11 Steps To Increase Conversions

11 Steps to Increase Conversions

Transcript of 11 Steps To Increase Conversions

11 Steps to Increase Conversions


#1. Decide The Strategies Of The Game (how to achieve it)

Expend some time to grow your plans, your long-term objectives, and how you will calculate success

Don’t make presumption, search (don’t guess) which parts of your system are not performing


#2. Recognize The Current Traffic Sources

Have a sharp vision to develop your website

Understand: Your visitors, where they’re coming from, and conversion funnel

Know your domain that leads you to the greatest opportunity


#3. Identify Your Visitors (Basically the non-converting)

Don’t assume, search why visitors are not converting

This usually need a lots of research in core areas

Intentions and visitors types

Understanding users problem

Collecting and understanding the visitors objectives


#4. Research Your Marketplace

No business can breath in a vacuum

Identify what customers are posting in social media and in your review site

Upgrade your place by trust into your company’s key strengths


#5. Unlock The Secret Wealth in Your Business

Understand which parts of your company are most convincing to the customers

Present those parts to future customers at the correct time in buying process

Invest time in obtaining, collecting, and displaying your company’s convincing assets


#6. Make Your Experimental Strategy

Take all your goals you have created by your research

Prioritize those huge, brave and selected ones, that will develop your business in minimum time

Brave changes helps you to generate more profit


#7. Design Your Prototype Web Pages

Design a wireframe of a new web page

Wireframe must be made to be extra convincing, trustable, user-friendly than current version


#8. Always Conduct New Experiments On Your Website

Perform different tests on these pages, such as A/B test

Follow the methods that make sure that all the group members identify the result of the tests


#9. Take Your Successful Campaigns Into The Other Media

Experimental winning appeal in your landing page can give you winning headline

Successful landing page can be changed into offline media

If a specific offer works well in your particular marketing materials, your partners will be satisfied by using it


#10. Minimize The Bounce Rate

Make interesting landing page which excites visitors

Your content must be applicable to the your product

Make your website visually appealing

Website should be user friendly


#11. Measuring Conversion Results

Before you jump in depth of the data keep these points in your mind

Don’t forget about your aim, stay focused on your goal

Test everything at least once

Save what you’ve changed, keep your records on everything



Above experimental plans can be use to convert the strangers into your successful promoters

Each development will be constructed after the successful execution of the previous experiments

Understand your marketplace saves your extra efforts, money and time


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