10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders

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  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    Its a tough time to be a leader. Leaderstoday face difficulties that

    the veteran and

    can perplex

    surprise the beginner.

    It is as ifjust when the leader learned the game

    Someone changed the rules. Expectations andDemands have risen to an all-time high.For many, it is a do more on less, or else world.

    For others, what worked in the past,just isntgetting the job done anymore. Virtually, allleaders are feeling busy, buried and behindbehindwith a to-do list thats much longer than

    their day

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    Its a tough time to be a leader. Leaderstoday face difficulties that

    can perplexthe veteran surprise

    the beginner.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    1. The rules have changed.Peter Drucker was right when he said

    were living through a time of transition. Our

    society now thinks by a different paradigmand accepts a radically different set of

    assumptions about themselves, their lives,

    morality and especially spirituality. To ignore,these changes and lead as if we were still in

    the first half of the 20th century is a deadly


    Peter Drucker was right when he said

    were living through a time of transition. Our

    society now thinks by a different paradigmand accepts a radically different set ofassumptions about themselves, their lives,

    morality and especially spirituality. To ignore,these changes and lead as if we were still inthe first half of the 20th century is a deadly


  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    2. Life is Faster.

    No matter how busy the work of a leader

    is, he must set even one day, this can help in the

    struggle to restore balance to their busy lives.

    Too often, we keep living at such a harried pacethat our busyness ends up having a negative

    effect on everything we do as leaders. Life is

    faster, and leaders dare not ignore that.However, discovered less can be more, and we

    need to make the same discovery.

    No matter how busy the work of a leader

    is, he must set even one day, this can help in the

    struggle to restore balance to their busy lives.

    Too often, we keep living at such a harried pacethat our busyness ends up having a negative

    effect on everything we do as leaders. Life is

    faster, and leaders dare not ignore that.However, discovered less can be more, and we

    need to make the same discovery.

    No matter how busy the work of a leader

    is, he must set even one day, this can help in the

    struggle to restore balance to their busy lives.

    Too often, we keep living at such a harried pacethat our busyness ends up having a negative

    effect on everything we do as leaders. Life is

    faster, and leaders dare not ignore that.However, discovered less can be more, and we

    need to make the same discovery.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    2. Life is Faster.

    No matter how busy the work of a leader

    is, he must set even one day, this can help in the

    struggle to restore balance to their busy lives.

    Too often, we keep living at such a harried pacethat our busyness ends up having a negative

    effect on everything we do as leaders. Life is

    faster, and leaders dare not ignore that.However, discovered less can be more, and we

    need to make the same discovery.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    3. Change is accelerating.

    Rapid changes are taking place in

    whatever type of organization. What worked

    yesterday, has become a lot shorter today oreven not working nowadays. Thats just the

    reality of the world in which we live and it

    puts more pressure on leaders to stay on top

    of their game.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    4. Expectations are higher.

    People have higher expectations than

    ever before. The bottomline is to survive- to

    please or to perish.I have customers, and so do you. And

    if my customers dont like my product that

    theyre getting, there are many other places

    they can go for the same product. And they

    are very quick to find a new outlet to meet

    their needs and satisfaction.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    5. The culture is in moral decay.

    Moral decay is not only felt by church

    leaders but by all types of leaders.We are dealing with employees and

    customers, partners and peers who arecoming out of a confused culture that is in

    state of moral decline.

    The rules have been rewritten and theno.1 is there are no rules except:DONT GET CAUGHT!

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    5. The culture is in moral decay.

    The corporate scandals have unveiled

    lack of integrity and honesty previously

    reserved for political and religious leaders.

    This decay affects every leader becauseat the heart of every organization is people.

    People are the stuff of which the

    organization is made.Like parts of a machine, low-quality

    components mean a low-quality machine.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    5. The culture is in moral decay.

    Maintenance goes up. Productivity

    goes down. It is a fact of life. So it is with

    the business of leading people.

    LESS IS MORE LEADERSHIP, - it callsleaders to make sure they themselves are

    stable so they can lead and live well in this

    morally unstable world.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    6. Servant-leadership is Stretching.

    This is a desire to follow the challenge

    of Jesus to be a servant-leader regardless of

    what kind of organization you lead.

    Jim Collins Good to Greatacknowledges that humble spirit or servant

    approach to leading actually helps a leader to


  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    6. Servant-leadership is Stretching.

    Great leaders are servant leaders

    according to Jesus. They love their people

    enough to get down and dirty with them.

    They dont lead from the tower; theyget down in the trenches.

    They serve and empower their people.They use their influence and resources

    to knock down barriers, remove obstacles,and enable those serving under them

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    6. Servant-leadership is Stretching.

    Followers want comfort, stability and

    solutions from their leaders, but thats


    Real leaders ask hard questions andknock people out of their comfort zones and

    then manage the resulting distress.Followers make three demands of the

    leader:comfort,stability , and solutions.

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    6. Servant-leadership is Stretching.

    The leader must try to be both:servant andgrowth-oriented which

    made them outstretched.

    This dual purpose requires the leaderto balance the caring for the present with the

    pursuing of the future.If the leader only cares for the present ,

    he would not succeed.To survive and grow, he must have

    dreams for the future and go after the new


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    7. You are limited resource.

    As a leader, it is healthy for you toadmit, I AM A LIMITED RESOURCE.

    You have only a certain amount of time,

    energy, giftedness, resources and money.As a limited resource, the leader must

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    8. Leadership is a draining experience.

    Leadership can at times be energizing,but it can also be draining.

    It involves giving yourself away,investingthat limitedsource in a cause, a mission, a

    business, a task.You go home at the end of the day not

    as you left that morning.

    So not only that a leader is a limitedresource but the demands of leadershipcan leave you exhausted.

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    8. Leadership is a draining experience.

    If the leader wants to have a good and

    successful organization, he needs :

    to plan, to lead, to organize and to

    control effectively to be an good example to his

    people in all aspectshealth

    familyfinancesFriends and colleaguesWay of living

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    to balance his career and his family

    to be a people-maker to plan yet to stay within a budget to deal with the unexpected crises

    that are part of life as a leader

    to continue planning and havevision for the organization

    to practice continually the

    organizations mission to stay well informed to update himself with the

    advancement in technology

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    9. More is not the answer.

    Many of us believe more is the answer

    but growth will, in fact, bring a new and

    more demanding set of problems.

    What happens when you get a little moremoney or one more employee? With that

    new employee comes more what?

    demands problemsheadachesManagement

    Growth alone doesnot fix the leadership

    challenges you face.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    The OVERLOAD ZONE- Typical Response

    Health leads to success Success produces more stuff

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  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    Health Success





    The leader isdistracted

    from his

    main thing

    The leader

    hits hisoverload


  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders





    The leader

    hits hisoverload




    developLack of

    health leads

    to crises

    Leader is


    drained &



    declines or

    death soon

    followsSuccess and the growth that follows can actually

    make situation worse unless the leader knows how

    to mana e it correctl

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    10. There is hope.

    It tends to allow leaders to have apositive note. The leader should always believethat the organization would be healthy and

    growing. It may not be dramatic growth but

    at least a progress little by little.But how can you make it happen?By doing not the more-approach

    but the less - approach

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    Combines a Christ-centered philosophy of

    life with a proactive, dynamicsystem for

    leadership providing ongoing, lifetimeguidance for the pursuit ofprofessional

    success and personal satisfaction

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    1. Christ- centered philosophy of lifeLess is more approach is not ME-

    centered but God-centered.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    2. ProactiveLess is more approach is not

    reactive but proactive, helping

    leaders regain control of what theydo.It allows the leader to truly lead instead of

    follow, to act instead of react,

    to drive and not be driven by the pressuresand demands of others

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    3. DynamicLess is more approach is not

    static but adaptive, changing

    with the leader and the challengeshe or she faces.It also empowers boosting

    leadership potential, enabling him

    to break through personal andprofessional barriers.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    4. SystemLess is more approach is not just

    about ideas but

    implementation.The principles are accompanied

    by specific action steps that will

    guide the leader beyond theory

    into practice.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    5. Lifetime GuidanceLess is more approach is not just

    a book of the month, but a

    philosophy for lifeThe principles speak to novices

    and veterans alike because the

    pursuit of excellence never ends

    for a leader.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    6. Professional success and Personal SatisfactionLess is more approach is not just

    about growth but also health.Your health allows you to pursue

    new goals and fresh dreams in

    your career without sacrificing

    yourself or your family on the

    altar of success.Learn how to lead effectively but

    still have a life to enjoy.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    Truths about leadership are not staticbut dynamic; a leader could depend and

    return to them again and again as he

    maps the future for the organization.They will provide you with new ways to

    think and act once you encounter todays

    challenges and tomorrows opportunities.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    Truths about leadership are not staticbut dynamic; a leader could depend and

    return to them again and again as he

    maps the future for the organization.They will provide you with new ways to

    think and act once you encounter todays

    challenges and tomorrows opportunities.

    Truths about leadership are not staticbut dynamic; a leader could depend andreturn to them again and again as he

    maps the future for the organization.They will provide you with new ways to

    think and act once you encounter todays

    challenges and tomorrows opportunities.

    They will provide you with new ways to

    think and act once you encounter todays

    challenges and tomorrows opportunities.

    think and act once you encounter todays

    challenges and tomorrows opportunities.challenges and tomorrows opportunities.

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    These truths put into action, do not

    merely educate. They empower! They

    will enable you as a leader and your

    organization to break through the

    overload zone and will enable you to

    begin to really lead.. And love it

    These truths put into action, do not

    merely educate. They empower! They

    will enable you as a leader and yourorganization to break through the

    overload zone and will enable you to

    begin to really lead.. And love it

    merely educate. They empower ! They

    will enable you as a leader and your

    organization to break through the

    overload zone and will enable you to

    begin to really lead.. And love it

    will enable you as a leader and yourorganization to break through the

    overload zone and will enable you to

    begin to really lead.. And love it

    organization to break through the

    overload zone and will enable you to

    begin to really lead.. And love it

    overload zone and will enable you to

    begin to really lead.. And love itbegin to really lead.. And love it

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    Leaders, remember to thinkand always prioritize yourorganization before your own

    career because once the organization

    becomes successful during your reign

  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders


    Leader, remember to thinkand always prioritize your

    organization before your own

    career because once theorganization becomes successful

    during your reign ,

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  • 7/31/2019 10 Undeniable Facts for Leaders
