11550971 philippians-in-poetry

Philippians in poetry By Glenn Pease Phil. 1 From servants to the saints of God, In the church of Philippi, And those who on Christ's way do trod, Grace and peace from God on high. I thank my God each time I pray, And remember you with joy, For we were one from that first day- Partners in our Lord's employ. CHORUS: The work God has begun in you Is such a joyful story, And when His grace is done with you, We'll sing and praise His glory. 2. I am confident that Jesus, Who began good work in you Will continue till He sees us, And not cease until He's through. It is right for me to feel this Since I have you in my heart, For you share with me in God's bliss Even though we are apart. CHORUS: 3. So my prayer is that your love will In depth more and more abound, And you will gain a greater skill To discern what's pure and sound. For I long that you will be filled With the fruit of righteousness, And the worries of life be stilled In the Lord who conquers stress. CHORUS: Phil. 1:12-18 Now I want you to know What has happened to me Was not a cruel blow, But really set me free. It has helped the Gospel


This is the entire book of Philippians put in poetry, and some of it in the form of song that can be sung.

Transcript of 11550971 philippians-in-poetry

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Philippians in poetry

By Glenn Pease

Phil. 1 From servants to the saints of God,

In the church of Philippi,

And those who on Christ's way do trod,

Grace and peace from God on high.

I thank my God each time I pray,

And remember you with joy,

For we were one from that first day-

Partners in our Lord's employ. CHORUS: The work God has begun in you

Is such a joyful story,

And when His grace is done with you,

We'll sing and praise His glory.


I am confident that Jesus,

Who began good work in you

Will continue till He sees us,

And not cease until He's through.

It is right for me to feel this

Since I have you in my heart,

For you share with me in God's bliss

Even though we are apart.



So my prayer is that your love will In depth more and more abound,

And you will gain a greater skill

To discern what's pure and sound.

For I long that you will be filled

With the fruit of righteousness,

And the worries of life be stilled

In the Lord who conquers stress.


Phil. 1:12-18 Now I want you to know

What has happened to me

Was not a cruel blow,

But really set me free.

It has helped the Gospel

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In making an advance,

And now to those hostile

My chains became a chance.


A chance to share Jesus,

For whom I am in chains,

So they know He frees us

From all our guilt and stains.

Others now speak the word

With feelings far more bold.

Many more now have heard

The greatest news e'er told.


Some preach Christ of envy,

But others of good will.

Some hope to offend me,

And rob me of my thrill.

But what does it matter?

We always have a choice.

Negatives I'll shatter,

And will in Christ rejoice.


Joy in serving our Lord

Comes not without a fight,

But there is great reward

When you stand for the right.

There are always voices

To tell you all is wrong,

But tell them your choice is

To sing a joyful song.

Phil. 1:18-26

I will continue to rejoice,

For I know you'll raise your voice

In prayer for me to God on high.

Deep down within there is no doubt,

By God's help it will work out;

Deliverance He will supply.

I eagerly expect and hope

That with shame I'll not need cope,

But Lord Jesus I'll glorify.

Be it by life or by my death

Till I breathe my final breath,

It's Christ to live and gain to die.

If in this body I shall live,

I will fruitful service give,

But which to choose is my heart cry.

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Yes, I am torn between the two.

To depart or stay with you,

Which goal shall I satisfy?

To be with Christ is better far

Above every shining star,

Where He will my life beautify.

But it is better if I stay

For your progress on life's way,

So I remain to edify.

Now I will be with you again,

And your joy will never end,

As Christ's praises we multiply.

Phil. 1:21

For me to live is Christ,

And to die is gain.

His life He sacrificed

To cleanse from all stain.

No longer is life mine,

I now live in Him.

It's by His light I shine;

Without it I'm dim.

I'm no longer my own;

He owns all of me.

I long to be His clone

That others might see.

See Jesus in my life;

Hear Him in my words;

Since peace instead of strife,

Not following herds.

O Jesus live in me,

Let my life so shine.

Let others look and see

I am your design.

Design to show Jesus,

And reveal His love

That others might join us

In life from above.

Phil. 1:21B

For me to live is Christ;

For me to die is gain.

His love cannot be priced,

For our sin He was slain.

For me to live is Christ;

For me to die is gain.

He has my life so spiced

Nothing is now in vain.

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For me to live is Christ;

For me to die is gain.

There is no greater vice

Than not to let Him reign.

For me to live is Christ;

For me to die is gain.

We will a paradise

Down faith in Him attain.

For me to live is Christ;

For me to die is gain.

There's no greater advice

For God's best to obtain.

So Christian hear me clear,

There is no way to lose,

If Christ to you is dear,

And you now His will choose.

Phil. 1-21C

For me to live is Christ;

For me to die is gain.

For me He sacrificed;

For me He bore all pain.

I want to live for Him,

If need be die for Him.

I want all men to know

I choose this way to go.

I want to be with Him,

Which is much better far;

To join the seraphim

Above the highest star.

But if to stay and serve

Is my Lord's will for me,

In faith I will not swerve,

But live in loyalty.

I'm torn between the two;

Which to choose I don't know;

To leave or stay with you,

To reap or still to sow.

But this one thing I know,

If He lets me remain,

Your joy will overflow,

And this life will be gain.

Phil 1:22-26

I am torn between the two,

To depart or stay with you.

Heaven is better by far,

But to go will leave a scar.

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For the body has a need

For someone to take the lead,

So I know I will remain

To help make God's guidance plain.


Help us Lord this lesson learn:

If we want your very best,

We will take whatever turn

Helps us to make others blest.


Joy in Christ will overflow,

And your faith in Him will grow.

Progress you will surely make

In His grace, and for His sake.

So count on me coming back

So your faith will nothing lack.

I know this is what will be,

God will give you fruit through me.


Phil. 1:27-30

Now live worthy of the Gospel

No matter what comes your way,

For this world is ever hostile

To the things we do and say.

So stand firmly in one spirit;

Do not waver in your stand.

If I see you or I hear it,

I will know you understand.


We are going through the battle

Living in this world that's lost.

Do not let it your faith rattle;

Stand together at all cost.


Do not fear those who oppose you.

In your courage they will see

Their destruction is about due,

But that God has set you free.

You have been granted to believe

On the Christ who died for you,

But this grant too you must receive,

That you suffer for Him too.


Phil. 2:1-11

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O my joy will be complete

If God's people have one mind;

Not attempting to compete,

But in all things being kind.

They find comfort in Christ's love,

Fellowship with the Spirit.

There's no need to others shove,

But when they succeed, cheer it.


We are one in the Spirit,

We are one in Christ the Lord.

Let this world see and hear it;

In Christ there is one accord.


Do nothing so self-centered

Making ambition your Lord.

Put yourself second or third,

And don't all the glory hoard.

Share the interests of others,

Do not focus on your own.

When honor is your brothers,

Don't let your Lord hear you groan.



Attitude should be the same

As we see in Christ our Lord,

For when to this world He came

He was bearing not a sword.

He, equal with the Father

Did not grasp it with His hand;

Gave up all without bother;

He came to our side to stand.



He is our great example

Of humility and life.

Let us now be a sample

Of how this defeats all strife.

Jesus died upon the cross;

That's as far as He could go.

He suffered this total loss

So that God's love we might know.



God highly exalted Him

To the heaven's highest place.

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He's above the seraphim;

He stands with God face to face.

His name is above all names;

To Him every knee will bow.

Let us give heed to His claim,

And be one in Him right now.


Phil. 2:5-11

Let this mind be in your which was in Christ Jesus.

You will find when you do from all sin He frees us.

He was God, yet was made in the form of a man.

Like the sod being lain on the warm summer sand.

O what waste men would think; O what poor sacrifice.

But His taste would not shrink, so He paid the full price.

Coming down from above aided by the Great Dove.

Without frown and no shove He would die to show love.

It was loss that He came, but He died jus t the same.

On the cross He took blame; crucified for our shame.

His the name we exalt, every knee to Him bow.

His the fame without fault; all will see and ever shout.

With no word life's story would be lame and a chore.

Christ is Lord, sing glory, praise His name ever more

Phil. 2:12-18

Shine like the stars in the universe.

In this dark world you are clear light.

God through Christ has reversed the curse,

And now in you the Lord delights.

Therefore my friends it is God's will

That you work out with trembling fear.

The plan of God He will fulfill,

If you obey all He makes clear.


God made us stars for a reason,

So that the world His love could see,

So all the time its in season,

To be just what you ought to be.


Do everything without complaint,

And argue not though you be sure.

Don't let your life bring any taint,

But blameless be always, and pure.

This fallen world is so depraved,

But still hold out the world of life,

So I in you can one day rave

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It was not vain I fought the strife.


Phil. 2:15

Let me shine for your glory.

Let me radiate your love.

Let my lips tell the story

That leads lives to life above.

There are so many problems

Men just don't know where to turn.

It is easy to condemn,

And say its not my concern.

This evil world has not changed

Since our Lord came down to man.

From God it still is estranged,

And needs a salvation plan.

Jesus died for all sinners,

Now with God man can be right.

All the lost can be winners,

If somehow they see the light.

The road to God is open,

If man can just see the way.

We know the one to hope in,

And we daily need to pray.

Help us Lord to shine for you

And be brighter every day;

A star pointing men to you,

The life, the truth and the way. Phil. 2:19-24

I'll send Timothy quite soon

That I may hear news from you.

Having him here is a boon,

He's so genuine and true.

There is no one quite like him,

He has such a caring heart.

His interest is no mere whim.

His Christ- likeness is an art.


Timothy is a model

Of what every youth should be.

No way was he a rebel,

But a prince of loyalty.


Others just can't be bothered

With those interests not there own.

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I thank God I have fathered

This one whose heart is Christ's throne.

He has prove in service

Sharing in the Gospel work.

There's no need to be nervous,

His duty he'll never shirk.



If I'm poured out just like a drink;

A sacrifice of your faith's choice,

Will you join me and like me think,

With me be glad, with me rejoice?

We can be a sign from Jesus

That this lost world is not alone.

God above is one who sees us,

And has a plan to take us home.


Phil. 2:25-30

His name Epaphroditus

Is not ever used today,

But Paul would sure invite us

To for such a friend to pray.

A brother like no other

Fellow soldier in the fight-

Like a son of his mother,

He was to this life a light.

He came down with a sickness,

And he almost nearly died;

With such surprising quickness

He did toward death's door slide.

But God had mercy on him;

Spared him from this loss of life.

It would have made Paul so grim,

And filled him with inner strife.

But now this battle's over,

And God's work must now go on.

Receive this loving rover;

Treat him as an honored son.

This was Paul's admonition

For this man who risked it all.

May we each in submission

Be as loyal in our call.

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Phil. 3:1-9

Rejoice in the Lord always.

This I often do repeat,

But in life's school hallways

You must beware of deceit.

Watch out for those clever dogs

Who mutilate their own flesh.

They live by their catalogues

Of such legalistic mesh.

We the true circumcision

Worship God by His Spirit.

Basic to our decision,

We avoid flesh, and fear it.

Confidence is in Jesus.

He's the one we glory in.

He from the flesh can free us,

And overcome all our sin.

As Hebrew of the Hebrews

A legalist I could be.

I was once the best of the Jews-

Near a perfect Pharisee.

But I now consider loss

All that I used to treasure,

For my Lord upon the cross

Made me rich beyond measure.

Phil. 3:7-11

There's no greater education

Than to know Christ as one's Lord.

There is no other foundation

That can lead to such reward.

So like Paul begin your longing

To gain all you can of Christ.

We should all to Him be thronging,

For His all be sacrificed.

There's no righteousness without Him,

Except that which comes from law.

All the brightness of it goes dim,

For it has a fatal flaw.

Without faith it is no good.

It is only selfishness.

Many of the pass have stood

On the law without success.

Oh I want to know my Christ,

And His resurrection pow'r;

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To know what He sacrificed

On the cross in His last hour.

Sharing in His suffering,

Being like Him in His death,

Till on me He's conferring

His own resurrection breath.

Phil. 3:12-16

Forgetting what is behind;

Straining for what is ahead,

Let's press on with all our mind, And all that hinders let's shed.

Make your goal to win the prize

In this rapid race of life.

Upon that goal keep your eyes;

Don't get sidetracked by the strife.


God has called to higher things.

To His challenge we must rise.

He will grant our spirit wings,

If we aim to win that prize.


We are not already there,

And from perfect we are far,

But in Christ we have a prayer,

If we're reaching for that star.

It's a height we can't achieve

Without Jesus in our heart,

But if in Him we believe

We can finish what we start.



We can do it Lord Jesus,

If you will grant your power.

We can do it, so free us,

And send a mighty shower.

Send a flood of your Spirit,

And wash away all our pride.

Our mind from doubt, Lord clear it,

Till we rise up to your side.


Phil. 3:17-21

We have many great examples,

Who live according to God's Word,

But there's also always samples,

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Who do not follow what they've heard.

They are enemies of the cross.

They have an awful destiny.

They all will suffer total loss

At judgment in eternity.


Jesus is to be our focus.

He has it all under control.

So as He became just like us

To make us like Him is His goal.


Get your mind out of the gutter

Where you think only earthly things.

Don't waste your time on such cutter,

But look to what Christ Jesus brings.

We are citizens of heaven,

And there's nothing there that's shoddy

And all in Christ be given

Perfect copies of His body.

CHORUS: LIKE A BIRD IN THE AIR based on Phil. 4:1

By Glenn Pease

Like a bird in the air,

Like a fish in the sea,

I am in Christ,

And Christ is in me.

Like the moo in a cow,

Like the buzz in a bee,

I am in Christ,

And Christ is in me.

Just like yeast in the bread,

Like a spook in the tea,

I am in Christ,

And Chris t is in me.

Just like sand in the box,

Like a swing in the tree,

I am in Christ,

And Christ is in me.

Just like blood in the veins,

Like water in the knee,

I am in Christ,

And Christ is in me.

Because I love Jesus,

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All God's people agree,

I am in Christ,

And Christ is in me. Phil. 4:1-7

There is one great Christian need,

And for this I ever plead,

That they all would learn to see

They on basics must agree.

When they differ in their view,

They need help to see it through

From those in the book of life

Not caught up within their strife.


Rejoice in the Lord always,

And again I do repeat-

In this life's school hallways

Let no evil you defeat.


Let your gentleness be clear,

For your Lord is ever near.

Do not worry what will be,

He can everything forsee.

So then go to Him in prayer,

And each request with Him share.

Offer Him thanksgiving too,

And His peace He'll give to you.

CHORUS: Phil. 4:8

If its true, the thing to do

Is to with your mind pursue

Every angle, every view

Until your soul you renew.

If its noble, and its right

Make it pleasing in your sight.

Pray to have an appetite

For all things noble and right.


You've just got to think about them;

Let them dominate your mind,

For everywhere you'll see a gem

Where most others will be blind.


If its also very pure,

Its something you should prefer.

If you long to be mature,

Let what's pure your mind allure.

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If its lovely to the eye,

And your senses satisfy,

Let this your mind occupy,

And it your soul edify. CHORUS:


If you see what you admire,

And it does your soul inspire,

Then never cease to aspire

Making it your desire.

Anything that's excellent

Pursue till your hearts content,

And be ever diligent

Not to waste an element.



If it's worthy of your praise,

And your mind it does amaze,

Never cease on it to gaze

Till it sets your soul ablaze.

This world is full of wonder;

There's no end to beauty here,

So please don't make a blunder;

Everything God makes hold dear.

CHORUS Phil. 4:10-20

I have learned to be content

Whatever the circumstance.

I rejoice in what you sent

Now that you have had the chance.

I know how to be in need,

And from all need to be freed.

I can handle any want;

Nothing my content can daunt.


Everything is possible

Through the Lord who gives me strength.

Nothing is impossible;

His grace goes to any length.

Glory, glory to our God.

Praise the Father forever.

He will provide as we plod

In all that we endeavor.


I am so grateful to you

For giving to meet my need.

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Such giving comes from so few;

Rarely do churches succeed.

Your gifts were a sacrifice

Pleasing to God and to me.

He will meet you needs in Christ.

Praise Him for eternity.

CHORUS: Phil. 4:21-23

Greet all the saints in Christ Jesus;

Greetings from all brothers too.

All the saints who are with us

Send their greetings unto you.

There are those in Caesar's household,

Who have also become saints.

They in witness have become bold,

And served there without complaints.


May the grace of our Lord Jesus

Ever be with your spirit.

May His grace forever free us;

Let us forever cheer it.