10 25 14 notes

7/17/2019 10 25 14 notes http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/10-25-14-notes 1/2 Developmental and Genetic Influences in Ped. Pop. Nature vs. Nurture Environmental influences - certain diseases have a genetic influence others have environmental Ex: Baby - no genetic issues no vaccin. no education for caregiver how would nature vs. nurtutre play a role here? how would the environment effect development of this child? factors: - chipping paint - economic status(nutrition and housing), toxic fumes -onset of puberty -air quality/smoking these effect child's health status teaching transcends hospital setting in schools and other social settings b/c of the trends assessment and collection of data can be skewed if cultural standards and parental/familiar pressure may change answers *be wary of cultural and personal biases - they effect how much is shown in your disposition whch effects their attitude be mindful of your biases; they effect your data Cognitive Impairement not solely for peds, does it occur at an early point stat. 12 out of 1,000 onset age 2 exposure - smoking, drinking, alcohol process age appropriate behavior environmental issues can influence mothers during their pregnancy as well as well as effect their eggs ex: powerplant 1st trimester is important to avoid environmental issues. these factors lead to congnitive impairment - genetic chromosmal disorders - brain injury -trauma - complication during delivery(cerbral palsy) - illness during preg. -interaction w/ others - malnutrtion these can effect the level of sophistication of processing things Terets - involuntary spasms; poor med. care neurological impairments and physical tics when looking up diseases the etiology and pathophysiology cause and effect(tissue) - why & how this allows you to priortize tests for cog. function and impairment denver test for school h children binet test, i.q. test Immunity Passive immunity allows body to develop anti-bodies b/c it can identify threat Immuno compromised individuals how body recognizes and react Immuno-deficiency : HIV, Leukemia, RA, Lupus immune deficient - attack self or unable to defend present at birth; usually heriditary



Transcript of 10 25 14 notes

7/17/2019 10 25 14 notes

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Developmental and Genetic Influences 

in Ped. Pop.

Nature vs. NurtureEnvironmental influences - certain diseases have a genetic influence others have environmental

Ex: Baby - no genetic issues no vaccin. no education for caregiverhow would nature vs. nurtutre play a role here?how would the environment effect development of this child?factors: - chipping paint - economic status(nutrition and housing), toxic fumes -onset of puberty -airquality/smoking these effect child's health statusteaching transcends hospital setting in schools and other social settings b/c of the trendsassessment and collection of data can be skewed if cultural standards and parental/familiar pressure maychange answers*be wary of cultural and personal biases - they effect how much is shown in your disposition whch effectstheir attitudebe mindful of your biases; they effect your data

Cognitive Impairement

not solely for peds, does it occur at an early pointstat. 12 out of 1,000 onset age 2exposure - smoking, drinking, alcohol

process age appropriate behavior

environmental issues can influence mothers during their pregnancy as well as well as effect theireggs ex: powerplant1st trimester is important to avoid environmental issues. these factors lead to congnitive impairment- genetic chromosmal disorders - brain injury -trauma - complication during delivery(cerbral palsy) -illness during preg. -interaction w/ others- malnutrtion

these can effect the level of sophistication of processing things

Terets - involuntary spasms; poor med. careneurological impairments and physical tics

when looking up diseases the etiology and pathophysiology cause and effect(tissue) - why & howthis allows you to priortize

tests for cog. function and impairmentdenver test for school h childrenbinet test, i.q. test

ImmunityPassive immunity allows body to develop anti-bodies b/c it can identify threat

Immuno compromised individualshow body recognizes and react

Immuno-deficiency : HIV, Leukemia, RA, Lupusimmune deficient - attack self or unable to defendpresent at birth; usually heriditary

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HIV and AIDSct T4 under 200 HIVct T4 over 200 aids

Severe Combined Immuno-Deficiency diseaseBoy in the Bubble, immune systemis non-functionalnormal wbc 4500 to 11,000read up on SCIDImmuno-compromised - body does not recognize foreign matter no resistance

how do you recognize an early from SCID? bloodtest

Lupus - etiology - auto-immune/attack selfS&S - rashes, neurological, low blood low platlet