107 Things You Can Do To Stop Yourself Smoking€¦ · you dispel those myths, and realise the...

1 107 Things You Can Do To Stop Yourself Smoking Easy To Follow Steps to Become A Person Who Does Not Smoke

Transcript of 107 Things You Can Do To Stop Yourself Smoking€¦ · you dispel those myths, and realise the...

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107 Things You Can Do To Stop Yourself


Easy To Follow Steps to Become A Person Who Does

Not Smoke

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First Published in 2010 by Fast Forward Publishing London, UK 2nd Edition published 2017 by Jackie Hill Counselling Copyright © 2017 by Jackie Hill. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of Jackie Hill Cover image design © lom/fotolia.com Printed by www.Lulu.com

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Dedicated to all the people I’ve helped to break free from nicotine and to all the people yet to know that freedom

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Contents Introduction Page 5 Step 1 – Decision and Preparation 9 Step 2 – Write Up Your Action Plan 19 Step 3 – Explore Your Smoking Profile 27 Step 4 – Creating the Right Mind Set 35 Step 5 – Dealing with Withdrawal 47 Step 6 – Destroying Your Myths about Smoking 55 Step 7 – Your Support Network 67 Step 8 – Your Health Matters 71

Step 9 – Counting Up the Pennies 77 Step 10 – Relapse and Prevention 81 List of Therapies You May Find Helpful 88

About Jackie Hill 90

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Most people who smoke tobacco find it extremely difficult to stop, and my guess is that because you’ve picked up this book, you are one of these people. Despite the confusion and myths around smoking, there are two main reasons why people struggle to quit smoking, the first is that nicotine is the fastest addictive drug there is (quicker than heroin) and secondly is people do not accept this fact and rely on willpower to stop. When this fails them, the usual pattern is one of self-blame. Feelings of failure, feeling useless, weak, and guilt all become common-place. Add to these feelings, the sense of social un-acceptance (after all smoking was okay until recently), and the serious health risks, it comes as no surprise to find that many people who smoke feel uncomfortable, even desperate to kick the habit, and cannot understand that despite strong efforts, they just cannot stop smoking, or if they do, it’s often for a short while before they start smoking again.

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Faced with all this, your mind has a dilemma. Do you carrying on smoking convincing yourself that you enjoy it, despite all the health warnings, the disgusting stale smell of tobacco smoke, and the lack of self-control living as an addict, or do you try to stop and fail, ending up feeling miserable, stupid, and guilty?

Your mind wants the best for you, but unfortunately it is being controlled by nicotine. In order to relieve you of those constant nagging uncomfortable feelings as you continue to smoke, your mind as conjured a wonderful fairy story for you to believe in. A world of myth and legends, one where you believe that smoking has benefits for you, it relaxes you, it helps you concentrate, it is enjoyable, and as for the health risks, well we all know someone who has smoked all their life and lived to well in their 80s, and died from a non-smoking related condition. Logically, your conscious mind knows this to be a lie, and so you try to fight the nicotine. Hence the internal struggle.

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My aim is that this little booklet will help you dispel those myths, and realise the truth by not trying but by just doing. By carrying out the instructions without questioning you will find out how you can train your mind to help you kick smoking out of your life for good. In its easy to read format and handy pocket-size, you can carry it with you wherever you go.

How to Use This Book

This guide has 10 sections each with 5-14 “Things You Can Do”. The best approach

is to start at the beginning and work through each step in sequence. As you go through highlight the Tips that really speak to you. Afterwards you can easily access

them to refresh your mind.

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Step 1 – Decision and Preparation

To start out on any journey you must have a destination in mind – unless of course, you are an Explorer, in which case your journey is one of unpredictability, uncertainty and discovery. If you were planning to travel to a designated destination then it would make sense to prepare for the journey properly, so that you could arrive safely and without wasting time or fuel. You would find out beforehand information about your destination so that you had realistic expectations as to what to expect when you get there, and you would work out a route and itinerary of your journey and how long it would take you to get there. It is likely you would have a map and maybe a GPS, you may even have a compass, and you would have appropriate vehicle to travel in if your journey was some distance away. You would make sure you had enough energy (fuel for your vehicle, or food and water for yourself) and you would calculate the shortest and

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easiest route (unless you wanted to sight see). It is likely you would take with you some tools just in case you encountered obstacles or experienced difficulties, and you would probably tell friends and relatives where you were going. Why is then that many people decide to embark on a personal journey, totally unprepared and then surprised that they have failed to reach their destination? Decision and good preparation are keys to achieve success. Having a clear goal in mind, with realistic expectations, and the steps to get there are vital. It is futile to attempt any personal journey to a desired designation without having a bullet proof plan. These first 10 tips will help you get off to a good start.

1. Make a commitment to yourself. As long as you have the intention to stop smoking no matter what, the power to do so is within you and it is immense. The power is within your mind which has infinite resources for

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you to tap into. It is the same power that turns dreams into reality. By making a commitment to yourself to stop smoking once and for all, your inner strength and resources will serve you, your innate wisdom and intuition will help and support you and your energy will flow and direct you along the way.

2. Be all or nothing. By this, I mean

make a decision to stop altogether. It doesn’t work by gradually cutting down. Health professionals may advise you to quit smoking by gradually cutting down the cigarettes you smoke each day as a step towards stopping altogether. In my opinion this approach is full of snares, as you will still be addicted to nicotine, and whilst you are still smoking it you will be running your life schedule around when you can next have a cigarette, and worse still is that you are in danger of subconsciously using cigarettes as a reward. Let me explain what I mean

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in a little more detail, if you feel you can cut down on smoking, the message you are giving your mind is that you are in control of smoking (when in fact the reverse is still true) and you will reward your “self-control” by having a cigarette. When you do this you are entering a vicious circle of self-deception, which compounds the problem even more as you have discovered another way to justify smoking to yourself.

3. Recognise that smoking is

smoking. Don’t be disillusioned by brands of cigarettes such as menthol flavour, or “light” cigarettes. These cigarettes deliver the same amount of nicotine and tar as ordinary cigarettes because you will smoke as many of these cigarettes as you “need” to meet the nicotine level that your subconscious mind requires. I suggest you test this by watching someone that smokes these cigarettes, quite often they will inhale more frequently and more deeply.

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Smokeless tobacco products are the same; they all contain nicotine, and cancer causing chemicals such as formaldehyde, lead, hydrocarbons and calcium. And remember, cigars and pipes increase the likelihood of cancers to the lip, tongue and mouth, and the average cigar has as much nicotine as 4 cigarettes.

4. Understand that nicotine is the

fastest addictive drug there is. You can become addicted to nicotine by having just one cigarette. Think back to when you first started smoking and how you initially reacted – did you cough, splutter or may be even felt sick and dizzy. Ask yourself then if you did why did you continue to smoke? Most people become “hooked” on cigarettes without realising it. Do not underestimate the power of nicotine and that by smoking you are an addict.

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5. Don’t buy or use Nicotine tablets, patches or gum. By using nicotine replacement therapy products (NRT) all you are doing is maintaining (and maybe increasing if you sneaking in the odd cigarette) the nicotine levels in your body and consequently you are still addicted to nicotine. And lets face it you are only delaying the inevitable as you will have to stop using them eventually. You may be eliminating the damage by not having the cancer causing chemicals that are in cigarettes, but you will still be addicted to nicotine which is a poisonous alkaloid that forms the base of many insecticides, and one of the most poisonous substances known to man. Do you realise that just drop of pure nicotine on your tongue would kill you within a few minutes?

6. Decide on a date for when you become a non-smoker. Choose a date in the near future as possible,

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preferably within 3 to 7 days, for the sooner you get started the better as we can all be prone to putting things off. Also this will give you time to get used to the idea, and let your brain know you mean business this time and are serious that you will never smoke again. Realise too that the sooner you start the quicker you will reap the benefits from not smoking, for you are beginning a new exciting phase in your life. After all there are absolutely no advantages from smoking and you’re giving up smoking related sickness and premature death caused by smoking. Make sure that you choose a date whereby you can block out a period of time from your normal routine, perhaps over a weekend or a specified time away from your workplace so that you can be away from your routine, with its habits and usual stresses and you are free to give time to yourself especially during those first few days.

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7. Buy a good-sized notebook or a voice recorder. This will be your journal where you can record your daily thoughts, feelings and behaviours that are associated with smoking as you follow each stage outlined in this book on your journey towards becoming a non smoker. This first stage is an important part of that journey so don’t underestimate the power of recording your journey, as by the very action of recording or writing something down, your thoughts become tangible and deeper feelings emerge, which all helps you make sense of things than you were previously aware. As you use the journal, don’t forget to date each entry. You will find that by keeping a journal you’ll have a valuable tool not only to help you understand yourself better, but also to record the unique road you have travelled in reaching your goal as a non-smoker – something great to look back on in the future to remind yourself of your achievement!

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8. Buy a smaller notebook and make sure you carry this with you at all times. This is for jotting down those smoking-related thoughts and feelings that pop in your head suddenly when you least expect them. You will find that the more you are focused on your goal, your subconscious mind will be triggered into action and will communicate to you through thoughts and images, some of which may make sense, others may not, but all are there to enlighten you and bring you into self-awareness. By writing them down as soon as they happen, you will capture the moment and you will not forget them. When you get back home you can add them to your journal.

9. Think about your biggest challenge

in quitting smoking and write it in your journal. For some people its confidence, for others it’s overcoming fear. Be as specific as you can.

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10. Designate a quiet place and time each day to write in your journal when you know there will be no interruptions. Allow yourself plenty of time, maybe an hour if you can, each day to spend reflecting and learning about yourself and your relationship with smoking. Don’t hurry or rush this time for you will be amazed at what your mind will communicate to you – you are worth it!

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Step 2 –Write up your action Plan

Writing out an action plan helps to remind us of the things we have decided to do. It doesn’t have to be complicated; just a list of days with intended actions alongside each day. It will help to keep you focused and organised, providing a structure for your new regime and behaviour.

11. Plan what you intend to do with the time that you designated as your Quit Day. Think about what you will do during those first few days and write them down in your journal. Maybe you could plan to go away for a few days, maybe even go to a health centre, or bed and breakfast somewhere. Or may be you would prefer being at home, in which case you may like to get in some DVDs or new music, or a good book. Make sure you are able to avoid those situations that trigger your smoking habit.

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12. Think about what things you like doing. In your journal draw up a pleasure list, by asking your mind this question “what things would I possibly enjoy doing”. When you completed say, at least ten things, plan as many of these things as you can in those first few days and write them down in your Action plan. It might be that you have a particular hobby or interest, or maybe you’d always like to take up a particular hobby but never got round to it. For example you might like to visit a spa, have a sauna, go to the cinema, or have a trip to the hairdressers or beauty salon, or maybe you would enjoy visiting a friend or relative you haven’t seen for a while or join an art class or learn a new language or skill. Be specific, by writing down exactly what you will do, when you will do it and how you will do it.

13. Take up an exercise, such as

swimming, or maybe join a gym. Make a commitment by booking your

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first session in during those first few days. By taking regular exercise you will improve your circulation which will have slowed down having become clogged up with chemicals from your smoking. It will also do wonders for your energy levels and general health. If the thought feels daunting or you may feel you’ll have difficulty, take it slowly at first, and remember that it will get easier as your lung functions more effectively and you have more energy from not smoking. Commit yourself by writing in your diary or on a calendar at least 2 days a week planned exercise i.e. gym or swimming session. In doing this you can also record your progress.

14. Get rid of all smoking

paraphernalia. Throw out ashtrays and after you’ve smoked that final cigarette, throw out any cigarettes, tobacco etc that you have left. Don’t give them away, as you are encouraging others to smoke. Ideally destroy them in some way or put

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them in a bin that you can’t go back to and rummage. Remove all temptation and remember you will never need them again.

15. Put the contents of dirty

ashtrays in a glass jar and seal it. You may be wondering what on earth for, but this is something you can use to smell to remind you just how disgusting smoking is and how you and your clothes used to smell.

16. Buy a new toothbrush and

mouthwash and maybe book an appointment to see your dental hygienist. Your teeth are likely to be discoloured and possibly diseased, as smoking is a major cause of gum disease and bad breath. By following this tip, you’ll be affirming your commitment to the new you and the new life that lies ahead of you as a non smoker.

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17. Buy in and get what it is you need for those first few days, so that you are totally prepared for what you’ve decided to do in your action plan. These might be items such as healthy snacks, bottled water, vitamin supplements, favourite treats, new fitness or exercise clothing and trainers, DVDs, CDs, or items needed for a new hobby or existing interest.

18. Tell your friends, relatives,

and colleagues that they will never see you smoking again after the date you have set. Don’t just tell them you are going to quit smoking. Say these exact words “you will never see me smoking again on and after (insert the date you’ve chosen)” In doing this you’re not just burning your bridges, but you are reinforcing the idea in your mind every time you repeat it. This will strengthen your resolve to quit for good and that you mean what you say.

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19. Sort out your clothes, taking them to dry cleaners if necessary to get rid of that stale smell of smoke. Thoroughly clean home and work area. Get your car valeted.

20. Have some hypnotherapy. It is

one of the most effective methods of changing habits and behaviour and does not require the use of drugs or chemicals. Hypnosis is a method by which the mind is brought to the state of total relaxation so that it becomes open to suggestion. It cuts out all those extraneous thoughts that get in the way and causes us to resist and digress. Hypnotherapy creates a calm altered state in the mind using breathing and visualization techniques, and whilst relaxed the therapist puts new positive ideas across to you to discourage smoking. They could be ideas about the benefits of quitting. Or about the health hazards of not quitting. But the outcome is that the old patterns of

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thinking are disrupted with newer, better suggestions.

21. Create a Monthly Chart or

Calendar where you can record your progress. By doing this you will have an instant reminder of your success. Whilst your journal will be beneficial to revisit and remind yourself on a deeper level, a monthly chart will be a visual aid that you can capture in a moment, so place it somewhere where it is visible. You may decide to do two – one for your workspace and the other at home, either in the kitchen or living room.

22. Celebrate regularly by

rewarding yourself. With some of the money you’ve saved by not smoking, go for a splurge and splash out and reward yourself. You can write out a reward system by which you have small rewards and big rewards. For example, for those first few days you might consider giving yourself a small treat at the end of

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each day – some ideas for this might be a relaxing bath with scents and candles, or eating some chocolate, or doing your favourite sport. A bigger reward might be buying a CD, book or film.

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Step 3 - Explore Your Smoking Profile

In completing the next 10 ‘Things To Do To Stop Yourself Smoking’ you will create your unique smoking profile, in which you discover in detail the reasons why you started smoking, why you want to stop, your views on smoking and how you feel about smoking, your smoking habits, and what you have learnt about yourself from when you have stopped smoking in the past. It is important to build this profile, as it allows you not only to learn more about yourself and your relationship with smoking, but also highlights connections and patterns in your behaviour where you need to focus on change.

23. Settle down to your quiet time and write in your journal this question “What are possibly all the reasons why I started smoking?” This is the first of a series of questions which will help you discover what makes up what is known as your

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smoking profile. Write down everything you think of without questioning it, – it doesn’t matter what order they appear. When the thoughts stop coming into your mind, have a look at them. Some of them may feel more real to you than others, but don’t discard any of them as they may make sense later on. You will find that over the next few days other reasons will pop into your mind, think of your mind as a coffee percolator and just let the ideas drip though jotting them down as soon as they do and add them to your list.

24. Write down in your journal

this second question “What are all the possible reasons why I want to stop smoking?” By writing these questions down in your journal, (so don’t forget to write in the question mark) you are giving a command to your mind to go off and search – just as if you were using Google on your computer. Wait patiently for your answers; they will come, just allow

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your mind to seek them out for you. Let your mind do the work; resist the temptation to do it yourself by thinking and rationalising. As the answers come into your mind – write them down in your journal underneath the question whether they make sense to you or not.

25. Work out how many cigarettes

you smoke a day. Be honest with yourself. In your mind run through a typical day and count up how many times you smoke during the day. If you are serious about wanting to quit smoking, there is absolutely no point in denying or minimising the truth. Start a new page in your journal and write down “I smoke ----- (insert whatever the number is) cigarettes a day.

26. Make a list of all the times you

tried to stop smoking before. Just as before, give yourself time to do this exercise, and just let the answers come into your mind... Once you have

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written your list write down the following 3 questions: “What are the probable reasons why I started smoking again?” “How long did I stop smoking?” and “What did I learn from the experience?” Remember to always write all the thoughts that spring into your mind without dismissing any. If you haven’t quit smoking before, then think about what the reasons might be why you haven’t.

27. Identify your smoking relating

habits. Think through a day and record the times you smoke, who with? When? Where? What time of day? Doing what? And how many? For example it might be that you always smoke 2 cigarettes after a meal, or maybe you always smoke when drinking coffee, or smoke more when you are with a particular person or doing a specific task. Take plenty of time over this. We are all creatures of habit. Habits form when we carry out repeated behaviours during which

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our subconscious mind makes links with whatever else is happening during that event. The more we do this, the stronger the links become, hence if you always have a cigarette with your mid-morning coffee your mind will link these 2 events together, which explains why you find it hard to do one without the other.

28. Ask yourself another question

“What are possibly my views on smoking?” Write down what you think about smoking. Remember this is about your own views and not someone else’s perspective. It may be that you believe smoking tobacco is better than smoking cigarettes, or maybe you believe that smoking is okay and it is because of pressure from family members or society influencing you to think you ought to give up.

29. Explore your feelings about

yourself as smoker. As you read back over what you’ve written write

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down feelings as they come to you. Ask yourself this question “I am a smoker, and I feel……………….” and write it down in your journal, followed by all the feelings that you become aware of listed underneath. Feelings are more powerful than thoughts and they can be uncomfortable and even painful. Be honest with yourself, even if you think some of the feelings you have don’t make sense, still write them down. Because you feel those things, they hold a truth for you and it is important for you to understand that truth.

30. Turn to a clean page in your

journal and draw a line down the centre dividing the page into two. At the top of the first column write the title “Gains”, and at the top of the second column write “Losses”. In the first column list all the things you feel you would benefit from being a non-smoker, and in the second column write down all the things you feel you would miss from not smoking. Again

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spend time on this exercise and see if you can come up with around 10-20 reasons. An example of a loss might be that you would miss the feeling of pleasure that smoking gives you; and another example where you might benefit would be that you’d enjoy the flavours of your meals as your taste buds burst back into life.

31. Spend a few moments

reflecting on your Gains and Losses List, and notice your thoughts and feelings. Was it easy? What list was the most difficult? How many did you write on each list? Are you surprised by the results? Write down your answers in your journal.

32. Reflect back over your journal.

You should now have a complete smoking history and profile that is uniquely your own. By doing these exercises you have answered some fundamental questions which are important if you are to maintain success a non-smoker. Therein you

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will find the answer to whether you really want to stop smoking, you will have identified habits in your life which will need to change, you will have clarity about the reasons why you want to stop, and the benefits you will look forward to in doing so. You’ll also know where the weaker areas to your resolve lies and in doing so learn how to be prepared appropriately for the time ahead.

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Step 4– Creating the right mind-set

To be successful it is important to focus your mind on your goal, as though you are a runner in race, you keep your eyes firmly on the finish line, knowing that if you look to the right or to the left you will slacken your pace and your competitors will gain valuable time. If you look away from the finish line as you are running, you risk stumbling and not being able to complete the race. Before you start the race you will need to know what the finishing line looks like and the direction to run, you would also need to have some idea what it will feel like once you are there, otherwise you’ll find you will feel little motivation to continue, particularly when you are breaking through the pain barrier and you are faced with obstacles that get in the way. Just like the runner remains focussed and determined, you need mind strategies to enable you to attain your goal to be a person who does not smoke.

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The following 11 things you can do to stop smoking are all exercises where you will be using your imagination. Your imagination is seated in your subconscious mind and is a powerful resource you can draw from. In doing these exercises you are in the gestation stage, the period before birth to the new non-smoking you, where you’re mind will take on the new concepts that although at the moment are tiny seeds, they will grow rapidly as you receive the benefits of being a non-smoker. By diligently carrying out these exercises you’ll discover how your mind will serve you by assisting you to achieve your desired goal, which is to stop smoking and accept yourself as someone who no longer has the desire or need to smoke. Start by reading through each paragraph, and then carry out the exercise just as I’ve explained it to you. You may like to do each one a couple of times or more – it’s up to you. Make sure you record your experiences in your journal. Here you go then…

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33. Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a non-smoker and visualise how happy and healthy you look. The easiest way is to see yourself as though you were looking at a photo of yourself. If the photo is in black and white change it to colour. Likewise if the photo is small and unfocussed, change it to a large photo with clarity. Notice your expression, and your appearance; notice what you are wearing and how it feels to look at your future self. In order for us to realise our goals, we have to have some idea what they look like and how it will feels Visualisation is a powerful tool in which we “make” our goals become more tangible and achievable, instead of being vague and unrealistic.

34. Repeat this exercise again,

only this time instead of just looking at the photo, step into it. Imagine you have been successful at achieving your goal. Notice how good it feels. How proud you are of yourself now

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that you are free of this addiction. Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal.

35. Change the photo you have in

your mind into a video. Remember this is a video of you living as a non-smoker. You now move with greater ease and confidence, your head held high. Again notice how you look and what you are doing. Create sounds to your video and notice how this feels. Afterwards write down the thoughts and feelings you experienced during this exercise.

36. Play the video in your mind

again, only this time, you are not going to watch yourself, instead step into the film as though you are really there – the main actor. Look around you and see the scene you are in, notice the objects and colours, listen to the sounds. Someone you know offers you a cigarette, and you say “no thank you”. Notice how it feels? Hold on to those good feelings of

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success and being in control. Afterwards write down your experience in your journal.

37. Repeat exercise 34 and 36 in

this section from now on at least once every day. By doing this you will be preparing your mind to accept the new you and in doing so, your subconscious mind will start to work towards changing you to fit your new picture of yourself. Your mind currently sees you as a smoker, and by using your imagination every day this way, you will be renewing your mind, and consequently you will achieve the results you seek.

38. Create an image in your mind,

projecting yourself say, 6 months ahead and see yourself as still smoking. Now, as before step into that image as though you are there, 6 months into the future and still smoking. Notice how it feels to have tried and failed. Whilst experiencing these emotions, ask yourself this

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question “I’d be a non-smoker now if only I’d…” and just allow your mind to come up with the answers. Hold the question in your thoughts, and let the answers just flow into your mind. There may be one or two, or there may be several. Just keep focused on the question and acknowledge the answers as they come into your mind, without questioning or dismissing them. Once they stop coming, and you have no more answers, quietly thank your subconscious mind for helping you. Step out of the image, and come back to normal awareness. You may feel quite low at this point, but that is quite normal. Pick up your journal and write down the question, followed by all the answers you received. This is an extremely helpful exercise as you will have discovered the stumbling blocks that will get in the way of you succeeding. With this insight you can put into place the things you need to do, and make sure you don’t fall into the traps shown to you, so you can be focused on your

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goal with an assurance that YOU WILL succeed.

39. Step into your photo again of

you in 6 months time, but this time as a non-smoker. Capture the good feelings of success and well-being. You can feel really proud of yourself having achieved such a major goal in your life. Whilst you are enjoying these feelings and still in your image, ask yourself this question. “I succeeded because I …” and whilst in that image just allow the answers to that question come into your mind, without questioning or dismissing. There may be several answers or just one, just stay there until they stop coming. Then thank your mind for these answers and congratulate yourself. Feel again those warm positive emotions and then step out of the image back to normal awareness, and write down in your journal both the question and the answers you received from that experience. These, along with the answers from the

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exercise 38, will form your steps towards your end goal – to become a non-smoker, and you can write them in your action plan as reminders.

40. Stand in front of a mirror, look

yourself in the eyes, and say out loud to yourself “I am a non-smoker” “I am successful” “I am in control now” “I have chosen life over death” “I have chosen good health” “I no longer need or want to smoke”. Say these affirmations slowly and deliberately. You may feel silly at first in doing this but don’t underestimate these statements, because they are powerful affirmations, and practised regularly, maybe several times a day, they have an impact on your subconscious mind. What happens is that you are programming your mind to accept these truths, and as a result you will find your subconscious mind will serve you, and help you achieve your goal.

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41. Turn to your journal and find that list you made of Gains and Losses. Focus on the list of losses, and use your imagination to create a picture of a large blackboard. On the blackboard imagine yourself seeing that list of losses written up there. Look at each word carefully, making sure all the losses are there. Now, imagine that you have an eraser in your hands, and go over to the blackboard and wipe out the first word on the list. Notice how this feels when you are doing this. Gradually work down the list until all the words have been erased. Stand back and look at the empty blackboard, and enjoy the good feelings of having let go of each and every one of those losses. They have gone forever…

42. Look at the words written in

your Gains list. Imagine again you can see the same blackboard that the losses were written on. This time walk over to the blackboard and write up each gain. As you do so, experience

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the good feelings you get and allow yourself some time to enjoy it. When you’ve completed writing each gain, stand back and look at the list, and feel again those good feelings.

43. Go back to your journal and

look at your smoking-related habits. Create a new movie or series of pictures in your mind of those occasions and situations that are habitual to you. See yourself being offered cigarettes and refusing, may be saying the words “no thank you” or “not for me thanks”. See yourself walking past the tobacconists or cigarette counter in the supermarket; see yourself drinking a cup of coffee without smoking and so on……Go through all your habits in your mind, but without you smoking. When you have quite a few pictures, enter them as though you were there and find out how it feels to say no; or to walk past the tobacconist. These images are known as mind rehearsals, which are preparing your mind to accept and

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expect the new behaviours you will be doing in the next few weeks.

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Step 5 - Dealing with Withdrawal

Withdrawal symptoms, even in mild form are inevitable. The next 12 ‘Things That You Can Do To Stop Yourself Smoking’ will help to combat withdrawal pangs and cravings.

44. Focus your thoughts on your future goal. Someone once said “what your mind conceives and believes it will achieve” As you consistently repeat the visualisations of you as a non-smoker and as you consistently repeat the positive self-affirmations, your mind is in the process of bringing about those statements as a reality. Your mind will take you through the process of conceiving, believing and achieving your goal for you, with little effort on your part - if you let it. All you have to do is tap into your inner reservoir of infinite strength and resources. Remember too you can apply this

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process to discover and set goals for other things in your life you may want to achieve. Every one of us has an enormous amount of unrealised potential.

45. Remember that although

stopping smoking may be hard at times, it is not too hard. Make a choice not to give in. Cravings are likely the most difficult thing you will have to cope with, but you do not have to give in to them, they will pass. They will go away whether you have a cigarette or not. All cravings are caused by smoking itself!

46. Consider what challenges it

may bring to your new smoking self and plan for them. The best way of preventing relapse is by being pro-active. It is far better to be pro-active than re-active. When faced with circumstances or situations is to better to be prepared for them in advance. By anticipating events ahead of time, you can plan

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accordingly and put in place alternative behaviours, instead of just reacting to situations by resorting to old habits and old ways.

47. Anticipate and rehearse

difficult situations ahead of time. Each morning get in to the habit of mentally running through the day, anticipate events that could be problematic, and rehearse in your mind how you will deal with them.

48. Drink plenty of water. In

drinking a large glass of water, you will find it will take your mind off smoking for a few moments, and by putting something in your mouth you will lessen the craving. In addition you’ll have a full feeling in your stomach, to help fill that feeling of emptiness that nicotine leaves. Additionally, by drinking lots of water you will speed up the rate nicotine is eliminated from your body. Water flushes out the poisons from your system and dramatically improves

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your blood through cleansing and oxygenating as well as bringing lots of other health benefits such as having more energy. Drink as much water a day as you can.

49. Avoid the company of

smokers. This is particularly important in the early stages as breathing in nicotine from someone else’s cigarettes can be a major switch to trigger a craving.

50. Buy a new perfume or after-

shave and enjoy the fragrance. There has been some research with smokers that suggests smelling strong perfumes can curb desires to smoke and helpful in dealing with cravings.

51. Memorise your list of benefits

in being a non-smoker. This will help remind yourself of your reasons for stopping smoking. Throughout the day mentally visit the list, and get in

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the habit especially first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

52. Breathe slowly and deeply.

Get into the habit of regularly taking deep breaths. This is the easiest method there is of calming your emotions. When we are stressed we breath shallow and quickly, and our body is triggered into what is known as the stress response – to fight or flight. By taking deep, slow breaths, you are increasing the oxygen level in your bloodstream which slows your heart beat down, and stops you going into “stress mode”. Because the effect is relaxing, this will reduce the craving significantly.

53. Become present in the

moment. This simple, easy to do exercise is a very effective way of dealing with cravings, and silence that inner voice that wants to lead you away from your resolve. To do this just become aware of all the sounds that are around you, close by and

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farther away, and as you hear those sounds, tune in and listen to them, Put all your concentration on listening to the sounds around you. At the same time look around you and focus on all the shapes, objects and colours. Keep focusing and concentrating using these two senses until the craving subsides.

54. State positive affirmations

when tempted to give in to a craving. Say positive statements such as “I am in control now “, and “I am free from smoking”; “I am successful” and “I can achieve anything I put my mind to” and keep repeating them to yourself until the craving goes away.

55. Have regular breaks from your

task. At first you may find your concentration level flagging, accept this as part of the withdrawal process and affirm to yourself that it will gradually improve. In the meantime, take frequent breaks from your task, if

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appropriate go for a short walk, or maybe have a good stretch, and do some deep breathing exercises.

56. Keep away from visiting

places or situations that trigger your minds' association with smoking. You know the places I mean, those regular haunts where you always smoke more than usual, and avoid situations that increase your desire to smoke. Be extra vigilant during specific occasions such as Christmas or birthday celebrations as during these times we are more prone to let our guard down.

57. Avoid drinking alcohol as this

will lower your ability to resist smoking. This is particularly important during those first few weeks, and may be longer. For many people smoking and alcohol go together. The alcohol is a depressant and smoking is a stimulant. If you know yourself to be one of these people, consider seeking specialist help with a therapist, or

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counsellor who will be able to help you identify the underlying reason as to why you feel the need for these props.

58. Get in a supply of sugarless

gum. If you feel you need something in your mouth, get in a supply of sugarless gum or make sure you have a supply of raw vegetables such as carrots and celery sticks at hand in your fridge.

59. Keep your sugar levels stable.

As nicotine leaves your body, your sugar levels drop too, this in turn causes a craving for nicotine. To combat this don’t skip meals and eat plenty of fruit snacks for in between meals for the first few days.

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Step 6 – Destroy your myths about smoking

A lot of smokers own to having fears about stopping smoking. Some of these fears have their roots in the past, such as self-doubt, negativity, and fear of success or failure. Likewise, smokers are easily deceived to believe what they want to believe, for example the belief that smoking relaxes you, when in fact smoking creates the feeling of stress in order for you to keep feeding the habit. It is important to understand your fears and where they come from, so get your fears out in the open and deal with them, and make sure you get reliable facts about smoking.

60. Cultivate a positive attitude. This is about seeing your glass as always being half full and not half empty. Negative thoughts rob us of our inspiration and creativity – the belief that all things are possible. So it is important to get rid of negative

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thoughts as soon as they pop into your head. You can do this easily, by saying out loud one or more of the positive affirmations you wrote down in exercise 54 in Step 5. If you focus on negative thoughts then you are likely to lose sight of your goal – remember you become what you think about. If you are someone that has a lot of negative thoughts, then it is best to steer clear of negative people as you will find you will feed your negativity from them. Like the physical positive and negative energies repel each other, it is exactly the same with positive and negative thoughts – some people describe this as spiritual energy. When we behave positively, we send out positive signals or energy, and others respond to them positively. The same happens when we are feeling negative.

Spend a few moments thinking about the positive and negative people who are in your life and make a list of each in your diary. Stay away from

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negative people if you can during those early days as they will sabotage your positivity.

61. Get the right facts about smoking; don’t rely on what you think you know. There are a lot of myths about smoking, and one of the biggest is smoking eases stress and anxiety by giving you a sense of relief, of pleasure and consequently helping you feel more relaxed. This is a deception and illusion, the truth is that smoking actually created those unwanted feelings of depression, irritability, and anxiety in the first place; the “pleasure” that you feel when you smoke is what non-smokers feel all the time. All you are doing is satisfying an addictive need or craving brought about by the nicotine. Be absolutely clear smoking damages your physical and mental health.

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62. Be absolutely clear there are no benefits whatsoever from smoking. Any beliefs that you have that there are benefits are a complete deception. An example may be that you might believe smoking relieves you from boredom – this is completely irrational. There are plenty of things you can do other than smoke that will relieve boredom. Do not be deceived… The reality is that those nicotine monsters inside you want to be satisfied – nothing else.

63. Mind your tongue. Our feelings

are implicitly expressed in our language and the words we use. Words have an incredibly powerful effect on our subconscious mind, so avoid phrases like “giving up smoking” when you talk to people – the only thing you’ve given up is a smoking related death or disease. Instead when someone offers you a cigarette, use the phrase “no thanks, I’ve kicked that habit”. When you describe yourself to others, avoid

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using words such as “ex-smoker” or “non-smoker” as these indicate you are giving a label to yourself denoting smoking as important part of your identity. Notice that the person who has never smoked doesn’t go round describing themselves as a “non-smoker”.

Unfortunately, over time most people have learnt to think and use words in the negative sense. Often when I ask a new client what is it they want out of life, they usually present me with a list of “don’t wants”. This is one of the reasons why most resolutions and ideas start of like fantastic fireworks lighting up the sky only to fizzle out and die, ending up in a pile of ashes. Think about your language and words, and in your journal list down the phrases you have used to tell people that you are no longer smoker. Notice how many negative words you use, and alongside create a new list formed of positive sentences you can

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use. Avoid negative words such as ‘don’t” and “trying”

64. Manage your stress in a healthy way. It is a complete myth that smoking helps with anxiety and stress. In fact the reverse is true for smoking destroys your nervous system and increases stress, depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. Research has shown that smoking can actually cause these things. The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to manage your stress, and help with depression. Here are a few examples:

Join a yoga class – there are many benefits which bring about calmness and well being and there is a yoga posture called pranayama (art of yoga breathing) which particularly benefits people who have smoked.

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Listen to Hypnotherapy CDs on relaxation and managing stress

Learn NLP anti-anxiety techniques

Book an appointment for Shiatsu - a Japanese method of healing and deep relaxation which helps release stress.

65. Face your fears and get things

in perspective. Most smokers fear the withdrawal from nicotine and panic about how they will cope. In reality, some people find life extremely difficult those first few days, and others may experience little or no symptoms. But in reality – what can be the worst thing that can happen? Preparing an action plan that deals with withdrawal symptoms will enable you to cope with physical, mental and emotional stress during those early days. You will also be developing new habits that deal with stress, such as relaxation techniques, you will

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gradually grow more confident. Some people fear failure (or even success) as it will change their life and the way they perceive themselves in an unfamiliar way. If you are one of those people, think about seeking specialist help maybe from a counsellor or hypnotherapist, and NLP practitioner who can help you deal with these issues. It will be money well spent for if you do have these inner beliefs, once they are dealt with, you will find that you will be empowered in all areas of your life where you want to achieve, not just in quitting smoking. Some people fear weight gain once they’ve stopped smoking. It is true that healthy bodies weigh more than oxygen depleted bodies, so a small weight gain may occur when giving up smoking. However, this is insignificant when you compare it with all the health benefits that you’ll gain from not smoking.

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66. Separate a page in your journal into two columns, head one column with the words ‘My Strengths” and the other column “My Weaknesses”. Write down what you believe to be your strengths and weaknesses, and then ask a close relative or friend who knows you well if they agree and if they have anything to add. You may find from doing this exercise that some of your strengths and weaknesses are the same thing. For instance word tenacity can be seen a strength, and the word stubborn as a weakness. Re-frame as many of your negative words under your weakness column into positive language, and in doing so move them over to your positive list. This should drastically reduce the number in weakness column, and then affirm out loud each positive strength as follows: “I am …… (Insert the first word in your positive column), and so on with each word in the “strength” list. Notice that by simply changing the language, you gain

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more positive energy. Enjoy that energy and realise how easy it is to change the way you think about yourself.

67. Get professional help to deal

with any self-limiting mistaken beliefs you have about yourself. If by stopping smoking you find you are triggering off underlying issues such as low self-esteem, and not feeling “good enough” or needing approval. Maybe these issues have been around for a while. In which case perhaps now is the time to seek professional help from a therapist that specialises in these issues, and get them dealt with once and for all. After which you’ll be free to move on in your life.

68. Stop trying to stop thinking

about smoking. Eliminate the word try from your thinking. If you try to do something, the message you are sending to your brain is “I am going to attempt something which I might fail

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at doing”. The fact is the more you focus on trying the more likely you are to fail. This is because your mind will register the possibility of failure and your subconscious will imagine it, and the effect will be that you have programmed your subconscious to accept and determine failure. Instead of trying, just accept and do the best you can. Focus on the doing. For example; accept it is normal that you will still be thinking about smoking for a while after you’ve stopped. Just allow those thoughts to happen and look at them just as though they were snapshots in a photo album. Don’t resist, just look at the thought then move on and think of a positive thought. Remember the harder you try to stop thinking about smoking, the more thoughts you will have about smoking.

69. Stop punishing yourself by

feeling deprived or by repeating your “weaknesses” to yourself. You’ve embarked on the journey of

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becoming someone who does not smoke, as a result of your decision of not wanting to smoke anymore. It is nothing more than that. If you are struggling with cravings, or thoughts of smoking, accept them for what they are just natural occurrences in the process of withdrawal, with no hidden negative message that affects your identity or sense of self-value and worth.

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Step 7 – Your Support Network

By building up a good support network you don’t have to feel alone. It is good to share with others your struggles and successes with people who love and care for you.

70. Draw up a list of people who you think might be supportive to you. There is no shame in seeking help and support from people, so as you think about each person on your list, think also about the ways in which they can be supporting of you. People who are close to you and who care about you can be an enormous support to you during difficult times

71. Ask family and friends to be

understanding. Explain to them how important it is to you that you succeed, and that any changes in your mood, irritability, and bad temper are only temporary whilst you are feeling the effects of withdrawal from

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nicotine. Ask them in advance to take this in consideration and ask for their support when you are going through these emotions. Tell them it is not personal, it is the nicotine fighting to keep its hold on you. Get them to focus on the new you that will be the outcome.

72. Enlist the help of other

smokers. Ask them to help you by not offering you cigarettes, and if possible and appropriate, not to smoke in your presence, especially during those first couple of months. However, be careful, as some smokers may feel threatened by your strength and resolve and might try to jeopardise it.

73. Buddy-up with a stop-smoking

partner. Find someone else who you know (and like) who wants to stop smoking, and do it together. It’ll get a little competitive which will help with keeping your motivation going, and you’ll have the support of someone

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else who is going through similar emotions at the same time, and can empathise with you and your feelings. Watch out though, if they succumb back to smoking…. It doesn’t mean you have to as well.

74. Join a support group. Support

groups to stop smoking can be of a great help, particularly as their experiences will be similar to your own. You can find out what support groups are run in your area from GP surgeries, smoking help-lines and the internet.

75. Seek support from the groups

that you already belong to. It may be that you belong to groups that will offer some help. For instance if you attend a church, or have a faith, you could seek ministry and prayer from that group.

76. Voice your feelings to others.

Make sure you tell people around you when you feel irritable or depressed

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as this can act as a safety valve. Others by being aware of what you are going through can be more accepting of your behaviour and will be able to support you.

77. Spend time with people who

care about you. They will want the best for you and will help you get it. They have your best interest at heart, but you must tell them what they can do to help.

78. Raise funds for your favourite

charity. This is a great way to get other people involved in helping you achieve your goal. The more people who are involved, the more likely you are to keep motivated. Just think of all the people you will help by succeeding your goal. Not only will you feel good about your personal success, but you’ll also feel good about helping others.

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Step 8 - Your Health Matters

Respect your body, and your body will reward you with good health. Help your body recover from the poisons you have been inhaling, and enjoy the health benefits of your new lifestyle and sense of well-being.

79. Eat balanced meals. Through smoking your body has been depleted of proteins, vitamins and minerals that are vital to maintaining a healthy body. By eating healthy balanced meals you will be replenishing your body of these elements and as a result you will feel more energised and have a sense of well-being. Your intake of protein will help repair the damage that has occurred through smoking to your tissues and cells. Additionally you will be ensuring a constant supply of serotonin and dopamine, important for ensuring the “feel-good factor”.

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80. Consider seeing a nutritionist for advice. Remember that you have been pumping poison into your body for some time (may be as much as 20 years or so) and by following advice from a nutritionist you will be assisting your body in the healing process. As well as giving you a balanced diet plan, he or she will be able to advise you on the wide range of supplements and detox products that are available. Also by doing this you are re-programming your subconscious to support your decision to respect your body and what you are putting into it.

81. Drink less caffeine. If coffee

and cigarettes go hand in hand for you, think about changing your beverage. Maybe try herbal or fruit teas or other caffeine free drinks. Caffeine stimulates your brain, and as most smokers suffer from sleep deprivation, it is best to avoid drinking coffee or tea after 6pm, particularly in the early days.

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82. Get a good nights sleep. Get

into the habit of going to bed relaxed. Wind down from the day, by listening to calm and soothing music, or hypnotic CD, maybe have a warm bath or read a book. Get into a routine of going to bed earlier and getting up earlier the next day.

83. Do deep breathing exercises.

As a smoker you have clogged the cilia in your lungs with tar (these are minute hair-like structures). In doing deep breathing exercises regularly you will be encouraging the cleansing of this area. Follow this simple exercise, by either lying down or sitting up straight. Take a deep breath right into your lungs, hold it and count up to 10, and then breathe out. Do this several times during the day.

84. Eat plenty of roughage. This

will support your bowel as it recovers from the effects of smoking. You may wish to take a colon-cleansing

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supplement from your local health food store, or visit a homeopath.

85. Eat natural yogurt to restore

friendly bacteria in your gut. As a smoker you will have compromised your immune system in your gut, as the poisons from smoking will have depleted the friendly bacteria essential to the immune system working effectively. Help yourself to replenish and restore these bacteria by eating live yogurt daily.

86. Maintain your blood sugar

levels. Never skip meals, particularly breakfast and eat healthy in-between meal snacks throughout the day, particularly those with plenty of protein to help replenish and heal your body of depletion.

87. Increase your daily exercise.

By getting fitter you will be getting your circulation back to normal. As a smoker it is likely that your circulation has become sluggish and clogged up

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with chemicals. You will find that by increasing your fitness level, you will also do wonders for your energy level and general sense of well-being.

88. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and

vegetables. In doing this you’ll replenish the body of minerals and vitamins depleted by smoking and feel generally healthier.

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Step 9 – Counting the Pennies

Stopping smoking has huge financial rewards. Start by working out how much you will save, and start planning how you will spend the money you waste on smoking.

89. Work out how much you

spend on smoking. Here’s an interesting exercise for you to do. Add up the number of cigarettes you smoke during the day, and how much it costs you. Now multiply the cost by 7 and you have the figure you spend on smoking each week. Next multiply that figure by 52 and you will have the annual figure you spend. Take a few moments to let this sink in. Now it gets a little more shocking. Take that annual figure and multiply it by however many years you’ve been smoking. This is how much you have spent on smoking so far. The average age someone lives is around 75

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years, although people are now living a lot longer. Now multiply the amount you spend on smoking by the number of years you have until you reach the age of 75. Take a few moments to allow your feelings about this to surface and write them down in your journal. You cannot do anything about the past and the money you’ve wasted, but you now know how much you will spend in the next 12 months on smoking if you don’t stop and you also know how much you will spend in the future if you continue to smoke. Write these figures down in your journal to remind you of the financial cost of smoking.

90. Decide what you will do with

the money you save. Now that you have a clear idea of the financial cost of smoking, you know how much money you will now save. Think about how this amount of money will help you achieve other things you want in your life. Spend some time thinking about and writing in your journal of

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how you will spend the money that you would have spent on smoking. It may be for a hobby, starting a business, buying a home, furniture, new car, or a holiday. As well as thinking about a “big” thing, allow some weekly treats to reward yourself.

91. Reward yourself regularly, at

least once a week. Get into the habit of planning in a positive treat each week and if necessary each day to reward yourself and celebrate your success. It may be at first that you will need to reward yourself daily, or half-daily. Do whatever you feel right for you.

92. Tell everyone what you will do

with the money you saved from not smoking. By telling everyone what you are intentions are, it will reinforce your decision and add some accountability.

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Step 10 - Relapse and Prevention

Slipping is not a crime. It’s not the end of the world. But just in case you need it, this section consists of a plan of action for you to follow to get back on track as quickly as possible.

93. Think carefully about why you succumbed to that cigarette. Often it is about nicotine withdrawal, but there may be other reasons. It might be because of alcohol, or perhaps you were anxious about a specific situation or a future event, or perhaps you feel under pressure from work, or other areas in your life. Maybe you feel lonely and fed-up. Whatever the reasons, write down in your journal what caused you to start smoking again

94. Think and write down what

you could have done instead. It’s important you learn from this

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exercise. There is no such thing as failing, just lessons on knowing what not to do. Did you realise that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb on his 10,000th attempt? This meant he had a success rate of 0.01% and on that basis he had more failures than successes. Today we only remember the success; one win wipes out all those failures. Edison persevered and when asked about the failures he simply said he’d discovered another way of how to not invent the light bulb.

95. Re read your support list -

whose support could you have drawn from. Are you using your support network enough? Remember there is no shame or disgrace in asking for help. Think of a time when a friend or loved one asked for your help – it is likely you were more than happy to assist.

96. Stop being hard on your self.

Accept the fact that as human beings

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none of us are perfect, and even with the best made plans sometimes things do not go as we wish or intend. If you find yourself slipping, don’t go back down that old road of blaming yourself and feeling a failure. Instead stop worrying and get back your resolve. Sir Edmund Hilary did not climb Mount Everest without slipping a few times, instead of giving up; he got up and started again. Remember relapses are common and may part of the process, as change rarely happens overnight. The important thing is not to lose hope and the see the blip as temporary.

97. Get back on track as quickly

as possible and decide on a new start date. By doing this you are focusing on your end goal and taking action. Remember that all successful people have “slipped” more than once before reaching their goal.

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98. See yourself still as someone who does not smoke - just because you smoked a cigarette or two doesn't mean you have reverted to being a smoker. Be wary of falling into the trap of “giving up” on your goal, and going down the road of re-visiting all those negative self-limiting mistaken beliefs. The reality is that the nicotine monster from that first puff is tricking your mind, because it wants and needs to be back in control.

99. Repeat positive affirmations

such as “I am in control” and “I am able to achieve anything I put my mind to". This continues reinforcing your subconscious that you are serious about stopping smoking.

100. Shower, wash your hair and

put on clean clothes. By getting rid of the smell of smoke and the simple act of cleansing, has a positive feel-good factor – it’s an act of letting go and starting again.

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101. Be on your guard and watch

out for relapse. Forewarned is being forearmed.

102. Never test your resolve by

"just having one". Remind yourself by looking back in your journal and read what you wrote about having that first cigarette. That one cigarette got you hooked in the first place and will do again. A lot of people test their willpower in this way, and think they are strong enough to stop at just having one. But remember willpower has nothing to do with giving up smoking. You may think that by having a few drags on a cigarette might remind you just how unpleasant smoking is…Whatever you do, don’t test this, this is just a trick of the drug. Instead, remind yourself again of that first experience and how unpleasant it was. Maybe you coughed and choked, may be you felt sick. Smoking is never enjoyable and never the reason why you smoked. It

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was all about an addiction. Remember too that one cigarette will cost you £X amount (the figure you came up with during section 9 Tip 89; the amount of money smoking will cost you if you continue). By having “just one cigarette” or a few puffs, you will awaken the nicotine monster and you’ll also undermine all the renewal in your thinking within your subconscious.

103. Put notes with positive

affirmations around the house, or a work, or in the car to remind you. These visual aids can be handy way of keeping your thoughts focussed on your end goal.

104. Carry around with you photo

of someone you know who died from smoking. This can be someone famous who you admired or a close friend or loved one. Look at the photo to remind you of the tragic consequences that smoking has.

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105. Occupy your hands. Use the Smoke free tangle supplied by the NHS, or get a Rubik’s cube, or take up knitting, crocheting or another past-time that keeps your hands busy.

106. Don’t become overly

confident. Even months or a year after you’ve stopped smoking you may experience a sudden desire to have a cigarette. You may even be tempted as you feel you will have smoking under control. Be warned – if you do, before you realise it, you will be back smoking again, and probably more heavily than you did before. Remember nicotine is the fasted addictive drug there is – and it only takes one cigarette.

107. Enjoy your new life as a

person who is free from smoking. Take pleasure from the taste and smell of your food, and the clean fresh smell of your clothes, home, car and workspace. Relaxed and free

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List of Therapies that

you may find helpful.

Hypnotherapy: Very effective.

According to 1992 New Scientist

Magazine the published results of an

extensive clinical study showed the

following results;

60% - single session hypnosis

24% - acupuncture

10% - NRT (Nicotine

Replacement Therapy)

6% - Willpower alone.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

(NLP): This approach involves

changing behaviour and thinking to

bring about positive changes. This

approach works well when combined

with hypnotherapy.

Reflexology: Ancient healing art

that releases blockages and restores

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energy flow, encouraging the body to

heal itself.

Aromatherapy: Improves physical

and emotional well-being.

Homeopathy: stimulates the body

to repair itself and restore natural


Acupuncture: Holistic method of

restoring the body’s nature, physical,

emotional and spiritual balance.

Herbalist: Ancient art of medicine

from plants and plant extracts to

improve health and well-being.

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About Jackie Hill

Jackie Hill has many years experience as a fully qualified integrative psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist, and NLP practitioner. She has helped many smokers overcome addiction to nicotine, and has worked with people with addictions to alcohol and drugs, as well as working with individuals, families and relationship counselling. She had a successful private practice in Suffolk, has held residential quit smoking programmes at her Retreat in France. Nowadays, Jackie works from her practice in London. You can contact Jackie by email on [email protected]. For information about her other self-improvement products such as CDs, hypnosis downloads, books, and other eBooks please visit here websites www.want-to-stop-smoking.com and www.jackiehillcounselling.com

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