10 rights of prophet mohammad


Transcript of 10 rights of prophet mohammad

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Allah (SWT) favored us to send Prophet Mohammad (SAW)

“Certainly did Allah confer [great] favor upon the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest error.” [Al Qur’an 3:164]

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“Indeed, We have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner That you [people] may believe in Allah and His Messenger and honor him and respect the Prophet and exalt Allah morning and afternoon.” [Al Qur’an 48:8-9]

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Our faith upon Muhammad (SAW) as the Messenger of Allah obligates us to fulfill certain rights or huquq, all of which have been mentioned in the Qur’an.

Scholars of the past and present explained these rights to us.

It is incumbent upon Muslims to fulfill these rights to the best of their ability.

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10 Rights of the Prophet (SAW) upon Muslims











Finality of Prophet


Support & defend






Salat & Salam

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1. To Believe in Him

This does not mean to merely believe that he was a true, historical figure of seventh century Arabia, but to believe in his prophet- hood (nubuwwah) and in Allah’s message (risalah) to him too.

The Qur’an says: Believe, therefore, in Allah and His Messenger, and the light which We have sent down. [64:8]

One hadith says: ‘I have been ordered to fight mankind till they testify that there is no god but Allah and until they believe in me and what I was sent with.’ [Muslim, no.34]

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2. To Obey Him:

It is not enough to believe in him, peace be upon him. Instead, true faith necessitates that we be guided by his message and obey its demands:

O you who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not turn away from him when you hear him speak. [8:20]

He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah. [4:80]

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One hadith declares: ‘All my nation will enter Paradise save those who refuse.’ They asked: O Messenger of Allah, who would refuse? He replied: ‘Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, whoever disobeys me has in fact refused.’ [Al-Bukhari, no.7280]

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3. Ittiba or To Emulate His Example

Allah says about His beloved Prophet, peace be upon him:

Yours is indeed a tremendous character, [68:4]

It is obvious to enlightened minds that imitation and emulation of the Prophet, peace be upon him, is also a right we owe him.

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Ittiba or emulation of the Prophet (SAW) further emphasized

The Qur’an states: Say: “If you love Allah, then follow me.” [3:31]

You have in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful example. [33:21]

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“Whoever turns away from Sunnahis not of me”

‘Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not of me.’ [Al-Bukhari, no.5063; Muslim, no.1401]

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3 Levels of Ittiba





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1-There are certain matters where emulation is mandatory

2- Other places where it is highly encouraged and urged, but not obligated

3- There are even some matters recorded about his life that are just descriptive, not prescriptive.

A sound knowledge of fiqh should help distinguish between these levels of imitation and emulation.

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4. To Love Him:

“If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your tribe, the wealth you have gained, the trade you fear my slacken, and the home you delight in are more loved by you than Allah and His Messenger and striving in His cause, then wait till Allah brings about His command. Allah guides not the corrupt. [9:24]

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Love of the Prophet (SAW) is a condition of Iman

‘None of you believes until he loves me more than his father, his children and the whole of mankind.’ [Al-Bukhari, no.15; Muslim, no.44]

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Umar Ibn Khattab’s love for the Prophet SAW

`Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) once said to him, “O Messenger of Allah! You are more beloved to me than everything except myself.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied, “No, by the One in whose hand is my soul – not until I am more beloved to you than yourself.” Then `Umar said, “Now, by Allah, you are more beloved to me than myself.” So the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Now [you have believed], `Umar.” [Narrated by al-Bukhari]

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Love of Prophet’s(SAW) family

Prophet (SAW) said,” People! I am a human being. My God’s angel will soon come to take my souland I will accept him. I will leave two valuable things amongst you: the Book of Allah in which there Is light and Guidance, so holdfast to it, and follow it. The second is my family (Ahl al-Bayt). I remindYou of Allah about my family (repeating three times). (MUSLIM Vol 7, Kitab Fazail Al-Sahabah Hadith # 2408)

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Prophet (SAW) left two important things

(Ahmad,Vol 2, #3720)

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Love of the Prophet includes loving his entire family

An essential part of loving the Prophet, peace be upon him, is to love his entire Family.

His Ahl-al-Bayt include his wives and daughters, including Fatimah; his cousin and son-in-law Ali; and their two sons, Hasan and Hussain.

In the interpretation of certain traditions the term may also be extended to include the descendants of Muhammad’s (SAW) paternal uncles, Abu Talib and al-'Abbas, or according to Malik ibn Anas and Abu Hanifa, all of the Banu Hashim

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Zayd bin Thabit’s respect for Prophet’s family

Once, Zayd b. Thabit was once praying the funeral prayer for his mother, after which he brought his mule near in order to mount it, upon which Ibn ‘Abbas came and took hold of the stirrup.

Zayd said: ‘Let it be, O nephew of Allah’s Messenger.’

Ibn ‘Abbas said: ‘This is how we were taught to treat the scholars.’

So Zayd took hold of Ibn ‘Abbas’ hand and, upon kissing it, said: ‘This is how we were taught to treat the family of our Prophet.’ [Al-Tabarani, Mu‘jam al-Kabir, no.4746]

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5. To Honor and Revere Him:

True faith (iman) not only demands that he be loved, but that he be honored and revered too.

Those who believe in him, honor him, support him, and follow the light that was sent down with him: those are the successful. [7:157]

That you may honor him and revere him. [48:9]

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Scholars on Reverence of the Prophet (SAW)

Al-Qazwini contrasts honor, reverence and veneration (described by terms such as tabjil, tawqir and ta‘zim) with that of love.

Imam al-Bayhaqi says: ‘Reverence is a higher degree than that of love; for not all who love revere. A father loves his child, or a master his slave, but does not revere him. Whereas all who revere also love.

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Reverence of the Prophet (SAW) commanded in Quran

“O you who have believed, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet or be loud to him in speech like the loudness of some of you to others, lest your deeds become worthless while you perceive not.” [Al Qur’an 49:2]

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6. To Believe that Prophet-hood Ended With Him

Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah has knowledge of all things. [33:40]

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Seal of the Prophets means eternal completion

Needless to say, when a thing is “sealed”, it is complete and so there can be no further addition to it.

In a like manner, the Prophet Muhammad sealed the cycle of prophet-hood and brought it to a close: he is the last Prophet, after whom there will be no prophet.

Henceforth, revealed truths shall be revived and reanimated by scholars and reformers; but never again by prophets.

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Hadith on Prophet being last of the Prophets.

That our Prophet, upon whom be peace, is khatim al-nabiyyin – “the Seal of the Prophets” – is also confirmed in many hadiths;

Prophet (SAW) said: ‘There will arise among my nation thirty liars, all of them claiming to be a prophet. But I am the final Prophet; there will be no prophet after me.’ [Muslim, no.2889; Abu Dawud, no.4252]

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7-Supporting him and defending him

This is his right both in life and after death.

During his lifetime his Companions fulfilled this duty in the best way.

After his death supporting him entails defense of his Sunnah whenever it is exposed to attack by enemies, distortion by the ignorant or criticism by those who seek to annul it.

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Defending the Prophet (SAW) and his message in face of mockery

We must defend his noble person whenever he might be abused, ridiculed or described in an unsuitable manner.

In recent times, there has been an increase in campaigns to dishonor and discredit the Prophet of Islam (SAW)

The entire Ummah(i.e. community of believers) must arise to defend its Prophet (SAW) against the lies, insults and slander.

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8-Dawah or Conveying his message:

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Dawah is more important than any precious possessions

“That Allah should guide through you a single man is better for you than possessing red camels (i.e. precious possessions of this world).” [ al-Bukhari and Muslim]

“Through you [Muslims] I will have more numerous followers than [other] nations on the Day of Resurrection.” [Narrated by Ahmad]

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Quran on obligation of Dawah

“Say, ‘This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah; and I am not of those who associate others with Him.’” [Al Qur’an 12:108]

“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.” [Al Qur’an 3:110]

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9-Alliance with his allies and disassociation with his enemies:

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AllianceYou will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last

Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those – He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him – those are the party of Allah. Unquestionably, the party of Allah – they are the successful.” [Al Qur ’an 58:22]

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Respect and love of the Prophet’s companions

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Respect of the companions Alliance to him (SAW) also means alliance to his Companions (may

Allah be pleased with them)

This means we should have love for them, devotion to them, acknowledgement of their rights, praising them, following their example, asking forgiveness for them, refraining from discussion of their disagreements and animosity toward their enemies and those who insult or defame them.

And it means alliance to the members of his household, support and defense of them, but at the same time, avoiding excessive praise and exaggeration of their attributes.

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Respect of scholars

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Respect for the scholars of Islam

And alliance to him (SAW) includes love for the scholars of Islam.

We must support them in righteousness and avoid disdaining or dishonoring them.

It includes disassociation from their enemies among the disbelievers, the hypocrites and those who advocate innovation [in religion] and error.

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10. To Send Blessings (Salat) and Salutations of Peace (Salam) Upon Him

Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe! Send blessings upon him and salute him with a worthy salutation. [33:56]

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Ahadith about sending salaam upon the Prophet (SAW)

‘Whosoever invokes one blessing upon me, Allah will send ten blessings on him.’ [Muslim, no.384]

‘Those closest to me on the Day of Resurrection are those who invoke most blessings upon me.’ [Al-Tirmidhi, no.484]

‘The miser is he who, whenever I am mentioned in his presence, does not invoke blessings upon me.’ [Al-Tirmidhi, no.3546

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Meaning of Allah sending ”salat” upon the Prophet (SAW)

Abu’l-‘Aliyah, a famous tabi‘i, explained: ‘Allah’s salat is His extolling him to the angels; the angels’ salat is their supplication [for him].

The majority view of scholars seems to be the one al-Tirmidhi records: ‘It is related from Sufyan al-Thawri and others from the people of knowledge that salåt of the Lord is His mercy, and salat of the angels is their seeking forgiveness for him.

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Further explanation

Allah blesses the Prophet by the constant effusion of mercy descending upon him. Such divine mercy referring to: light,knowledge,revelation,support, protection, swift response to prayers, exalting in rank and nearness to Him, honorable mention of him, as well as other things that only Allah and His Beloved know.

The angels bless the Prophet by praying for him and supporting him. The believers, by invoking Allah’s blessings upon him. As for salutations (salaam), it is praying for protection, safety and peace upon him.

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Imam Shafi

Imam al-Shafi‘i has written, ‘no blessing of Allah, be it seen or unseen, has ever descended on us by which we gained spiritual or temporal gain, or by which spiritual or temporal harm was repelled, except that Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was the reason for it;

He is the leader to goodness; director to guidance; warner of the path of destruction and evil that oppose righteousness; warner against what brings ruin; ever ready with sincere advice for guidance and warning.

So may Allah’s blessings be upon him and his family, as His blessings are upon Abraham and his family. Indeed You [Allah] are Praiseworthy, Majestic.

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May Allah help and guide all Muslims to recognize the rights of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (SAW) upon us and help us fulfil the same in the best possible manner.

May Allah(SWT) send blessings upon our beloved Prophet Mohammad (SAW) the most favorable, most abundant and purest blessings that He has bestowed upon any of His creation. Ameen

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1. Mukhtasar Shu‘ab al-Iman (Cairo: Maktabah al-Turath al-Islami, n.d.), 29.

2. Related by al-Bukhari as a Chapter Heading (bab) to hadith no.4797.

3. Al-Tirmidhi, as a gloss to hadith no.485.

4. Al-Risalah (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, n.d.), 16-17.

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