10 Steps to ECDIS installation

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  • 7/28/2019 10 Steps to ECDIS installation




  • 7/28/2019 10 Steps to ECDIS installation


    What is the ECDIS mandate?

    The International Maritime Organization (IMO) approvedamendments to the International Convention for theSafety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) making it compulsory to tElectronic Chart Display Information System (ECDIS) at the

    86th session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)in June 2009. The amendment to SOLAS means that alllarge passenger, tanker and cargo ships will be obliged tot ECDIS on a rolling timetable that begins in July 2012.

    What is the purpose of this guide?

    ECDIS is an evolving technology and the new regulationssurrounding its mandated use can seem confusing. Thepurpose of this guide is to clarify the process that leadsto adoption of ECDIS by shipping companies, in step withSOLAS Regulations.

    What is the involvementof the UKHO?

    The United Kingdom Hydrographic Ofce (UKHO) is the

    leading supplier of ofcial Electronic Navigational Charts(ENCs) allowed under SOLAS Regulations. We believe thatECDIS is a powerful tool which in the hands of trainedseafarers can mean safer and more efcient voyages, andat the same time help to protect the marine environment.Our own research suggests that shipowners need to startplanning their strategy for the transition to ECDIS now toget the best results.


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    With the implementation date or theECDIS carriage looming it is extremelyimportant that owners and operatorsconsider the implications or their eets.Great saety and efciency benefts will

    result rom ECDIS which is certainly nota ft and orget piece o equipment no computer system is oolproo andteething problems are to be expected.Comprehensive and eective training isthereore essential i ships ofcers are tohave a thorough understanding o ECDIScapabilities, limitations and secondary

    navigation modes thus ensuring saeand efcient operation.

    The availability o adequate ElectronicNavigational Chart (ENC) coverage is vitalto the adoption o digital navigation andthe UKHO continues to work closely withcolleagues in the hydrographic community

    to provide ull service or major shippingroutes and ports. With an extensive olioo more than 11,000 ENCs AVCS is provingto be a practical and popular choiceor mariners.

    Rear Admiral Nick Lambert UK National Hydrographer

  • 7/28/2019 10 Steps to ECDIS installation


    Step 1. Find out how youreet will be affected


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    Based on IMO Circular letter issued December 2008. Please check

    www.thefutureofnavigation.com for the latest updates and news.

    10 STEPS TO THE ECDIS MANDATEFitting of ECDIS will become mandatory in a rollingtimetable that begins in July 2012. The legislation willbe phased by vessel type and size to eventually apply toalmost all large merchant vessels and passenger ships.Use the diagram to determine which of your ships willbe affected and when.

    The timetable for newbuilds is based on the datethe vessels keel is laid. Existing vessels will be requiredto t ECDIS in advance of the rst survey after theimplementation date. There are no requirements forexisting cargo vessels of less than 10,000 gross tons.Flag States may exempt vessels that will be takenpermanently out of service within two years of theimplementation date.

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    Step 2. Consideryour implementationstrategy

    It is important to recognise that the transition from paperto electronic navigation is a fundamental change in theway ship navigation will be conducted, not simply a caseof tting another piece of hardware to ensure compliancewith a carriage requirement.

    To successfully t ECDIS on a vessel or across a eet

    and operate it in a safe and efcient manner requiresconsideration of a number of interrelated elements.

    As well as decisions on the purchase and installationof the ECDIS equipment thought must be given totraining and to the amendment of bridge procedures.Lastly but importantly is the selection of a chart servicethat best meets operational needs and fullls thecarriage requirements.

    All of these factors need to be taken into account whendeveloping the implementation strategy for your eet.It will depend on the types of vessel in your eet as wellas the mix of new and existing vessels and the tradingpattern they operate.


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    Develop a strategy acrossyour eet


    Existing ships Training


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    Step 3. Choosing thecorrect ECDIS t

    There is a large range of ECDIS equipment available,from those that are part of an integrated bridge system,through to small standalone units that could be moreappropriate for retrot to vessels that have limitedbridge space.

    The IMO standards require that vessels must carry abackup to ECDIS that can take over the chart-basednavigation functions in event of system failure. The ttingof a second ECDIS or the carriage of paper charts arewidely accepted as back-up that will meet requirements.Depending on your Flag State, other solutions such asthe carriage of a Chart Radar or other type-approvedelectronic back-up may be accepted.

    You will need to decide whether to t vessels with singleor dual ECDIS systems. Fitting a dual system will allow asignicant reduction in the paper charts carried (in somecases down to zero). If using paper charts as a back-up to

    a single ECDIS you are likely to require the carriage of afull (or only slightly reduced) folio.

    However you intend to install and operate with ECDIS, youwill need to work closely with the Maritime Authority thatyour vessels are registered with to ensure you comply withall the requirements.

    For a list of Flag State back-up requirements, you canalso refer to the Compendium of Flag State ECDISrequirements at www.ukho.gov.uk/2012compliance


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    Dual or Single ECDIS

    Dual reduce the requirement for

    paper charts

    Single carry and maintain existingpaper charts


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    Step 4. Choose theright chart solutionfor you

    Only ofcial Electronic Navigation Charts (ENCs) from anauthorised supplier meet SOLAS carriage requirements forcharts in ECDIS. These must be kept fully up to date forthe latest Notices to Mariners (NMs).

    You should be looking for a chart service that is compliantwith the new regulations, provides the best coverage foryour areas of operation, provides exibility both in termsof the charts you buy and their licence periods and includesa regular update service.

    Look also for a chart supplier that can provide ofcial rasternavigational charts, such as ARCS, for areas where ENCs arenot available. This will enable you to always navigate withofcial data.

    The Admiralty Vector Chart Service (AVCS) is the leading,fully ofcial, fully compliant ENC service. It containsmore ofcial ENC coverage than any other service andincorporates exible licensing and automatic updatingvia internet or by CD-ROM. To nd out more about theAdmiralty products and services available to help youtransition to ECDIS visit www.ukho.gov.uk or speak toyour Admiralty Distributor.

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    Obtain ofcial charts

    Ensure charts are official

    and compliant

    Keep them up to date with thelatest Notices to Mariners (NMs)


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    Step 5. Get yourcrew trained

    Training is a key element in the successful and safetransition to electronic navigation.

    Flag States will normally, as a minimum, require thatships ofcers attend an approved generic ECDISoperator training course based on the IMO standardmodel. In addition, the ISM Code requires that shipsofcers have familiarisation training for all safetyequipment tted onboard. This requirement can bemet through type specic training provided by theECDIS manufacturer.

    As a minimum, you should be able to satisfy your FlagState and any independent audit authorities that yourcrews are competent in the use of ECDIS to maintainsafety of navigation.

    The UKHO is developing training material, includingcomputer based packages, to assist the mariner to read

    and interpret ENCs with the same condence they havewith paper charts.


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    Establish Flag State

    training requirements

    Demonstrate compliance

    through training


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    Step 6. Get FlagState Certication

    It is essential to understand your Flag States requirementsfor certication. Under existing regulations you will needto obtain a certicate of equivalency to allow ECDIS to beused to full the SOLAS chart carriage requirement.

    The certicate is proof that the vessel has a type approvedECDIS, tted in accordance with IMO requirements andan approved back-up system. You should check that yourFlag State will accept the type-approval certication forthe ECDIS equipment you wish to t.

    Where ECDIS has been tted this should be indicated onthe record of equipment attached to the vessels safetyequipment certicate; this will also give details of thebackup that is to be used.

    You should also talk to your classication society andinsurance / P&I club to see if they have any furtherspecic requirements.

    Flag State requirements may change following the adoptionof carriage requirements for ECDIS, so it will be importantto remain in close contact with them.


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    Pull together the paperwork

    Obtain Letter of Equivalency from

    your Flag State

    Ensure the ECDIS Type-Approval

    Certificate is accepted

    Talk to your Class Society, Insurance

    and P&I clubs. They may have further

    specic requirements


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    Step 7. Demonstratecompliance for PortState Inspection

    As well as having to satisfy the initial requirements of yourFlag State when installing ECDIS, Port State Control will bechecking to ensure compliance with the new regulations.

    Inspections might require physical demonstrationsof competency by your crew as well as evidence ofinclusion of ECDIS operation procedures in your onboard

    safety management systems. This is in addition to basiccertication described in Step 6.

    Some commercial operators vetting schemes willhave similar demands and non-compliance with theirrequirements could put your ship off-hire.


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    Get ready for inspection

    Physical demonstrations

    Crew competency

    Onboard safety management systems


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    Step 8. Co-ordinateshore-side and shipmanagement

    Close co-ordination between ship and shore is vital forsuccessful implementation. Identify all your stakeholders class society, insurers, charterers and include themin your plans as early as possible.

    Its worth conducting a full analysis to determine howECDIS on board your vessels could change ways of working

    on shore. Practical areas to look at include management ofchart data and passage planning. Successful implementationwill require a review of your companys safety managementsystem, which is likely to be best achieved through structuredconsultation between onboard and ashore staff.


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    Inform shoreside stakeholders

    Review the impact ECDIS on-board

    will have on shore-side operations

    Review companys safetymanagement system


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    Step 9. Start now!

    There is a lot to do so dont wait for the deadline. Arrangingtraining and acquiring certication can take three months

    but you might need as much as six months to implementyour strategy depending on whether the vessel is a newbuildor retrot.

    The sooner the strategy is adopted, the sooner you will havea realistic expectation of costs and issues. If your ship isaffected by the rst phase adoption in 2012, you should startplanning now.


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    Start now

    Start now to allow time for a

    smooth transition

    Revising Safety ManagementProcedures is one of the most time

    consuming tasks. Make an early start


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    Step 10. The aim issafety but the resultcan also be efciency

    ECDIS operated by well trained ofcers can contributesignicantly to safety of life at sea, but it can also increaseoperational efciency that in turn can lead to bottomline savings.

    Navigators and superintendents regularly report a steadyow of benets from using ECDIS. Updates to chart data

    can be virtually instant. Navigation tasks and bridge workloadcan be optimized, situational awareness improved and stressreduced when navigating in congested waters where mostaccidents occur.

    ECDIS also offers data reporting and auditing tools that caneliminate redundant practices and improve voyage planning,delivering tangible fuel savings. Early adopters will be theones that see the advantages soonest.

    Visit the Information section on the UKHO websitewww.ukho.gov.uk for more guidelines and regularupdates over the coming months.


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    Make the most of ECDIS

    Update charts automatically

    Improve efficiency

    Improve shore to ship working


  • 7/28/2019 10 Steps to ECDIS installation
