10 myths that every sat taker must know neo educators

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10 myths that every SAT test taker must know : Most common false assumptions about the SAT.

Transcript of 10 myths that every sat taker must know neo educators

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Page 2: 10 myths that every sat taker must know  neo educators

• Exam myths and rumors are like fire, spreading through forests of susceptible students; targeting their anxiety and nervousness. Being such an important event in their academic life, these students are vulnerable to filling their mind with all kinds of information that may have a negative impact on their SAT score.

• At NeoEducators, we don’t wish to fill you up with some of our own. Instead, we give you a heads up on ten misconceptions you are bound to encounter during your SAT prep.



Page 3: 10 myths that every sat taker must know  neo educators

This one is not to be blindly believed! If you play a probabilistic game, you can use guessing to your advantage. There are two types of guesses – a blind guess and an educated guess. While we discourage the former, we encourage you to use the latter. If you can eliminate even once choice, it is statistically better to go ahead with a guess. The College Board deducts one-quarter for a wrong answer in an SAT. Thus, even one correct guess in four gives you a positive result.



Page 4: 10 myths that every sat taker must know  neo educators

This is one of the most prevalent ones. Many students, due to varied reasons, believe that June and September testing dates are better because they believe tests are simpler during that time. However, the SAT is well-known for its consistency and thus, choosing your test dates according to your preparation and convenience is a smarter decision.



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A difference of ten marks is not a ‘do-or-die’ situation. Admission counselors are aware that even a difference of fifty marks is a result of a few questions, and do not make it a critical parameter for assessment when you have achieved a high percentile.



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The College Board will tell you that the length of an essay does not affect the score. Perhaps, they’ll even throw in a ‘Quality over quantity’ quote. However, studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between the length of one’s essay and one’s SAT essay score. Therefore, it is always better to write a lengthier essay by including details and life experiences.



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Unless you have supernatural tendencies, there is no way you can guess which section is the equation section. So, this one is garbage talk. Work less in any section at your own risk. NeoEducators will haunt you with a ‘told you so!’ if you do so!



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There is a reason behind lower mean scores in the writing section – it’s new! However, the writing section can be made into a major weapon. Students who undertake test preparation courses experience the highest increase in Writing; and find it easier than the reading section. Colleges may claim not to look at the writing section, but that option is not in your hands. So, do not take a risk! The section score is right there on your scorecard.



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This one is debatable. However, there is no reason you should waste time debating it. SAT is a necessary criterion for your college entrance and you should not let your personal opinion cloud your goal – which is to score well in SAT and earn admission in a top quality college.



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It does not matter. Most students retest in hope of increasing their score. Many succeed, but many don’t. Virtually all colleges are unaffected by the fact that you are re-attempting the SAT. It’s how you perform on the retaken SAT that matters. Re-testing does not significantly change in your score. If it does, then the interpretation would be that your previous test was not an indicator of your right ability. So, retesting is a costly, but good option!



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The toppers, the nerds, those darn 800's! It’s not their efficient use of calculators that propel them to the top. They are not masters of technology any more than you! They are just better prepared. Calculators require time and effort and are still prone to human errors. Practice for math section without the use of calculators, as much as you can.



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Perhaps, this one is only for your ego. Unless something went drastically wrong on your testing day, re-testing is unlikely to boost your score. Research has shown that a ‘bad day’ is generally not the cause of a low score. So, gear up, and prepare harder!



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