen ~ il enced n nly to he heard again aft c 1· the lap:--c • ,f a hundred yca1·s. I r owever. this 1· ·c:n: tit~n ag-ain:--t llu1 itanic p1 in t: ipl c:-- \\'as nu t a stupid decline and nH.:a ningh:-..-.. lull. hut a deci d ed a~:--crt iun on the part nf lang·uage it:--cli r,, r ... l•lf-prc:--en·atilln and cxtcn!' ion n f scupe. .\n agt· .... ., full <•f tu1 hull•JH.' C and di .. u nlcr. thu ugh not furnish­ing- land:-capt•-.. f,q· the p•H:t's attJ·at·ti tm, \\'as, ne,·erthele~ . . rl•pktc \\ith i1uitiul i n:-lrtt~..:t i •'n j,, r the :--l:aJ·crs in the conflict. ancl f, 11111<1. :1m i cl t 11 e l u m ult "i party ~ tri f e. it:' a ppeara nee in an enli ' t' lH:d and It! · it1' pn , .. c lite r .llurc. Thc~e feeling-~ u f unn:.·~ t in the n::dm ~~~ th ll ll !~ llt, L." l'fcl'le<l t int:' j,,r the Fairest

Lan ~: ua ;...: t tlt""'l' l :~"'pl' iu! t·l:an;..:·e..; '' hich pl a ..:cd i t upu n a plane m:ttc:hl c:--~ f,,r it .. pre ·j,i ,• Jl and clire..:tnc~:'.

\\ liilc ti Jt':-- t· ll ttpn:ten d ing d wn:--.cs i n litera ry expre ·s io n \\' t:tt: ta k i 11~ pl:t .·e ..... •:i ... : t. · lsad I •<:L' ll plunging i t~elf intu th Pse a~t .,lllH~in ,.., cllplh:-- "hit h ha\'<: i>cen tlte hl u t 11i I·Jn ~Iand's ci \ ili za ti••!l t•u:r :-- inn·. The rt: \• .Iutiun Pi 1 )c' was ace m ­pli~hcd h: a t• ta l dt-ran•:t·mcnt , ,j :--c•c ia l and religious status. l'r.,!...rl' -.. .... \\a" it-.. I ll ! tt11: Lut \\hat difticultic:-- to ~urmnunt! \\ · h .a t r" p u] .. i , l' ~ 'l' n l '.. t d I r i !...I• ten ! I ) c I> au c h and i n t r i ~u e, fa-..hi tlll a 11<l pt• ·· ii ;._ t~:y ,j 1~1a1nH:rs hdd hiM'h-f a:--l in hig-h pla c e-... · · ~~ rtlj'ii"n ~1.' 1' t·d n~tkt· dly t h ro ugh a ll ~ t rata o f ~· ·..: i <.:t\· : in t nllll d a .· •her ran\...·. '· ·re more l>c:;paltcJ·cd and hcit •ttle·l tha;l ,, ·r ·the'"" l'l'. Tr.lf't tc king- in p••liti ·al :'cheJne:-; en~·; t!..'·<.'d tltc !.:ll' ·l L'l 1ni Hl .. tti . t. ,·~· a:"'e . . \fast expanding cum-

.~ . ' ~ . . I H l.'h. L' ;•·,d l;.r...,t• L' i:tlL'• t• i l:tnd fu 1 ni he<l tiH.! mean:-; to he tdly :--pent iil I·•Lll: i!t· ;si,, ut ~.·~~r:·<.~-J · , ·t· -..c:-- and gambling den:--. l ' 1:tze f,,, int, •:-. i, : t:!~ ... 1an almt• ... t i• 1t. 1 tra<lnc:--:-::. Ruyalty and rltlllih).._·-..1 ] 'l',l'· , ll 1:-- aJ;J L' \\ L'' L' f-:.1 aclually appn>ach ing- tJH,~e

111 i :--t· r a 1 J Je <.'.., 111 1 i t i 1 , 1 1 :- " h <.: 1 .... i n tl l' \\ • l' :-- I c y.., f t 1 u n d t h c h , ',. e r c la-..:-e" at t l·e ti me ,, j the JC \ i\a l. 'i'he wildc~t acts o f fo pish­nc:--:-- ancl c••q uc tr.' \\ere n: llcc ted in a pretent io u s and ~enti­mcnt al drama. 'Jl1e 11 aJ" ,._.:: tl 1is ' it'l' . thi s ~ccptil'ism and gTeed for \\·caltll. tll.'ll' p1 ic!ed th••:--e l'l\!g:t nt ],,,,,·sand cumpliment "lt ic h til man , ,f qua li ty clek:-. t s t•· hi~ inmu:--t ~eli, fur to him t h j;o; p• ll i ten e . :-- and :-- h u\\' " i r.:.• 'd d breed ing is b\.1 t an open and

shocking , ·enccr. .. . \mid :--nch L· u nditions :\ddi~on began hi · career a ~ a

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8 The Anchor

write r. Of the lit ercu·y 11lll\·ement h e was the iriend and pro pagator; of the socia l c,·ils he hcc.:ame the encm\· ancl -ameli rator. But it is essent ia l .befc •re " . , <.:tln:--idcr his acih·i-tie , t o tt·ace brie fly t h e making uf this \\"t> t\clcrfu l man 11f let­ters. llis paren t. were o f that :-:.tc rlin g type \\"hirh th l'c)r­ruptio n f-' o f the age could nut tarnish. .\ certain p er uliar chat·m and plca.~antness. m an ife:-:ting it,elf in ;til dt >mestic relatio ns. seem s tn ha,·c gained f11r the .\ dclis,,tl" the appella­t io n o f HEngland's J11(l:O:t :uniahle family ." .-nmc\\"hcrc anHmg­the undulating- s ll)pes of the . \ ,·c•n. the Stll'l J n-..eph \\"as hnrn in 1672. The quiet hilts \\" ith thcit· Ancks .,f !-!Ta;ting- s heep became the end uri ng jny nf his y11uthful day'. and in hi.., l•me­line~s it mu st ha,·e pt·cscntc<l a st·cnc ~i milar tc> that ,,f J..,racl's s weetest !'ing-er and s h epherd l lii_Y. <;raclually tn him the:-:e rett·eats and solitud es b eca m e le's attradi,·c. f,, .. he heard the sounds < f hum a n life. 11 rc hi~ ~cn..;iti,· e sc1t1l. like a n E o lian h a rp . first lcan1erl to r espond to the brcC7.l'" of mct-r\· and t u r h uk n t En g-1 a n ct. w h i c.: h i n Ia t e r y c a r s "h • 1 nl d fi n d i n hi 1~1 so mig-hty a vn kc and prntcct 0 r .

ffis eciucatin n \\' :1' nhtained in a mannc·r ~imil:lr tn that nf many pupil~ o f hi~ time: first pri,·atc i n,tnt ~.·ti cH1. then g-.-am­mar ~chool.. Tn the ( hm·ter h• •ll "C hi:' ta,tc fnr c la,,ical antiquity early hccmne a ..;inccrc J>Cl""i'lll and in..;pirati n n . s,·s­tematic ~turly an d miclni !..!·ht re,·cric' in the c l an!.,!·ua (~c" :-'c~c n dis t in g-ui:'hcrl him amntH! hi' fellc•w ~t ucl c nt'. The pn,fi<.·iE' tH'Y with whkh h e hcgan to \\"rite T.atin ,·c r sc..; u nder the elm~ ;t l\fagede lin. gave a . ~u rann.' n f t.!·e nuine pneti1.· ta lent. rTc thu ~ acquired a knnw l ed~c n f Latin li terature s in t!·ttlarly prnf•\lllld and inteJiigent. and \\' C ma\· cnniecture th:1t \\"tth thi .... widcnin<'" intere~t in L at ini ty . h e ~"!"J~cw n~ n t·e familiar with the Ji ,·es (~ the p oet. a nd the c harm o f their l''•ttntn·- Ttah·. I Tc clccmccl that by traveling thnmgh penplc' and ~.·c~u n t r ic; one mig-ht g-et l:l full . un·ey of humanity. and a~ it were frnm a mnuntain height vi ewing the F- trn g-!._!'le. n f men. learn the lc .. c n of ~trnng­

and sympathetic br therhood . Ace rdin g-h ·. he emhark ccl. hv the aid o f 0th erF-. fo r Frsnce. tn acquit·e . t h e l an~na!.!,·e the~ recognized supe rior fo r its refinement and rl ip ln ma tic u~e . At the French capital. in arlrlition to hi !' !'turly o f the l angua~e . he was enduring ly impre~sed hy the adornment~ o f luxury a . they eminently exi ted in the ' ersa iJJe d ra ,,-i ng rno J , and cou rt.



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Th e An chor 9

But, in his imag inatio n. heynnd the mountains he beheld out­. t rete hed u pun the hills, Hume, the fa n.>ri te c ity n f tra ,-elers. \\' hat !'ig-hts n f poetic atfh.K.·tion and attainments in art did i t n o t con jure up! .\l m,,st unn oticed hy others. he found him­se lf e ncumpassed by the fie ld:-: made sat· rcd hy the muses. \\'hat pleasing and my:--teritlll:-' moods tnust ha ,-e pos~essed his soul as he stnou face tl> face \\"ith the objects of his thoughts and as p i rat i11ns. I I ere. surrounded hy the records o f c i ,-iliza­t it>ns. nf lilct·attH'C:-'. and nf arts. he must ha,·e felt his own expanding power~ and realized that by eng-aging in worthy and instruct i, ·c purpnsc~ . he tnn could he fa~hiuned into a man that needed not to he ashamed .

.\ ret u rn trip thrl1tt;.:,h the Appenines and .ermany hro ug·ht him tn his nati\· c..~hore after an absence of four profit­able a nd med i ta t i ,-e years. But no w this fa vorite o f fo rtune must appat·ently he <n-crwhc lmed hy misfurt une . llis father' ­dca t h. the \\" i t hd ra wal Cl f his pensil)n, and n mnerous political ... e mharra:smc•1ts were the o nly greet ing-s he obtained. But thro ugh hi:-' st urdy and winning- nature, o bstacles became ~ tcpp ing- stone:'. and h e <l'pircd tn a position suitable for the play n f his tal nt:-'. lie i..:; engaged to celebrate in ,-erse. the prn\,·ess a nd "glt >r iclus dct()ry" (If ~r arlhorough. Like all poems of the ··made-tn-(ln\er" type. the tt ampaign" d e. n t read1 those hcig h ts ( ,f in ,·en t i ,-e art and depths of in tim ate sympath y; yet. r \)J" i t~ cle:'ig-ned puq>nse . that n f promoting the ca u:-;c Cli the \ \'h igs. it g-a , .e remarkable ~en· i ce. Be~ides, i t hring-s .. \ ddisnn into stH·h uni ,·er~a l recog-nit i n as a man o f ca pahil i t ics . that employ mcn t is ~i ,-en him as n nder-~ecretary o f ~tate. lie i:' ach·anccrl again and ag-ain into the controllin~ afia ir:' uf g··n·ernmcnt. and e,·cn until his death in 1719 he rem a ined as n ne of its Tnrcmust leaders. :\F. chief secretary to the Lord-lieutenant of Ireland. he executed the duty of office wi th such ~k ill. that. e\·cn in times o f .. fury a ·cendancy he was permi tted to hold h'rg-h positio ns 1f go,·ernment. This diligence in <lflice. thi:' ag-reeableness of conduct, were the means by whid1 he grew natio n-\\'ide in reputation. and :'ecured fnr himself the full enjoyment of g-reat and vv-ell­desen·ed pre 1speri ty .

But this o nly prepared him for g reater thing~ ; he heard the call to a m o re itn·iting field uf ser\'lce-a field which

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10 The Anchor

throug-h his creatiYe g-cnitt :' h l':lme n . phcrc ,,f h c•unclll'-. .... p•l'­sihilities. Richard Steele. hi:-- ne:1r· :l:'~ndate. had ;tl rc:tch· IH.'!..!'Uil

the uTatJ r.'' a paper which tre:ltecl Cf-He'ti,,n ..... ,,f ~e n<.•r;d cnn­

cern. s u e) a~ literature. mnr:ll ~ . and pn•l>ltm .. ••f ~tat'. \\ ' hat

could bet 1o re fitting- thnn fn r :\cidi~nn t•l dedicate hi-. f;tntltic-... to the ex en . inn n f ~uch an enterpri~c? n~- hi ..; cltarmin ~ and finished '~a,:s. the ::-tnnciarcl nf the ''Tatler" \\:t""' J':ti'l'll. and at the cJ e nf it' en,·iahle career he hetr:-tn "hat j .. kn••\\·n ;~ .... the Spect tor. Tntly. it re,·eal~ the ~pertal•'r n f the afT:tir-... .. r men. '\ th k een eye and la q . .!·e :-o\·mpathie-. ·\ddi -..1 •11 m, ;, l' .... quietly ir the mid.:;t nf the lll:t'"'e' :llld learn~ their in clinati~~n~ and theit neeci~. Then in brilliant nnd plea-..in~· rhct•IJ·j,· he seek to hrin (,. p1·art i<.·a l \\'t-.d"m an d rea ..... n int" th<.· l'• l rr'N·-:--

houses a cl inh1 the a~'emhli "',,f men . It "· a~ hi-. Jllt1·pn-.c t•' instruct 11en and wnmen in the \\':t _,.~ nf cltccrfuln<.'-.-.. 1•f truth

and the < 1·t of hi g-he~ t Ji , · in !.!,·. 1 t \\' :l' n difficult l<t·d, t " dirt•l·t such erri tg humanity. yet . \dcli'"ll . thrnu!!h hi..; d;•il~· puldica­tions. su ·ceedeci in a \\'<1\' h~,. ,.,Ht m~a,urc . I l c Pllrtra~·ed

noble me ancl \\'nmc n anrl made knn\\'n thc ,· irtlll'' J ,,~ "''1idt

that stanciard cnnlcl he readtecl. TTe reJH'n'-cd tl 'e f~tl lie' ancl

foibles o f society. and cnclea,·•1red hy e\:ampl~' ,,r -..imp]i,· it .' · and purity. to ele,·atc it to cleaner and hctte1· lt•,·cJ ... \\ ' hat a ,g-rand conl·eptin n! \Yhat a -..uhlimc purpn-.e! \\.hat an un ­ri,·aled . ucce!'. ! ,..\ncl had .\clcl i'C111 in all hi!" ,·ari••tt"' c•llt­tribution~ to the HGu:1rdinn.': th<.' ' 'Freeh .. Jdcr ... ancl the .. . pcl·­tator." done n nthin g- he:'id c'tahli,hin!..!· a llH'th r•d ,,f ,· , ,m­m u n i c a t i, n w h i e h " ·a!"' d e =' t i ned t • 1 !.! n • " · i n t " t h c· 11';' :. • 11 i t11 d <'

of our man·elmt~ mndern IH.'\\· -.p;q rr '.'·-..tl'l11. hi ... nanH· ' ., ,uJd still de!"en·e t1 he linked \\'ith th<.• ch<tmpi•lll'- f,,r nr••"''t• .... and enlightenment.

Howe,·er . . \dcii :'tlll.:' p!t\\'eJ·~ \\'ere n11t limi ted tr1 e-.-.ay wnt1ng-. The .::tatre abn. he dct'mNl. t·a ll ecl luud h · fpr rcft~rlll.

A trag-edy. "Catn.' ' "·hic h he witne~!"ecl at y ·enicc lin ~·(· n· d \\'ith

him as unu. ually fascinating: and apprnpriate fn r hrin!..~ int!'

about his desired accnmpli~hment. T n reprnciu<.·e thi ..... in full. n ow became his sole amhitinn. Afte r many disappointment and discourag-ements. the heautiful life of Catn. a picture oi .\ddi­son's O\\'n excellence. battling \\'ith a(h·erse cnnclition' . became the admiratio n of Eng-lancl'!' theatre-goin g- people. The un ­precedented reco rd of thirty-fi , ·e c m~ecuti\'C..: night ~ and th<'

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The A·n c h or 11

numcro tL translations \\'hich ensued, adequately assures us of its immediate succe~s. Jtho ugh the tragedy reveals a deficiency in dramatic pas. ion, yet in stately dignity of tyle, it p o rtrays a cha1·acter \\'hic h men may ever with profit learn to imitate. : \t least \\'e h lie,·e that it placed before the people

a hig·her dramntic ideal and purged the stac,.e u f tho e senti­mcntalitic~ \\'hit:h \\'ere the• uutgr \\'th £ a Yainglorious and dcpra \·ed society.

\\'ith s uch a )'llttth. with ~uch a trauung, \\'ith such a carcc1· in ~tate and letter:'. \\'hat remains to be said o f Addi,on's character?- \\' ht l due:-- ll t1 l admire the luf tinc:-;" o f hi:; s ml and the :--ecrct gladnc .... :-; t~f hi ' nature ?- \\'e ha,·e learned to think

,,f him a~ the man "ith a "!'-miling tear"; fnr ften with his l' lltltu:-.ia~ti...: humur and calm per=--ua:--iu n , has he cheered u on tt, a happy a n<l exalted ie~ i ng~. 11 is \\'ere no empty a ~pira­tiun:' fo1· the ,·a nit ie .... ui hi ~ day, but \\'ith a clear and holy , · i:--iu n f,,r a better ~·H.:iety. he fnun·ht a {car i es~ fight against

folly and sin. llc had hre~ thcd the pure air uf the mountain, uf :--trength, and with a dtcedul ·u unlenancc he de~·cended to the \·alley:-- t•, :--hare with the needy his !"ympathy. His love i lH' the P~alm-. and the \\'.flr:--ltip of J ehu,·ah i~ breathed into all hi~ \\' ttrk:' and C:'JlCl·ially intu thn=--c g·ems of poetry which have

f()ttJH.l a permanent plac~ i.n ' nur church hymnal~:. lJi · weal~h cun;-;i:--tcd in <.' till\ cr:--ing \\'ith a ·ho!'-en cirde of lnend · and tn a .... inc L·re dc\·11ti••tt tu happy dumesti · hn·e. lli · _etriti,·ene · s ll l human need ~. d11tlll'd and exprcs~ed in the fen·or of his mental ridllH::- -.. "un the admiration >f all, and made him the m u ltlcr l'i a :--tn 111~ and r •lirred public conscience. \~ith per­:--11nali t\ t• ' dra\\. \\ ith '' i:--d1•111 to ntcrlain, with \'lrtues to

in-..pin·~ he di :--"·''' L'n.·d till.' art ni ti,· ing,_ a1~d .in a nHll}~O~~d and h 11pl·lul ckath :--l'l'llC -.htt\\' t.:d. "h••\\' a l hn:'ttan can d 1c. .

lie "h•• -.tudic~ . \ddi~· ·n lind~ a truly great rc\\'ard .. ~ r1m.:r l't.:l'''llll'l' ll~c "·an \\ l' -.L·ck i••r uttr:--ch·e:--. 11111· can '' c ufter a nt••rl· l ' l'llt.:rt~u:-- tl ilnttc t•• Jtj .. mem• ·r~. than t11 "gi,·e o ur days ·utd n~·ht -. l" . \ddi :-,ttl. .. l~ugland hn·c-. him i11r the :--hare he ~~~~~k i 1~ a ll :l\ in~ her pt•litt~.·a l c{J-...:-;cn:--i()n:--. in creating a relinetl

a 11 d tu~.·id j,n,: c Iitera tun·. in ridiculing- the iancie.· <.~f ~1er i, 11 ,li~lt ~.·iti z cn··. in l'l'l'••ncjlin:..! tilL' '"'' C:l.Y~ ui man to man. 111 1111-

p I a 11 t i ll :..! i d l' a )..... I I i j t1 :-- I i l' l' a 11 d p l1 r i t y. ~ r a 11 k i 11 d In\. c ;-; ~ 1 i 11~ [ t} r tit '""l' ~ame rcfnrm:-;.~for tltru u gh the ~.·cnluric~ the pnnctples

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12 The Anchor

·which he stro,.·e to inculcate, the Yirtue whic~1 he l<.n·ed and )i,·ed, ha,·e been the g uar·di a n ::; and gu id e:-; to ambitions o f nobler acth·ity. to friendship · of richer enjoyment, to thoughts of h o lier aspirations. ANON.


r was neat· midnight o n Chri~tmas C\"e. In a city o f the :\Iidclle \\' est a :-;mall buy wfl.;; stealing- along- o,·er the ri,·er bridg-e. lie had bce11 gazing despait· ingly intn th water ~ and had fo und them blacker than he had supposed. lle had C<.HT1e int u the citv up that riycr ~ome week. ), fore, friendlcs~.

homeless and a l nc. Jl e was cold. fack Ft·u:-;t is cruelly Se\·ere after dark. Be~idc:-; u ne feels his sc\·erity much more keenly on damp winter days in thi .~ city and h u w much m ore when o n e is without friend ·, witho ut a place to Judge, and afraid of the police.

The moon had risen, but its beams were lost in a fog ri ~ ing from the lake and in the glare o f electric lights. Down by the riYer, in the midst o f the gt·eat commercial section o f the city and not far fro m the bridge where the lad had tarried, stood the city hall. 'l'he building seemed higher than u sual for the lake fog brought d l wn the sky to the lirst fl oo r and its tower ro e two hundred feet hio·her. The b y found a recess in thi building where o me warmth came through the stone wall and he hugged himself in to it. as if he felt a ml>ther's cares.~. There n1ig-ht ha,·e been ~ome sort o f heartbeat in that stone. At any rate it was better than any human heart the hoy had found since he stule hi s way fn 1m the sunny south. So he 1 ,-ed the stune-wall. and r s ted his check against it whet·e the at·hing touth had cau:-;cd a swelling. It felt kind.

* * * * * * * As a li :-;hennan was making ft,r a I i ttlc hay in the sa nels

which pr mised sa fety, if he cuuld readt it. a wa,·e t, •sscd a life-presen·er a lmost ag-ain:-.t his tiller. It ~upporkd the body of a child. (;ras ping it he t1H1k the child in tu his ,· e~ ... e l. :\s . oon as the ,·es:el was saf , the man turned tu the child and

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The Anchor 13

found him returning- t con~ciou ne s and wat·mth. Hi. heart went out lo the unfortutfate child and he too k him into his lonely life \vith a questi nabJe res lve not to report him to the w o rld fo r fear relati,·es mi~ht take him away. \Vith this little c hap t lo ,·e, life was brighter. A year passed and o ne day while the fi~lterman and his crew were nut on a violent sea, the latter clo:'ecl his career in attempting- to swim to s ho re and sumn1on a id, fnr thcit· helpless ,·esse l had heg-un to drift out into the deep. Fnrtunately the dreadful monster was atLfied with swall <.H\ ing- up one life. and its rage s on ceased.

'The fisherman 's h"at entered tl_1e ~yhor ~s u . ual. _but this time with a corp:-.c o n ckck and a fncndless ch tld weeptng over it. ll nwe,·er, a ma:--ter c1f a tramp sailing-vessel took him for his u wn. <qHl friendlc:"s Johnnie g u t a chance to ee . mething of the \\·oriel. 1 lc :-.ailed thruug·h the Creat Lakes even ut into the ocean. cluwn to the \\ est Lndies. llere the boy re­mained for a number of year:". fo r it wag the. h o me of the hip's ma:-;tel'. nut the ma~ter uf the tramp-\·e~sel had often been unkind when und~r the influence of liqunr. Lately, he had been ll'O freely supplied. Frig-htened. Jtlhnnie determined to make his e~capc. l ·nrgetting e,·eryth in g uf hi · childhood except the city whid1 was 1ti~ lh) 111C. h e sear-ched fo r a ti~e amnnn· the craft c,j 1 la,·anah and found a ~teamer hound fo r

~ -the Gt·eat I #akc:-;. a nd tbat meant h o me. Treated a~ a ~ tow-a wa'" . he encl u red all :-:.o rb o f hardships till he :"tepped upo n duck in his o ld city. and the thrill nf home possessed him.

But he fnnnd no real hnme. F u r weeks, he soug-ht it and then went dllwn n n a cold nig-ht acrc,:-;s the ri,·er bridge. lo k­in~· at the water hel t> \\".jlld trying to make a cho ice between i t~ terror and that '' hich wa:-; with him al l the time.

The I.mu· hand nn the cit\· hall d ock. \\'h ich the public ~ -

.;;umetimc~ l·;dl:-; "ni~ Hen:· ( imitating- J Phn Hull's name for the hancls 1111 \\·c ... tmin:'ter t•n,·et·-dock). is liftin g- itself inch hy inch pa"t the lar~c fi .~ure nn the twch·c-fuot dial. As it "'"'ing::- up ward \\ith a 111t ltit m whit.:h ca n ca:-; il y he detected by

-.an,·cmc ncar tt• it. that hu~e minute-hand i ~ approaching the p(•int t•i the dial where the pnndnm~ work:-:. \\'111 rtlll ft lrth, fr <1 m the ma:-.~i,· c thrnats o f the hells abo ut, the m on1entuus pro-

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The Anchor

cia m at io n w h ic It i ~ t c) he ~H: ..._. • 1 H l' d I> y t h c tn f ~ h ri:;tma~ clay.

l: It,. :\ .._ t h l' u .... 11c r i 11 ( •· ~

There i ~ a h a li-fn •zcn hc1y. in ahjccl mi!'-c ry. I~ ing pain­fu11y d o wn then~ where thl' I>Pi:-.tet· .. u:-- clan1•1r ,,j till' l•t·ll-... "i ll be l'C\ crhcratcd hy the ~tl•lll'!-- 11r thl' \\':111. l;ut I ltardl _, th i11k he will \\'akc up and lt clllt• r y cc tt. "l;i _~ lkn ... \\i l h an_, tT l'••g­

nitiu n nf y1 •ur ~Tea t !--t'l'\ ill' 111 t il l· t'ity. '. 1 •ll 111a _, pe :tl 11 t1t

y1mr grande:-t. Inn h..._· i-- a~lt'l'Jl. li t• tll'c.:cl-- rc-.t. II c.: " ill lt••t

be a n•ll:-t·d l•y y 11ttr prc •· lamati• ll l. But there j .._ :11t11 l hl'r under_, •ur ~a/e. "l;i·, 1: 1'11. .. :a 111:111

ln:-;t in th l del'pt>t tti tit• H:...,ll .. I'" ·'"il lltin!.- ~ . 11 art· g.•iil" I•• "1 a r tl l' h i m ? \\ i II IlL' r c.: l' ..._. i ' L' t 11 a t 1 It a i II \-. h i ._ h '·~ •ll : t 1 L' " :-:I. i II ful jn imp:t rtin ;..;- t11 a ll t'l:t ' ·' · :tnd l" ' tc~iti .n ... , r tl t'l"till.tll r·t··c .

C!--pcciall_ · c•ll Chri--t m:t!'- t ·i:~l!t? . :.,l Itt· ! \h. 11 •. lti ... ·.tr,· ::rL' dcl~ed to Y" ll. ( >. hL•r:ddl.·r • ·I "I \;• , L' :tttd I; ..•. :1" i!i !" I k i--. i.t !'-Uc.:h a~·"n _,. tltctt he iai tly :..:r' a" .. . :tlt 'l he ·.-. i! l J, • tk:t d t • • :\ . u r appeal. "l;ig Den.·· lie j .._ a-..J. in ;.,~ltilll :-- l'lt :t r• i :t l\.d qul'~ti••n a h e \\"alks al>:-;ent ly . li e i!-- nt•t !-- ll ffl· t in ;.!· an_, '"'diJ _, a ilt tll.'lll.

( . n r>, he i ~ well. !--lrung. rit· ll .. \ mul!i tud · " ' l'l'"flk ca ll lti m theit· dearc~t fri nd. hut he h a::-- llt •t a iril'nd "Jt,, j.._ really (kar t o him. li e \\'as de pri,·ed 1 ,j hi-.. \\"ik an d dtildr ·n and lll' :u~ relat i,·cs in that d rcadiu l di.._a,tcr 1• t1 t l.c Ia I~. " h1 , ... l' ~.·,· ltl .

dreary wa\·es he can ll tl\\· , in thc.: -.tiline:- !'- , , j t h\.· 11i ~h t. hL·ar di;;­tinctly a . they rnll tti H•n the il·y -...lt t•n·-linc. I k \\"a .... cut .,rf. fro m th e fe\\" \\'h11111 he dt~.: ri:-hc rl in d1ildht 11 d .tnd ll:t !-- ";~ n­d e rcd ,·e r th e earth :0:11111\.! year!'- . It .. pin;.!· t ·• l l l· ~·· me in tl· rc.--.tl.' d snm e\\' ltca·e a nd fi nd a ~J> ltL:c u i acti,·ity ... llll ·cl t d hi--. )H'''"'-'' .... and ta!'les.

li e ha!'- ct•me hal·k tc1 thi s '"·it,· a -..ad tll:tl t. L ut '' h:!l tilt•

\\'orld calb a !--tlL'l'C!--:--ful ' ' 'h.'. IIi -- j,q illt•l' "hi ·It 1 :tlilt' l 11 him l ar~elyhy inltcritann: . he !ta· ia11 .. 1c;t t·· ! \:t t h '" i • tJtlln:tlt' ill ­,·e~t ments. II is name It;, ... ltL' L'Il ltl·J ;tlt!t i i'l the· l'·l(l\'' .... :t, a t\·pkaJ t\\'Cllti l'lh-L'L'lll llJ'\' \ll ll' lil·: .IJ. \\ IJ\.Jl.'\('1' Itt• l.h . -l 1'<\\ cl C <) h C h (\ !' 111 e I J, ll ~ j 11 \.' ~ ...., i I j ,.' 11 d ... :1 • 1 d 11 p fl 11 I llll j I j ·'. 1·: \ l ' 1'\ · ­

hc•dy l:c•urt:-- !aim; cn .. ·t~ c it_, c! t•-.. i; c·-.. l'ia:; :r-.. :t pl'l'lll:tilUll n·-- i­dcnt. C\ c ry :-.1•C it:l~ l''dl'JH. ' •t .. · 11 a1111 .... 1·, t:•: ,. 1 i 111 i ·1.

n ll t h c i :-; i r i l.! 11 cliL·.... . . . \ Jll llll' ' I I " q: .II H 1-.. I j {I i t'll d .s It l' i " ;--.

pa in iu lh· iricn cl lt•--.:-... l ie '- I t l'" a:.•l ). " J. .... tiJ' ;:i 1 Ill' huildi n~'· Y1•tHlcr. 111 t!ral ;..! . , \ t t •:i~t'lll t .u iirlin " . rcc c i n.:tl a ic \\' n i g-lt t :-; a::". ln L11 i l .._ !t a II -.. . \\ 1t c 1 L'

lll.l· I\\'

hl· ,., :t-..

ar1a 11' a

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T h e A 11 o !i «» i } 15

ni . in ' - fau- l ia- h w n «U^Vnniiu«l. lu- c an i c a s an In»n«»ro<l e n c s l . [ ] , ( • civ\-. IU -<'1110 • 1 i t - r«n»nis. w a l k e d

al'-iiL' i l - i1 • i' r i < I <]>. r l i m h t i i it*- >••• ic • »r in« •re* >iairca>cs. Ancl now . he - t a n d s in the d i -n ia l v*«»l<l, w i n i r y n iuh l ancl 1- .-k- nji ai ii and ai in ihc i r .^l-'iy. ina>lc r |» icc j "I \ i • d u * a n ar .-Mu'i m i c. •' r«iu he i - n« »t a w e d 1»\ i l u i r g r a n d e u r .

I Ii- . i'• j, ihc id. 1 Ik i e i> ir.--re t h a n «'lie s»»rl < •! M. V

1 n v.- u r! I ;i.!i k i ln!- ; l»ni ilu- «'i.e wliich inake> y«-n . j ' v • • | i- >1 •: ; "i. \ \ ':. '! «. • he lliii "l" ihe h n i h l i n - -. i ii- : ; <; ; • i r i)\ i '>11', 1!! - h e r t ia \ h a \ e 't l l i e m

;t r i I i ' . v . h.' -ii 5 Me m a \ i»e s a ; in; . > •-n

; • v> :• ' j r i• • 1 •.* . h n i i v a n d r a w in v e ' l e e k l«'in« ' ! r ' 'W

i r S l , < ! ! : . • ' i ' n ; 1 1 e «>n in i n a l e r i a i > |»!end'»r .

ih . . . ' . i;-.m;. < I* lhe>e > i rne in r e> I l i e

i-j. i .'et 1 he•.1 *. n \.-n . •!* a - • ' c i a l i ' r n > wi th .^reat 5 ^ } 1 1 it;., ;• \ 11 ^ v i n • l iu ieni « l" w a l h wh ieh h a v e vi : n : n • m n k d .'.r '-nnd tile w«»rld! I'l r - i . ' r •!., ^ v : i ! : e r can w e a l t h h r in i : haek

ihe I . e " • - h . h a - '• V 1. }V i .1 .\\\ • • u- ; -1 t - . i . nld. he t h e l e n d e r f r i end

• I, . r-.; I ; <1; i • i l l " • e . " v i r my re ina in>? \ h ! I ha- c i t ! ! ' ' ' • •» •1.; • M -mn a n i . 1 ini ! A n d my ••titer - i - r va 11 \\ • :h ' 1 e i h e 1 .1 n i r i u i s . I h e \ a i e t h e » ' n e > w h<»

I ,1 r n v 1 v a u - ' * ine . in: l-l • t h e m l.e>i. lUit w h y l ive j;, c |ii\. v ' 1,1, 11 "i. ^ n i l ' ' ; : - e l a - i n t i m a i e s " i d y th« >e \\h«.

inv' f > • ; •• id: a J K r al l . >«»mc <'t ih^'>e ; i- • • v l 1 e re 1 r w il ey L;el. and t h e y t o l e r a t e ,

j•:.• | ,t. *•; 1, • • '! • « 1 v' i. * I",l• •; v i,- 1-. 11 h •. l ie • 1.t•;• e!"- t o w a r d the

;' i . • a • • 1 . i: -el-", a • hi !; ; i i!i 1 eeK u n d e r a Mi-piei .m a:! . . ; ;! \ ai «• -Kan. l i i - ! •• 1 e. ' - 111 •••n tha t •-f t he er« 'neh-i;i . 1 . . v, i - i i; 1 il a:; < i a . a k e : t he p« - r - l e e p e r w i t h a

\ ii -K : • 1 I w in;je. • , A ' \ d e a r l a d ! i 1 ejj; \ -r r pa r t l on . I had n< • idea \ •-n

•\ V.-M- ' A l f . " j ; 1 . j- i ... - tnp i ; i cd i '1 '^ t ' n h u r t s s e v e r e l y .

In;- he f. •r^'r I - il a i . i ' ihe - i !a i - ; :e >ensaii«'n < 'f h e a r i n g a v« nee

d h i e t e d i.. In'm in k indne -> . "I'i;.- I'.i-n I 11.Is i i- i''iK;'iie. A s l igh t eliek c«»me> lr«nn

t h e e i i \ hall eh-ek. Ii i - t he m e e h a n i - m t h n - w n im«« j^ea'".

Page 12: 12-01-1910


16 Th<' Anchor

The g-reat haJld point:-. dircl·th· ttp\\·ard . It :-.tt~nd-.. "' l'l" th~· ther ma!'. i,·c hand known a~ the :'ma ll ''nc. Till' nt••llll' lll ••u-..

hour arri,· c~, and lhri:-tma~ i~ at the ch11•r ui huncln.:d "h11 wait with hated hr~ath f,,r the itnp11rtant attn••uncentcnt.

Out up~m the ft>g--ladcn air. ''ut nn: r the m~ riad li ;..!ht .... '•i the city. nut tn the humc:' (If the pruud and ~rc:tt. •• lit t " the

h<l\·el:' of th e ig-nurant nnd JH•\·crty-ridden. :..! .. ~_.....t he ~J ~~ r i"u .... ~ound uf the "hriz-'tma:' hell~ . 1\"t•t a:-. a bt~t•mill !..!. ,,j ,·anll•lll: not as a bayonet charge: nc1. llt•l :-.uddcnly. IIlli g~·nt l_, :LJ tc!

with a ~urpri~ingly ~trung- crc:--cnd••. a hundred ,,,i,·l' ' l·••Jlle from their thn>at:' . and c\·crv ,·c• icc c~h,•rl ..... thl' " "rid t•• J,l. kind and 1111hle, ~trong and l>•·a,·c. patient and iaithiul. tl'nch:r

and true. And the two pcr~<•ll:-- nl'a r·:--t th · hell ... d t• n"l l11..:ar them.

"r am ,·ery ~nr ry. inckcd. my bra '<.' lad . I had 1111 idea you were there . In fact. I \\; a~ n• •t l• 11•kin!..! at all."

I fe <h·ag~ the h11y L(l a :-.tandin g pt~.:.t urc and ;..! l't ..... thl' li ;.! ht

ll p () 11 h i :-' pi n l' h c d . h Itt c . ~ l1 rr l' r i ll ~ ia l" l' 0 T h 1..' p i l i i ul :-- i :..:,Ill Ill a " l ' ....

him m n re carnc~t in hi:-- ef(c•rt t•• at one t t• th~o.· l·hild f11r th~·

~uffering- he ha~ cau:'cd. But n\·cr the iac c nmH.'"" .... uch a lt ~t•k

of gladne~~. that he ~ t< IJ>:-- in amazement and t ,lurt ... t1l!t. ··1 >id 1 n o t hurl ,·nu ?"

Hf fancy )"till did, :-.i r: hut ii _,·r•u"ll :-.peak t11 llll' lik~· that

about it , y o u may !'tand tl llll1_\" fnc•t till tllt t rnitH~· ..... ir."

C a 11 i n g n c a b . h c It e I p !" t h c i n j n r c d h, •y " i t I! i n :Ill cl t a k c.:. the . eat he~ide him. dri,·ing qukkly tn hi ... h"tcl. "h~·rc th

h u~ e phy!'ician i~ called. The he·~· i:' bathed. clrc:--:-.ed. kd an d put to bed hy tl111~e who arc with the man. pl'rhap .... ic11· IJi.:. gold.

J o h n n i e a"" a k c n ;..; . I T c r e e I :-' t h e h c d t " =' c L' " It ~· t Ill· r Ill· i " dreaming o r in paracli:-.e. . \ mc•,·ement (I f the injttrl·cl j,,c, t

reas~ ures him. That pain i~ familia1·. all cl~c i~ ~ trall ;..! t'.

The man ha!' ~tayc<l with him . fp ,· tliL'l. j ~ ;.;c•llll' thin!..!·

which will n t let him lca,·c the c hild. ~ittin;..!· ttJh l ll the ecJ .. ·c of the bed. he a~ ks :-'· ~Jy lad. \\"hat i ~ Yt • ~tr n.ame?" :.....

uJ ohnn ie, sir."

"But what e l e?' "Johnnie who?"

"It wa J o hnnie J o n e . o n the sc h o n c r and .T••hnnic

Brown on the tramp- hip. and s ince that it ha ::: n't been any-


. .. . .


,. • 0.

- . ... - .

The Anchor 17

thing hut Juhnnie. :\nhndy made me ha,·e any other na1nc

nn the !'teamer.'' ··1 think \" t~ll had ane~thcr name hefPr' it wa~ J ohnn ie

Jonc~. Try tt• re111emh ' r yt~ur childho(ld. Trv t11 remember

,·our father nnd m Pt hcr." ··1 cJ,, n .: ntcml>cr them . ,\nd father·~ C\" ;..; were like

me •t her·~ a nd m e ,ther·=-- "c1·c like \"nttr:'. I can nc,·cr fnr~·e t them ...

"\\"h" hc:--idc.., , .c,ur mamma. u~cd to carry ycttl ancl play

with \"em ? \\ "hat did ,, , u ~..·al l him?" ''Father. , n· papa. t • he :-.ttrc ... replied the h oy quickly. ··l'm ynur father!" c~daimccl the man. with tear~ c>f juy.

~uch jny a:' he had nc,·cr iclt ~inc: c the day~ l>ef,,rc the !'hip­

cti ... a~tcr.

lien· arc l\\"n ~~>ul .... " · ltcl were cl ea f a.:. he u ..: h reel in the l "ltri .:. tma ..... - tidc.

hn•\,tg-ht them ea~..· h a ~r ·atcr gift than (.'it , . 0

t u "Dig Ben's" n o tes But "hriz-'tma s ha~

any other twn in the

R. n. ~lEE~<~S.


\\'c . a~ ~tudcnt.:. in a l.'ll ll ge whid1. thc •u g h !'mall. i ~ con­:--i<krcd ••nc ,,f the h~·.tt in the :'tate. ha,·c pn•hahly a lready had cnc•ugh c~periC11l"e in cc.Jicgc life t t• an :-. wcr intellig-e ntly

tht• que~ti1111 which i..; the -..uhj ect "f thi =-- <li:-cnur:-.e. .\re the

t· .. JJege:-. fullillin ~· their mi :-- ... io n ? \\"hat I m ean i ~ . arc the n•llc~·c..; cl tti ll ;,.! the \\"n lk the~· arc :-- uppq~cd t•• dn in the inte l­l cl·tual \\'nrld ? I>" tht·,· turn ct llt at the end uf earh ccd lcgc -year that lini~hcd pre~cluct wlli c: h j..., ~~~ :-.,11·e ly needed and in

~~~great a demand in the wnrld tc•day '? \\ "c all kn 11 \\· that the fir' t and fun d amenta l ta:--k (If any

c:ctllcgc i ~ t 11 teadt. t n teadt :--c• well that ~chnlar!-th ip shnu ld he

held in th e highc ... t pt~.:.ihlc rc~·ard by the =-- tuclent. On the t~thcr hand. th primary aim t ,f cYcry =--tudcnt wh o gne~ t<) col­

leg :'hcm ld he tt• :-.t u cly ancl learn; t n acquire knowlcd~c n nt (lnh· ft •r him-..cli. llltt abc) fn r the benefit uf hi~ fell u wmen.

That tnD li ttle i ~ thnu g ht c•i ~c holar =-- hip hy the aYerage colle~e ~t ucl c nt t•f t t•clay i :' a :-.ad and ~uhcr reality. a nrl the ques tinn natura 1 h · ar i!"C=-' . · · \ \ ' hn i!" tP !Jlame. the ~tuden t:::. the fac ulty ur o ur ,;re~ent :'y :-- tcm of educatio n?" 'The excell enl'e of th<'

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• "

18 The Anchor

latter can hardly be qu es tio ne d and tim · j t j~ t h f1wm c 1• t w n phase ~ o f th e s ubjec t whic h 1 wi:--h t D di~c tt:--~ . a nd whic h l think s h o uld be carefully con s ide ,-ed by e n .: ry teach c 1• and s tudent alike. ·

In the first pia 'e, i_ it n u t true that the a \·enlg-e t eac: h e r o f to day is chosen m re b ecau s e o f hi ~ sc ho1ar~ h i p t h a 11 fn r h j ~ ability _to teach ? Y o u h a ,·e but to w atc h th e prngTc~s u f e\·ents tn the co ll ege w u rld to find thi :' t11 IH: a fa~:t. th a t as a rule, a teac h e r ge ts a po~iti un o n a coll ege facult ,. n ut hcca tt:--c he can t ea c h, but by dem(lns tnt t ing th a t he h a;o; ~ b een t a u n ht. "\\. 11 " . :-...

e '. y o u m ay . ay , ' ' tf a m a n i:-; a great ~cht~ l ar. w it h a co nfus to n o f alphahe ti c al in ~ igni a ft, Ji cl \\'in g· hi :-; n a m e. cine:-; it n o t n ece arily fo il n v tha t he !'h o uJd he a great Ht cce~!' a~ a teacher ?' ln a ns wer tu thi~ q u c~tiu n l w u uld q u ote l'r11 f. Paln1e r· o f ll a n ·arcl , ,,-h l> ~ay~ • .. \\ ' hil e n n dn u i>t i t i:-- w e ll f11r a

teachet· to be a fa it· sc h t1 la r , that i;-; n o t th e m a in thin g . \\. hat co n s t i t u t e · t h e t e ·"· ·11 e · t I · '-. c.al r IS le JW:'~ I ll ll tu 111 a..:e :'C h c dan .... a nd agat~ and aga in it h app e ns tha t th e -~ '·cat ;o;c h t,Jn r h as n cl :--·u c h pa SIOn whate n :! r . ' ' Thu s it b ccc~m e:' e \·id c nt th ~t i t is n u t

~Iway_· the hig hly educa ted man _ th ~t count ~. f,, l. a li tt le ll'a rn -1? o- will go a Jn ng- w ay if i t i ~ imparte d t t) the :-;t u cle n t. in t h e n g ht manner. A medica l m a n can Jea rn a nd k 'C Jl •Hl learn in ~. but a s lo ng a s h e d oe. n' t prac tice and m a k e th ri u·ht u sc :,r that learning , o f wh a t ben efi t will it be to the 1;~tblic ? I t . eems to me that what is taug-ht and h n w much. is n ot ~0 Important a que. tio n a s ho w i t is t a u o·ht. T a m o h <l tn .._ .


th 1 . . :-... :-... • . " at we lave _a pn) fes~o r lll o ur c o llege who . a1tlt cntg h w e

canno t cia htm a s a g reat sch o lar. y et wht'. in 111y up in in n a~proa~he · ver·y n ea r th e id eal. I I is ab ility a ~ a teac h er a nd h1 upr~gh t character· a nd h n n e:' t m et ho cl :' a rc 1111t q u e:'t i1 •ne d by a m~le tudent a nd th e influe n ce h e x ert:-; upn n th e tudent bo dy a a who le. l·anno t h e est im a te d . I am willtn •r

to concede that e \·ery t ea c her influ e nce~ e \·erv . tud t•n t som ~~ W!lat but the conclus io n n f the \Vh t> le m atter j~" · tha t it i:' , -crv sltght. I quo te fro m good au t h o rity t ha t 2g i:' th e a \·erag-.e

number of teachers whom a sf ud ent co1ne in contact with wh~ ha g o ne thro u g h a public sch ool and a coll eg-e. H v t h e testtmon?' o f the student thems eh·e nh· s ix .ut o f t h e. e twenty-eight hav e di ~ tinc tly influe n ced t heir c h arac te r . Teachers who influence , are tho ~ e who n o t o nly teach g od


The Anchor 19

m o ra ls a nd w h n arc them!'ch ·es o f good m o ra l c ha racter, but a lso t h ose w h o ha ,-e a ma lery of their u b ject, w h o are s ince re a n d practical a n d w h o h ave the abili ty to impart d e fi ni te inform at i 1 11 in a p lea!' tn g . helpful man n er, b y illus ­t ,·a tio n and exa m p le, hy explanat io n a n d uu·ge~ t io n , t ill every fact se t t les sn deep i11tn tltc mi n d n£ the . tud e n t t h at i t n eve r w ill e:--cape. A dnzcn~ ~nch men in our fac u lty a nd in t h e fac ulty nf any nthet· college wnu ld he a n ideal state o f affairs an d th en we (.'t•u lcl ~aJ"cly ~ay that the cnlleges w uld ful fi ll the ir m i:--!'inn .

( ) n the other hand. a g-reat dea l depends o n t he studen t . a lthn u g:h. ii i t 'were pr1:--:--il> lc lt) ha,·e s u c h facu l t ies as [ h ave jnst dc:-;c ri hcd. the tcndcnc} 1111 the part 11f ~tucten t~ to d i ·regard !'C h u la t·sh ip \\"tlllld he g r eatly Jc:-;:'cned . :\ r r . D )()ley's w i tty re m a rk. •· Yu u l·a n lead a man t•l col lege. but you can not make him think, " h o lds true. un1y in sn far as t h e . t u dent comes unde r the infl u ence nf clfcct i,·e t•r ineffecti,·e i nstru ctor .

Hu t why is i t that :-;c h n l ar~hip i:-; not the goal t h e a v erag e mHlcrg;radu at · :'cck:-;? "Y•nt ha\'c hut tn ask th i. question of t f1e st udent~ trlem:--ch·c...., tn g-et a . at isiactory a n swer. O ne will say . .. It wi ll intericr~ with other punmils wh ich are m o re w ttrt h wh ile huth fnr the de,·e lopment nf the body a nd accu­racy in th•ntght and lllc1\Cll1ent." Thi:-; on we will recoQ"nize a s th e ath lete . the pn>ttd wearer of the co ll ege m n tHlg-ram. Y es,

h e. h a~ faml~ <u_td i ~ cxcecdi_ng ly pupuhu-, b u t for~~how . lo n j ? Itt :' tlll ly a ta<llllg· fame Ja....,ttng hut a few years. 1 he stu de 1t \\'h o attend:' cnl ll..'g·c tc1 ~Kquire a recnrd of thi: rlescrip ti< n lack:-; worthy amhit i•tlll"'. . \ thlctic:' in college i" i nd i:'pen~ i hle a nd ;o; lt e~ttlcl he l'IH"~tttJ·aged . hut wlten it begin~ to take t 1c place nf :--dtt~ ) ar:--hip i{t i" lcl'-ing· i t~ prttper function. ~a l1 it cdd ia:-;hittn l'd i i y .. u \\ill. hut c•nc :--JH,ttld attend cnl1 ege c hi e y and fir:--t te~ learn. There l·an he llol que .... tion ahnut i t. that t1e ma n whe~ j ..., lt••n•trcd mc, ...... t. hnth in cnll L!"e and when he g ts o u t in t11 tht> htt"''. \\· n~ld i ...... n11t the n-earer c,f the mnn ng-r. m h u t the ••n t: whc.•. charact t·r hcing equal. h~:-; caught a cle 11

gra:--p , , j ''hat he: ''a:-- required ttl learn in the ·n11cgc. C 11 h im a grind ii yc ttt ' · ill. lntt the ;.!"rt'uncl :-; icklc i:-=; the u n e tl a t r l.·a p :-; the han·e ...... t.

Then alllllhl·r \\ill "'ay . " I cl c1 nnt think it i;-; w•trth cffc•rt. 1i 1 un ly manage tn get 111\. dc.~t·cc . that wi11 bring m e

Page 14: 12-01-1910

20 The Anchor

a p o!' itio n. \\"a tch that fell~>w: h e '!' a ~lugga··d. di-..hcnl s t in

examination~ a nd has n o charact r. lf he clc1es g-et a pc~~itt•ln,

the pnsitio n will :-.'>on get him and It' will lind out that the

fnur wasted years o f co llege life might ha,·e been prcditahly . pent u n the farm.

The next one will !'ay. "I dn 1111t feel that I ha,·e enoug-h natural ahilit,· tc tn·." :\nuther. ··1 \\'as n qt !'tarkd right in the Freshman Year. "

Thc:--c arc a few and the mn-..t imp .. rtant: 11f th ' ct~ttnt l e~s rca:--(I JI"" whid1 :--tand in the way t,f :--dt• dar ... hip. "The ;l\ l'r<~ .-.c

:--t ttd ellt e~i l• •day kcJ:.. that :--uccc:--.., i11 :tthh-tiL''· tltc man:t ;...!t'­

m e n t • • i t It c c " Ill' g c p a p e r . a \\ i cl c a c q u a i 11 t a n c c . t' • ,J kg-c -.. p i r i t ••r anytltin~· whit·lt s hn\\'~ energy and al1ility c"ccpt :--tucly. i"" \c:tlttai.J ·and ~h~~ulcl l>e :o-(ltt~ht." It is a g·ain-..t tlti ... ttni,cr .... al ""l'irit tlt:tt I \\'••uld rai""l' :1 pr.qc..,t. . \ little athktit· ... i ... a g-•~t•d thin~· .. a \\·ide :wquaint:tnn.' ... h• •ulcl :tl"a·'"' l~t: "'•'ll'..! lll. c••l lege :--pirit is a neccs!' ity, llltt let tt ' n"t ;dJ,," . i t t .. ••t'L'ttpy

l•llr thoug-ht-; tn the exdu:--iu11 ,,f what i ... far t1111r<.' t''""Cntia l. · ·~ch<tlar:--hip.'' If we strin~ to make tltat u ur aim. ii \\·e de~ faithfullY en~n· da,· the task that i ~ !'Ct hefc1re us and in acldi-- . ~

tinn. if we ha,·c that l'tc,pian !'tate uf alTair~ in 11t1r fantlty

which I Ita,·e ju:--t desrrihccl. then ancl then ••nly can \\'C :--ay. "The mill~ o f llope grind sl11\\' , hut they ~rind cxn~ <ling s nfa II. . . \ \ · I I. L 1. \ :\ f J . S T R < ) :'\ K ~. . 1 2.


The Anchor


e \

A Tradition of the Evergreens

I n yuu di:ilft nl ll'uud ul lh9 fuot of a hill H'ht•1·e .. m 1o·m u 1·ing l't'e l'fJt'eentJ g1·ow,

• 'lam/H a f(,· In E' of old tl..'hose olit·e-green garb lx u•ra JIJJed in a 1ttHntle ·t~( snow. ·

It siahs 1'n the wind on a da1·k , dreary night, J!Vht•n the keen, chillu,inil'1' blasts blow;

A ml i t sing.'f t~( I raditiuns and legends oft told In th#! day:i of the long ugv.

Jl'/t('11 old.jHl)JJerHiil illn~t ami f'J''Oif nd!t•ss beliefs In ma!lical cliarmR, myslicfoes,

1/ung 1u isl:; o'er Jtlen's t'i~iunB uml,clouded their wr'ud~,

1'h i.o.: tt m ·ietlf f rttd il ion arose.

A lone 1' n hi.'i ct•ll .-;at a dru icl uf old One night , tflhen I i.'1 laJJer burned low,

Aile/ h e clwnled a charm o'er the u:oodlandgloont U'hcn· ~~~, ·i tt•s ~ ~ ·< • r jlit tu ami Ji·o.

Th en, all sylnm spir it.-;, he called, to enchant 1'hc ~put wh~:re the Lt'et 'ff1'e£'n~ gl·ou·-

Jt wurkt d and all nerg1·eens u·ield •d the power O'er all hu111on sorrow and u•oe.

W ith tlt i.-. supc r .·tition that et·ergreen boughs Cottld bani.-.h all .·culness anc.l woe>,

Cctme the custom ,~(decking the Yule-lidefeast, ~Vhen Autumn had come to a close. ,

t l /11/tr lwwes.wert· wlot'llt'tl lf'ith ( ,., rfjn•cn l.mughs,

W ith ltuli!J aucl ji·f':-;h mistldofl; Ami tltt• hUfJC !J"lt· luff, bt.ill!J)i· shfrum the u:ood,

Jl ', ,-; lnu nt:d 1m lltt' yrcalltearlh below.

1'orl"!J thi.-; old 1, rodi:·w CJ./clt:>ckin,q th ·homes .11 ( 'hri.·fllltls, when hl'ar/.t.; are agloiC,

.' 'u ,·l'it·, s s_l}ll iu jorm : but its meaning has died W ith 17te lcgnul r~(long ogo .


Page 15: 12-01-1910


:lO The Anchor

a p )~iti 11. \\.atch tha t ic Ji t, ,,. : he·~ a ...., Jugg;•--cl. <li:--h ••n e~ t in examination~ and hn~ no charac teL J f h ' d ••c~ g l't a P••:-- i t in n. the p n:-; itin n will ~unn ge l him and he \\'ill lin d n ut that the fu ur wa:-; ted y ear!' u f cull •gc lift.: mi g ht h a\c lfcc n prn ti ta hly ~pent o n the farm .

'fhe nex t nne will :'ay . .. J d ll n 11 t fee l th a t I ha ,·c e nn u g h n a tural a bility tn try ... . \n t• th ct·. "I w a!' n ut ~ta r ll: cl ri g ht in the Frc~h m a n Yea r ...

Thc:'L' a rc a fe w and the lll tl .... t imp11rta n t : t~f t h · c•Htn t lc:--s rca :--" 11 " "hidt :-- ta ncl in the \\'ay ttf .... chular ... hip. "The an.·r~~ .-.c

s tndenl"f t t~ d ay i l.•c l .... th a t :-- u ccL· ..... ..... in aih h·t il''. t he m a n:tge-m e nt 11i th e t't tllc gc pa per . a wide :t l.·q u a int:t n Cl' . c•• lkgc ~pi r i t

t •r anything \\·hic h :--- 11• •\\' :-- e nergy a nd abil ity c'n:pt ..... utcly. i ~

,-alu:tldc and :-- hc •ttld l>e ..... t llt g h t. .. . I t is nga in ~t t lt i .... uni ,cr-..al .... pi r it th n t I' w••uld rai .... v :1 l' r" t c-...t. . \ li t t le a lltkti ~- .... j ..; :1

g"t~••cl thing·. a wide :tct pt ai nt;ttH' l.' :- h •·uld :tl\\ay~ h e ... ,ll t,' h t. l'11Ilcge spirit is a nccc ..;:-- ity. l•ut k t ll " n•tl a ll""' it t11 t~cc upy n u r thn ug-h{s t41 the cxt· lu :-- ic• n o f \\·ha t i .... far tll t~l' l.' c..; -..cnti a l. "Scltnlar:-- ltip.'' If we ~ tri,· c to make that etttr a im. if \\"C d c1 faithfully C\·ery day the ta:-- k tha t i:-: :-:c t hcfetrc u~ and in addi­tio n, if \\'e h a ,·c that L·tc •pian ~ ta te t~ i a lTa ir:' in 11ur faculty which 1 han~ ju :' t de~c rihcd. the n and t h e n t• nh· l· an \\' C ~a;. . ''The mill~ u f Ilupe g rind s l() \\', hu t tlt e y g rind excccclit;g ~maiL' ' \\ ' ll.l..l.\:\1 J. ~TIH>~K~. '12.

The An c hor 21



----------- ---------- ---

A Tradition of the Evergreens

In lion tli.-. ta o l II'Oc1d ot tha j(wt of a h ill H 'h(' 1'6 murmai'illg N'e rgreentJ grow,

Sl<tml.'i a fir fne ofold tchosc olit·e-grcen garb / :; u•ro JIJied in u )t ltwtle~t~( s now.

II sighs ht the wind on a dm·k, dreary n ight, U'ht•n l hr keen. chill u•iuter bl aHlS blow;

A,,/ it sing.'f (~(I rae/it ions ami legtmds oft told Jn the do.y ... oj the long a go.

ll'ltl'11 old, :oJ"I'<'rsti/il)n!i ((U<l {J r ouwl/(' SH beliefs I n IJI((!Iil·Ctl ch tu·ms, m!J:sl ic foeR ,

lf11ng wists o'lH' men':J 11isiun s uml, t:loaded their Ill i 1/r/.~,

1'/ti.-; tt l/('it•nt l rc.Hlilivu ·arose.

A/on in his cdlscrl a d r uid ofolcl On£' niaht , u•heu l• i:1loptH· I,~u rned low,

A mi h e clwuf ·d a clwnn o'e1· the lt'oodla nd gloom. U'h cn· gJJril(•s e t· •t· jlit t o et nd J i·b.

T hen, all sylran spir it.-;, he coiled, to enchant 'l'hc .. ,,., wh ere I he t. l'flt'!ft"l>t'll:J grow-

It wo1·kt·cl am/ all C'l'eJ·grct•ns u·ieldcd I he power O't~,· all l~tultrtn so1-ruu.: ccml u·oe.

ll' itlt this supc n;tition tha t ccergreen boughs Ccmlcl bcwish ctll sadness and lCOe,

Ccw1e tlw c tl :>lunt ~~(deckin[J the }'u le-l ide f eas t, Wlu ·n ·.1 ul toun hud como lc> ct ·lose .

. l /1 /he hotllf'S , WCI"f' w/111"1l t 't/ lt':f/t I 1'1 1'f/rt'C' 1l

lwuuhs. lt"itlt !tully ctnd ;i·csh ;1/istlt toe;

. 1 II(/ tlw It ll !Jt' !J''Ir- [,!/, bC'iU!J)i·C'sh ji·cJIII the tcpocl, Jl 'a.-; [J,, ned on the yt·eat hea r th be/olU.

Tutluylh i ... old Jll"lldtst t~{dL•cking thr homes .11 ( 'h r ist m ux, when huu·ts n re ooluH' ,

,, , ,. ,.;,., ... :.;/til 111}orm: h11l its nw an i llf/ has died ll "il It lite lt-yt ncl of lung ago.

Page 16: 12-01-1910

THE ANCIIOR. Published by THE ANCliOR ASSOCIATION, Hope College, Holland, Mich .

Aulet.ant. Edi tors Emiel 0. Schwitte rs, '11 Hessel E. Yntema., '12

Soolety Editor Mary C. Lokkcr. 12

Subscription .MnDII I!t' r W . W allace Visscher. '12


Editor-In-Ch let IRENE C. BRUSS£, '11

Alumni EtliLor Asrncs G. Stnpe lkamp. ' I 1

Excbnol!c Euilor Henry V. E. Stcgc m'an. '12

Hustocss Mnnn).!l'l' 1\Ja.rlnus J . Den Hc rdcr,'l2

Staff Artist. Th)•sc Fcrwcrdn


Lot•a.l 1-:cl i tor Bessie R. Wiersma, ' 18

Henry J . Pyl. '(3

A I h h-1 flo Edi Lor .John \'ruwink , ' 13

A"'- l. H ll~illt''-:0 l\Tunna.:PI Anthony Luidcns. '12

A <l<lrcs nil communk:ll ion~< tn Til r·: .\ ~~ ' If lilt, 1 I t' I'(' C 'olh!~l' llntl·tnd :\fit-h iwm For All\ l'r·t.i in:! Hal~· .. nppl,\' ltl Hu,;int• .... .\Ia nal!t·r. ' · ·' • · Enter ·tl ut Llw Pu-..t. Ulltt• · at. Holland. :'>l khil!un.u,; ~t· t· emol - 1·Ja"<; mnilm:rtu·r.


" l' . . r:· • \.CjOtcc cmr 0a\· H1r h e \\'a:-- hc•rn < >n Ch ri~tm:.~ cla,· in the 11111rnin g·."

li E day m u:-:t uni,· ·r:-:.a lh· l'l•khratcd ,Ji all

h • d ida y ~ ~ t iII r c t ~~ i 11' i ~ =-' cl i -..t i Ill' t i n~ . p 1r1 t.

:\ ~in n ldl!n tim<.: .... . ( ' IJri -..tm:t· i"' :-- t ill thl'

":--ca ~"ll , , j rc~Clh .. '1a 't·d kelin·..: till· 'l'a'••lt fur I ~ i ! t d I i n g II• t1 Il l\ 1 <.: h · 1 l , ... t i r ~,· , . f l~o 1 ~ _

pitalit.' i11 d1e ktll. f ,uf -til~...· .. ·t·r tial l1;1mt· ,,j

C IJ tt r j I_\' j il I l.t• Ill , ! r I... . \ It I. •: ot 1 It I h · ilo • -ti, iti c=-- tn whil·lt tl · t • 1 1 1 · · :-... I 1;-. c. ~l.. , ... ( ( ~. I: : d : t d i I ~'I • ,. I • •Il l i I l' y 1 tl .... l11g ill E 11 g·Jand t11 lhl' ,:i· fn ·, ,· c .f litl'- ·, 1 1! t ' l ,. 1, ,,. ,,j tlli

~• HJtlr~ rn !-- t:tlt'. "I il l ilrc ... , ,j , j,·, I~ !11·1· .. •. :1 ·1,·, .... ,·. tl.t · :P~l \' ....... , ·1 \-\\here. \ tt • 1 · · • :.. ; 1 • '~ "t ll' r t l i · l ' • i ; l.v : t ·: r t 1 n · ... I' i ' j 1 , , j 11 1: e 1-l i:--hne~~ l ll'C\ ail:- . ' I' ll'" • 1 '- ; t t1 1 ~ l • •• i • . 11.: l • c 1 a 1 ,:..: l', I \\' i tl1 It : 1 p pi 11\.' .... ....,

The An c h or 23

lea\· :..; no room f.lr one:'eli. 'The ann uyancc..;, difl1 ·uitic~ and

d i ~appuintment:..; whit·h :--ccmcd !'tl f(lrmidahlt: all the year are

furg-ottcn in th i ~ ~ca~'lll ,1i j n y .. \nd the gift..;.-arc 1111IY the

cxprc::;~ion of a de:..; ire ttl =--hun- in :..;, l lllC tangible way that u nc

hn·c~ nne·~ f ri c ncb. At 'hri:--una..; time it~~ e~pc~ially c\·i<lcnt that peo ple arc

kind. that they fc,rg i,·c 11 tH! an•Jthcr. and. that 11 11 t :..;ati:-;lie<l

w i th making- merely tlici r i r i cnd~ happy. they bring- gnnd t' h c c r t n t h c un i' 'r tun a t e a n cl 11 c c cl y. I i '' c t r a c c t h c ~pi r i t c ' i t·harit\· "'it~ ;-:e,urcc. \\L' lind it:-- c1r igin in a ~Ian whn :--h11wed . . u:-- thi"' way and ga\ c u:-- IIi:-: ~p i ri"t. It i-.. II j..; :--pirit Ii,· in~ i•t IIi!' i " II,n\-cr"' t cl( lay '' hkh l'1·catC' the ( ' Itt j ... tma -... t'ht·er . and \\·hi t·h C\l'ryclll c iceb \\hcliH:r t•r n•'t hl· n:~.·, ,~llizc the ~··utTC . T h c ""~' c a ll.: .... 1 <: h a 1 nt , ' i til c l h r i .... t 111 a .... :--pi r i t i :-- t h a t i t ~.·an n' • t h c


dclincd n .·r li.nitc. l : i,n;.._ i · c11c"~ a n d un:--l'lli-...lllll' .... :-- arc l'ut i t~ m aniie..;tati"n-.. . l ie ,,·Jt ..... c i>i :·th day \\C n:I·J .. ·at l' l·all ed i t

1.,1\l'. al'd it '''l" IIi ... lc;..:,acy t•• all tht: \\' tu·ld.

NOTATE BENE! ., <;l'nth.· ;_p ,cl . ' t·H·iiul ''c:1<k1· :

y, l1 :tl'l' J~l'i l'll~ in·, tJ ,Ill d I it:11 till: l'll llill:, ;l.,,. 1Hlll11•l'l :-- 11i

the .\n .... ·Jt,,r.\\iliJ,e <h:rl il·a•t:d l• t hl' lit1.rary pr.•d ul.'li,.tb and pn ,<J i ~ie·· ,, j the \art •• ll~ .. ·ictil..':--. E~tt•!t ... t•L·i\..·t _,· \i ll di:--pr1rt it:--cl i 'crlH':-- ·1.'· in the li terary JH•n icn t c1i an i :--~ttc. It ha:.. ~l'cmcd that thi .... i:-; the 111tly p anacea ior the apparent p:traly~i;; "f writi11 ... amc•n •· the l'•'llc • c li t tcra l i. The .\nch .. r :--in~c rclv

~ ~ ~ ...

lt "{ll':-. t h.tt tlrl'n: may I.e a ~.·,·mpktc rc·••\l..'ry th r11ug h thi~

tn: : nH·nt. hl' n• ic th•·u~lt it may l,l'. I)( >CT< >I~ c 1 F L I~TT 1·: I'~ ·


Tla.· annl':al ,. tt:l·. •·i 1,';'·' l'r ;LI Jl .. pl' l • lk;..· l..' • pl'lll'd ~un­d a , · c, t·n i n ~ · . :'\ · 1' l' 1 ~ l11 . .' r i 3. l f1 • I 1. ' 1'1 H • d a i h .... l' .. - i .. n ... i 11 t It c ....-. llt:~c ,·l. ;q.~..· l '\til' \•..:11 :tllt:'H ,:d L.' tl11..' ... tndl..'ttt L··dy a~ a

, , It 1 .ll' . 111.tll ·' , i i t .. , ..... ; tJ .. " L~.· i 11 :...~ I' r l' t' i 1 t J'l,l' .... p c: d·. · r :-- ;1 11 d

't!hjVl't' \'.\'1'1.' :t It JJ. ,, -..: .. j he·:'\ 'l',J .. j l' r: , .... r" ~lr. lluhl'l'l I utpl'r .

"lhl· ~1ud ·· 111 :i· ~~ J',,-,'.'l' t .. 1\t• .. !. ll~.·c J ll-t1a.

"\\ lt:t t J.., I tT·· l~ .... a th :-1-.. t i;tn: .. l '1•• i. llimnl' itt.

Page 17: 12-01-1910

24 The A ncho r ----------------------------------

··PJ<mning- C >u r J.i \l' .... ·· :\ft. 1·:. <).:--:,,·It\\ ttl{·r -... "\\' lly Dt•,·id~ f.,r t ' llri:--t ; .. _ 1\l' \. IL lf,.((matl.

" \\ ' hy Jt •in till' l 'lntrch :" 1\t·\. l·:cl\\:trcl :\'ill---. •

The meeting:-- \\l'l'l' tnarked \\itlt nntdt l':trtll' .... lttl':--:-- 1 .j

spirit, culminatin g- in tltl' l:t-..1 tth: l'tin;..: ,,n Frid;1, j 11 a i('l'iill" o f ~pccial nee d ,,f 'illcl·re and ,,IJ,d ... ·- ltl·:trtcd ,.,: 11 .._~,..,· ,<tti 11 11 t~ Christ's scn· icc. :\11 Je ........ than liity -'••tin~ nwn :tncl "''llll'tt sig-1.titiecl hy ri:-- in ;..: t ltl·ir l':ttnl· .... t re .... ,t),~,,. t• • [,.JJ ,,\ t ' ltri .. t a-.. t h c 1 r L n r d a 11 d :\ I a .... Ll' r. T 11 c u n : <. ' , • rl i 11;..: , u · t • 1, , ; 1 .... , •1 h' • , j r l' a 1

thank=--g-i\'ill g tn !lint \\h" g:t\l' til t!•• u-.. "nt•n: al•llllcl.tltth than ,,.c Ctlttlcl a:--k <•r thin k. " I. I I.


l.klic\·in g it dc--i ra ld ... · t•• ~a in a \\ idl·r "11••\\ lt · d~t· , . j .... ,·j

~ nee 111 genera l and '""lllain a l•t· tt,·r • •P Jl••rt tlltit' 1 ·r ... 1·j"'llt il il· ln\ ·e~tigati"n and <Ji .. c u -... ... i.,n. :tIll'\\ . ... .,l.it·t: \\a ... ~tl!_!:tlli/l.'d l:t .... l ",lnl~th. t1• he kn '' ''' " ;, .... " Tlrl' ~l.'i l' nt · c.: t ' lui• , [ ff, •Jit' t ··.Jk:_:l' ... Dc:'Hlc:' tl~c ahti\C menti t• llCd aim ..... i t \\i ll al ..... , "'l'l'" 1, , J' l'llltH•tc

~chnla: ... h1p an~ I dta ra~..·t~..·r. Tit ... · tlll'lltl•<.'t. hir· i I•• 11l· , •• •mp '"'l'd

c-.. ... ·ht!'l\·cly 11 1 l'PIIl'g l.' ~tudt·llt:-- taki11 .~ ;tth .tll,· l·d ... ,· il·tll ilic hranch c=--.

The charter mcmiH.T .... ancl • dltt·l·r .... arl· a .... i· •ll• •\\ ... : 1 ' n· .... i-dcnt .~ 1 ~. S . . c ilt :-; ; \ ' i'-'l' l' rc .... idl'nt. J. c;. \ ' :111 /. .. v,.._·n: ~t'l'l l'­tary- J"rca~urct· . S. F 111 tui11t:: J. I >e l'1·.._ • .._ .. c ;. \la11tin~. \I I kn Jicrdcr, II. K1·cmer=--. J. \ ' nl\\'ink.


T :\ !'p e"· inl treat wa' ~ i n.· n in l·hapt· l 1111 \l •• nda,· m••rnl:t!..!. ~<.1 '· emhc r 1-l-. wltt•n l>r. \\ '. 1·:. c;rini-.. autfl,q· ,,j "l'ht· :\ltkadu·!' 1 ~ 1111 \ iJ ·e " and "l:n\" I l.ttl· II II· I" · II ' 1 ' '- • " II .ttl< .. If I ll'"'-l'!t I H'

~tudcn H I) · < · · · · · · · · · · • • · 1 · "111 1-... , ..., an lll "p t nll~ .... pl':tl l'r a-- \\ ~. ·II ;1-.. a " ' tlt·d wntcr a nd I!·,.., r cl· •tttl · · · · 1 · • • l .\ :.,!1\l' ll a "'l'rtl'" ,., l't'tttrl'-... •lit "IIH· I Uk h ~at icn1" in tile H_, · ·r-.••t t f'tlf,lt··· 1 ·1 · 1 ·r1· • '- , I 11.11\ tlll t 1'1" Ill (.rand Rapid :-; . ,...,

ll.c empha .... i.zt·d thl' l: t~..· t that the I >utdt tt .tch-t-.. ,.,)l,. \\l'l"l'

e~ tai,Jt:-;hl·d in X·t ·"·t,·ll i ·- · · · _ • ' ~ • • \ \\ (.' 1 l' 1 11 ... t n 11111.: Ill ; tl 111 p r l ' l•: 1 r 111 ~ 1 I.e lapa nc~c lt •r tht: trt·'ll\ · tl 1 L. · 1 · · · . • _ '' 1 1 t ~l' 11 1 ,,. ' ~ l.lll' -.. 1 nt r. , d t h ·l· d I , , ·

' 11111111 'd t ' r c P c r n · j 11 1 ~ :; ., I' · . ·


. • • • 1 . l'l',. l ,lll " L11 t Ita t t 1111e 1 Ill' 1 :t)l:tfll.''l' hatl an.:<.'Jll e d ·1 · ..... , 1 · :

f - lllll:.l: p l tl ll .... tplty. IHlt \IIHIL't I hltt·lt lltlltlt'lll' l'


.., . '

t 25

th y began their in n.~stigation~ in ~cicnce. I Ic called Dr. ( ;uidn \ 'c rhe ... ·k and I >r. ::-;annl I Bru\\' n the maker~ o f the "Xew Japan .. he"·a u~c the IH •)'!' wh1 llll t ltc!'c pioneer missiL) Jlarics taught ha,·e hec"mc the powerfu l men in Japan today.

Dr. ( ;ril'lis' <H h ' il·c tP =--tudent~ is t•l go to the original !'ott rcc uf inf••rmati,,n for all ata. lie ~a i d : "If ynu wi:'h to hccnmc an authority <lit any ~ul>jcct. make independent ill\'C:' tigati<ll l:--. I am :--ure that ~ \l ttr proi~=--""r~ wi11 n ot uhjcct iff :--ay that the~ tllll_\' lt~tpC ltl gi\e )'"ll a ~tart i11 yuur Cdttca­tittll: <lc•n't tak • their ~ay--..u inr anything." lie then hnmght tt\lt the ian thnt tit· l'l'"'t time ,,j a man':-- liic ~.·.,me;-; aitcr lte is liity. pr~tYickd that hi-., liie IH.:it~ re that age Ita-- been \\'Cl1 li\cd. .\t liity he l't~llll'' int•• hi~ iniH'ri tatll'l'. j, ,r he "·an thl' ll real} the

h L'lll: I i t 11 i h i..., -' l' a r .... 1 'f a ~o: q u i ... i t i • •ll .

I ) r. ( ; I i n i.... i... I i 1 1111.\ l '' "1\ ill c l ' d t h a t a 111 a 11 • .... h l' :-- t \\'II r k "'•flllc -... ttlt<.'r ltl· i .... dearl. Ill' tt:--l·d :t-... an l'':tmpk Dr·. \ 'a n l~aaltl'. tile i• •ttn der ui ll11pc l 'c tllege. "l)r. \ an 1\aaltc':-. plan tt• i••ttnd a :--ch•~td appL'arccl impra~..·tid'lbll' y ... ·ar:-- agtl, hut 1141\\'

\\T a pp n:~..· ia l l ' hi:-- iar---igh t L'd nc:--..... " Till' \\ • •rk w II il· h :-- ta nds th e tc-...t 11i time i:-- the tt11 h · ,·alual•lc additi11n t" the \\'orld':

\\ l.'alth. "Tu l i\c in the heart... we Jca,·e behind

1:-. nttt t1 die."


~I r:'. Phil ip Snn wden. the sct'lllld ;-;peaker <•n n u1· lccttu·e Cllllr:--e. wa:' ,·en· \\'ell rccci\ l'<l. :\'"'·cml>c1· 11. In a \'i,·id and cnll'rtaining tal-k ~It~ pictured the :--ituati"n t~i J..!"'ernmcntal alrair:.... in l·: n;,.:lancl. lkf~~n· pr••l·e ... ·ding t•• a di-...nl:--"i t lll ,,f the

I lo u:-<.· 11f ·11111 11l"lb. "ltidt l' t •mpri:....l·d the l•ttlk 11f Iter lecture. ~he ga'c :....41llll' ~~~•Hl~laturl'd takl'-t•rf ... at the expen"c ,,j the l.l o usc tlf L nnl-... . Pc rhap~ a il:\\ cx<.·crpt~ ''ill illu~tratc

It er ~t,· lc.

":\ u\\', the I l t•u-.c ,,j L .. n} .... i-., a hereditary l•Hly. cad1 ml'mhc r h t tldin ~ ,.(li\·~ h c ... ·an:--e hi .... iatht•r happl'lll'cl lt• he a l"r<l.

y ,,u lau ~h at that.- and it i " a laugltaltle :--tate ,,f al'fair:; "hen a g'lll•d ~cn-- i ld<.' llll'lllJ't'l' ''i l)a rliamenl l·an l,c tllll-\' tltCd by a heredi tary l• •rd "h11 happen~ t11 he a luna tir ." ::: :1 * " ] >11 nm


Page 18: 12-01-1910


wish to kn o\\· h o \\· we manufacture lo rds? f f a member of Parliament is cxtraqrdinarily stupid, \\·e. being a pol it nat ion, do not dismiss him fr m the Cnmmnns; we make a lnrd >f h im. lf a man has spent a g-reat amount of nHmey for his poli t ical party, he is placed u n the lists to be t·em •ml>ered on the kin~·~ birthday. All our ]urds arc quite modern; mo~t

of them were created si nc J ~02." ' :\1 rs. ~ nowclcn calls hers If a hot-headed radical. She

J,eJic,·e~ in aristocracy. but defines the term . ~aying: ··.\ris­tucracy mean:; gi,·ing the ari:'ltK-rac\· in denHH.TaC\' a chance." Thoru ughly clemtiCrJ.tit-. :\Irs. Sno\\·;IC'n has nn s_n~1pathy \\'ith thn:-.e who ,,-i:'h to rc:-.trict the pri,·ileg·e 11f \CJling to the educated clas~es. She ~ay~ that illitcra~:y cl ••e" n ••t prcn!nt intelligcnn!. and that the educated man is 11ftl'n the mn:-.t unintel l igent ,·ntcr.

SOCIETY. Debating New s .

The .\ lma. ( )Jiret and llttpc triangular clcktting lcag·uc has c.:ho:'en the qucslit•n submitted hy ll t'JH: t ·• dlegc. which reads: "l~c:-.uh·ed. That hy cities 11f u\·c,- 2 . 00 inhabitants. the cum­mi~sion plan 11f gn,·crnment should be acl•)pted." Spurred o n

by the dnuh lc , ·ict11ry 11f J<JlO, tile llt~pc student~ arc \\'urkin" harder than C\' Cr lt> make this year's \\'llrk a :-.ucce~s. Th~ l~l an oF le~l\· ing the preliminary dehatc:s in the hancb 11f the ln~rary sucieties pn,d uccd :--uch fine ,·e:-. ult:-; la:--t , ·car that it is bcll1.g u~cd again. l ~ar h st1ciety is shP\\'in:-!· s u'-·1~ intcre:-.t that the Jntc:1·-snciety debates pn1111i:-.e tu he , .c,·y str' ,11g-. and ,, e floe! :--ure that.the six men finally t'ltt~scn fr11tH the JllllC rcprc:-t.•nta­

rl'prc:<cnt u s ahly in the intl'r-t·t~ lll' :~ iate ti,·t•:-. uf Stll'ietics \\'til <It· hate..:..

()n ~alurclay cu:ning. ;...:,,,.l'lllhcr :;, tile \"lll lll" Jadil'" 1 .j

\ · ~,dtcc-;_lla ll ellll'rtaint•d their iriend .... at an - ini, , 1~n~tl part \·. I . 1 g h t r e I r l' ~I 11 lll'll t .; \\" e r <.' :-.l' n · d . ~ -

\I r'..: P ·uT r t • • I I I I . I . . · · • •• ' .t .... t c ;,r, ~:-. l H .' ungJn:tt••r nf a nn,·cl ill rJll .,f entertaining· the !...!irl .... 11f \ ' ••J·ll' ' •·s 11 ·111 1: ,. tl 1 • 1 1 . :~ ........ . • • '• c.: pa~ 111• 111t 1

tl.tc tcach~r:-; .and g1rb in SCJ llad:-. ha,·c ..: pent ~aturcJa,· at the <ra:--tlc CllJ'•YIIlg" the clelightiu l h· ,~ pitality ,,f :\Jr. a~HI :\lr:-..


I '

, .

Th e Anchor 27

On \\'ednc:-:clay C\·ening-. ~<,-ember 23. Dr. and :\1 rs .. \. T. ( ;ndfrcy entertained the I inpe 'ollcg; s.cientilic cluh. .\fter the busincs~ n1eeting- J)r. (~ndf,·ey g-a,·c a shl)rt talk nf encuur­agement to the members and the sncicty adjourned for a clcli­

ciou~ luncheo n. The S11rnsi~ :'c~t·icty ,clehratccl Thanksgi,· ing- in Puritan

cap and kerchief. Fri lay. \'(:ning-. X11\·cmher 1~. ''hen a ='\e\\' l~nglancl menu wa..:. scr ·C'd under tf1c <lirecltllll nf :\I j ..... ~ Bemis . . \program of toa:-.b \\as thcncarriccl out. the pre~ident. \Ji ........ Stapelkamp. acting- a~etua:-:tmistres~. · :\Ji ..... s :\]arlin anrl :\li~s Ft~rncrnnk \\'ere the g-ue~ts nf honor.

~ \\'ith the fair !'ex prc~cnt. and the hall dccn1·ated in festi,·c g·arh. the 'nsmnpnlitan ~·•t.:iety rcp,,rt..:. an C\' l' llin~ :--pent lll (l~t enjt>yahly, l)c emher 2. ,.-. \ftcr an entertainin~· acld,·e~:-. hy the president. :\J,~. Schwiticr:'. on the s()ciety's mPtt••. "Friendship. Truth. a nd Pn •g-n.·s:' ··. a short 1 it era ry pn 1g-ra 111 was. J'CJHiered. after wltich an infnrnutl banquet was gi,·en in hnnnr of the

ladies. The student~ (If the . '-·hnnl of l~xprc~~itln and the Sch nPl

llf :'\ r u s it' ga \ ' C a plcasi ng· ret·i tal Tue-;day l'\' e ni ng. X (l\' eUl her 2<) . in \·orhecs. II all. lt wa~ the fir!'t recital nf the Year. and nn duuht all \\'hn were prc~ent will make a p t lint nf attending

th o. c whi<:h fnllnw.

ALUMNI. The hristian En<lca,·nr Snl'iel\· t)f the f.'ir~l HcftH·mcd

church surpri:'cd thei~: pa..:.tt~r. Rc,·. II. J. \ "eldman. •·<).2". ancl

pre~ ntcd h1m \\'ith a watdt and chain. He\). \!anne:-- Steg-eman. ··Ol". nf Springfield. S.J) .. ~pent

Thanksg·i,·i ng in I lu lland. lie rreached in the First H.eft rmed

ehurdt -~ ~)\·ember 27. \\' e were glad to sec su many a lumni attend our prayer

meetings during the: ,,. ek nf pra~r. The folln\\'ing alumni cnJHluctcd . en·icc:-.: He,·. B. llnffman, "'J~". <;rand Rapid~; Prnfes.snr E. Dimne1 t, ·'96". and l~e\'. J. 1""·. I feemstra. " < o· ·, Crand Rapid · . 4..,...1

1\fr. Herman Ren kers, "08''. writes of hi . safe arriYal at

Amoy. China. The new church at Gray l-Iawk Ky., wa dedicated No-

Page 19: 12-01-1910



wi~h to kn ,,. h o \\" we manufacture lo rds? Tf a m mhcr of J>adiamcnt is c:draordinarily :-.tupid, \\"C, being a polite natio n ,

do lll't di:-.mi:-.s him fro m the CnmnllmS; \\"e make a lt1rd uf him. If a man has spent a great a m o unt Clf lll t)lley for his

political party. he is placed l' ll the li!'ts to he remembered o n the ki.ng-'s birthday. : \11 n ur l l>rd~ a1·e quite modern; 11H1st

of them ,,·ere created since 1:-\02." .:\Ir:-.. ~~ntnnlen call s h rself a hut-headl' d 1·adical. She

l>elic\·es in aristncral·y. hut <lclines the term, sa,· in .. · : " :\ri:---~ :--.

tocracy means gi,·ing the aristocracy in dcmtll'l·acy a chance." Thtlroughly dcmol-ra(ie. :\1 rs. Snn\\"den h.a...; n 11 sy1~1pathy \\"ith

thc•:--e \\"hll \\"ish tn restrirt the pri,· ikge t•f '"tin!-( t•' the edttl·atcd classes. She says tlwt illitcra~o:y dtll'...; n••t pn.·,·c nt

intclli~encc, and that the educated man is t ,jtclt the lllt1Sl

unintelligent ,·nter.

SOCIETY. ...._ Debating News.

The .\lma. < )Ji,·et and ll t~pe triangular debating ll'agtte has ch11:--L' ll the qucs tiun submitted by ll t~ JH.: t · .. liege. "hich reads:

"l{csnh ·ed. That by citie::. 11f tn·e1· 20.00 inhabitant:-.. the l'lHll­

missiun plan ni g-n,·ernmcnt shnuld he adopted." Spurred on hy the dt~tthle , ·ict•,ry ,,f J<JlO. the ll"pe st udents arc wurkin•'

harder than e\·er ttl make this year's \\' tlrk a surt·c:--s. Th~ J~lan of lea,· ing the pt·climinary debate~ in th' hand'"' tlf the ht crary SCici~:::t i es produced surh fine re:--ults la:-.t ,·ear that it i:-; being- u~ed ag·ain. I·:c.u:h s11ciety i~ sh••w in g- !-- 111..'1~ intcrc:--t that the inter-~ncicty debates prumi-se t11 he ,·cry :--tnlllg'. and ,, e feel

!--Ut·c that the :--ix men linally cht~scn in'm the nine repre. etlta-

ti\L'S'•iSIIcictics\\i ll 11 · 1 · rcpre'Clll US <I I_\" Ill t le l lltl'r-L· tl]lcgiatC


. nn Sat~trday e \ cning·. :\'''l'ntller ~. the -"''ung ladi~..· -.. , ,f \ ~ q·hce...; _II all L'ntcrtainl'd their it iencb at ~Ill ini• ,rmal part , . . I . 1 ;...: h t r cl n.: ~ h llll' ll t s \\ e 1 c :-.l' n l ' d . ·

:\Jr-.. Parr "i l 'a-. tle f':trk i:-- the urig inat1 1r (If a n ,, , ·e l j, ,r m

11f entertaining· the g irb ,,f \ · t,rltec .~ llall. F 11 r tilL' pa:-:t 111 11 ntlt tltc ll.' ttcher:' and girl:' in -.q uad:-- lta,·e :--pent ~aturda,· at the

Ca:-- tle CIIJII_,·tng- the deliglttiul h t,:-- pitality t•i \lr. a~Hl :\lr~. rarr.

. '

The Anchor 27

. , n \ \ ' edn sda , . , . n i ng-. ~ n\·em her 23. Dr. and ~1 r~ . . \. "'T.

< ;clclfrey entertained the !l ope 'nlleg·e sl·ientili <· duh. .\fter . .

the husin ss 111 eting Dr. ( ;udfrcy g·a,·e a ~hurt talk Clf encuur­

ag·emen t t o the mem her~ and the ~uciet v adJ. o tt rncd fClr a deli-• <.... & ~

ci1 nt~ luncheon. 4

The , lli"IIS I::O Stt~.:iet\' celebrated Thank~crj,· inc ,. in Puritan ;..... ="""

cap and kerchief. Fri<.la\' e,·c·ning-. :\ t• \·cmher lX. when a~ \\ l ~ngland menn wa'"' sen·~d under tltc dit-cctit ln Cl f :\1 i--~ ncmi:--.

.\ pro g-ram nf tna:--ts "a:-- then l·arricd out. the prc:'idcnt. .\1 i ... ...; Stapelkamp. acting as t1•astmi...;tress. :\li~:-:; :\l art in anrl :\li s:-­

Ftll"lll'T'I u 1k we-re the guests nf hl>nt •L

\Yith the fair sex present. and the hall dcc,, l·ated in fe st i,·e

garb. the o :--mo p 11lit nn "ocicty rep••rts an e·Y l' llin ~ :--pent m ust cnjnyahly. December 2 . . \it er an en te rtaining aclclre's hy the pt·esiden t. :\ I r . Sch wit-ter::.. ''n the :-.1 ,l.·iety ·s m (ll t 11 , .. Friendsh ip.

Truth. and Prog-ress'', a sho rt litL·rary pn,gTalll was rendc1·ed.

a ft e1· whid1 an info rmal banquet was g i,·cn in h ()n o r nf the

ladi es. The s tudents pf the . chnnl of Expre:-:;si,m and the S ch tHll

nf ~ r USi l· ga \' (.' a plea --i ng reci t:d Tuesday C\' Cll l ng. X l)\' Clll her

,2<), in \' n rhecs llall. It was the first rcl·it a l nf the , -car. and

no d nuht all who were pre:-:;ent will n1ake a p o int nf attending

tho. e \\'hich f11ll o w .

ALUMNI. The hristian F.ndcanH' ~t )Cich· n f th e rirst Heformcd

dtun:h surprised their pastu r. l{ e,· . 11. J. \ 'clc\man. '·()2". and

pt·e:o.entec\ him \\'ith a \\atch a nd dtain. Re,·. :\lanncs Stegem a n . "01". uf Springliclcl. S .l) .. ~pent

Thanks~~,· ing in ll n ll <llld. lie preached in the Fir!--t H.e forn1ed

.chttt-ch .~u,·ember 27. · \Ye \\'ere glad to :'ee s11 many alumni attenrl o ur pt·ayer·

meeting~ during- the we k tl f praycL The fn llnwing alumni c n nrlucted ~en·ices: J{e,·. B. ll n flman. " 1 )~". t;rancl Rapids;

Profe:-:;s,l r E. Dimnent. ''96". and H.e,·. J. F . llecmstra ... ~ ...

~rand Rapid~ .. ~Ir. Herman Ren. kers. "08". write o f hi ~ ~afe arri,·al at

A1noy. China. The new church at Gray Ila\\'k Ky., was dedicated ~ o-


Page 20: 12-01-1910


28 The An c hor

\·embe r<). l~e,· . B. De Y e~un g- . " 0 7". the II C \\' pa :-:.te~ r. preat· hing­

th e dcd ica l t •n· scrm•111. ln alb\\ l' r tn ckmancl-... ir• ' lll :-- tudl'llt :' and iricnd..;_ th e

lecture:-- 1111 " Sy~tcmati~· Tltt•, ,]t,gy" ,_, r tht• la t l! Dr. Dubl,ink.

"().2". ha ,.c h e en pu hi i-..hc.:c! a nd a r c n c '" . 1 111 :-:a le. The Third l{cf, ,rnH:d ~· h11 rch l! a:-- in c rea e<C I tltl· -..alan· , ,f

their pa:-- tft r. l{e\'. 1·:. J. t;Jdd ..: in k. ··~3 ... f,- ,,111 Sl.200 111 SJ. .:;nn. l>r. 1. 1. ~le r-...t'l l. "CJ _; .. _ a t t ~· nd ·d tit <.· ' t "~· k :-- 11 " " in Cll it·a "• l. . . :--.

Frank \\. \'l t i:t . "'OX". h :t:-- been ,- i :-- itin ~· iri r ncl:-- in the c it\· [ cl r a kw d a ,. ~ . . . .

1\e \'. and :\ lr:-- . \ ' a n ch•r ~c JJt ., · l . " (l-t". "() ,:; .. _ fr•n n B:tld\\· in.

\\ ' i:--.. lta,·c l> ecn in th e c it,· i· 'l :t iL·" · \\T t' k-....

l~c\'. C. ~lull c r. "07". f1 11 111 lkth a n,·. !11 \\a . ,.i :' itcd th e ~ c 111 i n a r y \\' h i Je 11 c \\' a ' i n t h c ~,.· i l y .

Pr11ic~:-:n r J. 1·:. 1--:ni i' ~· n:.:·a . "<)()". ;..! :1\' l! <t il' l'l urc 11 11 "The

nih le in th e ('ttrr in tltllll .. <ll t he 11i ll lt- Jn -...t i t n t <.· at .\lhi fl ll. :\Jr. 1·:. ~t ri l· k. "(l3". ' i:-- it L· cl th t• " " ' ·:-; at \ ' a n \ ' lc ~: k hall

cluritl!.!' hi :-; Tltnnk:--t!·i , · in ;.!· ,·ac:tti , •n . ln th e dcpa rtn w nt 11 f th l.' ~a turday l ~ \'l' ning- p, , ..... t c;tlled

the "llall nf Fa m e". \\'ht·n · ... " m e (I f t he \\' llr lcl':-- m n:-; t fa lll «l ll:O:. men arc m enti, 111 cd. \\ C lind t il ' name 11f l>r. ~amucl :\f. Z\\'emcr. '~7'' . n ur 111 t e d ahtmnu..;.

~Tr. Arend \ " i :-:.~c h c r. "73' ', re ..; i;..!' llt.' d h i:-- )H•:-- i t i11n a' :--upcr­intendent n f the Third l~cf~· rmcd ~ttnd a ,· :-- t.· h e~ll l-aft c r '-'e n ·in •,. . :--.

for se,·e tlt een Year:-;. :\I r. II en r\' I 'c l;.:: ri 111 . "03... \\' a:-:. c let'l ·d in his place.



The Kalamazoo Colleae Index cont ai n ' , - ~·n· int c re~ tin • '" ~ . ~

reading matter. "'fhc a rticle. '' :\ Little lc, ttn w y in a f7unli -

1ttre Factn ry''. i~ particularly gr~t• cl . lt cct m h ill l'' in:--lnH·ti,·c­

ne~~ and lit e r a ry m e t·it. . \ fc \\' m n r c :--trikin !..!· t' llt ~ \\'ctttld enhance the paper · ~ att r~w ti,· c ne~~- The "hit c•r mi~:-; ·· di:-;tri­huti, ,n n f th e a dn.•r ti,cmc 1t :-; i:-; unpl ea~ant: y e a - di , a g-recahlc.

The Octt•her number , ,f The Arg us appe at·:-; In a hand­~nme C11\'Cr. ''The a~tle n f Trca ::: ure~" i :-:. a :O:. \\' Cet li ttle a ll e­gory n f ~chnn l lifc.-~imple. hut , -ery plea. in g-. The paper u sed I y thi~ perio dical i~ n f gnod quality , fairl v hea,·y. and


Tlie An c hor 29

(l f a n·-...tiul. dull lini-..h. The ht~ld. di:--t inl't type te n d~ to ma ke tltc p a pL'r ltH ,J..: 11111rl' int<'re:--ti n g;.

1 k-e-1 i;.! Itt ed ! Lincolnian, t h· ,..;c ~ c ''em her cd i tt~r i a l :-:. a r l' quilL' tltt· tltill ~..!- ' I hl'y rc' L·al a :--anc l t U t l ue~k and a :-- ince r e

purpet.-... e : tltu ... tlteir c n1lcnt i..; , ,f lllc l l'{' tha n l<.' lnpnrary , -a lttc. .., \\ · ~.,· :tppr ·c ia lc the %~:11 and ia ithfu ln c-...' :--het\\ n In· the f-:x-

ch :lll ~ l' F di t• •r , , j The P ennant . . \ 11 tilt• pape r~ di -...t-~t -.. -...cd arc a corded nmpl0 comnH' nt, whi le th wittici m given in a --p ir i t c•i ••pt•n- lllinclcd fr icnd l inc...,:'.

Thl· Hig h School Review 11i ll:tm ilt"n . ( >h i'l. i-... tt lli q u c a m ••ll;.!. tl ll r c.._ ~..-h a n~c -... . in that i t ha" a depa rtment ·~al icd "); ,H •kl11:111 ... in \\hich tl c ch:t rallt•r i..;ti t·:-- a nd qual i tic:-; t •f ce r­ta in hc~e t k-... a rc eli ~..· u-...-...c d. Thi:-- n-c cr•n-. idc r a ~~ ~~· cl idea . • S lu ­dt•tt t' m tt :--t ht• t'll l' •,ttl ·a ~cd tc• ac qui re a ta:--le fc•t· rl'ading-. .:tnd a ta:--ll' ,,f the r i ~ h l !'- •• rl. ~u c h a department :t:o:. " l1 ctnkm a n' ' \\'i l l :--cn·e that p tt rp••'l' .. \ ~ain . the l'Aankatonian n f x , ~ ,· cmher

gl\ c:' :-;p :tc c t . " l.i hra n ~~~tc~ .. . ··nntaini n g' i n it 'rmat in n and t' t •mmcnl l'< tJHl lll i l l~ IH '' JH•n k -... i·1 t h e :--rh•' ,J library. \Ye he li c'-e ••n t· • i J J.,p ~· · :-- ..... nclcn t. ~.,· ,, ul d prepare a :'imi lar art icle .

and tltu -... d c1 l1i-- iciJ .. w- -..tudcn t ' a :--en· ic .

l ~ a ... : h ti P lv tlt :t 1 the ':", ·ha ng-e l~d i tt~r take ttp a n e\\' n u m­b e r , ,j Colle'ge Chips . he j..; \\' · 11 - ni ~· ht -... t a ~.:;g·tTecl hy t h e ,,·ealth , ,f Ji tcrar. · tn :t c1 'a l ' ll'c t rl. ~tt c h :•n a h u ncl ath'C · ·f ~· · li cl . eclu­l.' ttt i\-c n· :-t<l i n ~ m :1tt c·r a -... i-. fc •tllld in the ( ki•Jhcr i-.. :-- n e clc :--cn·c~

d cJ-..L' peru-...a l :tJ tr l ju-... t rl'tll a rk . hu t i" r th i:-- time we ce~ntc n tecl

n ur-... t· l ,·t..· ' \\· it h rcadin ~· "Tht• T t•]l t•i _ l ' rc ~ ~Te-.....;._ " Thi ~ a r t icle d ea l:-; \\ ith J•l t'' l ' llt - 'lay i 11tt' 1T"' l in . \ m ~rica . ;11HI r..·i\C' c\ idcn ce 11 i h e i n~ til~· JH'• •d tu: t , ,fa l.: l'l' ll . \\Tl l-in fu n nccl mi n d .

T he c.:ut -. in The New s c• i l ~ ct:--t < >1·a n ge . :\. J .. a r c first ­

cia. s . Their subdtwd ugg tiven ss, being superior to fulsome­na -... h_, detail. J' t'\ l':tl a trttl\· a r t i :'ti~ ~en :'e .

Fr.•Pl \\t'l'k I t , \\tTk . the Olh·et College Echo p u h li:--hes

pl ea:'a n t l ~· tter -... irtllll till· , ,r m •,rc a lu m ni . ='\atura lly. acq u a int­a n ~..· e:-- n-i ll li nd . uch lctiL' r:-- t11 he a~ a breeze fr" m a p l ea~ant land: \\' h i le t hl''-'l' little m e:-:...;a.g-e~ help t.,· fn r m li nk~ h ct n-een

.\lma ~l a t er a nd a lu mn i. \\' c :-; u ~~e~t t tl l lnpe' :-:. Pl<l :--tn cle n ts .

if they d ~ i re l11 he rc m c m h red an d cnn~i clcrc <.l a~ ~till in th e g-ame. th a t th ey d r"P The Anchor a line n f a pprec iat i< n n \\' and the n. n- i th pn~:' ihly !'n m e facts abo u t the cl utie~ and plea -ure. tha t a r c t h eir~ in th e ~t:hoo l o f l i fe.

Page 21: 12-01-1910


30 Th' Anchor


Cooper C ourier, ,. ,ur l.,,,cr ch.· -.. i ~ n i~ li'\Tr and catc.:h,· . llt i\\' ('\L' r. til~.· m:ll·:· i ll<d it:tilll' \\••rk 1111 :' II .' " u1· p:t~L· ..; J" , ,J,-.. S c lllll'\\ hat cttt1lht· r~rt llH.' . t '"tl ld y• •ll n • 1 :trr:tll ;_!l' the dilTcrL'llt d e p a n 111 c 11 t ~ m e • r ' c It-a 1 I y . w i t h t h e d i ' i ... i • ' 11 :-:. h l' t " l' c n t h L' m prnpl'rl _,. de:'i g n:dL'd r •r thl' l'l..'~(kr'~ h e nl'lit?

In many \\:t_,· ~. f,Jc rmt"'l t . dvnn cc l c ;p· ... t 1n· ~tampr,f qua l­It,. _ ... \ . .. ll :'\c \l't Can '1\·11" tn;d ,c.• ... an L' 1\vrt:• i! · in :..:. · h •11 t -..t .. ry.

Ti ll' :1111h ·• r • f " 'llti~tk'J,.,, n" tl lL ' · it ~ pr: ti ... l· in· tltc.· ••r i.•;ftalit.' C\Jid L .. , l'l' Jk tll..'l' 11f ltj ... j•I'•Hl\11..'1 i1111.

Tlt c· i• •ll '.\ill. ,-,,l)t- · t: 1't l i••ll-: 1l' ·s· nh ;·c.·ad in~: "Titl' \\ '• ll ilan ·-.. ~:tiL. tt :l''l .. i 1 II c.· L i·-..c .. ;.,n; "l ,. f1••t 'l't' f l'·ti.Jic ( . . .. I I . I . r F. . ,. lp1111• •11 . \'. II•· 1 :tf' J' l':t· .... 1 1 1 ht· .... ~(':l t.· ;; l .;-, •r 1. r , •'\l' 11l l, c. r

L': :tnt!·· I"!J L' \fa n . i ( tt lr•t ... i11 Il t:d-.!i 'g- C rt:;11; ic j,q· ( l, -1 .. 1•1..'1'.

.\t th i-- 1iwc ' 'ht·•t ,. ·t·t ;~t·l ··· '·y l~il: 1 l' --lt• h 1·· l•c.·in ·..: <.'ll •' Ptll :•:.: c.: d j , q .: j, l 1i ·. :r11 c • '1, , . it i ~ ·f il'll1T .... 1 t•• H .';l(\ \ha t

a ,,· 1 i t~..-r in Ccl· i 1 ~: - ! k~·-- \J~i·1.1':'~ thi r;l~.; r• i l' Jc.' ! 'l't':ll d<·,el••p­ll1l' lll t• i ndk·.!l' l~ i 1 1• t il·' 111 \n :t·rir·;. Tll1..' :111i,· k i-.. L''lti­

tkd. "Hilde~ n•l \ \ l!l••'l" <·,II · t ' ~ I tid'~~~--: · :11HI it ..;\l'..'~<· ~t~

tha t t he ta ::: 1c i •r )li .. J•t·r· n i t i,· i 11 1 i ·. ;1 d:t ... t·r· tb elc.·nH.'llt in

tile llltr\' l..'tlll' ll1. llv11 'l' tlw •il.·,·t· 1-. ,., 1~1..·r :t\1 ·c. " l•l.'t hc •· tl:i~ c c rll'-1.. n a t i ~ 111 i... <' t1l i r · h lw a It h i ttl. i.. ; 1 q t < · -. t i • •n .

ATHLETICS. K azoo 11-H"pe 6.

The r le:tn c."•-.. t and m ••-.. t inH··e-.tin~ .. ·:'llll' ,,f thl· -... t·a--• •11 \\:t "

th at pl:tye. l l tl'l" l t'n l':tl :r1' ·,;..r , ( · .. 11c ,. ,,.,] II ••IW F a ll ~· i11 the :-•:tllH.' \ ' n ,. inl- Jll.ttlc.· ~· "l''l• :tt i .. wt Jil l' . , inn in •: II ••Pl.' · ... lt lltChcl, .,, 11 . ~~(.' l'i'l : •ll i l l· rl tl, .. ':t!. ll''' ·· J· II .,.,. · ... .... · •. r l' (I.

l>urin:: thc.· Ia I rttt:trt<'l' . l'\('1'\ 1· 1( 1 \ \\:1 :- "'I' 'Pri.,·d dtl..'11 l~ r: tlll -. ' hJt•. in qui\·k ...,ll,.,.l'"-'•i• til. 1P :I<Jc t \\" t r~l lt'lttlc t\\'110..: f11r tltl' {l';llll

fn•m ( 'den· \11\\11. The "' ~' 'c.· t·~ \\1..' ' '1..' in the L::t m t· " l'\cry . . minull-... ll• •)ll' kept the J,a1Jlll '~ ..:t ,,f th c.· tin e . and Kal ama-znn \\'as a h~!rd cnH.' tc 1 huck. ':\• •l until the ht \'r p:1rt ,,j the

ga m e did the d i~:tfh ant:· 'L' .. f ll"l h ;l\' tll !.'. a , . .. ;H·h hct'lllllL' L''·i­

dent. X nt enntt"h can hl' ... :tiel in prni -c ,.f the Ka~· "~ tnen.

TheY played ' like ~~:c ntl emt•n thr• • tt ~hlll.tt. anrl 1111 delay~ \\-ere cau~cd hy mi~un dc r:'tnn rlin t' •f the rule::- . \n•Hhcr feature t~ f the ga m e \\'a~ the ~mgttH!. ft·u·ni~he<l hy the en-eel:". led hy

.:\I i ~~ :L-nrncroo k.

'"': ' -Ul ~ .. 0 -"" 0 . -~ • .... 7. r ~ ~ ;;::; p ::;:1 -< ra ._.. r;

.-. ~ ~



Page 22: 12-01-1910

30 Th e Anchor

Cooper Courier, ~· 'ur ... -,,u•r h_· .... i~n 1:-- do...'''-'r and catdt , ·. llowcn~r. the mar:• i na l i1 ante\\ • .t-l • •11 :dl .' · ·ur pil ~ l'=' J,., ,k .... !'()Jllewhat nu1t hcr:--•t11H' . C••n ld ,-,,u n• t ~rr:tll t.:l' th~ dilf~rcnt . . departme nt:-- 111 11r' o...·karly . "ith lin· dj , j .. j,, ,l ..., hl't\\o...' ~o: n tho...·m

prc •pcrly ck-.ig_-n;tll'd i~~ r tbe ro..: ~ch:r ' ...: benefit? In many '-' ay .... . 1o rmnl t.dvr~ncc l•l :ll· .... t 1H· · t :t ll lJ l ,, f q ual-

' t ' ·. • · Y " ll :'\ e u · i C; 111 T c II.. n : d, l'.. ; 1 n .... ' H: 1 t : • i '· in !..! • h "' 1 ..... , • r y. Thl' ;1tt lh·11·' i .. Thi--lletl••\' 11 .. nH. t·it :-- pt·i, i, ..... i.n· tlH: ,qj · in :tli t.'

a11d ~..-·, ~.· ~.·JJo..·tH" · ••i hi-. J' l '•td t t~o · ti •• ll . Th·· j ,.J l, '.\i l l' ~· , .)h"t' t:ttl•ot'- :tt(' .. , til· , ·~. ·;ttli n~.:· : --ThL'

\\ '"ni=tn· .... ~:tit · u ·p· !.'' · 1 Ill· Li~c- l ·~ i .,n : --J · tl" l'lin.· i l'uh li~..· <>pini••n ... ,-.h i· ·h : q• J •t·;t~-. It !hv C(':1 i"<il R .. · j . r '\ ,,.l' ll1

1n·r 1.; : :tn t! .. I'!Je t:11t ,, j t · .. J •• r ... in rl !! d~.!i- g C r~?t•ic j , ,,. c ll· t .. l •o...·r.

. \t thi-. tiwv ,, Jwq · 1' 1'1\'l ··llt·\· l~ilt l c· :--1 ' 1'h i:-- lll·in•.: I •

<.'lll.'l•tttfl !:l..'d f , r -~ i ~ 1ti ;tnt'' lJl l'' it i ~ ·i iJ !lvro..·--t ' '' n·:td \\h:t t ~ \nitl.:r i 1 C<:d· in C· llrr:" f'l ; i·P -::c; thin l::{ ,. j 'H' .•~t•:t l dt' \l'l••p­mcnt 11 i t:11lk~ t· l !il I, :-:1!· ' .'· in \n·<· t·ic;•. Tl ·c..· :11 til· l~,· } ..... · ·Jti­t It'd. .. nit t1 >' ~ u i, ' · \ • : , .. n" t ·• 1 . t . ~ 111 r J.. n 1.. . .. :~ n d i 1 .. , 1 t.: ~ ( , t.. tit a t t h c t a' H .' i · 1 r 11 i · · In.,. n i 1 i ,. i 111 i ·-. a d a . , . v n 11 <: kIl l' •nt in the ll111\'t'lllt:l11. llcn t· o...· tin· •i t·, T · .. ·,, l"t·n·:ttiu:. \ ' IH·thcr tl~i' c"n-.e1·,·ati:--tn i:-- enti n h hl·:t ltl •ftd. j-.. :a •H1t''l i" 1l.


K Dzoo 11-Hnpe 6.

The clt'a tt C' I andn' ''' ' int L'I'('-.fi'l!...' . .,·: ! I ll\.' " i tit~. · .... ~. ·a -•• 11 \\:t'

that pl:t_·c, l J ,~.·t·· · l' t'll l':d :II', :J;-o•t.· (', ,IJ...- <' ... ,! II " P"' F a ll ,· in tht• g :tllH' \ 'rt •\·-· inl- 111:uh: ;• 't'~''<t li .. n-t 1'111'. ' i nn i!l' ~ ll c•p c..·· .... te~uchrll • \\ 11. ~1t• • L'Jil ; ll t . icl·l d , ., · .. , :d. n•:d i· t·· I I •t ·c· · .... '"' •n· (,. J)u r in ;..· thL• !:1 t (1 \l: t rt~..·r. (.'U'I'\ 1· •< 1., \\:t:- -.n •·pr i, c·d dtt.'ll l~!·am ­hk. in quick .. u ,.,, ... ~" i "n . ll'acl· {'.\'' t ttt h · hd"\,.Jl ... f"r tlH· tl':lln fr11111 l'clcn· tr l \\11. The pl;t\Tr~ \ \l" 'l.' in the ;: amL· "t•\cry

minute: ... II••J'l' ko...·pt tht• hall 11' ' -.t ,, j tht• ti i11L'. and Kalama· zn• \\':1:-' a hard .. nc tn lqwk . :'\• ' t until the l:tt L'r part 11i the game di !l th e di,ach ant:· !L , .f n••t h;l\· itH.' a ,. ,,~tell hec, •ml' c,· i­

dcnt. Xnt en•nt•.! h ~.,·;m he ..:a id in prai ~ c , .f the l(;p:t lll 111en.

They playec\ like g-entlemt•n thn 1\1 :._:-h .. ut. and 11 11 delay' were cau~cct hy mi :'uncl c r!'tandi H' t~ i the ntle.; . .\n «•t hcr feature nf .._ the ~,.ame \\"a~ the :' 111 :-! 111 !! iurni:--hc<l hy the en-eel~. lcrl hy

:\I i ~!' FnrncnH lk.

• J

"!. -:2 Vl "7 -"""' '--., c .. -_, ~

7 ... c _, ~ :::::; ).-;o ~

~ -t; --... _, ..-:

-· ... ,


Page 23: 12-01-1910

-.. .



The An chor 31

Bask et Ball. ( )nc can almf•--t tnuhiulh· ~aY that ha!--kct ha11 i~ hc·.,.innin •r :-, :....

a11c\\ at llllpC. :\c\ t•r IH.:i"rc ha:-. there been ~~~ many Yacant pi~H-e:' llll the 'ar:-.ity team. Yuu hca1· th • fell••,,·~ =-'aY: •• [

,,.,,uld. like t" ~Cl' him guard La\ en .. : "\\ a:-.Jl.l < ;u::; ~~)me

~Iipper/ pl~t.\Tr. th11u~h ; .. ~···crouldn't I knry ~~ l't that g-uarcl pby tdT ~\\"ell; ... ''1\cnH:mhcr the J..!n.·at game l~n u•k:' playecl at :\1. \ . l·. ··. and ··t h11pc :\l;trt t'Uil pl~ty a~·ain.'' l~ut. a1·c \\C

d"wn-hcartl·d; :\••! \\ ith the ni••--t I''' m i:-i•l!-! lntnch e~i can­clitlat"· .... : and till.: 't't' i,·'-''""' , ,j a .... w.- ,· .. al·h. nur a ltlllllllt. ..... < ;l .. r~ · I k kniii. pr• '-l'l'l"h :tn· l,c.tl·- tlwn l' cr. ( "apt. J •,lJnni •. • • ~ t c !-! i L' .. a 11 d .. I ~ l • 111 J, · · : u l • t h c • ' nl ~ r \.' · • t t1 a r ... ' •ll .. w H I t h l' y :t n: all lll'ill~ J'll .... llcd l•ltl 1 _\" I· td. ·, h l!'l' i:-- a ch;t!hc' f, q· :til~~~~

l,a-.kL·t ),.ti l 1d;1_, l'l' i·1 .I' k.t,...tu·-.. \ 11 U t} .. ,,·. k11"'' h11,, nnn· 1

ye~u kn11w allllllt it. until _,·l)u let thc '-'''ach ~ct a Jt,•l<l t~f ) "t.

I'" '' g·. tnn·-.. \\iiJJ,..· pla~l·d :d ll•pt' hlf, ,r·e til l· Jt ,, Jid:t~-... wi1cn the tl·:tnt '.' ill 1:.;~:, " .• t t ur. pia_, in ~!· t...:am:-- in \1idt i :• a11. < )l!j,

~11Hl lt tdiall.t. < di · .. : t and :\1. \. < ·. ate tiH~ :-talt' t' lk~ ~ "hidt ,, ill he :-een in thl t ·a, .. l l ·:._: it· .. !..! .' IP ... tlti-.. ,·;inlL'r. I lull i l•,,u ... :\ tt lrc lh. l11L' and l>c t11 it••\ .. o~ ' L' l l til i f! __ ~~!.:.t ill. l'r,,:-.pe\.·~=-- ar..: bti...,l·t f, r a : at11c .\itl• t!it· i:t·t Tati'llta ty Fi , e in,m ~~l:\\'

y,,r!. \\li t • :tit'~ i1 ;..! t 1• n ... k•: :t t r il' ir 111Il l" ":l-.. 1 >• co~a · t thi-. . I . . . ' I \\lllt~o·t·. )"trt 1111--.. an~ t•: lrt·• ·._::t111L'. 'L .. :a u~l· '"tt ~-~ulJh•l tcJ I

"hat mi~IH happt'll. Talk about your champion. h ip l e~1gue g .. 11n . " ell, just

a-..k .... ,,n,c ,,j thl.· ilJJ, ,\\:-- . ~ln:dlc~an· .... h .. :tm "''n li\e :-.uaight :. :1111 t ' .... a 11 d k t'l' t a d e .111 r L' • ·, " tl i n ' h c .. flt t' p. .. I.e a g u c. ).I.

~!.v;..:.e11ga·~ team \ i c11l t}, \\11 t•• 1kical 11111 _, ' 'lll'C . all cl t!1at J,(.:i r,l.' ~lll:tlk ;.....an':, ia:-t li, 1.'. TilL' :·:t nw-. in tl11..· ,·,,lle~c ll':t;.:.uc ,\('ll' tl1c nt• • .... t in tcn··- ~in··· . :'iH1 th .. u :-!11 tiH· J)l. \: •L'iltjc t':tlll

, \. •11 " i t h '' p t H: ·1 n ; 1 :... • , • f I ( tt ·· l. i i , • : • n ... 1. 1 p i • r t h '"' m . 1 h c game" in tl•c..· ,. , Ill'" ._. ka_:tte !tad 1 w J,l . .. t 11i [,, J'l'-..lt'r"' g-nc..._..__ 111 '' and 111~..· ill ll'l\.'""'t ,,,1~ i nlt'l~c t itr"u ·i1• ut the l'lltirc ' t'h<:d-:-- .

ulc. Tilt· 1i 1· .... t lt· a ;~ lll' h ·t• ·d t .Hi l Tllanl,-..:.._:i, in~ . :tn,l n" "' a new ka~1 !' in t lt1.· c •d k· t' and "jll'l' J' .... \\h ie.. II \ \ ill In · t until l'l :r i-.un;t ...... j .... in iu ll :-"in·~. I b~.· c..·.1ptai 1.· • i tl!~..· c..· , .Jlc~c tc:tm:-­:ti'L' 1~. \ · :tl!tit'l l~ll;.!. \ ':ut /._, 1. I\ l'J'L'Il, Lc~nh 1 ut ..... 1;nt ..... h ancl l.u idc n -... ·1 it\.· c:tpi:t in-.. 11i the "pr tp." tL~llll ..... arc 1\.. < > ~:.!1..' 1.

I )iL·fn~<tn. \\ ' icrl· n~a. 1\:L'k<: . ~ch :tap and ( ' h1ctin~l1. :\L J. D . L l.

Page 24: 12-01-1910


32 Tth e Anchor

L OCALS. The Local Editors wish their \·ictin1s a :\lerry Chri · tmas.

We Have. We ha\·e a Fletcher, he :::hines like a s tar·; \ •Ve have an Incubus, ready fo r the bar; \Ve have a I Jato, a g-eniu, a , he is, We have a Barbaro. e, wh minds his o wn biz, We haYe a Jerusalem Fat earnest as can be; We ha \'e a Jerusalem ho rt . . ilen t as a bee; \Ve ha\·e an Addis( n , who keeps all o n a pace ; \Ve ha \'e e\·erything to keep us tn the race.

- osmos. Jongewarde has pro posed

ppo. ed. to se ,·era l girls. hut was

Dimnent-"\\'om.an is like an airship- !'hc's alway=-- up in the air.''

l\leengs (to De l\Iutts) : ··If ynu w o rk hard enough, y o u'll be at the top when you're fini~hed."

De ~Iotts: " uppose a fellow can't w o rk any haruer ?" l\leengs: "Then take a cruod. good sneeze- your brain~

are dusty.··


Sayings of Wise Men.

L 'He who court and run, awa: \\ ' ill li Ye to c )Urt another day ...

II. ''] Te who c urts and does no t wed

\ Vi ll ha,·c tu come to court in ~tcad."

Irene · "l do hate to get up and make a fuul Pi m,· .... eli tn that debate in l:.ng-lis,ld . . ,

\Vo dbee \ Vit: "jus t he natural. ''

Query No. 1: \Vhy did Caro line Bogards blu~h when one o f the u irl s, in tran~lating German. spo ke of a ··resnund­mg care .. ?

~luy kins is ju ~t crazy o \·er" port.' '

Get·arda Brock claims that ~he kno ws huw tu cuuk b ee ts exactly to suit Pro f. Nykcrk's tas te.

Query Nu. 2: \\'hat is there abo ut \ "a nde rl aa n that



The Anchor 33

intere ts violinists . o greatly? Prof. l{aap's explanatio n of the new pole at the foot of the

walk leadinn· to \ ' an l{aaltc llall-' 1A relic of barbarism.''

J lelen R oelo fs as ·erts that she would walk ten miles to

meet o ne of her expectations. Query No. 3: Did \ anderwonde attend a convention at l/

o u th lla\·en recently? o lenbrander: "They quarreled 0 \ ' Cr an a cTreement o f

n1a1-ria"e >r sume o ther inco n,·cnicnce. ~

Query X o. -+: \\ ' hy did e\·eryune laugh when Dame innucently confc:-.s ed his interest in ''Rose Bru ·-.e''?

:'\ o. 29. I )uruthy Trumpcn and ~ina Lindeman actually were ::-ecn 1111 tlu.:ir way l\l das~ hefnre o ne u'clnck.

in the ~-t J• >d \\ urk . girl~ .

Ethel Thuma~ (ready tu weep) : "l wi :;h somebody wa:;

crazy ahu ut me." Flu=--sie: "I'm going tu put a : to p to this affair."

\\"hat will t\rie du? •

Jnn u·t!waardt!: "And no o ne was hurt except ne man, :--.

who was ~h >t in the left wing ... ... • \ fter o n (lf the ~aturday e\·ening afTairs at the D o rm,

Clara and 13ilkerl shouk hands at least four times. .J

Lucille (trying- on Data's new coat): "\\"hy, it feel

ju~t like Leon's." Vander Laan: "I know two gnes'; o ne I like and the

. other 1 h,)\·e ... 1

( •-eels. beware! It gTates o n Art 11 cusink,·eld's nen·es

to walk with a girl. I Leard at a fudg-e party at ' tapl ecamp 's:

Irene: '' \\.hat if we s hould all be quarantined?" ~1 r. IL£u:--ink,·eld: ··Let's ge t a d lc tu r and see if there

JS any ca:-.e dc,·ch·>ping-." :\lr. Uennink: "\\' el l. if we s tay here lonrr eno ugh we

m a ,. he able tn clc,·elu p a case." ~

~fae De T'ree: "Pru fe s::-ur, my name is n o t ~fary · it's

l\1 a e ... Prui. ,'chlu!--:--Cr · .. Remain after cia s, ~I iss De Pree, and

Page 25: 12-01-1910

I w ill c hange you r name:' J l uw ,·cry s udden.

The An c h o .. r

.\ gn::; S .. :--tanding hci,·n~ a \ "ict11r talking lltat·hiiH.: , wa ... hcanl tu ~ay: ·· J ·m li:--tcnin g fl) r my ma:--ter":-; n>i .... ·c:·

\\" e 'r • tlelightccl tc• ha\ c :\largaret with u :-- again. hut where i:-; Hnll,k:'?

Fur in fttrm:.Hi••n aht•ut a iair weather C<lllrt:-.hip a:-.k :\li :-.:-. Urn \\·n and ~] !". ~luhh: r.

f{ c,·. J)rnkkcr is preal·hing a :--enc:-. ,,j ..,VI"lllllll ... • •ll 1\ut lt \ "an J:yl i:-. a regular attendant .

I' I! e Jll t l rt I j II g" a j l e I" -

\1 i:-.s I >c Uul'l". exha tblcd l1y Iter l:l"furt :-. .tl ( lt,•r:d l tt l• .,,

cit,<.::-. nut appear at hreakia:--t.

T\\-ctlt\"-t•ne pe4 •p le \\ i:-.h u:-- tu cxpr ·:-.~ i11r d' CPI tiJ ~ II

keen appn:ciati1111 ui the receipt , ,f t\\l:tti.\ -•J tll: 111 tlll ·-''l' ll~· .. .,

lent prPil>:-.tt r':-- apple:- P ll thl: l:\·ening "i thl: l\\~ttt~· !I t--t ·II

:\ u\·cm her la:-.t.

1 .. < >ST- < )n the campu :-- . during the pa:--t \\Tl:k . a hu1h: ll

uf g-t•<~d j11J,c:--. Kindh· return ltl l" .... ·a] cditur-..

I () .. ,. <) ....-t t ~t 1·, .. ll JH11 Findt"r J>l ·;t--c tl'lllttt .. . - 11 _, a c . .. a · c. • •

l Uon Uru:-.h. :\ ,, rc\\anl.

L< >ST-. \ jack - in - the-h••x. H.e\\'a rd .

l'rni. ~utphcn (in :-=.t~plllllll••rc da-..:--): " \ \"httm j;,~ t: l' <1rade ,,j .\ptdlt• judgt· 111 he thl' \\i :-- l>t lllan:-··

X ,, a nswcr.

s. : .. \ \. t.:ll. r II t (.'II ~ I 'll ; l hal \\.a... J ~I d.: .1 · ·I: I > I .• n ..

\\"ail r in re:--taurant: "\\"hal d'y~· \\ant :·· I \ :at : ··.\ culinan· tll• •:--a ic :- li~h tly umLt·ra t.._· ,l . . tnd a

receptacle t~i J)t,, ine lll'l"l ar.' ·

\\ ichl·r:--: "I ha\c ~~ ~· ~~ d -lttl\' 111 1 ~,-· ll '"ll: I , ',•u ' t 111111k r e'er t11ld it t11 ,.,u I>ei"rl' ...

< ;cJ,. ~ll' ;..! t'lltatl: ··1 ... it n.·a JI_, itTllll_' :- .. \\"ichcr:--: "Yc-.. . it , ... _

( ; . ~ . : .. T h c n ' ·· •tl 11 a , c 11 · 1 1 , d d i 1 t ' • till' ltl' i • " .......

l it\\" tkkch t" /.ccland l' l ''' i •'ll \ t'L'lll'. """'· Jllttt.l! \\il l Hicmcr=--ma :--pend in ••Ill: tll lllltlt ?


.. l 35 Th e Anchor

:\ cnq·cl in t! tn the paper". :\Ji..:" FnrtH: rtltl k st ruck a m a1d1 at th e ht~nli,·c n·l·cnth·. Can·t \\e ltit,·e ... ,•me 11111rc hnnl1rc~ ?

O ur Latest P oetical Effusion.

The Pr~tfe ... ..;"r rnn.•d ancl t• tre hi:-. hai r . . \ nd \\"itll hi" fi -..t h e '111"tc the a ir: Th n fn •Ill hi ... li p ... 1 he c " '' •nl ... 1 her<' flew:

"t "nnft~ttnd the ~~~ph"m"n.- -.. thr•·u~h and thn•ll!.•:h: < ;," •d II ca n .' ll'. ''I 1~11 arc \\"l' n •Ill in~· t• • : ..

Headquarters for Fancy Box Candies: Huyl~r's, Guth's and Allegretti's

The Gerber Drug Company Open till Midnight every Night

Jas. A. Brouwer Furnitt~ re and Carpets Special prices to Students

212-214 R iver Street Citz. Phone I OS 7

WEDDING INVITATIONS Bu inc .. and Per onal tationery

Bra·d's Baltimore Lunch Room 3 W. Bth St. Open all Night

Aunt Jane's Pie and Cake a Sp cialty. Oysters by the qual't

T •. c. Br~d.:fe»rd.


Page 26: 12-01-1910




36 The Anchor

The only student four chair shop

F. Charter's 6 West Eighth Street Next to Van Drczer's Restaurant


H.ILIOHAN The College Shoeman

Graduate in the Boot and Shoe Art E. 8th St.

Dick Tuinier Merchant Tailor

CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRI~G . Before buy ing , c~\1 on Dick the Tailor and ~ee samples. You will save money j.f you have your work done at my shop. Come in and let us show you. All work guaranteed.


Drop in and see our new line of COLLEGE PENNANTS.

Have you seen our Pennants with the reproduction of Winnants Chapel, in orange and blue



Largest vatiety Holiday Good s obtainable in the store of


1 H. R. BRINK 209 River St. KODAKS Fountains Pens

All the popular magazines and publications at

CHAS. D. SMITH, Druggist


5 Hotel Block Citizens Phone 1295. Bolland, :Mich .

Central Drug Store . Drugs, Stationery, Perfumery, etc.

We are the only store in the city handling the Rexall Remedies

HAAN BROS., 6 ffi" 8th St., Citz. Phone 1531

· . ..


.. ,

The Anchor 37

Brick and Bulk Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties. They all get their Ice Cream from '-

R. W. CALKIN Citizens Phone 1470 " There's A Reason'

When you have your class parties out in the country, let us

take you there

BOONE'S LIVERY 209 Central Avenue PHONES: Citizens 34: Bell 20

H. BOS, Student Tailor. 213 River St.


It Will Pay You To see the largest and most cqmplete

line of Diamonds, Watches, C~oclfa, Jew­elry, Silverware and Cut Glass in West-ern Michigan before making your selection of anything in this line.

You Can Save Money Jty Doing Your Christmas Shopping Here


. .:& HEKNER'S 57 Monroe Street

91 Ottawa Street


I II pt-1 ' I = =-;

Page 27: 12-01-1910


The An c hor 38 .

Eyes Tested Free

Geo. H. Huizenga & Co. 38 East 8th St.

Optometrist H 11 d M" h o an , 1c .

XMAS GIFTS Fron1 one Cent up nt

Fris' Book S t,ore For up-to-date

.:x.m.~s Gri.::fts C:1ll at

Vander Linde & Vissers

• · "l • I. •

• a .. ~ ·,._ .... t

-The bask t-ba ll sea on

t :::> in f•.d l s\ving

Don· l thr ~W rtNllY your old Shoes • r \ 1 f lht' old sh oe, th E' one

You will r.t-,,._. ,. fill•l an ; t' <'W ones a:; com orta > c or .11 I r ' ·omf(lrt ·t''l c r · 1 1 ·an ; w 1 )l.' m 0 ( l • · that has become shaped lu your not I S . ~nc H ~~ •: • • ·nu·' Then send

tltnn·nny l . \·: ~l u·c· ('\'.-! ;n·ule. Vuu know that . ~o. <lon t ) ' . with all the the old s h c1 PS here and W<' will rrnh· t h<-'m look h l'c new ones ' r ornl ol l et f'f I ht> o l'l PtH'q.

The ELE TRI HOE HO PIT L. CO., 17 E. Rth t.


•• •

. .

• • ·-

Th e Anch o r 39

You Are missing much if you're not eating Holland Rusk.

The Rusk of golden brown, crisp from the ovens of the largest bakery of its kind in the world. No other food bas the t~uality of Holland Rusk, some­thing better or just as good is impossible. Get some today. L ook for the windmnl on the package

Holland Rusk <~ompnay Holland, Michigan

011e (_ ... llt·istt1Jas Pr·e eJ)t. to ller

Must be a Box of

FISCHER'S CANDY Open all day Christmas.


Wykhuysen & Karreman JEWELER~


Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty 14 COLLEGE A VENUE HOLLAND, MICHIGAN

Coster Photo Suppl)l Co. 21 E . 8 t .1 St reet . Citz. Phone 1582

Everything photographic. Our specialti s this fall are pyro­graphic goods and iock-joint moulding. A I< to be shown.

Page 28: 12-01-1910


Th e Anc h o r 38 -------- V"'\

Eyes Tested Free

Geo." H. ·Huizenga & Cq. Optometrist

38 East 8th St . Holland, Mich. '

, X MAS GIF TS Frotn one Cent up nt

Fris' Book c: t or e For u p-to-date

~m~s G-if t s C:lll at

Vander Linde & V issers

Th b~ kct-bn ll sea on

(;d yout Suit ~ at

~ . Va ~1 Tongeren

Don ~ t throw r ~'DY your old Shoes You will nt>,·..-r fi no! an -: 1· rw ones as com forlahlc for. tht• old sh<~c, the .o,~e th·1t has become sbnpcd tu )'t) UT fnnt is. nnrl a hn\) .. wil l lw mu:,e tTohmfort.Lndc

"" ~ 1 \ ' k · tl · t' · ' (l don ' t vou e n sc thnn ·rnt y n· \·: ~ho<· ('\"l · t n, ·u e. P U nm' 1.t ~ ~. • ~ : • • h · 11 the the old shoPS here and \\"('will trnl•-c them look hkc nt:W ones \\ ll a l ntn f 1'1 t " f'f thE' n lrl ""rq.

The E LECTRI " flOE HO PITAL CO., 17 E. 8th t.

•• •

• 4

• •• f

Th e An c h o r 39


You Are missing much if you're not eating Holland Rusk.

The Rusk of golden brown, crisp from t~e· ovens of the largest bakery of its kind in the world. No other food has the ttuality of Holland Rusk, some­thing better or just as good is impossible.

Get some today. L ookfor the windmill on the package 4"

Holland Rusk <.:ompnay H olland, M ichigan

Must be a Box of


Open all day Christmas .


Wykhuysen & Karreman JEWELERS

F ine Watch R e pairing a Spe cialty 14 COLLJ!GE A VENUE HOLLAND, MICHIGAN

Coster Photo Suppl)l Co. 21 E . 8t.t S t reet. Ci tz. Phone 1582

Everything photographic. Our s pecia lt ic lh i fall are pyre­g raphic goods and iock-joint moulding. Ask to be shown .

Page 29: 12-01-1910


T h l' A n c h o r 40 ------ -

DR. JAMES 0. SCOTT, Der1tist I 1 1 :n .d ~:t l ll l"•ht\ l• \ •-. I ' l i • 11-. l'hulll' l H I

College Fraternity and Cl~ss Pins

Hardie's Jewelry tore l .<I us quot1 · . uu pr!n·-.;

Enterprise Shoe ~tore 238 River Street

Th TOHE tha'~ I TEHESTED in yo ur .. EH\' ICI·. rr . ~' ~·d t· do-., 11 tn a ravor. Ca ll upnn u~ and it \\ il1 hl'. ·our

~ hn:n to b 'eo1n INTEHESTED in ou r line of ·hoes

Twenty years experience. First class repairing

Dainties for You and the



Casper Belt's Tor1sori~1i l-:>arlors Sanitation in Methods c ,llU ( \':SY in T reatmcnt

- \\'h t•n• 1 h<.' ot llt•r t'<· lln\\' -.. ~~n .

\Vc cnrry (' \'t•rythin~ tH 'l'< ' .,..; \1'\' tn tn do\ {' .' '< ' 'II' nHinl lchd: lil · <· :t

gt·nui lll' c· >11 ·;_£c· bll::'~ ' ·dvn.' '

A . C. RINCK & CO. 5~-60 Eas t E iJ,!:h th S t. .\Sh Ttl E I TLLO\\'S

, .



~ ·


T he An chnr 41






T l1 E P R E P A I~ ,\ T 0 H Y S C H 0 0 L

THE C II 0 0 L 0 F ~I 1· S I C


Classical Piano

den li fie Voice

Engl ish-'hul~n1 Lan~u.tgc



Englis h



Teacher~ Composition

The Western Theological Seminary of the (~('forml•d Church of Amt:rica is Jocatecl in Holland ad­

joi'ling the Colleg l' 'ampu;;. 'ur~r of Experit!nced Instructors


On the P ere Marquette Railway, 160 miles from Chicago, 26 miles from Grand Rapids. ExPE:-o: ES ~IooER..\Tc. For further infom1ation or year book npply to

P R 0 F E S S 0 l~ G . J . K 0 L L E N , L L . 0 . , P R E s I D E N T

Page 30: 12-01-1910


42 The Anchor

Start the New Year Right

And keep going in that direction

YOU WILL If you go for your Pen,_J

nants, Stationery, College Posters and

other things at


llaullrr Jlnrt( .a finnk §tnrr "\Vherc yo~ do the Best"

De Grondwet





$1.110 PER YEAR


, - '

. .


. ,

. .

• •

The An c hor 43


Cltz . Phone 1-442 97 99 E. 8th Street

We can save you money. Buy your wearing apparel at

Nick Dyken~a · Talor and Furnisher

Opposite Hotel Holland Agent for American Laundry


For CLASS and SOCIETY PRINTING, that you want

done RIGHT in EVERY respect, take it to the

,. i;nllaull Qtity N tut.s

Page 31: 12-01-1910

_ ...


44 The Anchor

If You Want to Find Something New In the Anchor this month

Look for the new "ads." There are some new ones,

and be sure and patronize them

When your Room needs Painting or Decorating

--PHONE--J. DINKELQQ & SON, PHONE 1573 or 1491


Rensselaer--- Polytechnic Institute SCHOOL of Eatabliahed

1824 ENBINEERING Clwll, Mechanical, Electrical

Send for a Catalogue. TROY • N • Y.

The four following numbers are to be published by the

different college societies. If you want to make

these numbers a success, for the Anchor's sake patron­

ize the advertizers.

•• a.


' . ,.

... '


. , \

. ~ .

•. '