11/5/13 50th Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1): I will be able to describe the characteristics of...

50th Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1): I will be able to describe the characteristics of Euglena. Due Today: Characteristics of Life foldable Evening Assignment: Finish Euglena part of chart

Transcript of 11/5/13 50th Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1): I will be able to describe the characteristics of...

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11/5/1350th Day of SchoolLearning goal (7.L.1): I will be able to describe the characteristics of Euglena.

Due Today: Characteristics of Life foldable

Evening Assignment: Finish Euglena part of chartDo NowOn the slip of paper, write the eight characteristics of life shared by all living things?


What characteristics do all living things share?All living thingsAre organized (cells, structures)Reproduce (pass on genetic material)Use energyGrow & developRemove waste Regulate Internal Conditions (homeostasis)Respond to the environmentEvolve and Adapt

http://becklespinax.blogspot.com/Characteristics of LifeLife Functions of single-celled OrganismsAs you watch note what role each of the following plays in the life of unicellular organisms:NucleusFlagellaCiliaPseudopodCytoplasmVacuoleCell membraneMitochondriaChloroplasts

Make a Characteristics of Life foldable On the OUTSIDE flap use the red as headingsOrganized Reproduce Use energyGrow and develop Remove waste Regulate Internal ConditionsRespond to environmentEvolve and Adapt

Characteristics of Life FoldableOn the INSIDE flaps Explain the heading in your own wordsGive an example of a specific organisms and that characteristicResources:Textbook pages C9-11, C20-24, C27-31http://infohost.nmt.edu/~klathrop/7characterisitcs_of_life.htmhttp://www.ck12.org/biology/Characteristics-of-Life/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lifehttp://library.thinkquest.org/C003763/pdf/origin06.pdf

4 Vocabulary FlashcardsCell

CellAutotrophPhotosynthesisHeterotrophOn the FRONTDefinition: A cell is the basic unit of life that is able to perform basic life functions. Examples: Euglena: single-celled organismRed blood cell: cell in human body that carries oxygenOn the BACKExampleCharacteristics of Life FoldableOutside Flap

All life is


Inside Flaps

Living things are organized into structures (cells, organelles, tissues, etc.) that perform life functions._____________________ For example, humans are made up of many cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems that help us use energy, remove waste, respond to the environment, and reproduce.EuglenaOrganization: Single-celled, flagellate algae with a red eye spotRespond to Environment: Single flagella allows it to move toward food or away from predatorsEnergy Use: Autotroph- makes its own food like plants; Heterotroph- eats other organismEvolve/Adapt: When water is scarce, forms a cyst

Euglena Feeding & Waste removal Autotroph (makes its own food)Sense light using red eyespot Move toward light with flagellaChloroplasts -> photosynthesisCan also feed heterotrophically by engulfing foodWaste is removed by the vacuole

Euglena ReproductionAsexual reproduction onlyThrough binary fissionOne organism splits into two genetically identical organisms

Evening AssignmentFinish Euglena part of Characteristics of Life chart

Evening AssignmentFinish Euglena part of Characteristics of Life chart