The Seattle Star s^Ertra THE GREATEST DAILY CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Xttt«r«xl «? tU.xm.l iM*m UitUr May IBM. it th* Meat M*. Wfcfttl.. unJ*r lh« Art of Cf»i|r««l Mirth I. IITf. VOLUME 21. NO. 217. SEATTLE. WASH., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. Weather Forecast: Tnnlflfht and TtiAjdajr, fair; «*old*r ton lent; moiirft* mtTly winda M.SOJV HUB TO CONGRESS ON ARMISTICE TERMS HUNS GIVE UP ALSACE LORRAINE FULL TEXT WILSON SPEECH GERMANY IS NOW liIUS ANEMPEROR Flu Ban Is Off Except the Masks ARMISTICE IS SIGNED; WAR ENDS President Make* Eloquent Appeal for Order to Replace Chaos; Allies Promise Food Help to Enemies; Period of Justice and Liberty at Hand The president's address fol low*: their personnel \u25a0hall riot be mov rtl who may he cltlaena of other al- lied or aaaoclated Rtatea than ihuiw mentioned tn Clnuae 3, Par aaraph l», with the reaervatlon thai any future claim* and <k- mand* i>( the allie* and the I'nliol Huiw of America remain unaffected. The Spanish lnfluensa ban on 8* attle will be lifted at 8 a. m Tumi day Kin masks mual atlll tie worn, however This decision was arrived at fol lowlrur a oonfwrnoe Monday morn- ing between Mayor OI« Hanson. City Health <'ommlaadoner J 8 Mr Bride. and HLat* Health Comrnts sloner T. I). Tattle, In the mayor's office*. '?(lenrl<-men of the Congreaa In these anxlou* time* of ni|>Ul and stupendous change* it win In aome degree lighten my wmo- ot responsibility to twrform In tierson the duty of communlcat mg to you wine of the Urge rlrcumatances of the situation, with which It I* nermaary to deal The Herman authorities, who have at the Invitation of the supreme war council been in communication with Marahal Pofh. have accepted and signed the term* of armistice. which he was authorised and Inatructed to communicate. "Iloada and meana of com titunloaUon of every kind, rail road*. waterway*, main roads, brldgea. telegraphs. telephones, ahall be In no manner Im [\u25a0aired Evacuate Left Bank of the Rhine; Must Give Rep- aration for Damage Royalty Flees Empire as Revolution Gains Strength Allied Officials Announce Acceptance of Terms by Germany "J All civil and military per- aonnel at present employed on them ahall remain hive thou aand locomotive*, iO.OQO wagons and 10.900 motor lorrlea In good working onler. with all n*c«n sary \u25a0 par* parta and fit tinea, ahall be delivered to the aasocl ated jiowera within the period fixed for the evacuation of Bel glum and Luxemburg financial Condition* "It- The following financial condition* arr required ARMISTICE FOR 30 OAYS "lie pa rat lon for danup done While *u<h armlatic* laata. no public *ecurltie« nhaJl be remov- ed by the enemy which can aerve aa a pledge to the allie* for the recovery or repatriation for war loiMen Immediate restitution of the raah tlepoaila In the National flank of llelglutn. and in general Immediate return of all docu- ment* \u25a0pe-li' *tock*. rharea. Ps In money. t'>R"lber with plant for the laaue thereof, touchlnic public or private Int Teste In the Invaded countries Keitltutlon of Kuaalan and Ilumuitan (old yielded to Oei-nany or taken hy thai p«wer ThU gold to he de llvared In triut to the allie* until Um alg nature of paaoe. THE PRINCE IS WOUNDED HOSTILITIES ARE OVER The decision «u hastened by the fart that no deaths were reported to the health detainment Monday, while but li Influenza cases were re- ported up to a late hour BY CMRL D. t.KO \T Dispatch From Ed. L. Kecne WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.?Armistice between the allies and the Germans has been signed. The signing took place at 5:40 o'clock this morning (Paris time), according to the French of* ficial announcement The London and Washington statements say the signa- tures were affixed at 5 Untied Press Correspondent! W ASIIIMiTON, Nov. II I'reaidenl W llaon thla afternoon t»ld congress and the ntrid the term* tierroany ahrpied when she signed the inabtke, They pictured t«ermany a fir rendering abjectly to lien. Foch on the fhM, her arntle* beaten, her fwrtnuMM overturned and bar raa iter la flight A rmII con grew and a amall crowd heard the prealdem'a burning words, but enthusiasm ran riot. The term* include the following" Cnaaation of hostilities. evacuation of invaded territory. Including AUare Ixjrmine and Luxemburg aurrender of vast suan titles of guna and equipment*: evacuation of left bank of Rhine. A aurrender of vast amounta of rolling atoek In occupied territory. Abandonment of Bucharest and Brest-Litovak t re* tie*. tncondltional of all German forcea In Kaat Africa. j Dy U*ilr4 Prr«« tsaari Wire 1 IHrrrt to Thr Rtar It at The decialon was arrived at at 11 a. tn. Thcae term* are a fottowa Military rlauae* on the weat em front The railway* of Alaace 1 .or r -Ifir ahall l»e handed over with In the aame period, together with all pre-war personnel «nd material. Farther material nec eaa try for the working of rail waya in the country on the left bank of the IChlne ahall be kept In aitu. ? All store* will revert Tuesday to their regular oiwnlng and closing hours. MINIKIN. Nov. ll?«..rm*ny tmta> I* kalarrlea* itiul klngleaa. All report* tended lo »l»»w that in addition la the cmper or. all lit* king*, prince*. grand duke* and other royally of the empire had mnwnred IWr ?<Mi ine right" to rule over a peopi* which had already afcea- (atari that right ky re*oJulion. WiiUWB Hohertt/iUem. the former kaiaer. Vtth hla wife and aon. the former crown prince, were believed to have reached the caatle of Count Von llentinck at I»e**teg. near t'trrcht. Holland With them were aaid In Meld Marahal Von Illn denbunr, and a auite of ten. 'l ?Caseation of opemtlona by Line| and In the air m hour* after the aignature of the ar miatlce The l»n on churches and theatres will also lie lifted Tuesday. When the decision had been made. Mayor Hanson rushed out of his of ' flee to greet several little knots of busmens men with American flags tn their hands, who had ass rumbled I to awslt the verdict "S? Immediate evacuation of Invaded --oantrtea. Belgium. France Aisace lx>rr&lne. l.usem burg, ao ordered aa to be pom pleted within 14 day* from the aig nature of the armlaUca. fJer man troopa who have not Ml the abova mentioned territories within the period fixed will be rosne prisoner* at war Occupe tlon by the allies and Fniled State* for. ea Jointly will keep pace with evacuation In theae area* All movement* of evac nation and occupation will be regulated In accordance with a note annexed to the stated terma "All stores of coal and material for the upkeep of permanent waya, aig rials and repair ahone shall be left entire In aitu and kept In an aOMant state br 'lw- naany during the whole period of armlstlee. All l>*rg»a taken from them. A note apprttded regulates the details. Naval rondltlen. Hutting that he had received In atrueUoßH from Uov. l.lster to de rlare this a holiday for Mattl*. Han rmmMlMi* etmmtnm <# ?II hoaUlitlea tl aea and daft- nit# Information to he given In the location and inmrmitnU of all lirrmafi »h!p* Notlflra Hon to be given to neutral" that freedom of navift&unn In ail ter rltorial water* la given to the naval and mrrcanlile martnea of the allied and aaaoclated powera. all 'juration* of nrutrallty bring wavrd ? HwiThW*«id« IM*b&4rtw the o'clock. ccMod at 11 a. m., Pan* time, 6 o'clock Washington time (3 o'clock Seattle time). limit' Have the tlnw» of your Uvea! And at 12 o'clock tonight. when you hove Ju*t started to cwlebrate. you hare the Joyful a**urf«nee that the \u25a0flu' Inn la no more' "* The Orman command shall he re*pon«lbl* for revesUng all mines or delay acting fuw« disposed on territory evacuated by the Herman troop* and shall nwrtsl In their discovery and de at ruction The Herman command "hall also reevat al! de»tructl\e Every rtig and tatter of It goear Three cheers for the mayor and health official* were carried out on the apot. WASHINGTON. Nov. 11? Amer- ica's (meat war work now la to assist In the establishment "of Ju*t democ- racy thruout the world." said Presi- dent Wilson in a proclamation an nouncing the signing of the arml* i tlce lie said: ' "My Fellow Countrymen: Thej armistice was *igned this morning j Everything for which America fought for has been achieved. It will now be our fortunate duty tol asalst. by example, by sober, friend- ly counsel and by material aid, in the establishment of Just democracy thruout the world. (Slimed) "WOODROW WII-80N " The president then ordered that all government departments be (riven a holiday. Mortal k»l« Control Reparation of damage done Sur- render of score* of «übmann« and larger war craft. Repatriation beginning at once and to be completed within 14 day* of all Inhabitant* of the countries above mentioned. In eluding hostage* ami person* under trial or convicted measure* that may have been taken (such aa poisoning or pot lutii.jc of aprtngh. well*. ete_(, un- der t»enajty of reprisals. "II All naval and mercantile martnr prlaonrra of war of al- lied and amoctatrd powrra In 'irrrnnri hamla to be returned without reciprocity. Ornwny wu otlll dominated by the rfvolmionlat*. but report* Indl calnl that Uv aoctallata were main ly wwuminc control of tha govern mental function* Holiday Is Proclaimed Concentration of aircraft at stipu- lated point. Evacuation of alt Ulark sea porta Restoration of all allied and I'nlted State* merchant vessel* Surrender Vast Material "t The right of requisition ?hall he exercised by tlie allied and the I'nlted Btste* armie* tn all occupied territory. The up keep of the troop* of occupation. In the Hhlneland (excluding Al- »ace Ixtrralne), *hall be charged to the government. "tt Hurrender to the allle* and the United Htatea of 160 Merman aubmarlnee (including all aubmarlne crulaera and mine laying *übmarlnea>. with their complete armament und equip meat. In |K>rt* which will he epeclfied by the allien and the I'nltrd Stair*. The higgeat figure in Oermany wa* Frederick Ebert. aoclallat and aaddlemaker. who had aaaumed thr i hanoellorahlp. Prince Max, of Baden, former chancellor, waa a merr lay figure aa aelf appointed regent. Duration of armistice to be 30 day*. "4 Surrender In good condi tlon by the Herman armie* of the following equipment: "Five thousand If""* (3.100 heavy, 3 .'.OO fleldl. 30.000 ma- chine gun*. 3 000 mmenwerfer, 3.000 airplane* (fighter*, bomb- er* and night bombing ma chines*. "The above to be delivered to the allies and the IV 8 troop* In accordance with the detailed condition* laid down In the an- nexed note*. "5 Evacuation hv the Her- man armle* of the conntrle* on the left hank of the Rhine. Those countries on the left hank of the Ithlne shall be adnUnia- tered by the local authorities un der the control of the allied and IT. 8. armie* of occupation. The occupation of these territorle* will be determined by allied and 1". 8. garrlnon* holding the cross- ing* of the Rhine at Mavence. Cohlenx and Cologne, together with hridgeheod* at the*e points in 30-kilometer radius on the right hank and by gsrrlson* similarly holding the strategic points of the region Form Kl*e Kepubllc* Iloth Oov. I.lster and Mayor Han- non this morning proclaimed today a holiday The uovernor'a proclama- tion. which has Jurisdiction over the slate, points out that besides It being a peace Jubilee today, this la also the anniversary of Washington's entry as a state Into the I'nlon The state was admitted on Novem ber U. I*S». DRAFT CALLS ARE CANCELLED "10- An immediate repatri.i lion, wltnout reciprocity, accord In* to detailed condition* which shall be fixed. of all allied and t'nlted State* prisoner* of war The allied power* and the I'nlted Btate* shall he able to dispose of these prisoners aa they wish. "11?Sick ami wounded who c. nnot be removed from evacu ated territory *hall he cared for by Herman personnel, who will left on the spot with the medical material required. 11. "Deposition relative to the eastern frontier* of Hermany: Ilrpubllca have l«ren art up In ffauony, Itaden and Wurtlrmburg, Itavarla and Hchleawrg llolateln Other atatra were In temporary con trol of workmen'* and aoldlrra' aovt- eta Home report" even atated that a movement waa under way to make the whole empire a republic. All other auhmarlnea to lie paid off and completely dlaarm- ed. and placed under the auper vlaion of the allied (xiwera and the United Htntra of Amcrica. State Department Announces End WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.? I'rmtdrnt Wilson today author- lied Pnrvost Marshal firm, t row ilcr to notify all draft l»oard* that rails now outstanding for military service be canceled. f'endinr further instnicUons, no more Induction* will be made Into the amy nor entrainment promoted under these calls, ac- cording to an official announce- ment today. Wanhl|M Disarmed "U- The following Merman aurface warahlpa which aliail l>e dealgnated by the alllea and Uia United Htatea of America, ahall forthwith be dtaarmed and thereafter Interned In neutral porta or, for the want of them. In allied porta, to be dealgnated by the alllea and the United Ktatm of America, and placed under the aurveillance of the a! lira and the ITnltrd Htatea of America, only carelakera being left on board. nam«>ly *l* battle crulaera, ten luittleahlpa. eight light crulaera. Including two minelayer* SA dratroyera of the moat modern tyiw Anarchy waa atill rife tn aoine part* Thr famou* Moablt prlaon had been captured and prlaonrra liberated. Potadam. the home of the former kalaer. and I>obrlt*. wrrr In Ihe handa of the workmen and aoi- dler*. Crevit, Duaaeldorf and Kaaen also were held by revolutlonlat*. The mayor. In his proclamation, urges the citizens to keep In mind the fact that our soldiers are still across the sea. and need our help. WASHINGTON, Nor. ll.?At fi o'clork Uila morning, I'nlted Stale* Eastern time, the create*! war in history came to an end. The state department officially | announced early toda> that tier- 1 man plenipotentiaries signed the Inlted StjUewailied terms at Koch's headquarters, at S o'clork tills morning, and that hoaUli- lies ceased at II o'rlork, both French time. There remain now the great prob- lem of the peace confeienc* and the gigantic work of returning the fight- ers to their home lands. As to the first, Geneva and Hrua*ela are men- tioned as the most likely points for the Jieaor negotiations, and as for the second, the general staff already ha* complete ita plana for demoraliza- tion. Thruout. the nation celebrations were held. President Wilson, arous- ed from his bed at an early hour, was told the news and prepared a state- ment for the country. From the White House to every corner of the land there was rejoicing. Thousands of telegrams poured Into Washing ton, reflecting the great relief that the struggle was over and the anxi- ety of relatives for news of when their boys might return. At the dose of the unprecedented strife Germany stood alone, before the wrath of twenty two civilized nations. Those 22 were in arms, five others had several relations with her government, and two othera? Russia and Rumania ?she had em blttered by enforcement of a vicious peace. Her enemies had called to the colors over men during the conflict, determined to crush forever the power that had upset the peace of the world. "Let ua not forget them now," he stated At Olvmpla the governor made a brief address to a large crowd that assembled early this morning. Busi- ness had automatically suspended at the capital. Home of the report* *tated that Count Krupp Von Hohlrn Und llaJ bach and hla wife formerly Bertha Krupp, head* of the great gun work* at Kaaen. were tindrr arrest. Must l/nrr Russia Crowder announced In hi* tele gram to draft hoards "merely to cancel outstanding call* and stop the entrainment thereunder of men for the army AH registrant* re- leased from Induction under the pro visions of this telegram are liable for immediate call in the usual nun ner at any time Workers Parade "ll?All Herman troops at present In any territory which before the war t*longed to Rus- sia. Rumania or Turkey, shall withdraw within the frontiers of Hermany as they existed on August 1. 1914. In gigantic, cheering masses. He attle's army of Industrial worker* surged thru the streets Monday morning, following being "shooed" out of the shipyard plants and steel works by their foremen, acting on orders from the heads of the estab- lishment* Report I'rince Wounded Prince Henry, brother of the kalaer. and hi* wife were aald to be fleeing from Kiel. The prince wu* reported to have l>rrn wounded All plcturea of the kalaer and the crown prince were being rrtnoved from public place*. Portrait* of Von Hlndenburg. however, were not mo (rated. "The orderly process of classifica- tion. physical examination and oth- er activities of the select draft law will not be affected or Interrupted as the result of this telegram." Trains en route to camp now have been ordered back. "A neutral *one shall be re- served on the right bank of the Rhine between the stream and a line drawn parallel to It 40 kil- ometers to the cast from the frontier of Holland to the par- allel of Hemshelm and as far as practicable a distance of 30 kil- ometers from the east of the stream from this parallel upon Bwlss frontier "13 Evacuation by Herman troop* to begin at once and all Herman Instructor*, prlnoner* and civilian, as well as mllltary agents, now on the territory of Russia (aa defined before 1914> to be recalled. All other aurface warahlpa (Including river craft), are to be concentrated in tlerman naval baee*. to be dealgnated by the alttea and the United Htatea of America, and are to he paid off and completely diaarmed undrr the auprrvlalon of the alllea and the I'nltrd Htatea of America. All venarla of the auxiliary flert (trawler*, motor \raael*. etc), arr to be dl*armed. I-iOng. thick lines of men started an Informal parade at First ave. shortly after 8:30 a. m , shouting and laughing They pulled people off tile sidewalks and forced them to march, forced the autos off the street*, and In general celebrated to the best of their ability. The IsOkal Anwiger. until recently one of the atrongeat aupportera of the kalaer a clique, had been aeired by workmen and itoldlera. who were publlahlng It under the title of "The Ited Flag," "14?German troop* to ceaae *t oner all rcquMUon* and it-it tires and any other undertaklngn with a view to obtaining sup plies Intended for Germany In Itumanla anil Kusslft (as defined on August I, l#14). U. S. Announces War Casualties To Date, 69,620 Seattle wax a mild. surging. seeth- ing beehive uii early as 9 a. m., and growing madder and merrier all the Ume. "Evacuation by the enemy of the Khlne land* shall be ao or- dered a* to be completed within a further period of 11 daya. In all daya after the .denature of the armistice All movement* of evacuation and occupation will lie regulated according to the note annexed. "24 The allies and the T'nlted Htalea of Amirlra shall have the right to sweep up uII mln« field* nn«l obstruction* laid by flermany outiilde Herman terri lortal water* and the positions of these are to be Indicated. The food situation In Berlin wan bei-omlng grave. and alao In big pop- ulation centers, on account of the general strikes which had tied up the railroad*. Abandons War Trralim WASHINGTON. Nov. 11.? America'* casualties made public thia morning are C0.«20. Of theao 12.4(0 were killed In action. Thousand* more have been killed, wounded or captured, and prob- ably It will be many w>k« before the last list la compiled. "15?Abandonment of the treaties of Hucharest and Hreat- IJtpvak and of the supplement ary treaties. "1* The allies shall have free access to the territories evarunt ed by the Germans on their eastern frontier, either thru Danzig or by the Vistula, In or der to convey supplies to the populations of those territories or for any other purposes. HI. "Clause concerning Kant Af rlca. "17 Unconditional capitulation of all German force* operating In Kast Africa within one month. IV. "General clauses. "M?Repatriation, without rec Iproclty, within a mlilmum pe rlod of one month. In accord with details hereafter to be fixed, of all civilians Interned or deported Industrial magnates, In opulent automobile*, with tin can* and gar- bage can lids banging and clanging in the rear, traversed the principal imvcmenta, driving slowly, while be- aide them shipyard workers in \u25a0mailer oar*, with *heet metal and corrugated Iron and tin. attached by misan* of wire and strings, dangling liehind, tooted madly up and down. Kbert announced that his cahlnet would Iw Matthias Krxbcrger, of the Catholic portion, llerr Hothln and Herr Von Klchatoff. Thane men represented the three majority i«ir- Oca. Ktwdwn of llalilc No Harm to Ottliens "I'wdnmofirpßMito and from the ItalUc to be given to the naval and mercantile marine* of the allies and a**oclated power*. To secure tlilh, the ullle* and the I'nlted State* of America ahull be empowered to occupy all Her- man fort*. fortification*, halter lea and defenae worka of all kinds In the entrances from the Catte(fat Into the Haltic, and to aweep up all mines and obatruc- tlona within and without Her- man territorial watera, without any question of neutrality being raised, and the poaltlona of all audi mlnea and obstructions are to he Indicated. "IS In all territories evacuated by the enemy there shall he no evacuation of Inhabitants; no damage or harm shall be done to the [>crson* of the Inhabitants. No destruction of any kind to be committed Shipyard worker*, following the parade, entered establishment* that had opened at 10 a. m. and drugged the help outnlde. to the nccomiuitii- ment of sustained cheering. Intlm fdated, several place* closed up at once, and a ahort time later a pn>e- tarnation by Gov. Ulster declaring Monday a holiday, releiuted thru the mayor's office, resulted In the clos- ing of all establishment*. SAII.OKH PAKAItK A tentative draft of a community land settlement act. providing for cooperation of the state with the federal government in preparing f,.000,000 acres of land for returned soldiers, was completed Monday by executives of the Washington Htate !.and Hettlement association, while peace celebrations were In progress. Four thouaand aallora from the naval tralnng atatlon, headed by their band, were dialed to parade the down- town atreeta at 2 p. m. Mon- day «* a Joy celebration at the arrival qf peace Announce- ment of the parade wan made by officials of the United War Work campaign, under whoae cooperation the demonstra- tlon waa planned. "Military establishments of all kinds shall be delivered Intact, as well as military stores of food, munition*, equipment not to be removed during the period* fixed for evacuation. Store* of food of all kinds for the civilian popula- tion, cattle, etc., shall be left In situ. Her allies, Bulgaria. Turkey and Austria Hungary, had left her When her strength began to weaken and finally her own people, seeing at la.st the disaster their treacherous em I>eror and war lord had brought upon them, overthrew hla reign and he ha* fled the country. Twenty-Four Nations at War In the kaleldoacopii events of the four years of war, 24 great nations (Continued on page 9) Sailor* Keep Order At noon the throngs on Second ave. were rapidly Increasing In density, and the delirium of excite- ment wa« correspondingly growing Two hundred sailor* from the naval training stntlon were called by the police to help In the preservation of property and a**l*t the police to maintain a semblance of order. "Industrial establishments shall not be Impaired In any way, and "2*l The existing blockade (Continuea on pao» H ? n vt. Up at



The Seattle Star s^ErtraTHE GREATEST DAILY CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWESTXttt«r«xl «? tU.xm.l iM*m UitUr May IBM. it th* Meat M*. Wfcfttl.. unJ*r lh« Art of Cf»i|r««l Mirth I. IITf.

VOLUME 21. NO. 217. SEATTLE. WASH., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. Weather Forecast: Tnnlflfht and TtiAjdajr, fair; «*old*rton lent; moiirft* mtTly winda





Flu Ban IsOffExceptthe Masks


WAR ENDSPresident Make* Eloquent Appeal for Order to Replace

Chaos; Allies Promise Food Help to Enemies; Period ofJustice and Liberty at Hand

The president's address follow*:

their personnel \u25a0hall riot be movrtl

who may he cltlaena of other al-lied or aaaoclated Rtatea thanihuiw mentioned tn Clnuae 3, Paraaraph l», with the reaervatlonthai any future claim* and <k-mand* i>( the allie* and theI'nliol Huiw of America remainunaffected.

The Spanish lnfluensa ban on 8*

attle will be lifted at 8 a. m Tumi

day Kin masks mual atlll tie worn,

howeverThis decision was arrived at fol

lowlrur a oonfwrnoe Monday morn-ing between Mayor OI« Hanson.City Health <'ommlaadoner J 8 MrBride. and HLat* Health Comrntssloner T. I). Tattle, In the mayor's


'?(lenrl<-men of the CongreaaIn these anxlou* time* of ni|>Uland stupendous change* it winIn aome degree lighten my wmo-ot responsibility to twrform Intierson the duty of communlcatmg to you wine of the Urgerlrcumatances of the situation,with which It I* nermaary todeal The Herman authorities,who have at the Invitation ofthe supreme war council beenin communication with MarahalPofh. have accepted and signed

the term* of armistice. which hewas authorised and Inatructed tocommunicate.

"Iloada and meana of comtitunloaUon of every kind, railroad*. waterway*, main roads,brldgea. telegraphs. telephones,ahall be In no manner Im[\u25a0aired

Evacuate Left Bank of theRhine; Must Give Rep-

aration for Damage

Royalty Flees Empire asRevolution Gains


Allied Officials AnnounceAcceptance of Terms

by Germany"J All civil and military per-aonnel at present employed onthem ahall remain hive thouaand locomotive*, iO.OQO wagonsand 10.900 motor lorrlea In goodworking onler. with all n*c«n

sary \u25a0par* parta and fittinea,

ahall be delivered to the aasocl

ated jiowera within the periodfixed for the evacuation of Belglum and Luxemburg

financial Condition*"It-The following financial

condition* arr required

ARMISTICE FOR 30 OAYS"lie pa rat lon for danup done

While *u<h armlatic* laata. nopublic *ecurltie« nhaJl be remov-ed by the enemy which can aerveaa a pledge to the allie* for therecovery or repatriation for war

loiMen Immediate restitution ofthe raah tlepoaila In the Nationalflank of llelglutn. and in general

Immediate return of all docu-ment* \u25a0pe-li' *tock*. rharea. PsIn money. t'>R"lber with plantfor the laaue thereof, touchlnicpublic or private IntTeste In theInvaded countries Keitltutlonof Kuaalan and Ilumuitan (oldyielded to Oei-nany or taken hythai p«wer ThU gold to he dellvared In triut to the allie* untilUm alg nature of paaoe.


fart that no deaths were reported tothe health detainment Monday,while but li Influenza cases were re-ported up to a late hour

BY CMRL D. t.KO \T Dispatch From Ed. L.Kecne

WASHINGTON, Nov.11.?Armistice between theallies and the Germans hasbeen signed. The signingtook place at 5:40 o'clockthis morning (Paris time),according to the French of*ficial announcement TheLondon and Washingtonstatements say the signa-tures were affixed at 5

Untied Press Correspondent!

W ASIIIMiTON, Nov. III'reaidenl W llaon thla afternoon

t»ld congress and the ntrid the

term* tierroany ahrpied when

she signed the inabtke,They pictured t«ermany afir

rendering abjectly to lien. Fochon the fhM, her arntle* beaten,

her fwrtnuMM overturned and

bar raa iter la flight

A rmII con grew and a amallcrowd heard the prealdem'a burningwords, but enthusiasm ran riot.

The term* include the following"

Cnaaation of hostilities. evacuationof invaded territory. Including

AUare Ixjrmine and Luxemburgaurrender of vast suan titles of gunaand equipment*: evacuation of leftbank of Rhine.

A aurrender of vast amounta ofrolling atoek In occupied territory.

Abandonment of Bucharest and

Brest-Litovak tre* tie*.tncondltional of all German forcea

In Kaat Africa.

j Dy U*ilr4 Prr«« tsaari Wire 1IHrrrt to Thr Rtar

It at

The decialon was arrived at at 11a. tn.

Thcae term* are a fottowaMilitary rlauae* on the weat

em front

The railway* of Alaace 1 .or

r -Ifir ahall l»e handed over withIn the aame period, together

with all pre-war personnel «ndmaterial. Farther material neceaa try for the working of railwaya in the country on the leftbank of the IChlne ahall be kept

In aitu. ?

All store* will revert Tuesday totheir regular oiwnlng and closinghours.MINIKIN. Nov. ll?«..rm*ny

tmta> I* kalarrlea* itiul klngleaa.

All report* tended lo »l»»w

that in addition la the cmper or.all lit* king*, prince*. grandduke* and other royally of the

empire had mnwnred IWr?<Mi ine right" to rule over apeopi* which had already afcea-(atari that right ky re*oJulion.

WiiUWB Hohertt/iUem. the former

kaiaer. Vtth hla wife and aon. the

former crown prince, were believed

to have reached the caatle of Count

Von llentinck at I»e**teg. near

t'trrcht. Holland With them were

aaid In l» Meld Marahal Von Illndenbunr, and a auite of ten.

'l?Caseation of opemtlona byLine| and In the air m hour*after the aignature of the armiatlce

The l»n on churches and theatreswill also lie lifted Tuesday.

When the decision had been made.Mayor Hanson rushed out of his of

' flee to greet several little knots ofbusmens men with American flags

tn their hands, who had ass rumbledI to awslt the verdict

"S? Immediate evacuation ofInvaded --oantrtea. Belgium.France Aisace lx>rr&lne. l.usemburg, ao ordered aa to be pompleted within 14 day* from theaig nature of the armlaUca. fJerman troopa who have not Mlthe abova mentioned territorieswithin the period fixed will berosne prisoner* at war Occupetlon by the allies and FniledState* for. ea Jointly will keeppace with evacuation In theaearea* All movement* of evacnation and occupation will beregulated In accordance with anote annexed to the statedterma

"All stores of coal and materialfor the upkeep of permanentwaya, aig rials and repair ahoneshall be left entire In aitu andkept In an aOMant state br 'lw-naany during the whole period ofarmlstlee. All l>*rg»a taken fromthem. A note apprttded regulatesthe details.

Naval rondltlen.

Hutting that he had received InatrueUoßH from Uov. l.lster to derlare this a holiday for Mattl*. Han

rmmMlMi* etmmtnm <#

?II hoaUlitlea tl aea and daft-nit# Information to he given

In the location and inmrmitnUof all lirrmafi »h!p* NotlflraHon to be given to neutral" thatfreedom of navift&unn In ail terrltorial water* la given to thenaval and mrrcanlile martnea ofthe allied and aaaoclated powera.all 'juration* of nrutrallty bringwavrd

? HwiThW*«id« IM*b&4rtwtheo'clock. ccModat 11 a. m., Pan* time, 6o'clock Washington time(3 o'clock Seattle time).

limit' Have the tlnw» of your Uvea!And at 12 o'clock tonight. when youhove Ju*t started to cwlebrate. youhare the Joyful a**urf«nee that the\u25a0flu' Inn la no more'

"* The Orman commandshall he re*pon«lbl* for revesUngall mines or delay acting fuw«disposed on territory evacuatedby the Herman troop* and shallnwrtsl In their discovery and deat ruction The Herman command"hall also reevat al! de»tructl\e

Every rtig and tatter of It goearThree cheers for the mayor and

health official* were carried out onthe apot.

WASHINGTON. Nov. 11? Amer-ica's (meat war work now la to assistIn the establishment "of Ju*t democ-racy thruout the world." said Presi-dent Wilson in a proclamation announcing the signing of the arml* itlce lie said: '

"My Fellow Countrymen: Thejarmistice was *igned this morning jEverything for which Americafought for has been achieved. Itwill now be our fortunate duty tolasalst. by example, by sober, friend-ly counsel and by material aid, inthe establishment of Just democracythruout the world. (Slimed)


The president then ordered thatall government departments be(riven a holiday.

Mortalk»l« Control

Reparation of damage done Sur-render of score* of «übmann« andlarger war craft.

Repatriation beginning atonce and to be completed within14 day* of all Inhabitant* of thecountries above mentioned. Ineluding hostage* ami person*

under trial or convicted

measure* that may have beentaken (such aa poisoning or potlutii.jcof aprtngh. well*. ete_(, un-der t»enajty of reprisals.

"II All naval and mercantilemartnr prlaonrra of war of al-lied and amoctatrd powrra In'irrrnnri hamla to be returnedwithout reciprocity.

Ornwny wu otlll dominated by

the rfvolmionlat*. but report* Indlcalnl that Uv aoctallata were mainly wwuminc control of tha governmental function*

Holiday IsProclaimed

Concentration of aircraft at stipu-lated point.

Evacuation of alt Ulark sea portaRestoration of all allied and

I'nlted State* merchant vessel*

Surrender Vast Material"t The right of requisition

?hall he exercised by tlie alliedand the I'nlted Btste* armie* tnall occupied territory. The upkeep of the troop* of occupation.In the Hhlneland (excluding Al-»ace Ixtrralne), *hall be chargedto the government.

"tt Hurrender to the allle*and the United Htatea of 160Merman aubmarlnee (includingall aubmarlne crulaera and minelaying *übmarlnea>. with theircomplete armament und equipmeat. In |K>rt* which will heepeclfied by the allien and theI'nltrd Stair*.

The higgeat figure in Oermany

wa* Frederick Ebert. aoclallat andaaddlemaker. who had aaaumed thri hanoellorahlp. Prince Max, ofBaden, former chancellor, waa amerr lay figure aa aelf appointedregent.

Duration of armistice to be 30day*.

"4 Surrender In good conditlon by the Herman armie* ofthe following equipment:

"Five thousand If""* (3.100

heavy, 3 .'.OO fleldl. 30.000 ma-chine gun*. 3 000 mmenwerfer,3.000 airplane* (fighter*, bomb-er* and night bombing machines*.

"The above to be delivered to

the allies and the IV 8 troop*

In accordance with the detailedcondition* laid down In the an-nexed note*.

"5 Evacuation hv the Her-man armle* of the conntrle* onthe left hank of the Rhine.Those countries on the left hankof the Ithlne shall be adnUnia-tered by the local authorities under the control of the allied and

IT. 8. armie* of occupation. Theoccupation of these territorle*will be determined by allied and1". 8. garrlnon* holding the cross-ing* of the Rhine at Mavence.Cohlenx and Cologne, together

with hridgeheod* at the*e points

in 30-kilometer radius on theright hank and by gsrrlson*

similarly holding the strategic

points of the region

Form Kl*e Kepubllc*

Iloth Oov. I.lster and Mayor Han-non this morning proclaimed today aholiday The uovernor'a proclama-tion. which has Jurisdiction over theslate, points out that besides It being

a peace Jubilee today, this la alsothe anniversary of Washington'sentry as a state Into the I'nlonThe state was admitted on November U. I*S».


"10- An immediate repatri.ilion, wltnout reciprocity, accordIn* to detailed condition* whichshall be fixed. of all allied andt'nlted State* prisoner* of warThe allied power* and the I'nltedBtate* shall he able to dispose ofthese prisoners aa they wish.

"11?Sick ami wounded whoc. nnot be removed from evacuated territory *hall he cared forby Herman personnel, who will

left on the spot with themedical material required.

11."Deposition relative to the

eastern frontier* of Hermany:

Ilrpubllca have l«ren art up Inffauony, Itaden and Wurtlrmburg,

Itavarla and Hchleawrg llolatelnOther atatra were In temporary control of workmen'* and aoldlrra' aovt-

eta Home report" even atated thata movement waa under way to makethe whole empire a republic.

All other auhmarlnea to liepaid off and completely dlaarm-ed. and placed under the aupervlaion of the allied (xiwera andthe United Htntra of Amcrica.

State DepartmentAnnounces EndWASHINGTON, Nov. 11.?

I'rmtdrnt Wilson today author-

lied Pnrvost Marshal firm, t rowilcr to notify all draft l»oard*that rails now outstanding formilitary service be canceled.

f'endinr further instnicUons,no more Induction* will be madeInto the amy nor entrainmentpromoted under these calls, ac-cording to an official announce-ment today.

Wanhl|M Disarmed"U- The following Merman

aurface warahlpa which aliail l>edealgnated by the alllea and UiaUnited Htatea of America, ahallforthwith be dtaarmed andthereafter Interned In neutralporta or, for the want of them.In allied porta, to be dealgnatedby the alllea and the UnitedKtatm of America, and placedunder the aurveillance of the a!lira and the ITnltrd Htatea ofAmerica, only carelakera beingleft on board. nam«>ly *l* battlecrulaera, ten luittleahlpa. eightlight crulaera. Including twominelayer* SA dratroyera of themoat modern tyiw

Anarchy waa atill rife tn aoine

part* Thr famou* Moablt prlaonhad been captured and prlaonrraliberated. Potadam. the home of theformer kalaer. and I>obrlt*. wrrr InIhe handa of the workmen and aoi-dler*. Crevit, Duaaeldorf and Kaaenalso were held by revolutlonlat*.

The mayor. In his proclamation,urges the citizens to keep In mindthe fact that our soldiers are stillacross the sea. and need our help.

WASHINGTON, Nor. ll.?Atfi o'clork Uila morning, I'nltedStale* Eastern time, the create*!war in history came to an end.The state department officially |announced early toda> that tier- 1man plenipotentiaries signed theInlted StjUewailied terms atKoch's headquarters, at S o'clorktills morning, and that hoaUli-lies ceased at II o'rlork, bothFrench time.There remain now the great prob-

lem of the peace confeienc* and thegigantic work of returning the fight-ers to their home lands. As to thefirst, Geneva and Hrua*ela are men-tioned as the most likely points forthe Jieaor negotiations, and as for thesecond, the general staff already ha*complete ita plana for demoraliza-tion.

Thruout. the nation celebrationswere held. President Wilson, arous-ed from his bed at an early hour, wastold the news and prepared a state-ment for the country. From theWhite House to every corner of theland there was rejoicing. Thousandsof telegrams poured Into Washington, reflecting the great relief thatthe struggle was over and the anxi-ety of relatives for news of whentheir boys might return.

At the dose of the unprecedentedstrife Germany stood alone, beforethe wrath of twenty two civilizednations. Those 22 were in arms, fiveothers had several relations withher government, and two othera?Russia and Rumania ?she had emblttered by enforcement of a viciouspeace. Her enemies had called to thecolors over men during theconflict, determined to crush foreverthe power that had upset the peaceof the world.

"Let ua not forget them now," hestated

At Olvmpla the governor made abrief address to a large crowd thatassembled early this morning. Busi-ness had automatically suspended atthe capital.

Home of the report* *tated thatCount Krupp Von Hohlrn Und llaJbach and hla wife formerly BerthaKrupp, head* of the great gunwork* at Kaaen. were tindrr arrest.

Must l/nrr RussiaCrowder announced In hi* tele

gram to draft hoards "merely tocancel outstanding call* and stop

the entrainment thereunder of menfor the army AH registrant* re-leased from Induction under the provisions of this telegram are liablefor immediate call in the usual nunner at any time

Workers Parade"ll?All Herman troops atpresent In any territory whichbefore the war t*longed to Rus-sia. Rumania or Turkey, shallwithdraw within the frontiers ofHermany as they existed onAugust 1. 1914.

In gigantic, cheering masses. Heattle's army of Industrial worker*surged thru the streets Mondaymorning, following being "shooed"out of the shipyard plants and steelworks by their foremen, acting onorders from the heads of the estab-lishment*

Report I'rince Wounded

Prince Henry, brother of thekalaer. and hi* wife were aald to befleeing from Kiel. The prince wu*

reported to have l>rrn wounded Allplcturea of the kalaer and the crownprince were being rrtnoved frompublic place*. Portrait* of VonHlndenburg. however, were not mo(rated.

"The orderly process of classifica-

tion. physical examination and oth-er activities of the select draft lawwill not be affected or Interrupted

as the result of this telegram."

Trains en route to camp now have

been ordered back.

"A neutral *one shall be re-served on the right bank of theRhine between the stream and

a line drawn parallel to It 40 kil-

ometers to the cast from thefrontier of Holland to the par-allel of Hemshelm and as far aspracticable a distance of 30 kil-

ometers from the east of thestream from this parallel upon

Bwlss frontier

"13 Evacuation by Hermantroop* to begin at once and allHerman Instructor*, prlnoner*and civilian, as well as mllltaryagents, now on the territory ofRussia (aa defined before 1914> tobe recalled.

All other aurface warahlpa(Including river craft), are to beconcentrated in tlerman navalbaee*. to be dealgnated by thealttea and the United Htatea ofAmerica, and are to he paid offand completely diaarmed undrrthe auprrvlalon of the alllea andthe I'nltrd Htatea of America.All venarla of the auxiliary flert(trawler*, motor \raael*. etc),arr to be dl*armed.

I-iOng. thick lines of men startedan Informal parade at First ave.shortly after 8:30 a. m , shouting andlaughing They pulled people offtile sidewalks and forced them tomarch, forced the autos off thestreet*, and In general celebrated tothe best of their ability.

The IsOkal Anwiger. until recently

one of the atrongeat aupportera ofthe kalaer a clique, had been aeiredby workmen and itoldlera. who werepubllahlng It under the title of "TheIted Flag,"

"14?German troop* to ceaae*t oner all rcquMUon* and it-ittires and any other undertaklngnwith a view to obtaining supplies Intended for Germany InItumanla anil Kusslft (as definedon August I, l#14).

U. S. AnnouncesWar CasualtiesTo Date, 69,620

Seattle wax a mild. surging. seeth-ing beehive uii early as 9 a. m., andgrowing madder and merrier all theUme.

"Evacuation by the enemy ofthe Khlne land* shall be ao or-dered a* to be completed within

a further period of 11 daya. In

all 1» daya after the .denature of

the armistice All movement* of

evacuation and occupation will

lie regulated according to the

note annexed.

"24 The allies and the T'nltedHtalea of Amirlra shall havethe right to sweep up uII mln«field* nn«l obstruction* laid byflermany outiilde Herman terrilortal water* and the positionsof these are to be Indicated.

The food situation In Berlin wanbei-omlng grave. and alao In big pop-

ulation centers, on account of thegeneral strikes which had tied upthe railroad*.

Abandons War Trralim

WASHINGTON. Nov. 11.?America'* casualties made publicthia morning are C0.«20. Of theao12.4(0 were killed In action.Thousand* more have been killed,

wounded or captured, and prob-ably It will be many w>k« before

the last list la compiled.

"15?Abandonment of thetreaties of Hucharest and Hreat-IJtpvak and of the supplementary treaties.

"1* The allies shall have freeaccess to the territories evarunted by the Germans on theireastern frontier, either thruDanzig or by the Vistula, In order to convey supplies to thepopulations of those territoriesor for any other purposes.

HI."Clause concerning Kant Af

rlca."17 Unconditional capitulation

of all German force* operatingIn Kast Africa within one month.

IV."General clauses."M?Repatriation, without rec

Iproclty, within a mlilmum perlod of one month. In accord with

details hereafter to be fixed, ofall civilians Interned or deported

Industrial magnates, In opulentautomobile*, with tin can* and gar-bage can lids banging and clangingin the rear, traversed the principalimvcmenta, driving slowly, while be-aide them shipyard workers in\u25a0mailer oar*, with *heet metal andcorrugated Iron and tin. attached bymisan* of wire and strings, danglingliehind, tooted madly up and down.

Kbert announced that his cahlnet

would Iw Matthias Krxbcrger, of the

Catholic portion, llerr Hothln andHerr Von Klchatoff. Thane menrepresented the three majority i«ir-Oca.

Ktwdwn of llalilc

No Harm to Ottliens"I'wdnmofirpßMito and from

the ItalUc to be given to thenaval and mercantile marine* ofthe allies and a**oclated power*.To secure tlilh, the ullle* and theI'nlted State* of America ahullbe empowered to occupy all Her-man fort*. fortification*, halterlea and defenae worka of allkinds In the entrances from theCatte(fat Into the Haltic, and toaweep up all mines and obatruc-tlona within and without Her-man territorial watera, withoutany question of neutrality beingraised, and the poaltlona of allaudi mlnea and obstructions areto he Indicated.

"IS In all territories evacuatedby the enemy there shall he noevacuation of Inhabitants; nodamage or harm shall be done to

the [>crson* of the Inhabitants.No destruction of any kind to becommitted

Shipyard worker*, following theparade, entered establishment* thathad opened at 10 a. m. and druggedthe help outnlde. to the nccomiuitii-ment of sustained cheering. Intlmfdated, several place* closed up atonce, and a ahort time later a pn>e-tarnation by Gov. Ulster declaring

Monday a holiday, releiuted thru themayor's office, resulted In the clos-ing of all establishment*.


A tentative draft of a community

land settlement act. providing for

cooperation of the state with the

federal government in preparingf,.000,000 acres of land for returnedsoldiers, was completed Monday by

executives of the Washington Htate

!.and Hettlement association, whilepeace celebrations were In progress.

Four thouaand aallora fromthe naval tralnng atatlon,

headed by their band, weredialed to parade the down-

town atreeta at 2 p. m. Mon-day «* a Joy celebration at thearrival qf peace Announce-ment of the parade wan madeby officials of the United WarWork campaign, under whoaecooperation the demonstra-tlon waa planned.

"Military establishments of allkinds shall be delivered Intact, aswell as military stores of food,

munition*, equipment not to beremoved during the period* fixedfor evacuation. Store* of food ofall kinds for the civilian popula-tion, cattle, etc., shall be left In


Her allies, Bulgaria. Turkey andAustria Hungary, had left her Whenher strength began to weaken andfinally her own people, seeing at la.stthe disaster their treacherous emI>eror and war lord had brought uponthem, overthrew hla reign and heha* fled the country.

Twenty-Four Nations at WarIn the kaleldoacopii events of the

four years of war, 24 great nations(Continued on page 9)

Sailor* Keep Order

At noon the throngs on Secondave. were rapidly Increasing In

density, and the delirium of excite-

ment wa« correspondingly growing

Two hundred sailor* from thenaval training stntlon were called bythe police to help In the preservationof property and a**l*t the police tomaintain a semblance of order.

"Industrial establishments shall

not be Impaired In any way, and"2*l The existing blockade

(Continuea on pao» H

? nvt.Up
