10 strategies for keeping families in the special education loop (1) [compatibility mode]

Presented by Kari Lewinsohn Presented by Kari Lewinsohn April 9, 2010 MCEC conference


10 Proven ideas for educators to improve parental involvement in special education.

Transcript of 10 strategies for keeping families in the special education loop (1) [compatibility mode]

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Presented by Kari LewinsohnPresented by Kari Lewinsohn

April 9, 2010

MCEC conference

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Goals� This course provides 10 strategies for administrators

and teachers to keep all family members involved and participating in the special education process from referral to graduation. All strategies have been piloted referral to graduation. All strategies have been piloted with success and most are based upon specific research strategies.

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Strategy #1Create a mission statement for

involving families.

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Developing a missionAsk… Purpose…

� ‘’What do the families need?”

�By assessing the strengths and needs, school � What are the

strengths of our families?

needs, school leaders can then tailor programs and opportunities that all families can access.

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Strategy #2Evaluation Report Participation

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OpportunitiesWhat parent can bring

� Medical records

Early childhood background of child� Early childhood background of child

� Parent’s view of strengths and educational needs

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Sample form

•Send the form with the meeting notice.

•Encourage parents to actively share to actively share from their reports throughout the evaluation report meeting.

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Strategy #3Welcome Packets

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Welcome PacketsPlan Contents

� Provided to newly qualified families.

� Share and discuss with family

� Procedural safeguards

� List of community and state resources, contact numbers� Share and discuss with family resources, contact numbers

� Fact sheet about disability

� Special education guidebook

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DownloadsFact Sheets Special Education Guidebook

� http://www.nichcy.org/Disabilities/specific/Pages/default.aspx

� http://www.pluk.org/Pubs/MT_SPED_Handbook_2005.pdffault.aspx .pdf

� www.pluk.org

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Strategy #4

IEP Participation

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IEP participation

� IEP Participation by the family is a key component of the IDEA.the IDEA.

� Parents bring a home perspective to the meeting that should be encouraged.

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IEP Form for


� Parents are asked to

� Share student � Share student strengths

� Express concerns

But often aren’t prepared

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Strategy #5


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According to [34 CFR 300.43 (a)] [20 U.S.C. 1401(34)]

of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,

schools are to focus on improving a child’s schools are to focus on improving a child’s

academic and functional achievement by taking

into account the child’s individual needs in order

to facilitate successful movement from school to

post secondary activities (IDEA, 2007, p. 1).

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Transitions Steps

� Transitions are

� Designed to promote a meaningful adult life and career .

� Part C to B

� Preschool to Kindergarten

� Elementary to Middle School

� Middle School to High and career .

� Focused on what the child will need at the next level to be successful in the LRE.

� Middle School to High School

� High School to Graduation

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Enlist parent and student inputQuestionnaire Resources

� With invitation for transition meeting send home

� fact sheet about the

� http://ruralinstitute.umt.edu/Transition/

� fact sheet about the upcoming transition stage

� Student and parent input interview

Rural Institute with the University of Montana Transition project.

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Early Childhood TransitionsPart C to B Preschool to Kindergarten

� Collaborate with birth to 3 agencies: CDC and/or Early Head Start.

� Write IEP to build skills needed for inclusion in Kindergarten classroom Head Start.

� Parenting strategies key component

� http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/pgparents.php

Kindergarten classroom (when possible)

� Provide literacy and math strategies to parents

� Transition with Kindergarten teacher.

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School transitionsK-8 Form

� Provide information concerning the next school stage.

� Simple questionnaire one for parents and one for child:

� What’s workingstage.

� Meet with staff from both schools.

� Discuss programming needs and make a plan for the upcoming school year.

� What’s working

� What are your hopes and dreams

� What hasn’t worked

� Programming needs

� Concerns

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High SchoolTransitions & Graduation Resources

� Transition planning in high school needs to include looking at post secondary life.

� Parent/ student questionnaire

� Transition planning looking at post secondary life.

� Critical to have student involved in these discussions!

� Transition planning workbook

� Vocational Rehab

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Strategy #6


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Send out every two months.

•Parenting tips

•Math/ Reading

•Social Emotional



Click for sample

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Strategy #7


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Libby’s site


What to include to start with:

� Contact information

� Program offerings

� Resources

� Forms

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Strategy #8

Parent Advocacy Groups

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Parent Advocacy Groups� Four major steps

1. Establish regular meeting times

2. Invite supportive parents first

3. Establish goals for group3. Establish goals for group

4. Branch out to include other parents.


� http://www.montanapirc.org/

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Parent advocacy groups� Cautions

� Don’t start out to big.

� Provide child care and snackssnacks

� Don’t meet to often

� Give parents opportunities to visit without school staff.

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Strategy #9

Parent Training Opportunities

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Parent TrainingSet up Ideas

� Survey parents for topics

� Examine case load for trends

Provide for a variety of times

� Transition workshops

� Parenting

Love and Logic� Provide for a variety of times

� Invite parents to attend staff trainings that are relevant.

� Childcare is a bonus

� Support for transportation

� Love and Logic

� Disability specific

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Strategy #10Curriculum and Program review committees

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Curriculum and Program

Review Committee� Periodically analyze

current educational trends.

� Survey staff and families

� School staff review all relevant datatrends.

� Create a committee of individuals with expertise in the special education areas to review.

� Establish a mission statement

relevant data

� Create document

� Open for community feedback

� Finalize draft

� Present to board

� Make recommended changes

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Libby’s draft mission statement:

Libby Public Schools will prepare all students with the necessary life skills to be with the necessary life skills to be

contributing members of the community through self-advocacy and seeking out

meaningful opportunities.

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•Functional Academics

•Leisure skills


No one

soars to

high who

soars with

his own •Independence

•Good communication

•Home and Community

•Transitions to adulthood

his own


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Kari’s website ☺


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