11 simple tod os for a prosperous life

Date 11 simple TODOs for a prosperous life Dr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

Transcript of 11 simple tod os for a prosperous life


11 simple TODOs for a prosperous life

Dr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

1. Start a notebookPhysical notebook

Write daily; especially at nights to plan and in the morning to receive instructions from your subconscious mind. If you are right-brained, use multiple color pens. If you aren’t, don’t. Highlight key sentences.

This is your blueprint for your future.

11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous lifeDr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

2. Find & State Your “Why”

✤ Write down exactly what you want:

✤ I want to lose 45 lbs in the next 24 months; I want to look slim and have a flat tummy. I want to be fit and run 5 miles easily, 4 times a week.

✤ Read it daily. Word-smith it as you deem fit. After all, its YOUR future!

11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous lifeDr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

3. Journal every night

✤ Journal every night. Capture 2 or 3 bullet points of good things that happened that day. Builds the attitude of gratitude. Also programs your mind to look at the positive side of each day.

✤ Each morning, before you get out of bed, write. That’s how you receive instructions from your subconscious mind on how to manifest your “why”.

11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous lifeDr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

4. Speak what you want

✤ Speak what you want that you do not have: I own a red Ferrari.

✤ Don’t speak what you have that you do not want: I had my boss.

✤ Your words program your mind. Your mind creates your reality.

11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous lifeDr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

5. Leverage Power of Association

✤ You become like the people you hang around with.

✤ Hang around accountants, you become an accountant

✤ Hang around drunks and you will start drinking

✤ Hang around people who cuss and you will start cussing

✤ Hang around happy people and you will be happy

✤ Hang around fat people and you will become fat

✤ You get the point.

11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous lifeDr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

6. Redesign Your Environment✤ Have potato chips near you and you will

finish the bag

✤ You have ice-cream in the refrigerator all the time and you will have a tough time losing weight

✤ You have Netflix and you will waste hours each night

✤ You have a running buddy? You will run regularly

✤ You have a daily alarm to read self-improvement at 10 pm and you will read regularly and grow.

11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous lifeDr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

7. Follow Brightspots

Its a few hundred years ago. You are going from San Francisco to New York. No matter how many times you fail, your failure (contrary to popular opinion) will not add to your knowledge of how to get to NYC. You better ask someone who made it there. That’s the brightspot. That’s success. And you can - usually - learn more from success.

11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous lifeDr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

8. Leverage Power of Belief

Belief comes from words repeated with emotion and authority

11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous lifeDr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

9. Walk on Faith

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1, King James Version (KJV) of The Bible

When you have the What and the Why, step out. Let the Universe figure out the How. That’s faith. Without faith, there is no success.

11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous lifeDr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

10. Develop Good Habits✤ Rather than quit your bad habits, replace or

substitute them with good habits.

✤ Trigger-Action-Reward-Investment

✤ to

✤ Trigger-NewAction-Reward-NewInvestment

✤ Awareness

✤ Tiny-fy

✤ Reengineer environment

✤ Transform association

✤ Anchor on another habit

✤ Repeat and affirm11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous life

Dr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D

11. Give

✤ Give money. If you do, you don’t have it any more. They have it. Help those that cannot help themselves.

✤ Give time. If you do, you don’t have it. Nor do they. So be sure you neither waste yours or theirs. Add value to them.

✤ Give knowledge. You still have it and so do they. This is the best investment. You have multiplied the knowledge in the world, and hence, value.

11 Simple TODOs for a prosperous lifeDr. Kanth Miriyala, Ph.D