10 Things You Need to Know to Ace Day-Of Event Operations

and how to use the answers to make sure nothing goes wrong 10 Operational Questions to Ask Before Your Festival

Transcript of 10 Things You Need to Know to Ace Day-Of Event Operations

and how to use the answers to make sure nothing goes wrong

10 Operational Questions to Ask Before Your Festival

Every festival is unique. Each has its own set of logistical challenges.

The one thing most festivals have in common?Surprises and snafus. Leading us to wonder…

?Is the �awless festival a myth?

We think not.Prepare your team to avoid day-of operational issues by answering these questions.



1 1How many walk-up tickets do you expect to sell?

If walk-up ticket sales are a priority, make sure you have enough lanes dedicated to sales. Paid ticket-holders shouldn’t be held up by last-minute attendees. And long lines might turn away potential buyers.

A Good Rule of Thumb Have 1 window for every 500 walk-ups you anticipate throughout the event.


2How long will check-in take?

To predict check-in time, think about the speed of your equipment and whether you’re handing out wristbands, lanyards, or other veri�cation types.

If check-in will take more than a few seconds per person, plan for more gates.

Wondering how many people can enter your event per hour? Here’s a simple formula.

= maximum �ow rate

# of check-in lanes # of attendees processed by

a single device per hour

V. I . P. 3Are you sellingVIP tickets?

VIP attendees are some of your biggest event evangelists.

Create a separate entry point and dedicated sta� for VIP ticketholders. They paid more for an elevated experience, so don’t let them down.


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4How will you accept payments onsite?

For CashYou’ll need a secure location to store it and a system for managing reconciliation.

For Credit CardsUse a mobile payment technology (like Eventbrite) for heightened security and �exible payment locations.

B OX O F F I C E 5What sort of box o�ce will you have?


But, if a tent makes the most sense, make sure it has walls to protect your cash from theft and the elements.

If you have the budget, a permanent box o�ce is far more secure than a trailer or tent.

6Do you have a safe-keeper for


Designate a paid sta� member to oversee wristbands, credentials, and other valuable collateral.

7How will your team access the


Public WiFi and cellular networks are unreliable and can become bogged down easily when a lot of people are using them.

Make sure you have a local, private WiFi network for your ticketing equipment, and a direct power source for both.



8Does your team know how to turn

your entrance into an exit?

Make sure sta� know how to clear the entrance and quickly turn it into an exit, if needed.

This is important for the end of your event but also in case of emergencies!

9Do you have anescalation path?S EC U R I T Y

In case something does come up, know who will handle it.

For every area that might become a problem, designate a point person that your team can escalate that issue to.


1 10Who is yourticketing provider?

Remember, an all-in-one ticketing solution does more than just manage sales and entry.

A tested, proven platform is key to ensuring a smooth check-in process. Ask your provider how they plan to make your event trouble-free and turn any chaos into calm.

With the right amount of planning, you can make the �awless festival experience a reality for yourself and your fans.

For a more detailed action plan on how to create a festival that goes o� without a hitch, hit the button below!

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