The title sequence that me and my team will create will be a psychological horror. Roman Polanski directed two films which are considered quintessential psychological horror: Repulsion (h1965) and Rosemary’s baby (1968). Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film The Shining is another film particularly well-known example of the genre. The Changeling (1980) directed by Peter Medak is another good example of a psychological haunting story. Psychological horror films differ from the traditional horror film, where the source of the fear is typically something material, such as creatures, monsters, or aliens, as well as the splatter film, which derives its effects from gore and graphic violence, in that tension is built through atmosphere, eerie sounds and exploitation of the viewer's and the character's psychological fears.

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The title sequence that me and my team will create will be a psychological horror. Roman Polanski directed two films which are considered quintessential psychological horror: Repulsion (h1965) and Rosemary’s baby (1968). Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film The Shining is another film particularly well-known example of the genre. The Changeling (1980) directed by Peter Medak is another good example of a psychological haunting story. 


Psychological horror films differ from the traditional horror film, where the source of the fear is typically something material, such as creatures, monsters, or aliens, as well as the splatter film, which derives its effects from gore and graphic violence, in that tension is built through atmosphere, eerie sounds and exploitation of the viewer's and the character's psychological fears. 

The Black Cat (1934) and Cat People (1942) have been cited as early psychological horror films.

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Seven (Se7en) is a 1995 American psychological thriller. In an anonymous American city, soon-to-be-retiring Detective William R is partnered with a short tempered detective, David Mills (Pitt). Somerset and Mills investigate a string of murders tied to a serial killer. This movie involves a mentally ill man who goes around this unnamed city of America, killing citizens for “fun”. The movie was distributed by New Line Cinema.

Psycho is a psychological horror film, directed and produced by Alfred Hitchcock. This movie was distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film involves a psycho man who kills the woman he “loves” and her partner, out of jealousy. He then regrets the fact that he murdered the woman, and treats her corpse as if it is a living body.