11J TEE OMAHA'lAILY ) BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 , 1881 FINANCE AND COMMERCE.- FOTANCIAI . * > EW YOHK, September 28.- MONBV . AND HTOCKrt. Money closed at 2 per cent nfter tnttch- tig - 0.1 hifli na 0 ] or cent plus 1-32 ot 1 ] er cent.Kxchnngo closed steady at 4 80184. Governments closed firmIV ; , COUIHUIS , 117J bidli'n ; do , 113J ; 5's continued , 1 OtJ ; currency GV ,1 M bid- .Pftcifio . bondH closed as follows : Union IsU , 11011 20 ; land rwits , ! 17- Wd ; Blnklng fuiuN , 1 li@l ! 231 ( Ocntrnls , 1 16 ® ! It ! . 8TOCK8. The Block tnnrkct HI'M iiioniln wnRWcn. ! : and prices declined phnrply , the lovvost ! ) beliitf cut rent fchoitly after inlddny. The decline ranged from J to 2 per cent , nnd wna due cliiclly to the ness of money , wh ch WAS loaning on cull at 1-32 per cent per diem. During the afternoon money became easier anil most of the decline was recovered ; the closing quotations , however , allowed n decline- for the day of J to ' } per cimt. The following itro the closing bids : CHICAGO MONBV MARKET- .OIIICAQO . , Seitember 28. There was a brisk demand for money and the rates were lit in at7 (! per cunt per annum. The clearings of the asso- ciated banks were 57800000. Eastern ex- change ¬ between city banks was weak at- J1 ! discount per 1000. Orders for cur- rency ¬ were moderate- .Omulm . Wholesale Market- Omen OF Tun OMAHA HUE , 1 Wednesday Kvenitij *, September 28. f The following telegram was received to- day ¬ by the Omaha Iron and Nail Works : Prmnunc , Pa. , Septembnr 28- .At . a full meeting of the Iron and Nail Association to-day, the advance of 25c per keg made on the 2l t was fully confirmed , and it was unanimously resolved to strictly adhere to prices. The card now stands , S3 25 rate Notwithstanding the above , our whole- sale ¬ dealers think the advance cannot be sustained , and will make no advance in prices at present. The provision market to-day has been very quiet. Potatoes slightly advanced. Grain steady. Wheat c higher. Barley declined Ic. Rye advanced lie. Oats ad- vanced ¬ Jc- .No . other change ? are noted. Local drain Dealings- .WHEAT. . . Cash No. 2 , 1 19J ; cash n. S ,1 074 : rejected SOic- .BATILEY. . . UashNa'A S1.00.No. . ; . 3 , HYB. Cash , Ofic. - CORN. Cash No. 2, 5C- i.OATS.Cash . , 34- .Livestock. . - . . AT OMAHA STOCK VAHDS. Cattle Good shipping , 'S4 00 ; fat cows and heifers. §2 J5@3 00. Hogs Mixed packing , $3 75@0 00. Sheep Slaughtering m demand at $3 00 @3 75 per 100 Ibs gross.- Provisions. . . FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade , $J25@360 ; patent , 83 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight grade , S3 75@4 00 ; patent , $1 00@4 50 ; graham rye, 62 50; Wheat , $2 75- .HYi . : FLOUR $3 25- .MILLSTUFFS . Bran , per cwt. 70c ; screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , per cwt. 80c : chopped feed , per cwt. 1 00; meal bolted , yellow , 1 15 : white , 51 25. POTATOES 100@1 10. SWEET POTATOES Very active at- 6@6c per pound- .POULTRY . Live chickens per dozen , $2 50 ® 2 75- .AIRIE . PR CHICKENS S2 25@3 00 per dozen. EGGS Very dull at 10@18c. BUTTER Choice scarceat20@23poor ; , no market : creamery , 30c. APPLES Good , sound , very scarce at S4 00@4 50 per bbl. HONEY California white clover in comb , 24@25o. LEMONS Steady ; per box , eiOOO @ 10 60. Finest Messina orangea $8 00- repacked. . PEACHES SI 10@t 10 per basket. DOMESTIC GRAPES Gettingscarco- at 5@(5c ( per Ib- .C . ALIF6RNI A PE ARS-Per box , S3 50 ( 400. CALIFORNIA PLUMS-S2 BO. CALIFORNIA PEACHES 82 50. CALIFORNIA GRAPES S2 00. VEGETABLES All kinds bring Rood prices and scarce , BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS SI 23@1 5il per bushel. CABBAGE 31 00@1 50 per dozen- .Qrocers . List- .COFFEE. . . Rio , fair, 134c : Rio , good , 14c ; Rio , prime to choice , I4.Jc ; Old gov't Java ; 20J@28Jc , Mocha , SSJc ; Arbuckle'u , 173c.TEAS. . Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45cj Choice , C0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 3C@- 60oj choice , Gjc@Sl 00 : Japan Nat Leaf, 35c ; Japan , choice , 60@7" c: Oolong , poixl , 85@40; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong , good. 3340c ; choice. 3545c.- SUGARS. . . Cut loaf , llic ; Crushed , lljc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , lljc Vine powdered , lljjo ; Standard Colfee A- .lOic . ; New York Confectioner's Standard A , lOJc ; Good A , lOgc ; Prairie Extra 0, SYRUPS. Susur house , bbls , 48c : bail bin , 50c ; keps , 4A gallons , 82 30 ; choice table syrup , G0 ; half bbln , 53c ; kegs.82 fiO- .SPICKS. . . Pepper, 20 ; Allspice , OOoj Cloves , 45oj Nutmetjs , ? 100 : Cassia , 2ocj Mace 8100.- SODA. . . Dwlptht's lb papers , S3 00 ; De land do, $3 00 ; Church's , $3 00; Keg tola , 4@Uo- STAROir. Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 8- 8Jcj @ Cora Starch , 8J@9c ; Kxcelsloi- Gloss. . Cjc ; Corn. 7ic.- SALT. . . Dray loads , per bbl , 1 OS ; Ash- ton , In sackx, 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 3 45 ; bblt ) dairy, 100 , 3t , 3 05 , DRI15D FIlUITS-ChoIce . halves , - peaches , new croji D lb boxes , 1" Yerk apples , . , old , 7Jc ; new , 8Jc ; Currants , 7@7i j Blackberrlen , new , 14o , OIIEESK Full Cream , ICcj Part Skim , 11c.- WOODENWAUE . Two hoop p H 1 85; three hoop pails , 2 10 } No. I , 0 00; No. 'i tub * , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tuba. 7 00 , pioneer washboard *, 1 85; Double Crown ; 2 75 ; Globe hboard.260Wellbucket ; , chain , and 6 ply, 2021t Colored carpet chain , per It ), 2U ; LEATJ-lJar , 81 65. MATCHES Per caddie , 85oj round cases , 87.35 : anuaro caxeu , 8100. PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon. 14 * pholco lard , 131c ; dried beef , 14c ; shmild- ten canva.-ued Oc; haina , canvassed 14c ; jiaoou , sides 13Jo . NEW PIOKLES-Medluin , fn barreln , { 9 00 ; do In half bbls , 5 00 ; small * , In bbl , 11 00 ; do , In half bblm G 50 : chorkiix , in bbl12 00 ; do, in ImU bbls , 7 00. VINEGAR Pure npplo extra, 16c ; pure apple , 13c : Prui'dng ' pure apple , 15c. HOMINY Now , 81 SO j er bbl. BEANS Medium , hand picked S3 50 per bushel. ROPE Sisal , J inoli and larger , O c; i Inch , 9c ; 1 Inch , lOJc- .SO . APS-KIik's Savon Imperial , 300 ; Kirk's natinct. 3 (X) ; Kirk's utandani , 3 50 ; Kirk'x white Russian , 5 50 : Khk'a Eutoco , 2 25 : Kirk's Prairie ( Juecn , ( (100 cakes ), 3 10 ; Kiik's magnolia , 4 80. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 10 oz, Si , IRcfboxcs 40 Ibs. , 10 or. , ( K lie ; bores , 40 nets , 14 oz. , 8s , 13Jc ; half boxes , 20 nets, 14 oz. , 8s , 13c- .LYK . American , 3 40 : Greenwich , 310 : Western , !2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 75. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , in case , 3 33 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50. FIELD SEED Red clover , choice , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover , new , $7 00; white clover , newi 811 00- uhnlfa clbver , now , $1250 ; nlsike , new , 81300. Timothy, good , new , S3 00 ; blue Brass extra clean , 81 oO ; blue grass , clean , SI 25 ; orchard grass , 82 50j red top , choice , 103 ; millet , common orMissouii , SOc ; millet , Gentian , 81 00 to 81 25 ; Hungarian. SO- c.HEDGES . EED Owigo orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or over §4 50 ; honoj locust , per Ib. , 3oc ; per 100 fbs. . 825 00. FISH Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bMs- S3 CO ; No. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. G 30 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family 10 lb kits , 7 c ; New Holland herring, per keg , 120 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colui"- bhi - river salmon , per 100 lb , 8 00 ; George's Bank codfish , Oc ; Gen. bonulcsa codluh ; ; boneless fish , 4Jc. MACKEREIHalfbhlsmcssmackercl , 100 Ibs , 812 60 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , 100 lb , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat famtlv do , 100- Iba , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do ,1 50 : No. 1 shore , 12 lb do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 lb do. 75c. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 H- iField's ( ) , per case , 84 20 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 : do 2 lb ( Standard ), per case , 3 90 ; do 1 lb ( standard ), per case , 2 40 } do 2 lb ( nlack ) , per cose , 2 75 ; do 1 W ( slack ) , per cose , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1- lb , per dozen , 1 05 ; do 2 lb, per dozen J50. Sardines , small fsh , imported , ono quarter boxes per box , 14Jo ; American , quarter boxes per bo.x. He ; do half boves , per box. 21JC. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 lb per case , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 375 ; string beans , per case , 2 OOL , Lima beans per case , 2 10. Succotash per case , 2 20- .Pe.aa . , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2lb , per case , 280 } strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 3 00 : lospberries , 2 lb , per case , 275@300. Damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlett pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber- ries ¬ per case, 2 80. Egg plums , 2 lb per cise , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 Ib, per case. 4 50. Given gages,2 lb per cose , 3 25 : do choice, " lb per case , 4i >0. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per cone , 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case. 3 10 : do 3 Ib , case , 6 00@0 50 ; do , ( pie ), 3 lb, per oase,325 ; do pie. G lb , per dozen , 3 50. RICE Carolina , 8@8Jo ; Louiciana , 5- @G3c. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten- nessee ¬ , 9c per lb ; fancy white , lOo per lb ; raw white Virginia , lOic. Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS. Buckeye L L- 7c ; Continental C , do , 8c ; Crescent LL- Oic ; Ciebcent 0 7c ; Crescent B 73c ; Crescent A Sc ; Graniteville LL G.o } ; In- dian ¬ Head 7 c ; Lawrence LL , G c ; Ports- mouth ¬ P, do, 4Ac; Utica C ojc ; Winthrop- L , do , 7Sc : Wachusetts 7jc. BLEACHED COTTONS-Altoona 34- 6c ; Auburn A 4-4 8Jc : Ballardvale 44- Gic ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc ; Fairmont 4-4 Gc ; Fruit 4-4 10H : Hoi ; Loindale 44- Me ; New York Mills 4-1 lit ; I'ncasaclt C 4-4 Waiusutta , 4-4 13 . PRINTS. Allen's fancy , $ * A ieri- can do , GAc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; American do,6cBerirn ; solid colorsCc.ConeBtogadoC.c- Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Cc ; Dunnell do , 7c ; Eddvstono do Gc ; Hannonv , ; Hartel.GJc ; Knickerbocker , ; Gloucester do, Gic ; Hamilton, CJc ? Hamilton do. 7c ; Marlboro do , 5rfc ; South- bridge do. 5Jc ; Sprague do , . S c ; Simp- son's ¬ solid black , Ujc ; Simpson's mourning , 7c. Southbridgo do, GJc ; Regatta do , 5Vc ; Pacificdo 7c ; Spraffue do , Gjc, Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprague ; Gjc ; SouthbridgeGic ; Myt tc ! , Ojc ; Merri- mack shirting, Gc ; Washington oil colors , 9c.CAMBRICS Garner , 5c ; Hannony B, 5c ; Hooksett , 5c ; Keystone Glove Finish , 5Jc ; Washington , 5c. CORSET JEANS Androscoggin Bat- teen , 8Jo : Lockwood do. 9r ; Naumkeag- do. . , ejc ; Rockport , 7Jo TICKING Amoskeag. A. O. A. , 174c ; Albany S. A. X. , 17ic ; Cordis A. C. E. , 17ic ; CordiH , B , B. , 9Jc ; Conestoga , R.C. , Red Stripe , 1C Jc ; Conestoga. C. C. A. , fan- cy ¬ , 14c ; Conestoga , 10. C. A. , 14c ; Cones- toga - , 4-4 , Gold Medal , IGc ; Conestoga , 17Jc ; Easton , B. , 9Jc ; Hamilton , I ) ., 1U ; Hamilton regular , IS c ; Hamilton IL , lljc ; Omega superior extra , 27c ; Omega medal , 25c ; Omega A OA , fancy stripe , ISc ; Omega A 4-4 , ICc ; Omega A J , 13 ; Pearl Itiver , IGic ; Shetucket , S. , lOJc ; Shetucket , S. S. , 12c ; OIL CLOTH-B-4 wood, S3 00 ; fi-4 fancy marble , S3 00 ; C-4 white marble, 82 83 ; G 4 wood , S3 GO ; 0-4 fancy marble , Si 00 ; C1 white marble , $3 85 ; 5-4 mo- saic - , S3 00 ; G-4 mosaic , 81 00- .DENINS . Amoskeag blue and brown , IGc ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown , 14Jc ; Beaver Creek , B , B.bluo and brown.- ISJc . ; Beaver Creek , C. O. , blue and brown , 12ie ; Everett D. D, , blue and brown , 15J ; Haymakers bhio and , nicj Otis , A. X. A. , blue , 15cj OtisB. B. blue , 14 ; Otis C. 0. , blue , 13c ; Pearl River blue and brown , 15Jc. DUCKS Arlington stripe , 18-! ? Boston checks. 13jc ; Boston XX drab , 12ic ; Bos. ton XXX bro. , 13Jc ; Boston XXX drab , 13Jc ; Bobton O. II , bro. , lOJc ; Boston XX, bro , , 12Jc ; Bibjnarck stripe, 17jo ; Boston stripes , ; DuiWeo tripes , 18c ; Fall River , lljc ; Hamden O. O. , lOJc ; Lion Blue , 15Jc- .STRIPES . American , 10c ; Amoskeag , llje : Dexter A., 14c ; Mechanics , Be ; Omega , lie ; Olli B. B. , lOoj Pittafield , 7c ; Uncasville- 9@91- c.COn'ONADES Angora. D. & T. , 23e ; A. Y , A. , 20o ; Bell , 18c ; Bridge water , 19c ; Capitol , 18e ; Charter Oak 18c ; E erett , heavy, 20e : Everett , medium , 15c ; Farm ¬ er's 22ic ; Lewiston 10 oz. , 25c ; New York mills checks 18 ; New York mills proof , 224c ; Wicklow.lSJlc ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Whittend n , D. & T. , SOc ; York , light- weight , 12J- oSHEETINGS AndroscogKin.04 brown 23c ; do 10-4 do , 2Go ; PeppcreU'g'J-4 brown , 25e ; do 10-4 do , 27io : Alexandria , 40- incli , bleached , 13o ; Androscoggin 0-4 , bleached , 2 ie ; do 10-4 , bleached , 29c ; Pepperell , it-l , bleached , 25c ; do 10-4 bleached , 27jc. Drucs. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS.-Acid Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tart.iric , Boc : Balsam Copabia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark, SasBafraa , t cr- lb , 12o; Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Cinchonldla , per oz , SOc ; Chloroform , per lb , OOc ; Dover1 * i ) wdera , per lb , 81 40 ; Epsom alU , per lb , 3Jo; Glycerine , pure , per lb , 44e ; Lead , Acetate , perlb , 22c ( Car lion oil , 110' , per gallon , llje ; dol50 , pergal , 13jc ; Oil , Castor, No. 1 , tier gal , n 10 ; Oil , Castor , No.S.per gal.8100 ; Oil , Olive , i er cal , 81 50 ; OH , Onganum , 50o Opium , 8150 ; CJulnine , $210:1' . k W. fclf- .&ST . eroz822.J ; Potassium , Iodideper Ibj 82, 50 ; Halacm , per oz , 33c ; Sulpiiata ol Morphine , i > er oz , $3 Ii3j Sulphnr flour , per lb , 4u ; Strychnine , ner oz , 81 50o. Horses and Mules- .Tlie . market is brink and all grades are gelling well at n slight advance in pi ices. The ilemnnd for ROW ] hotnen eKceeds the supply considerably. 1'ricea range as fol.- IOWH . : Fine single drivers , 81fA ) . to 800.J Extra draft hornet ) , 175. to 225 , ; Common draft liorees , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm lioraea , 8110. to 123. s Common togoodfann horses , 90. to $100 , ; Extra plugj , $00 , to 75. ; Common plugs , 820. to $1- 0.MULES.15 . to 15J I'mncU ( extra ) , $125- .to . 150. ; 14i to 15 hands , 8100, to 110. : 14 U 14J hands, ?75. to 100. ) 13 to 14 hands , SGO. to 75.- Cl . (? r * nd Tobaccos. CIGARS. . Sc K 815.00 : Connecticut , ?2r.00 ) Mixed , 83.00 ; Seed Havana , SSO.OO ; Clear Havana , 87500. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 24 lb , COc ; S | > ott l Fuwn. Gluj Our Hope , C2c ; Star , ixninds , 21 lb , butts , OOcj Shoe , pounds , 21 lb , butts , ftSc ; Purity , VJI- lb. . butts , 62cj Queen Bee , 2Ub , butt * . 53c ! Glt ! Edge , ixiunds , 21 lb , butts , 57 ; Army and Navy, pounds , 51c ; Bullion ,| xmnd-i , r Gc ; Ijorillanrs Climax , pounds , 5c. FINE CUT In mlls.-llard to Beat , 7i" 3; Golden Threaif , 70c ( Fountain , 78c ; Favorite , G3c ; 1'ocky Mountniu , 55c ; Fancy, 50c ; Dalfsy , 45c. In tin foil Catlins 0 , S. , 2 oz packages , o lb boxen , l r lb GOc ; Ixirillard'H Tiger , iWc. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to- 33c. . Granulated IJlnckwells Duiham , 11- 1oz4fic ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 45c : Seal of North Carolina. 10 or , 40 ; Seal of Ncbras.- ka . , 10 oz , 38c ; Ixmo Jnck , 4 DZ , linen per lb , 81.35 ; JIarburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tiu foil , 55cj DOR Tail , C5c- .Lumber. . . ' FENCING-NO , i , 12 to 20 ft , 525 oo ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 20 00 : (.heeling dressed , No. 1, 19 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00 ; common Tjoaul < , dressed , 23 00- .FRAMING . 10 ft. nnd under , per M, 24 00 } 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; 24ft. 2000. FINISHING No. 1. finish 11, U and 2 inch , 855 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch SoO 00 ; No. 2. finish 1J , 1J and 2 Inch , 8T 000 : No. 2 finish ,1 inch , SI 00 ; No, 3 finish , 1 iivh , 81000 ; O. G. batlons per 100 feet lin. , 81 TX) ; well curbing , S35 00 ; rough 4 and 2 Inch battens per 100 feet Hi1. . 50c. STOCK BOARDS-Astoclc , 845 00 ; S 840 00 ; C.S3500 ; common stock , S25 50. FLOORING No. 1, 842 50 ; No. 2 , S37 50 ; No , 3 , 827 CO ; yellow fine , No. 1, S4500. SIDING No. 1 , 82760 ; No. 2, $2300 ; No. 3 , 8'20 00. SHIP LAP Plain , 825 00 ; O. G. No. 1, S3" 50 ; No. 2, 825 00. CEILING 830 CO Siii 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A starbest ( ) Single *, S4 00, No. 2 , 83 00 ; No. 3 , 62 00. Lath , $1 00. Dulldlne Material. LIME Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk perbu. , 35c , Cement , bbl , §2 50. Iowa plaster , bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Tarred felt 100 Ibs. S3 CO. Straw board , 84 00. PAPER Stiaw paper , 3jc ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; tnanlla paper, lOc ; news paper , 8c. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , S12j Morris 'Run Blosbburg , 812 ; Whitebreast lump , $0 ; nut , 80 ; Iowa lump , 80 : Iowa nut SO : Rock Springs , 88 ; Anthracite , all size* . 811 00. Hides , hurs , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 73 ; green cured hides , 8Jc ; green Halt , part , cured hides , 8@sic ; dry ilint , sound , 13@14c ; dry calf and trip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides , sound , ll@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10llc ; green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c ; green pelts , $100@115 ; green lamb xklns , 8110@123 ; damaged hides , two-thhtl rate , ( cut scored and ono grub , classed two- tiinU - rate ,) branded'hides ' 10 per cent. off. Coon skins , No. 1, 45c ; No. 2, SOc ; No. 3 , ' _0 , ; No. 4, lOc. Mink , No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2, SOc ; No. 3, loc ; No. 4, 5c. Fox , No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 2oc. Skunk , No. 1, black , O."c ; short Btripe , 40c ; narrow utripo &e ; bniad fctripe , lOo. Tallow , 7- .Wool. . . . Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; heavy, iy@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair, 30c ; dingy and w. , 2Sc ; burry , black and cotted wools 2@0c less Shot.- SHOT. . . . . . . . Shot . , 81.75 . ; Buck _ . . . shot . , 82.00 : Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , S3 20 ; plow steel , cast , 7 c ; cast tool do. 16(2CiO ( wagon Rpokes , pet , 2 2j@3 00 ; hub" , per set , 1 23 ; felloes , sawed dry, 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axle1) , each , 73c ; square nnt , per lb , 7@llc ; washers. i er lb. 8@18c ; nveta , per lb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , 0@12c ; malleable , Sc ; iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , ( ic ; harrow teeth , 4c ; noraeshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel. 7@8c. NAILS 10 to 20d , 3 50 ; 8 to 10. 305 ; Oil , 3 90 ; 4d. 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 UO : 3d , fine , G 40 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 15; (id , casing. 4 C5 ; 8d casing , 4 4' ) ; lOd casing , 4 15 ; lOd finish , 4 65 ; Sd finish , 4 90 ; Cd finish , 5 15 ; half kegs , lOc extra. Paints Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL White lend , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure , Ocj Marseilles green , J. to 5 lb cans , 20c ; French zinc , green seal 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; French zince , in oil asst , loc ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; law and burnt Sienna , 13o : vandyke brown , 13- xeh'ned - ; lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lpc ; i"oi y black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind mid shutter L'rcen , L. M. & D. , 14c : Paris creep. ISc ; J"dian red , loc : Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan IYJ [ , 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. &P. , t8c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ; yelow ! ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent Jryer , Cc; graining colors : light oak , dark oa c, walnut , chestnut and ash 12c. Dry Paints White lead , CJc ; French zinc. lOc ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , lie ; v biting conn , lie ; lampblack German- town - , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary, So ; Prus- sian ¬ blue , 45c ; ultramarine , ISc ; vmidyku , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4cj umber , raw, Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green tom'l- l'5c ; cliromo (jrcen , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12c ; yeniiilllon , Eng. , 70c ; ver- million - , America , 18o ; Indian red , lOc , rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's 'tjot Venetian red Am. , 19c ; red lead , 7Jc ; chrome yellow , genniuo , 20c ; chromo yel- low ¬ , K ,, 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; oohre , French , 2c ; ochre , American , IJc ; Winter's mineral. 2Jp ; lehigh , 240 : Hpanixh brown. 2Jo ; Prince's mineral So ; VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; furniture , U , t 5c ; conch , extra , 81 40 ; Cumuli , No. 1 , $1 01 } Damar , & 1 50 ; Jap.xn.- 70c . : a-iiihaltum , 70c ; shellac , 83 f 0 ; hiird oil finish. 81 30. OILS110 * carbon pergallon , lljo ; 150 * Leadllght , per gallon , 12 ; 176' headlight ? pergallon , lOc ; cryntollne , ] ier gallon , 20c- llnceed , raw , pergallon , G2c ; Linseed , boll- cd - , i er gallon , 05cj llaru , winter utr'd , per gallon , 1 05 No. 1 , 75u , No. 2, GOc : cantor , XXX. per gallon , 1 25c , No. 3, 1 15) ) weet- pergallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon- 8' - 33 ; filnhW.B. , per gallon , OOojiicatufoot' extra , per gallon , 75o. No. 1,05 ; Iniubcrt eating , zero , per gallon , 30c , summer , 15o golden machine. Nu. 1 , pergallon , 35c , No. 2 , 28c ; BIHSHU , nigiml , per gallon , 80c ; Uir1 * pentino , per Kanon. C5c ; naptha , 74 deg , I cr gallon 20o , 03 deu , 20c , Liquor , ALCOHOL 187 proof. P2 33 per gallon , extra California splrttK , 187 proof at 1 20 per proof gallon triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 81 21 ; per proof gal re-dlstllled whisklea , 8100@1 f0 ; fine blendcil. 81 500J2 DO ; Kentucky bour- bons ¬ , 8200@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl- vania ¬ ryes , 82 00@7 00, BRANDIES Imported. ? G 00@1000j domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@C 00 ; domcuttu , 1 40(33 ( 00- .RUMS . Iimmrted , 4 50G 00 ; New England. 2 00,4 00 ; domestic. 1 r.OfflU 50j PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 1 754 00- .CHAMPAGNES . Imported per cjt e. 20 00 ( ,3I 00 ; A merlcan , per case , 12 00 ® 1800 , CLARETS Per case ,4 50@10 00. ' WINES-Rhinewlne , per case , 0 OW5VI- Hi ( Catawba. per cate 4 00 7 00. Liverpool Produce.L- iVEitroor. . . , Scj tenibcr 28. Flour American , 10a CdftjlSs. Wheat Winter , lOi 7il@llH 2d : whitp , lOa 9d@lls Id ; opring , 10i@10i Gd | club , lid 1M@11B Oil. . Lard 02 , MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Grand Junction Mnrltot.G- nAND.Tuxcrio.v . , la. , September 28. Butter ISc , Prodnco , ( JutCAoo. September 28- .On . "Change the grain markets opened fan ably for the bulU.but later the bears had the upper hand. The receipt ! of grain were 40,8T 0 bunhcln by canal and 331 car loads by rail , embracing 123 of wheat , 189 of corn , 70 of oats ,4 of rye and SO of- barley. . Lake freights Steamboats were char- tered ¬ for corn at Ic per bu hcl to lluiraln. Soil vowels were not offeiod , mim * to the rote which in ruinous. The cause ol the low rates of freight is speculation , ch has placed prices beyond the reach of a- shipper. . Flour Firm and in good demand ! move- ment ¬ light on account of meagre ottering * ; quotations unchanged. Wheat -No. 2 spring very unsettled , and fluctuations numerous and There WON more or less excitement iu the market during the entire BCOIIOII , but the gie.xtc t excitement was from the opening until noon. Yesterday afternoon on the call board prices advanced very materially in- a few minute ?. This morning under full oftcrin ; sharp reaction occurred , and with frequent fluctuations a decline of 3J @ 3'c { was establU bed for October , and 1$ (Wljc for seller November. The market finally closed 2o hiahcr for cash : ISc higher for October ; and 140 for N emocr. On the regular board , mid on r.ill board at 1281 for.Octobcr ; 1 40J for November ; 111 for December , and 137V for the.- year. . . CornActive lnoii wan transacted in the corn market , but the feeling was gen- erally ¬ uiKcttlod , and prices ruled with considerablt ) irregularity within moderate range , though averaging higher ; offerings were free , but the demand was broken for future delivery nnd and B ICH rend ly made. The market finally closed about Ijjo higher for cash ; ic higher for October , and flo higher for November. On the regular board , ami on the c.dl b > ard at 70o for September ; 70Jo for October ; 71 2o for November : "lie for December ; 70jo for the year ; 74 Jo for Mny. Oats Very steady nnd higher for fu- tureu - ; ca h lifeless , no offerings ; No. 2 closed at * 43Jc for October ; 44Jc for No- vember ¬ ; 45o for December ; 49go for May. Rye Firmer and shade higher ; de- mand ¬ good : No. 2 , 1 10 for October ; 1 13 § for November. Barley Untettlcd and easy. No. 2. 1 13J for October ; 1 14 for November ; 1 15 for December- .P . rk Fairly active but weak and lower ; mess closed at 19 22J for October ; 19 50 for November ; 20 02j lor January. Lard Finn early but weakened later , and c'oaed at 12 20 for October ; 12 374 for November ; 12 20 tfor Itho year ; 12 75 for January. Bulk Meats Easy ; fihort ribs at 10 22i for October ; 10 20 for November ; 10 25 for January- .WhiskySteady . at 1 17. Receipts Flour , 23493 bbls. , wheat , 74,035 bu ; corn , 051.112 bu ; onts , 75,408- bu : rye , 14,820 bu ; barley , 45,402 bu. Shipment- Flour , 19.300 bbls. , wheat , 92,131 bu ; corn , 310,302 bu. : oat *, 117,214- bu ; rye , 5,284 bu : barley, 22,171 bu. Chicago JLiva Stock.Ji- tiCAOo. . ( . September 28. Cattle Receipts , 9,000 : shipments , 1- 800 ,- ; befit cattle not plentmil nnd in good demand , selling at C 20@G 874 ; f. " > d to choice shipping, 6 G0@0 00 ; common to fair, 3 70@ * 00 ; grass cattle exceedingly dirll ; native butchers' stock , 1 754 25 ; mainly at 3 00@3 40 ; dockers and feeders , 2 7D@J5 CO , nnd very slow talc ; rouge cat- tle - sloadv and wf.ik ; rasa TOX.-UU , 2 75@ 3 8i ; half -hi teds and native. ' , 3 7f sVl CO. Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; hhipmrnt" , 200i very weak but fair y active at D i7i@4 50 for common to good ; bulk , 3 40 © I 20) quality poor. Hogs Receipts , 23,000 } shipments , 3,400 ; firm and all sold ; mixed packing. 6 40 ji,0 95 ; light hogs , 0 GO<SG 90 ; choice heavy , 7 00@7 45 ; culls and grasiere , 4 00 ©025. _ _ " " Peoria Produce.P- KOUIA . , September 28. Wheat In good demand ; mixed , 1 32. Com Finn , active and higher ; No. 2 white , 70e ; yellow low mixed , 74c ; high' mixed , C9Jc ; November , 48c ; rejected , 37c. Oats Active , a little irregular , but gen- erally ¬ higher ; No. 2 white , 4G.jc ( mixed , 42o ; rejected , 45c. Rye Firm , comparatively active and higher ; No. 2112J. Barley Very little doing and prices nominal at 80c@l 00. High Wines Steady and unchanged at 110. Receipts Wheat , 2,700 bu ; corn , 50- .600 . - bu ; oats. 42,450 bu ; rye , 7,800 bit ; barley, 500 bu- .Shipments . Wheat , none ; corn , 20- 500 , - bu ; out *. 28,000 bu ; rye, 5,000 bu ; barley, 1800. _ Cincinnati Produce. CINCINNATI , September 28. Provisions Mess pork, jobbing at 20 fiO © 2075. Lard Easier ; current make , 12 05. Bulk MeatH Easier ; bulk rlbn , 11 00. Bacon Easier ; clear sides , 12 00@12 10. Flour Firm ; family , 7 00@7 50. Wheat Firm : No. 2 red. 1 50. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 71Jc. Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , 4G- c.RyeSteady . ; No. 2 ,1 15. Barley Firm ; western spring, 1 00@- WhlbLy Finn at 1 15. Baltimore Prodnoo.B- AI.TIMOHK . , September 28 Finn.Finn. . Wheat No. 2 red winter , easier at 1 49 for cash. Corn Mixed western eosi-r at 75 ( ; 75lc for ctihh and September, Pbllndelpliia Produce.PI- IILADKLPIIIA . , September 28 , Wheat Lower ) 1 47i@l 48 for cash und September. Corn -72i@73jo for cosh and Septem- ber. ¬ . Oats Steady at 50ji7,51Jc ( for cash and Septembe- r.RyoQuietntllO . , Et t Liberty Live Stoolr.K- AHTLIDKIITV . , Pa. , Hcptember 28. Cattle Blow ! best , C 75@0 2.1 ; fair to good , 4 7C@f 25 , Hogs Active ; rccelnt , ? ,700 ; uhlti- incuts - , 3,100 ; Philadelphia , 7 00@740. Sheep Slow ; price * range from 3 50 to 375. New YorJc PraclnaoN- KwYoiiK , September 28 , Flou" Strong but quiet ; southern Hour firm and fn fiilrdcmand ; common to choice extra , 0 C5ffO ( 75. Wheat In egulnr with mmlcrato do- iimml - ; No. 3 rod winter, 1 47if ; No. 2 do , I011@ir)2 ( | ! No. 2 white , i 40 ; No 2 Chicago and Milwaukee , 1 43@1 44) ) No. 2 red , September , I Bl l 63. Corn Fnlrly active anil kteadv ; ungrad- ed mixed , C @ 7Bo | No. S, 73@74c ; No , 2- 7r @ 7Ci No , 8 white , fc8@89c ; No , 2. Sej - tember, 75e. Oats Opened } @Ao higher and fairly active , closing weak ; No , 1 white , 53o ; No. 2 do , Bli@02o ; No. 8 mixed , -HJ ® 44 0; mixed wtsteni , 41 S)4n- c.RyeFirm ) . nt 1 051 ( Ot 4. Barley Fairly active and Uroug ; No , 1 Canada, 1 20. Pork Firm but itulut ; upot mess , 1'J 75- a ( I'JW. Lard Steady but quiet : 12 I2J for cash ; 12 32J@12 33 for October. Beef Unchungtd , Out MeatH Unchanged , Whisky Nominal , Wilmington MnrliotW- IUIIKOTO.V. . September 28- .HplriU . TureMtIne--FIrm | at DOojiioft , 350 ) , 280 bid. St. I <onta Prodnoe.- Si. . . 1ium. Scptcmlicr 28. Flour Unchanged ! XXX , OfOf08 ( family , 08, ' ® 7 OOj choice to fancy , 7 750. Wheat Frmj ! N<>. 2 red , 14 3 foi- cai h ; 1 4"i for October ; 1 51 for No- vonibcr - ) 1 51 J for December ) 1 57.J for Jan- unry - , Corn Opened higher , and declined to- fcjjjc for cash : Olic forOctobcr ; ( ISjJo for November : ( Wjo for December , O.Us-lllKhei : 43 Jc for i h ; JIJc fet October ; 4tii@IG2a for November ; -ISJc for Decembe- r.RyeSteady . nt 1 <X > . Bailey Unchanged ! choice to fnuey , ioo@im- LeadStendv nt fi t'JJ. ButterUnchanged. . Hugs 'Unchanged.- WhI . ky Stcady at 1 lit. Proisfons Quiet nnd crt ter ; not quota- bly - change l , Receipts Flour , 2,000 hbK ; wheat. 21,000 bu ; coin , 52,000 bu ; o. l * , 2l > ,000- bu ; brirley , 11000. ( Shipments Flour , 7.000 bblnhent. . 0,000 bu ; < wn , 8 ,000 bu ; oatx , O.OO- Ubu ; batloy , 1000. StXionin Iiivo Stoolc ST. Loins , September 28- .Hogfl . Better on lifiht gr-ulcs ; Yorkers , 0 40gli li ; packing , 0 ISffifl 80 ; butch- ers" - to fancy heavy , 0 R" @ " 3. : umuli , 575(3020 ( ; receipts , 7,300 head ; ship. menus 2IKX > head. Toledo Pro anon TOLEDO , September 2S. .leat Dull ; No. 2 red , 1 40J foi October ; 1 ' 'Ji for November } 1 52} ioi- December. . Com Dull ; No. 2 , C9jfc for October 71 Jo for embe- r.OatsQulotj . No. 2 , 45c. Cleveland Market , CI.KVKI.A.S' !), September 28. Petroleum Steady ; standard white , 110 test , 7c. Buffalo Iiivo Stock. EAST BurrAi o, September 28. Hogs HeeeiptH 11 ; shipment * 22 ; Yorko , good to choie 0 ( iO&l ! 7o ; medium mixed , II 75@01 0. Now York Dry Goods.- NKW . YOIIK , September28. The jobbing tiado han been unfavorably iniluuiiccd byirm weather prevailing ( .f late ami though lutallers on spot are open- ing with n ftiir dcgieo of ficcdom many near by buyers uro doubtless deferring their visit to market until the weather in- cooler. . There was an irregular demand nt first hand and businest was only moder- ate ¬ in nmnunt. but the movement , on ac- count ¬ of backordi'iH was of good aggre- gate ¬ proportions. ] Values nro ( irmly main- tained ¬ on neatly all kinds of goods nnd stocks are exceedingly light OH a rule- .Dccnitfiiluess . of AppcorouooK. Detroit Free Press- .A . Michigan temperance advocate recently stated iu a speech that ho watched tliu doors of it Hiiloon in n certain village fur an hour ono day nnd saw thirty-one uum (, ' 0 nnd come- .Ho . thuroforu aasuinod tiuit thirty-ono drinks had traded owners , and that the town was full of. tipplers. Never was man inoro grievously mistaken. Nothing is nioro deceptive than the saloon business. Of the thirty-one men ho saw enter perhaps not over fire took a drink. When YOU see a fat man rolling into a saloon on a hot day your first thought its that ho will ttinf ; hia hat ni the floor , full into a chair and call For claret with ice in it , and you wrung him. Ho simply outers the saloon to BOO if coal will bo any higher if ho waits another month before buy ¬ ing. The saloon-keeper always knows whether coal will bo up or down , and is always willing to tell. You see a couple of lawyers enter a saloon and your impression is that they are ( wing to shake dice for the drinks. Nothing could bo more erro- neous. ¬ . They are simply going in to consult a state map to decide a bet that Fishkill is in liuss county. Hav- ing ¬ secured their information they walk right out without even stopping to rolled on the awful suction nature must liave given a man to pull a whole glass of lemonade through a ntraw six inches long.- An . insurance agent is encountered as ho cornea out of a saloon wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. The public at once jump to the conclusion that ho lias been struggling with a brandy mash. That's where the public wrong him He holds a policy . ( lie saloon , and lie accidentally dropped in- to see if tlio Block was being kept up- to given figures. A fly bit him on the chin , and ho instinctively wiped hie- mouth. . A young man in this city lost hit situation in a bank because ho'waa seen coming out of a saloon and wat heard to Bay , "All ! that cools mo off ! ' Instendof dying of a broker heart , as some bank c'erks would this young man produced proof thai ho went to the Haloon lo buy isorr.t old boor tumblers for his wife to pui- up jelly in , and as lie came out tin cool struck him and causoi him to remark as above. Ho wus al once reinstated , and now he can go t the saloon , ask the weight of a ton o brick , ( lie name of the longest river ii the world , or what the "George" in George Washington's natno stood for , and no one suspects or maligns him. Out of a hundred men who enter n- palooit only a very small per conl- qimll'tlio goblet of destruction. Tin rest go to find out the exact shortage on the wheat crop , the fluctuations ii English bank stocks , the * news from the Panama canal , and various othei things ; and if they happen to wipi their n urn Urn as they come out , it u simply an involuntary movement foi which they can no more be hold res- ponsible than a yearling babe. Beds of Down Feel Hard. All beds Kconi hard to the rheumatic Then barken yo peovlnh HiiffererH. Applj Dr. TlioinuH * Klortrio Oil to your nchinj- Joiuta and muclett. . Jtcly upon it thu you will experience immediate relief Such , at lonwt , in the testimony cf thrwi who uneil It , The remedy U ) lkew ! resorted to for throat urn lung dUaincs , uprainn , brutnep , etc , PllOBATE NOTICE.- Btito . of Nebraska , Doughm County DH ; At a County ( fcurt , hold At the County t'ourl- Hooin , In and ( or utiU County , h < i t. 23rd- A. . 1 . 1881. l'jc cnt , A , M , UlIAmVlUK County Jiul o- .In . thu untttr ol the adoption < ( Jcnnlo Ityiui , On ruatlinjf and I'.lliiH thu petition ot AiiKUUw and Ucll Carey prujiii !, ' that they may buu'low- dl to adopt nail Jemilo Ityun , anil the | etitbi- nnd ttati'inont ol Henry iiinl Mim Ulan , lartnt ol mid child that inid AiiKUiituii anil Dull C'nruj- jn y | iu jicrinltu.l no to ii'1 und voluntarily rullii- 'iiilnlilnu all ilalin to nald child Ordcad.'lliat October 'Und , A. > . 1681 , nl 10 o'clack u , in , * AMljfiied ( orliunrliifmldixitl- tlon , when all | ier ioai IntcruBlrd In luld matte may upptar at n County Omrl to do livid , In am for Mild County , and > how cuu.u why the prayvi- ol ixitltloner tnould not bo KranUd , find that no- tlrv of iKindoncyof aaldpullllun and the hearing thereof , bo trh on to all pontons Intcronteil In kale matter , b ) puklUhlnt ; a iopy of thu order In Tin OMAHA WKKKLY linn , unewapainT jirlntol In bal. County , (or Ilirto nuuiwlto wv l . prior to uiK- d < Y of Itwlntf A , II. CHAinVJCK , County JudK DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , HOTELS.A- FUPAHOE . rnoriHKTons.L- . . TOWX8 HOUSE. . CLUTE , Arapahoe , DENVER HOUSE OAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Hasting *, Neb , 8ANDCH8 HOUSE , CHA8. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb , WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Cxeter , Neb- .FAlrmont . PACIFIC HOTEL , 8.J , PORTER , , Neb E8TC8 HOUSE , N. T tSTES , Qronil Ittand , Neb- .Olbbon . U. P. HOTEL , 8 , F. DERRY , , Neb- .Kenrncy . COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8.- T. . , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , . M , STONE , Orleans , Neb. HOLLAND HOUSE , GEO. 0. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb- .Wllbcr . WILDER HOURS' THOMPSON REED , Neb DLUE VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , De Witt , Nob- .Wymorc . REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z. O. ROCKHOLD , , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A. O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb- .Chctter . WESTERN HOUSE , E. FUNKHOUSER , , Neb. PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. REN8HAW , Beatrice , Nob- .Creilon . SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , , la. JUDKIN9 HOUSE , JUDKIN8DRO. , Red Oak , U- .Vllllsca . COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON.- W . , la. PARK HOTEL , , J. OARVIN , Corning , la. DURKE'8 HOTEL , C , R. DURKE , Carroll , la.- Mo. . CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DROS. , . Valley June. , la- .Neola . NEOLA HOTEL , F. 6IEVERTZ , , la- .Malvern . CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerson , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COCHRAH , Cromwell , I , [ OBNTIIAL NEBRASKA 1) . & M. R. R. ] DORCHESTER. Allen & Miixtiold Cienornl Merchandise.- W. . . R. Toolo Gonornl Merchandise.- Tlios. . . Jnrrott . Wholesale nml Retail Grocer.- MoMnium . & liters. . . . . .Hardware , Stoves , Tinware and Implement * , John 0. Uerloos Timber , Coal , Lima , Glnss , &o. Samuel G. Pnntor Druggist.- W. . . II. Sawilon Restaurant und Confectionery.- S. . . H. Hums Station Agent I ) . & M. fl. K. STAR STOVE POLISH AND BEAU BRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING gM- ANUFACl'UKin ) BY MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S . Double Strength White Lime ST. PAULLUMBER YARD tfTS TKT TTfc"l"TPH'TPl5K . * * m itfMy Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Thirteenth and Oolifornm Streets , - OMAHA , - - - WEB. Max MEYER & CO. , Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards. SUPERIOR OTHERS In Convenience DURABILITY , ECONOMY. AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. BUY § BEST ! SOLD BY Lang & Fotick. MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in- Omaha. . Visitors can here find allnovelties in Silver- Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , ihe La- test ¬ , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Pine Watches at as Low Pri- ces ¬ as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Fara- ham Streets' MAX MEYER & BRO. , IN , , THE GREAT WESTERN QEO. R. RATH DUN , , Creighton Block , OMAHA , NEUUASKA- .uov.20d&vtl . <3TBeud lor Clrcul i. MM & BRO ,, THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured , Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices.- A . SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi- anos ¬ , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith- American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur- chasing. ¬ . O. H. BALLOU DEALER Lath and Shingles Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of- ST. . PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT. Business College Principal METER John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of auh&j&coto , ) UNDERTAKER. No. HIT Parnhun St.Old Bland ol Jacob 0s. CrOnler * liv Telegraph Solicits ) "BLACK-DRAUQHT" cured ucaa ai'd Siek-JlcadacUe









> EW YOHK , September 28.-




Money closed at 2 per cent nfter tnttch-tig


0.1 hifli na 0 ] or cent plus 1-32 ot 1 ] er

cent.Kxchnngo closed steady at 4 80184.Governments closed firmIV; , COUIHUIS ,

117J bidli'n; do , 113J ; 5's continued ,1 OtJ ; currency GV , 1 M bid-

.Pftcifio. bondH closed as follows :

Union IsU , 11011 20 ; land rwits , ! 17-

Wd ; Blnklng fuiuN , 1 li@l! 231 ( Ocntrnls ,

1 16 ® ! It! .


The Block tnnrkct HI'M iiioniln wnRWcn. !:and prices declined phnrply , the lovvost! ) beliitf cut rent fchoitly afterinlddny. The decline ranged from J to 2per cent , nnd wna due cliiclly to the of money , wh ch WAS loaning on cullat 1-32 per cent per diem. During theafternoon money became easier anil mostof the decline was recovered ; the closingquotations , however , allowed n decline- forthe day of J to '} per cimt.

The following itro the closing bids :




, Seitember 28.There was a brisk demand for money

and the rates were lit in at7(! per cuntper annum. The clearings of the asso-ciated banks were 57800000. Eastern ex-change


between city banks was weak at-

J1! discount per 1000. Orders for cur-rency


were moderate-



Wholesale Market-Omen OF Tun OMAHA HUE , 1

Wednesday Kvenitij * , September 28. fThe following telegram was received to-


by the Omaha Iron and Nail Works :

Prmnunc , Pa. , Septembnr 28-



a full meeting of the Iron and NailAssociation to-day, the advance of 25c perkeg made on the 2l t was fully confirmed ,

and it was unanimously resolved to strictlyadhere to prices. The card now stands ,

S3 25 rateNotwithstanding the above , our whole-



dealers think the advance cannot besustained , and will make no advance inprices at present.

The provision market to-day has beenvery quiet. Potatoes slightly advanced.

Grain steady. Wheat c higher. Barleydeclined Ic. Rye advanced lie. Oats ad-





other change ? are noted.

Local drain Dealings-



. Cash No. 2 , 1 19J ; cashn. S , 1 074 : rejected SOic-.BATILEY.

.. UashNa'A S1.00.No.. ; . 3 ,

HYB. Cash , Ofic. -

CORN. Cash No. 2, 5C-i.OATS.Cash


, 34-


.- .



Cattle Good shipping , 'S4 00 ; fat cowsand heifers. §2 J5@3 00.

Hogs Mixed packing , $3 75@0 00.Sheep Slaughtering m demand at $3 00

@3 75 per 100 Ibs gross.-



FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,

$J25@360 ; patent , 83 75@4 50 ; winterwheat straight grade , S3 75@4 00 ; patent ,

$1 00@4 50 ; graham rye, 62 50 ; Wheat ,

$2 75-


: FLOUR $3 25-


Bran , per cwt. 70c ;

screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , percwt. 80c : chopped feed , per cwt. 1 00 ; mealbolted , yellow , 1 15 : white , 51 25.

POTATOES 100@1 10.SWEET POTATOES Very active at-

6@6c per pound-.POULTRY

.Live chickens per dozen ,

$2 50 ® 2 75-


PR CHICKENS S2 25@3 00per dozen.

EGGS Very dull at [email protected] Choice scarceat20@23poor; ,

no market : creamery , 30c.APPLES Good , sound , very scarce

at S4 00@4 50 per bbl.HONEY California white clover in

comb , [email protected] Steady ; per box , eiOOO

@ 10 60. Finest Messina orangea $8 00-

repacked. .

PEACHES SI 10@t 10 per basket.DOMESTIC GRAPES Gettingscarco-

at 5@(5c( per Ib-


ALIF6RNI A PE ARS-Per box , S3 50( 400.



prices and scarce ,

BEESWAX Yellow , [email protected] SI 23@1 5il per bushel.CABBAGE 31 00@1 50 per dozen-




. Rio , fair, 134c : Rio , good ,14c ; Rio , prime to choice , I4.Jc ; Old gov'tJava ; 20J@28Jc , Mocha , SSJc ; Arbuckle'u ,

173c.TEAS.. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ;

Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45cjChoice , C0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 3C@-

60oj choice , Gjc@Sl 00 : Japan Nat Leaf,35c ; Japan , choice , 60@7" c : Oolong , poixl ,

85@40; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong ,

good. 3340c ; choice. 3545c.-SUGARS.


. Cut loaf , llic ; Crushed ,

lljc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , lljcVine powdered , lljjo ; Standard Colfee A-


; New York Confectioner's StandardA , lOJc; Good A , lOgc ; Prairie Extra 0,

SYRUPS. Susur house , bbls , 48c : bailbin , 50c ; keps , 4A gallons , 82 30 ; choicetable syrup , G0 ; half bbln , 53c ; kegs.82 fiO-


. Pepper, 20 ; Allspice , OOoj

Cloves , 45oj Nutmetjs , ?100 : Cassia , 2ocjMace 8100.-


. Dwlptht's lb papers , S3 00 ; Deland do, $3 00 ; Church's , $3 00; Keg tola ,

4@Uo-STAROir. Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 8-

8Jcj@ Cora Starch , 8J@9c ; Kxcelsloi-Gloss. . Cjc ; Corn. 7ic.-


. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 OS ; Ash-ton , In sackx, 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 3 45 ;

bblt ) dairy, 100 , 3t , 3 05 ,

DRI15D FIlUITS-ChoIce . halves ,-peaches , new crojiD lb boxes , 1"Yerk apples , . ,old , 7Jc ; new , 8Jc ; Currants , 7@7i j

Blackberrlen , new , 14o ,

OIIEESK Full Cream , ICcj PartSkim , 11c.-


Two hoop p H

1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10 } No. I ,

0 00 ; No. 'i tub * , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tuba. 7 00 ,

pioneer washboard *, 1 85; Double Crown ;

2 75 ; Globe hboard.260Wellbucket; ,chain , and 6 ply, 2021t Colored carpetchain , per It) , 2U ;

LEATJ-lJar , 81 65.

MATCHES Per caddie , 85oj roundcases , 87.35 : anuaro caxeu , 8100.

PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon. 14 *pholco lard , 131c ; dried beef , 14c ; shmild-ten canva.-ued Oc; haina , canvassed 14c ;

jiaoou , sides 13Jo. NEW PIOKLES-Medluin , fn barreln ,{ 9 00 ; do In half bbls , 5 00 ; small * , In bbl ,

11 00 ; do , In half bblm G 50 : chorkiix , inbbl12 00 ; do, in ImU bbls , 7 00.

VINEGAR Pure npplo extra, 16c ;

pure apple , 13c : Prui'dng' pure apple , 15c.HOMINY Now , 81 SO j er bbl.BEANS Medium , hand picked S3 50

per bushel.ROPE Sisal , J inoli and larger, O c ; i

Inch , 9c ; 1 Inch , lOJc-.SO


APS-KIik's Savon Imperial , 300 ;

Kirk's natinct. 3 (X) ; Kirk's utandani , 3 50 ;

Kirk'x white Russian , 5 50 : Khk'a Eutoco ,

2 25 : Kirk's Prairie ( Juecn , ((100 cakes ), 310 ; Kiik's magnolia , 4 80.

CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 10 oz , Si ,

IRcfboxcs 40 Ibs. , 10 or. , (K lie ; bores, 40nets , 14 oz. , 8s , 13Jc ; half boxes , 20 nets,14 oz. , 8s , 13c-


American , 3 40 : Greenwich , 310 :

Western , !2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 75.

POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,

in case , 3 33 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case ,1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50.

FIELD SEED Red clover , choice, SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover ,

new , $7 00 ; white clover , newi 811 00-

uhnlfa clbver , now , $1250 ; nlsike , new ,

81300. Timothy, good , new , S3 00 ;blue Brass extra clean , 81 oO ; blue grass ,clean , SI 25 ; orchard grass , 82 50j red top ,

choice , 103 ; millet , common orMissouii ,SOc ; millet , Gentian , 81 00 to 81 25 ;Hungarian. SO-


EED Owigo orange , 1 to 5bushels , 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels orover §4 50 ; honoj locust , per Ib. , 3oc ; per100 fbs. . 825 00.

FISH Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bMs-S3 CO ; No. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. G 30 ;No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family10 lb kits , 7 c ; New Holland herring, perkeg , 120 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colui"-bhi

-river salmon , per 100 lb , 8 00 ; George's

Bank codfish , Oc ; Gen. bonulcsa codluh ;; boneless fish , 4Jc.

MACKEREIHalfbhlsmcssmackercl ,100 Ibs , 812 60 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,100 lb , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat famtlv do , 100-

Iba , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ;

No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 : No. 1 shore ,12 lb do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 lb do. 75c.

CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 H-

iField's( ) , per case , 84 20 ; do 1 lb (Field's ) ,per case , 2 50 : do 2 lb (Standard ) , per case ,3 90 ; do 1 lb ( standard ), per case , 2 40 } do2 lb (nlack ) , per cose , 2 75 ; do 1 W (slack ) ,

per cose , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1-

lb , per dozen , 1 05 ; do 2 lb, per dozenJ50. Sardines , small fsh , imported , onoquarter boxes per box , 14Jo ; American ,

quarter boxes per bo.x. He ; do half boves ,per box. 21JC. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen ,180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 lb percase , 3 10 ; Corn , 2 lb (Mountain )

per case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 375 ;

string beans , per case , 2 OOL, Lima beansper case , 2 10. Succotash per case , 2 20-


, common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2lb , per case ,280 } strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 3 00 :

lospberries , 2 lb , per case , [email protected] , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlettpears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber-ries


per case, 2 80. Egg plums , 2 lb percise, 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 Ib, per case. 4 50.Given gages,2 lb per cose , 3 25 : do choice, "lb per case , 4i>0. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per cone ,4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case. 3 10 :

do 3 Ib , case , 6 00@0 50 ; do , (pie ) , 3 lb, peroase,325 ; do pie. G lb , per dozen , 3 50.

RICE Carolina , 8@8Jo ; Louiciana , 5-

@G3c.PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten-


, 9c per lb ; fancy white , lOo per lb ;

raw white Virginia , lOic.Dry Goods.


7c ; Continental C , do , 8c ; Crescent LL-Oic ; Ciebcent 0 7 c ; Crescent B 73c ;Crescent A Sc ; Graniteville LL G.o} ; In-dian


Head 7 c ; Lawrence LL , G c ; Ports-mouth


P, do, 4Ac; Utica C ojc ; Winthrop-L , do , 7Sc : Wachusetts 7jc.

BLEACHED COTTONS-Altoona 34-6c ; Auburn A 4-4 8Jc : Ballardvale 44-Gic ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc ; Fairmont 4-4 Gc ;

Fruit 4-4 10H : Hoi ; Loindale 44-Me ; New York Mills 4-1 lit; I'ncasaclt C4-4 Waiusutta , 4-4 13 .

PRINTS. Allen's fancy , $* A ieri-can do , GAc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; Americando,6cBerirn; solid colorsCc.ConeBtogadoC.c-Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Cc ;Dunnell do , 7c ; Eddvstono do Gc ;Hannonv , ; Hartel.GJc ; Knickerbocker ,

; Gloucester do, Gic ; Hamilton, CJc ?

Hamilton do. 7c ; Marlboro do , 5rfc ; South-bridge do. 5Jc ; Sprague do , . S c; Simp-son's


solid black , Ujc ; Simpson's mourning ,7c. Southbridgo do, GJc ; Regatta do , 5Vc ;Pacificdo 7c ; Spraffue do , Gjc,Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprague ;Gjc ; SouthbridgeGic ; Myt tc! , Ojc ; Merri-mack shirting, Gc; Washington oil colors ,

9c.CAMBRICS Garner , 5c ; Hannony B,5c ; Hooksett, 5c ; Keystone Glove Finish ,5Jc ; Washington , 5c.

CORSET JEANS Androscoggin Bat-teen , 8Jo : Lockwood do. 9r ; Naumkeag-do. . , ejc ; Rockport , 7Jo

TICKING Amoskeag. A. O. A. , 174c ;Albany S. A. X. , 17ic ; Cordis A. C. E. ,

17ic ; CordiH , B , B. , 9Jc ; Conestoga , R.C. ,Red Stripe , 1C Jc ; Conestoga. C. C. A. , fan-cy


, 14c ; Conestoga , 10. C. A. , 14c ; Cones-toga

-, 4-4 , Gold Medal , IGc ; Conestoga ,

17Jc ; Easton , B. , 9Jc ; Hamilton , I ) . , 1U ;Hamilton regular , IS c ; Hamilton IL ,lljc ; Omega superior extra , 27c ; Omegamedal , 25c ; Omega A OA , fancy stripe ,ISc ; Omega A 4-4 , ICc ; Omega A J , 13 ;Pearl Itiver , IGic ; Shetucket , S. , lOJc ;Shetucket , S. S. , 12c ;

OIL CLOTH-B-4 wood , S3 00 ; fi-4fancy marble , S3 00 ; C-4 white marble,82 83 ; G 4 wood , S3 GO ; 0-4 fancy marble ,Si 00 ; C1 white marble , $3 85 ; 5-4 mo-


, S3 00 ; G-4 mosaic , 81 00-


Amoskeag blue and brown ,IGc ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue andbrown ,14Jc ; Beaver Creek , B , B.bluo and brown.-ISJc

.; Beaver Creek , C. O. , blue and

brown , 12ie ; Everett D. D , , blue andbrown , 15J ; Haymakers bhio and ,nicj Otis , A. X. A. , blue , 15cj OtisB. , 14 ; Otis C. 0. , blue , 13c ; PearlRiver blue and brown , 15Jc.

DUCKS Arlington stripe , 18-!? Bostonchecks. 13jc ; Boston XX drab , 12ic ; Bos.ton XXX bro. , 13Jc ; Boston XXX drab ,

13Jc ; Bobton O. II , bro. , lOJc ; Boston XX ,bro , , 12Jc ; Bibjnarck stripe, 17jo ; Bostonstripes , ; DuiWeo tripes , 18c ; FallRiver , lljc ; Hamden O. O. , lOJc ; LionBlue , 15Jc-


American , 10c ; Amoskeag ,

llje : Dexter A. , 14c ; Mechanics , Be ;

Omega , lie ; Olli B. B. , lOoj Pittafield , 7c ;Uncasville- 9@91-

c.COn'ONADES Angora. D. & T. , 23e ;A. Y , A. , 20o ; Bell , 18c ; Bridge water , 19c ;

Capitol , 18e; Charter Oak 18c ; E erett ,heavy, 20e : Everett , medium , 15c ; Farm ¬

er's 22ic ; Lewiston 10 oz. , 25c ; New Yorkmills checks 18 ; New York mills proof ,

224c ; Wicklow.lSJlc ; Union Pacific , 18c ;

Whittend n , D. & T. , SOc ; York , light-weight , 12J-

oSHEETINGS AndroscogKin.04 brown23c ; do 10-4 do , 2Go ; PeppcreU'g'J-4 brown ,

25e ; do 10-4 do , 27io : Alexandria , 40-

incli , bleached , 13o ; Androscoggin 0-4 ,

bleached , 2 ie ; do 10-4 , bleached , 29c ;

Pepperell , it-l , bleached , 25c ; do 10-4bleached , 27jc.


Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tart.iric , Boc : BalsamCopabia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , SasBafraa , t cr-

lb , 12o; Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Cinchonldla ,per oz , SOc ; Chloroform , per lb , OOc ;

Dover1 * i )wdera , per lb , 81 40 ; EpsomalU , per lb , 3Jo; Glycerine , pure , per lb ,

44e ; Lead , Acetate , perlb , 22c ( Carlion oil , 110' , per gallon , llje ; dol50 ,pergal , 13jc ; Oil , Castor, No. 1 , tier gal ,

n 10 ; Oil , Castor , No.S.per gal.8100 ; Oil ,Olive , i er cal , 81 50 ; OH , Onganum , 50oOpium , 8150 ; CJulnine , $210:1' . k W. fclf-.&ST


eroz822.J ; Potassium , Iodideper Ibj82, 50 ; Halacm , per oz , 33c ; Sulpiiata olMorphine , i >er oz , $3 Ii3j Sulphnr flour ,per lb , 4u ; Strychnine , ner oz , 81 50o.

Horses and Mules-.Tlie


market is brink and all grades aregelling well at n slight advance in pi ices.The ilemnnd for ROW ] hotnen eKceeds thesupply considerably. 1'ricea range as fol.-



Fine single drivers , 81fA ). to 800.J Extradraft hornet ), 175. to 225 , ; Common draftliorees , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm lioraea ,8110. to 123. s Common togoodfann horses ,

90. to $100 , ; Extra plugj , $00 , to 75. ;

Common plugs , 820. to $1-0.MULES.15

.to 15J I'mncU (extra ) , $125-


150. ; 14i to 15 hands , 8100, to 110. :

14 U 14J hands, ?75. to 100. ) 13 to 14hands , SGO. to 75.-


(? r * nd Tobaccos.CIGARS. . Sc K 815.00 : Connecticut ,

?2r.00) Mixed , 83.00 ; Seed Havana , SSO.OO ;

Clear Havana , 87500.TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,

24 lb , COc ; S | >ott l Fuwn. Gluj Our Hope ,C2c ; Star , ixninds , 21 lb , butts, OOcj Hor.seShoe , pounds , 21 lb , butts , ftSc ; Purity , VJI-

lb. . butts , 62cj Queen Bee , 2Ub , butt * . 53c !

Glt! Edge , ixiunds , 21 lb , butts , 57 ; Armyand Navy, pounds , 51c ; Bullion , | xmnd-i ,r Gc ; Ijorillanrs Climax , pounds , 5c.

FINE CUT In mlls.-llard to Beat ,7i" 3 ; Golden Threaif, 70c ( Fountain , 78c ;

Favorite , G3c ; 1'ocky Mountniu , 55c ;

Fancy, 50c ; Dalfsy , 45c. In tin foilCatlins 0 , S. , 2 oz packages , o lb boxen ,l r lb GOc ; Ixirillard'H Tiger , iWc.

SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to-

33c. . Granulated IJlnckwells Duiham , 11-

1oz4fic ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 45c : Seal ofNorth Carolina. 10 or , 40 ; Seal of Ncbras.-ka

., 10 oz , 38c ; Ixmo Jnck , 4 DZ , linen

per lb , 81.35 ; JIarburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tiufoil , 55cj DOR Tail , C5c-


. 'FENCING-NO, i , 12 to 20 ft , 525 oo ;

No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 20 00 : (.heeling dressed ,

No. 1 , 19 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00 ; common Tjoaul <,dressed , 23 00-


10 ft. nnd under, per M ,24 00 } 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;24ft. 2000.

FINISHING No. 1. finish 11, U and2 inch , 855 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch SoO 00 ;No. 2. finish 1J , 1J and 2 Inch , 8T 000 : No.2 finish , 1 inch , SI 00 ; No, 3 finish , 1 iivh ,81000 ; O. G. batlons per 100 feet lin. ,81 TX) ; well curbing , S35 00 ; rough 4 and 2Inch battens per 100 feet Hi1. . 50c.

STOCK BOARDS-Astoclc , 845 00 ; S840 00 ; C.S3500 ; common stock , S25 50.

FLOORING No. 1 , 842 50 ; No. 2 ,S37 50 ; No , 3 , 827 CO ; yellow fine , No. 1 ,

S4500.SIDING No. 1 , 82760 ; No. 2, $2300 ;

No. 3 , 8'20 00.

SHIP LAP Plain , 825 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,

S3" 50 ; No. 2, 825 00.CEILING 830 CO Siii 00.


Single *, S4 00, No. 2 , 83 00 ; No. 3 , 62 00.Lath , $1 00.

Dulldlne Material.LIME Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk perbu. ,

35c , Cement , bbl , §2 50. Iowa plaster ,

bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Tarredfelt 100 Ibs. S3 CO. Straw board , 84 00.

PAPER Stiaw paper , 3jc ; rag paper ,

4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; tnanlla paper, lOc ;news paper , 8c.

COAL Cumberland blacksmith , S12jMorris 'Run Blosbburg , 812 ; Whitebreastlump , $0 ; nut , 80 ; Iowalump , 80 : Iowa nut SO : Rock Springs , 88 ;

Anthracite , all size* . 811 00.Hides , hurs , Etc.

HIDES Green butcher's hide , 73 ; greencured hides , 8Jc ; green Halt , part , curedhides , 8@sic ; dry ilint , sound , 13@14c ; drycalf and trip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides , sound ,

ll@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10llc ;green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c ;

green pelts , $100@115 ; green lamb xklns ,

8110@123 ; damaged hides , two-thhtl rate ,

(cut scored and ono grub , classed two-tiinU


rate , ) branded'hides' 10 per cent. off.Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2, SOc ; No. 3 ,'_0 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2,SOc ; No. 3, loc ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 ,

GOc ; No. 2 , 2oc. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,

O."c ; short Btripe , 40c ; narrow utripo &e ;bniad fctripe , lOo. Tallow , 7-



. .Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; heavy,

iy@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ;tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair, 30c ; dingyand w. , 2Sc ; burry , black and cotted wools2@0c less



. . . . . .Shot. , 81.75. ; Buck_ . . .shot. , 82.00 :

Heavy Hardware List.Iron , rates , S3 20 ; plow steel , cast , 7 c ;

cast tool do. 16(2CiO( wagon Rpokes , pet ,

2 2j@3 00 ; hub" , per set , 1 23 ; felloes , saweddry, 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axle1) ,each , 73c ; square nnt , per lb , 7@llc ;washers. i er lb. 8@18c ; nveta , per lb , lie ;coil chain , per lb , 0@12c ; malleable , Sc ;

iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , (ic ; harrowteeth , 4c ; noraeshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; springsteel. 7@8c.

NAILS 10 to 20d , 3 50 ; 8 to 10. 305 ;

Oil , 3 90 ; 4d. 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 UO : 3d ,

fine , G 40 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 15 ; (id , casing.4 C5 ; 8d casing , 4 4') ; lOd casing , 4 15 ; lOdfinish , 4 65 ; Sd finish , 4 90 ; Cd finish , 5 15 ;half kegs , lOc extra.

Paints Oils and Varnishes.PAINTS IN OIL White lend , Omaha

P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure ,Ocj Marseilles green , J. to 5 lb cans , 20c ;

French zinc , green seal 12c ; French zinc ,

red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst ,20c ; French zince , in oil asst , loc ; Rawand burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; law andburnt Sienna , 13o : vandyke brown , 13-

xeh'ned- ;

lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lpc ;

i"oi y black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussianblue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chromegreen , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind mid shutterL'rcen , L. M. & D. , 14c : Paris creep. ISc ;

J"dian red , loc : Venetian red , 9c ; TuscanIYJ [, 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. &P. , t8c ;chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ;

yelow! ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; patentJryer , Cc ; graining colors : light oak , darkoa c , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c.

Dry PaintsWhite lead , CJc ; French zinc. lOc ; Paris

whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , lie ;v biting conn , lie ; lampblack German-town


, 14c ; lampblack , ordinary, So ; Prus-sian


blue , 45c ; ultramarine , ISc ; vmidyku ,brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4cj umber , raw,Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4cParis green genuine , 35c ; Paris green tom'l-l'5c ; cliromo (jrcen , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom-green K. , 12c ; yeniiilllon , Eng. , 70c ; ver-


, America , 18o ; Indian red , lOc ,rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's'tjot Venetian red Am. , 19c ; red lead , 7Jc ;

chrome yellow , genniuo , 20c ; chromo yel-


, K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; oohre ,

French , 2 c ; ochre , American , IJc ;

Winter's mineral. 2Jp ; lehigh , 240 :

Hpanixh brown. 2Jo ; Prince's mineral So ;

VARNISHES Barrels per gallon.Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,SI ; furniture , U , t 5c ; conch , extra , 81 40 ;Cumuli , No. 1 , $1 01 } Damar , & 1 50 ; Jap.xn.-


: a-iiihaltum , 70c ; shellac , 83 f0 ; hiirdoil finish. 81 30.

OILS110 * carbon pergallon , lljo ; 150 *

Leadllght , per gallon , 12 ; 176' headlight ?pergallon , lOc ; cryntollne , ] ier gallon , 20c-llnceed , raw , pergallon , G2c ; Linseed , boll-cd

-, i er gallon , 05cj llaru , winter utr'd , per

gallon , 1 05 No. 1 , 75u , No. 2, GOc : cantor ,

XXX. per gallon , 1 25c , No. 3 , 1 15)) weet-pergallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon-8'

-33 ; filnhW.B. , per gallon , OOojiicatufoot'

extra , per gallon , 75o. No. 1,05 ; Iniubcrteating , zero , per gallon , 30c , summer , 15ogolden machine. Nu. 1 , pergallon , 35c , No.2 , 28c ; BIHSHU , nigiml , per gallon , 80c ; Uir1 *

pentino , per Kanon. C5c ; naptha , 74 deg ,

I cr gallon 20o , 03 deu , 20c ,

Liquor ,

ALCOHOL 187 proof. P2 33 pergallon , extra California splrttK ,

187 proof at 1 20 per proof gallontriple refined spirits. 187 proof , 81 21 ; perproof gal re-dlstllled whisklea , 8100@1 f 0 ;

fine blendcil. 81 500J2 DO ; Kentucky bour-bons


, 8200@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl-vania


ryes , 82 00@7 00,

BRANDIES Imported. ? G 00@1000jdomestic 1 40@4 00.

GINS Imported , 4 50@C 00 ; domcuttu ,1 40(33( 00-


Iimmrted , 4 50G 00 ; NewEngland. 2 00,4 00 ; domestic. 1 r.OfflU 50j



Imported per cjt e.20 00 ( ,3I 00 ; A merlcan , per case , 12 00 ®1800 ,

CLARETS Per case , 4 50@10 00. 'WINES-Rhinewlne , per case , 0 OW5VI-

Hi( Catawba. per cate 4 00 7 00.

Liverpool Produce.L-iVEitroor.

.. , Scj tenibcr 28.

Flour American , 10a CdftjlSs.Wheat Winter , lOi 7il@llH 2d : whitp ,

lOa 9d@lls Id ; opring , 10i@10i Gd | club ,lid 1M@11B Oil.


Lard 02 ,


Grand Junction Mnrltot.G-nAND.Tuxcrio.v

., la. , September 28.

Butter ISc ,

Prodnco ,( JutCAoo. September 28-


"Change the grain markets openedfan ably for the bulU.but later the bears

had the upper hand. The receipt ! of grainwere 40,8T 0 bunhcln by canal and 331car loads by rail , embracing 123 of wheat ,189 of corn , 70 of oats , 4 of rye and SO of-

barley. .Lake freights Steamboats were char-


for corn at Ic per bu hcl to lluiraln.Soil vowels were not offeiod , mim* to therote which in ruinous. The cause ol thelow rates of freight is speculation , chhas placed prices beyond the reach of a-

shipper. .

Flour Firm and in good demand ! move-ment


light on account of meagre ottering * ;

quotations unchanged.Wheat -No. 2 spring very unsettled ,

and fluctuations numerous and ThereWON more or less excitement iu the marketduring the entire BCOIIOII , but the gie.xtc texcitement was from the opening untilnoon. Yesterday afternoon on the callboard prices advanced very materially in-

a few minute ? . This morning under fulloftcrin ; sharp reaction occurred , andwith frequent fluctuations a decline of 3J@ 3'c{ was establU bed for October , and 1 $

(Wljc for seller November. The marketfinally closed 2o hiahcr for cash : ISc higherfor October ; and 140 for N emocr. Onthe regular board , mid on r.ill board at1281 for.Octobcr ; 1 40J for November ;111 for December , and 137V for the.-


.CornActive lnoii wan transacted in

the corn market , but the feeling was gen-erally


uiKcttlod , and prices ruled withconsiderablt ) irregularity within moderaterange , though averaging higher ; offeringswere free , but the demand was broken forfuture delivery nnd and B ICH rend ly made.The market finally closed about Ijjo higherfor cash ; ic higher for October , and flohigher for November. On the regularboard , ami on the c.dl b >ard at 70o forSeptember ; 70Jo for October ; 71 2o forNovember : "lie for December ; 70jo forthe year ; 74 Jo for Mny.

Oats Very steady nnd higher for fu-


; ca h lifeless , no offerings ; No. 2closed at *

43Jc for October ; 44Jc for No-


; 45o for December ; 49go forMay.

Rye Firmer and shade higher ; de-


good : No. 2 , 1 10 for October ; 1 13 §

for November.Barley Untettlcd and easy. No. 2. 1 13J

for October ; 1 14 for November ; 1 15 forDecember-


rk Fairly active but weak andlower ; mess closed at 19 22J for October ;19 50 for November ; 20 02j lor January.

Lard Finn early but weakened later ,

and c'oaed at 12 20 for October ; 12 374 forNovember ; 12 20 tfor Itho year ; 12 75for January.

Bulk Meats Easy ; fihort ribs at 10 22ifor October ; 10 20 for November ; 10 25 forJanuary-


at 1 17.Receipts Flour, 23493 bbls. , wheat ,

74,035 bu ; corn , 051.112 bu ; onts , 75,408-

bu : rye , 14,820 bu ; barley , 45,402 bu.Shipment- Flour , 19.300 bbls. , wheat ,

92,131 bu ; corn , 310,302 bu. : oat* , 117,214-

bu ; rye , 5,284 bu : barley, 22,171 bu.

Chicago JLiva Stock.Ji-


( . September 28.Cattle Receipts , 9,000 : shipments , 1-

800, -

; befit cattle not plentmil nnd in gooddemand , selling at C 20@G 874 ; f. ">d tochoice shipping, 6 G0@0 00 ; common tofair, 3 70@ * 00 ; grass cattle exceedinglydirll ; native butchers' stock , 1 754 25 ;

mainly at 3 00@3 40 ; dockers and feeders ,2 7D@J5 CO , nnd very slow talc ; rouge cat-tle


sloadv and wf.ik ; rasa TOX.-UU , 2 75@3 8i ; half -hi teds and native. ' , 3 7f sVl CO.

Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; hhipmrnt" , 200ivery weak but fair y active at D i7i@4 50for common to good ; bulk , 3 40© I 20)quality poor.

Hogs Receipts , 23,000 } shipments ,3,400 ; firm and all sold ; mixed packing.6 40 ji,0 95 ; light hogs , 0 GO<SG 90 ; choiceheavy , 7 00@7 45 ; culls and grasiere , 4 00©025. __

"" Peoria Produce.P-KOUIA

., September 28.

Wheat In good demand ; mixed , 1 32.Com Finn , active and higher ; No. 2

white , 70e ; yellow low mixed , 74c ; high'mixed , C9Jc ; November , 48c ; rejected ,37c.

Oats Active , a little irregular , but gen-


higher ; No. 2 white , 4G.jc ( mixed ,

42o ; rejected , 45c.Rye Firm , comparatively active and

higher ; No. 2112J.Barley Very little doing and prices

nominal at 80c@l 00.High Wines Steady and unchanged at

110.Receipts Wheat , 2,700 bu ; corn , 50-

.600. -

bu ; oats. 42,450 bu ; rye , 7,800 bit ;

barley , 500 bu-.Shipments


Wheat , none ; corn , 20-

500, -

bu ; out *. 28,000 bu ; rye, 5,000 bu ;

barley, 1800. _Cincinnati Produce.

CINCINNATI , September 28.Provisions Mess pork, jobbing at 20 fiO

© 2075.Lard Easier ; current make , 12 05.Bulk MeatH Easier ; bulk rlbn , 11 00.Bacon Easier ; clear sides , 12 00@12 10.Flour Firm ; family , 7 00@7 50.Wheat Firm : No. 2 red. 1 50.Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 71Jc.Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , 4G-c.RyeSteady


; No. 2 , 1 15.Barley Firm ; western spring, 1 00@-

WhlbLy Finn at 1 15.

Baltimore Prodnoo.B-AI.TIMOHK

., September 28

Finn.Finn. .

Wheat No. 2 red winter , easier at1 49 for cash.

Corn Mixed western eosi-r at 75 ( ;75lcfor ctihh and September,

Pbllndelpliia Produce.PI-IILADKLPIIIA

., September 28 ,

Wheat Lower ) 1 47i@l 48 for cash undSeptember.

Corn -72i@73jo for cosh and Septem-ber.



Oats Steady at 50ji7,51Jc( for cash andSeptembe-



Et tLiberty Live Stoolr.K-


, Pa. , Hcptember 28.Cattle Blow ! best , C 75@0 2.1 ; fair to

good , 4 7C@f 25 ,

Hogs Active ; rccelnt , ? ,700 ; uhlti-


, 3,100 ; Philadelphia , 7 [email protected] Slow ; price * range from 3 50 to


New YorJc PraclnaoN-KwYoiiK , September 28 ,

Flou" Strong but quiet ; southern Hourfirm and fn fiilrdcmand ; common to choiceextra , 0 C5ffO( 75.

Wheat In egulnr with mmlcrato do-


; No. 3 rod winter, 1 47if ; No. 2 do ,

I011@ir)2( | ! No. 2 white , i 40 ; No 2Chicago and Milwaukee , 1 43@1 44)) No.2 red , September , I Bl l 63.

Corn Fnlrly active anil kteadv ; ungrad-ed mixed , C @ 7Bo | No. S , 73@74c ; No , 2-

7r @ 7Ci No , 8 white , fc8@89c ; No , 2. Sej -

tember, 75e.Oats Opened } @Ao higher and fairly

active , closing weak ; No , 1 white , 53o ;No. 2 do , Bli@02o ; No. 8 mixed , -HJ ®44 0; mixed wtsteni , 41 S)4n-

c.RyeFirm) .

nt 1 051( Ot 4.Barley Fairly active and Uroug ; No , 1

Canada, 1 20.Pork Firm but itulut ; upot mess , 1'J 75-

a( I'JW.Lard Steady but quiet : 12 I2J for cash ;

12 32J@12 33 for October.Beef Unchungtd ,

Out MeatH Unchanged ,

Whisky Nominal ,

Wilmington MnrliotW-IUIIKOTO.V. . September 28-


TureMtIne--FIrm| at DOojiioft ,

350 ) , 280 bid.

St. I<onta Prodnoe.-Si.


. 1ium. Scptcmlicr 28.Flour Unchanged ! XXX , OfOf08(

family , 0 8,'®7 OOj choice to fancy , 7750.

Wheat Frmj! N< >. 2 red , 1 4 3 foi-

cai h ; 1 4"i for October ; 1 51 for No-vonibcr


) 1 51 J for December ) 1 57.J for Jan-unry



Corn Opened higher , and declined to-

fcjjjc for cash : Olic forOctobcr ; ( ISjJo forNovember : (Wjo for December ,

O.Us-lllKhei : 43 Jc for i h ; JIJc fetOctober ; 4tii@IG2a for November ; -ISJcfor Decembe-


nt 1 <X> .

Bailey Unchanged ! choice to fnuey ,

ioo@im-LeadStendv nt fi t'JJ.ButterUnchanged. .Hugs 'Unchanged.-WhI

.ky Stcady at 1 lit.

Proisfons Quiet nnd crt ter ; not quota-bly


change l ,

Receipts Flour, 2,000 hbK ; wheat.21,000 bu ; coin , 52,000 bu ; o. l* , 2l >,000-bu ; brirley , 11000.(

Shipments Flour , 7.000 bblnhent. .0,000 bu ; <wn , 8 ,000 bu ; oatx , O.OO-Ubu ; batloy , 1000.

StXionin Iiivo StoolcST. Loins , September 28-


Better on lifiht gr-ulcs ; Yorkers ,0 40gli li ; packing , 0 ISffifl 80 ; butch-ers"


to fancy heavy , 0 R" @" 3. : umuli ,

575(3020( ; receipts , 7,300 head ; ship.menus 2IKX > head.

Toledo Pro anonTOLEDO , September 2S.

.leat Dull ; No. 2 red , 1 40J foiOctober ; 1 ' 'Ji for November } 1 52} ioi-December. .

Com Dull ; No. 2 , C9jfc for October71 Jo for embe-


No. 2 , 45c.

Cleveland Market ,CI.KVKI.A.S' ! ) , September 28.

Petroleum Steady ; standard white ,

110 test , 7c.

Buffalo Iiivo Stock.EAST BurrAi o , September 28.

Hogs HeeeiptH 11 ; shipment * 22 ; Yorko ,

good to choie 0 (iO&l ! 7o ; medium mixed ,II 75@01 0.

Now York Dry Goods.-NKW

.YOIIK , September28.

The jobbing tiado han been unfavorablyiniluuiiccd byirm weather prevailing ( .flate ami though lutallers on spot are open-ing with n ftiir dcgieo of ficcdom manynear by buyers uro doubtless deferringtheir visit to market until the weather in-

cooler. . There was an irregular demand ntfirst hand and businest was only moder-ate


in nmnunt. but the movement , on ac-count


of backordi'iH was of good aggre-gate


proportions. ] Values nro ( irmly main-tained


on neatly all kinds of goods nndstocks are exceedingly light OH a rule-



of AppcorouooK.Detroit Free Press-


Michigan temperance advocaterecently stated iu a speech that howatched tliu doors of it Hiiloon in ncertain village fur an hour ono daynnd saw thirty-one uum (,'0 nnd come-.Ho


thuroforu aasuinod tiuit thirty-onodrinks had traded owners , and thatthe town was full of. tipplers. Neverwas man inoro grievously mistaken.Nothing is nioro deceptive than thesaloon business. Of the thirty-onemen ho saw enter perhaps not overfire took a drink.

When YOU see a fat man rolling intoa saloon on a hot day your firstthought its that ho will ttinf ; hia hatni the floor , full into a chair and callFor claret with ice in it , and youwrung him. Ho simply outers thesaloon to BOO if coal will bo any higherif ho waits another month before buy ¬

ing. The saloon-keeper always knowswhether coal will bo up or down , andis always willing to tell.

You see a couple of lawyers enter asaloon and your impression is thatthey are (wing to shake dice for thedrinks. Nothing could bo more erro-neous.


. They are simply going in toconsult a state map to decide a betthat Fishkill is in liuss county. Hav-ing


secured their information theywalk right out without even stoppingto rolled on the awful suction naturemust liave given a man to pull a wholeglass of lemonade through a ntraw sixinches long.-


insurance agent is encounteredas ho cornea out of a saloon wiping hismouth on the back of his hand. Thepublic at once jump to the conclusionthat ho lias been struggling with abrandy mash. That's where the publicwrong him He holds a policy . ( liesaloon , and lie accidentally dropped in-

to see if tlio Block was being kept up-

to given figures. A fly bit him on thechin , and ho instinctively wiped hie-

mouth. .

A young man in this city lost hitsituation in a bank because ho'waaseen coming out of a saloon and watheard to Bay , "All ! that cools mo off ! '

Instendof dying of a brokerheart , as some bank c'erks wouldthis young man produced proof thaiho went to the Haloon lo buy isorr.told boor tumblers for his wife to pui-

up jelly in , and as lie came out tincool struck him and causoihim to remark as above. Ho wus alonce reinstated , and now he can go tthe saloon , ask the weight of a ton obrick , ( lie name of the longest river iithe world , or what the "George" inGeorge Washington's natno stood for,

and no one suspects or maligns him.Out of a hundred men who enter n-

palooit only a very small per conl-qimll'tlio goblet of destruction. Tinrest go to find out the exact shortageon the wheat crop , the fluctuations iiEnglish bank stocks , the * news fromthe Panama canal , and various otheithings ; and if they happen to wipitheir n urn Urn as they come out , it usimply an involuntary movement foiwhich they can no more be hold res-ponsible than a yearling babe.

Beds of Down Feel Hard.All beds Kconi hard to the rheumatic

Then barken yo peovlnh HiiffererH. AppljDr. TlioinuH * Klortrio Oil to your nchinj-Joiuta and muclett. . Jtcly upon it thuyou will experience immediate reliefSuch , at lonwt , in the testimony cf thrwiwho uneil It , The remedy U ) lkew !

resorted to for throat urnlung dUaincs , uprainn , brutnep , etc ,




of Nebraska , Doughm County DH ;

At a County (fcurt , hold At the County t'ourl-Hooin , In and (or utiU County , h < i t. 23rd-A. . 1 . 1881. l'jc cnt , A , M , UlIAmVlUKCounty Jiul o-


thu untttr ol the adoption < ( Jcnnlo Ityiui ,On ruatlinjf and I'.lliiH thu petition ot AiiKUUw

and Ucll Carey prujiii !,' that they may buu'low-dl to adopt nail Jemilo Ityun , anil the | etitbi-nnd ttati'inont ol Henry iiinl Mim Ulan , lartntol mid child that inid AiiKUiituii anil Dull C'nruj-

jn y | iu jicrinltu.l no to ii'1 und voluntarily rullii-'iiilnlilnu all ilalin to nald child

Ordcad.'lliat October 'Und , A. > . 1681 , nl10 o'clack u , in , * AMljfiied (orliunrliifmldixitl-tlon , when all | ier ioai IntcruBlrd In luld mattemay upptar at n County Omrl to do livid , In amfor Mild County , and > how cuu.u why the prayvi-ol ixitltloner tnould not bo KranUd , find that no-

tlrv of iKindoncyof aaldpullllun and the hearingthereof , bo trh on to all pontons Intcronteil In kalematter , b ) puklUhlnt ; a iopy of thu order In TinOMAHA WKKKLY linn , unewapainT jirlntol In bal.County , (or Ilirto nuuiwlto wv l . prior to uiK-

d < Y of Itwlntf A , II. CHAinVJCK ,County JudK



FUPAHOE. rnoriHKTons.L-. . TOWX8HOUSE. . CLUTE , Arapahoe ,


8ANDCH8 HOUSE , CHA8. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb ,



PACIFIC HOTEL , 8.J , PORTER , , NebE8TC8 HOUSE , N. T tSTES , Qronil Ittand , Neb-


U. P. HOTEL , 8 , F. DERRY , , Neb-





. , Neb.COMMERCIAL HOUSE , . M , STONE , Orleans , Neb.HOLLAND HOUSE , GEO. 0. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb-












W. , la.

PARK HOTEL , , J. OARVIN , Corning , la.DURKE'8 HOTEL , C , R. DURKE , Carroll , la.-



CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DROS. , . Valley June. , la-






DORCHESTER.Allen & Miixtiold Cienornl Merchandise.-W.


. R. Toolo Gonornl Merchandise.-Tlios.


. Jnrrott . Wholesale nml Retail Grocer.-MoMnium


& liters. . . . . .Hardware , Stoves , Tinware and Implement * ,

John 0. Uerloos Timber , Coal , Lima , Glnss , &o.Samuel G. Pnntor Druggist.-W.


. II. Sawilon Restaurant und Confectionery.-S.


. H. Hums Station Agent I) . & M. fl. K.





Double Strength White Lime


Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,

Thirteenth and Oolifornm Streets , - OMAHA , - - - WEB.

Max MEYER & CO. ,

Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards.Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards.






Lang & Fotick.


the Oldest Wholesale andRetail Jewelry House in-

Omaha. . Visitors can herefind allnovelties in Silver-

Ware , Clocks , Rich andStylish Jewelry , ihe La-


, Most Artistic , andChoicest Selections inPrecious Stones , and alldescriptions of PineWatches at as Low Pri-



as is compatible withhonorable dealers. Calland see our Elegant NewStore , Tower Building ,

corner llth and Fara-ham Streets'MAX MEYER & BRO.






Creighton Block ,OMAHA , NEUUASKA-


<3TBeud lor Clrcul i.

MM & BRO , ,



General Agents for theFinest and Best Pianos andOrgans manufactured ,

Our prices are as Low asany Eastern Manufacturerand Dealer.

Pianos and Organs soldfor cash or installments atBottom Prices.-


SPLENDID stock ofSteinway Pianos , KnabePianos , Vose & Son's Pi-anos


, and other makes.Also Clough & Warreu ,

Sterling , Imperial , Smith-American Organs , &c. Donot fail to see us before pur-chasing.




Lath and ShinglesYard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks

north of-


Business College



John G. Jacobs ,( Formerly of auh&j&coto , )

UNDERTAKER.No. HIT Parnhun St.Old Bland ol Jacob 0s.CrOnler * liv Telegraph Solicits)

"BLACK-DRAUQHT" cureducaa ai'd Siek-JlcadacUe