10 Questions Activity and Northern Renaissance Renaissance.

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10 Questions Activity and Northern RenaissanceRenaissance10 QuestionsWhere was da Vinci born? ItalyWhat was Raphael famous for? Painting people using perspective and REALISMWhat was Raphaels greatest achievement? Painted for the Pope!Name four things Leonardo did: Inventor. Painter, sculptor, scientist10 QuestionsName 2 primary patrons: Machiavelli, Isabella DEsteWho did Anguisolla train under? Her fatherWhat are some of Michelangelos achievements? Dome of St Peters vhWhat 2 artists inspired Raphael? Da Vinci and MichelangeloWhat was the technique of perspective? Shows 3-d on flat surface

Northern RenaissanceThe Northern Renaissance Begins: By 1450, the bubonic plague and Hundred Years war had ended. This allowed new ideas from Italy to quickly spread to northern Europe. They were quickly adopted. Here, too, rulers and merchants used their money to sponsor artists (patrons). But, educated people also combined classical learning with interest in religious ideas.

Compare and contrast the Northern Renaissance and the Renaissance in ItalyNorthern RenaissanceArtistic Ideas Spread:The new ideas of Italian art moved to the north, where artists began to use them. Major artists appeared in Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Durer painted religious subjects and realistic landscapes. Holbien, Van Eyck, and Bruegel painted lifelike portraits and scenes of peasant life. They revealed much about the times. They began to use oil-based paints. Oils became popular and spread to Italy.

What subjects did Northern artists paint? Northern RenaissanceReforming Society; Elizabethan AgeWriters of the northern Renaissance combined humanism with deep Christian faith. They tried to make people more devoted to God and urged reforms in the church. In England, Thomas More wrote a book called Utopia, about an imaginary ideal society where there is no greed, war or conflict. William Shakespeare also wrote during this time. He is often called the greatest playwright of all time. Both authors wrote in English, which was unusual for the period.Use your vocabulary to find the word that means writing in common language of the people

Northern RenaissancePrinting Spreads IdeasOne reason that learning spread so fast was the invention of the moveable type printing press. In 1445, Johannes Gutenberg produced his first book: The Gutenberg Bible using this device. By 1500, presses in Europe had printed nearly 10 million books. Books were printed in many languages so more people learned to read. After reading the Bible, more people began to have different ideas about Christianity than what the Church taught.

What effects did the printing press have on European society?