10 Hacks to Turn Social Media Followers into Loyal Clients

10 Hacks to Turn Social Media Followers into Loyal Clients

Transcript of 10 Hacks to Turn Social Media Followers into Loyal Clients

10 Hacks to Turn

Social Media Followers

into Loyal Clients

In today’s world social media is one of the best ways to

generate new leads for your business.

Insurance isn't exactly a product that lends itself to

excitement on social media, but you can still make the most

of your social platforms with a bit of creativity.

Today we’re going to look at 10 strategies you can use to

convert your social followers into real-life customers!

1. First up - Be Exclusive!

People love the feeling that they are

getting something unavailable to

others; offer your social followers a

special reward if they come into your

brokerage on a particular date.

The time-sensitive nature of the offer will ensure that they act fast.

2. Secondly - encourage your existing customers to share

People tend to trust their friends'

opinions more than those of

random strangers on the internet.

Getting your satisfied customers

to sing your praises on their own

social pages will really help your

business grow.

3. Thirdly - Stay Engaged!

● Don't just post a bunch of things on your pages and then disappear.

● Take the time to respond to your followers' comments and questions.

● Keep your responses casual and personal. Making the effort to connect with customers sets a great example - new customers will be far more likely to get in touch.

4. Always Give Back to Your Community

Think about donating a portion of customers' premiums to a worthy cause or sponsoring a food drive around the holidays. Whatever it is, when prospective clients see on your social channels that their money is being used for good, they will be more likely to choose your brokerage.

5. Make sure your posts are actually informative

Your followers don't want to be bombarded with an endless

stream of sales pitches so be sure to post information that will

actually be helpful to them such as a breakdown of different

types of insurance or a customer testimonial.

Comments are always revealing; whatever your followers want - give it to


6. Promote Positive Customer Comments

Whenever a customer leaves a positive

comment on your site, share it with

the rest of your network and be sure

to tag the user who sent it.

Everyone likes to know that their voice has been heard and prospective

clients will be reassured to see that as well.

7. Create Custom Landing Pages for Each Social Network

Every social network has a different demographic of users.

When followers arrive at your brokerage's website, create a

unique landing page for each social network to target the

unique demographics and psychographics of that particular


8. Be Consistent

Social feeds are constantly changing and updating so it’s key to post on a regular basis in order to be seen. Once a day is plenty unless there is breaking news in the insurance industry or your local area that needs to be addressed immediately.

Posting too frequently may risk annoying your followers and causing them to

"unfollow" you.

9. Run a Contest

Nothing will motivate your followers like the chance to win a prize!

Ask for client testimonials and reward the most touching

story with something desirable, like free cover for a year, a

relaxing vacation or even a Visa gift card.

10. Finally, make it easy for your followers!

Think about including a link to allow followers to request a quote. If your followers arrive on your page and can’t see where to go next, there’s a danger they will leave.

Make sure your contact information and location is easy to find.

So there you have it! Do keep in mind that social media is an ongoing effort to be nurtured every day. You can't expect results to happen

overnight so don't stress too much - the rewards will come eventually. For even more social media tips and tricks, download our ebook, "Social Media for Insurance Brokers: The Ultimate Guide

to 2017".