101203 An event ontology for crisis-disaster information

An Event Ontology An Event Ontology An Event Ontology An Event Ontology An Event Ontology for Crisis for Crisis-Disaster Information Disaster Information The PNC 2010 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings The PNC 2010 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings The PNC 2010 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings The PNC 2010 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings December 1 December 1-3, 2010, 3, 2010, City University of Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong Andrea Wei Andrea Wei-Ching Huang and Tyng Ching Huang and Tyng-Ruey Chuang Ruey Chuang Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica Ti iTi Ti iTi T aipei, T aiwan T aipei, T aiwan


Information management in the event of a crisis/disaster is a challenging problem as often the information is incomplete or inaccurate, while the public and the government both need to access to critical information in order to plan for crisis prevention and disaster relief. In addition, as communication networks and their bandwidth can be rather limited or overloaded in such events, it can be very difficult in aggregating, summarizing, and disseminating the relevant information in timely and useful ways. An ontology for the representation, processing, and integration of event information would be very useful in the application domain of crisis prevention and disaster relief. We have surveyed several event ontologies, and will propose some guidelines for the design of an event ontology for crisis-disaster information management.

Transcript of 101203 An event ontology for crisis-disaster information

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An Event Ontology

An Event OntologyAn Event OntologyAn Event Ontology An Event Ontology for Crisisfor Crisis--Disaster InformationDisaster Information

The PNC 2010 Annual Conference and Joint MeetingsThe PNC 2010 Annual Conference and Joint MeetingsThe PNC 2010 Annual Conference and Joint MeetingsThe PNC 2010 Annual Conference and Joint MeetingsDecember 1December 1--3, 2010, 3, 2010, City University of Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong Hong Kong

Andrea WeiAndrea Wei--Ching Huang and TyngChing Huang and Tyng--Ruey Chuang Ruey Chuang Institute of Information Science, Academia SinicaInstitute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

T i i T iT i i T iTaipei, Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan

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An Event Ontology

Outline1. Introduction & Limitation

2. Crisis-Disaster information

3. Semantic Web

4 E t b d O t l i4. Event based Ontologies

5. General Event Relation (ger)

6. Crisis-Disaster GER

7 Conclusion & Suggestions7. Conclusion & Suggestions

Huang & Chuang, 20102

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An Event Ontology

DisasterInfoDisasterInfo--BBDisasterInfoDisasterInfo--AA DisasterInfoDisasterInfo BBDisasterInfoDisasterInfo AA

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An Event Ontology

1 Introduction & Limitation1. Introduction & Limitation

M iM iM iM i R l tiR l tiR l tiR l ti Si li itSi li itSi li itSi li itMeaningMeaningMeaningMeaning RelationRelationRelationRelation SimplicitySimplicitySimplicitySimplicity

Huang & Chuang, 20104

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An Event Ontology

“The world looks at a disasterdisaster,The world looks at a disasterdisaster,

often willing to help, but needing

an accurate picturean accurate picture. …

Humanity’s effectiveness Humanity’s effectiveness will be

much increased if relevant data

t d il bl ”streams are made available.”

Huang & Chuang, 2010http://esw.w3.org/DisasterManagement 5

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An Event Ontology

WhyWhy do we need an event ontology for the disaster information management ?the disaster information management ?

Event Disaster Information Ontology

Event or Event concept is about dynamic change. It provides an effective way to

Disaster information has the characterizations of rapid changeability, ambiguity, vast

Ontology clarifies the relationship between objects stored in machines and provides

filter, share, communicate, organize, and integrate diverse and distributed information

quantity and diverse domains on the Web.

Disaster management

meanings both to human and machines work in coordination.

Existing event based ontologiesinformation.

Event descriptions usually focus on temporal and causal

Disaster management systems should not be isolated.

Traditional GIS system can

Existing event based ontologies are well equipped with spatial-temporal representations.


Traditional GIS system can not answer why question. W3C EIIF XG has worked on

the Who-What-Where, but no When-Why effort yet.The international Disaster Database (EM-DAT) has added

the ‘Event” on the top level for its data entry methodology

Huang & Chuang, 2010

the Event on the top level for its data entry methodology.


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An Event Ontology

Li it tiLimitationsW h f l d fi i i li i i l iWe have no formal definition , linguistic analysis or philosophical exploration on “Event”; on “ontology” terms such as “data model”, “schemas” “classification”, “taxonomy”, or “thesaurus”; or on difference between “crisis”, “disaster”, “risk” or “emergency”.

We do not create a new event ontology for disaster management, instead we generalize a common Relationbased on the Event Concept as 5 General Event Relationsbased on the Event Concept, as 5 General Event Relations.

We have not implement or practice on this five GERs yet, and have not set logical axioms for their semantics Howeverand have not set logical axioms for their semantics. However our team is on the process of utilizing event concept to manage narrative accounts.

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An Event Ontology

G l & R ltGoal & Result

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MeaningMeaningMeaningMeaning RelationRelationRelationRelation SimplicitySimplicitySimplicitySimplicitygggg p yp yp yp y

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An Event Ontology

2. Crisis-disaster Information

Miti tiMiti tiMiti tiMiti ti P dP dP dP d RRRR RRRRMitigationMitigationMitigationMitigation PreparednessPreparednessPreparednessPreparedness ResponseResponseResponseResponse RecoveryRecoveryRecoveryRecovery

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An Event Ontology

People need information as much as water, food, di i h ltmedicine, or shelter.

Information can save lives, livelihoods, and resources. It may be the only form of disaster preparedness that the most vulnerable can afford.

The right kind of information leads to a deeper understanding of needs and ways to respond.

The wrong information can lead to inappropriate, even dangerous interventions''

International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, World Disasters Report 2005

Huang & Chuang, 2006



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Th Ph d F k M d lThe Phased Framework Model

Huang & Chuang, 2010http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/eiif/XGR-Framework-20090720/#frame3


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An Event Ontology

Crisis-Disaster Information : Problemsex: Situation awareness demands short term thinking & action.

Information Quality - ambiguity, updating, interoperability- security, level of trustsecurity, level of trust

Information Overload - unstructured information- duplicated efforts- emergency bandwidths

Disseminating - data linking , data portability- efficient distribution of time-critical alertsefficient distribution of time-critical alerts

Accessibility - allow information to be filtered or extractedby what, when, where, who, and why.

Huang & Chuang, 2010 Information Gathering / Processing/ Integration/ SharingInformation Gathering / Processing/ Integration/ Sharing13

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An Event Ontology

I H i tidi t l ( 2010) ‘In Hristidis et al. ( 2010) ‘s survey on data management & analysis in disaster situations, they suggest that:they suggest that:

employing ontology and semantic web technologies p y g gy gcan be used to identify and associate

ti ll di tsemantically corresponding concepts in the disaster-related information, so that the heterogeneous data can be integrated and ingestedheterogeneous data can be integrated and ingested.

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An Event Ontology

W3C Emergency InformationW3C Emergency Information Interoperability Frameworks

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An Event Ontology

W3C Emergency InformationW3C Emergency Information Interoperability Frameworks

Huang & Chuang, 201016

DOLCE Lite based

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An Event Ontology

3. Semantic Web

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An Event Ontology

Computers used to be linkedlinked by telephone wires, by Internet, by Web of Documents, and then by Web of DataWeb of Data. .

The existence of linkslinksThe existence of links links themselves do not

carry meaningmeaningcarry meaning. meaning.

Huang & Chuang, 2010 Revised from Tim Berners-Lee , 2007/2010: http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Abstractions.html


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Semantic WebSemantic Web: meaning not just spelling

“The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation ”enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.


OntologyOntology: machine-readable knowledge representationgygy g p

“a machine-understandable theory of (human) meaning.(C Legg 2007)(C.Legg, 2007)


concept class relationrelation instances

sub concept class

Huang & Chuang, 2010

sub concept class19

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An Event Ontology

Glossary of terms for nodes & arcs

node arc/ arrow

http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/XML‐Semantics.htmlHuang & Chuang, 2010


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A light-weight ontology example:RDF and RDF Schema

Graph with SemanticsGraph with Semantics1. Represent information.2. Express general knowledge.3. Implicit knowledge can be deduced

or inferred.

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An Event Ontology

Draw conclusions from the Given InformationGraph with SemanticsDraw conclusions from the Given Information.

Sebastian eats vegetable Thai g

Curry, …

th f h i therefore he is pitiable…

from Hitzler, Krotzsch and Rudolph (2009)

Huang & Chuang, 2010


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An Event Ontology

3. Implicit knowledge is d d d i f ddeduced or inferred.

2. express more generic knowledgeknowledge

1. Represent Information

from Hitzler, Krotzsch and Rudolph (2009)

Fig 2.13: Graph representation of a simple RDFS ontologyHuang & Chuang, 2010


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An Event Ontology

4. Event based Ontologiesg

R l tiR l tiR l tiR l tiRelationRelationRelationRelation

E tE tE tE tEventEventEventEvent

Huang & Chuang, 201024

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An Event Ontology

What event based ontology can do?

for example, some of the general kinds of queries supported by Geospatial Event Model (GEM) include:

• What are all the events related to object X?

Wh t th bj t th t l t d t t Y?• What are the objects that are related to event Y?

• Can event Y happen without object X?

• What are all the events that are related to event Y?• What are all the events that are related to event Y?

• What events serve as initiator events for event Y?

• How many objects serve as event‐initiating or facilitating objects?• How many objects serve as event‐initiating or facilitating objects?

• What is the spatio‐temporal setting for event Y?

Huang & Chuang, 201025

Worboys and Hornsby ( 2004)

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An Event Ontology

Event definitions in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy y p p y


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An Event Ontology

Different Classes with different hierarchy

4 core classes3 classes

17 properties1 class

6 properties27 class

6 perspectives3 classes1 function

5 classes6 functions13 relations

1 other class5 types

3 property constrains

5 classes20 properties

DUL classes6 DnS patterns1 other class

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An Event Ontology

Event definitions among different ontologies

SUMO: something that happens at a given place and time.DUL: Any physical social or mental process event or state

Event definitions among different ontologies

DUL: Any physical, social, or mental process, event, or state.BFO: similar to the " Temporal boundary of process" concept, which has been

defined as "a processual entity that is the fiat or bona fide instantaneous temporalboundary of a process.

1. EO: An arbitrary classification of a space/time region, by a cognitive agent. An event may have actively participating agents, passive factors, products, and a location in y y p p g g p pspace/time.

2. E: consider a Web in which each node is an event.3. GEM: event as process.4 UEO: entities in formal ontology as occurrence of actions & changes in the real world4. UEO: entities in formal ontology as occurrence of actions & changes in the real world.5. EM: event as actor and action in a situation ontology.6. F: " …perduring entities ( or perdurants or occurants ) that unfold over time, i.e., they

take up time..”7 LODE7. LODE: People conventionally refer to an action or occurrence taking place at a certain

time at a specific location as an event. Things that have happened or that are scheduled to happen.

8. SEM: Event cannot commit to a specific definition. Events encompass everything that

Huang & Chuang, 2010

happens, even fictional events.


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An Event Ontology

Different Event Meaning

Huang & Chuang, 201029

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An Event Ontology


[ ]

[ BFO ][ BFO ][ model[ model--F ]F ]

(occurant)[ BFO ][ BFO ] (continuant) (occurant)

30[ GEM ][ GEM ] EventsSettingsObjects

Situate: GOClass Situate: GEClassHuang & Chuang, 2010

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An Event Ontology

DUL: TimeIntervalDUL: SpaceRegion


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An Event Ontology

“Many Knowledge Representation systemsMany Knowledge Representation systems had a problem merging or interrelating two separate knowledge bases, as the model wasseparate knowledge bases, as the model was that any concept

had one and only one place had one and only one place in a tree of knowledge.

They therefore did not scale, or pass the test of independent invention ”test of independent invention.


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An Event Ontology

5. General Event Relation (GER)

Si li itSi li itSi li itSi li itR l tiR l tiR l tiR l ti

( )


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Most upper ontologies define classes andclasses and their tree of hierarchies.

By contrast, we generalize and define Event Relation mostly fromdefine Event Relation mostly from the existing Event based Ontologies.

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SomethingSomething--AA SomethingSomething--BBSomethingSomething AA SomethingSomething BB

i di id l bj d ex individuals resource objects dataex. individuals, resource, objects, data bases, classes, domain ontology, upper ontology,  framework, thesaurus, f d l

ex. individuals, resource, objects, data bases, classes, domain ontology, upper ontology,  framework, thesaurus, reference models

Huang & Chuang, 2010

reference models, … reference models, …


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An Event Ontology


GER Terms -1

Event: A significant happening which at least has four general relation statements and one possible relation described below.


identity relation: representation of an Event which makes it definable and recognizable.

ex. is‐a, isAbout, defines, occurs, exists, classifies, 

temporal relation: express the relation which is relating to or limited by time

express, describes, isRelatedTo, sameAs, according to…  

by time.ex. hasTime, timeInterval, time‐span, timestamp,  during, eventDate, begin, end, since, nextTo…  

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An Event Ontology

spatial relation: express the relation which is relating to or limited by

GER Terms -2spatial relation: express the relation which is relating to or limited by

space, place, or location.ex. place, region, space, location, hasBoundary, 

cause relation: express the relation that any entity makes an event happen or is responsible for event results

nearTo, direction, overlap, placeName…  

happen or is responsible for event results.

ex. cause, result, factor, agent, actor, action, activities, impact consequence result participant role product

exceptional relation: express the relation which is a noteworthy addition

impact, consequence, result, participant, role, product, instrument, task… 

p p yto the event but has not mentioned in the four basic GERs above.

ex. isPartOf, hasSubEvent, hasComponent, hasMember, unifies includes involves transitive symmetric negative

Huang & Chuang, 201037

unifies, includes, involves, transitive, symmetric, negative, opposite, contextualizing , interpretation, certainty…  

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An Event Ontology

General Relation in Event Based OntologiesGeneral Relation in Event Based Ontologies

Identity RelationIdentity Relationex. is‐a, isAbout, defines, occurs, exists, classifies, express, describes,Identity RelationIdentity Relation

Temporal RelationTemporal Relation

exists, classifies, express, describes, isRelatedTo, sameAs, according to…  

ex. hasTime, timeInterval, time span timestampTemporal RelationTemporal Relation time‐span, timestamp,  during, eventDate, begin, end, since, nextTo…  

ex place region spaceSpatial RelationSpatial Relation

ex cause result factor agent

ex. place, region, space, location, hasBoundary, nearTo, direction, overlap, placeName…  


Cause RelationCause Relationex. cause, result, factor, agent, actor, action, activities, impact, consequence, result, participant, role, product, instrument, task… 

Exceptional RelationExceptional Relationex. isPartOf, hasSubEvent, hasComponent, hasMember, unifies, includes, involves, transitive, symmetric, negative, , y , g ,opposite, contextualizing , interpretation, certainty…  

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ex. individuals, resource, objects, data bases, 

ex. individuals, resource, objects, data bases, 

CONCEPTCONCEPTj , ,classes, domain ontology, 

upper ontology,  framework, thesaurus, reference models, …

classes, domain ontology, upper ontology,  framework, thesaurus, reference models, …

SomethingSomething--AA SomethingSomething--BB


SomethingSomething AA SomethingSomething BB

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An Event Ontology

6 C i i Di t GER6. Crisis-Disaster GER

bl t k i f ti i

SimplicitySimplicitySimplicitySimplicityable to access key information concerning

disaster situation & resource availability.

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An Event Ontology

DisasterInfoDisasterInfo--BBDisasterInfoDisasterInfo--AA DisasterInfoDisasterInfo BBDisasterInfoDisasterInfo AA

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An Event Ontology

For mostFor most crisis/disaster/emergency information,

they have their domain categories/they have their domain categories/ hierarchies/ ontologies.

We want to We want to reuse them and provide freedom ofreuse them and provide freedom ofreuse them, and provide freedom of reuse them, and provide freedom of

meaning choices to users.meaning choices to users.

GER provides Event Concept to associate disaster information and relate to otherdisaster information and relate to other

useful resources according to users’ specific applications.

Huang & Chuang, 2010

specific applications. 42

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An Event Ontology


DisasterInfoDisasterInfo--AA DisasterInfoDisasterInfo--BBDisasterInfoDisasterInfo AA DisasterInfoDisasterInfo BB

Huang & Chuang, 2010


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An Event Ontology

your own URI or Web resource

alternatives exist over the Web

hasEventIDisClassifiedBy isSameAs 

GDAC: disaster typeyour own URI, or Web resource

.. .PreventionWeb: hazard type

OWL Time Ontology: DateTimeDescription


isDuringReposnsePhasehasEventDateh li l i





hasTemporalinterval Logic... ...hasLocationhasPlaceName

GeoRSS: WGS84 GeoName Ontology

Allen’s interval-based calculi

GEM: SpatialTemporalRegionger:place

InformationInformation hasPlaceNamehasSpatialTemporal

GeoName Ontology




DUL: EmergencyRespose.owlFOAF or SIOC Ontology

YouTube: user-post video. .g .. ..hasPart‐WholeRelationhasContextualizingRelation hasTransitiveRelation

OWL Simple part-whole relations

CGKAT top-level relation ontology

Huang & Chuang, 2010


OBO Relation ontology...choices are yours 44

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An Event Ontology

Th Ph d F k M d lThe Phased Framework Model

Huang & Chuang, 201045

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An Event Ontology

N i hb h dN i hb h dPacific NeighborhoodNeighborhood Consortium ( PNC)( )

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An Event Ontology

Coordinated People & OrganizationsCoordinated People & OrganizationsCoordinated People & OrganizationsCoordinated People & Organizations

Neighborhood AssistanceNeighborhood Assistanceis just around the corner…

Huang & Chuang, 2010 Coordinated ResourcesCoordinated Resources47

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An Event Ontology

During crises and disasters,

Th M k t Di t i T iTh M k t Di t i T ihttp://bit.ly/KKDVh

Information f f i d

The Morakot Disaster in TaiwanThe Morakot Disaster in Taiwan

from friends, family and neighbors are particularparticular important for the public to fulfillfulfill information seeking requirements Within 5 minutes, one Taiwanese Within 5 minutes, one Taiwanese Plurker’sPlurker’s message message

di t b ild ll b ti di t h d bdi t b ild ll b ti di t h d brequirements, and to make decisions, because this kind of information provides local context, rapid updates as well as

regarding to build a collaborative disaster map had been regarding to build a collaborative disaster map had been spread to more than 6,500 people.spread to more than 6,500 people.

p , p psafety & welfare checking of close relationships.

Palen, L., S. Vieweg, et al. (2009). "Crisis in a Networked World."Social Science Computer Review 2009: 1-14.Huang & Chuang, 2010


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An Event Ontology

lt ti i tlt ti i talternatives exist alternatives exist choices are yourschoices are yourschoices are yourschoices are yours

Communication ontology: http://sigmakee.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/sigmakee/KBs/Communications.kif

S ti ll I t li k d O li C iti

Tag ontology: http://www.holygoat.co.uk/owl/redwood/0.1/tags/

C ll b ti N t k d O i ti (CNO)

Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC): http://sioc-project.org/ontology

Collaborative Networked Organization (CNO) ontology: http://kt.ijs.si/software/CNOntology/


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An Event Ontology

7. Conclusion & Suggestionsgg

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An Event Ontology

1. General Event Relation (GER) is a conceptual level suggestion to serve as a common contextlevel suggestion to serve as a common context for disaster management communities to connect and utilize rich Web resources through the Event Conceptthe Event Concept.

2. While interest groups would like to develop their d i t l ld l lik town domain ontology, we would also like to

suggest some ontology guidelines when users need to build their own framework for specific needs. (see Appendix)

3. The main principles for linking crisis-disaster p p ginformation to web of data are three: Meaning, Relation, and Simplicity.

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M iM iM iM i R l tiR l tiR l tiR l ti Si li itSi li itSi li itSi li itMeaningMeaningMeaningMeaning RelationRelationRelationRelation SimplicitySimplicitySimplicitySimplicity

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ThanksThanksThanks Thanks becauseOf

YOUYOUYOUYOUHuang & Chuang, 2010

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Huang & Chuang, 2010 Ontology for the Twenty First Century: An Introduction with Recommendations, 2006, Andrew D. Spear, Saarbrücken, Germany.