10 23 14 notes

10/23/14 Pediatrics Role - PED Nurse - Education to CareGiver and Patient (sometimes this population is underage) Education is a huge component especially upon patient discharge: - parenting - referral counseling(grief, developmental delays) - assess child - health promotion of child - sex education - nutrition - injury prevention - prevent abuse - advocate injury prevention - properly holding child, SIDS prevention,car seat, vaccination vaccine - strengthen body passively PED NURSE deals with family as a whole the patient and caregiver - newborn cannot speak up for themselves *age 2 cognitive impairment may appear as the nurse you are identifying conditions. always use care and tact w/ education around this topic. take into consideration that the patients and family may be in denial HEALTH PROMOTION PRIMARY PREVENTION - identifies root cause; preventive med, check-ups, screenings , risk factors not dealing with disease, preventing occurrence SECONDARY PREVENTION - attempt to contain disease; results from disease; already identified disease is present, minimizing result of disease, preventing progression, loss of functionality TERTIARY PREVENTION - optimize remaining function; maintain quality of life, focus on adaption- facilitating patient adaption to treatment, past primary and secondary, allowing patient to function as human being Developmental and Genetic Influences - In Ped. Pop. Nature vs. Nurture emotional influences - certain diseases have a genetic influence other have environmental



Transcript of 10 23 14 notes

Page 1: 10 23 14 notes

10/23/14 Pediatrics Role - PED Nurse - Education to CareGiver and Patient (sometimes this population is underage) Education is a huge component especially upon patient discharge:

- parenting - referral counseling(grief, developmental delays) - assess child - health promotion of child - sex education - nutrition - injury prevention - prevent abuse - advocate

injury prevention - properly holding child, SIDS prevention,car seat, vaccination

vaccine - strengthen body passively

PED NURSE deals with family as a whole the patient and caregiver - newborn cannot speak up for themselves

*age 2 cognitive impairment may appear

as the nurse you are identifying conditions. always use care and tact w/ education around this topic. take into consideration that the patients and family may be in denial


PRIMARY PREVENTION - identifies root cause; preventive med, check-ups, screenings , risk factors not dealing with disease, preventing occurrence

SECONDARY PREVENTION - attempt to contain disease; results from disease; already identified disease is present, minimizing result of disease, preventing progression, loss of functionality TERTIARY PREVENTION - optimize remaining function; maintain quality of life, focus on adaption- facilitating patient adaption to treatment, past primary and secondary, allowing patient to function as human being Developmental and Genetic Influences - In Ped. Pop. Nature vs. Nurture emotional influences - certain diseases have a genetic influence other have environmental