109 學年度第 1 2 7年級語文(英語)領域試題卷 班級 座號 姓名

新北市立新莊國民中學 109 學年度第 1 學期第 2 次段考 7 年級語文(英語)領域試題卷 班級 座號 姓名 1 第一部分:聽力測驗 一、根據聽到的句子,寫出空缺的單字 5% 1.Don’t just sit there. Do (1) . 2.Your (2) is on the sofa. Put it on. 3.Is Mr. Wildman a kind and (3) doctor? 4.American people use (4) and forks for the steak, not (5) 二、根據聽到的句子,選出聽到的單字代號 5% 1. (A) that’s (B) give (C) hunt 2. (A) fruit (B) many (C) bowl 3. (A) bedroom (B) bathroom (C) living room 4. (A) smart (B) surprise (C) plate 5. (A) be (B) noodles (C) famous 三、根據聽到的句子,選出最符合句意的圖片代號 10% 1. (A) (B) (C) 2.(A) (B) (C) 3. (A) (B) (C) 4. (A) (B) (C) 5. (A) (B) (C) 四、根據聽到的句子,選出最佳的回應句 10% 1. (A) I’m sorry, but it’s great! (B) Cool! Thank you. (C) Really? It’s not that easy. 2. (A) The potluck is at night. (B) They are at a game show. (C) OK. Let’s get the ball rolling. 3. (A) Wow! They are great. (B) Don’t use your hands. (C) That’s right. 4. (A) It’s a bear. (B) He’s eleven. (C) That’s Jason. 5. (A) No, try again. (B) Yes, there are blue pins. (C)Yes, they are pins. 五、根據聽到的對話內容和問題,選出最適當的答案 10% 1. (A) On the chair. (B) In the garage. (C) In the living room. 2. (A) An apple. (B) An orange. (C) A banana. 3. (A) A teacher. (B) A nurse. (C) A clerk. 4. (A) At Jack’s home. (B) At Nina’s home. (C) At Jack and Nina’s home. 5. (A) It’s a girl. (B) Its name is Mochi. (C) It’s small and clean. 第二部份:讀寫測驗 一、文意字彙 20% 1. Japan is famous for its cherry blossoms. It’s a beautiful co y. cherry blossoms 櫻花 2. There are 30 cookies here. They’re enough(足夠的) for e e in our class. 3. Hippos, monkeys, and pandas are a ls. I love them all. 4. There’s a parrot standing on my sh r. Isn’t it cute? 5. Dad: Where are our cats? Mom: They are in the k n for lunch. 6. Rosa: Have the tacos. Josh: OK. Umm… They are d s. Great! 7. Mary: Erica, Susan is over there. Let’s i e her to the zoo with us. Erica: OK. Let’s do it. 8. Ms. Chen: Time for cake, kids. Go and wash your h ds. Kids: Yes, Ms. Chen. kids 孩子們 9. Son: Where’s my bookbag, Mom? Mom: Isn’t it b d the door? Son: Here it is. Thanks, Mom. 10. Peter: Is there a g n? Susan: Yes, there is. There are beautiful red roses in it. rose 玫瑰 <背面仍有試題,請翻面作答> 請用黑色墨水筆作答,違者扣 10 分。

Transcript of 109 學年度第 1 2 7年級語文(英語)領域試題卷 班級 座號 姓名

Page 1: 109 學年度第 1 2 7年級語文(英語)領域試題卷 班級 座號 姓名

新北市立新莊國民中學 109 學年度第 1 學期第 2 次段考 7 年級語文(英語)領域試題卷 班級 座號 姓名



一、根據聽到的句子,寫出空缺的單字 5%

1.Don’t just sit there. Do (1) .

2.Your (2) is on the sofa. Put it on.

3.Is Mr. Wildman a kind and (3) doctor?

4.American people use (4) and forks for the

steak, not (5)

二、根據聽到的句子,選出聽到的單字代號 5%

1. (A) that’s (B) give (C) hunt

2. (A) fruit (B) many (C) bowl

3. (A) bedroom (B) bathroom (C) living room

4. (A) smart (B) surprise (C) plate

5. (A) be (B) noodles (C) famous

三、根據聽到的句子,選出最符合句意的圖片代號 10%

1. (A) (B) (C)

2.(A) (B) (C)

3. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C)

5. (A) (B) (C)

四、根據聽到的句子,選出最佳的回應句 10%

1. (A) I’m sorry, but it’s great!

(B) Cool! Thank you.

(C) Really? It’s not that easy.

2. (A) The potluck is at night.

(B) They are at a game show.

(C) OK. Let’s get the ball rolling.

3. (A) Wow! They are great.

(B) Don’t use your hands.

(C) That’s right.

4. (A) It’s a bear.

(B) He’s eleven.

(C) That’s Jason.

5. (A) No, try again.

(B) Yes, there are blue pins.

(C)Yes, they are pins.

五、根據聽到的對話內容和問題,選出最適當的答案 10%

1. (A) On the chair.

(B) In the garage.

(C) In the living room.

2. (A) An apple.

(B) An orange.

(C) A banana.

3. (A) A teacher.

(B) A nurse.

(C) A clerk.

4. (A) At Jack’s home.

(B) At Nina’s home.

(C) At Jack and Nina’s home.

5. (A) It’s a girl.

(B) Its name is Mochi.

(C) It’s small and clean.


一、文意字彙 20%

1. Japan is famous for its cherry blossoms. It’s a

beautiful co y. ※cherry blossoms 櫻花

2. There are 30 cookies here. They’re enough(足夠的)

for e e in our class.

3. Hippos, monkeys, and pandas are a ls. I love them all.

4. There’s a parrot standing on my sh r. Isn’t it cute?

5. Dad: Where are our cats?

Mom: They are in the k n for lunch.

6. Rosa: Have the tacos.

Josh: OK. Umm… They are d s. Great!

7. Mary: Erica, Susan is over there. Let’s i e her to

the zoo with us.

Erica: OK. Let’s do it.

8. Ms. Chen: Time for cake, kids. Go and wash your h ds.

Kids: Yes, Ms. Chen. ※kids 孩子們

9. Son: Where’s my bookbag, Mom?

Mom: Isn’t it b d the door?

Son: Here it is. Thanks, Mom.

10. Peter: Is there a g n?

Susan: Yes, there is. There are beautiful red roses in it.

※rose 玫瑰


請用黑色墨水筆作答,違者扣 10 分。

Page 2: 109 學年度第 1 2 7年級語文(英語)領域試題卷 班級 座號 姓名

新北市立新莊國民中學 109 學年度第 1 學期第 2 次段考 7 年級語文(英語)領域試題卷 班級 座號 姓名


二、語法選擇 20%

1. A: Where’s Mom, Dad? B: _____

(A) Yes, she’s there.

(B) Isn’t she in the living room?

(C) No, she’s not in the bedroom.

(D) They are in the park.

2. Jolin: Let’s _____ eat _____ drink on the MRT.

Terry: OK.

(A) no; no (B) not; or

(C) don’t; and (D) not; not

3. Jane ______ a nice girl. We like her.

(A) be (B) let’s be

(C) is (D) isn’t

4. Dad, _____ angry at me. I’m sorry.

(A) isn’t (B) let’s not

(C) is (D) don’t be

5. The parade is _____ Double Ten Day _____ 11 a.m.

to 3 p.m. ※parade 遊行

(A) on; from (B) on; at

(C) at; from (D) from; to

6. Look! ______ geese running around there. It’s fun.

(A) It is (B) There is

(C) They are (D) There are

7. Let’s _____ watch TV now. It’s late. Time for bed.

(A) X (B) don’t

(C) no (D) not

8. A: Isn’t there a cellphone on your desk? B:______

(A) Yes, there is. (B) Yes, there isn’t.

(C) No, there is. (D) No, it’s not.

9. _____ open your book and _____ talk in class.

(A) Jacky; don’t (B) Not; let’s

(C) Please; don’t (D) Don’t; not

10. Laura: _______ any koalas in the zoo?

Molly: Yes, _______.

(A) Are there; there’s one.

(B) Is there; there is

(C) Aren’t there; there aren’t

(D) Are they; they are

三、依提示回答句子 6%

1. Are there two elephants near the tree? (以 " one " 詳答)

2. Be late. (改成否定句,並加入 Judy 及 please )

3. Where is your car? (以 "在那兩間房子之間 " 回答)

四、翻譯 9%

1. 對了,下次就帶你最喜愛的菜餚來派對。

2. 要給媽媽的禮物在哪裡? 在餐桌上。

3. Tony,不要玩湯匙。把它放到你的盤子上。

五、克漏字閱讀測驗 5%

Hello Amy,

1. I’m doing great. I’m here for 10 days. Beautiful

schools, great teachers, and friendly classmates. Mr. and Mrs.

Wang are my homestay parents. They 2. me. Mrs. Wang

is a good cook. I love her beef noodles. They are really good.

Mr. Wang is an English teacher, so we 3. each other in

English. They have an 11-year-old son, Frank, and a dog.

They are a happy family.

Here is a picture of us in the famous Toroko Gorge.

Please show it to Mom and Dad.



※friendly 友善的 ※homestay 寄宿家庭 ※parents 父母

※each other 彼此 ※show 出示

1. (A) What are you doing? (B) How are you doing?

(C) Where are you? (D) Where are you from?

2. (A) be nice to (B) are kind

(C) are nice to (D) be kind to

3. (A) talk (B) talk about

(C) talk to (D) don’t talk

4. What is “They” in line 4? ※line 行

(A) The Wang family. (B) Teachers.

(C) Classmates. (D) Beef noodles.

5. Where is Kevin ow?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


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Page 4: 109 學年度第 1 2 7年級語文(英語)領域試題卷 班級 座號 姓名