10g Places Where Animals Live LR

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  • 8/13/2019 10g Places Where Animals Live LR


    Written by Vaughn Hucknall

    Places Where Animals Live

    Level 10Book g

    Level 10 Word Count 184 Text Type Information report High Frequency

    Word/s Introduced

  • 8/13/2019 10g Places Where Animals Live LR


    B E F O R E R E A D I N G

    A F T E R R E A D I N G

    This symbol r elates t o comprehensi on(meaning m aker)

    This symb ol relates to decoding

    (code breaker)

    This symbol relates to criti cal analysis (text crit ic or analyser)

    This symbol relates to use (text user)

    We have designed these lesson plans so that, if you wish, you can have the plan in front of you asyou teach, rather than a copy of the book. Each page of the book is illustrated in the plans togetherwith some suggestions for teaching. These have been divided into questions and discussion that youmay have before the children read the book and after the children have completed the reading. Someof you may prefer to explore the meaning and the language in more detail before the children read.

    Your decisions will depend on the gap between the childrens current knowledge and the content,vocabulary, and language of the book they are about to read. Remember that the more informationthe children have up front, the easier it will be for them to read the text. However, this does notmean that you should read the text to them first.

    We have addressed four areas that we think are important in developing good readers. As well ascomprehension and decoding, we have addressed the issue of children being able to analyse anduse the texts they read. The symbols below guide you to the type of question or discussion.


    Cover &Title Page

    Tell the children this page is called acontents page. Explain that it showsthe smaller parts of a main topic. It tellswhere the smaller parts are in the book.

    What smaller parts are in this book?

    Written by Vaughn Hucknall

    Places Where Animals Live


    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Living by the Water . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Living High Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Living on Flat Land . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Written by Vaughn Hucknall

    Places Where Animals Live

    Encourage the children to think abouttheir reading. D iscuss the strategiesthey use to decode an unfamiliar word.

    D iscuss with the children the placeswhere they live. H ave the childrendescribe the animals on the front page.What are they? Where do they live?

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    B E F O R E R E A D I N G

    A sk the children to describe the animals and the places wherethey live. C an they name the animals? H ave the children readthe heading. Tell them that when we add the ing ending weremove the letter e . W hat is this part of the book about?

    A F T E R R E A D I N G

    B E F O R E R E A D I N G 2/3


    A sk the children where the turtleand crocodile live. P raise themfor referring to the information inthe text. W hat is the heading on

    this page?

    A sk the children to identify thenew feature on this page. Tellthem that headings break a bookinto smaller parts. T hey tell whateach part is about.

    A sk the children to point to the wordlive . H ave them place it i n sentencesto clarify meaning and use. H ave thechildren find the word with the ou sound. W hat other words have the sameou sound? M ake a list on the board.

    Identify the words beach and sea . H ave thechildren place the words in sentences. Whatpart is the same in both words? Can they thinkof other words with the ea sound ?

    2 3


    Some animals live where there is water.Some animals live high up.They live in mountains or in bush.Some animals live

    where the land is flat.

    4 5

    This turtle lives by the water.It lives on the beach.It lives in the sea, too.

    This crocodile lives by the water.It lives by the river.It lies next to the river.

    Living by the Water

    A sk the children to describe the places in thephotos. C an they name the animals? Wouldthe children like to live in any of these places?D o giraffes live in the mountains?

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    A F T E R R E A D I N G

    B E F O R E R E A D I N G

    A F T E R R E A D I N G


    B E F O R E R E A D I N G

    H ave the children explain whatthey see. H ave them focus on theanimals and the places where theylive. R ead the heading. W hat is thispart of the book about?

    A sk the children to describe thephoto, the animal, and the placewhere the animal lives.

    What two words describe where the animalslive? Have the children find the two words withthe ea sound. If they identify trees , write theword on the board and show how the spelling

    is different. List other ea words on the board.

    A sk the children where the catlives. H ave them refer to the text togather the information. What mightit be like to live on a houseboat?

    H ave the children identify the word with theou sound. A sk them to find the word that ismade from two smaller words . What otherwords like this can the children think of?What is another word with the ou sound?

    8 9

    Look at this falcon.It lives high up in the mountains.It flies high up in the sky.

    Look at this koala.It lives high up in trees.It eats the leaves on the trees.

    Living High Up

    6 7

    This cat lives by the water.It lives on a houseboat.It lives on the boat with people.

    H ave the children predict thetext. Encourage the children touse vocabulary and style similarto that of the author.

    Talk about where the koalalives. D oes the falcon livewhere it is flat? Who lives upthe highest?

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    A F T E R R E A D I N G

    B E F O R E R E A D I N G

    A F T E R R E A D I N G

    B E F O R E R E A D I N G

    H ave the children describe theanimal and the place where itlives. When have the childrenseen kangaroos? What were theylike? R ead the heading.

    H ave the children identify the word where. What word is made from two smallerwords? Brainstorm words that describethe outback and the kangaroo. List themon the board.

    A sk the children to tell youwhat the animal is and whereit lives. D oes the snake live inthe mountains?

    What does the textsay about the snake?Where does it live?

    A sk the children to tell you whatthe heading says. What have theylearned about the kangaroo? D oesthe kangaroo live by the water?

    10 11

    Living on Flat Land

    This kangaroo lives where the land is flat.It lives in the outback.It hops from place to place.

    12 13

    This snake lives where the land is flat.It lives in a desert.It is hot in the desert.

    C an the children think ofsome text for this picture?Encourage them to usevocabulary and style simi larto that of the author.

    H ave the children predict thetext. Encourage them to usevocabulary and style similar tothat of the author.

    H ave the children find the word flat . W hat worddescribes the land? What word describes the desert?Write snake on the board. H ow does adding s at the endchange the meaning? Write falcon/falcons on the board.

    What word means two or more? Repeat the exercise.

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    B E F O R E R E A D I N G 14/15

    A sk the children to describethe animal in this photo.Where might the dog live?

    What words describe the land?H ave the children point to thewords high u p . W hat wordmeans the opposite of high ?



    bush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 9

    desert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

    mountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 8

    outback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

    river . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

    sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

    14 15

    Look at this dog.It does not live high up.It does not live by the water.It lives on land that is flat.It lives with people.

    Tell the children this page is called the indexpage. Explain how to use the index. Tell howit is different from the contents page.

    H ave the children point to the words thattell where the dog does and does not live.D o any of the children have dogs? Wheredo the children li ve? H ow would theydescribe the place?

    What information is on page 10? What pageshave information about mountains ? Havethe children read the index entries. H avethem find the relevant pages and reread the

    sentence/s that contain the word.

    H ave the children reread the book.H ave them find three interestingfacts from the book to tell to a friend.Encourage the children to check theirreading sounds right and makes sense.

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    Permission i s given to teachers to reproduce this page for classroom use.

    10 g Places Where Animals Live Name ____________

    Use the words to complete the sentences.

    in on by with

    The turtle lives ___ the water.The crocodile lives ___ the water.

    The kangaroo lives ___ the outback.The snake lives ___ the desert.The cat lives ___ a houseboat.The koala lives ___ in trees.

    The dog lives _____ people.The falcon lives ___ the mountains.

    Draw your favourite animal from the book

    on another sheet of paper.

  • 8/13/2019 10g Places Where Animals Live LR


    Permi ssion is given to teachers to reproduce this page for classroom use.

    10 g Places Where Animals Live Name ____________

    Complete the table.

    word word new word

    class classroom

    out back

    board whiteboardhouse boat


    after noonfootball

    Write two sentences using two of the new wo