10 everyday oils

10 Everyday Oils

Transcript of 10 everyday oils

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10 Everyday Oils

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Essential oil can immediately penetrate cell membranes and diffuse throughout the blood and tissues in a matter of seconds. They cross the brain-blood barrier in seconds, reaching the amygdale and other limbic parts of the brain. The amygdale influences the hypothalamus which is our emotional (all our emotion is stored and controlled here) and hormonal centre (it is responsible for sending out hormones that effect everything, including our energy, mood, or state of anxiety). So, just by Inhaling essential oils, we can minimize our stress, anxiety or any emotional trauma immediately!

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As many as 4 in 10 Americans have sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes due to allergies. If you’re one of them, allergy shots can help ease your reaction to the plants, insects, or animals that trigger your symptoms. But they require multiple doctor visits over years.

That’s one reason only about 5% of Americans with allergies get the shots, even though they can provide long-lasting relief, says Linda Cox, MD, of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. The rest rely on avoiding whatever triggers their allergies, which isn’t always easy. Or they use antihistamines and steroid nose sprays to temporarily ease symptoms.

But now allergic people have a new option: under-the-tongue tablets they can take at home. The prescription tablets, called Grastek, Ragwitek, and Oralair, are the first allergy treatments of their kind on the U.S. market, although they’ve been available in Canada and Europe.

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Experts are warning policy makers that allergic disease might replace infectious disease as a major cause of ill health in cities undergoing rapid demographic changes in developing countries. New research tracking the number of cases of childhood eczema across the globe has revealed big changes in the prevalence of the condition over the last five to ten years and suggests that environmental factors could be having a significant impact…..

But a continuing rise in younger children aged between six and seven and in the number of cases reported in developing countries is of growing concern.

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Side Effects:(Zyrtec) Not serious: Sleepiness, dry mouth, nausea, headache, fatigue, jitteriness and sore throat(Claritin D) may cause blurred vision or impair thinking or reactions especially if driving.(Zyrtec) Serious : Allergic reactions include seizures, fainting, and low blood pressure.(Claritin D) Drinking alcohol can increase certain side effects.

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Relieves stressRelieves itchImproves stamina

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Migraine is common - it affects about one in four women and one in 12 men in the UK.

There are several types - with and without aura and with or without headache - and several treatment options, including common painkillers, such as paracetamol.

Although there is no cure for migraine, it is often possible to prevent or lessen the severity of attacks.

NICE recommends various medications, as well as acupuncture, and now also TMS, under the supervision of a specialist doctor - although it has not assessed whether it would be a cost effective therapy for the NHS.

TMS involves using a portable device that is placed on the scalp to deliver a brief magnetic pulse.

NICE says doctors and patients might wish to try TMS, but they should be aware about the treatment's uncertainties. Reduction in migraine symptoms may be moderate, it says.

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Headaches, cramps, bloating

Side Effects:Less serious effects : bad hearing, sneezing, nasal problems and lack of concentration.Serious side effects : Paleness, weakness, acidic stomach, etc.

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• Supports liver and respiratory system• Relieves headache• Increase mental sharpness• Good for digestion

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Balances bodyCalms Improves sleep / apneaStops teeth-grindingStops bleeding

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• Powerful antioxidant• Supports nerves and sympathetic nervous


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Can be used directly on skin to cleanse and soothe insect bites, cuts and scrapes

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Joint Pain

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Not serious : may cause serious (rarely fatal) bleeding from the stomach or intestines especially for older adults. This effect can occur without warning at any time while taking this drug. Serious : Increase risk for a heart attack or stroke (for those with heart, smokers, those with high blood pressure or diabetes.Rare but serious side effects: black/tarry stools, persistent stomach/abdominal pain, vomit that looks like coffee grounds, chest/jaw/left arm pain, shortness of breath, unusual sweating, confusion, weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, sudden vision changes.

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Joint Pain

Not serious :Burning sensation in skin, eyes and mouthSerious :Allergy to methyl salicylate causes skin blisters, swelling of the tongue, difficulty breathing or swallowing, or hives. Overdose on a methyl salicylate-based cream like BenGay especially when using Bangay Extra Strength (contains 30% more methyl salicylate and is absorbed into the body. Can become toxic when used with devices that speed absorption, such as heating pads or patches. According to Scienceline, 17-year-old track star Arielle Newman died from a methyl salicylate overdose. While she never used heating pads, she did use the cream while running and the sweating and heat allowed her body to absorb a toxic level of the cream.

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Soothes joint and muscle pain

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Holy anointing oilGood for skincareAnti-cancer

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Supports immune system

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Research demonstrated people who consistently sleep less than six hours every night are much more likely to have a higherthan- normal body mass index (BMI) and those who sleep eight hours have the lowest BMI. BMI is our scale in the judgment of obesity and frailty, and as such this research shows lack of sleep is now being perceived as a potential risk factor for obesity, along with the two most commonly identified risk factors (overindulgence and lack of exercise).

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Side Effects:Less serious effects : Agitation, nervousness, or anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, headache, joint pain, loss of appetite, muscle cramps, nausea, skin rash or itching (mild), stomach pain, trouble sleeping, vomiting.Serious side effects :abnormal thoughts or behaviour, chest pain, confusion, hallucinations (hearing, seeing, or feeling things that are not actually there), increased blood pressure, itchy rash, hives, muscle twitching or tics, palpitations (feeling your heart beat quickly or irregularly), pinpoint-sized red spots on skin or unusual bruising, signs of anemia (low red blood cells; e.g., dizziness, pale skin, unusual tiredness or weakness, shortness of breath), signs of infection (symptoms may include fever or chills, severe diarrhoea, shortness of breath, prolonged dizziness, headache, stiff neck, weight loss, or listlessness), sudden high fever, symptoms of depression (e.g, losing interest in your usual activities, feeling sad, having thoughts of suicide), symptoms of liver damage (e.g., yellow skin or eyes, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, pale stools, dark urine), symptoms of Tourette's syndrome (involuntary, sudden body movements or uncontrolled vocal outbursts), uncontrolled movements (twitching, jerking), vision changes.

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Peace & Calming

Calms tension, stress and anxietyUplifts spirit

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Forty healthy volunteers participated in the experiments….The yilang yilang oils caused a significant decrease of blood pressure and a significant increase of skin temperature. At the behavioural level, subjects in the yilang yilang oil group rated themselves more calm and more relaxed than subjects in the control group. These findings are likely to represent a relaxing effect of the yilang yilang oil and provide some evidence for the usage of the yilang yilang oil in aromatherapy such as causing a relief of depression and stress in humans.

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Depression is the most prevalent emotional disorder in older adults, impacting the lives of more than 20 percent of people over the age of 65. It far too often becomes an undiagnosed and constant factor for some people in their later years. This is an unfortunate occurrence; statistics show the majority of people improve and return to their normal lives if treatment is received.

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“Just went for a MRI this morning and realised that I can only use up to $600 of my Medisave for it. And I can only do this every 12 months. If I need another MRI within this period, I will have to pay the full cost by cash. So it’s true. You literally cannot afford to be sick in Singapore. And because of my pre-condition, no insurer will approve my application for Enhanced Medishield. Even if they do, there will be exclusions – which becomes useless anyway.”

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