(114287633) Romania Country Report

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  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    BTI 2012 | Romania Country Report

    Status Index 1-10 8.17

    # 16 of

    Political Transformation 1-10 8.55 1! of 128

    "conomic Transformation 1-10 #.#$ 1$ of 128

    Management Index 1-10 6.3


    # 2% of


    scale& 1 'lo(est) to 10 '*i+*est) score ran, tren

    T*is report is part of t*e Bertelsmann tiftun+/s Transformation Ine 'BTI)

    2012. T*e BTI is a +loal assessment of transition processes in (*ic* t*e

    state of emocracy an mar,et economy as (ell as t*e uality of political

    mana+ement in 128 transformation an e3elopin+ countries are e3aluate.

    4ore on t*e BTI at * tt p & ( ( (.t i-p r o ec t. o r+

    Please cite as follo(s& Bertelsmann tiftun+7 BTI 2012 Romania Country

    Report. 9:terslo*& Bertelsmann tiftun+7 2012.

    ; 2012 Bertelsmann tiftun+7 9:terslo*

  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    BTI 2012 | Romania2

    Key Indicators

    Population mn. 21 142

    Pop. +ro(t*1 ?

  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    BTI 2012 | Romania8

    El crecimiento del P3B cay# del :9 al =9 , y el consumo interno y los in"resos *iscales se redu+o

    sustancialmente .

    Por lo tanto , las opciones del "obierno se han reducido < De repente , los "obiernos utili)an para repartir

    privile"ios de entrada a la clientela y hacer populistas "estos pre 7 electorales a los principales "rupos

    interesados tuvieron que en*rentar decisiones di*ciles entre el "asto y hacer las medidas de austeridad

    inmediatas para restablecer el equilibrio *iscal, mientras se empu+a a trav$s de lar"o estrate"ias a lar"o pla)o

    para la recuperaci#n econ#mica .

    El espectro de *iesta en Rumania lo"r# desarrollar ms all de la vie+a dicotoma de post7 comunistas y laoposici#n democrtica , y los lderes del partido de las personas y su entorno se volvi# menos importante que

    el per*il socioecon#mico y una mayor pertinencia social de las partes. %in embar"o , la crisis no lo"r#

    impulsar a las partes a la acci#n con+unta y la responsabilidad .

    6 pesar de las decisiones polticas de la poblaci#n eran bastante estables , los lderes polticos del PD( y la

    politiquera pre*erido P%D y el partido los intereses de la elaboraci#n de una estrate"ia nacional de crisis.

    Durante el apo"eo de la crisis , Rumania *ue "obernada por una coalici#n P(D 7P%D caracteri)ado por las

    luchas internas , un "obierno en minora y un d$bil "obierno interino . >o hubo casos de in+erencia poltica

    de mano dura del presidente , la politi)aci#n de los tribunales constitucionales y el uso de todos los

    instrumentos polticos permitidos por la onstituci#n 7 y al"unos otros

    7 Para el en"randecimiento de las propias partes. Esto proporcion# ni la "esti#n de crisis tan necesaria ni una

    me+ora en el mnimo hist#rico de la con*ian)a p-blica en la poltica. En este contexto , es mila"roso que

    partidos extremistas no "anaron terreno.

    En 2 se llev# a ayuda *inanciera , orientaci#n sustancial de poltica y presi#n por parte de las

    instituciones *inancieras internacionales y de la /ni#n Europea para hacer el cambio de rumbo del "obierno

    rumano y promul"ar polticas serias para *renar la corrupci#n , re*ormar el poder +udicial y la administraci#n

    y la adopci#n de al"unas medidas de austeridad impopulares . 4isi#n poltica , el cora+e y la responsabilidad

    eran no peque;a parte inducida por los socios externos y por una sociedad civil cada ve) ms *irme .

  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    BTI 2012 | Romania?

    6 pesar de una estrate"ia de avance despu$s de la toma del poder comunista en !?@ 7 !?: , el sistema

    poltico de pos"uerra ha perpetuado al"unos de los d$*icits de la $poca anterior a la "uerra , especialmente

    durante la -ltima d$cada del r$"imen de >icolae eausescu . /na ve) ms , un modelo externo de la

    moderni)aci#n se in+ert# en una realidad rumana. (as elites polticas continuaron a percibir el Estado y el

    aparato burocrtico como de su propiedad y no como un instrumento de poltica. Esto dio como resultado el

    nepotismo rampante, estatismo y las re*ormas simuladas , incluso en el ms liberal d$cada si"uiente

    !A@ . 6 principios de != , la combinaci#n de una poltica exterior aut#noma y m$todos estalinistas a la

    moderni)aci#n y el control interno ha se"uido su curso , lo que resulta en la movili)aci#n nacionalista y ladecadencia econ#mica.

    >o hubo oposici#n abierta e in*luyente , en parte porque el clan eausescu monopoli)# movili)aci#n

    nacional &ista ' y reprimi# cualquier disidencia or"ani)ada o voces independientes dentro del partido. (a

    revoluci#n de !=! *ue esencialmente una lucha de poder entre los di*erentes se"mentos de la nomenclatura

    ms que el comien)o prometedor de una trans*ormaci#n poltica. Por lo tanto , a pesar de Rumania *ue el

    -nico pas de Europa entral y del Este para presenciar un *inal violento hacia el comunismo , el resultado

    neto *ue "eneralmente considerado como ms de una 5revoluci#n de palacio5 en la nomenclatura de una

    clara ruptura con el pasado. 6l ser altamente descon*iados de la economa de mercado y la democracia

    pluralista , y *rente a al"unas claras desventa+as en comparaci#n con la mayora de los otros pases europeos,

    la /E y Estados adherentes del Este , Rumania cada ve) ms se qued# atrs en el proceso de re*orma.

    uando la oposici#n democrtica , *inalmente, "an# las elecciones presidenciales y parlamentarias en

    !!A , las expectativas eran elevados. El nuevo "obierno de centro7derecha del presidente

    onstantinescu y la onvenci#n Dem#crata de Rumania & DR ' inici# la reestructuraci#n de la industria

    pesada y la minera , los a"u+eros ne"ros econ#micos liquidados , consolidaron el sistema bancario, la

    privati)aci#n de varias "randes empresas de propiedad estatal, la liberali)aci#n de la mayora de los precios

    de los insumos y establecieron la plena convertibilidad de la Rumania de moneda. 6 medida que los distintos

    "obiernos DR diri"idas carecan de coordinaci#n poltica y no lo"raron resolver sus di*erencias polticas

    internas , que perdi# la presidencia y la mayora en el Parlamento en 2. Este perodo tuvo un me+or

    re"istro de la dinmica de re*orma de la e+ecuci#n real. 3on 3liescu *ue ele"ido &de nuevo ' como presidente y

    un "obierno minoritario del P%D liderado por 6drian >astase, entr# en la o*icina con el apoyo de la /D1R .

    omo resultado , aquellos que haban tomado el poder tras la cada de eausescu en la revoluci#n de

    diciembre !=! estaban de vuelta en la o*icina . (a poltica de a*icionado del presidente onstantinescu y la

    onvenci#n Dem#crata de centro7derecha &!!A 7 2' cre# la re*orma *ati"a y poltica desencanto entre el

    electorado . (a impresi#n "eneral de *racaso de la poltica era s#lo parcialmente +usti*icada , pero a;ade a la

    incertidumbre extrema y las privaciones entre los que perdieron en las re*ormas.

    1ientras que muchos polticos de la primera y se"unda presidencia 3liescu &!! 7 !!A' volvieron al poder

    5 ms triste y ms sabio 5 en 2 despu$s de cuatro a;os en la oposici#n , la mayora de los partidos

    polticos cuentan ahora con la "esti#n de ms +oven , por primera ve) desde la revoluci#n de diciembre de

    !=!. (a estabilidad del sistema poltico , sin embar"o, ha sido en"a;osa y est basado en el control astuto y

    clientelismo en lu"ar de una cultura constructiva de elaboraci#n de polticas. Re*ormas simuladas , estatismo

    , la ret#rica nacionalista y distinciones borrosas entre el Estado , los partidos y el sector privado si"uen


  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    BTI 2012 | Romania@

    muy presente en Rumania. En "eneral , el nuevo "obierno de i)quierda ha hecho me+or que la mayora de los

    analistas predicen , probablemente debido a que las expectativas populares se encontraban en su punto ms

    ba+o de todos los tiempos y porque el proceso de inte"raci#n de la /E prest# asistencia muy necesaria , as

    como el marco bsico y los incentivos para la re*orma. (a "esti#n de los equilibrios macroecon#micos *ue

    especialmente 7 y hasta cierto punto sorprendente 7 (as prestaciones de re 7 etiquetado P%D , y un buen

    control sobre el "asto p-blico abandon# el pas con muy ba+o d$*icit a *inales de 2? . Tambi$n lo"raronconcluir todos los captulos del acervo ne"ociados con la /ni#n Europea , aunque con notables se;ales de

    alerta sobre el poder +udicial, la lucha contra la corrupci#n y la preparaci#n institucional para los *ondos de

    la /E.

    (as re*ormas econ#micas de Rumana su*rieron al"unas condiciones marco que limitan , incluida la "esti#n

    errtica y vacilante apoyo popular para la trans*ormaci#n econ#mica y poltica. El tama;o de la economa

    nacional y el predominio de una a"ricultura poco mecani)ada, por una parte , y deteriorado , los comple+os

    industriales obsoletas , por otra parte , han hecho de la trans*ormaci#n particularmente di*cil. eausescu

    in*li"ido mucho da;o en su b-squeda de la autarqua , mediante el pa"o de la deuda externa a costa del

    consumo interno y la inversi#n en bienes de equipo .

    (a mayora de los "obiernos han sido reacios a poner en marcha re*ormas que impondran di*icultades

    temporales y con ello hacerlos impopulares , mientras que el !!A 7 2 DR coalici#n y la

    2 los "obiernos se destacan como excepciones.

    (a primera d$cada de la transici#n *ue parali)ado por dudas sobre la liberali)aci#n de precios y la reducci#n

    del empleo, la producci#n de los le"ados de mal cr$dito, los retrasos en la privati)aci#n a "ran escala y el

    desempleo oculto. (os cambios de "obierno y la ausencia de un plan coherente con su*iciente apoyo p-blico

    y poltico se han traducido en polticas trans*ormadoras errticas , especialmente con respecto a la

    privati)aci#n y sus leyes en constante cambio y los marcos institucionales. Esto ha hecho que tanto la

    poblaci#n rumana y los inversores internacionales extremadamente cauto. En "eneral, las dudas sobre la

    participaci#n en una pro*unda trans*ormaci#n ha sido autodestructiva . (os recursos crticos de las polticas

    constructivas se han a"otado por la p$rdida del impulso inicial y la *alta de competitividad para la inversi#n

    occidental en el anti"uo bloque del Este. inalmente , la crisis de

    2! 7 2 lo"r# me+orar la disciplina de re*orma en Bucarest.

  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    BTI 2012 | RomaniaA

    "l BTI comina el anHlisis e teto y e3aluaciones numricas. @a puntuaciGn ecaacuestiGn se proporciona por eao e su respecti3o tFtulo. @a escala 3a e 10

    'meor) a 1 'peor).

    "stao e TransformaciGn

    I. transformaciGn polFtica

    1 " Statenesspre+unta


    El monopolio del Estado sobre el uso de la *uer)a es indiscutible en todo el

    territorio. Discurso autonomista y secesionista entre al"unos representantes de la

    minora h-n"ara ha entrado en el debate poltico, pero no representa una amena)a

    para la soberana del Estado. El extremista Partido vico 0-n"aro &P0' si"ue

    siendo una *uer)a poltica mar"inal ya que la mayora de los rumanos h-n"aros

    voto para el establecimiento /D1R.

    "l monopolio

    el uso e la



    Por tradici#n hist#rica , el concepto rumano del estado7naci#n se de*ine con *uer)a en

    t$rminos de ori"en $tnico . (a onstituci#n rumana de*ine la naci#n en t$rminos

    $tnicos & 5 la soberana nacional reside en el pueblo rumano 5' y o*rece las "arantas

    normales del constitucionalismo liberal. (os intentos de introducir un concepto cvico

    de identidad que incluye la *uerte h-n"aro y minoras romanes hasta ahora han

    *racasado en encontrar la aceptaci#n ms all de los textos le"ales *ormales . (a

    inte"raci#n de los romanes , en particular, se ve obstaculi)ada por los estereotipos

    "enerali)ados y prcticas discriminatorias. %oporte para nacionalista extremista,

    abiertamente partidos y movimientos antisemitas y xen#*obos han ido disminuyendo

    desde hace al"unos a;os &por e+emplo , los extremistas , xen#*obas y antisemitas

    Partido de la Cran Rumania & PR1 ' recibi# 8 9 de los votos en las elecciones de

    2? , pero s#lo 8 9 y nin"-n esca;o en las elecciones parlamentarias de 2= ' . (a

    evidencia de la vida p-blica y la ret#rica poltica , sin embar"o, indica que las

    percepciones sociales de la ciudadana puede estar *uera de sintona con las

    estipulaciones constitucionales que "aranti)an los derechos civiles y que las actitudes

    discriminatorias arrai"adas a-n persisten en la sociedad.

    %in embar"o, la onstituci#n del Estado y la ciudadana o*icial no son directamente

    desa*iados, y el apoyo a los extremistas polticos absolutos parece estar

    disminuyendo< El PR1 lo"r# lle"ar a la se"unda vuelta de las elecciones

    presidenciales de 2, pero en el 2= elecciones parlamentarias tanto en el PR1

    y el partido *ascista de >ueva Ceneraci#n Dem#crata ristiana &P>CD' no pudo

    pasar el umbral del @9. (a Ret#rica Poltica y la prctica cotidiana lo hacen, sin

    embar"o, se desvan sustancialmente de conceptos inclusivistas de la naci#n y los

    derechos civiles. 6 pesar de esto, hay que se;alar que el /1DR ha desempe;ado un

    papel relativamente importante y estable en la poltica rumana.

    la ientiael "stao


  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    BTI 2012 | Romania:

    Desde el *in del comunismo, la 3"lesia rtodoxa de Rumania se ha mantenidoindependiente de la poltica, y el do"ma reli"ioso no ha tenido un impacto en la

    poltica de los Estados. (as leyes sobre el re"istro contin-an siendo obstculos para

    denominaciones menores, al i"ual que la distinci#n del "obierno entre las i"lesias

    reconocidas y no reconocidas. El n-mero de incidentes en los que la inter*erencia se

    produce a pesar de la libertad "aranti)ada por la onstituci#n de la reli"i#n parece

    estardisminuyendo.o *ay

    interferencia e

    los o+mas



    Rumania ha re*ormado sus instituciones estatales desde !=! con el aumento de la

    asistencia y orientaci#n de la /E. (as estructuras administrativas y la asi"naci#n

    de recursos abarcan todo el pas. El proceso de adhesi#n a la /E y la situaci#n de

    Rumana como miembro de la /E a partir de 2: tienen la administraci#n bsicaconsolidarse y las *unciones del Estado en todo el pas. De*iciencias locales se

    mantienen, pero la cobertura y la calidad est me+orando



    Gn Hsica



    2 " artici$aci%n o&'tica

    (as elecciones en el perodo ob+eto de examen comprenden las elecciones

    parlamentarias en noviembre de 2= , las elecciones europeas en +unio de

    2! y las elecciones presidenciales en noviembre de 2! & "an# por un

    estrecho mar"en por el Basescu corresponde ' . Todos *ueron reportados como

    libres y +ustas, pero los in*ormes sobre el *raude , las campa;as y la

    manipulaci#n poco $tica , as como incriminaciones mutuas eran per+udiciales

    para la situaci#n de las instituciones democrticas . (a radio y la ses"ada

    cobertura televisiva de varias elecciones se critic# una ve) ms. bviamente ,

    la 6utoridad Electoral Permanente reci$n creado no como un supervisor

    independiente. (as elecciones presidenciales , en particular, se determinaron

    por los escndalos y la polari)aci#n . %in embar"o , el hecho de que las

    elecciones y los procesos de *ormaci#n de coaliciones posteriores

    *uncionaban sin ries"os que se presentan en el sistema de representaci#n

    democrtica muestra que el panorama poltico rumano se ha consolidado y los

    procedimientos democrticos han sido aceptadas , a pesar de todo el da;o

    causado a la con*ian)a p-blica en poltica. >o hay restricciones relevantes de

    +ure al su*ra"io , y nin"-n "rupo se les impide la e+ecuci#n de sus derechos

    electorales pasivos o activos . %#lo los altos umbrales para *iestas & @ 9' y de

    alian)as polticas & = 9 7 9 ' han sido criticadas por ser ses"ada a *avor de

    los los principales contendientes , lo que resulta en una p$rdida sustancial de

    votos .

    @as elecciones liresy 6ustas


    Democratically elected rulers do have e**ective poFer to "overn. >o political

    enclaves exist, althou"h some interest "roups and staGeholders have

    disproportionate political in*luence and may be vieFed as possessin" limited veto

    poFers. 1ana"ers *rom state and private corporations and trade unions have the

    poFer to blocG re*orm processes, meanin" that Romania ranGs hi"h in state capture

    indices. Because democratically elected representatives and institutions tend to

    "ffecti3e po(er to



  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    bloquean entre s, parte de la responsabilidad por la continuidad y la "obernabilidad se ha despla)ado a

    los escalones ms ba+os de la ener"a en el centro &en lu"ar de ser descentrali)ado'. 6dhesi#n a la /E

    requiere un alto nivel de poder "ubernamental e*ectiva y la no7 existencia de enclaves de poder de veto.

    !! onstituci#n de Rumania "aranti)a las libertades civiles y polticas habituales ,

    incluida la libertad de expresi#n , asociaci#n y reuni#n . En la prctica , la asociaci#n

    de la sociedad civil y los derechos de monta+e se ven obstaculi)ados por la va

    administrativa , y las actividades de los no deseados, las or"ani)aciones no

    "ubernamentales crticos estn obstruidas , tanto a nivel local como nacional. (os

    partidos polticos y or"anismos "ubernamentales han tratado recientemente de cooptar

    o emplear representantes de la sociedad civil, particularmente crticas o las >C . Por

    otra parte, tratan de desacreditar a las campa;as de despresti"io reali)adas a trav$s de

    medios de comunicaci#n polticamente ses"adas. En 2= se aprob# una ley

    retroactiva de las disposiciones poco claras que requieren las asociaciones y

    *undaciones que se disuelven si al"uien considera que su nombre censurable. 6unque

    la ley *ue modi*icada a principios de 2! , esto es un si"no de la constante presi#n que

    los "rupos crticos tienen que vivir en Rumania. 3r#nicamente , los partidos de

    oposici#n actualmente parecen ms preocupados que la "obierno limitando la sociedad


    sociaciGn 5

    los erec*os emonta6e1


    (as libertades de opini#n y de prensa son "eneralmente prote"idos

    adecuadamente. 6unque la mayora de los medios de comunicaci#n si"uen

    teniendo una pre*erencia poltica clara, la cultura de la in*ormaci#n poltica est

    cambiando, y la inter*erencia poltica abierta est disminuyendo. En t$rminos de

    anlisis en pro*undidad y el inter$s p-blico en la alta poltica, se puede

    ar"umentar que la in*ormaci#n poltica se ha deteriorado rpidamente en los

    -ltimos a;os.

    (as medidas adoptadas no han lo"rado cambiar el hecho bsico de que el

    pro*esionalismo periodstico es a menudo recha)ada por los intereses creados y

    las a*iliaciones polticas de los propietarios de los medios de comunicaci#n. El

    hecho de que varias or"ani)aciones no "ubernamentales clave priori)an la

    libertad de prensa y el acceso a la in*ormaci#n indica que no todo est bien en los

    medios rumanos. Del mismo modo, el hecho de que el onse+o de De*ensa>acional identi*ica los medios de comunicaci#n como una amena)a a la

    se"uridad en su proyecto de estrate"ia de 2 no au"ura nada bueno para la

    libertad de los medios de comunicaci#n como un derecho *undamental.

    @ierta eepresiGn


    3 " (stado de )erec*o

    (os poderes del Estado en Rumania son independientes, la onstituci#n establece la

    separaci#n de poderes y los controles y equilibrios en el sistema poltico. 6l i"ual

    que la anterior tira y a*lo+a entre el presidente y el primer ministro cohabitaci#n, el

    nuevo remolcador de la "uerra entre el P%D y el PD( ha comprometido seriamente

    la separaci#n de poderes, la posici#n aut#noma del Parlamento y la posici#n del

    Tribunal onstitucional *uera de la politiquera. Esto es, una ve) ms indicativo de

    la *alta de respeto de la $lite poltica de la separaci#n de poderes y el




    adecuadocomo un

    valor en s



    the political

  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    equilibrium has contributed to the onstitutional ourt @a separaciGn epoeres

  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report



    si no se toma una posici#n ms imparcial, apoltico, a veces *allando a *avor de los

    partidos en el poder, a veces a *avor de la oposici#n. Por e+emplo, el tribunal *all#en contra de al"unos captulos de la ley de creaci#n de la 6"encia >acional de

    3nte"ridad &6>3' en abril de 2 y decret# la pensi#n del @9 redu+o la

    inconstitucionalidad en +ulio de 2.

    El actual con*licto entre los poderes e+ecutivo y le"islativo , por un lado , y los

    poderes de la +udicatura ms de persecuci#n contra la corrupci#n , por otro, ha

    amena)ado la independencia del poder +udicial y ha ido en detrimento de la

    con*ian)a p-blica. (a re*orma muy tarda de los c#di"os de procedimiento civil y

    penal *ue *inalmente decidida por el Parlamento en +unio de 2. %in embar"o ,

    la crisis poltica posterior , una ve) ms retrasar la aplicaci#n e*ectiva de las

    re*ormas de la /E 7 demandados . El Parlamento ha tomado medidas drsticas

    contra la independencia de la 6>3 en la b-squeda de estrate"ias de lucha contra

    la corrupci#n desde que la orte onstitucional declar# al"unos de sus

    competencias inconstitucional. El poder +udicial es institucionalmente

    di*erenciado , pero los procedimientos y otra ve) estn su+etos a modi*icaci#n por

    motivos polticos y la politiquera &por e+emplo , las elecciones al conse+o

    superior de la ma"istratura ' . En 2!, la elecci#n de un nuevo *iscal "eneral

    tambi$n se vio envuelta en la arena poltica. En "eneral , sin embar"o , el poder

    +udicial puede ser +u)"ado como ms independiente que antes debido a los altos

    *uncionarios de los partidos "obernantes *ueron investi"ados y condenados por

    primera ve) . 6dems , los ma"istrados del ms alto nivel *ueron investi"ados 7

    otra novedad y una se;al de cambio en la pro*esi#n. %in embar"o, la corrupci#n

    de los ma"istrados se mantiene un problema "rave.

    .istema 6uicialinepeniente


    Durin" the period under revieF, politicians in Romania Fere cau"ht betFeen the

    priority attached by the public, vocal national >Cs and the European /nion to the

    *i"ht a"ainst corruption and their oFn Fariness o* a stron" and independent a"ency.

    onsequently, anti7corruption o*ten *eatured in political pro"rams and speeches, but

    the onstitutional ourt and parliament Fere quicG to curb the competencies o* the

    >ational 6nti7orruption Directorate &restored under pressure *rom the European

    ommission' and the 6>3. These institutions nevertheless developed public trust

    and a pro*essional ethos o* their oFn as Fell as a substantial tracG record in dealin"

    Fith cases o* corruption and abuse o* public o**ice. Pro"ress in this respect seems

    structural, but political bacGin" remains hal*7hearted at best. onversely, media

    accusations o* corruption by the main parties are detrimental to the credibility o*

    anti7corruption a"ency, but also indicative o* the increasin" authority and reach o*

    these institutions in the political sphere.

    Prosecution of

    office ause


    3n line Fith E/ norms, all *ormal le"al "uarantees *or a *air process *or equal

    treatment and non7discrimination le"islation are in place. 0oFever, E/ monitors

    have critici)ed the arbitrariness and incoherence o* court verdicts and the bacGlo" o*

    court cases. 0uman ri"hts or"ani)ations, moreover, continue to report cases o*, *or

    example, police violation o* basic human ri"hts and "enerally inhuman and

    de"radin" treatment in Romanian penitentiaries. 6s underlined by E/ reportin",

    Ci3il ri+*ts


  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    Roma communities continue to su**er *rom various *orms o* social and ethnic


    4 " Sta+i&ity o, )emocratic Institutions

    The ability o* democratic institutions &"overnment, president and parliament' to

    ForG to"ether has been severely compromised. 3n the immediate a*termath o* E/

    accession, politicGin" produced embarrassin" deadlocGs in decision7maGin" and

    re*orm strate"ies. (ater in the period under revieF, the enmity betFeen the PD(

    president and the competin" P%D brou"ht le"islation to a "rindin" halt. Despite the

    impact o* the "lobal economic crisis and consistent criticismH"uidance *rom the

    European /nion, all ma+or parties *ocused on politicGin" and populist measures

    rather than +oint crisis mana"ement and democratic cooperation. The "rand

    coalition resultin" *rom the >ovember 2= elections Fas characteri)ed by endless

    in*i"htin" and its demise in %eptember 2! resulted in a succession o* caretaGer,

    minority and FeaG "overnments unable to deal Fith the crisis and, moreover,

    sabota"ed by the other parties throu"h votes o* no7con*idence. Iuite remarGably,

    the Eurobarometer 2 indicates that Romania is the E/ country Fith the hi"hest

    con*idence amon" citi)ens that the national "overnment &rather than the E/' Fill

    solve the economic crisis. ne explanation *or this trust may be *ound in the *act

    that despite all obstruction and politicGin", the crisis and E/ pressure have *orced

    "overnments to taGe some unpopular decisions &e."., pension cuts' and initiate

    ma+or re*orms &e."., education re*orm or the restructurin" o* parliament to

    unicameralism by re*erendum in >ovember 2!'.

    Performance of




    6lthou"h political actors do accept the democratic institutions in principle, they are

    not above bendin" the democratic principle o* the separation o* poFers or the rules

    o* democratic procedure. 6ll relevant political players occasionally resorted to the

    abuse o* democratic instruments *or party interests and to the use o* strate"ies o*

    doubt*ul democratic quality, ran"in" *rom populist measures, the use o* media

    outlets and incriminations that obstructed democratic decision7maGin" to

    re*erendums and the abuse o* the onstitutional ourt *or political interests. These

    abuses, hoFever, re*er to political culture rather than to the *ormal democratic rules.

    The *requent votes o* no7con*idence, the re*erendum on unicameralism initiated by

    the president and the involvement o* the onstitutional ourt in the education bill

    are Fithin the limits o* democratic political procedure.

    Commitment to




    5 " o&itica& and Socia& Integration

    The chan"es in the electoral system *ailed to *ully produce the expected positive

    e**ect on the political landscape. irstly, the parliamentary and presidential elections

    Fere separated by prolon"in" the presidentJs term o* o**ice to *ive years &in 2?'.

    Party system


  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    This attempt to de7politici)e procedures *ailed as the narroF victory in the

    presidential elections o* >ovember 2! nevertheless tri""ered a "overnment crisis

    a*ter less than one year o* PD(KP%D coalition. %econdly, the shi*t *rom a

    proportional to a mixed electoral system Fas intended to enhance the societal roots

    o* the political parties, but any e**ects Fere lar"ely o**set by the "larin" politicGin"

    durin" the economic crisis, the on"oin" clientelism and populist measures as a

    ne"ative *orm o* responsiveness to voters. Due to the hi"h threshold, party

    *ra"mentation is loF, Fith only *ive parties in the 8@7seat hamber o* Deputies.

    The leader7driven aspect o* these parties is still relatively hi"h, Fith a *eF Fell7

    GnoFn politicians taGin" most o* the inner7party and national decisions. Despite

    voter volatility, the results o* the European, presidential, local and parliamentary

    elections o* the past tFo years su""est a *airly stable constituency *or each o* thema+or parties, althou"h the cross7party mi"ration o* individual member o*

    parliament is still an issue.

    The party system has increased its responsiveness to societal constituencies and the

    ma+or parties are increasin"ly rooted in society rather than bein" leader7driven.

    0oFever, the political elite continues to be Fary o* %s that channel public

    interests and act as Fatchdo"s. orrespondin"ly, the political system lacGs

    incentives and points o* access to alloF >Cs and societal interest "roups to +oin

    the decision7maGin" process. %ome >Cs and their civil7ri"hts a"endas have

    enou"h international bacGin" and domestic standin" to in*luence politics to somede"ree. Both the lar"est political parties ea"erly create >Cs, thinG tanGs and

    pollin" institutes to occupy this increasin"ly important political arena. onversely,

    Gey democratic interest "roups such as trade unions are FeaGly developed,

    politically bound and by no means stron" social partners in their oFn ri"ht.

    Interest +roups


    The *allin" popularity o* anti7democratic, extremist parties continues, and

    demonstrates the consolidation o* democratic institutions and a democratic political

    culture. >evertheless, polls indicate that the "eneral level o* trust in these very

    institutions is loF. (iGeFise, althou"h there have been some recent improvements,

    public trust in national political institutions remains loF. 6 sprin" 2

    Eurobarometer report re"istered an avera"e trust o* 9 *or the "overnment and

    29 *or parliament &Fith a clear ne"ative trend' K a European loF. The ratin"s *or

    political parties are similar. 6 never7endin" series o* corruption scandals and public

    in*i"htin" "oes a lon" Fay explains the ebb in political trust, but it apparently does

    not translate into support *or anti7system parties or movements.

    ppro3al of



    %s tend to advocate the interests o* speci*ic social "roups, Fhereas lar"er,

    internationally connected >Cs tend to be quite isolated *rom constituencies in

    Romanian society, althou"h it may be assumed that constituencies and aFareness at

    least in the urban middle class are "roFin". Due to the countyJs lon" socialist

    tradition, people are more inclined to resort to state assistance and "uidance than to

    societal sel*7or"ani)ation "roups or K in the case o* the Finners in the

    .ocial capital


  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    trans*ormation process K to opt *or a hi"hly individualistic approach. 6dvocacy

    or"ani)ations and civil society coalitions tend to *ocus &Fith increasin"

    e**ectiveness and in*luence' on sin"le issues, most prominently anti7corruption, the

    environment or con*lict o* interest and transparency durin" the 2= parliamentary

    elections. onversely, the role o* broad, "eneral7purpose >Cs Fith substantial

    national andHor international *undin" and expertise seems to have declined alon"

    Fith E/ accession &and thus the replacement o* pre7accession European

    ommission *undin" Fith structural pro"rams administered by national ministries,

    Fho pre*er LtameM pro+ects, not Fatchdo" or activist >Cs'. Typically, social

    capital is interpreted as traditional netForGs o* solidarity belon"in" to rural

    environments, not to the dynamic urban circles o* the service sector,

    internationali)ation and prosperity.

    II. "conomic Transformation

    6 " -ee& o, Socioeconomic )ee&o$mentKuestion


    Due to "roFin" urbanKrural disparities in the processes o* socioeconomic

    trans*ormation and European inte"ration, social exclusion is structurally in"rainedin Romania. Cender is scarcely a *actor, as the CD3 is close to 9 o* the 0D3,

    but other />DP poverty7related indices indicate that poverty, thou"h not extreme,

    is a serious and substantial problem. D3 and economic "roFth are stron"ly *ocused

    on the capital, a hand*ul o* ma+or cities and the Nestern re"ions, Fhereas rural

    underemployment persists as a structural problem. >ation7Fide, the steady increase

    o* li*e expectancy su""ests improvements overall. onversely, the 0D3 has not

    increased over the past three years &2=< .:A@, 2< .:A:', but neither has it

    declined despite the crisis. ne indicator< The Norld BanG applauded Romania *or

    its achievements in poverty reduction in the years prior to the economic "lobal

    crisis. The situation o* the Roma community deserves special re*erence. Their

    access to education and health services &and less so to Fel*are support' continue to

    be serious issues.




  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    (conomic indicators 200#




    9=P +ro(t* ? 6.0 $.! - 0./

    Inflation 'CPI) ? !.8 #.8 5.6 6.1

    Anemployment ? 6.! 5.8 6.$

    "port +ro(t* ? #.8 1 - 1

    Import +ro(t* ? 2 1 - 1

    Current account alance > mn. -2%080




    "ternal et > mn. 8!16 102!8 11800 12150

    Total et ser3ice > mn. 11568.1




    Ta re3enue ? of 1 1 -

    9o3ernment consumption ? of 1 1 1 1

    Pulic epn. on eu. ? of !.% - -

    Pulic epn. on *ealt* ? of 5.2 5.! 5.!

    RL= epeniture ? of 0. 0. -

    4ilitary epeniture ? of 1.5 1.5 1.!

    ources& T*e Dorl Ban,7 Dorl =e3elopment Inicators 2011 | International 4onetary Eun 'I4E)7Dorl "conomic Mutloo, 2011 | toc,*olm International Pease Researc* Institute 'IPRI)7 4ilitary"peniture =ataase 2011.

    7 " rganiation o, t*e Maret and om$etition

    Nith E/ accession, the institutions o* a marGet economy are in place and include

    the *reedom o* trade and currency convertibility. Nhereas in the *irst phases o* the

    trans*ormational process, Romania Fas ri"htly critici)ed *or reservin" too lar"e a

    role *or the state in economic development, since then le"acies o* overre"ulation

    exist in parallel Fith virtually unhampered *orms o* business practice beyond the




  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    control o* the authorities and re"ulations. (e"al and ille"al emi"rant ForGers and

    their remittances contribute substantially to the subsistence o* *amilies bacG home.

    Nhile *ormal re"ulations prohibitin" monopolies do exist, the ompetition ouncil

    and other marGet arbiters K thou"h *ully in line Fith the acquis chapters K are still

    FeaGer and more timid in reality than they should be. 3n 2 the ompetition

    ouncil tooG on a more active role K especially in the Gey area o* the restructurin"

    o* the national ener"y marGet, Fhere there Fas a real dan"er o* one company

    achievin" a dominant position. The ompetition ouncil also handed out a ma+or

    *ine to the Romanian Post *or abuse o* its dominant position. 3n recent years,

    economic matters includin" competition laFs have not *eatured in the E/ reports on

    Romania. 3n 2!, the ompetition ouncil adopted a more proactive stance and

    initiated cooperation Fith a thinG tanG to investi"ate monopoly issues in vulnerable

    sectors o* the economy &banGin", retail, pharmacy, liberal pro*essions, ener"y,

    concessions and the taxi sector'.




    Nith E/ accession, Romania has become a *ull member o* the common marGet. 6ll

    restrictions imposed by tari** and non7tari** trade barriers have thus been abolished.

    The banGin" sector has been restructured to European standards. Predictably,

    1oodyJs assessment o* the "eneral outlooG *or the Romanian banGin" sector in

    2! Fas ne"ative because o* the "lobal *inancial crisis. 6*ter several pro*itable

    years, the solvency o* Romanian banGs Fas not an issue, but loan delinquencies

    increased and the banGs shunned risGs in business credits. 6s the banGs Fere

    already overly cautious they avoided insolvency risGs, but contributed little to the

    recovery o* the economy.

    @ieraliJation of

    forei+n trae

    10Ban,in+ system


    8 " urrency and rice Sta+i&ity

    Evidently, investors consider Romania a risG country in the current situation. D3

    has declined sharply, and the *orei"n exchan"e rate reacts to political events such as

    the autumn 2 no7con*idence vote. verall, the exchan"e rate o* the (eu is

    declinin", and depreciation is liGely to continue *or some time. &(on"7term *orei"n

    currency ratin"< 1oodyJs Baa8 and BBO accordin" to %P and itch'. Nith

    "overnment austerity measures implemented, in*lation increased sharply, especially

    in connection Fith the @9 rise on 46T.


    fore policy


    The Romanian "overnment clearly lived beyond its *inancial means, relyin" on a

    continuation o* the 28 K 2= boom and exacerbatin" the *iscal and external

    balance by lavish spendin" on Gey constituencies and "overnment apparatus +ust

    be*ore the 2= elections. 6s a consequence, 33s and the European /nion had to

    bail Romania out Fith a substantial assistance pacGa"e o* some Q2 billion *or2!H2 Fith strict conditionalities. The "overnment had to decide on a drastic



  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    rise in 46T, a 2@9 cut in state salaries and pain*ul reductions in state7*unded social

    bene*its. %till, external balance and *iscal balance have not been attained. The

    European ommissionJs latest *i"ures predict a public bud"et balance o* 7:.89 o*

    CDP *or 2 and 7@.@9 current account balance. The upFard turn, moreover, is

    expected to taGe lon"er than in most other E/7countries &Fith the exception o*

    (atvia'. CDP contraction and risin" unemployment Fill a**ect the tax in*loF in

    2. ut o* pure necessity, "overnment policies are noF *ocused on

    macroeconomic stability, but the past tFo years have demonstrated their tendency

    to "ive in to populist pressures and electioneerin" strate"ies.

    / " riate ro$erty

    6lthou"h Romanian le"islation on the acquisition and protection o* property ri"hts

    is "enerally in line Fith the E/ acquis, there are still de*icits in the protection o*

    intellectual and industrial property ri"hts despite stepped7up e**orts to prosecute

    copyri"ht7related crimes &e."., e**orts made by the >ational ustoms 6uthority'.

    verall, Romania is "radually becomin" more business7*riendly in terms o*

    procedures and their duration. The restitution o* property nationali)ed by the

    communist re"ime also remains an issue, thou"h less severe than in the past decade.

    Property ri+*ts


    6s an E/ member state, RomaniaJs in*rastructure *or *acilitatin" private enterprise

    is *irmly in place. The state even o**ers competitive taxation re"imes *or *orei"n

    investors. 0oFever, as *ar as the number o* o**icial procedures required to start a

    business are concerned, Romania is not risin" on the Norld BanGJs Doin" Business

    ranGin"s. The country ranGed @? in 2 and @A in 2, thou"h it should be noted

    that this places it not *ar beloF the re"ional avera"e. The post7communist

    privati)ation process is lar"ely over. 3n strate"ic sectors &ener"y', privati)ation

    plans have stalled *or some years, but are lar"ely in line Fith the principles o*

    marGet economy.

    Pri3ate enterprise


    10 " e&,are egime

    %ocial security is or"ani)ed by the state and covers all relevant risGs in principle. 6s

    the incidence o* poverty indicates, social security *unctions on a subsistence level

    throu"hout the country. %imilarly, althou"h health care is available *or all citi)ens

    throu"hout the state territory, it is inadequate, especially in rural settlements. 1ore

    importantly, social disparities and inequality in access to health care and basic

    services continue to exist. RomaniaJs health care system has been ne"atively

    a**ected by E/ accession< Romania has one o* the loFest health bud"ets &and

    hi"hest death rates' in the E/7, +eopardi)in" access to medicines *or all citi)ens.

    6s Romania +oined the E/ marGet, pharmaceutical prices rose and patients are noFo*ten *orced to pay hal* or more o* the costs o* vital treatments. 6dditionally,

    .ocial safety nets


  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    Romania has been less active than most other E/ countries in dealin" Fith the

    upcomin" retirement o* the baby7boomer "eneration. Early retirement has been

    Fidely used, and the employment rate in 2! Fas only @!9 &Eurostat *i"ures'.

    %ocial sa*ety nets are pretty comprehensive, but many components are poorly

    tar"eted. The system is over7extended by comparison Fith the resources made

    available to it and promises more than it can deliver.

    3n 2!H2 the "overnment started to address this imbalance, but the direction

    Fas not one Fay< 1any bene*its Fere reduced, but the Lminimum pensionM Fas put

    in place to extend assistance to the poorest cate"ories o* elderly people.

    ne Gey e**ort concerned the controversial 2 pension re*orm that introduced a

    uni*orm pension a"e, causin" clashes both Fithin parliament and betFeen

    parliament and president.

    Romanian society retains elements o* hetero"eneity and discriminatory access.

    Education, basic social security and health care o**er limited compensation *or

    social inequality. E"alitarian attitudes are Fidespread in the state7provided services,

    but a lacG o* resources is paramount. 3n the lon" run, the main threat to state Fel*are

    services is represented by a "radual depletion o* assets and a decay o* in*rastructure

    maintenance. The />DP "ender7related indices and other relevant indicators no

    lon"er su""est pro"ress but rather sta"nation. Disparities are *irst and *oremost

    socioeconomic, and Fhile the existin" policies and institutions are consolidatedenou"h to prevent socioeconomic deterioration, they are not poFer*ul enou"h to

    compensate *or "ross social di**erences and to achieve equality o* opportunity. The

    />DP "ender7related indices shoF that Romania still banGs on past equal7

    opportunity policies and some recent transition trends< Nomen are not

    disadvanta"ed in education and are even overrepresented in hi"her education, but

    may earn less in similar positions. 6s an illustration< The present parliament

    consists o* almost 8 male and a mere 8= *emale deputies. RomaniaJs success in

    Norld7BanG7"uided poverty reduction may be o**7set by the current crisis, Fhich is

    bound to hit the FeaGest in society *irst and hardest. The pli"ht o* the Roma

    communities in terms o* access to health care and education indicates a FeaGness in

    the Romanian state7provided services.

    "2ual opportunity


    11 " (conomic er,ormance

    RomaniaJs economic per*ormance in the "lobal crisis has been relatively poor. The

    crisis has revealed the structural FeaGnesses and vulnerabilities underneath the

    substantial "roFth rates o* the past *eF years. 6*ter several years o* @9 K 9

    CDP "roFth, 2! ended Fith 7=.@9. >et D3 in*loF had increased seven7*old

    *rom 28 to 2=, but dropped to 2@Js level in one sin"le year o* the crisis K hal*the level o* 2=. %imilarly, remittances had climbed steeply since 2?, but halved

    Mutput stren+t*


  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    in 2= to an amount similar to D3. The crisis a**ected imports rather than exports

    and all three economic sectors Fere hit to a comparable de"ree. 3n*lation dropped

    *rom .A9 to A.@9 and unemployment did not increase dramatically &*rom @.=9

    2= to A.!9 2!'. The European /nion and 31 put pressure on the Romanian

    "overnment&s' to *ace the consequences o* excessive spendin" and to restore order

    in public *inances by addressin" *iscal imbalances and taGin" unpopular measures

    &e."., reducin" pensions, raisin" 46T, cuttin" salaries o* state employees etc'. ne

    structural FeaGness related to the re"ional and urbanHrural disparities remainsevertheless, in relative terms pro"ress has

    been substantial on the "round. The "overnment has clearly become more aFare o*

    and more proactive about environmental issues as a result o* E/ accession

    ne"otiations, althou"h many initiatives are still pushed by international

    or"ani)ations &e."., the />DP' and %s. oncerns about a reliable and clean

    Fater supply and promotin" ener"y conservationHe**iciency are bein" addressed in

    compliance Fith E/ environmental standards and international conventions. 3n

    >ovember 2=, the Romanian "overnment also endorsed a comprehensive national

    strate"y *or sustainable development. RomaniaJs Environmental Per*ormance 3ndex

    score is Fell Fithin in the ran"e o* the E/7 countries.




    The main problems in RomaniaJs education system and RD investments concern

    not the "eneral level o* education, but the uncontrolled mushroomin" o* non7

    accredited institutions o* hi"her education. (iGeFise, althou"h "overnment

    spendin" on education has improved the allocation o* resources is sGeFed in *avor

    o* &public' hi"her education. verall, state controls on quality la" behind, althou"h

    a laF adopted in late 2 may address this issue. Economic competitiveness and

    the closure o* the urbanKrural quality "ap require substantial investment in

    improvin" primary education throu"hout the country. Public spendin" on RD is

    *ar beloF E/ and ED avera"es and it remains to be seen Fhether the

    incremental "roFth Fill continue despite the economic crisis. The basics are in

    place< hi"h literacy rates, primary and secondary education throu"hout the country.

    The reversal o* the *emale to male ratio K close to 9 in primary and secondary

    education, but 8?9 in tertiary education K is typical *or post7communist countries,

    especially in %outh7eastern Europe. (i*e7lon" trainin" has not yet been establishedCs only Fhen necessary as a result o*

    Nestern pressure or the particular >CJs increasin" popularity, or Fhen the state

    administration itsel* lacGs the required competence. verall, the "overnment does

    not appear to Felcome a broader policy dialo"ue Fith %s. Expediency

    considerations prevail over broader consultation Fith or"ani)ations such as trade

    unions or churches. 6t best, politicians cooperate Fith an elite o* not necessarily

    representative thinG tanGs and >Cs. The "radual increase in career permeability

    betFeen the "overnment bureaucracy and political7representative institutions, on

    the one hand, and civil society and advocacy or"ani)ations, on the other hand, may

    be considered a positive trend. /n*ortunately, some o* the *eF critical voices have

    been e**ectively silenced by co7optation into administrative and political

    responsibilities. The remedy *or this problem is a lon"7term process based on the

    di**erent outlooG and competencies and % bacG"roundHnetForGs o* middle

    echelon politicians and civil servants.

    Ci3il society




    Ever since the bloody revolution o* !=!, Romania has been exceptional in its

    handlin" o* its Far7time past &as an ally o* >a)i Cermany' and its communist past.

    eausescuJs nationalistic denial o* any Romanian involvement in o**ensive Far*are,

    Far crimes or the 0olocaust continued in much public debate a*ter !=!. 0istorical

    revelations scarcely reached the public debate. Eventually, *ormer communist and

    President 3on 3liescu partly broGe the taboo.

    The more pressin" issue o* communist repression and expropriation also never*ound much o* an echo in Romanian public and political debate. The activists and

    civil society "roups callin" attention to the crimes o* communism are relatively

    small and mar"inal. 3n 2@, the Romanian "overnment eventually set up a ondul

    Proprietatea to compensate victims o* expropriations *rom a stocG *und Forth some

    Q? billion at the time o* its establishment. 6ccordin" to several reports, the *und has

    since been mismana"ed since and its listin" at the stocG marGet delayed. Due to the

    crisis, the shares o* the *ormer victims have dFindled to a *raction o* their nominal

    value, Fhereas marGet speculators have reaped the pro*its. 1eanFhile, the *und has

    been run by the respected international asset mana"ement *irm ranGlin Templeton

    3nvestment 1ana"ement since %eptember 2. The *irm taGes actions &evena"ainst the "overnment' to increase its share value and brin" it to the stocG marGet.



  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    6part *rom the *und, there has also been in7Gind restitution &land, buildin"s,

    industrial assets', thou"h the process Fas lon" and protracted.

    17 " Internationa& oo$eration

    verall, Romania has made e**ective use o* international support *rom the

    European /nion, the European BanG *or Reconstruction and Development &EBRD',

    the 31 and the Norld BanG in the current crisis, but its main strate"ies Fere

    dictated by the international or"ani)ations themselves. 3n policy *ields beyond hi"h

    politics, Romanian is becomin" increasin"ly competent and quali*ied in mana"in"

    the resources made available by international cooperation, especially Fithin the

    European /nion. %ince E/ accession, Romania has become a partner in an endless

    array o* E/ or E/7related or"ani)ations and netForGs in policy *ields ran"in" *rom

    anti7corruption to environmental protection.

    "ffecti3e use of



    The international credibility problem o* Romania as a partner is *our*old. irst,

    inevitably is the ne"ative ima"e o* Romania amon" European citi)ens. 6mon"

    international or"ani)ations and the E/ in particular, populist rhetoric and

    enlar"ement *ati"ue amon" voters has an indirect impact. President Basescu in

    particular has been detrimental to RomaniaJs reputation as a constructive and

    reliable international partner by occasionally &ab'usin" international *orums to roll

    our populist rhetoric *or domestic audiences and crude statements &more in 2!

    than in 2'. 6dditionally, his unFillin"ness to end the political stalemate and

    nominate a neF prime minister a*ter the "overnmentJs collapse in ctober 2!

    prior to his oFn re7election in December certainly Fas detrimental to RomaniaJs

    international reputation. 6 dramatic lacG o* coordination and cooperation betFeen

    president and "overnment or amon" cabinet members has been as detrimental as the

    insu**icient e**orts to synchroni)e national initiatives Fith international strate"ies

    &a"ain, mainly in 2!'.

    The "overnment itsel* has lar"ely been cooperative, but the many chan"es in

    "overnments and recurrin" phases o* coalition buildin" and interim "overnmentshave been detrimental to the belie* o* international or"ani)ations and 33s in

    RomaniaJs policy7maGin" poFer. 6 positive development< ivil servants in the

    ministries and a"encies have "ained experience in international cooperation and

    quali*ications overall, thus creatin" a bacGbone o* international credibility and


    3n 2, RomaniaJs readiness to cooperate Fith international partners and

    international or"ani)ations and 33s increased marGedly. onversely, some E/

    member states obstructed RomaniaJs accession to %chen"en *or political and

    domestic reasons rather than on the basis o* the criteria set by the European /nion.



  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    1eanFhile, Romania has become more e**ective and Fillin" in implementin" 31

    recommendations and criteria *or bud"etary sustainability.

    Civen the economic crisis and its oFn political instability, Romania seems to have

    "iven up on most o* its ambitions to play the role o* a re"ional leader in

    southeastern Europe and the BlacG %ea re"ion. verall, noF that E/ membership

    has been achieved, re"ional cooperation has marGedly declined as a political

    priority. Relations Fith nei"hborin" 1oldova constitute an exception. Nith the

    chan"e o* "overnment in hisinau in mid72!, Bucharest has taGen a more active

    stance as 1oldovaJs advocate Fithin the E/. verall, Romania lacGs the political

    capacity to play a more substantial role in the European /nion, unliGe some other

    E/7 states. orei"n and European policies require hi"h7level politics rather than

    competent administrators and diplomats.





  • 8/13/2019 (114287633) Romania Country Report


    trate+ic Mutloo,

    Nhereas the risGs Romania *aces in the economic *ield are, on the on hand, structural le"acies,

    and on the other hand, part and parcel o* the "lobal economic and *inancial crisis, the countryJs

    political risGs are predominantly sel*7in*licted.

    Economically, the underdevelopment o* the a"ricultural sector constitutes a heavy load.

    onsequently, the economic "roFth o* the past *ive to six years has been re"ionally uneven.

    Partly because o* political instability, D3 is relatively loF and sensitive to smaller or lar"er

    crises, internationally or domestically. The same applies to mi"rant ForGersJ remittances &eventhou"h they dropped less than expected durin" the crisis'. onsequently, domestic consumption

    Fill be the Gey issue in economic recovery in the next *eF years. Romania &and Bul"aria' are

    expected to be sloFer in recovery than the other E/7 countries. Due to the austerity pro"ram

    the "overnment had to implement a*ter overspendin", the recovery process cannot banG on

    domestic consumption &Fhich is partly dependent on remittances', but has to hope *or investors

    and export. 3n sum, there is next to )ero *iscal space *or creative solutions beyond *olloFin"

    recommendations and conditions set by European /nion and 33s.

    RomaniaJs main option *or serious improvement is political in nature and at the same time its

    main risG *or the near *uture. Public trust and turnout at elections are loF. Politicians o* the mainparties are time and a"ain draFn bacG to a style o* politics that lacGs public transparency &and

    access *or %s', is hi"hly centrali)ed, prone to populist rhetoric, &ab'use o* democratic

    instruments *or party politics and short on political coura"e to unite to tacGle Gey problems. The

    checGered record o* political re*orm and economic development has not translated into political

    &extremist' alternatives. onsiderin" the developments in nei"hborin" transition countries &and

    many E/7@ countries *or that matter', it is merely a matter o* time until a modern ri"ht7Fin"

    populist movement replaces the antiquated PR1.