100 Years in God's Service

- . 1896 100 Lleo.Rs in c:;od's SeRvice Lhe lo.s-c 25 - 1971-1996 riRSL eng(ish evo.ngelico.( Lu-cheRO.n ChuRch CRosse Poin-ce Woods ffiichiqo.n 1996



Transcript of 100 Years in God's Service

Page 1: 100 Years in God's Service



100 Lleo.Rs in c:;od's SeRvice

Lhe lo.s-c 25 - 1971-1996 riRSL eng(ish evo.ngelico.( Lu-cheRO.n ChuRch

CRosse Poin-ce Woods ffiichiqo.n


Page 2: 100 Years in God's Service


Senior Pastor

June, 1989 to present

Assistants: Rev. Paul Owens

Rev. Elaine Gomulka


Associate Pastor

June, 1994 to present

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!_or Everyone, LOVE Continues

An anniversary is always a time for joy and thanksgiving. A One­Hundredth Anniversary of a Christian Congregation is very, very special. Jesus said, "I came that; they may have life, and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:10, 11. Yes, the Congregation of First English Evangelical Lutheran Church has been truly blessed by God. The twenty-five years since the celebration of our Seventy-Fifth Anniversary has passed very swiftly, "For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past." Psalm 90 :4. ·

The celebration of our 75th Anniversary took place on June 13, 1971 with one service at 11 a.m. It was truly a Service of Thanksgiving with a dedication of Anniversary Bells in memory of many deceased members. The festive service was ended with the singing of the Recessional Hyqm, "God of Our Fathers." There was much assurance for the future of the Congregation. A lovely banquet followed at the Gourmet House with a program well-suited for the occasion. The 75th Anniversary Committee had done a magnificent task.

The Congregation of First English Evangelical Lutheran Church. "the body of Christ,•• is now celebrating its One-Hundredth Anniversary on this June 2, 1996. Because time has passed so swiftly, it is difficult to recall all of the memories between June 13, 1971 to June 2, 1996. Herewith, is a brief outline of our last twenty-five years as a congregation.


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After the Seventy-fifth Anniversary Celebration, with Pastor Paul F. Keppler, being ably assisted by Pastor David Proctor, the congregation did not settle down, but continued to ''sow the seed," as Jesus reminds us. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankful­ness in your hearts to God.'' Colossians 3: 16. Pastor Keppler had been with the congregation of First English for twenty-one years, first as Assistant Pastor, and then Senior Pastor since 1952. His emphasis was always on preaching, pastoral care, education, stewardship, and benevolence. All of these attributes were carried on into the next twenty-five years.

This would .not have been possible without the excellent staff, the Altar Guild, the Board of Parish Education, the Senior Choir, the Junior Choir, the Church Women, the Couple's Club, the Church Council, the Luther Leagues, the Mary-Y.artha Service Guild, the Nursery Mothers, the Sunday School Staff, the Usher's Club, and of course, the whole congregation. All of the aforementioned made up the First English Lutheran Church's "body of Christ," each organization having their own functions. ' ~For as in one body we have many members, and all members do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." Romans: 12, 4 & 5.

Later on, in the 1980's we experienced a large change in the Constitution of First English Lutheran, giving the members of the congregation many more opportunities to serve in many different capacities.

ELIZABETH ROBERT Office Secretary 1965 -- 1976


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First English has always had excellen~ music at all of the services, and of course, along with excellent music there has to be excellent musicians, and directors.


September, 1970


May, 1984



~rch, 1970


August, 1980


Page 6: 100 Years in God's Service

This writer has always been impressed with the caliber of the gentlemen who were the presidents of the First English Lutheran Church Congregation. It seems each one of them were busy with their own families, and busy career, yet took on the added responsibility of being the president of a large con­gregation. Each president was unique for his own time, and did a truly magnificent job with the help of the Pastors, the Church Council, and the "whole body of Christ," the Congregation. Most assuredly, God chose the right man for the right time. Here is an account of those presidents for the time period 1971 through 1996, along with a brief history of their term of office regarding the First English Lutheran Church Congregation.

Raymond Schwinke 1970 1971

A Call Committee was formed in 1970. Pastor David Proctor was installed in August, 1970. A Seventy-fifth .Anniversary Committee was also formed. The exterior of the church was painted. Contemporary Worship II was adopted out of the new green Lutheran_ Book of Worship. The debt for the 75th .Anniversary Bells was liquidated. There were many meetings concerning the _communing : of youngsters at an earlier age. A parsonage was purchased for Pastor Proctor and Family on .Anita Avenue.

Ray was married to Leola Schwinke who was also a member of the 75th .Anniversary Committee. They had four children: . Janice, Gail, David, and Stephen. Ray was employed by Champion Spark Plug Corporation. Ray Schwinke did an excellent job as president, and posthumously, we honor h:im.

Ray Schwinke died January 15, 1986. Leola Schwinke died August 2, 1983,

Helmut Elsinger has been a F.E.L.C. Caretaker since Sept. 10, 1970. Other Caretakers:·-cqere Charlie More, George Gellasch, and Peter Stewart~


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William Vanderhoef 1972 and 1973

An antiphonal organ was purchased. Yxs. Helen Rosier retired after many years as a very dedicated teacher, and a replacement had to be found. Four bells in memory of Y..arguerite Kloeppel, another very dedicated teacher, were installed. A barberry bush border was planted bordering the parking lot. The busing of public school children was studied. A Folk ¥.ass sug­gested by Pastor Keppler was begun. The Key 73 Evangelism program was started. All baptized sixth-graders were now allowed Communion. Pastor Proctor accepted a call, and left our congregation in .1972. The Con­gregation joined the Grosse Pointe Association of Churches. A program titled, "Family Life, r! was instigated to strengthen family life within the congregation. A Call Committee was formed resulting in a call to Pastor Larry Michaels who became Assistant Pasto!:; being installed on Sunday, January 1, 1973.

Bill was married to Norma (Distler). They had two children, Janet, and William Jr. Bill was in business for himself, buying and selling boats.

William Vanderhoef did an outstanding job as President, and post­humouslyJ we honor him.

William Vanderhoef died October 29, 1973,. before completing his term as president.


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Vincent Rodeck 1974 1975

Children's Sermons were begun at the 11 a.m. Service. The antiphonal organ was installed downstairs in the sanctuary. It was always emphasized by Pastor Keppler that there should be greater involvement in evangelism by members of the congregation. On June 8, 1975, with the "burning of the mortgage," a Service of Debt Retirement was held. Pastor Keppler's sermon on that morning was entitled, "So We're Rejoicing." On this same Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Hardy were celebrating fifty-five years of marriage, and more flowers on the altar were for Clara Salomon's ninety-first birthday. It was truly a Sunday of Thanksgiving. Besides all the other organizations in the church which I have previously named, a Golden Age Fellowship was started.

Vincent was married to Jessie. They had two children, Charles and Janice. Vincent was in the banking business, and had been a long-time member of the church. He had been president before in 1966.

Vincent is now feeling very well, living in Florida, attended the Confirmand Homecoming on September 24, 1995. a very commendable job as president. We honor him.


and recently Vincent did

-, ;

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Dr. Edward Gall 1976 1977

In 1976 on Ash Wednesday, a severe ice-storm prevented evening services from being held. This is the first time that services had ever been canceled at First English Lutheran Church. A Youth Encounter team was formed with many young people participating. They participated at Luther Haven, the Whittier Towers, and attended the Encounter Congress in Cleveland, Ohio. "God's Squad," directed by Dennis Wickline was per­formed by the F.E.L.C. Drama Club.

The young people were very active during these years. "Chaverim," a singing group formed by Kathy Wesserling and joined by Wendy, Nathan, and Kim Judson, Sharon Grider, Janet Edwards, Don Ford, John Ulmer, Dan Ellison, and Suzanne and Lisa Thomas was directed by Christina Judson, and performed many times. Pastor Michaels accepted~ a: t!all and left Feb., 1978.

Dr. Edward Gall was married to Louise Gall. They had two daughters, Sarah, and Eugenia. Dr. Gall was an attorney, and a bio-chemist for Parke-Davis Co. He had been transferred to the Detroit area by Parke­Davis and immediately became a very active member at F.E.L.C. He was transferred again in the late 70's when Warner-Lambert bought Parke­Davis, and he became the attorney:·. ·for that company and moved along with his family to Chester, New Jersey. We believe he died sometime in 1985.

Dr. Gall did a very admirable job for the congregation, and posthumously, we honor him.



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William Hennessy 1978 1979

A Call Committee was organized, and called Pastor David Bonde. He was installed as Assistant Pastor in July, 1978. In September, 1978, on a trial basis, the time of worship was changed from 8:30 a.m. Sunday mornings to 5 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. The new Lutheran Book of Worship was purchased including copies for the whole congregation-,-and was used beginning March 11, 1979. A committee was formed for the purpose of redecorating the chancel for the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the build­ing. Phyliss Nordin of Toledo, Ohio was selected as the artist. The firm hired to complete the work was Merritt, Cole, and Mccallum. 1978 and 1979 were very busy years in the life of the F.E.L.C. Con~regation.

Mr. Hennessy was married to wife, Janet. They had two children, Kathleen, and William Hennessy, Jr. who went on to become the Rev. William Hennessy, and was called to St. Peter Lutheran Church in North Tonawanda, N.Y. Chaverim, the singing group from our congregation traveled to New York, and sang for Pastor Hennessy's congregation. Pastor David Bonde accepted a call, and left our congregation in June, 1979.

Mr. William Hennessy was a pharmacist and owner of Hennessy's Pharmacy on Eight Mile Rd. Pastor William Hennessy Jr. was ordained at F.E.L.C. on May 28, 1978.

Mr. William Hennessy died August 19, 1989. He did an exemplary job for our congregation, and posthumously, we honor him. Janet Hennessy died in January, 1992.

HEf'.JNESS'{~ !v1R. AND \:\ ( . " .

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F.al~h E. Ford 1980 1981

On January 1, 1980, Mr. Ralph E. Ford became President of the F.E.L.C. Congregation. Early in 1980, Pastor Keppler attended a workshop at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, and as a result a "Word and Witness Program," was begun with forty-five persons in attendance. An Altar Decoration Committee which was formed in 1979 was at work completing plans to redecorate. the altar. A Family Banquet, honoring mothers was held on the evening of Yiay 9, 1980. There was a large crowd, and of course, the President and his family were present. Mr. Kevin Stoller was engaged as the permanent organist. Pastor ~.ark Hirt was called and was installed October 4, 1981. For the 25th An­niversary of the new church building, the church was redecorated, new carpet­ing was installed in the chancel, and new floor tiles in the sanctuary of the church. There was a celebration of Pastor Keppler's 30th Anniversary of his ordination. A quote from Pastor Keppler's thank you letter is as follows: "It has been a privilege for me to serve all of my past ministry at First English •.•. God has been remarkably gracious in innumerable ways during those years. Without the life and strength and health and gifts provided by Him, nothing could have been accomplished. All is of grace." Also, the first Christmas Carol-a-long was held on December 6, 1981.

During 1980 and 1981, Mr. Ford was Vice-President of the Evans Product Co. He and his wife, Phyliss had six children, three boys and three girls. Mr. and Hrs. Ford are still very active members at F.E.L.C.

Mr. Ford did a wonderful job as president of our congregation, and we honor him .

The Ralph Ford Family

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Dr. Arthur Ulmer 1982 - 1983

Dr. Arthur Ulmer became President of the F.E.L.C. Congregation on January 1, 1982. For the 25th Anniversary of the church building, many things had been accomplished. The sculpture by the artist, Phyliss Nordin was finally completed, and on December 5, 1982, there was a Service of Dedication. In 1982, Audrey Boyes, a member of the congregation made a generous donation of handbells. A Handbell Choir was begun under the direction of Christine Judson, who along with her husband Nathan, and children had joined the church in the early 70's. Our Assistant Pastor, Hark Hirt received a call in June, 1983, and unfortunately left the fol­lowing month in July. Pastor William Hennessy, a Son of the Congregation was in between calls, and was asked to serve as Interim Pastor. He began in August, 1983. Another Call Committee was organized for the pur­pose of calling another Assistant Pastor. ~.r. Robin Dinda, our organist left in May, 1983. l1r. Werner Steucher, our Choir Director became our Interim Organist. Hr. Robert Foster, a University of Michigan graduate was hired as the organist on October 23, 1983.

Dr. Arthur Ulmer is an Obstetrician-Gynecologist. He is now semi­retired. He and his wife, Carolyn have six children, four boys: Larry, Roger, Doug, and John, and two girls: Karen and Barbara. Dr. and Mrs. Ulmer are very active members of the F.E.L.C. Congregation.

Dr. Ulmer was a very skillful president of the F.E.L.C. Congregation, and we honor him.


Vernier Road & Wedgewood Drive Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan

\ l

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Mr. Robert Foster Organist-Choir

1983 Director

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Gerald Heller i984 1985

~.r. Gerald Heller became President of the F.E.L.C. Congregation on January 1, 1984. Early in 1984, Werner Steucher resigned as Choir Director, and Bob Foster was appointed, Music Coordinator. Pastor Bruce Quatman was called as Assistant Pastor, and came to us from Albert, Kansas. George More completed the Red Supplemental Hymnal, and it was dedicated March 18, 1984. After many hours of meetings and discussions, a new church constitu­tion and by-laws were completed, and subsequently adopted. The new constitu­tion gave members of the congregation many more opportunities to serve. A new service group, "The Greeters," was organized to meet and welcome mem­bers and visitors before worship. The Garden Club was organized to aid in the beautification of our church grounds. Audrey Boyes, a member of the congregation donated a chair-lift for the handicapped. Ceiling fans for the Nave were installed. Six more art-glass windows were installed and dedicated. A permanent, lighted sign at Vernier and Wedgewood was installed. A grand piano was purchased for use during services. A computer to be used for church business was also purchased, Ray Fran_cis volunteered many hours o~ time.

Stewardship dinners were cooked and served by Cora Schram and Evelyn Baldoni, ably assisted by other women of the chtircb, acting as hostesses. A Tennebrae Service was conducted on Good Friday with both Pastor Keppler, and Pastor Hennessy participating.

Gerald Heller is married to Mary, and they have three daughters. They are still very active members at F. E. L. C. He was owner of ¥.anpower, Inc.

Mr. Gerald Heller accomplished many things at F.E.L.C. ably assisted by Pastor Keppler, Pastor Quatman, the Church Council, and the congregation. We honor him.


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1 4

Allan Schwartz 1986 - 1987

On January 1, 1986, Mr. Allan Schwartz became president of the congregation. A first, was the Bell Choir Concert on May 4, 1986. A motion was passed by the Board of Music and Worship Committee to use disposable cups for Communion . On July 27, 1986, Pastor Phil Yokers, who had been an interne previously for F.E.L.C. came with his family and presented a concert, "Living the Christian Life." ¥.any persons attended. Pastor Milton Reisen presented a two-hour workshop on the third Wednesday evening during September, October, and November, and January the following year, In September of 1986, the American Lutheran Church in its Thirteenth General Convention, and along with the Lutheran Church in America by a vote of 891 to 595 approved the formation, by merger of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The congregation approved the merger, and under the new constituticn many new committees were formed with a director heading each one, as follows: Board of Church Properties, John Mortson, Board of Evangelism, Shirley Headapohl, Board of Information and Public Relations, Don Orttenburger, Board of Social Action, James Jobbitt, Board of Stewardship and Finance, John Gellasch, Board of Women's Activities, Carolyn Ulmer, and Board of Music and Worship, Nate Judson, and Walter Augustyn. Dr. Betzy Ancher-Johnson was the speaker at · the Women of the Church's noon luncheon. Her topic was, '!Does Being a Christian Pose an Irresolvable Contradiction?" There was a thirtieth anniversary of the church building. The Music and Worship Committee began presenting musical evenings, such as ''Godspell, " and an evening with Bess Bonnier. The Board of Lay Ministry began taping the services, and delivering the tapes to shut-ins. The F.E . L.C. Congregation began supporting Pastor Debra Hippen as missionary to Japan . Lynn Augustyn was sent a letter of gratitude for her work on the new pictorial church directory. A Pastoral Support Committee was formed for Pastor Keppler: Elaine Lugo , Fred Kilgus , and Ralph Ford. Another committee for Pastor Quatman: Alice Ellison, Dennis Gates, and Duane Grider. The new constitution was distributed to the congre­gation.

Mr. Al lan Schwartz, an attorney served the congregation very well. We honor him. Mr. Schwartz transferred his membership in 1992 .

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James C. Miller 1988 1989

In the spring of 1988, Pastor Bruce Quatman accepted a call to Highland, Michigan. A play, "Joseph, and the Technicolor Dreamcoat," was the production of L.I.F.E. Players on March 4 & 5, 1988. The Lutheran Y...agazine was made a­vailable to members of the congregation. A Mission Statement read as follows: "We are the people of God, called and ordained through sacraments, assembled in love and fellowship, showing in grace, fortified in forgiveness, united in belief. We are saved through Jesus Christ." Round banquet tables for the Fellowship Hall were purchased by the Women of the Church. A memorial for young John Russell was given by the Russell Family, a woodcarving of John the Apostle. Property donated by the Kaal Family was sold for $10,000. The interim pastors to replace Pastor Quatman were Pastors Gross and Evans. A Call Com­mittee was organized since Pastor Keppler had decided to retire as of Septem­ber 30. 1989. Pastor Walter A. Schmidt accepted our call, and was installed in February, 1989. Pastor Keppler's last Sunday was Homecoming Sunday in September. It was a beautiful service followed by a dinner party at the Greek Cultural Center. Associate Pastor Paul Owens was installed October, 1989.

Annual Congregational meetings were changed from January to December of the present year. The Church Office was remodeled for Pastor Schmidt's use. A quote from the Annual Report by Pastor Schmidt stated: "The church is not a building, it is not an organization, it is not the staff; rather the church is people, it is all of us, the body of Christ; people for whom Christ suffered and died to redeem." Evelyn Baldoni was chosen "Woman of the Year."

At the time of his presidency, James Miller was Business Administrator for Cottage Hospital. He along with his wife, Marti, have three children: Margery, Marlisa, and James III. Jim did a fantastic job as president. We honor him.



Evelyn Baldoni



10/89 --1992 I



Page 17: 100 Years in God's Service

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l 99li .'


· & GRACE J.-v:O¥.AN OF TEE.

YEAR 1990

CHANCEL RENOVATIONS Dedicated to the Glory of God

In Memory of John H. Mortson Jr.

EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST __ September 22. 1991 ____________ _

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William Wesserling 1990 . 1991

William Wesserling, a long-time member of First English Lutheran Church became president of the congregation. Pastor Schmidt who had now been with the congregation for over a yea~ states in the Annual Report of 1990, "It is a joy and a privelege to serve . F.E.L.C., not because we are in ~rosse Pointe, nor because we have a beautiful sanctuary, but because of you 1 the people who are First English Lutheran Church.,. This statemfnt certainly applies to the William Wesserling Family in particulRr, a loyal and faithful family. ¥.any changes took place. Mission 90 was begun. A home bible-reading pro­gram was offered. Visitors to the church received a follow-up visit to their home. Lay Ministry emphasis was on inactive members. A new, young social group, known as "c;.ood Christian Friendsr'was started. Support was given to Pastor Debra Hippen, a missionary working in the field. Katy York was chosen •·woman of the Year.'' The Bell Choirs made many trips performing at many churches beside our own as follows: All Saints Lutheran Church in Milford, Salem Memorial Lutheran Church on }!cross, Historic Lutheran Church in Detroit, and the Oxford Towers Senior Citizens Community in Berkley.

William Wesserling was president of the Wesserling Printing Corporation, and had done a lot of printing for F.E.L.C. Along with his wife, Shirley , they have three adult daughters: Kathy, Paula, and Jane.

Bill did an astounding job as President of First English Lutheran Church, We honor him.



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Dennis Gates 1992 1993

The president for the next two years was Dennis Gates. There were many accomplishments. Air-conditioning was installed in the sanctuary. A Call Committee was organized, and Pastor Elaine Gomolka was called to replace Pastor Owens as Assistant Pastor. She was installed September 1, 1992. A memorial gift frore the Mortson Family covered the cost of a cir­cular driveway at the front of the church. New lighting was installed in the Fellowship Hall. Christine Judson was chosen "Woman of the Year." A new Sound System Fund was begun with a gift from the Blohm Family. A beautiful Nativity for display in front of the church was purchased. New brass candelabra was presented to the church by Pastor and Mrs. Schmidt in honor of their Twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary. The play by the L.I.F.E. Players was nGodspell." The Second Century Committee was formed.

All of this could not have been accomplished without the constant support of the "whole body of Christ." "For the body does not consist of one member, but of many." I CO 12:14

Dennis is married to Kathleen, and is the father of five sons: Kevin, Dennis, Michael, Jeffrey, and Robert. There were many accomplish­ments under Dennis Gates' tenure. We honor him.




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John D. Blohm 1994 1995

The next president was John Blohm, a long-time member of the congregation. During John's presidency there were many new innovations. A new sound-system was installed, making the services much more audible to the congregation. The tapes for the shut-ins were of much better quality. Much time went into developing an evaluation process for the Staff of F.E.L.C. A Mutual Ministry Commission was created. On June 12, 1994, our Church was vandalized. The Board of Church Properties, directed by Betty Mortson, worked closely with Lutheran Belevolent Insurance Co., and settled all claims in the amount of $16,557. There were many improve­ments to our church properties, including a new roof, and many volunteers who painted most of the rooms. A Coffee Hour was held on Palm Sunday, March 27, 1994 for Pastor Gomolka, and her husband Val, as they left our congregation. A Katy York Memorial Library was established and dedicated as a viable Resource Center to not only the Sunday School Staff and child­ren, but for the entire congregation. Karen Ford, after serving on the Board of Parish Education for many years decided to enter the Seminary, and was given support from the congregation. "The Music Man" was per­formed for the Open Door Series. Pastor Bart Beebe was called, accepted, and installed in June, 1994 as the new Associate Pastor. The lounge was air-conditioned in early 1995.

There were three informational meetings of the congregation to help members to reach a decision regarding the Family Life Center. A congre­gational meeting was held on October 22, 1995. A 2/3 majority vote was required for the Family Life Center to be built. The motion was defeated.

John Blohm is Vice-President of Butcher Packer Supply Company. His wife, Betty was "Woman of the Year" for 1995, along with Betty Mortson. John and Betty have three adult children: Alan, Nancy, and Karen.

The Blohms (on Betty's side), as far as this Historian's research shows has the only continuous five-generation family at F.E.L.C. Betty's maternal grandmother, Barbara deCaussin was a member, as was Betty's mother, Irene (deCaussin) Kolberg. Betty married John Blohm, they are the parents of Alan Blohm. Alan Blohm married Jayne (Osborn), and they have two daughters: Mary and Laura. It's four generation on John's side. John did an astounding job as president. We honor him.




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First English Lutheran Church has many choirs which really beautify our services, and add so much joy, enlightenment, and pleasure to the scripture, hymns by the Congregation, and the Sermon delivered by the Pastors. All of our choirs are directed by our Choir Director, Mr. Robert Foster, These choirs are as follows: Good News Singers, The Lord's Company, Motet, the Sunday School Choir, and just recently a trio, named Trinity. Bob is doing a wonderful job, and we commend him.


YEAR 1994


YEAP. 1995

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Nathan Judson 1996 1997

Nathan Judson became the President of the Congregation on January 1, 1996. The first Council meeting for which Nate resided was on January 21, 1996. He welcomed the newly installed members of the Council, and thanked, in absentia, all those former members and officers who have contributed their time and energy to the administration of First English Lutheran Church. The Council approved Secretarial and Treasurer's Reports. There were also reports from all of the Boards: Evangelism, Social Action, Lay Ministry, Parish Education, Fellowship, Church Women, Worship and Music, and Youth Hinistry. The Second Century Com­mittee will present an update to the Council at the February meeting. lOOth Anniversary plans are being implemented and going well.

The February Council meeting was held on February 18, 1996. There were reports from all of the Boards including the Second Century Committee report by Jeanette Jobbitt that reservations for the Anniversary Celebration were coming in rapidly. A letter reflecting plans for continued gr9wth following the lOOth Anniversary was presented. The Council approved the mailing of the letter to the Congregation.

First English Lutheran Church's Bell Choirs were started in September, 1982 with bells borrowed from the Grosse Pointe United Methodist Church, Christina Judson as the Director. Since then nine Bell Choirs have been formed with different age groups. They are as follows: Good News Ringers, More Good News Ringers, Silver Bells (Seniors), Lord's Company Ringers (Junior High Students), High School Bells (Senior High Students), Church Mice (Elementary Students),Beginning Adult Bells, Adult Bell Trio, and an Adult Bell Quartet. These bell choirs contribute much to the beauty of the services at First English.

Nathan Judson is a retired Band Director of Gross~ Pointe North High School, and Christina Judson taught music at Parcells Middl~ School. They have three adult children: Wendy, Nathan Jr. , and Kimberly . We are sure Nate will do a fine job as president. We honor him.




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Over the years, First English Lutheran Church has supported many missionary fields. The most recent ones have been: Rev. Norman Imbrock who was based in New Guinea, Rev. Debra Hippen who did missionary work in Japan, Rev. Leslie Von Hefty who did work in Argentina, and Rev. Carl Lindell, the most recent, who was based in Tanzania. Several of these missionaries have returned when on leave to tell the Congregation person­ally of their work, and the fulfillment of a life-long dream.

Since 1989 there has been a tremendous growth in our Church's Sunday School. As of November 1, 1989 there were ninety children enrolled, we now have reached an enrollment of one hundred ninety-three. Along with the growth of the Sunday School, church membership and attendance have also increased tremendously. Three new women's circles have been organized as part of the Women of the Church and named Peace, Joy, and Grace.

Jeannette Jobbitt, along with her husband, Jim, have been long-time members of F.E.L.C., and by this Historian's standards deserve a special mention in this booklet written for Fi.rst English Lutheran Church's lOOTH Anniversary.

Jeannette is the Chair of the Anniversary Committee, and has done an excellent job. Both Jim and Jeannette have been very active members for many, many years. They both have held many offices. We honor them.



Reservations: Decorations: Publicity: Seating Arrangements: General Committee:


Historian: Sub-Committee

Barbara (Jordan) Stutsman Kyle (Marowske) Clor Marti (Kunze) Miller Cora (Emke) Schram Dorothy (Nelson) White Betty (Kolberg) Blohm Lucy (Renke) Stevens Christina (Schnierle) Judson Robert Foster Harriett (Sieger) Riffenburg Jackie (Slavko) Kalogerakos Nancy (Riffenburg) Creech Jocelyn Amber Creech Charles L. Riffenburg

We also would like to thank Pastor Walter Schmidt, and Pastor Barton Beebe for their help and guidance.

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"If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit which dwells in you." Romans 8: 11.

We need all the members of Christ's body at First English Lutheran Church -- babies, toddlers, elementary school children, teenagers, young adults, middle-agers, and seniors. We are all one in Christ Jesus. '

It has been an honor to write this booklet for the lOOth Anniversary of First English Evangelical Lutheran Church. This Historian has been a lifetime member. But we must not confine ourselves to the walls of this earthly home, we must do as Jesus told his disciples: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. G6 therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." MATTHEW 28: 18,19,20.

There is one more quotation from the Bible that has always renewed my ener:gy 'tl,7henever I am down. It is: "Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." ISAIAH 40:30,31.

A current song sung in our church conveys the same message: "On Eagle's Wings, He will raise you up." Listen!!

Harriett Sieger Riffenburg

!,or !veryone, LOVE Continues