10 Focus Building Tips For Internet Marketers Who Are Suffering From ADHD

10 Focus Building Tips For Internet Marketers Who Are Suffering From ADHD

Transcript of 10 Focus Building Tips For Internet Marketers Who Are Suffering From ADHD

10 Focus Building

Tips For Internet Marketers Who Are

Suffering From ADHD

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus …”

~ Alexander Graham Bell

Understand what focus means. It means narrowing your range of energy usage.


Use more energy on less things. Rather than using less energy on more things.


Identify everything you use energy on.Mentally. In your daily work.


Eliminate energy-stealing tasks. And distractions. Facebook, Skype, Email, etc.


Reduce energy used. On repetitive tasks. By creating templates, systems, etc. to use.


Schedule time after work. For unnecessary tasks, entertainment, and distractions.


Best way to apply energy? Use a Hyper-Productivity Loop. More done, less effort.


Ask yourself, “What one thing can I do today that would make everything else easier?”


Apply all your energy to that one thing. Narrow down. We often do more than needed.


Start small. Practice using all your energy. On that one thing. For just a few minutes …


… then slowly build up your discipline. To 10 minutes. 20. 30. 45. 60. 90. And beyond …


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To Be Continued ...