11 Halloween, 2011 Cullen Jennings [email protected].

1 1 WebRTC PeerConnection Halloween, 2011 Cullen Jennings [email protected]

Transcript of 11 Halloween, 2011 Cullen Jennings [email protected].


WebRTC PeerConnectionHalloween, 2011

Cullen Jennings

[email protected]


The Current Situation• PeerConnection emits messages like this:



o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4\n

s= \n

c=IN IP4\n

t=2873397496 2873404696\n

m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0”


Well, that’s kind of lame• What if we want to add something else?

• For instance, a message ID

• Maybe some structure would be nice….


A JSON version• {


o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4\n

s= \n

c=IN IP4\n

t=2873397496 2873404696\n

m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0”


• Now at least we can extend things

• }


How do we tell offers from answers?• Easy to get confused if we have glare

• We both send SDP at the same time

• Is the SDP I just got a new call or an answer to my offer?


Message types• {

“messageType”: “OFFER”,


o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4\n

s= \n

c=IN IP4\n

t=2873397496 2873404696\n

m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0”


• }


How do we identify sessions?• We might have multiple sessions going on

• Either simultaneously or in sequence

• Message delays can make these look like each other


Session ID• {

“messageType”: “ANSWER”,




o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4\n

s= \n

c=IN IP4\n

t=2873397496 2873404696\n

m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0”


• Session ID must be globally unique


How session IDs get established• {

“messageType”: “OFFER”,



• {“messageType”: “ANSWER”,




• Each side contributes a session ID

• Session defined by combination of each side


Multiple offer/answer pairs• A session has a sequence of offer/answer pairs

• Example: upgrade to videoWe have an audio call

You decide to add video

• This requires multiple offer/answer pairs

• How do we distinguish them?


Sequence field• {

“messageType”: “OFFER”,




o=- 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4\n

s= \n

c=IN IP4\n

t=2873397496 2873404696\n

m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0”


• Sequence indicates the current offer/answer exchange

• OFFER and ANSWER have same sequence number


ANSWER confirmation• It’s not safe to have multiple OFFERs outstanding

• What happens if I do two changes in succession?

• Example:Other side adds video

I accept but then user changes camera to one with different capabilities

I need to re-OFFER but when?

After he’s gotten my ANSWER


OK message• {

“messageType”: “OK”,





• OK message indicates ANSWER received and accepted

• New session parameters are active

• Safe to do a new OFFER/ANSWER pair


ICE Pipelining• ICE is slow (can take 3-5 seconds to converge)

• We want to start ICE as soon as possible

• Best experience is to start ICE when Bob receives the OFFER even before he accepts the call

• But we don’t know the media parameters till he answers the callFor instance, he might accept audio but not video


moreComing flag• {

“messageType”: “ANSWER”,




“sdp”:… // ICE candidates but recvonly media


• moreComing flag means that another ANSWER will follow to this OFFER

• OFFER/ANSWER transaction isn’t complete till moreComing=false

• No OK for moreComing=true


Configuration • Need to pass in TURN and STUN servers and credentials

• Often optimal to use more than one

• Proposal, array of URL

• Note Current text broken for IPv6 IP addresses

• Draft has:new PeerConnection( “TURNS”, …

• Proposal:New PeerConnection( [“turns://”,”stun://example.com”], …


Syntax for Offer / Answer Messages• JS Objects

• JSON strings

• Other

• Use ROAP?

• Move def of application/html-peer-connection-deta to ROAP?


Label• Help !

• Draft hasAll SDP media descriptions for streams represented by MediaStream objects must include a label attribute ("a=label:") whose value is the value of the MediaStream object's label attribute. [SDP] [SDPLABEL]

• Is this label really the same as the SDP “a=label” ?

• Can’t require that we have this with legacy things?

• Why do we have this?



• Proposal

• Have a stats method on PeerConnection

• Have it return a dictionary of stats

• Define an IANA registry of well known stat names

• The dictionary value for a stat can be primitive type or an array or object


Hints• Tell CODECs something about the application that they may need

to understand to make good encoding choices

• Audio: is music or is spoken voice

• Video: prefer spatial or temporal fidelity

• ProposalIANA registry of well known hints

Have some sort of setHints method on a media streams


Glare• It happens (lets add video … )

• Deal with this in IETF

• ROAP takes care of it


Data Channel• Proposal – Focus on the API

• Send and receive a string/blobUnreliable delivery ?

Reliable delivery ?

Out of order delivery?

Stream of data ?


DTMF on Audio Stream• Need to callback when received DTMF and way to tell audio

stream to send DTMF

• Proposal:Add callback and method to send to audio streams

Add a way to disable it when creating stream


Track Order• Draft has

The relative order of all tracks in a user agent must be stable. All audio tracks must precede all video tracks.

• Why do we need audio before video?

• Complicates mapping to SDP which is not this way