1142 immaculateconception salem 052619 - The Boston Pilot...El Obispo le pedirá al Señor que...

This week at MQOA: Pg. 3 Today’s Mass readings and prayers Pg. 4 A Holy Hour for Life Pg. 5 Family Safety Workshop Pg. 5 Find us on Social Media WELCOME Thank you for joining us for Mass today. We hope that you find us to be Holy Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ, centered in the Eucharist. Contact us soon to find out how you can be a part of what MQOA is doing to offer welcome and healing to all. MAY 26, 2019 www.MQOA.org 978-745-9060 [email protected]

Transcript of 1142 immaculateconception salem 052619 - The Boston Pilot...El Obispo le pedirá al Señor que...

Page 1: 1142 immaculateconception salem 052619 - The Boston Pilot...El Obispo le pedirá al Señor que envíe el espíritu de sabiduría, entendimiento, juicio correcto, valor, conocimiento

This week at MQOA:

• Pg. 3 Today’s Mass readings and prayers • Pg. 4 A Holy Hour for Life • Pg. 5 Family Safety Workshop • Pg. 5 Find us on Social Media


Thank you for joining us

for Mass today.

We hope that you

find us to be

Holy Spirit-filled

disciples of Jesus Christ,

centered in the Eucharist.

Contact us soon

to find out how you

can be a part of what

MQOA is doing to offer

welcome and healing

to all.

MAY 26, 2019


978-745-9060 [email protected]

Page 2: 1142 immaculateconception salem 052619 - The Boston Pilot...El Obispo le pedirá al Señor que envíe el espíritu de sabiduría, entendimiento, juicio correcto, valor, conocimiento



Next week begins our busy wedding season. As we continue to welcome brides and grooms and their families, we are reminded of God’s love that continues to pour into the world, and particularly in this lovely and loving way. In addition, during this Easter season we have been baptizing babies every weekend at Masses. On Saturday, June 1, we welcome Hilary Lynch and David Spidaliere and on June 8, Greg Burns and Meghan Sherry for their wedding ceremonies. And, we will confirm 13 students from our parish at the 4:00 PM Mass on June 8.

Confirmation is the second of the three sacraments of initiation in the Catholic Church. The Holy Spirit, first given in Baptism and sustained by the Eucharist to complete this “trinity” of sacraments, is poured out upon the students through their openness to receiving it, the blessing and calling of the Spirit, and then the reception of the anointing with chrism on the forehead by our Regional Bishop, The Most Reverend Mark O’Connell. The Bishop will ask the Lord to send the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, courage, fortitude, piety, and awe. Afterwards, they will be greeted with the words “Peace be with you.”

In our present day, this sacrament is most often considered to be the completion of the rites of initiation. However, in the early days of the Church, and even now at Holy Saturday, it comes before first reception of the Eucharist. The order was changed a long time ago, but there is not enough space here to recount the whole journey to where we are now. In our parish, we hope that this will be a joyful conclusion to this initiation period and also the beginning of the process in which we continue lifelong learning and discipleship formation. Discipleship is a lifelong process that means we are continuing to grow into what it means to be a mature follower of Jesus in faith.

We look forward to having our students join us in worship and in ministries that serve the church. The variety of gifts of the Spirit enable the candidates, and all of us, to decide how God has gifted us — and allows us to use these gifts to benefit the community and to reach out to and heal those around us. Evangelizing is nothing more than sharing our faith, even when we don’t have all the answers to people’s questions about faith. Confirmation reminds us (from our Latin roots) that we are “making with” — we are saying in our confirmation that we intend to help God make his kingdom known. We have been given all the gifts to realize this.

Confirmation allows us the opportunity to begin to share our faith, first with the gathered community every Sunday and then wherever we find ourselves in the world. Congratulations, confirmands! We hope to see you around the table of the Lord, and growing with all of us as disciples of Jesus. Peace, Father Murray Building News: We are shutting off the boilers and calling the plumbers to have them clean and prepare them for next season. I am pleased that there were very few “no heat” incidents.





978-745-9060 M-F 9:30AM-3:00PM

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La próxima semana comienza nuestra fuerte temporada de bodas. A medida que continuamos dándole la bienvenida a las novias y los novios y sus familias, recordamos el amor de Dios que continúa vertiéndose en el mundo, y especialmente de esta manera encantadora y amorosa. Además, durante esta temporada de Pascua, hemos estado bautizando bebés todos los fines de semana en una misa u otra. El sábado primero de junio vamos a darle la bienvenida a Hilary Lynch y David Spidaliere; y el 8 le daremos la bienvenida a Greg Burns y Meghan Sherry para sus ceremonias de matrimonio. Confirmaremos a 14 estudiantes de nuestra parroquia en la misa de las 4:00 PM el 8 de junio. La confirmación es el segundo sacramento de los tres sacramentos de iniciación en la Iglesia Católica. El Espíritu Santo es dado primero en el Bautismo, luego es alimentado por la Eucaristía y, para completar esta "trinidad" de sacramentos, es derramado sobre los estudiantes cuando muestran su apertura para recibirlo. El Espíritu Santo se llamado mediante la bendición y luego la recepción de la unción con aceite del crisma en la frente por nuestro obispo regional, el Reverendísimo Mark O'Connell. El Obispo le pedirá al Señor que envíe el espíritu de sabiduría, entendimiento, juicio correcto, valor, conocimiento y reverencia. Luego serán recibidos con el saludo, "La paz esté con ustedes." En nuestros días actuales, y desde hace mucho tiempo, este sacramento se lo imparte más a menudo como el último de los Ritos de Iniciación. Sin embargo, en los primeros días de la iglesia e incluso ahora en el Sábado Santo, se presenta antes de la Eucaristía. Se cambió hace mucho tiempo, pero no hay suficiente espacio aquí en el boletín para relatar todo el viaje hasta donde estamos ahora. En nuestra parroquia, esperamos que esta sea la conclusión feliz de este período, pero también el comienzo de una formación de aprendizaje y discipulado de por vida que todos estamos llamados a continuar. El discipulado es un proceso que dura toda la vida, lo que significa que continuamos creciendo hacia lo que es ser un "adulto" seguidor de Jesús en la fe. Esperamos que nuestros estudiantes se unan a nosotros en clases y ministerios que sirven a la iglesia. La variedad de dones del Espíritu nos permite a nosotros y a ellos decidir cómo Dios nos ha bendecido con sus dones; nos permite usar esos dones porque sabemos que van a beneficiar a la comunidad; nos ayudan a evangelizar y a sanar a quienes nos rodean. Evangelizar no es más que compartir nuestra fe, incluso cuando no tenemos todas las respuestas para aquellos que nos cuestionan cuando hablamos de nuestra fe. La confirmación nos recuerda (de nuestras raíces latinas) que estamos "haciendo con", es decir, estamos diciendo en nuestra confirmación que tenemos la intención de ayudar a Dios a dar a conocer su reino. Nos han dado todos los regalos para darnos cuenta de esto. Es similar a cocinar a partir de una caja de comida congelada. Todos los ingredientes están ahí, solo necesitamos agregar el “calor” del Espíritu Santo. La comida es nuestra vida y nuestra fe, y el fuego del Espíritu Santo se calienta en una mezcla lo suficientemente buena como para querer tenerla y compartirla. La confirmación brinda la oportunidad de comenzar a compartir nuestra fe, primero con la comunidad reunida todos los domingos y luego donde sea que nos encontremos en el mundo. ¡Felicitaciones confirmandos! Esperamos verlos en la mesa del Señor y crecer con todos nosotros como discípulos de Jesús. Paz, Padre Murray Noticias del edificio. Estamos apagando las calderas y llamando a los fontaneros para que las limpien y las preparen para la próxima temporada. Me complace que hubo muy pocos incidentes "sin calefacción".


Sixth Sunday of Easter in year C can be found

starting at number 915 in the Journeysongs book.

The prayers for the Mass are found starting at number 140

(grey section).

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“Never tire of firmly speaking out in defense of life from its conception and do not be deterred from

the commitment to defend the dignity of every human person with courageous determination. Christ is

with you: be not afraid!” – St. John Paul II

Come, let us pray together Friday May 31, 7:00 PM at Immaculate Conception.

“Nunca te canses de hablar firmemente en defensa de la

vida desde su concepción y no te desanimes del

compromiso de defender la dignidad de cada persona

humana con una determinación valerosa. Cristo está

contigo: ¡no tengas miedo! – San Juan Pablo II.

Vengan, oremos juntos el viernes 31 de mayo a las 7:00

pm en la Inmaculada Concepción.

ASCENSION THURSDAY Ascension Thursday, a Holy Day of Obligation, is coming up on Thursday, May 30. Join us for Mass at 9:00 AM or 5:30 PM in English at Immaculate Conception, or 7:00 PM in Spanish at Immaculate Conception. You can learn about this Holy Day at https://bustedhalo.com/ministry-resources/what-is-the-ascension

BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER Our church will be participating in a Baby Bottle Campaign to support A Woman’s Concern/Your Options Medical. Baby Bottles or donation envelopes are available for you to take home, fill with cash, checks, and change and bring them back to the church. Your financial support will help to make services available free of cost to those who are in need of support and guidance during pregnancy. Contact Susan Sirois for more information: 508-662-1924

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At Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish, the sacrament of marriage is a sign of God’s invitation to unimaginable intimacy with Him and one another. If you are an engaged couple and want to get married at Immaculate Conception or Saint James Church, please contact our pastor, Father Bob Murray: [email protected] to set a date as soon as possible. Father Murray will also connect you to our marriage ministers, Martin and Stacey Walsh: [email protected] who will help you with marriage preparation and wedding coordination. Please Note: Weddings are scheduled at least nine months to one year in advance.

YOUTH GROUP Our youth group for Spanish- and English-speaking students in middle and high school happens on Friday evenings from 5:30-7:30 PM at Immaculate Conception lower church hall. It’s free, there’s food, and it’s fun ― we promise! Bring a friend or two.

CAPERNAUM SPECIAL NEEDS YOUTH GROUP Young Life North Shore invites kids with disabilities to this fun youth group at St. James conference room on Saturday, June 1 from 5:30-7:30 PM. For info, email Young Life’s director Angie Giancola [email protected]


Check out our new parish website

at www.mqoa.org and visit it often

for information and updates.

Stay up to date with our

Facebook page:


Find us on Twitter at


Our weekly e-newsletter is a great way to keep in touch, and get a sneak peek at our bulletin each week. Sign up by emailing us:

[email protected]

If you’ve spent much time here at MQOA, you’ve probably heard about ALPHA. But did you know that Alpha is for you, even if you’re a lifelong, faith-filled Catholic? Save the date and plan to come and see what Alpha is all about, Monday September 16 at 7:00 PM at St. James lower church hall. You’ll be glad you did!



All families with

kids up to grade 6

are invited to

participate in a

workshop about

personal safety,

hosted by our

Wondrous Stories leaders Kim Sherman and

Janet Anderson. Kids and parents will learn

about ways to stay safe and how to ask for help

when they’re feeling uncomfortable.

Join us immediately after the 10:30 AM Mass

on Sunday, June 2 in the lower church hall

at St. James church.

Questions? Email us at

[email protected]


Our parish offices will be

closed on Monday, May 27

for Memorial Day.

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MONDAY, MAY 27 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception chapel 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room TUESDAY, MAY 28 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room 7:00 PM La Misa en español ― IC WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:30 AM Knitting group ― St. James conf. room 6:30 PM Women’s Beta Group ― IC lower hall (see page 4 for information) 6:30 PM Bingo ― St. James church hall THURSDAY, MAY 30 — FEAST OF THE ASCENSION 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room 5:30 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception (English) 7:00 PM La Misa en español ― IC FRIDAY, MAY 31 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room 5:30 PM Youth Group ― IC lower hall 6:00 PM Wedding rehearsal ― IC church 7:00 PM Holy Hour for Life ― IC church. See page 4 SATURDAY, JUNE 1 5:00 AM Hispanic Intercessory Prayer Group ― IC 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room 3:00 PM Confessions at ― IC chapel 4:00 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception Memorial: Nancy Miron SUNDAY, JUNE 2 7:30 AM Mass at St. James Church Memorial: Rev. Anton Ngo T. Tin 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception Church Baptism of Kevin David Acosta-Medrano 10:30 AM Mass at St. James Church Baptism of Max Estep and Sophia Katz 12:00 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception Church en español. 2:00 PM Baptism of Johan Ortiz and Kimberly Cerva 6:30 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception Church

May 18-19, 2019 Offertory: $7,297.50 Online: $1,086.85 Mail: $565.00 Total: $8,949.35

PLEASE REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR CHECKS TO “MARY, QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES PARISH.” Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish relies on the weekly offertory and other donations to serve God and God’s people. By giving $10 or $20 in our weekly collection, you help make Masses more beautiful, ministries more personal, service to the poor more possible, and opportunities to grow in faith more plentiful. Thank you for your financial and prayerful support.

To request a Mass in honor or in memory of a loved one,

please call the parish offices at 978-745-9060, or email

[email protected]

GIVING ONLINE HELPS OUR PARISH When a winter storm comes on a weekend, it leads to a lower collection that can cause problems with parish budgeting. To help the parish avoid these problems, you can sign up for online giving through WeShare. Online giving allows you to automatically give to the parish on a schedule. If you’re not signed up to give online, please consider signing up for it. You can sign up here: www.tinyurl.com/MQOAchurchgiving.

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PLEASE NOTE* Where you see asterisks in the schedule on this page, that means additional ministers are needed. If you are able to serve, please add yourself to the schedule on our google doc (see “scheduling” below), or sign in to help when you arrive.

COMMUNION CUP Our parish has begun to offer Communion under both species (bread and wine) as of Holy Thursday, 2019. Eucharistic ministers, please be aware of this change.

NEW MINISTERS ARE NEEDED If you’d like to be trained to serve as a lector, greeter, Eucharistic minister, altar server or sacristan, please speak to Fr. Murray to find out how, or email our office. Your help is needed!

PLEASE CHECK IN Eucharistic ministers, lectors, altar servers, please check in in the sacristy when you arrive to serve for Mass. There’s a log book in each of our churches. Also, please come early and greet our guests at the church doors before Mass. Thanks!

SCHEDULING Greeters, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, and all liturgical ministers can access the schedule via the link in the email sent on 4/24/2019. If you have lost the link, email Margo Morin at [email protected] and it will be re-sent to you.

SATURDAY, May 25 4:00 PM IC Greeters:* Lectors: Marie Goreham Eucharistic Ministers: Joe Carmody* SUNDAY May 26 7:30 AM SJ Greeters: Beth Griffin Lectors: Mary Plue Eucharistic Ministers Richard Poisson Dana Dooley* 9:00 AM IC Greeters: Barbara Kostan Ted Kobialka Lectors: Rebecca Goppe Diane Curran Eucharistic Ministers: Beverly Horowitz Joseph Szymanski David Arias 10:30 AM SJ Greeters: David DeVoe* Altar Servers: Lindth Radley Valsote Steve Szpak Clay Wolfe Lectors: Eileen Luddy Karen Pelletier Eucharistic Ministers: Betty Richard Anne DeVoe Claudia Nicgorski Christine Ndjee 6:30 PM IC Lectors: Karen Hayes Margo Morin Eucharistic Ministers: Lynne Cunningham Christine Williams

SATURDAY, June 1 4:00 PM IC Greeters:* Lectors: James Fouhey Eucharistic Ministers: Nancy Roney* SUNDAY, June 2 7:30 AM SJ Greeters: Beth Griffin Lectors: Joyce Harrington Eucharistic Ministers Judy Quinlivan* 9:00 AM IC Greeters: Carol Collins John Wilkinson Lectors: Jerry Collins Kate Sousa Eucharistic Ministers: Sue Sirois Mark Carmody Jo-Ann Gates 10:30 AM SJ Greeters: Karen Pelletier* Altar Servers: Ryker Taguiam Azriel Taguiam Lour Drick Valsote Lectors: Mary Lou Britton Aida Oquendo-Nieves Eucharistic Ministers: Glenn Bergevin Patrice Bergevin Mary Ellen Abodeely Philip Abodeely Diane Lewandowski 6:30 PM IC Lectors: Margo Morin Millie Bergeron Eucharistic Ministers: Lynne Cunningham Kathleen Galvin

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