10B EL PASO TIMES · 1 day ago · Doyle Adelita Misc. Facility 6: 11211 Armour Dr. El Paso TX...

10B | TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2020 | EL PASO TIMES THE STATE OF TEXAS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: You have been sued. You may em ploy an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who is sued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two (42) days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgment may be taken against you. TO: MICHAEL OSBORNE Greetings: You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written an swer to the Plaintiffs Original Petition, Order on Motion to Serve Defendant Michael Os borne with Citation by Publica tion at or before 10:00 o'clock a.m., Monday, 31ST DAY OF AU GUST, 2020, before the Honora ble County Court at Law Num ber 3 of ÉI Paso County, Texas, at the Courthouse of said Coun ty in El Paso, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Petition was filed in said court by ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAVID MIRAZO 100 N STANTON EL PASO TX 79901 on 10/28/2019 in this case num bered 2019DCV4189 on the docket of said court and styled: ANDREE TSCHENSE VS MICHAEL OSBORNE and JUDY WALLEN A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: DEFENDANT MICHAEL OSBORNE HAS BEEN SUED IN THIS LAW SUIT FOR PERSONAL INJURY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY PLAIN TIFF ANDREE TSCHENSE, ARIS ING FROM A MOTOR VEHICLE CAUSED BY DEFENDANT MI CHAEL OSBORNE ON NOVEM BER 7, 2017, IN EL PASO COUN TY, TEXAS, as per attached and as is more fully shown by Plain tiffs Original Petition, Order on Motion to Serve Defendant Mi chael Osborne with Citation by Publication. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law and the mandates thereof, and make due return as the law directs. Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said Court at of fices in El Paso, Texas, on this the 16th day of July, 2020 CLERK OF THE COURT NORMA FAVELA BARCELEAU, District Clerk El Paso County Courthouse 500 East San Antonio, Room 103 El Paso County, Texas El Paso, Texas 79901 By: Corina Ramirez, Deputy #4289361, El Paso Times, July 21, 28; August 4, 11, 2020._________ **Notice** Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to satisfy Extra Space's lien, by selling personal property described below be longing to those individuals list ed below at the location indicat ed: Facility 1: 5405 S. Desert Blvd El Paso TX 79932 8/14/2020 9:30am Heather Nichole Davis Mise, Artainia C Dove Misc, Maria Morales Misc. Facility 2: 1631 Joe Battle El Paso TX 79936 8/14/2020 9:30am Cayne Good man Misc, Merritt Tracy Misc, Bara Diop Misc. Facility 3: 2250 Joe Battle Blvd El Paso TX 79938 08/14/2020 9:30am Sidina Tome Mobley Misc, Luis A Ramos Misc, Anthony J Hunter Misc, Antonio Basco Misc, Suk Hyon Bei Misc, Sasha Darlene Baeza Misc, Jer maine Eric Dixon Misc. Facility 4: 5525 N. Mesa St El Paso TX 79912 8/14/2020 9:30am Rafael Eduardo Suner Misc Facility 5: 9191 Dyer St El Paso TX 79924 8/14/2020 9:30am Michael Ba yard Misc, Ina Simmons Misc, Ruby Robbins Misc, Alexandre Banta Misc, Samantha Valtierra Misc, Fernando Ramirez Misc, Emir Chavarria Misc, Shaun Howard Misc, Benko Helen Misc, Doyle Adelita Misc. Facility 6: 11211 Armour Dr. El Paso TX 79935 8/14/2020 9:30am, Juan Villa Misc, David Hernandez Misc, Robert Salazar Misc, Alex Armcndariz Misc. Facility 7: 995 N Resler Drive El Paso, Tx 79912 08/14/2020 9:30am Francisco Enriquez Misc, Donna Rodriguez Misc, Juan Campos Misc, Carol Ripley Misc, Luan Tran Misc. Fa cility 8: 10201 Dyer El Paso TX 79924 08/14/2020 9:30am Wiliberto Batista Misc, Jose Acevedo Misc, Laura Lopez Misc, Anthony Rashard Cloud Misc, Tracey Michelle Brown Misc, Caudarian Alfred Watson Misc. Facility 9: 6950 Helen Of Troy El Paso TX 79911 8/14/2020 9:30am Ronald Chapman Misc, Yvette Acosta Misc, Silverstone Capital LLC Misc, Adrian Edwardo Pena Misc. Facility 10: 7115 S. Desert Blvd Canutillo TX 79835 8/14/2020 9:30am Michelle Ma drid Misc. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.st oragetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above refer enced facility in order to com plete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur chase up until the winning bid der takes possession of the per sonal property. 7/28, 8/4/2020 (4298218) CITY OF EL PASO INVITATION TO BID- Sealed bids/proposals will the City's Pur- be received by chasing & Strategic Sourcing De partment, 300 N. Campbell St. 1st Floor, El Paso, Texas until 2:00 P.M. on the date shown be low. Bids will be publicly opened in City Council Chambers - 300 N. Campbell St., El Paso, Texas, for furnishing the City with the following. Any extensions or changes in due date for any RFP's/Bids will be posted on the City of El Paso's website which is: www.elpasotexas.qov/purchas ing. Legal Notices: Bia NO. 2020- SI 3R Description and Depart ment - Broker Services- El Paso International Airport. Bid Open ing Date: 8/26/2020. This project is fully funded by: Airport Enter prise. Detailed specifications of these bids/proposals are availa ble on the City of El Paso website at www.elpasotexas. gov. The City of El Paso reserves the riqht to accept or reject any or afl bids/proposals, to waive all technicalities, and to accept the bid or bids most beneficial to the City or applicant as applica ble. The City of El Paso is an Equal-Opportunity-Employer. /s/Bruce D. Collins, CPPO- Pur chasing Director, Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department. 7/28, 8/4, 2020 (4303836) SOCORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT INVITATION TO RESPOND Sealed RFP's to furnish the District with the following products and/or services will be accepted at the following times: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 Library Books, RFP No. E2109 Until 11:30 a.m. Musical Instrument Repairs, RFP No. E2110 Until 12:00 p.m. tm The Request for Proposal is available and can be retrieved and submitted electronically through the district e-bia website (https://sisd.ionwave.net Due to the Covid19 Pandemic, we highly encourage vendors to submit all submittals and their attachments electronically. The Socorro Purchasing Department has implemented procedure below on any hand delivered hard copy submittals. The Purchasing Department will be accepting any hand delivered hard copy submittals two hours prior to the closing date and time. #4311037, El Paso Times, 8/4, 8/11. 2020 Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine and Beer Retai ler's Permit by SLR EL Paso LLC dba Silver- lake Ramen, to be lo cated at 6450 N. Desert Blvd. #B101 & 102, El Paso, TX. Offi cer of said corporation are Ji Lee, President. #4310174, El Paso Times. Aug 3, 4, 2020______________________ Pounds per hour Tons per year 4 3 4 3 96 35 19 15 3 2 n/a < 75,000 0.03 0.01 NOTICE OF AIR QUALITY PERMIT APPLICATION Stampede Meat, Inc. announces its application submittal to the New Mexico Environment Department for an air quality permit for the modification of its meat processing facility. The expected date of application submittal to the Air Quality Bureau is August 19, 2020. The exact location for the proposed facility known as Stamped Meat is at 5700 McNutt Road in Santa Ter esa, NM 88008 latitude 31 deg, 51 min, 46.03 sec and longitude -106 deg, 38 min, 34.13 sec. The approxi mate location of this facility is 0.02 miles northwest of the Sunland Park Fire Department - Station 2 on McNutt Road (Route 273) in Dona Ana county. The proposed revision consists of allowing the two existing emergency backup generators to participate in the El Paso Electric emergency demand response program for up to 50 hours per year from June 1 through September 30 from 1 pm to 7 pm on non-weekena/holidays for up to 10 events per year. The estimated maximum quantities of any regulated air contaminant will be as follows in pound per hour (pph) and tons per year (tpy) and could change slightly during the course of the Department's review: Pollutant: PM 10 PM 2.5 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Green House Gas Emissions as Total C02e Benzene The standard and maximum operating schedules of the facility will be from 5:30 a.m. to 12 a.m., 5 days a week and a maximum of 52 weeks per year. The owner and/or operator of the Facility is: Stampede Meat, Inc.; 5700 McNutt Road; Santa Teresa, NM 88008. If you have any comments about the construction or operation of this facility, and you want your com ments to be made as part of the permit review process, you must submit your comments in writing to this address: Permit Programs Manager; New Mexico Environment Department; Air Quality Bureau; 525 Cami no de los Marquez, Suite 1; Santa Fe, New Mexico; 87505-1816; (505) 476-4300; 1 800 224-7009; https://w ww.env.nm.gov/aqb/permit/aqb_drafiLpermits.html. Other comments and questions may be submitted verbally. Please refer to the company name and site name, or send a copy of this notice along with your com ments, since the Department may have not yet received the permit application. Please include a legible return mailing address with your comments. Once the Department has performed a preliminary review of the application and its air quality impacts, the Department's notice will be published in the legal sec tion of a newspaper circulated near the facility location. General information about air quality and the permitting process can be found at the Air Quality Bu reau's web site. The regulation dealing with public participation in the permit review process is NMAC. This regulation can be found in the "Permits" section of this web site. Attención Este es un aviso de la oficina de Calidad del Aire del Departamento del Medio Ambiente de Nuevo México, acerca de las emisiones producidas por un establecimiento en esta área. Si usted desea información en español, por favor comuniqúese con esa oficina al teléfono 505-476-5557. Notice of Non-Discrimination NMED does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age or sex in the ad ministration of its programs or activities, as required by applicable laws and regulations. NMED is respon sible for coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries concerning non-discrimination re quirements implemented by 40 C.F.R. Part 7, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title IX of the Educa tion Amendments of 1972, and Section 13 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. If you have any questions about this notice or any of NMED's non-discrimination programs, policies or procedures, or if you believe that you have been discriminated against with respect to a NMED pro gram or activity, you may contact: Kristine Yurdin, Non-Discrimination Coordinator, NMED, 1190 St. Francis Dr., Suite N4050, P.O. Box 5469, Santa Fe, NM 87502, (505) 827-2855, [email protected]. You may also visit our website at https://www.env.nm.gov/non-employee-discrimination-complaint-page/ to learn how and where to file a complaint of discrimination. #4311097. El Paso Times. Aug 4. 2020____________________________________________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage unit contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart to satisfy a lien on (Aug. 13, 2020] at [www.storagetreasures.com] For 1500 Lomaland Dr. at ap prox. [10:00 AM]: Julian Anglen, Ihsan M Ghaddar, Mario Gomez. For 10642 Montana Ave. at ap prox. [10:30 AM]: Ambar Ortiz, For 9447 Diana Dr, at approx. [11:00 AM]: Victor Marquez Jr., Jennifer Schmidt, Courtney Mar quez, Ryan Globlek, Alex Rizere. For 301 N Clark Dr. at approx. [12:00 PM]: Jesus Andres Romero. 7/28, 8/4, 2020 (4300957) ZipRecruiter Legal Notices Sealed bids will be taken for the sale, to the highest bidder of personal property located at 145 E Sunset, Suite C-300 and C-400, El Paso, Texas 79922. Bids should be delivered to EP Riverbend, LLC, do Adrian Marquez 4798 Doniphan Dr., El Paso, Texas 79922, by 9:00 A.M., August 11, 2020. Bids will be opened at 10:00 A.M., August 11, 2020. A general list of personal property is available from Adrian Mar quez at EP Riverbend, LLC at (915) 584-8242. Seller may can cel the sale at any time. 8/4,2020 (4311888) The biggest local audience ■ print and online m\ Legal Notices LOWER VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Update Notification Request for Qualification for Engineering Consulting Services; RFQ No.; 20-0810-01 The Lower Valley Water District ("District") will issue and post to the District's web page at www.lvwd.org, Addendum I to address pr- e-submittal questions from prospective firms, on Tuesday, August 4, 2020. The Request for Qualification due date has changed. The new submittal date for statement of qualification is, Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 3:00 PM/MTS. The new submittal date will be noted in Addendum I. #4314968, El Paso Times, August 4, 2020__________________________ CITY OF EL PASO INVITATION TO BID- Sealed bids/proposals will be received by the City's Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department, 300 N. Campbell St. 1st Floor, El Paso, Texas until 2:00 P.M. on the date shown below. Bids will be publicly opened in City Council Chambers - 300 N. Campbell St., El Paso, Texas, for furnishing the City with the following. Any extensions or changes in due date for any RFP's/Bids will be posted on the City of El Paso's website which is: ww w.elpasotexas.gov/purchasing. Legal Notices: Bid NO. 2020-985 De scription and Department- Job Order Contracting and Facilities Con struction - Capital Improvement NON-MANDATORY PRE-BID /PRE PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 10:00 am (MST) Location: Dial-in Number: 915-213-4096 Conference ID: 420 152 522# Bid Opening Date: 09/02/2020 This project is fully funded by: Various Funds. Bid. NO. 2020-1141 Description and Department- New Alternators - Mass Transit (Sun Metro) Bid Opening Date: 09/02/2020 This project is fully funded by: Federal Transit Administra tion (FTA). Bid. NO. 2020-1157 Description and Department- Bus Schedule Printing - Mass Transit (Sun Metro) Bid Opening Date: 09/02/2020 This project is fully funded by: Federal Transit Administra tion (FTA). Bid. NO. 2020-1183R Description and Department- Li brary Copier Services - Library Department NON-MANDATORY P- RE-BID /PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 2:00 p.m MST Location: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, pre-bid meetings will be conducted via conference call. Call in lnfo:(915)-213- 4096, El Paso (Toll) (833) 664-9267 (Toll-free) Conference ID: 616 992 928# Bid Opening Date: 09/02/2020 This project is fully funded by: General Fund. Detailed specifications of these bids/proposals are available on the City of El Paso website at www.elpasotexas.gov. bids/proposals, to waive all technicalities, and to accept the bid or bids most beneficial to the City or applicant as applicable. The City of El Paso is an Equal-Opportunity-Employer. /s/Bruce D. Collins, CPPO- Purchasing Director, Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department. August 04 & August 11, 2020 #4314644, El Paso Times, August 4, 11, 2020_______________________ CITY OF EL PASO INVITATION TO BID- Sealed bids/proposals will be received by the City's Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department, 300 N. Campbell St. 1st Floor, El Paso, Texas until 2:00 P.M. on the date shown below. Bids will be publicly opened in City Council Chambers - 300 N. Campbell St., El Paso, Texas, for furnishing the City with the following. Any extensions or changes in due date for any îd c RFP's/Bids will be posted on the City of El Paso's website which is: ww w.elpasotexas.gov/purchasing. Legal Notices: Bid NO. 2020-036 Description and Department - Delta Bridge Replacement - Capital Improvement. Non-Mandatory Pre- Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference: Wednesday, August 5, 2020. 11:00 am MST, Location: Conference Call (915) 213-4096, Conference ID 571 209 118# Bid Opening Date: 08/26/2020. This project is fully funded by: 2018 Certificates of Obligation & TXDOT Funds. Bid NO. 2020-037 Description and Department - Yarbrough Bridge Replacement - Capital Improvement. Non-Mandatory Pre- Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference: Wednesday, Wed nesday, August 5, 2020. 9:00 am MST Location: Conference Call Phone Number (915) 213^096, Conference ID 308 429 916# Bid Opening Date: 08/26/2020. This project is fully funded by: 2018 Cer tificates of Obligation & TXDOT Funds. Bid NO. 2020-038 Description and Department - Alabama Bridge Replacement - Capital Improve ment. Non-Mandatory Pre- Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 @ 10:30 am (MST). Location: Dial-in Number: (915) 213-4096; Conference ID: 108 692 72# Bid Opening Date: 08/26/2020. This project is fully funded by: TXDOT and Certificates of Obligation. Detailed specifications of these bids/proposals are available on the City of El Paso website at www.elpasotexas.gov. The City of El Paso reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids/proposals, to waive all technicalities, ana to accept the bid or bids most beneficial to the City or applicant as applicable. The City of El Paso is an Equal-Opportunity-Employer. /s/ Bruce D. Collins, CPPO- Purchasing Director, Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department. July 28, Aug. 4 & 11,2020. #0004303765, E| Paso Times, Ju|y 28, Aug 4, 11 2020________________ BUY A BOAT GET A JOB ADOPT A PET LEARN YOGA Stye JseUr JJark Situes Crossword “American i ili i SELL IT BUY IT FIND IT Place your classified ad today.

Transcript of 10B EL PASO TIMES · 1 day ago · Doyle Adelita Misc. Facility 6: 11211 Armour Dr. El Paso TX...

Page 1: 10B EL PASO TIMES · 1 day ago · Doyle Adelita Misc. Facility 6: 11211 Armour Dr. El Paso TX 79935 8/14/2020 9:30am, Juan Villa Misc, David Hernandez Misc, Robert Salazar Misc,


THE STATE OF TEXAS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: You have been sued. You may em­ploy an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who is­sued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two (42) days after the date this citation was issued, a default judgment may be taken against you.TO: MICHAEL OSBORNE Greetings:You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written an­swer to the Plaintiffs Original Petition, Order on Motion to Serve Defendant Michael Os­borne with Citation by Publica­tion at or before 10:00 o'clock a.m., Monday, 31ST DAY OF AU­GUST, 2020, before the Honora­ble County Court at Law Num­ber 3 of ÉI Paso County, Texas, at the Courthouse of said Coun­ty in El Paso, Texas.Said Plaintiff's Petition was filed in said court by ATTORNEY AT LAW, DAVID MIRAZO 100 N STANTON EL PASO TX 79901 on 10/28/2019 in this case num­bered 2019DCV4189 on the docket of said court and styled:



A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: DEFENDANT MICHAEL OSBORNE HAS BEEN SUED IN THIS LAW­SUIT FOR PERSONAL INJURY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY PLAIN­TIFF ANDREE TSCHENSE, ARIS­ING FROM A MOTOR VEHICLE CAUSED BY DEFENDANT MI­CHAEL OSBORNE ON NOVEM­BER 7, 2017, IN EL PASO COUN­TY, TEXAS, as per attached and as is more fully shown by Plain­tiffs Original Petition, Order on Motion to Serve Defendant Mi­chael Osborne with Citation by Publication.The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law and the mandates thereof, and make due return as the law directs.Issued and given under my hand and the seal of said Court at of­fices in El Paso, Texas, on this the 16th day of July, 2020 CLERK OF THE COURT NORMA FAVELA BARCELEAU, District ClerkEl Paso County Courthouse500 East San Antonio, Room 103El Paso County, TexasEl Paso, Texas 79901By: Corina Ramirez, Deputy#4289361, El Paso Times, July 21,28; August 4, 11, 2020._________

**Notice**Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to satisfy Extra Space's lien, by selling personal property described below be­longing to those individuals list­ed below at the location indicat­ed: Facility 1: 5405 S. Desert Blvd El Paso TX 79932 8/14/2020 9:30am Heather Nichole Davis Mise, Artainia C Dove Misc, Maria Morales Misc. Facility 2: 1631 Joe Battle El Paso TX 79936 8/14/2020 9:30am Cayne Good­man Misc, Merritt Tracy Misc, Bara Diop Misc. Facility 3: 2250 Joe Battle Blvd El Paso TX 79938 08/14/2020 9:30am Sidina Tome Mobley Misc, Luis A Ramos Misc, Anthony J Hunter Misc, Antonio Basco Misc, Suk Hyon Bei Misc, Sasha Darlene Baeza Misc, Jer­maine Eric Dixon Misc. Facility 4: 5525 N. Mesa St El Paso TX 79912 8/14/2020 9:30am Rafael Eduardo Suner Misc Facility 5: 9191 Dyer St El Paso TX 79924 8/14/2020 9:30am Michael Ba­yard Misc, Ina Simmons Misc, Ruby Robbins Misc, Alexandre Banta Misc, Samantha Valtierra Misc, Fernando Ramirez Misc, Emir Chavarria Misc, Shaun Howard Misc, Benko Helen Misc, Doyle Adelita Misc. Facility 6: 11211 Armour Dr. El Paso TX 79935 8/14/2020 9:30am, Juan Villa Misc, David Hernandez Misc, Robert Salazar Misc, Alex Armcndariz Misc. Facility 7: 995

N Resler Drive El Paso, Tx 79912 08/14/2020 9:30am Francisco Enriquez Misc, Donna Rodriguez Misc, Juan Campos Misc, Carol Ripley Misc, Luan Tran Misc. Fa­cility 8: 10201 Dyer El Paso TX 79924 08/14/2020 9:30am Wiliberto Batista Misc, Jose Acevedo Misc, Laura Lopez Misc, Anthony Rashard Cloud Misc, Tracey Michelle Brown Misc, Caudarian Alfred Watson Misc. Facility 9: 6950 Helen Of Troy El Paso TX 79911 8/14/2020 9:30am Ronald Chapman Misc, Yvette Acosta Misc, Silverstone Capital LLC Misc, Adrian Edwardo Pena Misc. Facility 10: 7115 S. Desert Blvd Canutillo TX 79835 8/14/2020 9:30am Michelle Ma­drid Misc. The auction will be listed and advertised on www.st oragetreasures.com. Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above refer­enced facility in order to com­plete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur­chase up until the winning bid­der takes possession of the per­sonal property.7/28, 8/4/2020 (4298218)

CITY OF EL PASO INVITATION TO BID- Sealed bids/proposals will

the City's Pur-be received bychasing & Strategic Sourcing De­partment, 300 N. Campbell St. 1st Floor, El Paso, Texas until 2:00 P.M. on the date shown be­low. Bids will be publicly opened in City Council Chambers - 300 N. Campbell St., El Paso, Texas,

for furnishing the City with the following. Any extensions or changes in due date for any RFP's/Bids will be posted on the City of El Paso's website which is: www.elpasotexas.qov/purchas ing. Legal Notices: Bia NO. 2020- SI 3R Description and Depart­ment - Broker Services- El Paso International Airport. Bid Open­ing Date: 8/26/2020. This project is fully funded by: Airport Enter­prise. Detailed specifications of these bids/proposals are availa­ble on the City of El Paso website at www.elpasotexas. gov.The City of El Paso reserves theriqht to accept or reject any or afl bids/proposals, to waive all technicalities, and to accept thebid or bids most beneficial to the City or applicant as applica­ble. The City of El Paso is an Equal-Opportunity-Employer. /s/Bruce D. Collins, CPPO- Pur­chasing Director, Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department. 7/28, 8/4, 2020 (4303836)



Sealed RFP's to furnish the District with the following

products and/or services will be accepted at the following times:

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Library Books, RFP No. E2109 Until 11:30 a.m.

Musical Instrument Repairs, RFP No. E2110 Until 12:00 p.m.

tmThe Request for Proposal is available and can be retrieved and submitted electronically through the district e-bia website (https://sisd.ionwave.net

Due to the Covid19 Pandemic, we highly encourage vendors to submit all submittals and their attachments electronically. The Socorro Purchasing Department has implemented procedure below on any hand delivered hard copy submittals.

The Purchasing Department will be accepting any hand delivered hard copy submittals two hours prior to the closing date and time.#4311037, El Paso Times, 8/4, 8/11. 2020

Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine and Beer Retai­ler's Permit by SLR EL Paso LLC dba Silver- lake Ramen, to be lo­cated at 6450 N. Desert Blvd. #B101 & 102, El Paso, TX. Offi­cer of said corporation are Ji Lee, President.#4310174, El Paso Times. Aug 3, 4, 2020______________________

Pounds per hour Tons per year4 34 396 3519 153 2

n/a < 75,0000.03 0.01


Stampede Meat, Inc. announces its application submittal to the New Mexico Environment Department for an air quality permit for the modification of its meat processing facility. The expected date of application submittal to the Air Quality Bureau is August 19, 2020.

The exact location for the proposed facility known as Stamped Meat is at 5700 McNutt Road in Santa Ter­esa, NM 88008 latitude 31 deg, 51 min, 46.03 sec and longitude -106 deg, 38 min, 34.13 sec. The approxi­mate location of this facility is 0.02 miles northwest of the Sunland Park Fire Department - Station 2 on McNutt Road (Route 273) in Dona Ana county.

The proposed revision consists of allowing the two existing emergency backup generators to participate in the El Paso Electric emergency demand response program for up to 50 hours per year from June 1 through September 30 from 1 pm to 7 pm on non-weekena/holidays for up to 10 events per year.The estimated maximum quantities of any regulated air contaminant will be as follows in pound per hour (pph) and tons per year (tpy) and could change slightly during the course of the Department's review:

Pollutant:PM 10 PM 2.5Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)Carbon Monoxide (CO)Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)Green House Gas Emissions as Total C02e Benzene

The standard and maximum operating schedules of the facility will be from 5:30 a.m. to 12 a.m., 5 days a week and a maximum of 52 weeks per year.

The owner and/or operator of the Facility is: Stampede Meat, Inc.; 5700 McNutt Road; Santa Teresa, NM 88008.

If you have any comments about the construction or operation of this facility, and you want your com­ments to be made as part of the permit review process, you must submit your comments in writing to this address: Permit Programs Manager; New Mexico Environment Department; Air Quality Bureau; 525 Cami­no de los Marquez, Suite 1; Santa Fe, New Mexico; 87505-1816; (505) 476-4300; 1 800 224-7009; https://w ww.env.nm.gov/aqb/permit/aqb_drafiLpermits.html. Other comments and questions may be submitted verbally.

Please refer to the company name and site name, or send a copy of this notice along with your com­ments, since the Department may have not yet received the permit application. Please include a legible return mailing address with your comments. Once the Department has performed a preliminary review of the application and its air quality impacts, the Department's notice will be published in the legal sec­tion of a newspaper circulated near the facility location.

General information about air quality and the permitting process can be found at the Air Quality Bu­reau's web site. The regulation dealing with public participation in the permit review process is NMAC. This regulation can be found in the "Permits" section of this web site.

AttenciónEste es un aviso de la oficina de Calidad del Aire del Departamento del Medio Ambiente de Nuevo México, acerca de las emisiones producidas por un establecimiento en esta área. Si usted desea información en español, por favor comuniqúese con esa oficina al teléfono 505-476-5557.

Notice of Non-DiscriminationNMED does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age or sex in the ad­ministration of its programs or activities, as required by applicable laws and regulations. NMED is respon­sible for coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries concerning non-discrimination re­quirements implemented by 40 C.F.R. Part 7, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title IX of the Educa­tion Amendments of 1972, and Section 13 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. If you have any questions about this notice or any of NMED's non-discrimination programs, policies or procedures, or if you believe that you have been discriminated against with respect to a NMED pro­gram or activity, you may contact: Kristine Yurdin, Non-Discrimination Coordinator, NMED, 1190 St. Francis Dr., Suite N4050, P.O. Box 5469, Santa Fe, NM 87502, (505) 827-2855, [email protected]. You may also visit our website at https://www.env.nm.gov/non-employee-discrimination-complaint-page/ to learn how and where to file a complaint of discrimination.#4311097. El Paso Times. Aug 4. 2020____________________________________________________________

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage unit contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart to satisfy a lien on (Aug. 13, 2020] at [www.storagetreasures.com] For 1500 Lomaland Dr. at ap­prox. [10:00 AM]: Julian Anglen, Ihsan M Ghaddar, Mario Gomez. For 10642 Montana Ave. at ap­prox. [10:30 AM]: Ambar Ortiz, For 9447 Diana Dr, at approx. [11:00 AM]: Victor Marquez Jr., Jennifer Schmidt, Courtney Mar­quez, Ryan Globlek, Alex Rizere. For 301 N Clark Dr. at approx. [12:00 PM]: Jesus Andres Romero.7/28, 8/4, 2020 (4300957)


Legal NoticesSealed bids will be taken for the sale, to the highest bidder of personal property located at 145 E Sunset, Suite C-300 and C-400, El Paso, Texas 79922. Bids should be delivered to EP Riverbend, LLC, do Adrian Marquez 4798 Doniphan Dr., El Paso, Texas 79922, by 9:00 A.M., August 11, 2020. Bids will be opened at 10:00 A.M., August 11, 2020. A general list of personal property is available from Adrian Mar­quez at EP Riverbend, LLC at (915) 584-8242. Seller may can­cel the sale at any time.8/4,2020 (4311888)

The biggest local audience ■ print and online


Update Notification

Request for Qualification for Engineering Consulting Services;RFQ No.; 20-0810-01

The Lower Valley Water District ("District") will issue and post to the District's web page at www.lvwd.org, Addendum I to address pr- e-submittal questions from prospective firms, on Tuesday, August 4, 2020.

The Request for Qualification due date has changed. The new submittal date for statement of qualification is, Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 3:00 PM/MTS. The new submittal date will be noted in Addendum I.#4314968, El Paso Times, August 4, 2020__________________________

CITY OF EL PASO INVITATION TO BID- Sealed bids/proposals will be received by the City's Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department, 300 N. Campbell St. 1st Floor, El Paso, Texas until 2:00 P.M. on the date shown below. Bids will be publicly opened in City Council Chambers - 300 N. Campbell St., El Paso, Texas, for furnishing the City with the following. Any extensions or changes in due date for any RFP's/Bids will be posted on the City of El Paso's website which is: ww w.elpasotexas.gov/purchasing. Legal Notices: Bid NO. 2020-985 De­scription and Department- Job Order Contracting and Facilities Con­struction - Capital Improvement NON-MANDATORY PRE-BID /PRE­PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 10:00 am (MST) Location: Dial-in Number: 915-213-4096 Conference ID: 420 152 522# Bid Opening Date: 09/02/2020 This project is fully funded by: Various Funds. Bid. NO. 2020-1141 Description and Department- New Alternators - Mass Transit (Sun Metro) Bid Opening Date: 09/02/2020 This project is fully funded by: Federal Transit Administra­tion (FTA). Bid. NO. 2020-1157 Description and Department- Bus Schedule Printing - Mass Transit (Sun Metro) Bid Opening Date: 09/02/2020 This project is fully funded by: Federal Transit Administra­tion (FTA). Bid. NO. 2020-1183R Description and Department- Li­brary Copier Services - Library Department NON-MANDATORY P- RE-BID /PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 2:00 p.m MST Location: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, pre-bid meetings will be conducted via conference call. Call in lnfo:(915)-213- 4096, El Paso (Toll) (833) 664-9267 (Toll-free) Conference ID: 616 992 928# Bid Opening Date: 09/02/2020 This project is fully funded by: General Fund. Detailed specifications of these bids/proposals are available on the City of El Paso website at www.elpasotexas.gov.

bids/proposals, to waive all technicalities, and to accept the bid or bids most beneficial to the City or applicant as applicable. The City of El Paso is an Equal-Opportunity-Employer. /s/Bruce D. Collins, CPPO- Purchasing Director, Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department. August 04 & August 11, 2020#4314644, El Paso Times, August 4, 11, 2020_______________________

CITY OF EL PASO INVITATION TO BID- Sealed bids/proposals will be received by the City's Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department, 300 N. Campbell St. 1st Floor, El Paso, Texas until 2:00 P.M. on the date shown below. Bids will be publicly opened in City Council Chambers - 300 N. Campbell St., El Paso, Texas, for furnishing the City with the following. Any extensions or changes in due date for any

îd cRFP's/Bids will be posted on the City of El Paso's website which is: ww w.elpasotexas.gov/purchasing. Legal Notices: Bid NO. 2020-036 Description and Department - Delta Bridge Replacement - Capital Improvement. Non-Mandatory Pre- Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference:Wednesday, August 5, 2020. 11:00 am MST, Location: Conference Call (915) 213-4096, Conference ID 571 209 118# Bid Opening Date: 08/26/2020. This project is fully funded by: 2018 Certificates of Obligation & TXDOT Funds. Bid NO. 2020-037 Description and Department - Yarbrough Bridge Replacement - Capital Improvement. Non-Mandatory Pre- Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference: Wednesday, Wed­nesday, August 5, 2020. 9:00 am MST Location: Conference Call Phone Number (915) 213^096, Conference ID 308 429 916# Bid Opening Date: 08/26/2020. This project is fully funded by: 2018 Cer­tificates of Obligation & TXDOT Funds. Bid NO. 2020-038 Description and Department - Alabama Bridge Replacement - Capital Improve­ment. Non-Mandatory Pre- Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 @ 10:30 am (MST). Location: Dial-in Number: (915) 213-4096; Conference ID: 108 692 72# Bid Opening Date: 08/26/2020. This project is fully funded by: TXDOT and Certificates of Obligation. Detailed specifications of these bids/proposals are available on the City of El Paso website at www.elpasotexas.gov. The City of El Paso reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids/proposals, to waive all technicalities, ana to accept the bid or bids most beneficial to the City or applicant as applicable. The City of El Paso is an Equal-Opportunity-Employer. /s/ Bruce D. Collins, CPPO- Purchasing Director, Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department. July 28, Aug. 4 & 11,2020.#0004303765, E| Paso Times, Ju|y 28, Aug 4, 11 2020________________


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