
CMD1501/101/3/2014 Tutorial letter 101/3/2014 Construction Methods I CMD1501 Semesters 1 & 2 Department of Civil and Chemical Engineering IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.


Construction Method Unisa

Transcript of 101_2014_3_b

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Tutorial letter 101/3/2014

Construction Methods I


Semesters 1 & 2

Department of Civil and Chemical Engineering


This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.

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1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3

2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE............................................................... 3

2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3

2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 3

3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS ................................................................................... 3

3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 3

3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 4

3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 4

4 MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 4

4.1 Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 4

4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................... 4

4.3 Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves) ................................................................................................. 4

5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 4

6 MODULE-SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................. 4

7 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING .................................... 5

8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 5

8.1 Assessment plan .......................................................................................................................... 5

8.2 General assignment numbers ....................................................................................................... 5

8.2.1 Unique assignment numbers ........................................................................................................ 5

8.2.2 Due dates for assignments ........................................................................................................... 5

8.3 Submission of assignments .......................................................................................................... 5

8.4 Assignments ................................................................................................................................. 7

9 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS ........................................................................................... 18

10 EXAMINATION ........................................................................................................................... 18

11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 18

12 SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 18

13 CONCLUSTION ......................................................................................................................... 18

14 ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................................... 18

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Dear Student

Some of this tutorial matter may not be available when you register. Tutorial matter that is not available when you register will be posted to you as soon as possible, but it is also available on myUnisa.


2.1 Purpose

Engineering field encompasses many specialist fields or disciplines during one’s career; it may be only possible to obtain specialist or detailed knowledge of maybe one or two of these specialties. However, it is necessary that one is aware of the different fields of specialty, and to obtain an understanding of the basic core of Engineering. Engineering is a holistic approach to providing solutions to various fields of live, such as where foundations interact with soil, concrete with steel and building works, roads with water, storm water and sewage, the site with the environment etc. All disciplines interact, so be aware of this fact throughout your studies and try to ascertain yourself these interactions while studying, not only in this subject, but also your whole course!

2.2 Outcomes

At the end of this module, the student should have the basic understanding of the following areas of specialist; however more clarity on the subjects will be gained as the studies and career progress:

The Structural Steel and concrete use

Other structural material used on site

Roads and drainage



Safety measures on construction sites

Familiarity with engineering sketches and drawings as a form of communication


3.1 Lecturer(s)

Lecturer: Mrs. M.S Mlasi

Physical address: Room 575 C, Florida campus

Telephone: 011 471 2547

Email address: [email protected]

Consultation times: Unisa office hours (08:00 – 16:00), on weekdays

Method of communication is via emails and/or telephonically.

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3.2 Department

Department of Civil and Chemical Engineering

Unisa, Florida Campus

Private Bag x 6



Contacts: 011 471 2048/3132

General email address: civil&[email protected]

3.3 University



4.1 Prescribed books


AUTHOR: Errol van Amsterdam PUBLISHER: Juta & Co YEAR: 2000 – You may also buy a later edition. You may

also buy the one with the enclosed CD.

ISBN: 0702152161

4.2 Recommended books

There are no recommended books for this course.

4.3 Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves)

All course materials are available on myUnisa https://my.unisa.ac.za under the module course code under Materials. Discussion forums are set up by your lecturer and available for discussions with your peers https://my.unisa.ac.za. Some additional electronic resources are available from the Library site (via www.unisa.ac.za).You may electronically “post or upload your assignments in line with the guidelines explained in the booklet.


Important information appears in your myStudies@Unisa brochure.


Use your myStudies@Unisa brochure for general time management and planning skills. WORKBOOK - A workbook is enclosed, appended to this TL. The workbook consists of selected range of questions on each topic of the Construction methods I syllabus, and serves as a self-assessment tool. Please note that this Workbook is available in electronic format on myUnisa as part of the TL.

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Should you encounter any anomalies or mistakes in the workbook or Study Guide, please contact your Tutor.


There are no practicals for this module.


8.1 Assessment plan

There will be formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment will be the two assignments per semester, and summative assessment will be the examinations.

8.2 General assignment numbers

The assignments are numbered consecutively per semester, starting from 01.

8.2.1 Unique assignment numbers

First Semester

Assignment 1 793875

Assignment 2 706657

Second semester

Assignment 1 753443

Assignment 2 834833

8.2.2 Due dates for assignments

First Semester

Assignment 1 Wednesday, 12th March 2014

Assignment 2 Thursday, 10th April 2014

Second semester

Assignment 1 Wednesday, 03rd September 2014

Assignment 2 Wednesday, 01st October 2014

8.3 Submission of assignments

Note: The cut –off dates given here are the official, last dates on which a given assignment may be submitted. Students must adhere to these dates only. All other dates referring to cut-off submission dates for assignments, as may be posted on myUnisa or elsewhere, refers to administrative dates as managed by the Assignments Department and does NOT influence or change the above dates.

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Website Please note that the department has a web site where additional information on the department and the modules are available. The address is: http://www.unisa.ac.za/Default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=19740 Tutorial Letters are available from the myUnisa website. (See my Studies @ Unisa) Should you encounter any problems in submitting an assignment on myUnisa, you may contact the help line at: [email protected] Plagiarism An assignment is designed to be a product of your own study and your own thought. It is not intended to be a piece of work which merely reproduces details, information or ideas from a study guide, from books or articles, or from the Internet. If you do this, you commit plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of copying word for word with or without acknowledgment from study sources (e.g. books, articles, the Internet). In other words, you must submit your own ideas in your own words, sometimes interspersing relevant short quotations that are properly referenced. Yes, simply copying a few pages from the prescribed book is plagiarism. Pasting paragraphs from Wikipedia into your assignment is plagiarism. And it does not stop being plagiarism if you mention the source. Skilled scientific writers can use direct block quotations to make a specific point. They know what they are doing. You still need to develop your own voice, your own style of arguing the point. Do not plagiarise. Note that you also commit plagiarism if you copy the assignment of another student. We do encourage you to work together and form study groups, but you are expected to prepare and submit your own assignments. When we receive two or more identical assignments, we are not able to work out who copied from whom. We will therefore penalize both students. If you commit plagiarism you will be penalized and given no marks for your assignment. This will have a serious effect on your chances to succeed in your studies because you will have no semester mark. Furthermore, you may be penalized or subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the University. Plagiarism is also an offence in terms of the law. A Signed Declaration Every essay-type assignment we receive must include the following declaration along with your name and the date:

“I declare that this assignment is my own work and that all sources quoted have been acknowledged by appropriate references”.

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8.4 Assignments

Semester 1 _ Assignment 1

Choose only one correct answer in the following questions.

Question 1

The strength of reinforced earth comes from

1. The friction between soil particles.

2. Soil stability.

3. Reinforcement.

4. Frictional forces between the soil and the reinforcement.

Question 2

The term ‘self-weight’ in a library building block refers to the

1. Roof loads and wind loads.

2. People.

3. Books and shelves.

4. Floors, roofs and walls loads.

Question 3

The disadvantage of building foundations on top of erodible soils is the

1. Settlement of the foundation.

2. Cracks on the foundation.

3. Water ponds under the foundation.

4. Sliding of the foundation.

Question 4

One of the reasons foundations should be built below ground to form the base of the structure is that

1. They should not be seen by people.

2. They become stronger.

3. They distribute the load of the structure into the deep soil.

4. They have to be protected from moisture.

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Question 5

Some of these materials can be used in bridge construction

1. Sponge and water

2. Concrete, polymers and timber

3. Soil and paper

4. Cloth

Question 6

One of the reasons dry timber should be avoided as formwork for wet concrete is that

1. It can be very slippery.

2. It can absorb the moisture from wet concrete.

3. It is not easy to assemble.

4. It is not easy to remove after the concrete has set and dried.

Question 7

The methods used in tunneling are greatly influenced by the

1. Stakeholders and users.

2. Orientation of the tunnel.

3. Economics and time.

4. Success or failure of the project.

Question 8

In choosing the location of culverts one should ensure that

1. Its alignment should conform with that of the original situation.

2. The stream does not meander.

3. The area is not muddy otherwise it will be a messy site.

4. It is a busy location so the structure will be hidden from criminals.

Question 9

All workers except machinery operators must be given training before doing any task

1. True

2. False

Question 10

Housekeeping means there should be a proper safe place for everything always.

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1. True

2. False

End of Assignment 1 Total marks = 2 x 10 = 20

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Semester 1 _ Assignment 2

Question 1

Define the following:

1.1. Geotechnical engineer (3)

1.2. Explosives (3)

1.3. Safety (4)

1.4. Main steel in a beam (4)

[14 Marks]

Question 2

State whether the following statements are True or False. Do not copy the statements; just write

either T or F next to the question number.

2.1. A dam is a control structure during floods and droughts.

2.2. Contractors who choose to do earth works mechanically save both money and time.

2.3. Steel is very expensive; hence it is recommended that no reinforcement is required for

very long concrete columns.

2.4. Large vehicles especially bulldozers are used to transport construction workers to and

from the construction site.

2.5. A freeway is an expressway with full control of access, divided by an unbroken median.

2.6. It is a legal action to pour used motor oil into a storm water manhole since the storm

water is usually polluted anyway.

2.7. It is a recommended practice to have pile caps made up of plastic.

2.8. A strut is a structural member subject to tension and bending.

[16 Marks]

Question 3

A sewer pipe is laid at a gradient 1:50 connecting two manholes, MH A and MH B. The invert

level (IL) and depth of MH A is 120.00 and 1.2 m, respectively. The manhole walls are 110 mm

thicker. Refer to the sketch below:

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Figure 1: Layout for manholes MH A and MH B

3.1. Using TWO different methods, determine the invert level (IL) and the depth of manhole

MH B, assuming that the ground level is flat and the distance between manholes MH A

and MH B is 36 m. (14)

3.2. The pipeline at Point C on the sketch is reported to be blocked by debris. Calculate the

depth at this point. (6)

[20 Marks]

Question 4

4.1. Discuss the differences between an abutment and a pier. (6)

4.2. Discuss the differences between the following terms.

4.2.1. Canal (2)

4.2.2. Channel (2)

4.2.3. Tunnel (2)

4.3. Define the purposes of the following

4.3.1. Jetty (2)

4.3.2. Sleeper (2)

4.3.3. Site meeting (2)

4.4. Give 4 signs which should prove to you that the sub-grade of the road has failed. (8)

4.5. When do we use a safety harness? (4)

[30 Marks]

End of Assignment 2 Total marks = 80

36 m 12 m

MH A Ground level MH B

1.2 m ?


IL =?

IL = 120.00


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Semester 2 _ Assignment 1

Choose only one correct answer in the following questions.

Question 1

The conveyance of sewerage and storm water collected from drains to the waste water treatment point is called a:

1. Pipeline.

2. Flow.

3. Sewer.

4. Drainage system.

Question 2

Pipelines carrying potable water are usually called

1. Pressure pipes.

2. Non-pressure pipes.

3. Thin pipelines.

4. None of the above.

Question 3

Manholes should never be designed and constructed to permit the minimum infiltration of ground water because that can increase the flow rate.

1. True

2. False

Question 4

When the workers on site are exposed to dangerous conditions, it is their responsibility to get themselves adequate protective clothing.

1. True

2. False

Question 5

To disperse high loads, a flexible pavement relies on its

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1. Impervious asphalt layer.

2. Sub-grade material.

3. Thickness and elasticity.

4. Sub-base material.

Question 6

One of the disadvantages of pre-stressed concrete is that

1. It requires high strength concrete and steel, and complicated production processes.

2. Its production time is seasonal.

3. It can not be used in road and bridge construction.

4. It might be heavier than expected.

Question 7

The following should be taken into account when designing a bridge

1. Water usage

2. The income of the bridge users

3. Educational needs for the nearby town residents

4. Purpose of the bridge and material availability

Question 8

Scour, which usually occurs downstream of culverts, is defined as

1. The removal and washing away of the soil and earth material by fast moving water.

2. The removal of debris by water.

3. The washing away of the culvert structure by fast moving water.

4. The accumulation of debris that is carried by water from upstream.

Question 9

Which of the following is a good example of an arch dam?

1. Hans Strydom

2. Goedertrouw

3. Roode Elsberg

4. Inga1

Question 10

The following should be taken into account when designing for pressure on the retaining structures.

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1. The underlying rock below the structure

2. The water table

3. Rainfall pattern

4. Wind effect

End of Assignment 1 Total marks = 2 x 10 = 20

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Semester 2 _ Assignment 2

Question 1

Fill in the missing words in the following statements. Do not copy the whole statement; just write

ONLY the correct answer next to the question number.

1.01. A workman’s compensation amendment Act is there to prevent ……….. in the industry.

1.02. For multi-story buildings with basements one should consider …………. foundations.

1.03. ………. gradually gains strength as curing takes place with time.

1.04. ………. are roads that are often used as bus routes.

1.05. A geological evaluation on a new site is part of ……….

1.06. A stiff concrete designed to be compacted using roller-compactor is called ……….

1.07. The precast concrete units laid end-to-end to form a tunnel under water are called


1.08. Concrete columns are weak on the ………. side.

1.09. .......... is the assurance of the sustainability of LEC activity or project.

1.10. A ………. is a type of wharf built parallel to the shoreline.

1.11. Before the approval of any project, an ………. is conducted so as to determine any

detrimental effects caused by the project on that location.

1.12. A place where aircrafts are parked for a short time while engine run-ups are made before

take-off is called a ……….

1.13. Workers on a construction site must always wear ……….

1.14. The type of cleaning equipment available for the sewer pipeline will influence the ……….

between the manholes.

1.15. ………. does not flow under pressure inside the pipeline.

[15 Marks]

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Question 2

State whether the following statements are True or False. Do not copy the statements; just write

T or F next to the question number.

2.1. On a construction site, workers should put on hard hats to protect themselves from the


2.2. Backfill is a material suitable for concrete mix designs.

2.3. Sediment can not be controlled in a dam.

2.4. Some harbors are made specially for fishing and related activities.

2.5. It is advisable to leave wet concrete un-compacted since it could be expensive to adopt

any compaction method.

2.6. Reinforcing steel should never be placed on the tension side of the concrete cantilever


[12 Marks]

Question 3

The road design engineer wants to balance the amount of earth works by altering the alignment and profile of the road shown below. The profile is 46 m long and 18.5 m wide.

Figure 1: Alignment and profile of a road

3.1. Calculate the volume of the material that needs to be cut from the natural ground level to

achieve the desired formation level. (16)

3.2. What percentage of the cut volume will be used for filling so as to achieve the formation

level? (9)

[25 Marks]



GLA = 110.35


GLB = 106.2 GLC = 103.00

46 m

Formation Level

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Question 4

4.1. Figure 2 below shows a ramp and benching for a backdrop manhole. Name the parts as

labeled from A – E. (10)

Figure 2: A ramp and benching for a backdrop manhole

4.2. What is the relation between:

4.2.1. Construction site and quality (3)

4.2.2. Storm duration and Civil Engineering designs (3)

4.2.3. Airport site location and economy (3)

4.3. List two types of breakwater structures. (4)

4.4. In your own opinion, what are the reasons which make precast retaining structures the

preferred option ? (5)

[28 Marks]

End of Assignment 2 Total marks = 80

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Type of examination Closed Book

Examination Language English

Calculators Allowed - Memories of programmable calculators must be cleared in the presence in invigilator prior to start of the examination


Other instructions As written on the question paper


The my Studies @ Unisa brochure contains an A-Z guide of the most relevant study information




We wish you the best in your career, and we believe you find the module very informative. After all it is in your interest to make the best out of the contents of this module.