10 \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9^ YANKEES (A) . . . • 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 , / '2 . 7 1 Beazlcy atid.W . Cooper; HuffinK and Dickey. yOL. 25, NO. 117 PRICE 5 CENTS NAZIS INCREASE ATTACK FURY Cards Whip Yanks 4-2 for Champronship Kurowski Clouts Home Run in 9th For St. Louis Win YANKEK STADIUJI, Ncw-‘York. Oct. i) .scrap: pin^^ St. Loiiirt C;»rdiniil.‘i won tiie w orld scric.s, four Kximo.^ to , one. when they dosed out th t yjinke<*.s, ■! to 2, in a tiirilliiiK . fina! bnlllo beforn C9.U52 fniw today. Rookie Gcor;jc liit a hohiurun in the iiintti inning' %vilh W nlkcr Coi>]icr on base io scorc the \viiiiii»’;r runs. will) thp jcorp ll«I nt 2-2 iiik! otn 0111, Kll^Qw^kl ixjiindrtl one ot Clinr- IfV HkJUsVk's clianKc-Dl-pacc pitclifs into XJie Uie.lcJt iield foul line to x-orif^CoQjwf: niul wrap up.Uie wcoriil vjciory of ibc •tcric.i for Joliniiy Bcuilry. 23-yonr- ol<l Cardinal rookie, -'nic'Yftiikfcs. ilill fliilitlnK, KOI tliclr iir-4 Itto blllIc^^ on bnr.c In Uio nlnUi «IiPn Joo Onrcloii j.UiKlal ' to ItU ninS'BUl Dlciii-y',^ roilrr was ■..'niiifted by Jlmrny jjrown. Uui Uic rally ww ctioke'd if f In i> iwinkliiiB wj)er> Cotcli;r, Cooper wtilpjictl ii bebuUfiil 'pcK to Marlon m crcond bMQ ani'cauiilit Oordnu otf. Oeiui* UjFtk,fttlnD'<«M. 1« . 0 »-'X' PrJ/Vt." . end otorie S«lfclrk, flmt on an In- field pop &nd Uien on a roller to (Mfrown. ^ m S T INNING ConUT-Brown wiillccd on four etralRht .pluliK. T. Moore struck out. SlaushUr hli Into a double Gordon to Ruiauio to Prlddy.’ No ruw, no hits, no crrom, none JelU _ j cliance lo makt. Rolfc srouin outj Bron-n W Hopp. U was nn ea.\y cUtftiM, Cullenblite wir. out, 3lo;vn unn-ulatcd. Dl Mak^clo lifted a Iili;h Jly to T. Moore, Oirc run, one bit. no errors; j SECOSB IN^^!NC Cardi—Mu-slnl poppc<l to Riauto Ju.Ti back of third. \^C oopcr .iliiKlM tJirougli iJie box. for ttie firr,l lilt off RufflnK- Hopp popjjed to Rli: iJir first plicli, W. Cooper linldlnt: flr^l. Kurowskl, nftrr drivlnR n Into llic Irft flrlri :,tnndr. which foul by about 10 fed. ix)pj>ed to < don In ^llOTt tcnifr 5irW, No raw , one lilt, tia^errors. one Vnnk.'k-Drown Il;rcw out Keller on nn enxy roller. Uordoii Krwiiiilrd out, Marlon to Hopp, drhlnK boll rlKliL ftl tJie Cardinal .sliort- Dickey out. Brown t<r Hopp. Game Hero SIALIN ASSURES MyESREOSCi OFF i l 0 hits, n error.'!. Tiimt) iNNiN'g Cord;.—Mi>rlon, atymjitlng bunt, popped a foul down llic first base lln^on wlildi Priddy made a nlr« ruii^ilnB catch. BenzJcy wn.- called out on strikes. Brown liR n ' srounder over Mcoiid 'wlilch Gordon stopped but lie wo.% tinnble to niAke R throw to first Brown was cml lt«i With a.lilt, T. Mooro tent n-iov •• Cullenblne. No I left. e hit, no error.i;, c Yanki—Priddy walked for the first b^.^e on balls oH Beasley. Huffing, -BttempUiis Io sacrifice, bunted into it double play. Hopp to Marlon to Brown, w5io,covtTni lln,t. niaulo lifted a high fly to T. Moore. NO runs, no hlt-i, no errors. • FOURTH INNING Cwdi—BlauBl'ltT hit ft l^omt Into tiie right field &innd.i. tyluR the •core. U was the flrM home run of the series for tlie. CardlnaLi. Miiilal filed to DlMaCRlo In rlRhf center, W. Cooper BrounOed out, Priddy tin- ^aalsled. Hopp sent tt Hard crounder ■ o Qordon who tJirew hlni ouL One mn. one hit, no errors. Yonka—Hotfo dropped a bunt down UiB first base line ixnd beat It out for a lUU QeuUey threw wildly to first and the ball <\ent Into right Held, Rolfe solng U> second on thff error. CuUenblne filed deep to P. Moore, Rolfe to Uilrd ?tflcr Ihe catch. DlMagBlo alngled . to • left. Morlne Rolfe. It was a hard drlte . over Uie Infield. Keller alnBled' to richt. tendlns DlMatfflo to third. It »TU a jTounder betwew Uic,first and wcond. Oordon <trtick out.. On# run, UWm hits, oi« tnor. two IWL • 1 nPTO INNING Canl*-Kurow»kl aent « hfgh fly » Keller. Marlon lined to CuUen- Bln« who made a nice nmntne catch. Searlcy »ln«l«l 'lo right. . (C«llnt4 «s rm 7, CaUsa t) •VVlltTKY KUROWSKt .Tloulri] hbnier In ninth In- t;lnr with nrore U(4 lA tire St. Vaoix Canli <-2 tleiory. ®ox Seore Carilon. 3b Vulrbick, ‘ J J J J * M ill' l! :? ! J J J'; 1— t. Hr’i'iVi" f*r 'llurrirc "* *?»! Ito SoilT: .S'»w 1'ofk Uuf b.iu..>rni.; liu.'HI.BfhI.r 111- tuiui Shutitti Uou&lt (‘»r* Md'llrlw! .i'h »'u»ri.V i 2 <i:orHi<r ti«»UT I JT. Jl~r.. ]|, S.t.l.T 1 , llsfdnil. Umplrnt Ux>r- ) pliKi KaMiaff. (AM tki llirr (M.l 3b| nobhirJ <AI.) trn<ai>« sr.DSI lt>sld). )h. Tlm,liU.Al‘ U.S.Submarine Is Reported Missing WASHINGTON. Oct. i (,7V--n)e navy nnnouncpd today Umt the sub- marine Grtinlon had been overdue ' I the Pacific for some Um^ and iibt be presiitne<l Iwt. Tlic Qnialon, launched It Oroton, Conn,, last Dec. 23. waa eommanded by Lt. Com. ifaAnert L. Abele. 39. of Quincy. Ma.-a. >• . Tlie brief navy .co.iinjunlquo did ot wy how many men were aboard Uie -lubmarlne. but vessels of this civ-v-1,536 ton.i-carrj- a nor- .'nml complement of approximately C5 mcD. Hr UII.1.IAM n. I)1CKinsos > LONDON. Ocu 0 lUf^) - Growing cnnfldcju-e In Russia's abtllly to holil the Gcrinnns, n.i well as a de- mand for Ihe oprnlns of a ^ircnnd front In western Kuropr, wif, ini- plli-d 111 . -tUt<'inriii by Premier Jostf Sinlln on nlllNl nlil, diplomatic qtiarler.s held today. At lilt- ^alne time a new axl.i jirop- iiKandn camp.ilRn, In which false re- |X)rt5 of.all -wifl were broadcast in nn iitirimit lo fow doubt and dls- tr^j.M aiiionK allied nation.', wm tak- en (li IndlcatliiK clearly KrowirK dermaii imxlfty over nJie Keneral war rU«\itlon. Suilln, In a slatrnirnt whltli the’ Ru.i.sian riidlo' tt-ni throtiRhout the world In many l;ln^:uaf;^^ ilurlnc ihe nlshl. nnswerol thrrc qucstloivi, Q—W hnt place dnc.t tile second front occupy in Uie Soviet estlnmte^ of thn currcnt sltuniJon, A—A very important place,-one mlKht say ■ place of flr.M r,ite. Aid. "IJttle Hffectlye" •••3-To »hM'extC;it 1;-allled aid lo tiic Soviet tJnlon provlnR effeC' tive and what could be d°ne to am- plH>’ nnd Improve thii .aid? A—A* cnmp-wd with the aid .ihe SQVirt Union U Klvlii« to Die allleK by arnwliiK upon It-sclf the mrtln fojcrs of tlie German faMl,-.! nrmlex, the aid of the allies to the Soviet Union has 50 far been little effective. In order lo amplify and Improve this aid only one Ujlne Li Iviulrrd: Tlini the' allies l\ilfl» tlirtr oijliimtlon.', fully nnd on tlnir, Q—W hat reiiialn.i nf Uie Soviet cnpaclty for rwhtaner? A—I think that Soviet cnpaeliy of re.'.l.MInK the aerman brlRnriil.' b In a slrensUi (CanllnurJ aa fix * S, Cal>»n ' FDR Visits Grandcliildre-n •President lo mlllloni, but Just “iTandnsp" lo Ihli rroup..^>ankll^ D. .ReoMVcIl vlilted IIk ranch home at Fort Worth. Tex., of liU aon EIIIoll dnrinr hi* lour ot Hie eoonlry. Yonnc David Roosevelt Ukea >;I,i pUee on rDll'i Up. Mn. Roo'rvrlt standv-behlnd llie Trrsldent. liU cUuchler-ln-U<r U on Hie'lefl."hrr handi on Elliott. Jr. . (.'enter Li rranddaushler Clianilltr. ' fillCHHiR KILLS 10 GROCER, 26 COEUH D'Al.K.VK.'lda, Oct, 5 (UP' . Geortr Slnip-nn. 20 - year - old Cd<w il'Alrne Kiwrr. flleri liere r: ly today, fnllowinR an unu.nial clit iioloK)' of evrni.N cllmaxeil by ;,hootinK nflray In which Elmi^nn WU.1 w ounded four times In the .',hou1iIer mnl .tiomnch with a small caUber rllle. Police and ^hc^lff's olllcers were (jue.itloillni; Slmi^'on's wife, Barbara, Mrs. OeoTRe and a youth- EXEMPT WASHINGTON,- Oct, B nj.t^ Tlift-onlylnjporunt food.ttuffs now exempt from price control Freah fruits -^exccpt cltnia fnilu). Presh vecetables (except poU- toe< and dry onions). Fresh luh. Peanuts. " ' ’ mjv.icry ^liroudlnB the srocer' death. Tlie chiibi of IncldenLi besnn last Ight, j »TOrs 5ald, when Slmpr,nn. •liJTIiad been out automnblle riding •ItH his wife and Mn.. Sulen.v wr occMlcd by a jount: Itttchhlker In lieer parlor north of Girur d'Alene. •Die httchhlker rccjiierrted ft rltle Into the elty. Simplon a.v.entrd, jintl, drlvlru; to Indlcainl by Uie transient, opclled the door for him to Ret out. he stepped out, of the hitchhiker picked up a S3 caliber larBtt rifle, which 61mp.ion kept In, liLi machine, and fled Into an al. leyway, - . , , Tlie Krocer notllled'pollce. Tlirn. aided by two soldiers- from Ft. Oeorsf WrlBht iiv Sppotanr. beRtin i search of the city hlm.'clf. He np, p.irently eame-uiwn Ihr hltchhlker a short distance from' - ___ hoiiie. NelKhbors reported they heard an Bailment, cllmaxKl by four min- sliot-v SImpBon wm found dying in the .'trcel. Police arrtMled a 22-year-old tran' fli'nMwotkee early iftday, hut rt- fii.wl to make any statement other than to ray tliey •'Believed" .tJiey were nearlnc the coluUon. Warship Fires 2 Shells at ’Frisco Dock Accidentally SAN FRANCISCO. Oct.' S OI.P.>- The i;ih nnval district announced today that two shells «ere accident, ally fired In the vierriily of San Prancl.«o today by o «nr te.isel docked at a pier. The na;y said Uie Run was pointed In Uie air at the tlmf. '■ Where the'»hell.i landed waa’not known, but San Fnmcijco poUoe re- ceived no word of an5--dam*st. Gommunity Chest Rj^ady^for Drive Additional workers for the Community Chest campai^rn. which w ill he in.iiiK'urntc(i nt 8 ii. ni. tomorrow with a ■•kick-off’ brcakf.i.^ zit Wniy'« ctifa imd a mpctiiiK. of the worker.s nt the IdKlio Power iiii<ii(orium a hitlf'lioiir later, were-announced loiiny by 0 , FLASI^E^ GOOD DKAL DilBOIS, Penq. Oct, 5 - “.My people fouKlit*'under terrible han- ‘' ^ ’(‘•"•'KhtlnB lor Unde Bam .ih^d be a plcnlcl"' - Tlinf.i what Jack Maliiniaj. 43,- year-oUl Greek confectionery sio'r'e' proprietor 17 years, saia when lie^j left tCT-be drafted, yesterday. And Malamo.'—confident he's comInK hncluand reluctant to sell\1- ne.i.i—m a d e ihLs deal wltli his \findlo7ti-. H t-11 pay hnll ol hh nrmy :;nlnry a.i .rent,for the store., yjl he doesn't iiun'lVe the NKW REWARD ' MAIlION, Ind.. Oct, 5 - Tlie houslnc shortace l.i acute here. tn<>. In IX five-inch advetttscmciu, one family po.'\rcd a »5 reward for any Information reitardlng the nvallrtblhty ot n^our-room fiir- nLshed apartment. HIS CIIANCK TOPEKA. Kan.. Oct. JV-A'33^ -year-old man whone selective serv- lye recLitrntlon finally enabltd m ilitary mithorUle.i lo nrreist htia for deserlliiK the. army jo years BRO was taken to Fort Riley to- day. •'I'd ratJier. be cla-vwl at, a, rte- st'Tler." h^ told M. P4. “U\an a draft dtxlRrr.' FDR to Speak on Chest Broadcast WASHINGTON. Oct. S t/j^-Prr.v Went Rncf-evelt »llt »PMikfee!}rto- nlBht on n nationwide broa<l- ea-st opening Uie annual Community Chest campaigns, Tlie procrnm will bejln at 8:30 p. m. VMWTi on fill networlcs. alth Mr; Roo.'evcU hlimclf jomins tlie profiram for a Uueo minute speecli a t 8:!,0 p. m.- ^ P.; DilvriH, man. cnm|iai;rn chair- nnd Gordon A, Day. execuUve of Uie Knako rivet cired 'Boy Scout .. .. 'Ill be the siieakers a t Uie Idaho Pow-er meeUng. ' Tlie ,20th Century club members, w-ho will conduct the sollcH.-vtlon the residential dbtrlcts will Include .Mrs.-William Middleton, ehalrmaii, and Mrs. J. A, Ceder« Mrs, L. -W. Fol.iom. -Mrs. Carl N, A»dcr.-,on and Mrs, G. T, Parkinson. Worker* for the Camp-Fire Girl’,, In-addition to Uie Rcnerat. capuins and lleutenaht.1. Vlll Include Cliarlc tiUlrlcy, Mrs, Gordon A.J3ay. Mrs. 0, R. Sherwood, Su:,. Carl \Ve«ver. Mrs. Antiiony Young and C. P, Bowles. will include W, I. McFarland. Jack Shrout. C. F- -Allen. W.' O. Smltli, jJ^, W. Rlchlns,-John B, Robertion, L. fclos. Fred Intrraham, I-Yank War- lC.l.lli..«4 .» r> t. 1. Colon* T) GOEiG’S M S 10 NEED 0R 2i FRONI Guess Who Asks Japanese Farm Pair—VVickard! IIUNT; W k.'O ct.'i-V ’oii can-l KUtsa who has submitted an ai>- pllentlon for two JnpAnese farm workers at the .Minidoka reloca-. tlon tenter. Secretary of Acrfculture Claude' R. Wlckanl, SurprL^ed worken at Hie relo- cation ccnter here found Wlek- nrrt's re<juc.^t ajnong a pile Mib- mlttr<l by Idaho farmers. Tlie .•ecretary said he would like to have a ^oung Japanese couple, man and wlt^. to work on his In— dinnn farm, '1 •More Uiun 1.200 evacueea from Wa,ilitnBU>n and Oregon have now vnltinteercd for fiirtrv work, and liave Jelt the Mlnldokn cen- ter. Most ot them are employed on Idaho farms. By THOMAS K. HAWKINS BElt.V, Swltierbnil. Oct. 5 (-!'/— Ten points emplia-'lied hy Rejchs- marshal GoerhiB in yesterday’s lonB and labored pet»-talk to the German people were liiierpreled by allied ob.'ervers today a.i support for the thesh that a second front would bo far toward ending Uie war In Europ by next summer. Tlio festival addfCM by the No. a iiazl on the oUier hand contained Germany's formula for defense In Uie coming n«i In th a t re.ii>ecl could b e ............. . ample yrArnlUK itvat alUed attSon m u stjft well -mjQer n-ny before the formula Li eon!plctel)» operative. Coaservatlve, military cbierrers, who cannot be Identified by name, believe Uiat should Germany be able to effect n portion of her orBanlm- tlon proRram the war rolRhl be lengthened by years. Here, point ^<y point. Li U19 Inter- ItctaUoa-tpLJUe (Joertng spepch nrallat. -fiom necejjarlly anonj-- mou.1 allied sources in Uils neutral capital: ' Must Lodnre Raids 1—Gocrlng said that Uie Civilian populaUon must endura allied air raids, alUiougir more shellcrs were promised—nn acknowledgment Uiat Uie attacks have cut deeply al- ready. 2—Gocrlng added that the Ocr- man air force cnnnoi now be uicd In sirenKth nsalnst Britain and win be tied up as long as the battle of Hu-wln continue,-!—a blunt statement that Germany has nnd expecLi to have no more Uinn a one’-lroul air force. 3—Goerlnff said greater effort would be nece.vao' lo con.'iervo Iron and coal-a hlijt on the tremendava industrial co.M of the »’ar on Ru.«ia. 4—Gocrlng denied rumom Uiat he U Rrowing rich from Uie war. Tliat'such ft denial was ntccisary mlsl't Indicate sroning whbpers among the Germaii people. Kubjrel to Dl.rlpllne 5—Goerlnft said that generals ere a.i sulijecl to dLrclpttae any le elje. Interpreted as an alliulon to oft-rejiorted differences between the army command ahd Hitler. 6—GberlnB warned that ^ Ger- many lo.1t UiB war she would be desfroyed. TI1L1 Is a more and mora (C»«tliiii«< '•<» p»t, 1. c«lgi.» »)- Under “Attack” DOISE. Oct, 3 OtW - Bolw was under "nttnck” by •'einmy" para- troop.1 today, but buslnw conUmi- ed-ai UMial, Tl\e "aitaet' is a simu- lated mid to te.nt mlliwrj- police units In training at Iflil.'e .barnick.i. Tlie, field exercLie here wilt con- tlnue through, officers an- nounced.' Stalingrad Afire ^ As Enemy Planes Unleash Attacks By HtNRY SHAPIRO * - MOSCOW; Oct. 5 (U.PJ—A terrific German drive, usiil? more than 100 tanks and hundred.*! of planes, Hlormcd nt the m\rrow«s4{. iv.irta of SUlinKrad’s defonscs-loiSay, seekiRK lo a patli into the heart of the city for rcinforced ground troojis. _ . , '•The VolKii irietroi)oli.s was ablaze anain ns Gerrtian planes, determined-to pulverize iLs remnants, unlculihed new ant] -SavaKC attack.s. . . ' Front dispatche.s said the RusstiiHs’ hcroic rcsiatancc re* pelled more than 12 attacks and yielded only at ono-point, Jn the northwe.stern section of StaliiiKTnd, ovenvhclminy_ •German forces drove the So- vict.«i back in a factoi^y dis- . trict. Dul/.kiilde the great bend of tha Don river, CO to TO miles northwest of SUUlngrad. powerful SoWel forces slabbed deeper and deeper Into the Oermon leli flank, roUlnj ■over heavy Oemaan defenses. The unsftckenlng Russian resist- ance nl StallnRnia wan taking the heaviest casuallUa trosi the en- emy’s 'assault (roops, front aitvlcea «Tt£L~ - --------------- -Vi--:, - - "Road ef Dca»f>;. V \ / According to Cfrman prisoners’, taken by the steel city’s defenders Uie enemy had designated the broad boulevard leading Into Uie center ' of Stnllngrad. as "the road of death.” It wft.i cluttered hun- Bulletins WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 lU.PJ— iHie navy announced today that Japanese al K1»U In Hie Aleu- tians )v*»e t>ren11ni]er "continual fire"’ by army bombers. FOUCECTONE. EhKli*iul, Ocl. S </V>—CuLstal long raiiKK sun.s ope^ned fire on Uie channel Juii after Uuiile tonight.'- ^ .’♦toscoxv, OcL S (-Vf-The Sloa- cow radio tU l tonlthl that tia- Tlet Infantry had advanced seven ' miles on one seclar of the weslcrn fronl, appaftaUy h) Uie Rxhev area. An Important helfht waa captured, the report adile^. CrfiJNOKINa, Oct. J dell WUlkle declnrrd tonight Uial he hoped JcHCf SUUln'a stnicmenl streMljig Ihe parainounl Imiwriancc of o. second front "will bring Uie Rauluns’ imperaUvD ncetb forceful- ly-to Uir ntlenUon of life jwoplcs of Jic United Na«0»O WASHI.«/CTON^el. 5 (UPJ — Secretary o( Treasury Henry .Mor- fenthau, jr.. loday announced Hio ireaiury waa preparing rwommen- datlona for ■ new Ux bill to yield an additional 000,000. He aald II will be prrwnled to eon- gress^-as soon as Iheyll receive WASHINGTON. Ocl. 8 (fl-)—price Administrator, Leon Hender.ion to- day slRned a olanket otder dlrcclUiR that resldenUal rents be reduced lo Uie levels of March 1, 18«; In every part of-Uie United Stales where rent control procedure had nol already t>een In ellecl.. WAKHINGTON. Oct. S Ojr,'— rrevident RoomtcII today nus- pendet! t)ie federal elghl-hour day for laborrn and mechanics rtn- ployej by Ihe elrll aeronaJnlles admlnlstntlon In eonslruetlon of war projeeli. Thej will be paid time and a hall (or work In cseeaa of elghl hours a day. NVASHINOTON. Oct. S.tUPJ-'Die' office of price artmlnlilraUon Unty befinn TaUonlng robber boota nntl mbber work, shoes to wnrkers using them "In Jobs ewentlsl lo the war effort or to the protection of public healUi and safety.” ' score* < German tanks. , ••Amidst Uie blatlns ruins,” th# communbt orsan Pmvda aald, ••Ru.nslnn hearts nre stronger tiJan German steel." It urged UiB Soviet defenders: ••Fulfill jour sacred duty — hold Stallngradr RedueUon Of Uie' dly. It aald, would, release the Immense German airengUj concentrated Uiere for an oflenslvo on the Baku oil fields and possibly a- new Uirust against Mos- • Itself. N e /' DIrlslons .eJieglnienUij Commissar Karpov —rote In UntEnsllili languagii Mos- Dw News Ihnl the Gennans had - brought up several re.iervc'dlvl.ilons ijwrhaps <5.000 mem and 100 tanks. He said Oermnn prisoners rnporied .■ru. j. C l... « KILLKI) I.V ACCIDENT HOISF:. Oct. S mi - Wllllam Strode, BoL'.c, waa'kliled ln_(vn auto- Her« Ai-c Reasons U. S. Put , Price Ceiling on Foodstuffs WASHINGTON, Oct. S rtJ.P>-IIcre'.i the major rei.ion -fc-hy the gov ment ba.1 placed celling prices on mosl foodstuffs heretofore exempt from' Uie price control law. Tlie foIlowlnB table Jhoa-.i the averac# reUll price In 51 cities a* t,... puled by the labor departmenVii bureau of labor 9tntlsUc.i-Ior foods not heretofore snbjrcl to price control and Ihe perrentaBe change since Alarcli 17. 1D42. ONier food prices were frosen' In May al Uie hlBhesl March IfVeLi. Flour, wheat, per 10 .... rvim m^fil -TV-r Ih up, Flili. freih and Troieii, per lb. (: Butter, per lb. ............................. Cheest^ j>er llx ............ i -------- Milk, e%-nporaied, per can ____ EgBs, per doz.............................. Apples, per lb, ix) ............ ........ Oranges, (xr d c t __________ Grapefruit, each .....______ Green beans. Per ____u_ CabbaBe, per lb. (x) . .1---------- Carrotji, per bunch ix) ______ - I^eUuce. per (xi ...... Onlbai, per lb .............................. Potatoes, jkT IS lbs.'_________ Spinach. f«r lb. Sweet potatoes, pei; lb. .. - ..........- __ ___ __ Canned gi^pefrult lulce. per No. 2-can ___ Dried pru»i«>. per 4b................................... ..... Dried navy beam, per lb. „J_________ Peanut butter, per ib, ix) ____1 ____ ix)—FoodJ sUll exempt from price conUtiL ------ 'tip lo.or- up 3jr.p up lOil'-, down 1. 1 % . up Mr.. , up 3Dj)r. no change ■up 35J*-. . \sp B5.B-, ' down do«-n -(Or; up - - up 27,8'". down ■iQ.S'i up 0.4'“. up 525% - up 28.0r. up 2S3% up up 1.1^; ' up lt8% SALiNiROER - ALUiERiy SALMON, Ida,. Oct. 5 WV-John Gnver, 45-yesr-ol<i nilntf and vet- ttun of the firtt Vforld wSt^«Int on trial today charRcd wiUi inurderj, Tlie complnlnl Is ba-'cd on Uie shooting of Obecllah Bllli Campbell. 5S. mvnci\of Uie Royal bar at Sai- Al the.preliminary hearlnB IbM June, te.stlfled that Gnver, who had been dancing at a road.'lde Itm. came Into Campbell’s place about 1 a. m. and a fight Im- mediately sUiried. Tlie two. were separated and led nway to clean up. Tliroiigh a window • .leparailng ihe bar room Irom Uie kitchen. Uie men again begap quar- reling and paver Invited Campta" - I ’ll wiuie you." • Gaver reached aercM thk window sill and shot Campbell In tlie abdo- nien. -Tlie wountleri man .stagBered , into the dance hall, slumped down In front of Uje bar and died. Elc&pk; Frefeman ■ HBndleManpower SALT LAKE CtTY, OcL 5 « V - Among Uiosa appointed lo a south- ern idalio committee'lo a.%slsl A. J. Tlllraan. Idalio war manpower eom- mKiloner, were: liaiTy Etcoek, district manater. Amalgamated Sngar eenvany, Twin Falls: Uarrey Anderwn. building conirflctor, Pocatello; Paul Grtser- son. vlce-prtslilent.. Central- UboT— union lAFL). Pocatello; H. A. S o Daniels, dlTlsloa iup«rlnt«Ddent, . Union Paelflo raUroad. Poc*J«Uo; Glen Fmman, latenuUlanal'Cnlra ' of MlBc. um aad BaNttar Wotken, (CIO). .W. PhUUps, gen- eral chairman BroUierliood of Loct>< noU n Arccnen aod EoglDemen. Po- 'eaWlo.

Transcript of

Page 1: \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^

10 \ 11 1 2 1 3 J i 4 IL H.

c a r d i n a l s (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^

YANKEES (A) . . . • 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 , / '2 . 7 1B eazlcy a tid .W . Cooper; HuffinK a n d Dickey.

yOL. 25, NO. 117 PRICE 5 CEN TS

NAZIS INCREASE ATTACK FURYCards Whip Yanks 4-2 for ChampronshipKurowski Clouts Home Run in 9th For St. Louis Win

Y A N K E K S T A D I U J I , N cw -‘Y o rk . O c t . i) .sc rap :pin^^ S t . Loiiirt C;»rdiniil.‘i w on tiie w o r ld scric.s, fo u r Kximo.^ to

, on e . w h e n th e y d o s e d o u t t h t yjinke<*.s, ■! to 2 , in a tiirilliiiK . f in a ! b n lllo b e fo r n C9 .U52 fn iw to d a y .

R o o k ie G c o r ;jc K iirow .sk i li i t a h o h iu ru n in th e iiin tti inn ing ' %vilh W n lk c r C oi>]icr on b a se io s c o rc th e \viiiiii»’;r r u n s .

w ill) thp jcorp ll« I n t 2-2 iiik! otn 0111, Kll^Qw^kl ixjiindrtl one ot Clinr- IfV HkJUsVk's clianKc-Dl-pacc pitclifs into XJie Uie.lcJtiield foul line to x-orif^CoQjwf: niul wrap up.Uie wcoriil vjciory of ib c

•tcric.i for Joliniiy Bcuilry. 23-yonr- ol<l Cardinal rookie,■ -'n ic 'Y ftiikfcs . ili ll fliilitlnK, KOI tliclr iir -4 Itto blllIc^^ on bnr.c In Uio nlnUi «IiPn Joo Onrcloii j.UiKlal

' to ItU ninS'BUl Dlciii-y',^ roilrr was ■..'niiifted by Jlmrny jjrown. Uui Uic

rally ww ctioke'd i f f In i> iwinkliiiB wj)er> Cotcli;r, Cooper wtilpjictl ii bebuUfiil 'pcK to M arlon m crcond bMQ a n i'c au ii lit O ordnu otf. Oeiui*

UjFtk,fttlnD'<«M. 1« . 0 »-'X' PrJ/Vt.". end o to r ie S«lfclrk, flmt on an In­

field pop &nd Uien on a roller to (Mfrown.^ m S T INNING

ConUT-Brown wiillccd on four etralRht .pluliK. T. Moore struck out. SlaushUr hli Into a double Gordon to Ruiauio to Prlddy.’

No ruw, no hits, no crrom, none JelU

_ j cliance lo m akt. Rolfc srouin outj Bron-n W Hopp. U was nn ea.\y cUtftiM, Cullenblite wir. ou t, 3lo;vn unn-ulatcd. Dl Mak^clo lifted a Iili;h Jly to T. Moore,

Oirc run, one b it. no errors; j SECOSB IN^^!NC

C ardi—Mu-slnl poppc<l to R iau to Ju.Ti back of third. \^ C o o p c r .iliiKlM tJirougli iJie box. for ttie firr,l lilt off RufflnK- Hopp popjjed to Rli: iJir first plicli, W. Cooper linldlnt: flr^l. Kurowskl, n f tr r drivlnR n Into llic Irft flrlri :,tnndr. which foul by about 10 fe d . ix)pj>ed to < don In llOTt tc n if r 5irW,

No raw , one lilt, tia^errors. one

■ Vnnk.'k-Drown Il;rcw out Keller on nn enxy roller. Uordoii Krwiiiilrd out, Marlon to Hopp, drhlnK boll rlKliL ftl tJie C ard inal .sliort-

Dickey out. Brown t<r Hopp.

Game Hero


OFF i l

0 hits, n error.'!.T iim t) iNNiN'g

Cord;.—Mi>rlon, a tym jitlng bunt, popped a foul down llic first base lln ^ o n wlildi Priddy made a nlr« ruii^ilnB catch. BenzJcy wn.- called out on strikes. Brown liR n

' srounder over Mcoiid 'wlilch Gordon stopped but lie wo.% tinnble to niAke R throw to first Brown was cm l lt« i With a .lilt, T. Mooro te n t n-iov •• • Cullenblne.

No I left.

e h it, no error.i;, c

Y anki—Priddy walked for the first b^.^e on balls oH Beasley. Huffing,

-BttempUiis Io sacrifice, bunted into it double play. Hopp to Marlon to Brown, w5io,covtTni lln ,t . n ia u lo lifted a high fly to T . Moore.

NO runs, no hlt-i, no errors.• FOURTH INNING

C w di—BlauBl'ltT h it ft l^omt Into tiie right field &innd.i. tyluR the •core. U was the flrM home run of the series for tlie. CardlnaLi. Miiilal filed to DlMaCRlo In rlRhf center, W. Cooper BrounOed out, Priddy tin-

^aa ls led . Hopp sent tt Hard crounder ■ o Qordon who tJirew hlni ouL

One m n . one hit, no errors. Yonka—Hotfo dropped a bunt

down UiB first base line ixnd beat It ou t for a lUU QeuUey threw wildly to first and the ball <\ent Into right Held, Rolfe solng U> second on thff error. CuUenblne filed deep to P. Moore, Rolfe to Uilrd ? tflcr Ihe catch. DlMagBlo alngled . to • left. Morlne Rolfe. I t was a ha rd drlte

. over Uie Infield. K eller alnBled' to richt. tend ln s DlMatfflo to third. I t »TU a jTounder be tw ew Uic,first and w cond. Oordon <trtick o u t..

On# run, UWm hits, o i« tnor. two IWL •

1 n P T O INNINGCanl*-Kurow»kl aent « hfgh fly

» Keller. Marlon lined to CuUen- Bln« who made a nice nmntne catch. Searlcy »ln«l«l ' lo right.. (C «llnt4 «s r m 7, CaUsa t)

•VVlltTKY KUROWSKt ■ .T lou lri] hbnier In n inth In- t;ln r with nrore U(4 lA t i r e St. Vaoix C an li <-2 tleiory.

® o x Seore

Carilon. 3b Vulrbick, ‘ J J J J *

M i l l ' l ! : ? ! J J J ' ;

1— t.Hr’i'iVi" f*r 'llurrirc

"* *?»! Ito SoilT:.S'»w 1'ofk Uuf b.iu ..> r n i .; liu.'HI.BfhI.r 111-

tuiui ShutittiUou&lt (‘»r*

Md'llrlw! . i ' h

»'u»ri.V i2 <i:orHi<r

ti«»UT IJT. Jl~r.. ] | , S.t.l.T

1, llsfdnil. Umplrnt Ux>r- ) pliKi KaMiaff. (AM tki llirr

(M.l 3b| nobhirJ <AI.) trn<ai>« sr.DSI lt>sld). )h. T lm ,liU .A l‘

U.S.Submarine Is Reported Missing

WASHINGTON. Oct. i (,7V--n)e navy nnnouncpd today Umt the sub­marine G rtinlon had been overdue ' I the Pacific for some Um^ and

iibt be presiitne<l Iwt.Tlic Q nialon, launched I t Oroton,

Conn,, la s t Dec. 23. waa eommanded by Lt. Com. ifaA nert L. Abele. 39. of Quincy. Ma.-a. >• .

Tlie brief navy .co.iinjunlquo did ot w y how many men were

aboard Uie -lubmarlne. but vessels of this c iv -v -1,536 ton.i-carrj- a nor-

.'nml complement of approximately C5 mcD.

Hr UII.1.IAM n. I)1CKi n s o s >LONDON. Ocu 0 lUf ) - Growing

cnnfldcju-e In Russia's abtllly to holil the Gcrinnns, n.i well as a de­mand for Ihe oprnlns of a ^ircnnd front In western Kuropr, wif, ini- plli-d 111 . -tUt<'inriii by Premier Jostf Sinlln on nlllNl nlil, diplomatic qtiarler.s held today.

At lilt- ^alne time a new axl.i jirop- iiKandn camp.ilRn, In which false re- |X)rt5 o f .a l l -wifl were broadcast in nn iitirimit lo fow doubt and dls- tr j.M aiiionK allied nation.', w m tak­en (li IndlcatliiK clearly KrowirK derm aii imxlfty over nJie Keneral war rU«\itlon.

Suilln, In a s la trn irn t whltli th e ’ Ru.i.sian riidlo' tt-ni throtiRhout the world In many l;ln^:uaf;^^ ilurlnc ihe nlshl. nnswerol thrrc qucstloivi,

Q—W hnt place dnc.t tile second front occupy in Uie Soviet estlnmte^ of thn currcnt sltuniJon, A—A very im portant place,-one mlKht say ■ place of flr.M r,ite.

Aid. "IJttle Hffectlye" •••3 -T o »hM 'extC ;it 1 ;-allled aid lo tiic Soviet tJnlon provlnR effeC' tive and w hat could be d°ne to am- plH>’ nnd Improve th ii .aid? A—A* cnmp-wd with the aid .ihe SQVirt Union U Klvlii« to Die allleK by arnwliiK upon It-sclf the mrtln fojcrs of tlie G erm an faMl,-.! nrmlex, the aid of the allies to the Soviet Union has 50 far been little effective. In order lo amplify and Improve this aid only one Ujlne Li Iviulrrd: Tlini th e ' allies l\ilfl» tlirtr oijliimtlon.', fully nnd on tlnir,

Q—W hat reiiialn.i nf Uie Soviet cnpaclty for rw htaner? A—I think th a t Soviet cnpaeliy of re.'.l.MInK the a erm an brlRnriil.' b In a slrensUi

(CanllnurJ aa fix* S, Cal>»n '

FDR Visits Grandcliildre-n

•P residen t lo mlllloni, but Just “iTandnsp" lo Ihli rroup ..^>ankll^ D. .ReoMVcIl vlilted IIk ranch home a t Fort Worth. Tex., of liU aon EIIIoll d n rin r hi* lour ot Hie eoonlry. Yonnc David Roosevelt Ukea >;I,i pU ee on rD ll 'i Up. Mn. Roo'rvrlt standv-behlnd llie Trrsldent. liU cUuchler-ln-U<r U on Hie'lefl."hrr handi on Elliott. Jr. . (.'enter Li rran d d au sh ler Clianilltr. '


COEUH D'Al.K.VK.'lda, Oct, 5 (UP' . G eortr Slnip-nn. 20 - year - old

Cd<w il'Alrne Kiwrr. flleri liere r: ly today, fnllowinR an unu.nial clit iioloK)' of evrni.N cllmaxeil by ;,hootinK nflray In which Elmi^nn WU.1 wounded four times In the .',hou1iIer mnl .tiomnch with a small caUber rllle.

Police and ^hc^lff's olllcers were (jue.itloillni; Slmi^'on's wife, Barbara,

Mrs. OeoTRe and a youth-


T lif t-o n ly ln jp o ru n t food.ttuffs now exempt from price control

Freah f ru i ts -^exccpt cltnia fn ilu ).

Presh vecetables (except poU- toe< and dry onions).

Fresh lu h . „Peanuts. " ' ’

mjv.icry ^liroudlnB the srocer' death.

Tlie chiibi of IncldenLi besnn last Ight, j »TOrs 5ald, when Slmpr,nn. •liJTIiad been out automnblle riding •ItH his wife and Mn.. Sulen.v wr

occMlcd by a jount: Itttchhlker In lieer parlor north of G irur d'Alene. •Die httchhlker rccjiierrted ft rltle Into the elty.

Simplon a.v.entrd, jintl, drlvlru; to Indlcainl by Uie transient, opclled the door for him to Ret out.

he stepped out, of the hitchhiker picked up a S3 caliber larB tt rifle, which 61mp.ion kept In, liLi machine, and fled Into an al. leyway, ’ - . , ,

Tlie Krocer notllled'pollce. T lirn . aided by two soldiers- from Ft. Oeorsf WrlBht iiv Sppotanr. beRtin i search of the city hlm.'clf. He np, p.irently eame-uiwn Ihr hltchhlkera short distance from ' - ___hoiiie. NelKhbors reported they heard an Bailm ent, cllmaxKl by four min- sliot-v SImpBon wm found dying in the .'trcel.

Police arrtMled a 22-year-old tran ' fli'nMwotkee early iftday, hu t r t - fii.wl to make any statem ent other than to ray tliey •'Believed" .tJiey were nearlnc the coluUon.

Warship Fires 2 Shells at ’Frisco Dock Accidentally

SAN FRANCISCO. O ct.' S OI.P.>- The i; ih nnval district announced today tha t two shells « e re accident, ally fired In the vierriily of San Prancl.«o today by o «n r te.isel docked a t a pier. The n a ;y said Uie Run was pointed In Uie air a t the tlm f. '■

Where the'»hell.i landed waa’ no t known, but San Fnm cijco poUoe re ­ceived no word of an5--dam*st.

Gommunity Chest Rj^ady for Drive

A d d it io n a l w o rk e rs fo r th e C o m m u n ity C h e s t c am p a i^ rn . w h ic h w ill h e in.iiiK 'urntc(i n t 8 ii. n i. to m o r ro w w i th a ■ •k ic k - o ff ’ b r c a k f .i .^ zit W n iy '« c tifa im d a m pctiiiK . o f t h e w o rk e r .s n t th e IdKlio P o w e r iiii< ii(orium a h i t l f ' l io i i r l a t e r ,

w e re -a n n o u n c e d lo iin y b y 0 ,

F L A S I ^ E ^

GOOD DKAL D ilB O IS, P en q . Oct, 5 - “.My

people fouKlit*'under terrible han- ‘' ^ ’(‘•"•'KhtlnB lor U nde Bam . i h ^ d be a plcnlcl"'- T linf.i w hat Jack Maliiniaj. 43,- year-oUl Greek confectionery sio'r'e' p roprietor 17 years, saia when lie^j left tCT-be drafted, yesterday. And M alamo.'—confident he's comInK hncluand reluctan t to sell\1- ne.i.i—m ade ihLs deal wltli his \findlo7ti-. H t-11 pay hnll ol hh nrmy :;nlnry a.i .rent,for the store.,

y j l he doesn 't iiun'lVe the

NKW REWARD ' “MAIlION, Ind.. Oct, 5 - Tlie

houslnc shortace l.i acute here. tn<>.— In IX five-inch advetttscmciu,

one family po.'\rcd a »5 reward for any Information reitardlng the nvallrtblhty ot n^our-room fiir- nLshed apartment.


-year-old m an whone selective serv- lye recLitrntlon finally enabltd m il ita ry mithorUle.i lo nrreist htia fo r deserlliiK the. army jo years BRO was taken to Fort Riley to­day.

•'I 'd ratJier. be cla-vwl at, a, rte- st'Tler." h^ told M. P4. “U\an a d ra ft dtxlRrr.'

FDR to Speak on Chest Broadcast

WASHINGTON. Oct. S t/j^ -P rr .v W ent Rncf-evelt » llt »PM ikfee!}rto- nlBht on n nationwide broa<l- ea-st opening Uie annual Community Chest campaigns,

T lie procrnm will bejln a t 8:30 p. m . VMWTi on fill networlcs. alth M r; Roo.'evcU hlim clf jomins tlie profiram for a Uueo minute speecli a t 8 :!,0 p. m.- •

P.; DilvriH, m an .

c n m |ia i;rn c h a i r -

nnd Gordon A, Day. execuUve of Uie Knako rivet cired 'Boy Scout

.. .. 'Ill be the siieakers a t Uie Idaho Pow-er meeUng.' Tlie ,20th Century club members,

w-ho will conduct the sollcH.-vtlon the residential dbtrlcts will Include .Mrs.-William Middleton, ehalrmaii, and Mrs. J. A, Ceder« Mrs, L. -W. Fol.iom. -Mrs. Carl N, A»dcr.-,on and Mrs, G . T , Parkinson.

Worker* for the Camp-Fire G irl’,, In-addition to Uie Rcnerat. c apu in s and lleutenaht.1. Vlll Include Cliarlc tiUlrlcy, Mrs, Gordon A .J3ay . Mrs. 0, R. Sherwood, Su:,. Carl \Ve«ver. Mrs. Antiiony Young and C. P, Bowles.

will include W, I. McFarland. Jack Shrout. C. F- -Allen. W.' O. Smltli, jJ , W. Rlchlns,-John B, Robertion, L. fclos. Fred Intrraham, I-Yank War-

lC.l.lli..«4 .» r> t. 1. Colon* T)



Guess Who Asks Japanese Farm Pair—VVickard!

“ IIU N T; W k .'O c t.'i-V ’oii can-l KUtsa who has submitted an ai>- pllentlon for two JnpAnese farm workers a t the .Minidoka reloca-. tlon ten ter.

Secretary of Acrfculture Claude' R. Wlckanl,

SurprL^ed worken a t Hie relo­cation ccnter here found Wlek- nrrt's re<juc.^t ajnong a pile Mib- mlttr<l by Idaho farm ers. Tlie .•ecretary said he would like to have a ^oung Japanese couple, man and wlt^. to work on h is In— dinnn farm, '1•More Uiun 1.200 evacueea from

Wa,ilitnBU>n and Oregon have now vnltinteercd for fiirtrv work, and liave Jelt the Mlnldokn cen­ter. Most ot them are employed on Idaho farms.

By THOMAS K. HAWKINSBElt.V, Swltierbnil. Oct. 5 (-!'/—

T en points emplia-'lied hy Rejchs- marshal GoerhiB in yesterday’s lonB and labored pet»-talk to the German people were liiierpreled by allied ob.'ervers today a.i support for the thesh th a t a second front would bo far toward ending Uie war In Europ by next summer.

Tlio festival addfCM by the No. a iiazl on the oUier hand contained Germany's formula for defense In Uie coming n«iIn th a t re.ii>ecl could b e ............. .ample yrArnlUK itvat alUed attSon m u s t jf t well -mjQer n-ny before the formula Li eon!plctel)» operative.

Coaservatlve, military cbierrers, who cannot be Identified by name, believe Uiat should Germany be able to effect n portion of her orBanlm- tlon proRram the war rolRhl be lengthened by years.

Here, point <y point. Li U19 Inter- ItctaU oa-tpL JU e (Joertng spepch n r a l l a t . -fiom necejjarlly anonj-- mou.1 allied sources in Uils neutral capital: '

Must Lodnre Raids1—Gocrlng said tha t Uie Civilian

populaUon m ust endura allied a ir raids, alUiougir more shellcrs were promised—nn acknowledgment Uiat Uie attacks have cut deeply a l­ready.

2—Gocrlng added that the Ocr- man air force cnnnoi now be uicd In sirenKth nsalnst Britain and win be tied up as long as the battle of Hu-wln continue,-!—a blunt statement th a t Germany has nnd expecLi to have no more Uinn a one’-lroul air force.

3—Goerlnff said greater effort would be nece.vao' lo con.'iervo Iron and c o a l-a hlijt on the tremendava industrial co.M of the »’ar on Ru.«ia.

4—Gocrlng denied rumom Uiat he U Rrowing rich from Uie war. T lia t'su ch ft denial was ntccisary m ls l't Indicate sroning whbpers among the Germaii people.

Kubjrel to Dl.rlpllne5—Goerlnft said that generalsere a.i sulijecl to dLrclpttae anyle elje. Interpreted as an alliulon

to oft-rejiorted differences between the army command ahd Hitler.

6—GberlnB warned tha t ^ Ger­many lo.1t UiB war she would be desfroyed. TI1L1 Is a more and mora

(C»«tliiii«< '•<» p»t, 1. c«lgi.» »)-

U nder “Attack”DOISE. Oct, 3 OtW - Bolw was

under "nttnck” by •'einmy" para- troop.1 today, but buslnw conUmi- ed-ai UMial, Tl\e " a i ta e t ' is a simu­lated mid to te.nt mlliwrj- police units In training a t Iflil.'e .barnick.i.

Tlie, field exercLie here wilt con- tlnue through, officers an ­nounced.'

Stalingrad Afire As Enemy Planes Unleash Attacks

By H tN R Y SHAPIRO * -MOSCOW; Oct. 5 (U.PJ— A te rr if ic German drive, u siil?

m ore than 100 tanks and hundred.*! o f planes, Hlormcd n t th e m\rrow«s4{. iv.irta of S U linK rad’s defonscs-loiSay, seekiRK lo a patli into th e h e a r t o f th e c ity for rcinforced ground troojis. _ . ,

'•The VolKii irietroi)oli.s w as ab laze anain ns Gerrtian planes, d e te rm ined -to pulverize iLs rem nan ts , unlculihed new ant]

-SavaKC attack.s. . . 'F ro n t dispatche.s said th e

RusstiiHs’ hcroic rcsia tancc re* pelled more than 12 a ttack s and yielded only a t ono-point,Jn th e northwe.stern section of StaliiiKTnd, ovenvhclm iny_ •German forces drove th e So- vict.«i back in a factoi^y d is- . tr ic t.

Dul/.kiilde the great bend o f tha Don river, CO to TO miles northwest of SUUlngrad. powerful SoWel forces slabbed deeper and deeper Into th e Oermon le li flank, roUlnj ■over heavy Oemaan defenses.

The unsftckenlng Russian resist­ance n l StallnRnia wan taking the heaviest casuallUa tro si th e en­emy’s 'assault (roops, front aitvlcea«T t£L ~ - --------------- -V i-- : ,- - "Road ef D ca»f>;. V \/ According to Cfrman prisoners’, taken by the steel city’s defenders Uie enem y had designated the broad boulevard leading Into Uie center ' of Stnllngrad. as "the road of death.” I t wft.i cluttered hun-

BulletinsWASHINGTON, Oct. 5 lU.PJ—

iHie navy announced today th a t Japanese a l K1»U In Hie Aleu­tians )v*»e t>ren11ni]er "continual fire"’ by army bombers.

FOUCECTONE. EhKli*iul, Ocl. S </V>—CuLstal long raiiKK sun.s ope^ned fire on Uie channel Juii a fter Uuiile tonight.'- ^

.’♦ toscoxv , OcL S (-Vf-The Sloa- cow radio tU l ton lth l th a t tia- Tlet Infantry had advanced seven

' miles on one seclar of the weslcrn fronl, appaftaUy h) Uie Rxhev area. An Important he lfh t waa captured, the report ad ile^ .

CrfiJNOKINa, Oct. J dell WUlkle declnrrd tonight Uial h e hoped JcHCf SUUln'a stnicm enl streMljig Ihe parainounl Imiwriancc of o . second front "will bring Uie R au lu n s’ imperaUvD ncetb forceful­ly-to Uir ntlenUon of life jwoplcs of Jic United Na«0» O

W ASHI.«/CTON^el. 5 (UPJ — Secretary o( Treasury Henry .Mor- fen thau , jr.. loday announced Hio irea iury waa preparing rwommen- datlona for ■ new Ux bill to yield an additional 000,000. Heaald II will be prrwnled to eon- gress^-as soon as Iheyll receive

WASHINGTON. Ocl. 8 (fl-)—price Administrator, Leon Hender.ion to ­day slRned a olanket otder dlrcclUiR th a t resldenUal rents be reduced lo Uie levels of March 1, 18«; In every p a rt of-Uie United Stales where ren t control procedure had nol already t>een In e l le c l . .

WAKHINGTON. Oct. S Ojr,'— rrev iden t RoomtcII today nus- pendet! t)ie federal elghl-hour day for labo rrn and mechanics rtn- ployej by Ihe elrll aeronaJnlles adm ln lstn tlon In eonslruetlon of war projeeli. T hej will be paid time and a hall (or work In cseeaa of e lghl hours a day.

NVASHINOTON. Oct. S.tUPJ-'D ie' office of price artmlnlilraUon U nty befinn TaUonlng robber boota nntl mbber work, shoes to wnrkers using them "In Jobs ewentlsl lo the war effort o r to the protection of public healUi and safety.” '

score* < G erman tanks., ••Amidst Uie blatlns ruins,” th# com m unbt orsan Pmvda aald, ••Ru.nslnn hearts nre stronger tiJan Germ an steel."

I t urged UiB Soviet defenders: ••Fulfill jour sacred duty — hold S ta lln g ra d r

RedueUon Of Uie' d ly . I t aald, would, release the Immense German airengUj concentrated Uiere for an oflenslvo on the Baku oil fields and possibly a- new Uirust against Mos- •

Itself.N e / ' DIrlslons

.eJieglnienU ij Commissar Karpov —rote In UntEnsllili languagii Mos-

Dw News Ihnl the Gennans had - brought up several re.iervc'dlvl.ilons ijw rhaps <5.000 mem and 100 tanks. He said Oermnn prisoners rnporied

.■ r u . j. C l . . . «

KILLKI) I.V ACCIDENTHOISF:. Oct. S m i - Wllllam

Strode, BoL'.c, waa'kliled ln_(vn auto-

Her« Ai-c Reasons U. S. Put , Price Ceiling on FoodstuffsWASHINGTON, Oct. S rtJ.P>-IIcre'.i the m ajor rei.ion -fc-hy the gov

ment ba.1 placed celling prices on mosl foodstuffs heretofore exempt from' Uie price control law.

Tlie foIlowlnB table Jhoa-.i the averac# reU ll price In 51 cities a* t , . . . puled by the labor departmenVii bureau of labor 9tntlsUc.i-Ior foods not heretofore snbjrcl to price control and Ihe perrentaBe change since Alarcli 17. 1D42. ONier food prices were frosen' In May a l Uie hlBhesl March IfVeLi.

Flour, wheat, per 10 ....rvim m^fil -TV-r Ih


Flili. freih and Troieii, per lb. (:Butter, per lb. .............................Cheest^ j>er llx ............ i--------Milk, e%-nporaied, per can ____EgBs, per doz..............................Apples, per lb, ix) ............ ........Oranges, (x r d c t __________G rapefruit, each .....______Green beans. Per ‘____u_CabbaBe, per lb. (x) . .1----------Carrotji, per bunch ix) ______ -I^eUuce. per (xi ......Onlbai, per lb ..............................Potatoes, jkT IS lb s .'_________Spinach. f« r lb.Sweet potatoes, pei; lb. .. - ..........- _____ __Canned gi^pefrult lulce. per No. 2 -c a n ___Dried pru»i«>. per 4b............... .................... .....Dried navy beam , per lb. „J_________Peanut butter, per ib, ix) ____1 ____

ix)—FoodJ sUll exempt from price conUtiL

------• 't ip lo.or-

up 3jr.p up lOil'-,

down 1.1 %. up Mr..

, up 3Dj)r. no change ■up 35J*-.

. \sp B5.B-, ' down

do«-n -(Or; up

- - up 27,8'". down ■iQ.S'i

up 0.4'“. up 525%

- up 28.0r . up 2S3% upup 1.1^;

' up lt8 %


SALMON, Ida,. Oct. 5 W V-John Gnver, 45-yesr-ol<i nilntf and vet- t tu n of the f ir tt Vforld w St^«In t on trial today charRcd wiUi inurderj,

Tlie complnlnl Is ba-'cd on Uie shooting of Obecllah Bllli Campbell. 5S. mvnci\of Uie Royal bar a t Sai-

Al the.prelim inary hearlnB IbM June , te.stlfled th a t Gnver, who had been dancing a t a road.'lde Itm. came Into Campbell’s place about 1 a. m. and a fight Im­m ediately sUiried.

Tlie two. were separated and led nway to clean up. Tliroiigh a window • .leparailng ihe bar room Irom Uie kitchen. Uie men again begap quar­reling and paver Invited Cam pta"

- I ’ll wiuie you."

• Gaver reached aercM thk window sill and shot Campbell In tlie abdo- nien. -Tlie wountleri man .stagBered , into the dance hall, slumped down In front of Uje bar and died.

Elc&pk; Frefeman ■ HBndleManpowerSALT LAKE CtTY, OcL 5 « V -

Among Uiosa appointed lo a south­ern idalio committee'lo a.%slsl A. J . Tlllraan. Idalio war manpower eom- m Kiloner, were:

liaiTy Etcoek, district m anater. A malgamated Sngar eenvany, Twin Falls : U arrey Anderwn. building • conirflctor, Pocatello; Paul G rtser- son . vlce-prtslilent.. Central- UboT— un ion lAFL). Pocatello; H. A. S o Daniels, dlTlsloa iup«rlnt«Ddent, . U nion Paelflo raUroad. Poc*J«Uo; G len F m m an , latenuU lanal'Cnlra ' o f MlBc. u m aad BaNttar W otken, (CIO). .W. PhUUps, gen­

e ra l chairm an BroUierliood of Loct>< n o U n Arccnen aod EoglDemen. Po-

'eaW lo.

Page 2: \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^


Ready for Rough Stuff

m*y cicpect *miUI •ooR in b u le food prices. Ubly buit«r *nd eJieese. govfmincnt otriclaU #«1<1 today m they Ixnposrd the I l« t or s KrtM of new economic evQtrols which wlU rep iU U th« Uvf« #nd hab lu oi Amerlc*'f elvUla** for.

. the duration.WagfS and tilftrifs « lll be tlnbU-

iMd. FroIlU are to bo 'ton lro llfd . rood prlcm will be praiftd- No Inril' -rttfual » lll be pm n K lu l to run more iJian J33.000 n y far n flfr tnxrs nenta are to be conlrollfd nnd «• curtly e t- l ^ u r e n«urr<). ,

TIiU garsnnlunn opcrrxlloii waj ordPrM ovrr Uie w w k-rnd by Prf'.l' dent liooeevclt, wlUi Uio npproviil and M iuent.of concrei'-i, and ofll- cUls moved awlfUy us:

CelUnji Bel •;,S « l‘eO-da'y emergency price cell-

Ins* over Virtually iood lirmti hlUierto fXcmptMram control. TUf.v Bie erfectlvc ^od^y.

Extena to Uie enU re'conllnental United BU ifs r tn l conlrola no*- Iti

■Jorco In 3D3 dcfpti-.r-rrntnl nrfa-v OPA Admlnlsimior Lron jlfiidrrM'ii (ilRns the ordfM today.

Former Supremp Court Ju;,ltce .lamrs p. Bym fi, wliD was /.dectrd by Prraldrnt Roo*i*vell to be dlrrt’- tor 0? the new otdce ofrcoi^nsiilc ■ alablllmdon—OES, iiropnrrd to r.rt lip oiric ti today In Uin \Vhlio Hoii«, He MiA ".I plan to geV 6a»ii lo woik Immediately." . ..

War labor tKvird Clinlrmnn WIU 13pi-Jl. Duvli anllcipnU-d goir plementatlon of the aRrnry''! delermlnaUon policy, bused o ••lllUe s te e r formula. In cnrr^'lns out Uie new wage fUblllz;.-\!Ion wllct.

Ilenderron also dlwlonrd Hint hi

............. -llJn^ u n ltj lor the■ duration, He .lalrtprrsent rrsulntlona

«WiId-bfl amended to lim it fulurr property trariMcUona to bona fidi

• tales. • —.Sale "Angle"-

71ier»’ U tn prejenUy. controlled■ ren t areaa. he m M, a ffhwlnit prac-

tied or ovners forcing tenant/i to purch tie the prwnlses—In many

. caae# afexorbltfliit prices, n i l a ja-ac- tlce. he said. Is de/lgncd to nvold Oie effect of rent control and to eollpcl from the exIaUng tenant or a je w occupant monthly tw lallm enta In ezcfii of maximum renl-i.

He *Ald Uie govcmment'a obJecUve- would be to prerent owners from •'droppWg ren ta l property on tin market merely to avolil the reijulrC' menla of rent control." ■

OfflcliiU ^IhheSS IntrrpfftftUon of Uie move pending examlnntlon ot the amendment to detcnnlne whut.

, t a the dtleim lnatlon o{ O fA . eowUtule a bona fidn aale. J lo n t Control Director Paul A. Porter anld

. th e tw ins ol ttie rtaUlcUon would announced aoon.

Deputy OPA AdmlnUtrator J . 0 O altoalth aald conrrrroffs would b

ImwedlateJy with membera e Indiwtrlca affected by the exiw uloi of price control? to_thrlr protliici.i,

K ew frodueU ■Tin W lherto pxrmpt products t

b« brought under price totM -nri butter, cheeiie. e\'aporaled and con' deaied mlllt. egss. poulto'. flour, dn onions, potatoes, fresh and rnnned

. c ltn u frul(.i, dry e<IIble benn.i, eommeal and million.

; Authorities aald no whoIe.iAle downward revision In prlce^ of all or

. mont of iheio products may be rx - -pected . They_»ald rrductlon^ whlrh• woulrt become ettecUve U'Uch 5wm- 'l ln e n t celllng.i a re r.'lnblWied, nrolj-

ably would be limited to butler. Che'eM, «v*pw*t«5 a n d , ctmrtrftstrt inlllc.

Henderson'i ren t eonlml proRriUn.; »nnmiriced ye>\erd»y.-^eniphaslre<l - th o Kcverliy of 'Uit'lTPXi' economic• progrmn. Tlie new order will xtabll-

tze rent] of all dwelling unltx In the expanded area a t Uie level of March, IBO. T hat level has been In force

f In aU but DO defeiu(<rtntjtt nren.t, 'w her« the lOii level was med a.i n

yardstick, glnie June 1. ' StabUlxaUol^ of wagej (uid .lulnrlr;^

-frl luhjtanUally the leveU r.x^IInc .o n Sepu 15 will b e ’ undcrUvken

through use of th e war labor boAnl'a •present machlneo’. DavLi said. He Indicated tlist I t n m r become n rc-

. t-aHry to Mtabll.Ui rrclonni offkr.i U> expedite tlin. prellinlnarj' hnn-

'd lltig ot ptobltm.'s 'Klilch >kU5 ^Tl^e, 'b u t he Mid tha t In’the main Uic '.conciliation brancli o fttic labor <lc Wkrtmtnl xo«lrt conllnMe to be use<5 43 the b.iilc organliaUon. .

pUy* today a t Lesion ImU, ,n Q, AtlKtij. c<iiiilt\M\dlnv; iiiouiJced.

born &-PI. 30 tti Uie Tw in yal fdiinty grnrriil lioepltai. The fnUu U now employed by Morrboii Kniirtscn nl Pearl Harbor.

Cela rrcm ollon T im Prlcbe, toi

W. n : rrlcbe. has tho rank of lechi lordlng to word r

. The Hospital

mia. ' Emergency beds-oniy were

.able thb-afifrnoon a t Uic Tttli .coUnty generaniospital.

Ab.MITTEI)- Dick Commoni, U A. Hardy Harry

■ Balsc«;-Mrs, Harley Willlama, T ain ■ Palis: E- K. Ewing, Kimberly; Mrs,

MHo Holmes. Richfield; Boy Adams. •PUer.

PlbMIKSED MJss Valeria Oale-i. Che.^ler Clark,

Mra. Carl Deally and dsuRhter, Mr; D. L. DoeksUder and dsuRhler.TuIi Palls: l-tra. Carter Liilhrr and son, Buhl: Mrs, Don Hnlmqul.M daughter. Kimberly: EniMt c Ice. Pller; Mrs. Waller Somi Hansen.

I'of Mr. nnd Mj hern p.'omoied to ilcal iei'geanl. ac ■celvcd here, lie i

_ itera’ amphlijlai command. Iiend^uarlered a t Caan Edwards, Mn;.<.

Mjulne Leave*Pvt. Thomas H. Prle.M. marine

corps, rcliirned to C«nip ElUoll. San I, ttUcr spewllns a Irovtiig his |i,ireuU. Mr, and ,Mrn, i!is Prlr>t. and hl.i l)ri>l5ier-ln-

.... Mr. u id Mrs. Alvlr,Crutchfield.

Re«M»ra rromotionapeddrn Is being Iran-V-

fcrrc-d lo ili<- Seattle o(flcc ot tin- Consolldixtrtl VTflRhtways. anti will leave for tlie norlhwe.-.t metropolis Uie la tte r p a rt of this' wrflt,.She Im bw n iifflllut«l « |il i Uie coinimny for several years here.

JJoy. .Safe Jack .nn lney ,

object of a f.e:tr fore.M yc.<terdny hnmied. H l.vfat Iff'd offlrVher< last tc i tT a l fi;3

n llte Minidoka , wn.1 fnund un­called tlie *her- id satd' he_TR» tpM and

; wv!v:ti'. AV 4;-lS :«'il found.

, CIO StccncJ nvc: :arly today rejiorn-d Jil;

rolen from the Walgrecr

L'Uh ^ ^ o r ».MaJ, nnd Mni. 'J. V. Corkrry,. Or-

J 'l i . Utah. «{>enl the week-end in ’1M.1M rails, Uie KueH o t Mrs. J . R. •J'lirner, sbler of MaJ. Corkery. '

Son U Uom Mr. and Mrs. Don Bacon, Portland,

Ore.. formerly of Twin Falls, are llie p iren u ot a «5n. ih tl r stcond chilli, boni Oct. 1, lliey ore a> ^ IJie parents of

IVord fTom tioldler Pfc, Raipli A. Tjrinier has euble-

KTammwi -hU Jalhtr. William H. Winter. Uiat he Is In excellent healUi. Tire young man is serving with Uio American army In Aus* trallft, _ . ' _

unior fc O. p . y.Junior Odi] VcIIok's will hold a )cclal nieeuiig Wcdtiejday, O ct. 7.; 0 p, m. at tlie Odd. Fellciiks hall. II members nre urged to bo present I Imporlojit mailers will be conald*

ordlni office

Requiem Services For Fr<ink Milner"

rj<v5iie,lni ^tllll.hvinllni; ncrUenl h-

wnj*_celel)rnte(l Ihi.? mr>niln.. t. Edwnril'ii Catholic ehitroh by •. Jam es P . OTo<j!e..P, A., V. O. icrm ent wn« In Twin Pnll.i cem

under the direction of tin tteynnWi luncm l home chapel.

- llbenriTs were A. C. Carter George Wlr.’chlng

ml Frrrt Abbott, aV rnd Lloyd IIaynf.«

EM»OtriTsr Selilri i >t^Ttt'in Falls,


It llie Ilryiiol<h ;iir

0. E. S. Conducts Duclow Services

Mr.i. ICdltll M- Duclow w#s pall! lliwl. Vnbvile FrUlav n l the NVWU morluar>- chniwl, Twin raU^'chnp- ter. O rder of th^E a.item S u r . con- ilvicied the burial rthiai ol the ordfi ' ' ‘ 'Oitrom

Dr, O, L. Oliirk. pa.M. bvteri»fr-,thiirch. offli

PallbeaVr •Alberf Heel Conroy Wll'on.

Mr.'. Duclow c

;R iwie Pres*

•lley and Harry

A^ews of Record

Tft’ln >>1!j. TwD

Keep th e W hite Flap o f S a fe ty F ly in p

10 dans vuiitiout a fa ta l tra ffic a cciden t in our M agte VaU ev.'


DIKTIIS1 Mr.s, W. J . Fdw 1 bov, Sunday a t the

1 Falls cm:niy Rrneral ho.ri>luil •m lly homr. To Mr. im l M n. in DnrrJ-. Hurlev. a girl. Prldav

ilRht a t the Jiome of Mrs. O. Tclr, .53 T lilrd avenue eaH.

n iv o iic f:Divorce decrre sm m td by District

Judffe J . W, Porier:JmOWN-Mr.<. Dorothy llrown

Iroro NVmiitm nrow n i-non .supp* t and cnielfy. Tliry married M.iy 37, 1D38. In Twin Ta11.v The wife re ­ceived cii.ilody of the lt datiRliter. 3, and w.1.1 crnnied $10 per month sup­port mofiey.

WEATHERJStIn FalU and vlflnlt.v-Mltle

r lianre .ln lemjverahire, Hlil. je s- lrnla:» 73. low 1C. l.ow thU morn-I__M . ■ i

nor d^jnuue. nns Inflicted to cars .when mnclilrtes driven by

Ch'-ster rcKie two. K toberly,and Then Stepper, Twin Falls, col­lided a t filioflhone and Truck Inne. i'oUce snUl Sieppei agreed pay Uio d.-unaKi-i.

Htowell., llelurii■, and Mr;V. P, H rstow ell. for- rc.sldrnt.1 of iv iu Falls, who

'd to BlackIr>oL nine years nuo, returned here and n re# t home

,*t-«50vpicvrnUi nvt-luic eait. Air. ell is n."oclnlr(| mIiJi the Idniio ifacliiriiiK conipaiij-.

fflim ] 101A s.-anl Mven Ions of .lro a

added to i!ie Twin T»Ua ce acrap pile over Bundsy, u th e bean harvt.'l continued lo dem and the attenUon of farmers arid U w u oec- tijary to postpone several org»nlx«l drives. A total of 4J8 poundi of aertp was fTpDrled eollectwl IW» morning at Uie two Ti'ln Falli depotj, and those a t Klmberl)'. M urU ujh «w t Pller.

Kimberly reported three tons of Ui- eevcq gained over the week-end, and FII<T and Dulil tallied two tons eaclj. Tliff two Twin PeUi depola UiU Bvondui iald ]unk W&a coming In Kood at mat time, but th a t thei tuul boen no receipts over Sunday.

. Vrjenlly Needed ... W, ilorgan, chalrmu

T»lti Falls eoutily *crap c< today cited recent Informa 'Jir n or p.'oduction bo.-u-d « tig very c!t«ly why w rap , ._10 UrgenUy needed In tJi*^preseot rmergency, TJ'e WI'B polnt4 out lh a t :vrr>' t a \ o! ttm rlu d scmp replaces Tour tons of Iron ore, coal. Jlme- itoiie and other miiterlals. th a t11 no .meUl la available, in n

ear tike 1M3, it would require 74 .ddltlon; • ' '

corrv ixji. fu;

of th«

will)in facilities

_ ind transporting ore, coal, limestone, and so on. to giako Uie required additional rrpU cetnent of pig Iron. Tliere are 231 b last fur­naces In operation now, and the a4^ ditional 74 would enUil! an -lnvest- nient of more Uian half a billion iioliars—and mueli mote tim e than Uie present crisis permits;

Tliere l.i no dearth of Iron ore. coal, tlmestono and other raw m a­terials for making pig Iron, and i,teel and casUngs could be made from th is-p is Iron, the WPB t \ - plains. S u t muUy luch steel and casting! would be Inferior In quality and higher in p iltt.

Sherlens Proees*“O rtr a period o t yeart." aayi the

WPB, "the technique of the steel Industry ha* been built Opon 'arge*Kal« ot scrap. Much acrap iteel to begin with, and therefore' Uie refining proeeia Is shortened..

•Thav Is ,Uie rtason, every wince f unused scrap metal Ss vlt&lly

needed If America Is lo m eet Its program o! equipping our soldiers and sailors for vletary. W inter Is coming, when Uie scrap 'U difficult

Steel mills making arm s need .. . volume far beyond anyUiIng previously Imagined. Normal collec' ion facilities could get but a fractloi. if what Is needed. Everyone must


Nazi Nabber

Bgt. Keith tlllDll, the -Serteant T ork“ of the Ne* Zealanden on the AUmeln fronl. ltd l» men In a bayonet attack under fire tha i netted ]J0 German prUoners. an a n tl 't u ik gun and it\etwl miehln* guns. (l(tAdle-pllDlo paurd -by RritUh censor,)


Utctatr.n r « t i

VI.I1.S FallierUcr.'.r Willinms, Jr.. wha Ii.t' been

re.ildlng nt Oaklanil, Calif., li turned Itnme for a brief vbl h li fathrr.'H rr.-e Wllll;ini.';. .si Mrs, WllUaii

I. T)ie ynunK : forces

In Oklahoi

tUQ lUU >5.111 i.OC

Rllheld UiU

mornlivi; the 'lN,ln F.ills inorluni P. KlMKwnld, wllh the Rui

.Mark . C. CrimmbcrKrr, jixMor c ... CliTlMlnn t^inrcli. ofllcinUni:,

Tlie body was to leave thl.i aftemoor for Perkin'. Okla.. for final senlcc; mil biirlfil.

t^ n i'K o ll lo CollectI Cri.'iey, Twin t"nlb, today had lilt In probate court nKalnsf Cox, seeking Judgment foi

Situ S3 said' tn l>e due on a promlS' Cn-'ry's i>eilllon statet

Uiat Uie note one he obtained... ■..... 1 ......... company

dl.-<oniinued bu.slneu In 1040. J, H. Dames is attorney for U\e pUUnUtf.

filed .1

slrv : by J.route \

while hewl\a

bicycle here Friday nUiit. teponed ImprovriS a t T ^ ln J^ l ls

oiiiily general ho-spltal early thi* ifternoon. At the time of Uie lri?iit fie wM Mid lo have received "jeiere cerebraLlnJury." He U thi ‘

on of Mr. and .Mrs. Ijaac Wrlsiit owe iwp; No\fhar>!es have beei

flle<l Charles Ferguson. Han^. car, according u


AUIOISI ACCUSED NGHILO’Sciiorge of “ext'c.ulVB speedli.. rcckless drlvint;". wiu fllfU

1.M Dovce V. Howard. 31. Buhl, la tiic court of Justice Hurry 1!. Jen-

1 Uili-ftflcmoQii by County Pros, ir Everclt M. sweeley. Tlio ;e resulted from a Saturday af- >on ncfldent in whictt Hftward’a trm-k Edwin Wcxxl, on of M.V mill .Mr.v C. U, Woal

Filer, near the JIkr.i cabin camp. FI ler. . :

At the Twin Pulls county generaJ hft»pltaj today, tlie Wood boy’ wa; said to be Improved ollhough hi: condtttnn'still wm rtisanStd Us »t. •lous. Batiirday n lsh t U wfs w»id hi received n brnin concu.ulon »nd>-a broken tlBhl 1^ .

Howard. ac«rordlng to Prosecutor »'eeley, 1* a selectee of Twin Falls juiiiy area No. 5. already enlbted 1 the enlUted men's re.-.en’e, and iw is on furlough prior to depar- ire lor Fort,Douglas.

CONreSSEf! SLA nX G .MIDLAND. Mich.; Oct, 5 lUP) -

.MIdlaild county authorities said to­day Uiat Joinej Kennen, 14-ycar-elrt

' Jil*h--iehogr«tudf/lt. had confessed the hltchhUe slaying of Qb'd# N. VdienUnc. 39. 'D etroit t>art«nd«r. rlioae body wad fnund yesterday in . roadside ditch oear h«r«.


their officers were taking, _(orcca working (tn roads and Im* ;ire.ising Uiem Into »treet flghUrtg, no deapemte wiu becoming the G er­m an aitiiation as regards reserves.

Reporu from Uie Caucasus Indl* e a ltd th a t the OtrmMis had nbiuidoned large scale attacks in tiic Moidok area, where they were ir jln g to crash through Uie O rom y oil fields.. A week aso, It was reported. Uie O eltnans Uircw UO tanka Into nciion In the Mojdok area. U i»- .Man milics. urtlUery and antl-Uink Kitna wrecked scores of their tank.' nnd held their advailce to almost nothing.

Tlie Germans now were trying to .seire an Important Inhabited point i tl i lc h they had ai^aulted sU tUne.s

n the last 48 hours with 30 Uink-s nd an Infantry regiment. They had lot progressed.

Around Voronejli, 330 mil* locthweii o{ BUUnsraa. -Rusilft orce: fighting In tlie- ouL'klrta t n inhabited locality killed 400 c

the tneniy, disabled U tank* burned alx. the noon communiqti oaserted, A total of 3.200 Oermar

ave been reported killed )n th i •ea In the last 34 hours.Prnvda said violent air batUes

raged on the approachoa of Lenin* grad, and tha t Uie Russians hat"

) t down 48 Oerman planes In thi t 40 hours. The Germans. PraV' •said, were systemaUcally bomb- : Soviet posiUons In the W hin' and adjacent Slnyavlno area.' obviously In preparation for a nevi Q^islau&ht. I t has been under atee< for m&ra than a-year.

propaganda moW lo deli lah people from thinking of

anything .bu t a victorious peace.7—Qoerlng declared that Oer.

many would eat even a t the price of starvaUon elsewhere In Europe —a franlc statement hardly help* ful In orgitnliing the occupied countries. ■■ 9—oocring said lhat a gigantic taak Is (iheud—notice lo tlie Oer.- mana that, the fru lu ot war are In alght but Btlll out of reach.

»—Ooerlng. charged tliot Uie sec­ond front la American • 'b lu lf—con­verse!# an Indication of concern*

AppeaU for Unity Ooerlng appealed lor unlly

with a declamtlon tha t all will be well so long as the people hold to­gether—thla was ft slgnlllcanl echo to -h itle r 's warning last year, that no weakening or oppoelUon would be tolerated.

Ooering .concerned himself large­ly with a.isuring-lhe Oernirm people, they would be f(d. He u Id :

"It U my wish Uiat the popula^ tlonk of tcirltorles placed under out :are o r conquered by us should noi ju ffer hunger. If difficulilea ot foot supply arl.ifl due to roetviutts b> the enemy then all should know'

" If Uierc Is hunger, in no cv wUl It-b e In Oerromy. Prom t on It must be tho un.shakeablo 1 th a t Uie O erman workman and tijoae -wofklng In Germany are eu plied w^th food the belst of all,"

In this connection, he w id Uft ere more than 0,000,000 foreignera

working In Germany and 8,000^00 prLsonerB o t w ar.'

GoerinB denied U mtJJrIUIn ha<l even nent 1.000 planes on b bombln- raid to Oermnny. but he naked "tli poor people who are so frcqucnil,

hard pre.'j;cd n t ulKhW lo holil Ihey


SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 5 (.IV- L n tie riJa y Saints church members are ndnionljfied lo hHD defeat Ihi “r iad BMifl&ri” ' o f Euroi>e, th « Join in e.slal)llwiing n Christian peac afte r Uie caniago is over.

Bpeaklng a t the clcalng ie.vlon o sem i-annual conference, limited ti. members of the prieaUiood because ol travel UmlUUons. Second Coun' eelor D arid O. McKay .called atten­tion lo tfie neeS for a peace found- «S upon “ChrtsVa plan ol love and een-lce."

.lerliirrd, however, that th : continue “unUI Ui

defeated andconflict m ad Ka brawled :iurder

............... he a.v'.erlriBi'Ctls tff tliLs war foil It In soil or Iiatred a

dl.ihonor which are the antlUtesls of Chrlsfa teachings. . .

•T he lnva.slon of Poland prompted tjy co\etou.snfsi, . . a ttack on P jarl Harbor was Mlved In treachery and dcceU, Creclioslcvnkla. ureece, and other nations too weak to wlUisi

rrjerlrd Jf lenrlilnKs,"

H r iirKed hl.i

of Nl

crw.hfd - ... has drflniiely

r.ircth and HI

LilenersJiot todoiitil • le lo r y .^ freedom,

nor linrlwr either dhcouragementdespiilr,".

Hcmrc enflh'K tbe conference. I first prc.^ldcncy wm directed to dn up a memorial' a.skinf: that t Prr.\ldrnl of Uie United SUle.i dire liLs ftttenUon lo ndefiuata-metiui to wifegunrd the nation' forces from '•the evils of Int ll(]uor and uncha.slty,"

T lie action was taken In tion ndoptrd unanimcuLsly ;irlrstlioo«J Jenrlera,

A fast nnd tr.'llmony concluded U « conJcrence.



1 Uic pa!,t,”

Board Scans List Of Marrietl M6n:ounty selecUvo serv'lce board

No;*! have been reconsidered by Uii board a t meetings held sith in thi last week. It waj learned todaj-.

cases of' reg is tran t in ih< Utird category were considered wiU-

rye to Uielr avalabllity for mili-^ t*ry aervlce, while Uioie in Ui fourtii category were considered os t th e ir occupaUonal status.

Husband, 20, Signs For U. S. Marines

U alph TM'lor. 10, h\wbani p{ Mrx Gall Ann Taylor. 330 PourUi ave­nue cost,, today was tentaUvelj- 'ac- te p ltd for enlliimenv in the m rrlnej a t the local marine recruiting s ta­tion.

Leaving here today to be sworn ito the marine coi^s a t Salt Lake

City w ert Miles Denvir Patrick. Rogerson: a in io n Woilard Quiiley, Duhl. and Robert W. Snelson, Twin Palls.




States Uncertain Fur Be-an Prices

lihn-cd and iinrrrl;i!n a-, to Uie I of the fi-ifcral prlct-f*e:.inK • on brans. Twin Fall.s de.ilcr; morning were ot tlic opinion R ctoer. not dlrfcUy nftcct the

price to be puliMo Kro'Acrs,•• 'O ur Imprc.'..'.Ion,’' r-alil Oli Crow <if U\« Interroountftln a jid Fuel company, >'ls that Uv der affects the prices we>iay i to dlstTlbuiors. And

: ina>Krade.s

Mhc hiKlirsi........... - rc.' pcci, .Cftlltlps th a t we quoted during tl ba^e period named."

"Indirectly,” continued Crow, •'iiit freezing order can he expected to ' have iu effect on grower prices, be­cause »:e c.innot sell beans a t a low, bu t competition will work to keep Hint price up, ^

Java Missionaries.Will Talk Tonight

Mr, and'.Mrs, George White, mis* slonarlf.s ■bUo recently letum rd Irom Jnva, Mill leli of Uielr expcrience.s a t 8 p, m. today at the Firs Penteco.ital church, according to

E. L. Seism.

Roy Adanw. 28..Filer, in Twin r-.xM'i county liMpltat with a badly

ingled lejuam i rrerlved when ihc ■ he-wa.s driving was aldeswlped Kimberly flrrc l by n tr\ick whose

driver a.vertwlly did not stoii.T lie driver of the truck. Joe FUicli-

r, U'iio lives In n tourtjt camp nV Klmbcriy, wn.s arraigned before Jiul«r.C , A. Dallry In probat* court tffls morninB on n charge of "fall. Ing lo stop n t tlie scene of an ncct' dentlnvolvhiK injurj* lo another per- ,'on." He rtemnnded ft prellmlnary.- hearim:. which wns act for 10 n, m. Friday. He wa-s/ommllted to JaU up- on failure lo post J500 bond-

Virgil n . Borden, deputy r.hcriff who invc'.itigate<l uie case, sara Uie Adams cur was golns east and wiu ?ilde.TW'lp('d by the t.-uck, which w v traveling In the oppnjKe direction. Adams toUl D ordm Uiat he was driv­ing wlUi hl.i nrnTTflnK In Uie open window, nn^l tiliat, tlve cnlUflon jusrjd U outside the c;ir, where It. was rolled between the tivo vrhrcles n.s Ihey jcrtv^xsl lOKniifr, Flw hci. r t - I>orte<l Borden, dlcl not slop until he hml reached Uie camp whrTC Jie' ^Wr■, "six o r ^evcn bloclu oil," \

At the ho,%pllnl IllLs aftcmoon It wns'sftld several days must, ebpse Ix'lorc'lv would be known whether Adwns' »mi could be wived.


. than the

T hej came Uie Inst boalleaving Java, the port underEOlni heavy bombardment a t the Ume Traveling t h r o u g h submarine- infested waters they had an exciting voyage home. .

Mr. and Mrs.-Wliite are reildenU of S t. Louis. Mo. TTieT^re now on i

TJie pub- tonight^

of the lie Ls in^-ltext'tr)

Last Honor Paid Mrs. Beauchamp

Lnrnelv attended gen'ice.i were held a t 10 a. m. todnv at the Prev

yterljn ehureh for Mrs. Mary A. eauchamp. pioneer resident and ife of J, C. Beauchamp,D r. G. T-. Clark officiated a t Uie

servlce.v and F. H. Slilrk sang c song,|ed by Mrs. Mi g are t Peck. . /

Pollbearers n rre C: E-' Adam-S a VB nepliras. Ra.y Beauchampf

Homer Beaiichamp,.Willard McMag. ter. Prank MrMaster and Ben,Jen-

Iiiterm rnt in Twin Ffllli cemetery was under Uie direction Of Uie White m ortiiari'.

(rretn r « t 0 ,lot h-5.1.apaclty of fascist, Germany nr ai

, (her a^^cre,^ ^v power to secure fi Itself worJd donilnauoii.

Qualified ob.'.erver.s read into th jitem ent an earnest demand c

G reat Urltalii and the United 6tat< a second fron t In the near fi , and e.speclally an appeal i ;rican _pM ple-f^ one.

«ne regarded It as tacit confti lan oil U » sUiteuienl made lici nlly by a high forelKn lo m

Uiat failure of B riu in and America ,0 open R teccwd {font wlslit jt- luit In (.trained relations with Rus- ;l.i boUi during and lifter the war

B nt I t WM conctiitil Uiat a de- nand by nu.uln- fcr a second from va.i only natura l nnd tliat tjialln's statem ent merely enipliail su te in en t by Prune Mlnlst<Sion Churchill iilmself In Uie hou'e

Sept, B

Seen TodayTliree pretty lltUo glrU or>SUUj

avenue north a ll aRog over-tluy new kitten. . . Taxicab driver showing Uie lilK chunk U iat Hansen bridge cut out of new Ure. . . t'our-foot- slx-lnch Mexican farm worker stxirting a ha t oimost bigger than m at. , . nauon Chairm an CarlTJ. Anderson /llUng in for Clerk Te.« •PreJCOlt; who Is 111. , . Chief Kavy Recruiter Ed Dnnnon wlUi r "iVusslan haircut" (a la aome of Uie higiyschool boys).. . clouds of dust, ifom sidewalk rebulldlnR op- •cralion, floating Into th e second story window oPthe d ra t l boo rd .. . toceblor frchool d l ^ t r ^ bus pull­ing into Twin FaW!^ garaKe, . . Pair of ahoei a t r ition lh s board office, left Uierc by n woman dur­ing the last day of Uie canning i.\i>;ar, . . Doottrf tm all boy wading kiiecdec-p In dead leaves in tiliasliDiie ' glieet gutter. , . ••Ityihm" on noxy m arquee.. . And elderiy l;idy falling to hand* and kner.s on f.ld<*wivlk rrcroas from Methodlu church, bu t Jumping upsprj'ly a laugh.


delivered Uie oprnint; addre.vs a t the annual' a.«enibly of the Idalio .state conference of social work which openeil today for a fwo-day jcsjion in not-j;.

•AIw scheduled lo nddre3.?».lliR e.s- tlinnted 200 delegnte.s ' pre.sent at oisesvlng ff. .%lous 1-. Albeit Lee, Ida- lio director df public a.-v,l3lance, aiid Dr. Her6»Tl E. Chiimberhln, Calftonila s ta te . consulUng'jisycli)-

Dbcu.sslons win be- principally onccrned wllh >;oclal problems v is .

ing from the war, officials said. •. ler speftken on Uie progrmn ■ will inclule I’hlllp Scimfcr,

assistant director of Uio Minidoka 'locaUon project n t H unt, idolio r. George Townsend, communltj nice iuperinu-ndent-of-lhe Mln- oka. projecl. nnd Mir* Cltarlott*

Whitten, director of the 'Canadian elfare council from 1020 lo 1041, Ti!c',dRy'!v mtetlnR* will inchidc lio ru from Uic Red, Sal- ition Army, and Uie Ch«<lren’«

Home Finding society, and n 'gen­ii discuuion of cose workk.

lO lH O IIHmEFffiSNEW VOIUC, O ct 8 fUJ5-Teii

pa:.-.cnger» were killed and eight were injured wl»;n a plane carrj-lng r penon* crashed at Uelwood. New­foundland Saturday, headquarter* of Uie eaatenvdefenie command and tile llrst amiy here announced.. ,

Five of Uie dead and all of U)j|» ’ injured were army officers, Uie an­nouncement TeVcaleil.

Army .officials. IndlcaUng th* plane fell Into tl« A tbnllc ocean Off Dolwood, said the hull of Ui# ship was split in Uie craah. Tlie plane has betn towed Into shallow water to facilitate salvage opera- tlons, It was announced. ■

Detail;: Of the accident, were not available bccau:.e of limited com- munlcaUoiis faclllile.i,. tiie army statement explolned. I t said two of the p s . w i ^ i were women, boUi of Whom e.ytlped ir^urj',

Tlie ih n y Issued a casualty list based on reports to Uie state depart- ment trotu tlie Arotncan consulatfK nl St. Julins, Newfoundland, bu t th# list contained noUilng'on Uie extent of InJUTlf*.

<tlerJan-sen of .

State Guardsmen Seeking Enlistees,

Company B. fourUi lnfnntrj% Twin Palls' Idaho slate Ruartl company vhlclt^A'o months ni:o had so many nembem Uiat .Uiey had to pu t nei ;omcrs In an Tawkwarri-squad." isatn seeking members to fill Its 'anks, f

According to 'C orp . U .'N . Terry, he company's publicity officer, the draft and enlistment.s In-Uie regu­lar .services ho-s cut nbout a dozen (com Uie compiny In tlif Kitt niontti. Tlie company's fullslTcngth Li 53 of.,fleers and .men.

Consequently. tnllsUnenta ;aln open. Newcomers will b 1 111.tlie "awjcward squad"•NV •atekV-tralnlnij brJote imlttance to the company.Tlie company Is making plan.s fo i.-.pcctlon which 'oilll be made toy -i Kular army officer sometime dhr

'liiK the moiiUi.'Drill In erecting t<-nt. -wlUiout tents—featured Uic la.i mccllnff of Uie company a t the Le glon- hall.

c pJae-


felt Urit-iln had not give

• i;nl

seh^pr^ 1 o f -^ ta lln ’»

I dIplomuU incllnrii Uiei • ■ ' ''le Uiird part

on Russian norc Uion IS most terrlbli

J interested Ip gasoline e .ty js t jpeetl i t 'which .econd gear is about 15

' AlOOOLCf. A\ACAROAJt \ AN© ' SPASHtm,, r o o f .


t IVwUo—n)0d»rji »*dlt»tjao I a Bsultoo iuet tJMfc m . doubi* supiJy 3 i

'O - . . -

------- JUST ARRIVED-^— :Trucklojii of PlemUh Beauty

Pears, Few Eaimelt Orapcs left. Also canning Tomatoca. 11.00 bu. B ring containers.

P U B L ir m a r k e t490 Olac Lakei D ^Ierw d



Community Chest Ready for Drive

'O'r.n Pm . Or«)L. H, sm ith. W. L. Chancey, n ChugB, B, J, Davidson, P. A.

Ooodvkoonti and Dale'W nkein, Addllional workers named for le RtcceaUon a.tsociatlon nre Zeke artlett,'H arry Bal.^rh. Max Helm- 5lt, H erschel^obb, Lbui.s Hahn. O:

R, NeUon. Hugh P hm ipi and B ert Sn'cct.

Tlie Y.W.C.A.-uroup named U. N. T m y . TA Tinker, R, 1-. S'limmerlltld and R. J. Scliwendlman.. Chainnsn Duvall, in stotemnnt l.viurd on the campaign for lui II1,CM the fact lhal "buky hi prole.s-slpnnl men and « i;plunteer Uielr time 'in He asked Tuln PalU i help tlie vdlunt dene as quickly .sible."


a.-JIy B

TreatJapanese As U.S. Citizens,

ResidentgToIdAnllclpallnn the incrctsltiK ajK

iwamnce of Jjspanese on T«'lii Pallt streets. wiUi many of them working on fttm u uc.u hi-re, Ktieflff.W. W. Lowery to<Ifty wanied against Inter­ference with, or allowing Inclvh'Illly iCr. Uie e^iicvite vlallors.

res are charged with no crime." salfl Sheriff Lowery. •Tliey a r^not prisoners ol war. Most^ of Uiem, gener.illy speaking, n t.y t American cUiJcns, TTiey nre u n d e r the Jurisdiction of Uie war relocaUon nuUiority for Uie-purpose of acconi- pliihing an orderly program of re- locaUon from prohlbiie<l millUxry ftre,-is."''

TJie Rheriff .said Uiat he and Coun- ty Prosecutor Everett. M, Sweeley had signed guftrautees Uiat Uicy would work fpr protection of Uie Jaihuitse to Uie of Uielr ability, nnd tlm t Uiey will be nctlvely p n ' guard ftgalust any tntclngement o l Uie vLstory rifihts.• "nieje-Juixinese," iwld Lowery, ••Me under" ^ttlct Tcgsrinllon b>- WRA. They leave cnmp only wllh perrolMlon of nuUiofhJt.s. nnd iwyc n t«-rt.iln time to return. I t w ill ' be nccci'ary for Uiem lo rls lt Ta-ln Palls lo do their jlioppinir and for recri'nUon. Because 'o f Uie large number Involved, we decided no t to set any short space of Ume In which Uiey must do Uieir riiopplng, nnd we have set the hours of C a, m. lo 9 p. m. -aj Uie period during which Uiey luay be In town.”

Bonds, Stamps in Gooding at $22,108^GOODINQ, OcU S-W ar savingi

bonds and stnmiw totnlllng. t 22.. lOOJO were mW in OoodlnR county diirinK Uie month of September, nc- corillng to the report of J . Schu­bert, Oooding county chnlrman, t o ’ wnr r..-ivlncs si.iff headquarter* in B ote. Bond sales wnounwd to 525 and stomps accounted for the re-- m ainder of S l i j l j o . •

• PATIE.VT AH.H,OSriTAL KIMBKRLy, Oct, 5 - E K, Ewing,

Kimberly. Um l>ffn adm lllttf to tli# ' I Falls county VenernI hospital.

\ a former resident of . Twin Falls nnd Jerome.

i)Avi lJoyJ Nolan ^

“The Man A Who 5

U'ouidia VI O''". .Hi;s

I 50*’jouii(t;i


&}W E O .

. 2 2 <


'4 kKtiM *r 1>I« 'kKxlKn Inil4«,

tlon-l putIplKt lU .

Hurry! Ends Tomorrow! ^

m m m

Page 3: \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^

Mo!l(Uy, Octob«r B, 1942 TIM ES-N EW S, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page ThwS'


sauil Cbnt cta;«lx<

............. By JOE I)O N A nrE(rn d d e o t, Twin Fklis &««rtaUsn

AuocUUon) ^riecrcUlon In wartime preicnU

.4nUrt5j d llJtiinl, pTubltau tliwv In peacetime but r tc rta lion U iiu l

✓ lmport«i»t now u e>er txrpre a ror th« Oilldren perhftps U U Ru

^ Importjuit. ■T War ftiiil lU prJvatioiia can t

sravo <3lilor:cJ dlapcolUons on ^ Immature mlnch uiilt-'J 4oine usent li employed lo counlerncl'U ie li and horror to »lUcJi Uicy arc . *i jected. Recreation la U;at niicnt,

Ai U \ \ U Dfforv Until Uili yew Uie T a’Ui Falli

necrrftToii BMOClatloji ien 'cd HA a iii)0Monna, w ill lof to ^ rr ii recrention proKrain. '^ upervbors, eonstltiiUne n ln e -te n tlu > t Uie oi>- •raUne exi>enies, were provltJcd by Uio federal RovernmenL Tim recre­ation uiiU dlibursed ita Iun<la /or houalnir, Jor recreuUonal e<]ulpmeiit and for the pur^busc'of c ro lt ninlcr- IoIa. a v>ell ruuudfd . pwicmiii of “education Uirougli recreation" was enjoyed by all sroups untl afiM. •

Tlien cnme llie nnrf govrm - . meiil recrcaUoti funtli were ^iilfted

to constated urcM.Tlie T»ln Falls Jlccfcatioii n:-?o-

clniion was Him confronted »ltli aildlilonsl re.^poll^lb1IUJ^ MUi Qiily 10 per conl of ilin funds v |tti nlilcli to ft-orl:. All S. O. 8 . for tiimiicUil aid found Die city budget ahcid iv approved. Tliere wm but oue tliliiR 14} do; Tlie pronnltn wiw jtr ram -

------- ff.-ipond lo the availablelined to ftind*.

And the rtiulla were aurprlalngly rood. Bquipment—volleybaJb, cro* quel MU, clieckers, etc.—were In cood condition. Further were not necesiarj'. 60 the B«<5cla- tio a - ^ r d up Uie bulldlns U had

, been Uilns ani) retained two ftupei Tlxira. All reporu were B.-atlfylivr.

^ Whtl« »i:lclly a p fosjam .Ior cJiV . . dren. under the new ielup, r,evcml

KToupa of nclulLs were nffordcd .•tluipmtnV Jot park oiitlngj in «venln(«.

N eil Year'f TlaaThe prosrun ' for next ye.v" .....

<*nipha.Mie a elowr relallcmahip with the .child lo 'lake llie place of par. ents who will be baiy wlnnlJii; tin war." In adrtlilon to auperM<;Uig t]»

-, play of UiJ young elilldren U Is planned to have an agency wliereby the older child Is U> be helped In se- curlna odd JoIm. TOIa ts dcxtRiied lo leach *elf-reIloiice and n t Uie *npie Lmc reduce tlio delinquency a t Uie age where tiiey do not geL the enJo 'm en/ oul of park play th a t \he Khalltr child does. , '

TUB recreation ot our children !» Terj- nccfi*aty now. Tlie heallh and morale ot our future nrmleij. If It Li

He Bombs Nazis LEG A L ADVERTISF.M E^JT S ___

W ficeedings of the Board o f County Ck)mmissioners, Twin Falls G )unty, Idaho

•filer r

LU;VT. LK noY r - E m s r-y e a r-o ld Jerome army turned u fe liy to Rntland

arier a prtilonied raid orer Cer- m anj. UU p irenU . Mr. and 8U«. It. L. KIIU, Jerom e, were adTUed that I h e American bcmbinc Muadron with w hlrli he flew at* U rkrd iierlln Uiielf la«l Krtiiir- IStall T jirn rln c)

‘Booster Meeting By Eden Grange

' Draws Big CrowdA O E N . Oct. B — Booster n igh t At

W en O ra n g e ^ tm c te d a larso crowd. The-lecturer. Mra. C. M. fltone. hod ehftrge of the pjO'sram.

Paat miuter* of Eden Grange trer# Blrea'reeoEnitlon as were a gold sta r member. Jbo Day. and allver star membera, Mr. and Mrs. 0 . -0 . Rolce. Mr. and Mrs. C. D, SchmldgaU and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Q orton. <•

The welcome addre.-ji waa glvei br-Mra. A. A. Gordon, wife of Mm . le r Oordon. Mr*. Slone' read Uit satUmal maalcr'a adctre.ia. H ie croup a ih f ^^Ilho~ and -Be a Booster."

Guy DUon. first mo.iter o f Sdei Orahfre. Rare **t:illc ort Uie •'Pur)(».ie ofUieOranRe." T ttoTftpdancenum ­bers were given by H ennor Scliwab aficompanled by Mrn. Charle.n Ilaw* ley. A O nligs , paper waa com­posed and r 'i 'd by Mr*. C. O. Hole*. A rending, 'T h a t Oal O’ Mine.” waa presented by Mrs, fUItiU McClaliv

The next ftieetlng of a range wllj be held Oct. 31. : , ,

Rotarians Hear- Pension Address

GOODINO. O ct 5 -T lie Gooding n o ta n ' club members heard It, A. Ohappell explain the w nlor clUrens

K franc act to b« Voted on !n Novem­ber and alw tlie Townsfiid plan. Braivii Bird, p rocm n chalrronn. In trodiRed U-.e epeske:.

Xteulr Merrtll Alexander lold 0 his exprrlencta a t arUUerj- .\chool li Port 8III. OklA. Ueut. A letander noT la In SouUi Carolina. A te tter from B t. JiTtiea 'Cromwell, who .Is with the army-In Australia. wa.i read by Secretar>’ Leon Weeks.

The nolwlnns voted to donate »10 ,to Uie P.'-T. A. milk fu n d /

John CJoujer won the war 'stam p drawng.

OtJjer BtieiU wer# Bruce Eubank, and Dale EuUer, Gooding, j . z fanner presMtd.

G. P. Heinzelman Rites Conducted

OOODINQ, Oct. 5-PunerrU eerv- Icfs were condficted for Ocorge Peter Ilelntelman, aoodltiB. by Rev. B. D. Hallsted, Twin Palls. Durlat In nmwDodi cemfterj' He ww bom In dermany April 27.1593, and came to America on April I. lojo. BurrlTora Include his wife. K ath-

' ertftt, and a daughlei. M itt, a t Uie hceie. and three sbters.

Gun (jrew Shakes Hands AII.Around

For Dooming: JapLOS ANGELES. O c t 1 MV-To

Jimmy PraacavUla. a . Lob An- eriw Tlmei offk* boy now with

mailaca la th* Solocnon U . landa. IhU war ha t iU ifg^ter mo- taen t* .. ,

wooUne dtw-n a dive bomber. *wR>ed ((i'ahala hind* *11 around

of tfae ftmnlert alehU dur- a>» battle.* ha wrttei h li for- eo.>vorken. ,

Lettuce Test May Put New ' Crop ill Area

If "cwnlns evcnta cnst Uirlr shii- do»* bf fore Uiem.” Tw in PiilU coun- ly may ««np day couni ItUac# an Imporinnt crop. T lia l depends on Uir succe.u of a n expertment on Uie le it fann of Uie ^■uoclnled Seed Growers cnmpany. locatwl four mlle.i of town on ihe Addlwn avenue rotftf. wliere « 40-flcrc f/elrf of that crpp Li now being harveflled.

r . M, Hud.'On. m anager of the As. sedated office a t F iler, said l63ay tha t the « -ac re plot of leliuce mlgh b« tlie beclniilnc of ex teiuU t Ictluci planting In T n in Pnlla coifnly. Tin cQtnpnny hB.1 hundre<l4 of acres 0 lettuce growing In Use Nampa anc CaWwell rtlslrlct.1. but' has never be fore trifd It In thU locality. I t I: aLio being tried here ,lhls year by Uie Cornell Seed comiwny. T*m Palls, whicl) .yeslcrriny ; llnWicd thrtslilng a alx-ncre p lot pear here. The .nee<l had no t been cleaned thti mnmlnc. anrl Ihe yield Was' nown. X ><% v_

■•If Uie experhnenlal crops arc Miful," .uild Hudvin, “ tiir/e h <

likelihood lim t Uie company mlsht expand ILi lettuce Rrowtng Into tliU county. However. Uiere Is some doubt finiiy mind about It. ThLi .locUon I* n b it whidy for lettuce In Uie fall, and many of the fanrjers are

, ( ^ ra t /jr s fo r the haj work Uial Utuica require^’’

Hud.-.on nald ihe <0-ncro plot'1C* experimental farm , which anagert by Tw n Crane, Is n

^ u t halt-Uireshrd. bu t Uiat l... irftd win have to be d ranetl before

le yield can 1» clctrrmlne«l. He « ld ■ -looks like ft good croii." A.uoclalfd contracU wllh a fami- grow lla lettuce, which is not

for food bat itTf.need. Good hw d Irt- tuce yields 300 to sod poimtb of sred to Uie acre, and learie llu ee yield? 700 to 1,000 pounds of ee«l to the acre. A pound coffec can hold? enough lettuce seed U> plant an acre. Hud.ion said.

The pov'ilblllly waa aeen 'Ui’at lea.«-lend deroonds for eeed mlsht bo mos'lng A.'.soclaled to exnand ' fadllKL's. but Hud;,on aald no p duciloa • (ii-p.ixlment . m an wuukl know nnytliing about th a t plia.^e.

Harvest Vacation Oct. 10 for Eden

EDKN. Oct, 5 — W eather condl-. tlons pemilltlng. Eden acliools will close Oct. 10 10 release puplLi foi the potato har\', '

Because of the Inerea-sed acreacf and the shortaRC of help it, TOaj-'he

leceiiary lo lengthen the vacutlor beyond Uie two weekt usually al­lowed fcrr UUi work. H . B. FUher, iuperlnl4ndent. «ald tod*y.

J f tiv»-.hlgh » e h « V J i to Tttnalii cloaed Uit wtek of OetTlS-Sl.'ther* will be a notice In this .paper Pilday. Oct. 23, otlierwlie K hool will start igahi Oct. 26. •

To help students gel Joba and ’ajrmfTs find help du rlne the hiir- •est vacation. Jack ^»oerlr«n will •un a branch of the United Stales

employment te.-S’lce t t his sffire, XJr. G oert^n will have aJLst of all siud- enu, ihelr age.-., where ihry will WTsrk and how long.

As soon u studenta are oul of Jobs they are expecMd to check In at. Goertsen'i so tha t farmer* will know where to find help,

"Since thLi harvest is up to the students. It Is iwked th a t all coop­erate with aocsUen." Supl. Fisher urged.

, Tw in Palls. Idaho .' ■ September n . ISO

10:00 o'clock A, .M. atG i;L ,»R AL'CUST BESSIb-S TTje Board of County Comml:

alonm m et aV X hlsjim a purjuai., to rtceas.' all m em bv i and clerk present.

O rdrr ts Df»w W arrant , Tlie County A ulllor wuJ auUi td to Oraw w arran t on Uie Poof Fund In the ampunt of »OT3iO ... favor of a a le - o f Idaho Dept, ofi Public Ai.\lstnnce. for direct relief I for Uie m onth ot September, J«*2.

Canerllallorrof Taxes Delinquent u a e s oti l o t i t . 2 aiv

3. Dlock 83, Buhl Towiulle. {DrJ33: 111 ttir sum of MOJtt. were onlrrei cancelled. locriher with penally am Interest.

Ile>irttitlDnTtift re.'.lKiiatlnn of Milllni

as chief rtrptiiy In the A5%fj.«>r' office, »i^., lilrti wlUi Oid aerpptnby till* noiird. trtliecbm c effecllvi September 21. 1042.

' Oco.’ . C h « ii, Coimly A.vpMot Bppea5,rd V to re U 'c Boartl Iti per?i'! and by le tifr and rrque.-;lPd tlia Flora D lerkrr-be ftdvaueed lo rlik

ly In hL Dffloe: that Jerm ,Jrnr dvaneed to W V “d drpuM-, nnt

Ihelr pay be advance! 'a r cordlngly. namely $ISSoo and li;5.00 per monlli rr.specUvely. for thr re- rnalncl'T of die fUcal year A mnUon was made by CommlMlnner IJncI’i*y lhat ^•ld d'-ptiilrs b<« advanceit and ihat saUrlr.i be se t a,i reque:.ted. 'Hie mollpn was eeeoiided by Com- inlr.*loi\fr' M olandff. and Jtill caU was untntmoii-sly carried.

.— ' Salary Sel A motion wa.i made by Coninils-

\lnner Llnd?.ey th a t ihf. aalary of, Tlielma Mlniirrly, lax r*ll clerk, be-j

a.sed from $110.00 per mo to 1130.00 j>er m onth, beginning » he second Monday of ihLi mm m e niollon wa.i secotnled by C< iiU'lonrr 'Molnnder. and ii)>on all WM unanimously carried. Routine biwlne.''* was tranraclM

inHl tJ'e hou r of 5;00 o'clock P..Uen ft rfcr.'.a tnVen until SO'.W p'clock A. M, Scpiemher H,

\ C. B, UNDSCT,Cliai

w ith O tt\e r* l C a ^a U y Co. of ^nwt- lea, was a pp rw ed by . the Doord. C n m n t E*pcn»e Ctalm* Allowed Curren t expense Clalr^ nere af

lowed, and w a rra n tj were ordered

lows;1 paym s tol.

Barron. D - L., constable fee: »23,70: OtTkce »renm>j>. salao'. *1». » • Buhl H em ld, election noUce i lalloU . M ll.S7r'D o5sch Motor Co.. flcclloii ren t, *10.00: D. T. Ortlng- brokc. cfl.ih recelpt.s. J87B; L. M. Benion, Ju ro r's cert.. « . i : ; Jno, A. Urovn', mUeRge in d expeiwe. M3S8: Hal.-xli. M etta . ex tm *elp. *18£0; llrooka, Mr^i. O r 'i ll r . extra help. UO.lf).- P a lrlc lu Berm, extfu help. J7345: Dob Baker, cash-reeeliits,! IitO: B arnard Auu? Co.. t»r.exi>ei-L^e.' 113.11; VlrRlI Borden, ra.*h recelpu,] J1855: Buhl Herald, p rintltii. $28.55; •Milea J . Brow ning. Inc.. ear ei;. pen^r, $33.89,

H, Ii» Clark. prhitiiiK, JV70; Cnn. iliirntiil Oil Co.. car rxjiraie, JJ.Ofl: Cliy of T«'ln Pall.-i. nulfo exiien-.e": Mrs. Iv w ls Clill'ls, extra hrlp « 3 i i ; Oeo. A. Chllris, mlleaFe ami «tl>eiue, $«1.50: C ity Watemorks Urpl.. water. $77.78; P. J. ColbeK, v.|iiie-vt fee. $3.12: Hrr.schM II. Coblj, Jiiror'a cert.. 59^2: C.ixioii Printers, »mee iuppU o . »3.7tl; C ln' Boek' .Sinrr. offlcr supplle.-., $3S.8r.: Clo nook Store, office Mippllr.^ $1.85: J, K. .Coleman, coiutnlile fee, 12.80; CaMleford Bnpii.n Cluirch, rlrctlon

r-nl, «.00', C lns DooVt Slnre, nlllrel Jpplle.<, »8.nO: CIos nook store, of. ce suppllci. $7.10; II. .S. Cunning- »m; coa’tab le fef, $5*60.Diamond H a rd w a re 'C o . rtrfeii^e

its. $75.03; I51nmnnU Marilware Co., enulpmenl, $33.80'; M , .E. DoIlhiK, Jiiror'.s cert.. $3.12; Fred Farmrr, Jurnr-ji cefl., M ,I3; Fidelity Nntlonal,

. :5.O0, K ath ry n O a.vrr, regWrar. Oortioii O rny. rejiortlng.

E. P. Ifalt, receipted Exp.

, tVsU\trar,

ctlon l(

39 Take VVendell ¥irst Aid Course

WENISELL, OcU 6—Nln«l«en resl. denta m cnrcUed In th d 30-hout f ^ t eou ttt M\d 30 iTi 10.' hour coune of t l« n « i Crosi to qualify them for civilian defewa jobrt in the OCD progmm.

Maurice Jam lw tu e ltj' OCD chki.- ta Instructor In ih c JO-hour

iUndard oourae. and Mr*. Jan# Peterson iho shorter course. Both ckAses meet T uaday and Thursday

^ ‘8h echool bulMlns.Enrolled in Jamlton'* c la a a rc

Ctt^ingham. Jack Dnrldson. Pred Eaton, a. P. lUmaey.- O jda

V«mor MUIer, M n.A. D « rtn s , Mr*,

Nellis A. Dyar, Mr*. Audrey Mac- ^ Dallls

Parr.Villas H. Dixon,.Sam Biinirum. Cr Adkltu. Hugh. diW wtU Mid OrTllla Cameron. . ‘

Clerk. T ttin fn lli, Idaho .Roptembrr M. 5S« 10:00 o'clock A, M.

RKGrLAn .SEPTF-'MnF.R SESSIO.V TliP Board of County CommLj-

sinners met a t this time pursuant to reeeM, all membem and Ihe clerk

Hearing on PellUon Tlil.i being the dnte .'el for llic

hearing on. petltlo^^ of John H, -Wllle, cl nl, re.'Ident elector.^ of Comroott Schoal Dt-'trlct, N o . T a i n Falls county, and C. E, Sears, el al, re.'Ident elector.s of School Dlitrict Ind. A No. 1 of dw-Hia Coi) no on** appearlnfi to proter.t, Midi consolidation. It was moved by Cnin- ml.yioner Molander, seconded by Comml-«loner Prttter and nnnnl- mousK carried, tha t ari rlectlon be held ^ C o m m o n School DisV No, 1, T a in ’fTills CounD’. upon*llie tlon;. eiiall Comtnon School DL\t. No, 1. Tain PnlNX ounty. and Schooji DI.nrlct.Ind. A - • - • '■>e con.iolldated Vo, l.^CsMla Count >e held October 23. ID<2, bet. - •. inurs o f 2:00 o’clock P, M, and ('clock p. M. o f said dav. In ..., rhool a t MUner. judges of

election lo be Atrs. Jolin T. Sim- •noas and Mm. John KnodrI, witji Mn. tcAter Staley Rctlng m clerk.

R eport FUetl Joint report of the Counly Aiiril

lor and 'l\ea.*;urer. fo r Uie ihonili ending September 13. 10«. wa.i flledi with and approved by the Board.

Jloutlne :bu.slne»s w^s iran.sacted until the hour of S:00 o'clock P. M, when a rece.*j was taken until t0:00| o'clock A. M. S»-ptember IS. 19<2.

. C. B. MNDSBV".. Chalrma

Attest:WAl.TTR O, MUSOnAVir.' ' , . Clerk.

TS».'ln Pall."!, Wnho Septem ber 15, 15<5 I0;00 o'clock A. M.

nEGfLAft REPTX^mirR SESSION T1i« Board of County Comml*-.

ilonen mel a t th li tlm i puwuant] lo recf.s*. Commlwrierer* Wolander and Potter and th e cl^rk pre.sent. CflmmMoner IJn d 'ey absent. Com.

Molnnder acting a.s chair-


1:3.25;*13.20;I15i8; M artha «*.B0; U e rt.

|JCII.<5. ■Paul A. Itiij . ..

$IH.00; Idaho Power Co., elecirlelty, $1502; 'Idnho Power Go., eleclrlclty. tm .6 0 ; filttho Hecord BooH Co. office stippjle.i. J1J1.87; Msho Scrv. Ice Stiitlnn

tE G AL a d v e r t i s e m e n t s

Bulil Hr;

heatliii. $10.00; V-esUcU OW Co.. . IS p . »:3.0; Weslenv Unlon'TcJeg.

te:tiram s. $10.79; Wlchlla School * Office fiup. C o , luppUes. JfB 16; w. » . Wild; cabinet. $85.00; VtrKinia Westergren. ex tra • help. ri3.0i. •


N'i'.luuN »eed claims were allowed, and »a;ranlfl were ordered draan

I Uiereof as follo«’i; lid. prlnUng. $58.B0; Brl.

if-iai Tiorks^ Equipment. $2<.oo; ittiiilpinrnl Co.. llcp alr.'$23,70; Hro»n. Repair. $<,77; City Wkv rk-. Water, $1J0; C hlpnun icnl Co., Sodium Clilorale, $3.- ; Jan« Gtbb. Clerk; $2t 00; Olliiiore. Clrrk. $<2,00; Klu>d

i-Mrn Help. $WiO; Id;ilii; iitijic. Inc.. Assigned Claim: <\iniion, Extra Help. $102.25;

. Kvutarr. Ilrpivlr. $ai.8S;. J«hii r \ t r n Help,>e3J0; jS lunrt Mor- I!<'IiiUr. $1-5; .Mill, ain tr;, 'I'rl.

!. Co. Tel, Hcnlce. $<.25; Min,. Trl. A: Trl. Co, Tel. Service, MfVey'J, Rrimlr U1.E3: 1,. P.

I., Wiilcluniui, $3.50; ............0 .Chemical Co.. Sodli

.’>00.00; .H;iWtd llr r

lliuii Chi'c \ . l in

iiclair Url-txp.. $12.21; W alter Tunn

unrriiou-.fmnn, $60.00; Union .\Jc>t Co. C:ir Kip., $16.05; Onion Oil C nf Calif., Car Fjp., $I28.tW;

3 .5 8 ;.............

R, E. jonr; !ielp.$41.08; ................... ....................WBier. J2,*0; ili irn .' u- Jennings, Ji ,tlce fees,' $3,00; Kingsbury's, defrn.'.e klt.1, $4C,io; KInB.^bury■.1. ilnig,% $2,75; Prank Krlly. d e c . .drnyage, $fOO; .Mrs. KaUlryn K lrknm n. regt.Urnr. $5130; Mar>' A nn Knight, ^alnry, $MO.OO; Priul I>, K reft, Jnnltor'i sup- pllrs, $2.50.■ Guy L. Kinney. ln.snnlty henrlpl:,

$10.00; Brlty K elker. extra Iw^, JI080; KlnK,^buo'’• flnics, $105; ^olm R. Irlie r , cnsli rrcclpts, tC.05.

W, W . Ijowrry. recrlptecf exix.'n'r, J20.30; W, W. Lottery-. prL’Xiiicrs iWMd. W . w ; Lower)'. ca.Mirecrlpt.s, j j i j i .

C, n , Uiid;,ey. 10 00; Ernf "

0 ten

Coraippeared before th e Board Ii. \ and-by I tlle r a n d retiuesled ipproval o f her nppolnfmenl

of neity Painter Kelker m a elerl In tier offlee, A mollon was marii by CommLviloner MolandW that ’aid appplnlment approted and thal salary bf> *et a t $110.00 pji iiontli. beginning today, Mollor m seconded by Commlr.sloner Pot­ter and unsnlmou-sty carried. •

ApproraU nfllond Bond of Betty Pain ter Kelker k

clerk In tto office bf County Treas- '— in The am ount o f t$i,000.0(l.;

.......... .mrt Exp.,

.Molnnder. mileage : D.ivid .McCliuky,

...............$28.C5; Min, SUilraT e l ,/ : Tel, Co.. Tel. rntlonlns Bd, $I2()7; M tn Stjite.^ T pI. A: Tel. Co.. Tel. health u n it, $18 32,

McKeiui, Rny. Jurors Cert., $3.12; Cells Moorman. $47.«; Min­idoka County News, printing, $2.<0. M enltt. Harold Wm.. pints, $35.00; Mnwl Automobile Co., expenre. $393:; M in Stnte.i Trl. i Tet. Co..

Ice, $135,78; M tn State.' Tel, ■J.'Tel, Co.. Tel, S en lee. $120"8. /■ J. E. O kb, Ju.Hlce fee.s. il2,00; Ben

E. Potter, mileage and Exp., $I7JJ7;G, T, ParkUuion. snltvrj-. JIOS.W, !f. 8, Pa'.t, .snlnr^-. $250.00; C, M.

•th. Juror's CerU $3.12; W, P, -'er. in.innlty hearing. $tO.OO;

Mar)' Allen PeOT. exlrn help . $44'.10.Postal T elegrnpli. lelcgrxun, DOc; C,

K. Rudy. Ju-.tice fcc.i. $27.00; Radio BulldlnK'Co., ren t, rationing Bd.. $70.00; Mrs. Pelirl Snenson. election rent, $10,00; Cora K fslevcns, Treaal. Asslg. courl order, $35.00; ClarenceH, Sclielt. wltne.vt fee, $3.12; Bert A. Sweet, Juror's Cert.. *3,12; Sjms- York Co,, records. $53.05.

J. II. Sher/ey. l a u n l ty hearing $10.00; DorU Strndley, S u p t , mile. ofiB and.iw p-. $S2.Cfl; C. R. Sher­wood. rcpnJf. $3.35; Cora E. 5teven.r Co. Trea.s„ recelpLs, $1H,80; Cora r . Sie.vetv'.. Co. Tretis, Uett;* Rommetvedt,. clerk , a-uigncd claim. $47,68. ,

- 61r>«ni*. ex tr> help. ♦19J3; Standard P r ln l ln c Co„ print-

,ln s . $exed; Slmpaon t i Oompany. IJaJl nippllea.tia.eO; Twin feed f i Ice Co.. ke, $13.13; T w in Pill* Olass Pftlnt Co.. jcpaJr. $ fO ,

Trollnger's. d ru cs, *3J7 ; 'T rl- Siale Lumber Co.. olecllon Exp,, 8<c; Trl-Slale Lumber C o , repair. $3,t5; ’Troy Laundry, hiundry, $17.«; ’Times.News Pub. and printing, $830,M; Bertha T ice, ex tra help. $31.00; T h e Texa.i Co.. car ISp., $12.07: U tah Oil R cfln ln s Co.. car Exp.. $14.63; Union Motor Co.. car Exp.. »39J7,

Union Motor Co., c u E xp . IM21; an. Ausdelii, B. C., J a p gusjd,

110.00; P . W Woolwofth. rationing Bd Exp, $1.25; W nrberi Bros., dray- «ge*eleetion. $34.50. ,

U E. W iudi jtwUce Ices. $3 00; Juna WlLion, reR islrar, $25.20; IVrlsht Fuel Co.. coal. »I20,t4; P, W. Woolworlli Co,. Janllor.'K Supp, $2.00; John W. W urster, Imaliliy

Mra Help, 4 00; Hurry W. Wrichl |'nrehnu^rlnnIl, . 0.00.JtO.SflTAI. K.VPE.S.SF. CI.M.MS

AI.J,OU'i;i» 'llu;.p»ii\ rijiriii.c nlnlms t>rM. .'I

r.ied, niHl ■,v,irrnnl.s Mere c iilrrn r.i'AU in ii:ijtnenl therrof ,v. [nl

llolse I’,i) rile Lumlier C o . Ujiki c'i> 10.PO; MV.v Ooldn Hoyd. Prcni'i.mN

111.10; lluhl U undry . $735.16; CU) VVntrr. $B5.32: li. t,

............. Supp.. $22.70; Clroitook Store, Office Supp.. $l(i.HO;

f l r r Clay Co., Drugs $151.70; id liardware Co., It. H. Sup- ;i.58; Duro Test Cori> H. H, J, SC.30; PKlellty tffiitloiial

Uatik. AviU;iifd Claim ' . ' VirKUUt Knlglit. Nurtrs A ide, $20.00; Gen Electric X-Uiiy Corp., -X-Ray Sui>- pile.-., $250.47; Wm. G, Harbour. Up­keep, $104.00; H. J. Heinz. Provisions, 48.75’, Chils ISes.'sflholl. Provl.sUiivi JSI.CO; .1. A. Ilow.ird. Provkioh.',

|4:7.52; Icl.-iho Creamerle.'. Provl...loiis, '$22.88; Idaho Ue|n. Store. Inc., li. H, supplle^, $20.17; Ictnhd Dept, Store, In c ..' A.•. lgned Claims:. Lots M ninke.\lee, Nu .^e. $84.00; Hajel llrown, Supenbor. $33.33; ' Mury Downing,. Provisions, $70.10; Jen Hnn.'.el. Nu . e. $85,00; Belh Hiitcl Nur^e, $21.33; U ly Lnrson, Nui';: $33133, $333.15; IdaJio Power Ct ESeclrldiy, $3<0J2: ' Independet .Meal Co., Prort'ilons, $67,14; H, 1 Jeppeseu. MUe;iKC Mid Expesvr. , $20 85'; Jerome Co-op Creamery, Pro-

$100.80; Kimble's, Provl.sltjiic $211.01: KInsr.bury-s, Drugs. $335.89; Krrngel'i. i.urglc^U Aupjilli'.i, $110.22; L iV N BtvernRe Co.. Provhloiis $!5.74;.Mntlhe'AS ,1; Kerr. H- H. Sup-

. J.!cKe.vsoii, IlolibhiJ Dnig.v $284.62; Mtn. Stales Tel. A

I LTel Service, $fll.7r:"Rnaf)triil .C o ., provl.slons, $27.00 Phy Supply Co., Surgical Suiipllr.*!,

i:C7.81; Harry Rec^e, ProvLilon.n, >84.00; Schwelckhnrrifs, ProvI.Nion. JIOI.03; Slmp.'on A: Co.. Provl.^lon.''....... O. P. SkagR.s S.vstem, Pro

. $31.00; O. P, Skiiflgs. ProvI' $30.14; Standard Bratid.s 0

Calif.. Provbinn.'.. $18.80; SU ndan Prfntlng Co., Records, $8;i25', Tmie5-

Pub. Co., Jiipplle.'. $24 RO; Twin Falls Cocii-ColiuBolt. Co.. Provision $22,04; Twin Falls Co. Gen. HQ. )iitr .\U'<, Ca.«h Receipt!, $00.78,

T » ln PviUs Feed & Ice Co.. pro- Islons, $15UB; Ta'ln PalLs Luml>c) :o.. upkeep, $432.57: Ed Vance, pr< Lslon. $71.40; Vogel's provision

$7DJ7; Walgreen Drug Co„ druj; $51.17.

•berg BrA.,' freight, drayiis J9.32; Fred W arren, provlilons, $5,15:

Union, tekcrnms. $8.78, W, H, Wild, repair, $5.50.

Wright Fuel Co.. fuel. $355.T Young'* Dftlo'. .provl. iftii.s, $337J; Zlon'a WhoW.-ile Groceo'. provl.'

ns. $207.66.Poor fond.C la im s Allovrd

Poor Fimd elnims wrfe allowed

burj's, drugs. $ « i3 ; Kingsbury drvgs, $17,45; Charlotte Laiun, ext help. $35.00: Mtn Stales Tel. & ’reL Co, 'I'el, service, $«,40; Mtn Slaie* Tel. A: Tel. Co, 1‘ei. service. $6.05. M atu Service Stailon. car, Exp, $42.77; W aller C- .M*.>gr»ve; Co. aud- Uor. Traiwp. InoT, H5J5; John .\o:u>t.Uiy, extra help. $15X)0; Hulda Ohl'oii. care of In d , $20.00; ArcWe Philippi, cook. $65 00.

Parisian, Inc.. laundri-. J . C, f'enney Co., lewlng suppires, W8.91; Royal UiLkicy. provlslous, .$18.54; l.iV ernU llisewUk. iiurie. $50.00.

SI, Alphon.'.Ui htt^pltttl. TJ). hos- ixtiiiiiniton, $151'J4; I, E. etanscll, li."o\L'.|ons, $10.26; O. P. BKaggs Sys­tem. pnivj.\ions. $500;, ainipion i i Co.. provuions. $3ti04: T'Hn Palls Fi-e<i A: lr?-Co.. /.tofage WPA. $15.00. ■ Twin Falls I'Vrd i t Ice Co.. ito r- -iKe WPA. $67.90; ’I'm in h-jilb t>ed

Ice COTilocwKC awl Icc l.IVlVi- t'alLs Batik A; Tru.U Co.. as- .•unid oliilin; D. 1. .Miignuiou. feed, $50.32.

eiiutr, laundry-, $51.80;

iToilngers, {inm ., ind., $20.54; ’lYol- ItiKer'.'. drugs. llflni. il.M); IV ln F.UL\ Co. Gen, h(l^plUl, Hu-.p,' oi I n d ', $1254.05; Van Engelen's, bui>- pile:.. $4J4; W right Furl Co.. coal, J.253.23; -W right Mlrl Co.:

We.''leni Ojil $ll..'.u; W.irrrn Will


Twin tu lls L"Uini> Joy Liiui

••111 Co.. ,

e hoi•s taken I


J-'alit, IdiilHi^ »lt>er IB, I!I«. n i l<K:k A.

lmll.’.^loner^ Mvlauder am Id the clerk prejeiit. Com ■ I.Indsey absenl, and Com

.Molander acting as chairn pro t.

O nilK ll TO DllAW WAKBAXT 'Ilie Counly Auditor was author*

Ired to draw w arant on Uie Poor Fund in the am ount of $3U0 in favor of the SU te of Id/ho Dept, of Public A.vilslnnce, for Supplemental direct relief for the monUi of Sep- teniber. 1042,

Routine huslnee-t was irans.ncted imtil U ie'honr of '5;00 o’clock P. Af. whem a rece.vs was taken until 10:00 o '4 jA a. M., September 31, 1043.

ERNEST V. MOLANDER.Chairman pro tem.


Clerk.•IV ln Falls. Idaho Seplember 21. 1042,

• , 10:00 o'clock A, M. REGULAa SKPTEMBEft HK.SSION

17ip Board ol County Commls- (loners met a l ihl.v Unie pursuant to' reref.s, all members and Ihe clerk, present

FIXING TAX U rv itS ll io Bm this lime took up

tlir matter of fixing tax. levies for 1942 lor cnuwy. state. <ind various tnxlhff unils, n. lirovldetl in Se'ciion «l-8<ll Idaho Coda-^iuolRted, and

de the following levies:In ra l l i CountT Lrilei. lUsed en F.aeh $tOO.OO V aluitJon-lM :

Stale .,.$25

ClUe* and VllUte*:Ot^i. Other ToUl

Twin Falls .......$iiO $Ji25 $3J35UulU .....................123 150 » 2.45

. 150 UO 3.80

Ha:e r l y _____UO 1.70

M urtaugh _____C u tle fo rd _____ l «Hlxhwirs:

SinkUi, noafl Bridge Fund In t ToL.

Buhl . $.04 $ 01 $J0 $.25 $.80 Filer - --M urlaugh...IO ,08 ■

. No. 3 1.30 .60 40 3.20Ind, No. 3 -.80 ,

i .w , n o1.4(1

.20 3.00 A f 1.!

InU. St>.Ind, No.Ind. No. 8 . i jn ,M/ .41 Ind No. 9 .80 .10 .51 n u r . H 6 I 40 ,15 • ,21 n u r . H 8 2 .70 ■ 2 'Common School Dtitrlcts-

Sltik. H .a,Orn. Fimd Mind T0t.1l

$.50 $1.30Com. No. Com. No.

l.W20 -90

Com. No. 25 SOCom. No- 27 .80Com. No, 30. 1.00'Com, No, 33 -80Com. No. 34 .80Com. No- 36 .80Com, No. 33 .40Coil], No. 40 .80Com. No. 41 .30Com. No, 13 .80C orn ,'N o .’ 45 ,60 .Com, No, .51 ,80 Com. No Com, No

l.OO .15 iO l.W

No. 58 .30 Com.-No, 59 1.00 . Com. No. 61 Com. Nt>.,aa ,?0 , fipoctal Taxes:Bee Tax (Per Colony)T. and- A.................—Predatory Animal ..._ Sheep Inspection

- 1.00................................................. JO

T«-ln Pails Bond ..................In The KUIter of American Fatlj

i-e r r ,A statem ent- havin*' been tUetl

w ith Uie Board of Counly Com. mlssloners by Uie County Audllorl a-s required by SMtlon 42-727 Idalu Code Annotated 1032, apd amend-

Iherrlo . shoeing U\e nmnunl.| of interejil which w'lll fall due dur­ing the next eiwulng year on the ouUilfindlng trends ot the American Falls Rr.«en’olr District, and Uie| bonils m aturing April 1. 1043 and dcinber 1.1913, and Uie Board bell fully advised In tlic premises. It ordered t h a t ^ t a x equrl to sevi and o n e th o lfT iS ) per <?ent of t: apportioned cost .of construction thft same oppears upon lh« .lUl and apportiopm ent of benrfll.s approved by the court on fDe with the County

LEGAL a d v e r t i s e m e n t s I L E G A L A D VERTISEM ENTS I .L B ^ A D V E R T IS E H E N T S

Auditor of Tirln Pkll* Count;, 8t«U of Idaho; khoU be, and th t l u n t I* hereby terled on tha U ndi. within . tn# ' laid American m i l DUtricl loeitM In ’Twin P tU i County, aiat« of Idaho for the ytlir 1M3. and the procee<l3 of u ld .ta x to (>• uUUied to poy Intereit on - i3ie ouUtondlB* bonds o f th« American Pan* ncter- volr DblrScl whltli will l u i iiu» April .1. 1M4. Ju ly 1, 1044, October 1. lP4i,

And further th a t $»e#anenl roH w hich-has 4>een extended and pre­pared by the Secretary of Un Amer- lean Palls Reseri-olr District «nd filed wiui Uie County Auditor of Uils County, he accepted u a full, t r w jg f i correct aiie»Smenl roll . of the lands offecled by thU lery and u conuilnlng Uie correcl mnounts due as t«*«s under this levy, and said roll nliall be and re­m ain a pertnanenl lax record ot this county.

Order lo Draw W arrinl Tlie County Auditor w aiUuthor-

lr,ed to draw w nrrant on liWjPOor Fiiiwl Ip Uif tvmcunl, ot »l?lSr*1n fjn-or of St.iie of Idalio Dept, of Public A.-wbi«nce, for second *up- plementJil.pnvroll for the monlA of September, 1912,

In UiF M atter ot Baiariet Mr. JrppeJ.en. sSuperlnlendenl Of

the Cuunty Hc«pltal; appeared l)C- forr Uie Bonrd mid requested Ihoi Mr.v a-»enson be advanced W the ixi'itioii of su<)etinicndent of nurses, and tha t salary be'lncreastd from «I25.00 in $150.00 per mon\h. He aUo, refiupsle<l Uiat b«am e of la(>or sliortuje ^nIarles o( maldi a t the hof.pltiil be lncrea.',ed $500 per monUi. Mov/d by Commissioner I.lnd.\ey, .seconded by Commissioner Potter. UwtTjild *alnrlej be fticreas- e<t as te<pieil«l. eommtnclng Sep* temtier 1. tcts. Upon roll call th» motion was unanimously carried.

Routine buslne.w was transacted until Uie hour of 5:00 o’clock p. m. when a reces.1 was taken iintlt 10:00 o'clock a; m , SeptemtSer i i . 1913. .

ERNEST V. MOLANDER, Attest: Chairman.


T»’ln Pall*, Idaho September 35. 1942

10:00 o’clock A. M. aEnir7.Ari S E P T E M B E t^JiS lO K

The Board of CounijrfdmmLuIon- ens mel a t this tim e ymhuant to re­cess, Commissioners Molander and Potter and Uie clerk present. Com- mlMlontr UPiJjey ftbeenl and C on- miMloner M<;luvJer actlns os chair­m an pro tem.

Routine business was tranueled unUl Uie hour of S;00 o’clock p, m, when a wii.1 taken unUl 10:00 o'clock a. m„ September 28. 1943.

~ ERNEST V. MOLANDER, A tte s t:' . Clialrman Pro Tern.


T»'in PalU, Idaho Septemlirr 28, 1911 10:00 o’clock a . m.

Rr.GUI.AIt SEPTEMBER BE8BIOK Ttie Board of^County Commlwlon- t met a t UjLi tfme pursuant to re- ./i, alt members a n i U i e ^ r k pres-',

O rifr lo rT -B Hw pltalluU onW IIEREAa LewLs O. Terry, of •

•Pwin PnlLi County.’Tdalio. ha» ftled a peUUon In the D istrict Court ot , the Eleventh D btrlct In and for Ui* Counly ot Twin Falls, under the pro­visions of Chapter 305 ot the 1031 Sev;lon Law* of Idaho -la nmauJed

(Continued on Paxe 1}

. - follows:Mrs. G,-6. Avant. room rent, $2.00

J. W, Btlgw. l«Ji;sp «.«)•, Pnv Dalrd. grain. $l8 i5 ; John'Balkwil extra help, $25.00. '

C, D. Boring Drug Co., drug; $13iO; Buhl Pharmacy, drugs. $835 Dr. O. W. BursoM, Prof. lervlce: $3.00; Dr. 0 . W. Burgeu, Prof. terk’ Ice.v $130.00; Benson CoaJ <b Serrlec coal. $1.00; Ben:.on Conl A: Servlet

3sl. $70-70,City WiilerttOrki. water, $2.15

May Dietrich. provUlons, $37,112 Roy Puller, salnrj-,' $J15.D0; Verdi Fuller »alar>', $10.00; George Fllrk, extra help. $0.D8; A, D. Glllespli Prof. ier^tces, $5.00; H, R. Orooti Prof, sen lcts, $30.00; Hnll^Pll Mcr ctuiLlle Co, provLslon. , J5.0); -In dependent M eat' Co.. proW.Hon; $3JM.

IdahO Depl. Store, Iu( pile*, $5.00; Idaho Powi rlclly, $39.40; Id.iho Power Co , elpc. riclty. $20.32; Jerome Co-op Creani- ■ly, provision', $55.05,

Klmble'i. provisions, $18.00; Kren. .nl'*. repair. $3J4; Kinney Wliolc- luCe Co, provisions; i2 \M ; " • berlyE Ierr------------ ^ ’ ~’-

,. farm s

I. n i.05 ; Ktn

■PAL J N s u u t i o n ■ - O - ' m a t e r ia l

A I"»r«ml»«; n u r uK A I V s«T« ie »


N O T l ^ !Dried molasses beet pulp now for sale at the Twin Falls and Rupk't sugar factpfies''- .

Amalgiamated S u gar Company

AN APPEAL!Tomorrow morning-, 'fuesday, Oct. 6, the Twin

Falls .Conimunity-Chest Drive will get under way. Dozens of very busy business and profes­sional men ar^d women will be devoting: tlieir valuable tim e to calling on you,- the public, for contributions to this most worthy cause.

I wish to appeal to you with all rliy heart and soiil, th a t you assist these workers to g e t their job done as quickly and easily as possible. ''

■ Please don't keepj;heni waiting needlessly, if you don't care to give to this mpst im portant work of. our community, be kind enough, be brave

. enough, be decent enough to say so and let them be gone. I t you are going to be out, make out your check and leave it with your clerk or secre- ^, tary to hand to the worker.

We are all -so busy these troublesome times, everyone has so m ueh 'to do arid we all m ust do more and more a s the days grow darker and ' darker and we see n ear ones and dear ones figh t- ing ^nd dying fo f th a t Cause we know m ust eventually win. M any generous contributors

-have already mailed their contributions. Will you others help? WiU you?

- 0 . P. DUVALE, C hairm an ,.. Twin Fiills.Cpmmunity Chest Drive.

r -

f e

Page 4: \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^


ts IHLrv u b b tf >

• M rib. I*. I ti:. U« Idibo C';rnlw

> 4tn tttnlen. n ttp t (ttgr^ar 19 Stmi Wst. T>ls TtifaiUbtilM Cca>M».

• B<ll Ac;il I

id r in t **d U>lw4

l> u «di«4 Ihmio bi

V SECOND FRONT DISCORD TJie mlsumitralancHng between M osco^,

on the one hand, nnd London and Wnshln'K’- •* ton on th e other', about a second lan d frorrt . In Europe la dlatresslng but n o t a t all'.-iur-

prising. I t 13115 aeemcd Inevltnble CYer slncc - th e Lo^idon-Waahlngton announcem ent la s t : 'J u n e th a t th e three.U nlled Nations were In

aBTcetnecit os to " the urgent task o t ccecitlng . a-8ecbnd‘fro n t In Europe In 1042."

Obviously tliij'.was one of those m a tte rs on which th e pubflc Could not be Riven even

- 'th e vaguc£t h in t as to details. Specukitlon.therefore, spread In all dlrectlona In th e free

V press of Brltlaln and thfc United S lates. ' ‘■ In R ussia the press Is not free. Speculation •• there .took th e direction that th e R ovem m cnt

considered wisest. Judging from reports, th e- R ussians -were given assurance 4 h a t th e

Anglo-Am erican forces definitely would conie- to th e ir aaslstance by attacking H itle r from I- ' th e rear—th a t la, from the west.- THIS s itu a tio n a n d Its statem ent Involve no

■ criticism o f the Russian course.Qult« apparen tly , as we now can sec. those

speculators were correct who considered the -■ sta tem en t' a s a weapon In a w ar of nerves.

To the e x ten t th a t the Rusalnns' unfounded hope fo r a second' front rany h ave contribu ted to the doggcdness with which they h av e re ­sisted H itle r’s hordes this sum m er,, p erhaps th e s ta te m e n t Justified JUelf. I'

To the e x te n t to w hich the nazia w ere mode u ncerta in w hether we might be alily enough to. a tte m p t a n Invasion of th e c o n tin en t w ithout p ro p e r preparation o r adequate r e ­sources, th e stra tegy may have helped R us­sia by keeping some reich strength a^w y from th e easte rn fron t for a time.

Nobody c a n blame th e Russians, despera te as they are,- fo r trying to induce us to come

• - to the ir re scu e on a sacond fron t. A fte r oil,S ta lin ’s p rim ary In terest is In Russia—n o t In B ritain , n o t In the United States, n o t In th e U nited Nations, nnd^not in dem ocracy. Self-preservation still Is Uie f irs t law of n a ­tu re for n a tions as for Individuals.• 'B y the sam e .token, nobody can find J u s tl

• fJed fou lt w ith th e British a n d us fo r n o t commllUnR naUonnl suicide by Invading th e

. continent th is summer.S ta rting from militarily naked sc ra tc h ,

w ith all ou r irrita ting and discouraging fa il­u res we h av e done a good Job of a rm in g . We arc n early ready to translate Ipcal p e tty offensives in to , th e beginning of a grand sweep th a t, in course of'tlm e, will dc.stroy to ta llia tian lsm completely.'' . ..

I f R ussia can hold (jut for w hat now will be a short while, .-she'will be am ply .repa id In new frb n ts—second, third,' fourth ; and pcrfiaps f if th .


W H I R L I G I GKACTIONS-Ptice Amerlcin Fedfr#-

Uon ot Labor y i i the'Congrcu o{ Indiuulti Orcanlu- Uoni } iu became more remol« Uiafl i t anx Unie »Inc« Uietr_hl>(«rlc breakup. Rtral leaden p> throufti the Rioibni of nefoUaUnK to lails/y public clamdr Yor var- Ume. unity but thry,linvc n o lerlous intfntiijM ot cloalng ranU no» or Iat«r. • —

WH:le personni compeimon* amon* well-iald oUle- lab prevent even a get-tosetiier to talk liarmoii)' Uiere-------------- - - are fnor* (iindiunenial obitacles lo a

permanent union. The A. 7. of L. will not un iIgo inat« unui it icami whe­ther Philip M urray will be forced to p*y Uie $1,600,000 lie allrgKlly ovea John L. LewU. Ci.O . duel are five .crnLs monthly per man aj against only two centfl in WlllUm Oreen' club, tihouid Mr. M\jrray lower hi levy Lo Uie am aller (Itfure lie will no obu ln ' aufflcleni futidi to light thi mine chleftAln'i DUtrlcl 50. nhlcli U

_ - rn raldlnc h li irembfr»lilp.4Vfr7' chano*BAT TUCKEB i t jo is . On Uie oUier hanO.tlie Oreen

follower* do not want to be taxed a t Uie higher rate.Tlie headi of the older ou tfit. noWrloujiy tonterv-

alive, will not reunite wlUi the C.I.O. unUl It la pursed of Ita »o-c4lI?d •‘commie” element, particularly JuUiu Btwpak of the electrical branch. I t waa lie who'wrote aiklng Pretidrnt noosevelt (o free Earl Broader from prison and threr daya a fte r rccelp t of Uie lelWr PD.R. BW]UlMcrd. Ilfucilonary A. P . of L .-en aUo rebel aflaliut Uie UioiigKt of paUIng around with R. J. Tioma* of the automobile workers. On their tide, left- winger* nn alliance becaaK they know they would loie even a minor Influence In ft Joint movemenL

Tlie chief executlVB l i u made no renl. effort to brine Uie two'faclloiia Into one c;imp. Altho'iRli Uiey make no open chargM.-labor .itrntecWji do not Ivllev* he waiita a mtrger. PoIltlcoUy and economically, a more wild bloc of liKm-rtrlal worker* would con*mule a 'jtronser threat to the man in m e White Houie.

ifutral nation), pvUcuIarly Vlcliy, consUtuicj Uie HOeV accMtWt basom€l«r of Uic UniieU Katloiis' pros* >ect of eventual victory..Tlie dcinocraclea appear to'be linking far grester gains on diplomatic' than on fighl-

lo Hitler on coiiscrlpilou of In Uif rclcli iimiued oiir tlaie

ad becoiiio reconciled lo abjK l •ergne peaaanU Spain’* political ;i have so far bslked l^anea'a lucts partner. De.>plt< )ier geo>

InnUval'* ulllmaium

Frenchmen for labor department, which h surrender by the’ Aui Bfid military tap meimoves to become an . . .iltnphletil proxlnilly to Ocrnm ^y. Plnlatid would Wit s(]Uli1ii out of her aaaoclatloii wllh der fuehrer and probably ,wo\jld do so If nasured of protecUon tigahist reprisal*. Even Turkey lin-i MCftdfiutly resisted the wily von Pspen'* tempUUolia and Uireala. On Uie oUier aide of the world *ome leaders In New Delhi have Indicated lliBt'they are atlll IiopcfiiT of an ugreement wlUi £ng-' land, (he United States and China &lilch will mobilize mlllloru of soldier* foFDie aUled cbujc.

“n ie Induitrial might and staying power ol llie IJ.S.A., as well M generous promhcs o! food, oil nnd weapons, arc held chiefly re.iponslble lo r Uie nonbelligerent countries' more benevolent behnvlor. And despite sev- er#l embnrrn.«UiK remarks on Uie part ot Wcnilell Wlllkle, his ballylioolng nf Anierlciin proiliicllaii nnd purposes h u Jjecn no sninU factor In tliLi iwychologlcal

U oodaj, October 19*42



ALW AYS WITH U S -T H E N E E D Y 'As a people. Amerlcnnii are em b m ass in g ly

rich today. \(^(S;are cortiltig w ^ n u c h m oney th a t the . governm ent, which used to t ry to m ake tax a tion rest lightly 6n ou r shoulders, now is try ing dclibernteiy and frankly tO 'gct

, ou r ntoney before we can spend it all.As individuals, never before have we been

so burdened w ith weekly Income. And yet. Ju jt around th e corner, there- are m sn and w om r;r.and -children who can net piiy fo r food, for clothing', for passably decent s h e lte r, fo r medicinc.'5 and mcdlcal and dental se rv ­ices. for th e bare.«:t c.wentla!s of existence.

T h e re 'is worlc tcrciay for alfhoat everybody who is m entally and phy.slcnlly com petoht to.

, work. Dvit s till there arc men a nd women w h a have lost, in th e y ever possecxcd, the capacity

. 10 render useful services by w hich they can provJde fo r t h t i r ow n'sim plest needs nnd those of th e ir children.

The problem of the temporarily d estitu te , th e depression victims who nre'down b u t n o t ou t. h as almo.^t vanished with w ar re-em ploy­m ent. For hundreds of thouf?.nds, u n fo r tu -

• na tc ly . tbe depression never will en j.■That is w hy we have the Community Chc.'it.

T h a t is why th e Comhiunlty C hert appsa ls to you now to give, and give frcfly, In o rder th a t pu r charitab le and character-building o r jj jn - Izations m ay continue their Im portan t v;ork in thl.s community.

D uring th e dopre^lon yetrB, .when a lm ost nobody h ad m uch money. t;» w ere generous In a id-to th o se lees fortunate than .ourselves. Now, w hen m o st el \j: a re b tt le r o l! t h a n c v tr before, wft m u s t n o t forget t'hese who n o t been perm itted to shpre Ih our good fortune.

Yes, we know . The gov cm raen t); push lhg th e tax bill up in to the skyi The treasu ry , and patrio tism , dem fjid th a t ycu buy w ar bonds In ever Increas'ng quantities. The

, cost o f food Is mour.ttog.But'W ith a ll th a t, there still a re a few dol­

la rs th a t can be spared to help those so poor t h a t th ey h a v e no incomes on T?hlcb t o pay taxes , no w sjres ou^ of which to buy bonds; K l i t t le m oney th a t t h e j^ u ld n 't buy e nough ^ood even wheD i t TTas* cheap.

Once a y e a r we a re asked to c h ip 'In fo r th e C om m unity Cheat. ThU U th e oftce. W e m ustn^t fa ll th M s who are depend lo ; upon o u r tb o u g h tfu ln e u .

DOUBT—Exports of food reaching.astronomical pro- porUons underlie Claude Wlckord's wanilng'U iat UiU country may luce d liu i# Uilala itrlnRnicle.i next year. Ai Kveral mlUlon more meai arc riravkn h^to tlie arme<l force* and sent abroad. Ute U ireat of aliortagei In staple edibles will grow more acutc.

Seventy per cen t of a ll cherne ninde In tlie United 8tate-i during February Dough; for Uie United Nations. Purdiaaes of eggs—dried, frown and sliell—' totaled 34 per cent ot production In April. TIiMe ratios arp expected to Increue raUier Uian de'cllne. Prom R uulan tclenUflC oiiipolatJi In the Arctic to MacArtmir’s lo rte j In Pori Dnrwln. nlTrtd toldlers. civilians and wound'ed are bejns fe<I the output of American farms.

Rural leader* doubt wheUier they, can expand our agricultural p lant sufflclcnUy to handle loomlni; do­mestic and foreign needs. Scarcltle.i of labor. Jertlllier. machinery and dlstrlbuUve and storagv facllllles con­front Uie Ullcr*. Corn and wheat belt njxikeMTiWi cm- phaslied Oils problem In olf-'Uie-rccora aisclJMlons of price ceilings In the nnU-Inflallon blU.

TK.ST — PcUllo;iers fo r (*ommL . lon in tlie army ipeclalhta corps must be cpmblnaUnna of Bir Gnlaliad. Oeorup Wa-ihlimion and UtUe Lord J'^unilercy fo meet the rigid qunlKtcjitlons. H ere are n few of the trnlt.i on which the official Interviewer, wlio mny be noiilrncle worker hlmsciT, m ust comment In tilling out tfte final blank:

Does the appUcnnl shrw character, fine carrlaRe. breedlnc. mnnnerS. poise, resourcefulne.M. Initiative, un­derstanding, forcefillnrvv perr.OMalliy, good dres-i. nenuie.y, norm al habits, educational a t- talnmenU.'dbUhcUveneu? There ore numeroiw oUier I«undards which Uie hopeful m in t n i« t. but Uiese llstinga are sufficient to »hou‘ the ocope of Uie X-ray, Afler he pit-iics Uils sUlf j.cniUny. Id* pnceitr)' 1> Inves­tigated e.ven unto Uip necond generation, as well as hi* moUier-liMaw. by the P.D.I.

A recent prwpcct who underw ent ihLi ordesl and passed snorted, "I wonder, how John noRer* of 11 ranKers. Andrew' Jackson or Sergeant York would hai cotae out In such a tesll”


HOW TI.-MES HAVE CHANGED! Proof th a t Uic’ pre;,ent. labor «ii

uatlon Is emphatically an emplo>e and n o t an employern’ market. Is ewe anyone doubled ll. waa furji. Islied In Twin Falls not too man} dayir ago.

o u r sleu llu report Uiat a cerUIr *ervlce stAtlon manager didn't get down to v,'ork one momliiK to open up, b u t aen t anoUier fellow who doesn’t live In Twin Pnlli, Nalurallj’, th a t wa.1 Uie morning Uie Rcneral manager of Uie whole station cliain picked to drop In for ia^pectlon. He found no nianaRcr. Tliai. breUircn. 1* contilderfd bad form. Indeed.

T hat aftcrnooii the local manaRer finally came lo work, n ie super- vLilng mogul again dropped In—but aald noUilnR. Finally the local gcnl couldn’t Btjind the alienee, what with

■onderlns about po«.^Ible IlrlnB. etc o »ald he. Inklnc the bull bv ihe nms: -W ell, w hat Uir (lertl ' '

link about UiLi momlnc «I wasn'



. . . Uie ;nb?" renernl manager looked j replied: "I was afraid you


When automobile p la n u turned over all Uirlr ductlon facllIUes to war weapons. Uiou.«ninLvof de riH. over the country were le ll wlUi 'very livtie lo W hat doM the average American dealer do In a like this? Does He-quit a n d go on relief?

No, he Iook.1 around to find some way he can ills countrj- win tlie war. He goes Into the mil aen-Ice. he gets ft Job In lndu.Mr>-. or he odjual; builne.u lo exlsUQK condlUons.

Hundred* of former automobile dealers are aelllng blackout, materials, a lr-rald slreiv^, poultry feed, o r beer. Bome have convened their* Inlo bowling alleys nnd nlK hl clubs, ttaillo dcnlrrs telling game* and oUier amuscmenlJ. Whole; grocer* are selling flower bulbs; cosmetics, and hos­ier)-. Drug ilore*, no lonscr able lo get clock.', ap. pUatices, and other departm ent s to re slock.? am put, tine Increased empho-ils on drug tale.i.

The *plrlt of America In war n.i well a.'i In peact L' to lake what comes, m ake Ihe best of it and dint to Uiese thing! th a t have made thLi nation unbeM- ible.-Wallaco Miner,

OUR CA nniE R S Tills Is newspaper week, a* we've already u ld «ne length and today is carrier boy day, which

prompta a few addlUonal obsen’nUotu.Our carriers are a great bunch of kids, a little

younger on Uie average Uion Uiey used to be be- ruise the blirB<t boj-s are Rolng o u t for oUier work. IS keen and alert as* they, come, on the Job t afternoon, rain o t shine.

These lads—ye.i and. there are a couple of girl* >now—aren 't Just deliverer*: Uicy're bwlnex* men

.nd Rlrln ttx>. "Hiey collect. Tliey sa y 'th e final word m wheUi«*-your credit b good. They, have auUior-

lly to slop your paper If you don 't pay. for If you d o n t i t U their loss. Tlie^ are reLnl], buying from

nd *elUng'to you. th e render. M any 'of these youngsters know more about the vital principles ot credit right .now than this writer did when he lln- Uhed college.

Watch Uiese.yoimiMlen. here and elsewhere. Among lem are many of Uie big men, o t future Amcrlca.—

Id»ho Free Press. Nampa. ' ■

A lot ol^u* would like to contact Mr. Jeffers, the new rubber o a r . for the same reason th a t an old Udy wanted to conlact Uie m inister o f asrlculture. be­cause she liad a geranium that.waM )'l doing so well.. . The law now before congress to-control inflaUon U evidently not a policy destined to freest wage* or p r ic a bu t rsU isr a policy to .k e tp * tir ing on them. vlUi the President holding the workable end of the ( tm if .—W iU ict U lner.

■ qUKSTIOS car P o t S h o u :My dad taok carr of hls-tsr*

and drove them for 200.000 mile; before tu rn ing them In. I've taker care of m ine, and In flvf years liavi gone OJ.OOO mile*. I l l bet It goe another 01.000 before It steps rolling. Jiwt brcaune I look care of It Irom the a ta ri, n o t when It wm "won

,o u t- ,» t^().000 or 80.000 mllfJ,•Why c a n 't Mjme ot ihe»e fellow

who trade In 50,000 mile ’'worn,out' cars npenrt 1100 of the new car prlci

'fo r a Rood shop job, and put thi bftlanep Into wnr bonds? That’* wha: purilM me.

-C . J. H.

•i'vdROS' o t ^YlSDOM \Vhen you apeak to Mrs.'

■When you to bdyAnd ahe is "Just bones."(Mrs. o r Just maiden).Fill your m ouui witii sione.M

—A jtJi* V ltkaM iu


Hello, Po t S h o u ;Just now received Uie 'nises-Newi

of the n th . w herein I read Uie shirt letter I w rote you about two w tfb ago, bu t d idn ’t find in print the "It«- clpe of .the '?ear." (Pot'*-^ol«: Thr.t waa p rin ted In the ticxl lr;.vie.l.

Got a bong oiil of you to 'lns to figure ou t tti ia t division of Ui? air force I am Jn . Here goes; S. E ' A. A. r . C..T. C.. A. A. P . C. C. a., surds f o r Soutji-Ensi Army Air Force Combat Trnlnln'g Command. Army Air Force Comlint Crew School. Try


saylnn A s 'I I do plenty of

lever Icm than five hours d ihcic flying fortrei'.i

'hich you folk.? n t home nre buying •lUi your bonds, nre great slilps. Re-

gardles.1 of w'hat defeallsu say. nc axis bomber now In use can lop these, babj^ritln fire power, range, speed, maneuvernblllly. celling, etc. Especi­ally not No. 51. my sh lp -o r am I prejudiced? ^

By'the way-.-rti enclojhig a clip­ping from a Bhlcogo pajicr about George Siiclmn having appendicitis

Paul, his son breaklftTi . the neighbors flnWilr...

haying work fo r^ ie m . Magic Valley ' i certainly in*. nauonwlde.

Continued luck to your "bugle.” I ;msin. a home-town fellow.

—Lee QuNlcl

KL'N KOU'SOME LnCCMA:^ Sleuth MJB reporti a praipecUve nwaltlng some power or

telephone llhemnii out norUieait of the ho jp iu l. He says a hive of bees, In the usual txe residenca. 1* parked flmack up agaU ut a scnlce pole. He feeLi Uio beea would undoubtedly •e.'.ent anybody cUmWng th a t llcular pole. Maybe not. Some Inemnn will find out.


Tlie T-N editor- fecLi he ought lo apologlie to Uie chubby reporter.

Aiiessor George Childs • told Uie. chubby reportol- th a t lUchard Chlld.^, a works a t U \e /K alie r: shlpj'ard.1 nt Portland, iielptd turn out that record Liberty *hln In 10 day.t—"and/Dlck tvm i la n d ln t cloie to Prejldenl Roosevelt w h e iT ^ e Liberty ship wa* launclied."

The cliubby reporter cast a '*ou look a t George. A genUeman.' h didn't say jinyUilng. But lie though plenty. Everybody knew Roosevel «.&» stv WwhU^ston. couldn't bft In Portland co w^iat kind of a 1 Uils K uyt:iilldj dlshlnifoul?

Tlien thir .cliubby reporter went back to the. office and later picked up Uie Tlnies-Ncws a.i I t came hot off the press to Icnni hpw much carving the copy de.nk liad done on his cliolce ;itorle*. He never got lo his lUorlea—as usual, on Uie InUtle of tlW paper—l>ecauie Uiers em- blauned In 3C-polnt type was Uie

Uiat Uie Pre.ildent had re­turned from a two Week'* secret Inspection lour — knd really had ‘ sen a t ihe «hlp launching,' a i the

uesior related.And lt'4 all Uie managing editor's lUlt. He knew how to keep a war-

. mo secret. And didn 't let the pudgy Utile retxirter In on Uie info which he could hnve—two weeks

JAMOL'S LAST LINE “. . . Mn»l we *t«p every ralle to

t«« If your thin lire* ha re plekrd. mi anythlngr



15 YEARS AGO, OCT. S,.IK7 -Mr*. P . 8. Bell. Mr*. Cliarlej H irt

and Mrs. Carl. J . H ann were hwte.vei lo Chapter D, PX.O. Shierhood. Tuesday evening a t Uie Qt« homt, Mr*. P. T . DuBols. wife of ex-.'Jfnawr DuBotv- Bliieferoot,-uHff-'i5\wmig M n. Hart.' to ld most InKrestlnjly of life In W aahlngton. D. C.. as a sena- lor'* wife secs It. Ml.^s Olsriyj Tfr-

' gave an Informative talk otT the Twin P^Ua trac t.

Prom inent am on t evening* ot IB week v u the bridge supuec a t ■hlch Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Thorp and

Mr. aiwL Mr*. P . H. SlowtU enter- ' UtDMl M onday tren is r-

iV VtAIUi AGO. OCT. 5, 1915 Ilalph Smith of Uie Twin Pall*

Title nnd AU't;»ci company, ret ed Monday from Sioux -City, — where he-hail been vblUng with Ms pM tnu Jor leveral weei*.

Wcilcy Burkholdt?ard' wife. Twin are vlM tlng'in _Nampa. Mr.

BurkhsMcr U m a n i ^ o f a fum l- JiiTf flore here. / *

n ie following are offlcet^ of Uie Twin Fall* Checker* and C heuclub :

Tw lor- P ^ d e n t ;^ b « ^ :e .p re s ld e n t , and R et.

J . K. MacGlUlvrty. secreutr}--treas- urer. Ktrk Boon. j . e . H unt and R. J , Lymao ar» flrawini up byU x*-

C A R E OF Y q U R



■ Trj'lng to liold on to anyUilng makca one tea« . luid tension checks free thought and free moreincnt and so stops Uie wheels ot progru:;. I t Is natural for lu to hold on tight to what we are <lohig, to Uie Idea In mind, lo all tliot we Oilnk U Im- portivnl. T hat not a i^od I^lcn, bu< there Is a Ume lo bold on and e lime to let gCaiid teachers, for theii own henfth’s sake, must learn when to let go. ,• All leachtr* are intcn l upon gel- Uiig Uie work laid down for Uie grade completed on ilm* and- h good form aod to a liigh ttaiid-

rd of SUCCMS- Tenchlnc chlldrei .. a dlfllcult tw k a t nnyU m e; but noM-rnflUi the teu4k)iis'of home and rverywhera cUe, It Is 'a \isry iryliiR me. If Uie lenclier is not carefu: le will become to icnse in J>ls ef. drl lo get h li luuni work done de.

;iplle the *Uuatlon Uial lie win be less effective Instead

W hen the o r d ^ come to break rouUne lind do fataeihlnc out of Uio ordlnoo’. I^t go o( Ihe u*unJ . ._ completely. Accept .the new order and put It Uirough and fcr- get Uio one It has displaced. By rj'inK to icacli tlie dally IciVJii 'hllo Uie Ume set for It Is consuni- d In Iblciilng W a sixecli by eomc

patrloUc lerfder in Jhe a«cm bli', is >polI both experiences for the

pupils, /o r they are quick lo feel iho rachcr'n alliuide.

Don'l CluUh - Let go of the l:.-.iOn and glyo

Uie speech the rlg.'it of w.iy. Do U wlUi an easy g:sturc .10 Unit no ilgn of lenjlou, no aign of worry, -n evident. Open boU> hands and ihake Uie fingsrt loose to th a t you ire not tempted to clutch Iho tiling

you have had lo give up.. Teachers and-oUier folk a i weU. m ust learn to live wlUj open handa these dnya because 'there Is tmich tha t n e must 1:1 go. I t ts better 10 Ih-e wlUi op:n hand* a t all tlme.1. but porUcularly »o now. Life will have 11a way and w ar. Just now, ,1s a way of 41fe.

D on't clulch aiO'thlng. Uve easily. kcQ let..,life flow imobstructedly Uirough you and you wlU discover th a t you have more of the thing* you value Uian when you held on M them with grim dclermlnauon.

No material Uiing U worth clutch, ng and It U not possible to hold ihe InunRlble thtogs ot U « sp irit, Uio.'e most worUi holdlnc- They

_ . open our liearLiand minds to Uirm. wid keep hands open., a

The Valce of Vrtraem ar« flghUng a war no t lo

keep our ca:rs. our homes .and oui poaseaslons. but lo keep our f re ^ dom. Freedom I* ft m atter ot the iplrlt, aiid II-we w e Irei? wo h a s t the power to add all oUier ihlngx to ourselves. When we c lutch and illng to Ideas Uiftt cannot be pu t n low tua llU es , o to realities of

the spirit, w e.ioe no Jo;igcr free. We are being dominated by some- Uiing oulsldo because we have closed our flstsNjpon It.

Let go In spirit all Uiose tilings liia t do n o t m altrr. aU Ihcoe things th a t \wouW burden our lives and get-ln the way of our freedom. The first UUng tha t Uireaten* Uil# Is self-will. Our «ay. our will be done.Li w hat makes Uie Ught hand and Uie Ughtw mind »nd the end or gplrltual freedom. Let. go Uioeo Uilngs th a t do nol-.matter, the rou­Une*. the preftfrence*. Uw comforts, ro d Uve ir tlh open h a w li » Utat life may flow Uirough u* u1Ui

LOUT-The public UmenU the n e n -o f frequent crackupt, colllsloiu or and faui aocldwU to army and naTT-pl*n«-la-thl*.«>unti7..A*ro-. nautical engliiecr*. If they could

- - 1 openly, admit that

muit brace ilve* for Ud> o f evenjiii

like d lia iu n . ~ •jsiw the eL. g«nc7 the curreni

IraUo of mishap; 'is lower than be- Ifore the outbreak 'of hotUllUu but

The number of flying hour* I* the basis of calniUUons: I t more m a-, chines are In the sky for longer p e ^ lods the rate of conUngencIe* 1* sure to soar. Cadets are graduated from o /lldal. and private schools wlUi ample theoriUcal ktjowleage and reasonable eklll in handling con­trol!. But a much more grueling trslning must be given lo make them fit for actual combat. Over­coming wealher condlUons which keep normal pllois grounded, night iiavii:.itlon.Biid all the tricks of Uii flRhtlng trade are dellnUc require.

It Is Inevitable that c ra ft will be It»t In th « e revere Bui Uic all lorcej officers auur# parents that ilirtr boy* operate slilps which ar« iiirchniilcslly as nearly perfect a science can make Uiem. Equljinieni Include.^ the best Mfeiy devices lii the ttorld. The Japs accuse u-4o< being •'5lt.\les" becawe we cortTpe: our aviators to wear parachute* bul wllh U3 human life It preciouj.

BLOOD - m weeU diplomatic eave/.dropper* have be«n circulating forebodings of Japan'* polie to strJke-at Siberia. TTif open .«ason ha* waned and the blanders hai not Jumped. Flurries of snow now are harblngen of Uie month* when action In the froion north will be a difficult undertaking'for even the lough and resourceful Nipponese, ne.*.!] speculations are offered by

illltary experu regarding Hlrohl. to'* poAlponemenC of his grudge fight. These theories contradict the popular assertion th a t H itler urged h ti partner w leap on the bleeding Russian bear-while ihe Muscovites vere tottering a t S talingrad.'.The •evene design of der ruehrer Is 3reienled a.i Uie true reason for the lelay. Should Uie Soviet Union be irlien from Europe and confined to

Asia U would beco^ne a third-class power, a siatiB 'preferred by bolh Berlin and Tokyo, But IT Uie Japs should occupy Siberia, th e U;ilted

‘ vould never g ran t peace bo Uie enemy held territory

ic 10 Norlii America..nothcr version advanced byiiegUl.1 is that Tojo can take the

orieninl marlilme provinces any lime—but a t high c0.1t in blood and with the strong probability of Atnerlcan aerial’ reU llatlon. Appar­ently lie prefers to wait until our Alaskan landing Held* and hlgli- ways a rc eomplrled. T hen. H Is nssuined. he will try to capture th « e bn.w nnd m;e them to ntUek Canada nnd the Pacllle' norUiweil. T h r giie.'j Li that he Is crnfUly nl- lowing US .10 prepare tho ground

long I

facUiUes for the. future benelK of hi* own ampjilblans.

T t » BO R 8 - « e r i fragmenU-Trf « - probab e Japanese Incendiary bomb found in an UoUted'foreat in O re- gan have done much 10 * pu r 'th# 0-CD. to perfect su proiecUve »yi- .

quleUy circulated among key wardens.

One helllsli device used by Uis enemy contains red phosphorous which InflicU severe bums. Another \ Instrument holds Inch^ong pellets of black rubber *aturited with Uie chemical. The fall scatters Uie Uny mlselle* a s-f* r as SO y&rds. When dry, •tlie substance sparks the elas- Up which In turn Ignite grass, crops

/ trees. The Nlppcnese also have 'developed a thermite cast Utat hurls fire pou on landing. I t can destroy a building because of its iilgh tem­perature. A final deadly contraption I* fUled wllh solidified. Inflammable oil which Is melted by an acid and iprayed upon its Urgeu

Such terrors would have been «1- mo.ll Irre.ilstlble a year ago bul to- Isy we are better prepared to cope

with them. The tofety Research ln.itnute h as com jjlted a nation- Jide liurvey whlclTJlba-j th a t )o«e* from conflagraUons Increased only

. per . I Uie flr«tof l o y over Uie corresMnd-

Ing period of 1D41, despite Eh* huce expansion of Industrial activity. ThU credllAble record Li the result of training workers lo be toluiiKer "smokey Joes." They liiv r put out 80 T>e«' cent of all blntes starting In factories ond are ready for Hlrohl- 10'* and Hitler'* fireflies. .

W H IH P E R -.J ii ccrlnln military circles welglii Is given to Uie pai- sibllity of a second front In what previously wa.i con.iidered one of the >asi likely *pols—Denmark. Its flat nd Hmifed terrain, presents handi­

caps bul If permanenUy held the , location would offer distinct ad­vantages: Tlie people are antagon­istic 10 lli6 -J» ils: UiB preaence of United States soldiers here would sever Scandinavia from Uie relch; the path lo the il&lttc would be un ­sealed and Germany could be h it In Uio ba<;k.

New York banks receive word from Copenhagen by way of ^Isbon tha t the Danes are becoming co;n- plecely disillusioned. 'Coet -of llvlni ■ has skyrocketed. The nation's world fsftious’livestock has been slnugh- tAed by relchswelir quartermaster*. Thousands of unemployed are leav­ing, to work Bn Uie Rhineland raUier than face a winter of starvation. Many well-known concern* are clos­ing the ir doors, the latest being a great manufacturing plant; Melal firms fear ihey" m uft quit operation* becaiwa smelling cok«-ls '

longer available.IcroM-Uie Cattegftt U10 flwede*0 are beset by economic topsy*.

turvy. Pro nnd anU-axls factions dispute openjy. Exporters In Soed- 'rhamn were supplying Oermany vlth lumber when suddenly ft mys- erlous fire—one of the biggest In

Bwedlih )ilslory~aw epl U>e yards, consumed flva ablps and burned a fdrlune In logs. Tlie authorities hiLili-hu.^hed Uie affair bu t fo lti . .. whisper th a t the disaster was I



niment li linvlng Jojm L. Lewis troubleagaln.

H o'Ls rescllng coolly to the go' rnm enfs requcjt tlin l Oie coal nili •s break up tlielr 35-liour week nnd

go lo 48 houi Idunng tlie WIT..



and power and brCig us enrichment if spirit and a d d U lM 4 i^ * a ’-

Fer Kt!»Cnl i<l>lr« In tMwblac rnr (ntll -n or diafhlff ta n t »ll>i •U»»rhllJfm. »*ml foe AB«^ r»lH» kookUt.

Lakes OnUrio *nd H uron'have larger area.ln Csnsda than in th*

vniifti su tM .

'm ereihortsge of cool ind none In prW' 5cct. Lewis sale the miners, win have Uielr ai^nunl

:k. would accept the longer week only 11 Uie govemmpnt proveij

)ncluslvely th s t It wa*' necejsary 3d cjscntlal to Uies»'ar effort.

W ille Uint dLicusslon was going 1. G e s ^ Henhey. director of *e-

lecLve service, was telling Industry management Uiat it probably «lli b«* left wIUi only half Uie number of men it U ilnb It nced.< He snid wc SRfcy s « the day w«en bo>’s aj\d girls will be spending four, .or five, hours a tiny a t w.ienilal work. Pacts from evrrj’ source Indicate a dmstlc olioruge of manpof-er Li coming up - a n d it already ’& « h it th e farms and of the metals mlfles; Hours In mont indu-itrles ho^-e been stretch, ed out already.

T hat Is Uie telUng In which John L. t*«sls nntl his miner* a re lo de clde whether to try to hang on t< Uielr as-hour wtek o r go to « . Thi difference betsfrtn hours isUiat three men would do the work of foor. I t would tjiean • 25 per cent incrwise In the Use of mining mi power.

oUier fwiistrle.i such as ordnaiica plant.1 and shlpj'nrds. Most of Uiese were young men.' trained In mech- nnlzM mining, nnd not ea^lly re­placed by Ihe older pick-and-shOvcl miners.

flecreUrj- 'Icke.i anticlpalpj Inter­ference wlUi production from Ic** of highly skllled,machlne min­ers. There will be trouble from tlii' wearing oul of machlne.i which will be more ntid more difficult to re­place. T ran*pori|tlon r ill ,b e more uncertain became of ex-pocted rhopt- ftses hi Mock. AV ihe aamnlime con.nmipllon will ly through ncccleralc*! .liidu.itrlal production nnd partly Uirough con- version lo ro«l from oUier fii'-U. Tlioie are Uie main reason-i wljv the govcnunenl. la tr^’lng 10 tnka tlir\c by Uie forelock iind gel out n.i mudi coal as txwlble now through Uie longer wwk week. .

e pnrt of tliLi whole niiy eai- e of Uie

2 i i Is Justpower quf ____ ___

Ily be Uie most difficult -....W llh’ Uie araied se r^ r tv war

ilrle* and -farm s gosplng for it U not likely th a t iliere wUl bn

nny place In Uie picture for a 35'-' hour week, for cool miners or any­body else. There wili ft Ume wlieii ihortcr hour* were dcclru.b'.f. Whesr - :he war H over Uiey will he dc- ilrable again. Tirt’y can 't be JusU- led now on nny btils.

We do have a lot of coal on Imnd. i fact U\at Is one place •whtie •*«

arc noVyaughl short. By foresight we hsvB managed to get up now the biggest stockpile of coal In hls- toO’. I*or once we did not wait unUl Uie trouble was on u*-a* we'dld In rubber, and ln'steei and'alumlnutn

ipaclly.secrcmry lekes U sUll looking

ahead. Thai'* why he wants to get more coal mined right now. B»caus« 'While Ute stockpile U big at U moment, qia fuel experts foreca*t ahorUge next year. Secretary Icks* is trying to prepare for tho futurt, and he has been forrslghled enough about affair* of hLs war so that he dwan't have lo spend oil W hU time, u some do, explslnlcc awty nettllgtne* of the p**t.,

‘Hie mines already havt iMt W.> too miner* out of a worUng to u l of 400.000. These iiave vxilunteered. or been lnduci«l, or.hST# *hUl«>l'tnW

Farm Products in Idaho up 5 Points

BOISE, Oct, 3 (-V)—Average prlcc.i Cf{ Idaho farm produela Increased five points during the month ending Sept. Is. the agricultural economics bureau had rcporttd today.

All group* of crops regbiered In- crenses, UiB report added. wlUi gain* ranging from five polnls for fruits and vegeubles to 12 polnU for

decline In the livestock Sro\:pt «as m eat anim als.,ott thre« ' points, "• OUier Increases Included butt«rfat up two cents a pound. wholeMls milk 15 cent* and dry bean* S3 cents per hundredweight. eg»j foUr cenls ft d m n . hay I I a ton. poU lo^H va cents, wheat nine cenls and barley four e«nU a bushel.

Hog* were down 40 eenls, beef • catUe and lambs each 10 cents pec hundredweight. - •


Protienun. whose name t u writ­ten In for county eommlssiontf . fEom Uie first district on Uis lU - publlein ftt the Angu*t primary, u s accepted th,s nomlntUan. Ptoi* (ensqp n m d u ^onm lsftooer from 1934 "to 1940. His* opponent will be Alfred JohansoB, iucum - bent. . .

Page 5: \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^

, M onday, O ctober 8 ,1 9 4 2 TIMES-N'e WS, t w i n f a l l s ,.IDA H^


LQckl Students at ‘tT ’T I ^ e d By Gamma Phi Beta and Kappas

------------------------- *n nnlintlftl ^ 0Six 'r^vin Kalla women s tu d en ts w ere ple!lt:cd to nntionnl G reek le tte r Bororitics A th e U niversity o f Idaho la s t weok- encl, n t th e concluHibn of th e fall " ru sh ” season.

AcccptiiiK to Gam m a P h i-B e ta so ro r ity w ere J lissJo an Benoit nnd her c o u s in , ---------------------------------------------M iss Genevieve B enoit;.M iss M ary Alice Buchanan anc Minn Gwen Davis. n

K#pp« Knppft Gamma pledge; from 'r a in FnlU are M ia Muntaret Van Enucleti. uppcrcLiismiin. win trattffcrrcd to Uie U, of I. jfa i from WnililiiKtoii aUtc colIfKc. wK h rr iLMcr, MIm Dorothy Van Eiigel' en, ft fre.-sJunan.

Joan la the dauglitcr of Mr. and Mrs. Hfljry Benoll- IIm mother la n

, Q in im a .p h l Beta albmiift of the chapter. Ocijfvlcvc M Uie

tlftufihtcr of Mr. (incl y ra . Albert . Bcnolt.

"MLvs fiuclmjiiftvis the tlaURhlcf of Mr. aiul Mrs. Owfii Diichanan. ojicl MJi.% Dnvl.1 Is Ihc (Iftiichlcr of Mr. and Mr;i, J. Davlr.

Many M iilhem Iclilio siiiclenla were plc<lKC(l lo the itevcral campus lororltlw .

Eighty-Year-Old Matron Honored . On Anniversary

BUItL. Oct. fr-Mrs; Baraii Ble- mrarrt, 80. was honored by her dnuRhler. Mrs. Ei.1 Ahlm. nt an oj>eu house tit her home Jn Luceriic dla. tr ic t recently In honor o r her birth, day. Manjr frlcndA called to felici­ta te 'Mr*. 6 t<wa^d. Slie received

•m any'lovely itlfM. flowers, cards and letter*, and a number of Iona dLitancc telfphoiie cnib.

Boyd, Denver, and Mca. Abby WU- Hams, Buhl. Mrs. Doyd had (irrlved K few days earlier to'be with her moUier on the nnnlveraivrv dale:

A birthday' dinner waa jeri’ed In the cveninK nt the home of her daiiKhler. Mrs. AbUy WUUftmsNstm WillJamii, a Brandion. arrived from Jarbldse to. Join "to the celebration.♦ » rJunior Girls of ■

, •■' ■■LDS. Have Drill■-• •• Junior airls of the'«rat and *ec-

ond ward.i of the L. D. S. churclj •Itpnded a mUltary drtU pracUce last week at the home of Mm, Hoy KlnR. under Uie direction of W. Tlitunaa.

Officers of the first ward frroup present were ML-j Pearl Bnbbe), president: ML« Donna Ilappleye, vlce-pre.nWent: Ml.'-s Mlldrod Brown, secrtujo'-trcn.-uirer; Mrs, Mnry Clark, clfu-oi lender.

Jlosw. Uie official smup flo' and oi5i(T llott-er. (Ireorated home. XIrs, Clark a.'wLited Mr^. King Jn servlns refre.-Jwienta.

Marian Martin Pattern



One . . . two . . . Uirce. nml you'll flnUh ihts outnt. Prtttem BIDS by

■ MflTlan Martin. The hnlter-neck Jumper 1im Jujt n lew inllern part-s. wllh butlonlnB or llde Ia.slener nt Ui<9 bode Kklrt, Tlie crlip hiu aJiort or lonR jileeve3._

Pttttem 9103 ma>be ordered only In children'* aides 3. 4. 8 and e. Size 6. Jumper,requires yard* 54 Indi;

U w lan M arlin Pattern, w riw plainly SIZE. NA.ME, ADDRESS Wld S T iX E NUMBER. ‘

. JD ST OUT—our new Pall nn'd Winter P a tte rn Bookf A Itoli«i1l of Pa.ihlon, nIU j.aljIe i for every ngeJ tvery occaalon.' Tlilrty-two pagM of paltenift—each .easy to make and fobrlc-SftTlnc. Send TEN CEJTia to r jo u r « p y of this tjook.

Send your order-to TUne.i-N«-». w tte m DepartnKnt, Twin Falls.

Virginia Paris Weds Officer

■ At Boise RitesM t'j Virginia Parb. daughter of

Mr. m i Wrs- E. D. Paris. Boise, formerly of Twin PaUa. and Tech. SrI. Ufuce'Slone were marrlpd Sept. to at U»e McU^odlit panionaBe In Bobe, Rev. Thomnj Aeheson of. flclnthiB.

The'brlde. *.BradUBl« oi Boise hlRh school, hM been employed - the First Seiurlty bank at Boise.

Slie wore « pole blue velvfct frock •Mlh matclijn« hat. Her corsah was of Blndloll.

SRt. Slone Is Uie son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tumey. Cretlon Wood. N. H.. and a graduate oJ-tho Uni­versity of Michigan. He was for­merly aUUoned at Gowcn field and Is now. stationed at Aliuno«ordo. N. Af.

SrI. and. Mrs. Slone have Jtone to AlnmogonJo, where Ihty wlH Uvt \ i»-' til he leave.i for ofHcefs' training school at Port MotlmouUi, N. J.* * * Salmon Club to ■

Have Red Cross Spying Session

Salmon Social club members will "da U «lr b i r tor Uie Red Cro-'-v TIis croup will ftieet Oct, 23 at the home of Mrs. Mertle Souders to

for dtie Twin FalU American Red Cross.

At tJie next regular meethiR 0 U « club, a &Uow•111 be conducted, and prlrcs will e awnrdt'd for Uic moat beautiful

bouquet.Tliese events were' planned wl

Uie group, met Tliursday at ; liwati of Mr*. Lee Lelchlller. w Mrs. Ernest Fuller as co-hosli Mrs. Nettle Fuller. Mrs.'C. I- Davtj. Mrs. Dob LelchlUer. Mrs. Lou Roy and Mrs. Eldred y^'lor, gursLs. I

Mrs. Maude Klrkman won the prlM for her account of '•Qhait Toft-ni. of Idaho."Bouflers. In charge o f the program, awarded'prlrxa-to Mre; Hattie Me- Coy, Mrs. Hoy DavU and Mrs, Glen Utison for a llmcly cdnte.''t tioned sweeU.

a second, she members to,' Identify l w (

;d from 'her Rnrdcn, Mr.i. Will riilettcn and Mr.i. Will .M;aifll won the prlrcs.

¥ Jt .♦

CalendarH, U- club meeUnB will be held

TliuTMlay ai iJic hwne oI Mrs. Haro- rrce.Motie,* * *

MomlnBMile chib will tnrcl \Ved- nwday afternoon at Uie home of Mr.i. Blanche Wkleiier.

Si» ifWny.ilde'chib will meet Tiir;.d)Iy

At Ihr home of Mrs. M. M. Moore. Member* are rrqtie.''led ' to brine, canned fnilt for the Chlldren'« Dome.

Sold by GuildAfleriiwn Guild of Uie A?cen::

Rlil^ church wW spoiuor rummnur siile'Saturday. Oct, JO.• downinan locaUon.

Dewilh were arrani,-«<nwhen 1 KTOup tnrt werk at the home .. Mrs. W. K. prlebe. Mrs, O . H, Trriillt ws» a-vl-.Uint hosle.vs.*

,Mr.i. A. L. Norixin nppolntetJ ilir follo-*l»g rommlttee on am nu :c . nuni.i; >,Us. Uiirslinll Cliapnn.ii Mrs. F. J. .McAtee. Mm. C. J. Hahn, Mrs, E. n. WllllanLi, Mrs, T . M. Hoh. ensnn iir.rt Mrs. J, 11, Blandforrl.

M enibm nnd frlcnri.i of the church havlnR ramient.1 and oUier a rtlc lo lo dwmir are retjue.sied lo r.iJl a mrtnlx-r tif ilie comnilllee.

nepori.^ on Uie recent convocnClnn were ttlvrii by Mrs. T, M. nobrrt..'nn. Mr.v ninndford nnd .Mrs. E. L^.ille Roll;. . , ■

Rfv. IWls, vicar o f 'th e Epl-,t(>pnl cJiurdi, wiu pre?ent. and spoke brlfly.Civic Club’to ' Endorse Buying'

'■'More War Bonds. JEROME, Oct, 5 -T lie first InR nf ihe fea.'.pn lor members of Uie Jerom r,C ivic club will place Tuf.-.dny, Oct. ,0. It wa iiouiipcd by ,Uie preMdcnt. Mrs, Owen D .im ,"'' I

The's actlvllles will be car ' rled out'w im .^i tiieme 0/ patriot Ism, and »id club women win worl toward liclpinR to win th e wnr.. Tlie Initial mrellng will be 1 "buy a bond'', event, .and the nali of stamps and bond.i will be p ro moled a t this meellnR ?iid all Uie meetlncs throughout the r.ra.son.

Hosie.v.ej will be Mrs, William A. Prier.v chairman; Mr.i. WlLr; n . Chiirchninn. Mr.i. Hayne Pi mour, II, .Mr:.. O.’.car Fort, M . .. William Boolh. Mrs, Byron L. Ber- O', Mrs. Jed Blajnlre.i, Mr.v GcorRe Buckley. .Mrs. Dennis Burks a n d Mr.s. Bharon Alberi.ion,

An InlfrMtInK mrellng lias bci (uranKcd for Oct, 20 a t the Civic club, when Father 13be.-iar. who L-i In ehafKe of lheTc.iliIcnt.1 of th e CaUiolIc'fnlth a t H iinl.'wUl spejvk on "Amerlcaii Democracy Today. '

Wife of-Church Worker at Hunt ■ Addresses WSCSMrs. Everett TlioniH'.on. "'ti

a t the mwtiiiv <if circle No. 10, W . S. C. S. of Ihe MrUuKllM cliun-h Ui-nI iTi'lc. sixikc hifonniilly on co'ndltlon.'^ it the JaixinMe relocation center n t

Hunt,. Mrs. Tliompion Li repre.vjitlnR Uie SontUe Council of Churchra n t tiie center. 'Hicy have esiablhhrd re:;l-. d fncc In Tttln Piiiij.

A fle.vert lunclicoii wm .len rd n t Uie home of Mrs. iCemicUi Shook. precrdlnR the biwlne-vi rcmIoh and proRrnm. Mrs, Clarence' Dean wa. co-lioite.ri.

Because many members have cone awiiy. el<-cllon of new ofIlccr:i Vn.i held. «i(h .\{r?. Shook beUi« c!cT.Kx.t

iieet a:Kimberly Road chibUie home of Mrs. Ralph U l; .........32» Blxlh avenue north. We<ln. .- riny. .Mcnibem nre a.',ke<l to brhiR supplies for USO pnckcL-,.

lilRhlojid View club will meet Wedne.idny at 1 p, m. at the home of Mrs. C. 1. Diivls for a jiot-liick Iifnclieon In honor of Mr.', Nettle Filllrr, ,

♦ V ♦PIrjt ward L.D.S, Relief .loclety

will n t Oct. I

Mrs, E.irl Slack, vlcr Mrs. L, n. Bowen, secreII r*

church. Cla.M work will be under the direction of Mrs. Edna Ar- rlnglon. .ShiKhiK MoUicr.'. wiU’l.p, nr.

Twin PalLi Garden club, will meet ot the city, park JiVcdne.iday' at 2 p. m. Mrs. Lyoai SmlUi will conduct a study or tree.-.. Roll call will ?,be. "TJic nio.’,l beautiful colorfJT tree seen U1I.1 -*ll."

Young Musicians - Select .OfficersJunlnr Bach club met recently nt

UiB tludlo of Mrs. Effle Rlherd Hinton and elected Arnold John.'.on M prwldenl. OUwr officers named

Vice-president. Dorothy .Allen:Vh-e-prcaJde.nt, • UoroUiy 'Allen: Tretary. K ln f 'D Jb ck ; trcASurfj*,

Jane M cFarland; s c r i b e , Gloria Moftre; proRram clialrroan. Luclen Voorhees.• ProRram opened w ith tJie slnc< 5ns ol -Am erica- by the d o b of in members, wfth Sandra Ann and Mary Lou OIII playlne Uie plimo accompaniment.

After a Uieory teat, Uie fo llow l^ played .solos; o iorla Moore. Dor­othy Allen, Betty CronenberRer. Nancy Magel. Dick IrwIn, KlnR Block. Arnold Jolinson. Gene Pickett and Sandrfl Ann and Mary Lou GUI.


prcMlden.....................: Mr.i. il. C, FerKUMW. treaR- ; Mrs. J, T, Phlpp«. c lm lm an of

. pro;;mm commitiee. and Mr.i Rjiyburn York, reporter.

McethiK.s will he held Ihe third hur^dIly hrrenfter, since' m e orlKl- iil conflict on tha t day htui been

removed. ^^ ¥ . * ¥ '

Pioneer Square •.Donates Useful

Gift to U. S. 0.Give n Bood mark to Uie Pioneer

Square club. Tlie members '.iiw cork to be done and they did It. Tlie Rroup will donate teiv loivrl.':r-phi.'.

' laumlrj- service of snme—lo the USO recreaUoii center'.i kllclien,

Tills decblon wa.i renclied the club mci week n t th<5 home of Mr. ami Mr?. A. !.. Hnlne.i. Fol- lottlnR Uie prnttrnni. liiiibandt of club niember.\ nrrlved Inr a retre;.h- meni hour, Mr.i. O w ge Atwood a.Ml.ited-Mrs. finlne.v

Mr.v Mary Ann RrDer K nlsh t of the IV ln Palls dl.iUJd hralth unit .ipoke on Uic vacclnntlon nnd Innoc- ulatlon of pre',^chnnl aiul .ichool- agr clk(tdren. aiul nn Informal du - cu.olnn on heallh followed.

¥ * Jf.Chuvch Group Plans

Gifts 'for SoldiersQli'irch of ihc Brelliren M l^ o n -

*t7 .society met a t Uie home of-Mr.t. C. H. Hempleman week. The Rioiip voted lo sfnd Chrl.itmaa boxc.1 to the boyn of Uie cliurcn who are npw In the armeil force.i. '

Mrs. Robert llempleman conduct­ed U10 Bible study. Guests were Mrs. A. Claudln. Roficrfon. and Mrs. W. Mitchell. Burley..Mr.i. Boyd Cole, Mrs. E. A. Moon Uie hos-

Recent Bride

Mn. Otrald D. Vflton. who w»i .'«Il>i Helen I.urllle U n r prlor la her rr ff« l m arriaje at the Rupert ChriilUn church, (.staff en*rav- Injj

Helen Long and p e ra ld Yelton . 3farl-yat RupertI\UPERT. Oct. S-M I;.i Itcli-n Lu

rUle Lonn nnd Gerald D. Yeltoi were miirrlrd'Srp:, 27 at 2 p. m. n the RujKTt Chrl.stlan chuKli.

Tlie-brlde is llie <muKhter of Mrs Mao' Rice Long, Rui>crt. aiul Un brlriesroom Is the son of .Mra, .Minnie Yeltoji. Burley.

With her ro-.e Jerey afternoon dre.'j, the bride wpre a imall Kurnct rrov,, a family hcic,'tyim. and rled Jier crnndmOUier's weddins handkerchief.

She was given ln<1iiKrrla(:e by her moUier Rev. fcMurne Snmi(i woi Uie offlclnthiR nIrrKJiiiaii.

Mr, nnd Mrs. Yelixm nre at pres- eiil llvlnit at HUM. viUere he t\ a tet- CKrnpli ojK-rator. Tliey nre both iiates of KuixTl high .vlioo).

Ttie bride, prior ui her nsnrrltis<, wa.i honor Biiest at n sliowcr ai the Scheupbarli linine, nnd nt a party aminKed at the iw;>ert CimMiasv church annex,

¥ * ' *MissionaryWork' During Wartime

Talked by GroupComlillons under which <he ml^-

slonarle.i.are c;irryinc on tlielr work in war-torn coilnlrle.s were dL-.cus- srd at a niectliiK of the Knull MLi- slon circle 'niur;iay iiltcrnoon at JiTv home of Mt;> H. G. Doud, Mr;..ho

111(1 .Mr.v 11. K, nil chalrmnn.. H. E. Holloway led devo- !. Mr,i, Tucker .nimke Influeiirc of Chrl-.tfiin homo.-.

In Burma: Mr/;. Kevail dlM:u.vM-<l ChrUtlaii hoiiie.i In Uennnl Arl.v.n: Mrs. Dniid, ilic uork of Kathoclnc Mable. a medic,il mt-.slonary In llel-

COHRO, and Mr.i. L. U Hollo* Christian homes In China.

Albert Cetl-rbiirK rejxirt-'ilth a t II rciidy I

■ While Crti:.' .be ;

iMiie.s> )ie»i]<|iu<

Stirgical Supply Aides . May Ea rn Sei~vice Pins

A new line of producfion Kft.n tim icrnay in Twin Kall.s to* nmrruw, when women of thi.s com nninily a iiu c .to the aid of lliu w ar departm ent by mnkinfr f'iir;riMt*drr??lnf's~ljn''ilcr"thir *iirc(.-tii)ii o f the Twin Fjiil.s cha iitc r, A m cnain Kcd Cro.s.s.

Aflvr n woman has com ptttw l 18 hours nl w urtf in th e sur- Kii',|l (irc.s.sings production unit, she ia riititieii to w ear a lU- . . .s s e rv ic e p in .

n * d jt of HoiiorLi a patrlo\lc padge of honor

tx i^oriv proully and wiui flis- •• It means Uiat she has "dune lj; f in supplying surgical dre.--'.-

t U n ite d .................... .iiiided on Uie c r-lncre

of Uie world.:i I'lills chapter, American Ritl h a i received from Uie surn'con il (if Uie United. States army nUrial ;o r making 60.200 lu r- •ixiines. which m ust be made iietlculouj care; packed wiil

ho-'Pllal for sierllUailon, and th ru sent Immediately to tlie medical corps of our armed lorcf.v

.M.iiiy women are required to com­plete tills ar.ilKiiment nnd the md- cecilliit: a.iilKiimcnts. AN are Invited lo jjartlclpate In thU e.-jcntlal war­time nctlvlty.

Dre.isliiKs will be made from 0 a_ m. lo noon and from 1 U) 5 p. m, on •I'ucKlav* and Wediveidayj. ewti week in the weU-llghted VeneUan room a i the Elks buHdhiR.

i\ll Tliomaii nnd Mrs,O. -P. Duvall, »ho I niily (

•In Ui



pleted a course of tralnlni; inakliiR oj lurgical dreislni, catello, r-ili direct the wor volunteer for Uih ipeclal i

U'hat to «'r»r Becsu; '- ihe ulnio.M ’ 5

must be milnialiied, women re[)ori- liig for duty In tliU "home front" service are a-sked to ob.ierve Uie folloalnK rules:. Wear . ome i>orX of white coverall. Hoover apron, ^urKlcaI jjoan. IW il- cciloredviinuie dte.M or an wliite •■lieet, ultira hole cut hi the middle aUd sewed up the sides.

Wear a •Jtuace oI wtxlte cloth, either clieer.e cloth or a dMi lowrL iflTX

v.llh r.n(clnniiK

, lU.u, ■ e' knife, and a s'liich

We . The Women

ny ni/TH ^HLLtTT


Iwt>wnysn.hll<lle;.swlle• her's ''llnney, u Uilnk about my voluii-

■)ial aboul me? If you riiilly Ii>vr<l me. you wouldi^t th ink about ki’Imk' off and leaving me. And w hat nboiit Il|c home v.e're

nd all our nice furniture? Abaul Sle:-

let the Imi'W h a l A'mid linve> woukl; the funiltu . Afie

think abpiit. You ju.<t wiiH until ihcy cull you. PerMiii- nlly I don't Uilnk miirrlcd men ounl't to hr called nt all."

Or. she eaii .viy. "Tliat l.i a dechlnn r think you fiiiKlit. to make for your* .vlf. If you really fed ihiil y-#i 1 ,ihoul<l be in, It li all rlnllt with rn Ml niKi you dri-adluHy. of courr. ■jhit I can Ki-t I'liiiiK nil rUlit, .1 lici I could cvvii n-'i. mv old li bark. V pot, I know I ccnilil get ar

An<l. v r could set along all risht x f couldn't mannRc Ihe pavi the hou-.e. we could .veil U onid move Into iin np:ir;menl. I' il<ln i l»- any fun for either of

•Rui I Uilnk you ounUt to tic (rec o wliiit you think Is rlKlil."

A -I Wllh Hmband Tl\e wiiiiM'n wlii> Klvr ihe r.ecnml n.'.wiT may not have their hii'baiul.s Itll them ar, lujiR as Ilic olher wn

-Tn7T?nr-tnnnw'irmTin5iMr n 111 he stroiiKcr for their

Pressure Cookei- Wanted by Buyer

At ^i(ictory ShopOo > 1 ha ■llon pre;

:.ure to<'*:er yim viiut to eJLchinite for United t>t;itea u y stamiu? •

'I to the Victor)' «hop.. iM-ime wcii. because Clrclr«lub. opei

If war

mIhe Suaihlne of the .slioji t. Uali'lJi', has

.More furnl

• lor such


.1-a n d hU

been m:ide for tl;J. D. Sleam.i'will take

and vecelaWe.i lo Ihr .ihii will collect ih e un-.old on war stajiipi—each nicht.

Next Saturday, Oi.t. 50. will be •^Sokfd food d»y" a t the kho|). •

If you waiiL lo buv or ftell cooked fo(xl. Katurday s tlie'diiy. Mr.v O, R. Mclllll Is In charge of the shop, by other nirmbers ol club. Sliire Iti openlntt Tli day. lu tta-v mrt uUh reiiiininble succcM, to dale, .lay the Bi»n.iori

* * *

Watanapo Fetes 'Virginia Chase

Esi.%’ I'Av Penr.on was hasve^j lo the W ntanapo Camp H re group rcccntly nt her home, .MLis Virglnli Ann •Chu.'.e. uhn I.1 IcnvlnK Wed. nesday for llerkelcy. Calif., wi.' Rue.-.t of honor, Jilie received n i:o«iK*away rHi Irom the group. Mlv. Cha.'.e h iu been chief coun.ielor for UiD '"Happy Summer" program lor Camp Plre Girls.

J of till e Rrcntp. U16 followlnR

elected: Pre.ildent. i; secretary. liarbara ■ter. Jean Skidmore; MarRiierltc Gandl-

Chalrnirn fur the next •■:cnion: SoiiK lender, Maurlne Uorrn; i.crlbe. Theda Hull; Suiif.hlnc. Arleni Barr>'; ^rrap hook, VMlnIa HlRSlns; while elephant. Velnw Robcrt-v

B ic k e l'" p .-T .’ a . . . . Study Gi'oup Meets

nickel Parciii-l'eacher auoclatlon itudy proup, meetins Fflday n t il .•.chool liudllorluin for n pot-lTi; luncheon nnd buMne.s.1 .le.-.slon, eleci ed Mr.i, U.'.ter Ward as chnlmmn. - T l l r Krnup vored lo study Uie Parcnl*Teacher maRailne lliLi nnd members were divided inti aeilloiLi for a

.Mrs. L. R. Davh waa elected treai..

Couple Pledges ' Vows a t U. S. O. ' Recreation Room

JEROME. Oct. s—Uniuual becauu It wos the t i n t m atrlig t cer«ti«my to be pecfonaed at-Uj* *oWier»' re- ceptlnn home here In Jerome, was th '.W ddU ia -.o t Corp.-EUwood-C. TJiomaa, Pllnl, Mich., who li now

•1th mllltarj--police, escort guard cotnpany, a l Hunt, and DtV.a Catntr-

n. daughter of LefrW olverlfa. J e r

Tlie iwpu&u w n t pet?or«vKS,bt’ fore Ihe' attrietlTc-firrplllCi'niU'UiF rustic log structure which U being utlllied as w recfraUon te n itr Jot all men of the annrd services.

Probate Judge William Q. Com­stock, Jerome, ita d the Mnslt ilnit ritc.', tn the presence of membera of the two families.

c Urlilr wtite ft iwjlel \,\i frock, with quilled irlt

, .... a floral uaru of sweeli>e«3 nnd In h rr Imlt. H tt Ilowti; Ma.ional blOKwms.f of uie bride, Mrs.

Tvirpln. jfron\e, was malron f>I hon* Besl man w ii Deri PfckA.

TJie couple left fftllowlng the ceri mnny for a biltJ trip Vo Pocatello,

.WeekoiEv.^ntsJ_ At Y.W. Rooms

Monday, Oct. ^ B « Uclub party for youruter busIocM Slid proKsiloma women o f T ^

Grand Matron Is Feted at Wendell

W E N o m ,. Oct, a - 6lxly*flve num bers an<l vUUor* of the Order of Ea.iteni Star welcometl Mr.'. Vln- eyi-, Winchester. worUiy gran<I mniron of Ihe Idaho grand chapter of O. E. S.

AmniiR those preient *^efe Mrs. Lillian Darton, Wendell, a.«oclnl« grniul mntron; Me.<. Miriam Kelty. Wrnckll. KniiMl repre.ientallve of Utnh, nnd Mr*. Qrnce Johnson,'T»'ln Fiil!.i, n.Moclate Rrind cotiduclre.i*. Mrs, BerUia FlegcnbAum, worUiy mntron, presUle<I a t Uie meeUng and lntroduce<l the guesta. ALw Intro­duced and .welcomed was Mrs. Haze! Sn re i, ro rth y ma'tron of Uie Twin FnlU chapter.

Include<l In the procram wa.i a 'V for'vlctiiT i'' cvfTOoiiy by ihe

■ poU>l.s awl a^soeli

D ep.irtm ent Staff To Be- Entei-talned

D epaTtwtni cJtlctrs M Hansen, E<len and Twin Pall.i will be en ters lalne<l Nov, (I, according; to plana rnnde by the Dan McCook circle, Ladles of the Qrnnd Army of Uie Reptibllc. when meniljefa met Friday a t ihe American iJijlbn memortaJ liall.

Tlie Kroup nrransed a social meeting tor Oel. 10 at the home of Mr.i, Ida Sweet.

FalU, » p. m .^ ._Tuesday. Oct. S—Newly organ*

Ued girls' group. 8 p. m.WedMiday, Oct. 1—“Y" ■ eiub

fsophomoro unit) cabinet meet* Ing. 4 p. m. -

Simpson-Hughes ■ Wed in Arizona '

CASTI.EPORD. Oct. I Rlctiard Simpson, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Slmpsoi), CaaUcford. and Mils Doiothy U\sal«s. Aa'Jshwr ot Mrs, Pearl Meager, Tolleson. Arir,

;re mJrrled Sept. 2 at Tolle.ion by U apiit mlnLMcT. •Mr. and Mrs. Simpson a it now

hon/e.In Castlcford. He la em- ploytil'M the Otm Seed and Peed house. Tliey were honored recently at charivari. *

Mis . Slmiuon nUended school hi Yeager, Okln.. antt Mr. Simpson went to triiool In .Mtjourl, coming

Jilaho aboul ihrce y^nra ago wlUi hli parenti- •

WINDOW SHOP802 M ain Ave. So.

Open I!:3S lo J P, M. Only.UnUl Not. 1

All Day S itonJayi L’d III I

• Red ubie wine With the roMt ...ihtit'* » flavor cwibia»iion fw 70U.Touierjuicf n u t beef teaches iJjTor peffcciion wliea senred with {IiiMS of ttrt Cililomia red Buf* >;undf. Sem tlie meat pipiog b«)t, the wioe aetoom tctnpttitute.Tty 1( OCM IJTC rou're h jtins roast bee£WinA\<lviiOf7 Doifd,S u rrujtijco.

. Send th e

Home Town


^Fafflotis to r(llevol(OKTHLV"\

FEMALE PAINTOW who tuffer^uA ptln wim UrwJ. nfrroui feeUtyn, Clitm* Of ‘ Irrttv- unue«-—due M fuacuonal raoaih. It auiurt>«vee*-thovjl« « L w u a. itnktiam-i'llabieUtwjthaddKliroalT •n e t bkTB a aoemiac 'cBoct on on* et uoman'j moit Imporfsnt otgant. fclio, »Mr tren h tln bnlia tip.rtd blood, rollow Ubtl dtw u ou l ■. .IWB E piNKiuirs M,W!2

Party Proceeds 'Going to U. S. 0.


State Social club InR.a c.ird party for ihe benefit of the USO Tliur.'ilay afternoon nt. 1 Idaho Povicr-cnmii.Miy nudltorlum',

Tlie club'recently, prc.'-rntei) a ni hok-any cninbjiinllon ni«Ka.-Jne ni.,.

Ii'le lop to the USO recr^-atlo'uhere. -

mn: Doijvan Biu-rinR-tonhome ol' Mrs, Henr)' Jeaieil C. A. Bickford, Mr . Zylpha Lincoln nnd Mm. J. L. Harrj' received birth dayRlIi.^,^

A lunclieon aaa served at 1:30 t m .'ivnd at brldRC which wa.i playe<l later, Mn. BIcktord and M r ’Klrkman won prlrcs,

Mrs. W.'Johnson ''Shower Honoree

CASTLEFOOD, Oct. 5 - M; Woodroiv ^Johnrjjn wm the honor

ser>' shower recently at tl home of Mr.i. Orville Hyde, m Mrs. John Darrow as a-vilsunl ho

Olft.s were nette. Coivu Gle'n Hill ai

presented In a b.i.v.1. ,t.\ were won bv Mis il Mrs, J, John.\on.

Birtliday PartyEDEN. Oct. 5~Tlie alxtli birth­

day annl\er»ar>' of Carrol McCa\i- Icy wft.1 cb^ervp/1 a t . th e home of h e r 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCauley, with Belly Lou-ni<vk, h a ite i j. a.'.''h:ed by Nola Stephen.i,

Potato — O nion — Growers, >VK ARE PAYING T O P CASH PHICES

CA L L JJS B EFO R E J E L L IN G ‘ . . '

W e^ 'v ill h av e p o ta to s to r a p o n t H nn.scn c e lla r ( h ig h w a y a n d o n io n f lto rn f:c_ n t T tv in F a lls .

E. s. H qrper Co.'- . ■ . Phone 2203

Yoiiiik- i>fople of Ihe-Cliurch Ihe Rreihreu eii,terlaUied M w iwi- hiek dfnner nt the home of Rei nnd Mrs, K, I.. Ikeiitierry one eve llltiK lost week as n (tiveicU coiir

to Darvan narrlnRlOi;HR to Join the nrm'^d fofre.-. e event wiis alio i\ in'i'iv.i lew meniher . Oame.i and 111 .ere the dlver.-.lons of, the

nlns, and a rl».ins devoiliinal ;.cr Ice wa.1 conductril.

Sodale.'4 ClubMft_C-£-M odlii

leven membera ot the .SoUalcr. Pin* [)chle club and four ki M rs. L. II, Wcllrt ni Jone.' won the prlr<v

IF YOU HAVE SO RE THROATda« t»a colli.'.let «oms VIcka VapoRub melt In j-our mouth. S«o bow quickly It tw u discomfort... • rellevti pwpy ibroal l / I C K d imuUoa. It.

— to —Your^

SOLDIER! *,D o y o u w r i t e to y o u r .eol- -{( d i e r ? O f c o u rs e y o u flo !B u t y o u c a n ’t w n 'to even/ d a y * H e r e ’.s .‘s o m e th in g e l.« e^ y o u c a n d o , t h o u g h . S e n d h im a -su b ^ 'cn p .tio n to th e 'T im e s - J ^ c w s — t h a t ’s t h e b e s t w a y to k e e p h im in

to u c h w i th h o m e . I t ' s a l i t t l e t h i n p ’t o d o , b u t th in l f w lu i t i t w il l m e a n to h im ! A c t N O W !




......... F l e a s e s e n d a s u b s c r i p t i o n t o :* - '■ . I

Page 6: \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^

■Page Six TIM ES-N EW S,TW IN FALLS, IDAHO M ondty . O c to R r


Dr U O II. PETEnSEN ' Uniittf Pk m Pporti EdlUr ' - ---------------

N E W YORK. Oct. 6 OI.PJ—The red h o t St. Louis Cardinals acnd th e ir rookip pitchlnK ntnr, Jo h n n y Bcnzley, ttgainst the New Y ork Ynnkees today in-nn e f fo r t to win th e 19'12 worid BcricB. . ‘ .

NcedirJK only one nior<>’Victory, a f te r th u t 9-6,8hellackinK th e y 'h a n d e d the Ynnks ycstcrdny , to cnpture the title th a t looked hopelessly out^ of the ir rcnch two m onths hbo,. the

'.Cardinals had-to bent biff Red R u ffin g to-complcte in five game.i one of eport'a m ajor upscUs. And if they do, n e ith ­er th e .sixth nor the Boyenth Karnes scheduled for St. Louis Wednesday .and Thursday w "‘ be nece.s.Hury. •

Rurtlng brat the CnnllnaU In L Ur»v w DcMlty vtM pitclilns lilj l u l game (or I

' duraUon. 2ie pul the CudlnUs back on Uie rlgh l tool by winning Uie *Kond come. 4 to 3. Btoziey b Khnluled to Join Uie marines <u soon M IhB R’orld ic rlu la over.

. M»y U« End ProRi the way Uio» IMblrds h«ve

bocn playljtg It may be over today.Up until yesterdnv'* same, they Imd been wlnnlnc on the breaU. Out Uien they won Uie fourth gun?, be- lore the Jargeit crowa in world **f- Is lUitory. aJter they had hwidKj th6 Yahkwj the tying nui.' OlTlng the Vftnkeei'k break al- C)o«t a lw tyi b u been fatal, but 'the Cardtnala «er« a good enough ball club to overcome lu'Tliey had their leading pitcher knodeed out o( the boi and eomtnltted an error whloh

•• permitted the Yankee* to tl# U tetin. but I t dldnX uniettlo the Ni ItonU leacna- ctiainplani; -

• They kep t drlvlng-and nm nlng—

Charging Toward World’s Championship

............... ............. - ______e ott to e. Fertect Yankee fielding might h iv e cut that margin down a run or two, bu t St wouMn'V Have

‘ been tnough to keep .the Redblrda from wlnnlng'on their merit.

Cotna n ifh l Back A lot of b ^ clubi would become

ten»e and crack alter losing a flve^ run lead behind their pltdilng «c(

. »a Mib Cardinals did yeaterdny, bul Manager Silly Souihworth doesn'i Jiave.that kind of a club.

The Card* gave Morion Cooper » ft;-e-run lead with a.sLx-run, »lx- lilt fourth-lnnlng rally. Cooper, who WM knocked out of the box In Uie t lr it g«tv« and h a d yltWed n run in the f irs t tnning yesterday, al< Jawed the Yankees to M t four ol them back In tlie shcOi. Charley Keller'* setond series home ri;Ipg the bis blow. Cooper ihei taken out and his tuQceuor, Harry auaibert, was Uie vicUm ot a wild throw to f irst base by Whliey Kur-

' o«*U and the Yankees erentually got tha ru n n tf around to tie thi

•score. *»But It d idn 't bother Uie Cardinals.

Tliey cnmo back In,the scvcnUi to break a He wlUi two runs and Uiat w:\s the ball game. Thry didn't need the run they picked up in the ninth.

O ulhit Y ant . For Uie f irs t lime In the Berlc.i. the CardlnftLl outiilt Uie Yankees. Terry Moore, centcrJlelrter, wai a victim of -hla iSWn practice of rob-

. bins bMUra ol b^^e hit* when Kel­ler caUKht hla ^Id for a .home run.

Mas Lanier, who came on <10 hold Uie Yankees off In the last three in- nlnga, wm- credited wlUi Uie vic­tory by the official tcoren. He was not In Uie (fame olflclally, howevrr, «h«n the CKdlwali pisl on ih tl r wlnnlns rally In the jtvenUi. lionie Pollet had pitched one ball to end Uie Yankee uprising,In' Uie sixth

' and under old scoring rules would hnve been Uie winning plleher.—A U ey-Doiiald.TantRlW iUiiirdfr;

YANKEE STADIUM, New York. OcL 5 i.Vr^Ttie offfclal twx K llif fourth game of (he I3«*crlf«:St. touH (NX.) An rt II r A kUrown, :b ---------- 6 0- .2 I 5 0T. Rfcwrf. e f _____J 0 2 6 0 0Hlaufhtrr, r t ........... 4 1 0 1 0 0.>Ju*lal. If .;--------S 2 2 3 0 0\V. Coop*r. c ........ S I 2 2 0 0Hopp. Il»........ ........ 3 2 1 7 0 0Kurwotkl. 3b ------ 3 J 1 1 0 1.Marlon, i i ............. 4 1 0 8 4 0M. Cooprr, p _____T 1 1 0 0 0G um bffI, p — 0 0 0 0 0 Dro llr t , p ................. 0 0 0 0 0 0lu id e n X _____ 1 0 0 0 0 0

U n le r. p _______ 1 0 I 0 0 0

Total* .................30 0 12 27 t IBatU d for ro lle t tn lUi.

New York (A.L.) AD B II P A KlUxzato. u ______S I } 4 2 0nolfe, 3b ................ < 2 2 2 2 0CuUrnblnr. r f ___ 4 1 2 0 0 0D O Iaiile , cf ------ 4 0 0. S- 0K rifer, lf>.... ........... < 1 1 4 0Gordon, 2 h ______ 4 1 0 3 2Dlekcy. o ________< 0 0 2 0.Prlddy. l b -----------4 0 1 7 2Bo n «7 . P ----------- 1 0

Ifa ld ln r the eyes tof the syorl* world, the*e c h a rrln r Rl. J ,cbIs Cardlnal.i were the heavy favorites today to capture the world'* butbaH championship a fte r a iv n n ln r Ihelr third In a row from the New WTrk Yank* jeatrTday, #.6. They a it , Irom U ll. Jimmy Hrown, Terry Moorr. Eno* Hlaughtrr, Btan Mmlal, Walker Coop-- er, Johnny Hopp, Oeorge Korowikl, M arlin Marlon and Mort Cooper.

_ 2 0 O 'o 0 . 0 0 0 O' 2 . 1 0 1 0 0

WM the Iwer. He had replaced Hank BorowT. Uie Yankee rookie ace,.<lur-

•Ins Uie CardlnaU' Uilrd-lmiliig rnlfc-.In addition to setting a new a t-

•tendance record, the fourth game aI.<o^ci t> new world series rreord for a single name's rccelpu. Tlie re­ceipts totaled I2C9.408,, of which |l37J8a.oa w ent to Uie players' |x>oI -n o w com pleted-and »133,M9.e3 to Uie U. 8. 0 .. chief bcneflcl»r>’ ot UiU flrsl warilme vorld series since leiB

Dotfald, Uonhan n o u r I

ToUl* .................36 t 10 27 11 .aI—UaCtcd for Denham In 0th.H L 'Loali................. ....000 000 201-1)

ew York ....................100 005 000-CRun* batted In: Cullenblne 2, Kfir-

Dwskl 2, M. Cooper 2, T. .Moore, Mu- elal. K eller 3. Friddr, ^V. Copper. Marion, U nJer. Two-ba»« hits: T. .Moorr, Rolfp, Muilal. Priddy. Home ran : Keller. Saeriflcei: Hopp, T. Moors, KurowakL Deubla pl»y: Mar­lon and Urown. U f t on base*; New Y ort S. St. Louli 10. Eamed nrn.- New York 5t SU Louis .0. Rases ... balls: Dorowy 3 (Mooft, liipp Mar­lon) i iTonald 2 (Slaughter, .Muslal); M. Cooper 1 IRoIfe); Bonham 2 (Kurowskl, Muslal), Btrikeeut*: Uor. owy.l (M arian): Donald 1 (M. Coop, e r) : M. Cooper 2 (Dorowy. Keller);

Pitching aummaryi Dorowy < hlla 0 run* )n 3 Innlnra (none out In 4Ui): off Cooper. 7 hits, I S 1/3 Innings: off Donald, 3 hlta, 2 m ns In 3 Inning* (none out In 7th): off G um bert. l,hl«, 1 run In 1/J In- nfnrv-o« Bonham, 3 hl(«. 1 run In J Innings: off Pollet, 0.hIU. 0 runs In 1/3 inning; off L anl» , 3 hits. 0 rani In 3 Inn lnn - Winning pllclierl Iji- iler. Losing pitehrr: Dsnald. t,'m- ilm ; ItubUard (AIJ pU(e: .Mager- ;ur«h (NL) first, bat^; Summer*

(At.) .« o n d ba«c! Darr.(NL) third laie. T im e 2:24,

Cubs Beat White 3ox, 5-3, to , Prolong Series

CHICAOO, Oct, S (-?)—Tho White ox re turn to tJielt own park to- iKhl to try for the/one victory, ih ty eed to r c u in the clly bweball ■rlM crown Uiey have won seven

ttralght-Um e»-stAr(lnrThe Ties t prolonsed yeater-

rtaj- w hen the Cubi, beaten In tlio llr.'t tlm -e Bame*. relumed to Uike ;lie fourth sam e, i to 3, behind 111- •am Dltliorn'B elRh[.hll pitching.

LaGuardia and, Rutli Still Won’t Give ii )


their tired back-i agalnil'lhe •. knowp »

keei tod? wall,

keei today are In unfamiliar to them Uielr heads. . . IJke

York Yan- potltlon as itandlnt'en man bltlnc only have

4. but alio :et and vlr-

it <f the world

a dog..the Carti ahaffled t h e Vanh have trunspecl thclrtually dealt them ou ......................

—•fries. T T -T h^^jH ibanrstnaD U ; • Una already hare ateompllshed

what everybody eieept the Red DIrds' relatives aald was Impos­sible by winning three stnlghL

Two of the ataunchejt Yankee fans who h a w n t given up are Mo}'*o r jLaauofdln and Babe Ruth____-W e haven't lost yet," declared the mayor a* he le ft his box o litr yea- letd&y* s f tttt . . R\5lh pelted his head In the 'Y ankee dressing room find yelled; “Keep your chins up. boys; well get 'em yet." . . n j l Chief J . W ear Hoover attended yester­day’s tussle. . . Probably wanted to find out If U’a true Uiat Uie Cardi­nals took money rlKtii out o( the pockeu of the Brooklyn Dodgers and a ro planning to do the same wlUi th e Yanketii.

.Rilin.la_A.».50 a ca tM ar tha .. a box fen aaleep WMn after Uia ram a lU rted and sneoztd rifK t fhroBgb th* Cardloab* alz- r a a fetv tii I n n ln f . . . Obvfeosly a

A m onr the C ard t who ha re been « t b a t more U u a one* in Utlj k t Us , fJ»r« l4 not. ooe JpO Wttfir tae the

la,wlo. Uie hlghert beln* Terry loore and S tan Miislal. each with 180. . . 0»i the pUier hand., Uie -allUiR Y'ankeea have half a doten ha aro clubbing J33 or better, . .

Joe DlMftcglo anti I'hll Rltiulo have made six h lta each, . . Red Rolfe, Roy CMllenblne and Dill Dickey have coHrcltrt live apiece, , . No Cardi­nal ha.1 more th a n four hits for Uje scrlr.s to date.

Dodgers Talce 1st Place in iProGij’id l^pop

Dy Unflcd Press ^ Ttie Brooklyn Dodgert ro:lteUd

Into first place in the cu tcm di­vision of Uie NaUonal ProfessIoniU roo tball IcBKue Sunday by scoring an easy. 28-7 victory over the Lions a t D etroit before l3,i9S fans.

The Ios.1. third in a row for Uie J o n s , cost Head Coach 0111 Ed­wards and hLi ouU U nt, Roy Miller ;helr Jobs. Their feleft.-ie was an- .lounccd immediately after Uie game John Karcl-1. nMlstant, c<wch of Un Uons. was [Promoted to th* heu l npot. Q uard John Wiethe -wju ap. pointed Une coach.arid Lloj’d Card' well, halfback, took over the back- field aaslgnment.

T he Pittsburgh Steelcn, undef- do®» In pre-game betthig, upset Uie O lanU, 13-10. beforo fi.700 fans a t P lttaburgh and dropped th? New Yorkera Into Uilrd pla«e In th r eastern division. 'tfaahlngton'sRed- »klns toolc over Uie »«ond aid with ft 14-10 triumph bver th« Eagtej o t Philadelphia.

n ie champion Chicago lic.iri scored Uielr second victory- In n many gfinirs, 21-7. over the Ram before il.lO l Ians •'*1 aeveUnt Ray McLean slarreil for the Bears,

ihiK two scorlnB from •ley O'Rourke and Sid Luck-

lie aUo flKure<l prominently h> Uic final touchdown a i ' the Bears tallied In evir}' jxrlod but « « etcond. .

IWdikln* Win A c r o w d ^ 1(3,000 fims watched

Sammy 'B lu in i and Andy Fnrknj lr!.d tho R edsk ln s 'to victory. Tlie Redskins came from behind 'twice to win. cnee on a p/ias from DiiuKh to Dick Todd, good for U yarili, and ons on a one-yard plunge by r a r k u .

The O reen Bay Pocker.v regLi tered Uielr first vlctor>' of the ^ea son by handling Uie <3ardlnnlst’hrli T lrjriM STtn’ lh^ee"B»nl^.^^ iTH Jrii a n ight eonlast a t Chlcaco. Tin Packer* clocked for two touch downs to ' win the game In th fourth period, Tlie lJbeIl-l!ut.ioT pa.ulng combination found tin range for Uie first' score of tin final period and Brock reroverec

Cardinal fumble on the Pnclcrr.i ) and raced over (or the Ins

Ruth Blames Fences i ’or 2 Yankee Losses

. B y SID FEDER NEW YORK, Oct. 5 (/P)— In betw een b ite s 'o f the sandw ich,

the b ip ffuy leaned up affain-it th e lunch counter undernea th Y iinkee..stadium and explained how it ’.i.ju .s t one of life ’s little jokes th a t-h iis the Ynnkee.s two do\xn and one to go ag a in s t th e C ard inals in thi.s world .series. •

The b.if? puy ii,sed to be a p re tty fa ir coiintVy b a ll 'p lay e r liimHclf, und a Yunkcc to Iw o t.'T hc nam e is KuVh— Get)rgc

H e r m a n Ruth,

Saturday’s Grid Stars

New rtrea rch In the productlo: liquid m otor fuels and lubrlci from coal by a p roem no t hllhi InvesUgated In the UnlteU Sii has been authortied In a recent *p‘ proprlaUon by congress to Ui« bu

of mine*.

The Sports Round-upBj* HUQII KULLERTO.V, Jr.

Wlilo World Bporu Colemnlit NEW YORK. OcL > - in the mid.

die of Uio Yunka' big Inning ye«t«r- ritiy the wind finally unfurled a big

th a t had been draped dlscon- ■ around Uie flatpole , . , IL •N ew-Yort-TranW fjrTVoriff

Champions 1S41' . . . T h ttt 's your iry of the series . . . The Yanks II are Rood, bu t Uiey-re not Uii

Irrtils llb lt Y anlu (if » year »go, m a the Cards are n livelier, more dan­gerous club Umn Uie Dodgeti were last fall . . . A t that. If BL LouU doesn't w in today, we woujdn't b« %urprl-ied tp see Ui« thing setUed only w hen one club rvtu.oui of pit­chers . . . Those wocTtea about r«i- Ung back to .St. Louis, If neeewan’, teem to have fffded out.

TODAY’S C fE S T STAR r , W. Thomas. CSndon (Eng.l

SU r: •Tropej'ly (o tn)oy baseball, T«u need lu o n of leather, a throat of braax and a vlrld and vlfloti* vocabulary.” •

SERIOUS s t u f f ' , ■ Maybe Thcimod' ap t otaenaUon

(*ee abore) expUIns why we didn’t enjoy yesterday 's game . . . . The largest crowd In world series history

there and you couldn’t tell from the noUe w hich was-Uie home team . . . Red Rolfe did almost as much hoUerin» lu th e fans fn Uie f ln t fe tr Inalnja.- F it)m the way he kept n M I n s a t th e ump« and his team-

m atfJ, h e m ust have been pracUclnk •for £hat Y ale coaching Job . . . Did you know th b year w u the fln t time the Y anks h a « lost a »erles game In which they ouUilt the opposlUoii alnce away back in 1P33T . . . Joe DlMagglo ha« read “victory Uirmigli alr-poTer’ W lc irb u l'C h ar le y Kel­ler seems to be the only player who ■* applying It, “n ie re waa plent>- of ilr power when K eltir h it that one

iBto toe ilan<l* ytstwday. ^

FIRST AID Notre D am e'i footballer* might

hava had a h in t «f w bal wai due to happen to them la*( Saturdty If they’d *«en the golngi-ea at G e«nU Teeh'a p r a e ^ field last week . . . The enilre squad had a werkeut w ltb ' itretcher*. two of them heU tlng one wbo played the part ef “rietlm " ento a stretcher and tsU nc him off the field . . . Seems the Red Crw* haa e»Uh- Ushed a f l n t aid aUUon In Twh’s (ra ln ln r reem* and tho p larrn win serve a* a trttfh e r ' bearers If a d U u te r e v tr hlta Atlanta.

CLEANING THE CUFP Kew Jersey’* new boxing coramts-

iloncr. J.olin Hall, i.i walvlnsr license Tti)i}ln3nenld fo r aoVSiars In order to enoouriigo th e boys in aimy-canipa to ;dO' »'• UlOe leaUier-rUnglng In n e a rb r cities . . . Freddie Pltalm - moeiiVbowllnK emi>or1um near Eb- beta field- i .1 doing such a big busi­ness th a t Preddle is enlarging Uie place.

Ify The Auoclaled Preis Ralph Plsat^r. Oeorglc T c c h -

' Scored diio'’l0uctjtlowii and swip­ed K otre'JJnm e p a s s iui IrWi th ;eatcned~o IK: score In 13 to G upse t.. ,

E\’ccelt sm ith , OrcEon fluitc— Plunged final half yo r^ in lost 10 second-i to give OrcKon SUato touchdown wid victory over Cull- fom la. 13 to B,

W alt West; r itt-ibu rsh -S ta rlcd Panthers to surprlilnc lo to 7 w’ln over SouUicrn WaUiodLU by bring­ing back openlnK klckoff J7 yards.

Fred Oage, Iowa pre-lllKht—. .Kicked extra po in t to give cadets 7 'to S trium ph over Minnesota.

Bob Uiiycs; Wllllanv^-Seored twice on loriK nin^ and ISlpixd scoring pa.'4 in 10 to 7 u p e t of Princeton,

Virgil (Ike) Elkenbcrc, R lce - T a«ed fourth period touclidown po.'.i.ihftt broke tie and jtartcd Louisiana S ta te toword 37 to H !.elb!u:k.

Western End Of Big Six . Holds Edge

Dy Tiie A ^ J a t e d Preii The we.^ieni f tw o f the conlffence

took the decision In flrst-rountl piny in Uie Southern M aho Dig Siy hlgh school footb.iU loop.

Caldwell, a t the extreme we.^tem end. and Boise, only 30 mU« to the east, posted first-round vlclorie.', while the other western member, Nampa, got by with a tic. ,

Idaho Falls and PocaKUo, the two eastern members, suffered dc- lea tj and T w in Fails, In lif t mlildle. tamo ou t w ith a deadlock.'

Boise had too much exiicrlcnce foi' a green Pocatello Uam, defcndlns tlUtst. and shu t otit the Redskins 13 to 0.

'Twin Falls and Na:npa bsttled to a « to « He In llw onlv 4lhtr.fosi ference clash of the week. Caldwel wlilch had defeated Idaho Falls

I a week' earlier, turned In a M t In over M trW lan In a non-jeacue ih. Idaho Falls light, Uila "

som etiraos known a.s'tho Rabe.

'■Y'know." the Babe pointed out; •'It's a funny th h ig ^ o f years ev- rrybodi'’s been m jiBb ■ how the Yctilu are good only because the ir ball park woji bulll especially-for them ; Uiey could h it all tnes^ homers simply because the field wa.\ InkI out with Uie Idea th a t they'd knock Uioi apple Into

’■Wf 11, here we've lost two games In n row In our own ballyard. And If thck-ic two games had been play­ed In Sportsm an’* park, the Cnrcls’ home Rround.i. we'd have won a t

! of 'He Uught to Know

The Babe ourIm to know about whni the folks used to nay aboul Yankee sUdlufti, TVlien * h e ' flrsl sta rted to .ra ttle fence.i, Oie Yanlca built the big Uiree-deckcr ar

and ILime th a t the stadium bound-

atle.1 were pu l iip Jmt. a t the riflU' spots so fellows'like RuUi and Lou Qehri;( and Bob Meutel could have fun shooting a t Uiem, H u t Babe', stntem ent hi UiU case d idn 't qult< add up. W hat could Sportim an’i park have th a t the stadium didn't and shouldn 't Uie Yank* be ben- eflttinp from ploy In the ir owi ballyard?

> Here'* Allhl 'Well, Ju.1t look ol w hat hap-

pe:ird." the Babe went on. 'S a t y th e . Cards won 2-0. If thi e Is played In 6i- Looee. » i .■(-3. How? T hat’* easy. Jo e ’Dl

.................... footeithe rerry

3 Blacl:(t>

Fairfield Defeats Richfield, 14-6

RICHFIELD, Oct. 5-lnvidlnR ^UUfleld Mushets lum td back th t Rldifleld club here Friday bf a

;ore of 14-S in a clacj p encaui-

The home club counted- first »!;en J. C onhir packed. Uie ball over for

touehdown In ihe second ciiir- r. But Fairfield cam s back

to count wlUi Tuckcr carr>-lr.f the pigaklo and then added- an ei:.-a point, . • .

An unneeded touchdown c.iwe in IB final s tan ia for the O m ai )unty high 'school when Aiidt.-.oii

Kored.A , *ehedule<J cotxteat beiven

Richfield and Hailey— for Oct. J>-^ha* been postponed to OcL 30.


CLA RK 'and 8TEELE / I >0m niili.'4 »«ti •{ ;«»■ «

Moore had room enough ler and pull down. Joe Gordon nt S tan Miislhl up against Ui )-foot slini In left for his drive the seventh. And Slauglii bock up ifgalrv't Uie right field

II. 3D0 feet from home plate, to ul In Charley Keller’s clout In !> nintli. In St, Ixiuls. a ll three

’em would have been liomcrs. A nd-don 't forget, there were fel­low* on- baie when Gordon and Keller h it Ihose shot.< too.

'And take yeaterdiiy’s game, Tlie Cards won fl-O. In Uie fourth In - ilnp, Dl Magglo h it a honey. I t

went 420 feet Into left center, and It was an out, because Moore hod room to go back W It. li Sporl-nninn'.? park, tha t would hav been ou t of the lot."

R eading 'from left to right, the fcnccs in Uie Yanks’j a r d are 301 4(11 and 285 feet away from U»

In S t. LouLi, Uiey’re 331. 435 and 31C>.

Headliners All Bit6 Dnst in Week-End Tilts


Ue as a dollar alarm clock U the Impretslon tha t this fodtbaU te a io a will be one wlUiout form.

'rWs Tie* Isn 'fcauied by IfJe early 4lefeats already paatefl to the

sou . T w aa, r ____SUte. Fontham a ad

ouier annual erot«ider» for reeog- nlUon. Rather. It's the variance. In the play.of • club from one week' to Uie nexu

Louisiana State puihed over Tezaa A. fcnd M. on September'* la*t S a t­urday but »CM a puihover fo r lUee ta October’* opener. P lttib u rsh wa* a M-to-7 TlcUm or M innesoU one week but a M-to-7 maater of South- t m K tihodljt. the nex t. Anfi th e Gophers followed their lop-alded win by loilng to the Iowa pre-flight ca-. dels. 7 to 8.

Outeomef Predicted T lie lack of coniUtency w u p re ­

dicted by numerous coaches as the distlnguUhlnj mark of the preaent, campaign In a pre-seaaon Aasoclated Press poll: They attributed It to a lack of ade<juale reserve* because of Uie war’s manpower demand* and h e use of frtshmen,

Up.iets. however, generally,add to I sport's attractlvcnesa and the ;ounti3''s elevens are ready to pro- 'Ide another coUecUon this coming

w eek-and.jthe 'U ilrd straight week thi

cadets of Lieut. Col. Bemii Blermon wilt tangle with Big T en opponltlan.Thls Ume It will be Mich. Igan/ already the conqueror of thi Opa i'X Lakes »quad.

Doke U p « t T he Oeorsla p re-fllg h t« n oppose

Duke, a' surprise M -to-7 loser U Wake Forest, and North Carolina'; Cloudbusten tangle %1lh neighbor'. Ing Nonii CaioUna BUte. T he Call, fom la naval aviator* are Idle.

Prtnceton, spilled by lltUe W il­liams through, the effort* of Bob Hayes, and Navy move Into the-Wew York Y'ankees' stadium and Army, safely post {tafayette. i* host to Cornell, « h lth to it lor th e llraV t ta c In six eontesU to Colgate, IB to 6.

Colgate Invades D artmouth and Clem.ion come*.<ip from Uie aouth for an engagement ^ t h Boston col­lege.

OUier eastern appolntmente have Penn a t Yale, WlUUm and Mary, one of Virginia's best an rtgaU ons. (esUng Kan-ard, and Kansa* SU t« furnishing the o p ^ U o n for Du-

•quesne.Wlscenaln vi. M U m ri

Wbconsln, which got four touch­downs In one period against M ar­quette, collide* with e q u ^ y un­beaten Missouri a t MadlsonT

In the south. Florida engage* Au­burn, another of Uie ho t and cold teams with a win over Tulane bu t a loss to Georgia Tech on Ita :u t.

Tenneuee, which all but annl> Wlated Foraham, « 1&14. pick* on little Dayton.

Texas' h u lU annual acrimmage with Oklahoma, T>xas Christian la (o Ihe scoreless KaniBaim lver- Klly’oiitfl^ and Arkansas and Bnylor tnnglea-'ln a Southwest conferenci tttfalr.'

OSC out in Front Of Pacific Coast Football Parade

By RALPU 6ALAZASr>SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 5 (U,PJ—Monday m om inif qua rte r- j ,

backs, a fte r fully d igestin ff week-end Pacific C oaat football V Bcorcfl, grophB and c h a r t s today w ere inclined to 'g iv e tho Pacific northw est th e nod in th is y ear 's pijeklK derliy—w ith OrcRon S tale collcge w ay o u t IronV.

The Beavers blasted C ali/o rn ia 's Golden B ears’ prc-seaaon hopes with a d rab la tic la s t m inute touchdown th a t gained-------------------------------------------- .them a 13-8 v ic to ry . A f i r s t

qu arte r a a fe ty In tho f i r s t period alm'oat proved th o m ar- irin o f tr ium ph f o r Coach Stub Allison'H men. Tho Btuiv- crn punched over a touchdown 'in th e second period b u t ju s t before tho ha lf th e B ears wip­ed o u t th is advan tag e w ith a touchdown of th e ir own. '

For nearly two more quarters It ; looked hopelejui for OSC, but they “ gained momentum untU In the last nine seconds Uiey pulled the game cut of the fire wlUi an end tone Invasion Uiat doomed th e n a r * .

Lose Jortcovlch Ckllfomla has ano ther headache

In store this week-end with S in ta Clara paying a non-conference call to Memorial stadium. Aside from Uie loss of tome regular*—Jim Jurko- vicli among' them—Uie Beats »IU have their pnW* f^lI to ’lng to neu- trallie Uie deadly passing combine of Broncos Jess Freitas and Alyn Beal*. Aflk Stanford about them.

Freitas flipped two pawea to Beal* for louchdoBTu in the first and l u t periods to give-the Broncos a 14-8 decision over Uie Indiana a t K etar audlum. The Indians, however, un- , corked their own a ir a ttack In t h e tU closing minutes , when Quarterbaclc •Ray H ammett p iuhed to Buck Faw­cett who ran 38 yards to a score and saved the Indian* from a ahut- out.

Uke Uie B ean, the IndU ns face a toughle next Saturday In the ir game with Notre Dame a t South Bend.

Seattle Cops Pacific, Coast Play-off Title

LO3.AN0ELES. Oct. 5 (UJ!J-Tlii Seattle Ralnlera, who flnlihed th lrtf In Uie regular season, today held tlie Pacific Coast league president'* cup awarded annually to Ihe winning team In the playoff . ^ o n g Uie four first division clubs.

SeatUe won Uie final pUyoff four game.i to two by spIltUng Suntlay'* doubleheader wltli Loa Angeles. They ■ j t the opener, 8-3. and t«en came , itk atrong to » ln the second tam e and the cup, 10>l.

Cnri FL'cker va* the winning pll ciier in Uie second game, giving only six hite While Uie Ralnlers were eol- lectlng 15 from Pete Mallory. Ken' Raffea'berger. Paul Gehrman and

Dobemlc. A slx-run rony in the ' Kth Inning wai Uie clincher. Joyner (Jo-Jo) 'While of SestUe

•ai the day's heavy hitter. He got m alnglM. four doubles and one

. omer In Uie eight trip* to the plate In Uie two games.

In Uie opener t^e Angels knocked BeatUe'* ace pltclier, Dick B arrcK

lails len t ringing of Uie leleplione _ i the *portjs editor's desk, which brtfUKht no results on a query u to how tiie Belmont futurity come out, fm allf sent James R. W right right Into th is olflce.toflnd cwt Ju it wbat vaa alowinjt Uilnj*

Mr. Wright «a* r iu lly Interest­ed tn Uie Belmont futurity, one of the na lo r (and the rieheit) races |a America. And I t waan'l because he bad a horse h» the ( v n t , or because he even bad a litUe b e tI t wav rather, becawe his eon.

Wayne Wright, probably had a mount In Uid event—and ln Uiat ease. Mr. Wright,- sr., would be rt- Ully Interested to see If JiU boy had picked , up arloUier *8,400— he did in Ihl* Kentucky derby.

However, he was doomed tc appolntmervt, because Wayne wasn't aboard any of the winners In Uie m*Jor -races for the day—«o his winning*. If any, were on Uie ■smaU" fide for a blg-tlme jockey.

Bom in Idaho a t Rexbnrjf. young Wayne h u been one of Ih e na- tlen'a eautandlng Jockey* now. for a number ot ye«r*-«nd (bU year U hiring one of hla blgxett seaMns—being aboard ijhu t O ut to win the Kenlueky derby a n d pick­ing up IS.4M for his share o t tha t world renowned event.T hat 's big money In any. man's

la n d -b u t the big timer* make more, points ou t Mr. Wright. *r„ who ti worklnit a* a govemment head guard a t Uie Hunt camp.

"The average top-fllght Jockey get* abou> IliOO per monUrfHalner from

• never

Dons Rally to Tip Nevada, 27-7

SAj; FRANCISCO. Ocf. 3 WV-For x'o periods It looked like a mighty lose football Kame. but University f San Froncbco had too much

iwwer for Nevada and won, 37 to 7, before a Sunday crowd of 8,000 In K esar stadium,

Nevada leo a t Uie half, 7 to e, but San Francbco pounded over two touchdowns In the third period and aijotlier In Uie fourth .'

from Uio first Inning wlUi vn assault, 'm e Ralnera ible to catcli up.

The Ranlen beat Sacramento, jrinner of the regular aeaeon pen­nant, ra Uielr f ln i playoff aeries, w hile-the tecond-place Angel* dis­posed of the San Diego Padres, who were fourth In Jhe pennant chaae.

The Une *co]^:First Game R H E

S ea tU e_______ 100 000 200—3 S 1Lo« Angeles _..S00 Oil O U -8 13 0 ^ B i r r to . Budnlck a ) , U bk# (1) and Collins; Lynn and Campbell.

Second Game B H ES ea tU o _______ 013 080 1—10 15 fLai A ngela ......000 100 ^ 1 0 1

Fischer and Kearae; MaUory. lU^- fenberger (4), O ehrm an'tS), JDobW-

' and Campbell

jiab ie which hire* him. For' am ount Uie stable relaina flrat- call on his services for any race In which It h u a mount." In recent year#, Wayne has worked for two of the riche-it racing stables In the coun- t i7 —'WWener and Wlilwey.

For those who don't follow the races too closely, Wright explained how a futurity race works.

- II . u r t i with (he paying of an, e n try ' fee on a mother mare. When the coll I* bom, another fee

. U paid • wUcj) tbe coll U ..a year old, another fee. and so on, un til ihe final enlry fee for the big rare."So, In reality,- says Mr. WriBht.

" It U Uie moUier, not U; which 1* really entered In th

1 gathered from Wright's U lk tha t a U>p-ranklng Jockey would make from »30,000 to tlO.OOO per year, de­pending upon his luck.

WlUi a reUlner of IIJOO pet monUi-»l8,000 per y e a r-p lu s the bcnu* picked up. in the blrger rates, I t would be e tiy to accumulate up to |3 0 ,» 0 per season—and consider­ably harder after th a t

These aalariei compare favorably w ith Uie top names In aU *port.i, Ineludlnit baseban.

The heavyweight champion In (he boxing indailry is •boul the >nly one th a t para meT«—a&A-ll'a

No CW uhlnglon State supporters re­

fuse to concede Oreson s ta te iii- premacy a lter watching Uielr Cou­gars tame Oregon 7-0. T he aliow- down rpay not comf until they meet Oct, 2< a t Portland, Tlie Cougar.i tr.eel Montana and the Beaver* Uke on U, 0 . L, A. In w hat football iwamls conalder certaln victories.

Jay Slaves and Bob. K emeriy ncnln were, th r driving force behind Ihe Cougar w in over Oregork K en-' ncdy smashed over from the one- foot line for the lone touchdown. . Stoves couldn't have been more

to Oregon If he had

eh aflei

HIGHEST CASH PRICESpaid for dead old or disabled borve*, mule* and c o n . FOf tmmedlata pickup call 038SJY-T?' UAD7 AUCB TBODT PABM

Want .To Sell Your Car?- Jerome Is the hottcA m arket In Soiitbem Idabo. We always ba re

a largo stock of good, late-model, low-mUeage lued c an and truckji and wheUier yoti w an t to buy. k U c r tx id a .»'*111 pay you to drive to Jerom e and save.


NORTH SroE AUTO CO.C )ieT ^e t and Bnlck _________ Jersm* — fb ^ o i.U I

doDbtfal If U ialneU asm i taking cu t pay for it tratnera and Uie hangers-c righting camp.

Short ahots: ' - Bob OoOdlnght, who recently

ra ined hi* wing* at Luke Held. Arir,. U tha former all-itar Bruin football Buard and later a college s ta r a t UISB, . : John Darker. cqmml.Mlon- cd an enalgn In the navy. Is a Buhl Insurance man and up un til the 1043 season had served two'stralKht years u head of the BouUi Central Idaho Ba*eball league — through tw o very *u««sfu l yean, . .

I don 't knew how Coaeh Hank Powers and hla boys feel about ihe , altaaUon. bot Twin Falls fahs In I m e r a l were well pleased wltii the I

been iwtna.WashlnRton and ^ u U ie m Cali­

fornia atruggled to n '- goose-cRS deadlock' a t , SeatUe. The Husklea were hawk* on defense but failed to make any offcn-ie o r Uke idvantjue of Trojon fumbles. BoU> igaln.have major opponents Sotur-

d a v -th e Hunklei encaging Oregon Portland and (he TroJjna packlnR •

. . ! to Columbus to meet powerful Ohio state.

P re.Fltehl WlBi Mnry’s pre-nighl ifrldder.i won

....... second .victory* over a CoMtco'nlerenre member In beating U ni­versity of California a t Los /ngele.i, j.hlrh niffrred Its second aucce.^^lve irtback. Tlie l(r-7 verdict tloc.m'l be- <jln to tell the story of llie trounc- Ine the a ir devll.i fjave'Uie DniUn.

Tlie Drt-fllRhter#“ meet the BUOTd Sunday ■sMle .VViB Uclntij< are imr-vlty looklnK fom,'arrt to their Orestm fltate t.inRle.

U, s, F, himc un ILi second victory Sufitlav wlih Nevada a.i the victim, 27-7, The Wolfpack’.i giant Negro fullback, Marion Motley, lived up lo expectations In a t least one pUy when he rembled 93 yard.-! to a touchdown in li' pnw Intercenllon Mial eave the Ncvndfin.i n short­lived :•« lenti;

Doni Mee{ Loye-i Tlie Don* entertain toyo 'a ot Los

Anrele-i nt K etnr next Bundnv.• Other far we.''tem .icore.i: Ariinna . 14. UUh 0: Redlands «. Arirona Sinte 0; Callfonila fro,ih 10, Knc- ramento j . c. .13; Coa<t G uard 0. California Ranlbleni 0; Portland 3t, WlUpmetle 15: Fresno Slate 53, Oc- fldental 8: College of Pacific 37. Chico B ute 6; s u M artln ',1 IP. Pa-

Lutheran 7; Pomona G. Sun • SU te 8; college of .Puget

Sound 3». Port Lewis 0; San Jo*r State 30, W hittier Or McClellan field 25. San PrancUfo 0 tate 6: M ither- flcld la. Honlma 13; Second Air • Force 14, laaho 0.

Bruins' B-i ile wlUi Nampa l u t week-end. . . Id Iheir ono tU r l here Ihii season, ihe Brain* didn't look (00 good against the Oakley H om eU.. .

PUBLIC SALEA* we are leaving the aUle we will sell the foUewlnr a( pablle aocUon J miles north and 3 )i mile* west of Jerome c r 6W mllea eaat ef Uio Wendell Elevator.

WED. OCT. 7thj je g ln n ln g at i:, N oon------- Lnnch W uon on the G ronndj

3 0 -Head of Cattle-30HORSES — HOGS - SHEEP




H . D. SIMMONS a n d D . V. KINDER, O w n triS . W. WUUamsoa. Oerk HoHeabw* A Beam, Aoctleneen


Page 7: \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^

M onday, O ctober 5 , 19'12 TIM ES-NEW S. TW IN FALLS, IDAHO / Page


■ E S Iif iC K illl)

JEliOME. OcL 5 -A nunibti Jerom ea r ts ld c o u Friday night ■ .. “ylcUiM'* o t iracU irea sna» iiod ](8»> aad o ther multiple (theoreUc»l) In- ju rlM . u a Tcsu i:'o f sh •tom b ing -« tiick" by wi enemy. •

T he pnicUce demonsirnHon wm exKutc<l by Use civilian de/enie hfads, ftialitcd'tiy Uielr eonunltte«s and volunteer -rlctlms," na tiic I lrjt

• 01 lla kind Jiere. O ther lucli praeUci dcaionafralloiu are to be carrlfd oui Jn Ui6 near Xuture. ofllclola report­ed.

All police oUlcers Irom lS>e »li«- Ifl's office, a ir m id warderu. tele­phone *nd power company .repre- tentAUvM. firs t aid rfpreMntaUve*. th e w n u r company ana-.tht l«e partm cnt offlclaU und worker*

in Uie preparation of tlic d oiiitraUon, H arry O. Carbuhn wai ctanmantStr in cftitS o5 Uve civilian dcfcnio icroup. William A. Peters.

■ Jerom e biulnesim an. Li county ; chairm an of the groupi. WUion IJ. : ChurclinvRn Is air raw «a td tn .

Suit Asks Court.To Decree .?5,000

. D htrlct court suit Jiirtnnirnt o f *5,000 iiliw in ltrc^t jiiul titlornry feej Iwui V e n fllnl by J, C, Siiim-r nsolnst E. V. Clctk nnd R. II. QiiUi- lliul:,

flanKcr m Iu Uie judgment on Iwo promlisory notes cxeculeO Au«, B, 1041. one for *2.000 nnd tlie other for . *3.000. He jmrchiwd the iioie. from QulnlliiKk 'Auk. H, lOll. Tlic nolM were execiUcd by Cleel: to <Julnlln.'.k.

I Frank U sicphnn li fttoniey for ’ the plaintiff.

W ife Asks DivorceBURLe:^-. Oct. 5 -F e m L. Dolli

• welt litui tiled juSt for ilvoTCt froi JamM n . Boiliwell. to whom waa m nrrlrd In RoLie Ocl. 31. J.W in the complaint the plalntll ch a tte s rrvetito.1 cruelty.

TH IS CU RIO U S W ORLD By.JVlIliara Fergusop

t n x L E B tjU B H e e t o n sA R E n o r r U £ / THtV

/AtlASURE 7 K O p £ s r tN l^ N 6 T H .

( F we 5TKX TO&eTHEIt. VWE WONT $ET ST U C K /'si*#


G e o r ^ it .,


Proceedinffd' of the Board of County

Commissioners T iijn F alls Counly, Hnho. '

in tlnued Trom Pate J) by Cliapt«r laa of Uir 1S30 ficuloii L aw , opplylnK for h(v\plia1lMtion for active pulmonary tiibercutob; and

WlfEREAS, in lupport of said pe- tlUon a certlJlcftte'of phy.nleal und ellnlcfti flndlnun lias bfcn filed Iri f-.!(l carp fitiillni.- Uint Leil» O. Terry Is siifft-rlnK Jrom nctlve pulmonao' tiiberculaMs and .'••hould receive hos- pltall7.tllon for .--imr; and

WHEREAS, It flpi>rars from peiltlDn m a t th e Jippllcant U ... nblr to pay for .nuch care and't^cnt-

U e ’iT TH KnEFO riE nESOLVED, th a t LcwW O, Tero- be and he Is

' hereby Branled uan»portatlon al Ctmnty c*pcaie to place of Ho.inllal- Izatlon. tmd re tu rn thwefrom' and \lvav the CciunVy nl T»-ln Fnlls bei

* equal Kharc.i .with the St.V* of Ida- . | h ho in tho pa>7nrnt !i I caro and trca tm rn t of snid LowU O. \ Terrv in th e hcrsplltil l^^5lRn^d Iw I w ch purpw u by Uip Dop.irtnient of ' Public Welfare of liie Su te of Ida- I ho. and UiP Couniy Comml.'.'loners

hereby’ nRfcc to . HMump and w cqu^ Klinrr-1 with the Stale, or one- holJilof aaJd cm t of care anrf trcat-

I ment, a n tt tlie entire cost of trans- \ portatton<tis aforesnld,' Above nnd forcKolntr resolutlori

pa.««l nnd adopw-d UiU :8Ui dny of September 11H2, »

In Tlie M atter of T. U. f lo ip lu i ltitlo n

• A motion wa.n rnnde by Commls- alorier Llnd.«ey th a t MIm Jcve E*'in(t be re-artmllled to St; Alphon- su> H aiplfnl for fu rther hwpliallta- lion for tiibcrciilo.'.l.'i, under tlie name

. term* and condltjonn iiiwe untler which .\he wa. heretofnrt entered for Mmllnr trea tm rnt. Tlir moiton

. wn.i eecotidrd by ConiniLvVoner Pot- j l « . nnd upon roll call wa.i unanl-

mou.'Iv earrletl.; hrMjlullon T« Kell Truck*

The noard ImvlnR under conoid- - J enitlon th r auto truck.i belonclns j , to the County, and It api>r*rlnK to: •) the Boarfl th a t b b o r for wnert rradl-

cfttlon fo r ' the transportation of, 3 which the Inick.^ wcrr piir I and have been u.ied 1.* no

available, and Is not likely,I P available fo r n connldernble

In tlie future;Moved by CommlMloner PolUr

- »econdcd by Comnibsloner tha t five certain truck.i nnw onuec by Twin Falls County and no lonitp: able to be >wed. be *old *t publli auction; U iat the dny of jiale be flxet a.1 October 27, 1DI3. a t the hour o 10:00 o-cJock A. M,.; th a t Uie place o jiale be a t the' coiirthoujie door n: th t courUiousc In t5ie city of T«'lr FalU: th a t notice of nald sale bi Riven by publication In the T sln Falls .Tlmc-i-News on Septeml 23lii anil O ctobtr 0th. tOtJ. i (nick.-' to be aold bclne deacrlbcd follmr.i: , . .

o n e 1037 Chevrolet ! '.4 loli truck, dual TtM w hffh , stake body, nt dpare tire, nppral.ied a t *300.M. Twt Chevrolet 1P41. ‘i ton tnickJ, eeai body, spare tires, appraised a t J573.- M eiich. T^'O Ford K Ion track-i. te a t body. iip.ir8 tire.

praised Rt »M500 m en,, .■Tlie HoarU re.'crvea Uie r ljli t to

reject any bid which Is no t equal to.or In CMC.W of. the apprabied ......ol r.nld trucks.

Tlie truckji will be available for JjuprclJon by intrnilln^f purrha/i a t the County F a ir Grounds a t Eller, Idaho.

U j»n roll call - the vol. follows: — ' .*

Commissioner tlndsey • Comttvlssloner Potter

Commt-'Jloner Molander HaUry Clalmi Allowed

Salary claims ..... "


wcrtpaym ent thereof na follows:, D. T . BollnRbroke, counly agent. M(J.07: W. C. Brown. Janitor. *131.00; John Orlmcs, Janitor. IIIO.OO.

J . p . H unt, wfcd director, *125,00; Betty Kelkcr, clerk, treas.. t\oa2i: E. W, Nfcnobcris, elevator op«ra.lor, *60.00.

Tlielma M lnntrly , lax roll clerk, *130.00; Celia Moorman, clerk, slipt., *110.00; Dr. J . H.' Murphy, county phyiilclnn,-*350.00.

riuby WelnberRcr. clcrli aKent. *110.00; F lora Dlcrker. deputy, assessor. *153J4; Je an Jt. Jones. diTft- uty ns'C.vor, $H3.10;-Dean Million, deputy n.- ';e!. or. *30.19.

H oipltal SalaiMarrliii

r Claim! Allowedcrldge,

^ ATTENTIONCash PaidF o r W orlh icsa o r Dead

Cows, Horsc.s and Price of PcJta fo r Dead Sheep


■ and JUNK BONES Dooxht

Cail Collect N earest Phone TWIN FA L tS S14. OOODl.VC «



& m a.B oatm an, maid. *30.76; Kativ erlne Bllyou. nurse. *67.83;'RuU i DTTnm. nume. *00.00.

VlrRlnla Campbell, nurses aide,» lfJ5 ;1^ !a rk Clny. orderly. *100,00; Striln Corcy. (Hctlelnn. J9&.00; EdltJi Cox, nun>p. *05.00. •

Glady.i D ran, nur.^e, IS7.83; Velma Delfs, n u r irs aide. MH.OO.

Ualph* FJUot\. enKlneer. >130.(* Ethel F itton, supen-bor. *<0,00;

Mary Flynn, maid. *5.00:- Ellinbeth . , .luiK-nlior. »MX).00: Anna

F rty . m aid. Ruby Prey, mnld,512.50; Allle Froe.icher. nurse. 13.00.

Dorl,i O nrnett, n u n e , *3.00; Anna larr.'tt, nur.^e. JO. .OO; H arriet Oil-

n w sth rslsl, V.25.M; BttUa A. ar<’nr, niirr.r.'. nid'-. S42M; Stella B. Irrnr, iiur.'r.-i tiUle, Sir.OO.Triicy HnJ.khw, supoKl.inr. *100.00;

;Urn llRv^, tusae, .yiOQO; Bnlly Helde, offlre clerk, llbr.. 1110.00; Dorothy H cndrlc ti, mafd. J« J 0 ; RuUi Hrndrlckson, maid. »<S.00; Emily Hcpworih. purres ^lde, tll .lS ; Eahel Hepworlli. maid, *34.00; Mnfc

*0.00; Caroline, Hills, maid. *4.'i.OO: Adam Hnn.<teln, •.vt.

$70,00; Della Mae Hnrejn. mnld. S42.M);' Jnn r Itiid^on. maid. *26.50: VlrKlnla Huettls, mnld, ;12.5t): Caroline Kimton, maid. *7.08; tu th H unton. innld. *43J)3.• Idaho Dept, Store, Inc.—a.vilsned

•lalms: Ella M. Burton,, *« .- fl; Roht. Crumb. h.-.i I, enplneer

*30.00; Bertha Crumb, *S9:>0; Marian Encelu.-;. nur^e, *4833; Mar-

Tremnvne, cook. *75.00 — j252.83; ✓ ■

H, C, Jeppesen, supt,. *175 00; Sylvia Johnson, office clerk, lab tech.. S58.fi7;'^Vllmn Jolley, nurse, »; Clara Belle Kline. muTif,


lynm I'tir OntlBrottTi iwpped to Holfe Just on Ui ■ ifletd gcMs.

No runs, one hit, no errors, on left;

Y anki-M arlon made a one mdfd stop of Priddy's grounde id th fB I'lilin out. Ituffing bca

alow (frountlcr. Rlzjutcjundcr tlown the flr.n

I'lilch lIop(i threw wildly to Mnrli >t second In an a ttrn ip t to force

Rufftnit and both runners wen .lafe. Uolle grounded to Brown whc ■ ->led the- ball and the

filled. Cullenblne popped U Marion behind third base, the run^

lioIdliiR th flr bases. DlMagglt iorced n ia u to at ihfrd, Kurowjk

f lilt, I errors, ihrc

se,. $90.00; Kftthlei U>utlt, nurr.e, *40.00..■ Alice Mnair. numc. ifiO.iJO: Llllle Mnait. nur.-p, Sin.r>0; Evelyn Mrv mirr.M nidr; *42.50; Ada Mali aide. *39.76; M arsaret Mi son, nurje.- *00,00; I n « McDonald. nuBe. $00.00; K aOierlne McFarland.' supervUor, *100.00; U arbara McKin­non, nurse. *100.00; Luella Nelbon., nurse. *1000; E sther Nel.'ion. lab. As X»TBy tech.. *110,00; OUdys Nlch- oil*. iiur.-!e. *102,00; Mona Nlcholls. nurse. *32J8.

UUle Packer, nurse. IBO.OO; Irena Palmer, m ine , *45J3: Mnj. Ann# FarkB, cook ,'»9 ,n ; J a n e t Pohlman, nurse. *00.00; Mildred Ryman. nur*- t» aide,

Jof.le ehreley. maid and cook, *4D.fl7; H arriet Slevehi. maid, *38,67; jo h a m a Slevera. mir.^e.i aide. »43-W; Alice Slten. nwrst, J3.00; Frerta Bwearlngsn. maid. ■ *55,83; Elile Swenson, supt, of nuraeji, *150.00,

Eva Taylor, maid. $42io; Marian T u ro tr. bookkeeper. S85.C0; Nellie WllUami. tnald. I43J0; Margie York, nurse. *MJ3, ,

Routine bu iln^ ti was transacted unUl the hour o t S'.w o’t l« k p . M.

'len B reeess'w as taken until lOiOO ;lock A. M'. October 3. ima ~U

C. B. LINDSEVV^Chairman.




' St.\TH l.VMNG C ard j-T . Moore sinKled to left 1 the first pliclt. Slaughter singled

to rlKhV ou the Itn i pitch, sendls^R T. Moore to third. Muslal popped to Rlizuto. jhe runners holding. IK lijo h it nufflijg's f irst pilch. W,

Cooper fllcil Ui Culleulitne aloKR tlie rlKht floUl line, T. Afoore scorliiK

catch. Slaughter tried to ind ond when Priddy took

CuIIenblr.c'a tlirow and tlircw v-ltd- ly 10 tecond. Slaughter went to hlrd. Hopp filed to DlMagglo. One run, two hits, one error, ono

left.V anks-K eller filed to Musla3 In

deep left. Kurott'skl took Gordon's hliih bounder nnd threw him out. Dickey lllert to Slaunhter near the

Cht field fence,No runi. no hils, no errors.

SEVE.VTH INNINQ, , Cards-Kurowskl filed to Dl-

Mnsglo. Mnrlon popped .to ni-'JiuUJ • ihort left. Beazley struck out on three pitches.

No runs, no hits, no errors. Yanks—Marion Uirew out Priddy.

Ruffing was called out on' strlkoa. a iau to , atier working tho ^ount to 3 and 2. singled to center. Rolfe filed deep to Slaughter.

No ruM. one hit, no en tit.

ElfillTH INNING Card.i-Brown singled, to left. I t

«ns a KTOunder'betM-een tliird an t short. T . Mtiorc jwcrlflccd.' Prlddj-1< Gnrdon. who covered first, Browr ;oinR to second. Slaughter popix-tl to^RlHUto, Brown holding second Ma'lal went out. Onrdotr to Prkldy


G E N E R A L M a c A S T H U R 'S IIEADQOARTERS, AuatrtUa. Oct. 5 (-TV-ln Uie sovenUj day 6f con­sis ten t., unopposed advance, Aus* ira llan troops pushed upward yeS' terday over a rugged trCll north o: Efos' ln Ne* Guinea's Owen Stan­ley m ountilni.

FUer? of the *lUed a ir forte: frweal U r beyond the advanced tround fc tte s .to harass-kfy-pcjn ta o n .th e Japanese line of rctreaL 1; another sector caia llrut <Con&oll datedl bomben made a n igh t rali on tlie airdrome a t Buka, on th extreme northern tip of the Solo mOM. starting fires near .the run way eind In dispersal -areas and destroying a t least one plane.

^:fOSl. 64 miles by Jungle trol from Uie allied base a t P o rt Mores by and about « v e n nu le i froni •'thi gap" In the Owen Stanley range was captured Saturday.

Tlie Australlons were believed t< be either to or near the sou th tn raiice of "the gap? which .lies a n altltudfl of more than 6.000 feet A spokesman for G eneral Mac-

vnhur said the Auslrnllan loruard mil.-, had made only sllRht, coi rlth the enemy.Tlielr exact iw ltlo ii viu>

North of KfOKl there me•nils. • le:i thn

: nillrs toid Itie otl;Myola lakds. ,

A ustralian army n ilnh ler FrancLi Forde. retum lng to Canberra !■ port to Prime Minister Curtin , , ,

rablnet on n tour o f battle

nbwlule conflderexpre.-.irO U>e out-

Stephan’s Lambs Set Sale Record

Soutli central Idolio sheep breed- rr.i lopped the Poc.TleIJo sale of iJjo Idaho Wool Orower&‘ assoclatloiV and one Twin Fans man set n new h igh record for Hampshire lamb.'.

The record for the Pocatello sale ;oppIed when a pen of six Ilamp- ihlres consigned by F rank 'L . SMph- \n brouRllt *76 e;icli. T lint price was \I,no *1 higher tlian a t the Filer talc In Ausust.

Top price In ywrHuK Hmnp'ihlre.s cn t to Robert S. Bliiitock. yUer,- hose pen of 11 drev,- *60 apiece.

U onard Winkle. Filer, jold a pen of Hamp;.hlrfS a t 100 each.

T he lop in Panam ai was paid to Laldlaw and Drockle. .Muldoon. at. *100 each for a pen of 10. The s.vne firm *old another pen of five i l *r00 per animal,

Tom Bell. Rupert, sold a pen of anam a Iambi nt *T0 each.Col, E. O, Waller. Fllfr nucllu leer ho handled the ftalc. .'.aid, ih m Ru­

pert and Burley breeders ranked hghly. Tom Bril. Rui>crt. sold ii pcii of Panamas a t *70' each; another

upfcrl breeder topped tho Sullolk- :anii|,ihlre lambj n t *72.5C Col.'W alter goe«''io Dm

e.-idiiy to "call a fur sale set fo r m ay; he will be a i the vam snle a lonlrose. Colt),. Monday, Oct. i: nd will call i r eg h te rrt Hol.iteli lit- nt ORden Ocl. 14., .

r Wed-


m ;vv Y<IKK. 0,1. IW 1--____

. .Clcif*; Ptin MBirol >1«>I


x n v YORK. Oct. fl w v-^tfength If a.'.'iurt/d blue chlpa today helped he .Slock m arket ward off profit luklnR In raJb, ste«ls and oUier 'e:e:uly rallyln« groupi.

Tlic Ust stumbled a fte r a slight jpturn aV the opening and lo»ea runnine tc^-* point o r more were vellT-dl.vtrlbuted by Dild-duy. A lumber of high-quoted Issuei, how* •vcr. refiw d to b u d g e w h e n .rlliiiR dried up. bldv-'wert torih- ■oinliii; for many yeAfilllg InsKards.

Whlli! small dccJSles were fii dence. A reir-rall.ifcanie tack In ' tial hour and touched new hlglu

)r a year or so. Gains of fractions I as much a.i 3 i>olau were plfntl- il a t the close.Tr'an.ilers were around BOO.OOO



CHICAGO, Oct. 5 , W) - Pric»rontrol ilevelnnm^nU m tned ■ i-f'n.__

clfne In grain market, quo- .. today, wheal and rye lead*

Ing the. way with losses o f about 3 . bushel a t ona tim e. C6m- more than a cent to ne«

b la re d by traders on s to tlie price celllngi

to be placed over grains as well as trnile belief that no upward revision if crop loan rates Is likely.

Wheat closed I f i - lS cents lower han Bttturdsy. December * li8 ',4 - li3 . .May * 1 J9 ',-S ; Com I-IU December O S'i-S, May 88; oaU Ii

r, 5oybe.iiis ^ lower to S hlgh- •)* 1 4 - lS lower.

M eta ls


lutcil 'VlllKwell


errors, clelt.

Yank.1—Cullenblne srounded out, Hopp and-Ccarley, who covered first.

. Dl.\fagglo filed to Muslal in deep left field. Keller hlC n hlith bounder to­wards first which Hrsjiey caught on Uie run and'^tepped on the bag for the pul out. , ,

No nlns. no hlU, no errors.NINTH INSJNG ‘ ’

C anh -W , cooper r.lnKled to cen­ter. Hopp sacrificed. Ruffing to Gor­don. who covered Ilrst, W. Cooler going' to second. Kurowskl h it a

-home n m Into the left field'sUnds, scoring W. Cooper ahead of him. Keller made a de.‘<perate effort to catch Uie ball and fell Into the Bland.Olarlon popped to Dickey Ji front of the batters' box. Beazlb' popped to Rfcailo, -

Two runs. hlls, Y anks-Gordon singled to left.

Dickey grounded lo Browifumbled and both runners we ____Stalnback ran for Dickey. Cordon was picked off second, W Coopei to Marlon, when Prlddy,'attempUng to sacrifice, mtised tlie ball. Priddy popped to Brow'n. I t wa.i a low fly which Brown- caught a t his foot­steps. Selkirk batted for Ruffing. Selkirk out. Brown to Hopp.

No runs, one h it, one error, one WL

Bomber Missing With Five Aboard

TAMPA. Fla.. Oct. 5.tU,ra-A med­ium bomber, with five men aboard, ha i been orerduo a t MacDlll ficl<j since Saturday midnight, arm y 'o f- Jlclsls revealed today.

Hie piano was on a training flight.Men aboard tha craft were Second

Lfeut. Arthur Young. Fall River, Mass, pUot; .Second u e u u 7?*5ter ,R. Prldemore, Fort Worth, Tex., co­pilot; second u e u u Jamt;* J . Deg* nan. Philadelphia, P a , navlgatorj Egt- Carl L. Fountain, ndorado ,

■nginecr, artd Corp. H an 'ry H. Cookiton, Neb.'

■il ye.' terday bv pollc y retiirneil the bird to

., Tlie bird Is owned "by FaIL-i ' farm Rlrl who w ii panted by an nrmy offlcei

■omnn when she called tor I the iwllco .station. Tliel: ere not learned.The Rlrl orlRlnally liad three birds,

Clilef Howard O lllcue said Uili id tlieywere stolen »om( AlthouRh no t curriers,

they were n fancy breed of pigeon One ot the birds,• » m ate ol Mv one which' broke Into the ne-*-.s S u n ­day m om lnc In a police call for hel;

■ llflcatlon and handling, hac 1 home.Iff whleh lanrtei

sey yard Was ,-aa worried r

e bird

..............n the Lind-it only latlgucO. H»

X fnlvMnK mate. hMrvy

hopes th a t the other birds would dithe s

iL still mli-'.lne, « t.nUl they had the reunltlr

'T he third bird a t la&t rcpo^L^, P< no information oi the .itolen mate.i.

Mr. Llnd.-«y .said today he im( ultinds iho plReotxs are the < jnes of ihelr kind In Idalio.

Ashton Man Kills Self Accidentally

ASHTON, Ida.. Oct. S < ;r v ^ n u il Larsen. 31, Ashton rtirmer. was killed Saturday n ltl it when a .22 < fie dlscharjed nccldentnUy was removing It from n clo^et. Frem ont county sheriff's office ported, ' .........................................

Lnrsrn. who was home a l crawled to the road In front of the house and was found by o neighbor. Ell Klrkliom. Larsen died In an Ash­ton hofipiial.

Among thaw who Min-ive are two ■Liters, UuUi nnd E2a Lareen of Ok- len. nnd a broUier, Edward Lar.ien If Rlffby, Ida.

,-hlle hi

A. G. Wilson Dies Of Heart Attack

A. C , (Andy) w ition. 70. died sud- ;iily of a hesrt attack a t 11:15 a. m.

today a t the ho.Tie of Robert Hayne.i. M aple a-venue.

i l f . W lbon. a reared farm er, was bom Oct. 4. 1871. In Guernsey coun­ty, O. He Is sunlveil by b son. Ralph W ilson. Tcxa.t; a daughter, Mr.i. Al­fred Pettlgrove. Jfansen; a .sU te r . Mrs. Blanche Walters, Tu-ln FalU ; a stepson. Dwight McQlU, Tw-in Falls, and tw o siepdM ishtm. M n . J . NV. Nicholson, Jerome. and M r t Mildred BtrkeU. PliLiburKh, Penn.

Pending funeral arrajigements the body Is a t U« T w taP a lb ramwaT^-.


(flV-Beed OroomtT. i i , and tw nald Fry, 13. drowned yesterday in Pay­e tte river. Wltiie.sses said Reed .'ell in while fislilng and Donald dived In lo re.iciie him. Both were swept downstrran) by the sw ift current. T he bodies were recovered.


BURLEY, Oct. 5-Resldents of Casila county-w hleh leads all of Magic Valley thus far In scrap collection—are contlnuhig to ,.. . n their old metnl and th'« tOlrfl is low well over 500 tons.

Les Anderson, chairman of the Irlve, states th a t from the amount if Bcrap sllll to be collected, another lOO tons are available. .

A niecli.1 contest Is b'eliig conduct­'d by Burley reAlclenVs and clubs lo maintain Iti the scrap col- lectlnn. Tlie contest ends.'Saturday

Oct. JO. nnd the followlnj . rues will be awarded by the

folloft Uih' Ilnns. club.v an4 pei to Individual! bringing in tlie h load of Bocil scrap Iron:

Utavleht. loni^, $10 cash donaled by Lorln Lewb; second, *10, donated ■ly Uons club; third, *10 ca.ih do- latcd by Idaho Dank i T rust com­

pany; JOMtth, *10 In war savUiRs Ca.Mla N ational'bank; flftji,

lied by Ca.isla

. .ruiiii.i from th e sale of .icrap may

be [lonaU^d to a local cliarlly--<ir In- <llvUlual."i may collect tlie *0 per ton u-ttct tlie tale a t scrap Is inMle. WelRht tick .ts nro to be submitted lo Les Anderson by fl p. m. Saturday a t the mayor's ■ office In Burley. Scrap should b« delivered to U\e Chl.iholm Brothers ' yard.-


BOISE. Ida., Oct. 5*(V.r) — Adi county PiOTtculor Jarots Blaine to- rtny blamed ■ dispute over 50 cents

quarrel which ended In the•ath of 0

1 M tond»atg:t6 mwdti:harg(

Toble 8 . Davbon. sr., SO. proprle lor of a Boise m otor court, was re- leftr.etl tcom ttie county Jatt here Uti ■eslerday on *10.000 bond, follow- iig the dcaUi of Janifs W. U Goode

Dallas, Tex., traveling calesmui, Dnvtjon was scheduled to appeat

c t.,7 In Justice court for a preltm. lary examination, following a cor­ner's Inquest ila ted for today. .Depoiltlons were taken yesterday

frotri Louise Goode. Uie widow, and Ooode's dclit-year-o ld son. John William. boUi of whom told Blalm they were eyewitnesses lo Uie fata,

■ ibblng. ' which allegedly' resulled >m an argiraient over rates cha by Qjxvlson a t the motor court.

Mrs. DaVrington Passes at Decio

DECLO. OcU.&—MA. Marie Ras­mussen DarrlngtoD. wife of J. C. D arrington and prominent member ot th e LoUer Day 'Ealnia church, died Sunday Jit l a . m. a t her h'- followlng a long’ lllnejs. .

S he was bom Feb. 18, 1884, Elba. She was m arried to Mr. Dar* rington In 1005 a t the L. D. 6. tempi# n S a lt Lake C l ty . ^ e family moved 'jy Declo In 1907, and had lived herp ilnce that, time.

Children aun'lvlng are Mrs. Har- I'ey W ight. Juniper; Mrs. Grwit Cobbley, Idaho Falls; Harry D*r. rington. with the i;n lt«d States arm] It F o rt Ord. Calif.; Darrell Dar- .-ington, Gooding, and Earl and Mel­vin D arrington. Declo.

All of the children .cvere a t. Uie bedside When death came. .

Also surviving are seven grtnd- jhlldron and thre^ broUierJ, Will Ra.-unai.sen, Salt L<Lke City; Bishop- Edward Ra-vnussen. Elba, and Frank Rasmuisen, Kimberly.


Hertaog, 'Twin Falls, district super­intendent 0^ Uie Methodist church. attended-thk-quarW rly- conference held In Gooding. T he budget w u presented and apprm'ed and re­port* were given by Uie minister. Rev. Lauraln M. W ahlqulit. and de­partm ent heads of the churelj.’ Rev, H e r t ^ disclosed Uie r e llg li^ Ufd a t the EdeB Tclocatloa camp. . (Os*

■urasT/( t a few W in iiv b la jtt oo

-’liUUe h« got tb* «aein» «o- ,JiM:'4a,,revct«. H » went tnrou*B'three iwlu*«* wiOuKt iacWent. then unafbed a iwllch aod n u b *ed lnt9 Uj^dock.. •

Railroad employe* hauled maa out,of hut h« b r o u

Page 8: \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^

PageEighf T.niES-N EW S. TW IN FALLS. fDAHO 5ronaa7. O c fo R r 5 ,1




a n m t B t t i N o m rCHAPTER XIX

and from h is nose and Die cornet of h is m oulh trickled a thin dnrk ttrc rm .

Tor the Bpaee of o brcaiii tlint * c m cd nncs lonR llicy »t(XV(l. Pclcj nnd Cftndoe*, urrcslcd In nlii- lu IS rs n io tT in c c i d($belicf. Tin rhockfd Kroup K.itlicdng In thi iIooKi'ay understood ihnl: iiftci rif, Dr. M artin Cnrfiy. one nf'tfirit

-o u t oti the liiKhway," tin policeman w;is •■Tlicy’liHllie back, of n tiuclc. You thniilo tec Ihclr car. Folded up. Lllif on nceortllon—■'

Pcler ppokc, VcIcaNlnR her. llli vrlcc, cool, porcinptnry, Kas thi viirce of a doctor ordrnnff li'T If duty: mccli;inically i lie moved tc obey.

r c le r ’.i 'liand.i f.widly, ciittlrif; iiway clolli. d rlilj

' [irobnii:. U nder tho.vf rrurchius «im;rr;. M artin .•;lirrt.'<l. hii o c lid i tlu tlricd ojn'!). l l f maniii;''d whal iviis a lm osl n tm dc. "No—ii:.e, I ’fte." h r nar.pcd p.ilnfully. bcr's up."

I 'r lp r .!.a ld cn illly , "N'l hoy," bu t' wlii-n lie stralr.lili'iirt! frem thnl liurrlod rxaminajii iiwn Wiin ctay.

Mnrtln'3 flid beyond lilm fcrmed to srarch for romelhlnn, wlicn his ey rs ^cll pn Cnndaro h» li;id found It. •'Candace,” Jn; w id

’ "Candacc.” I»:iinfully.lirr.itii of Kound. "ll's bcvn all xiTonc. Wrpn/*. You chouldn’t linvc le t m e—”

P<^cr nodded at n Iwvcrlni: or- walked /.way, aiiij

' . i.erccn w as pu l round Martin and Candace,- closinK lliem in n rold w hile

Oulifde in tlic '' crying. She scrcamcd

jihrill crenccndo of pain and lois, "Mnrtln, M artin i” When he didn't

a t that, when nhe knew finally,* Irrevocably, that Martin never would flir again, Candacc left him there nr\d sleppt^J oul- (Ide the screen, drnxm unwlll*

^ Ingly. lllic a slctpwolker, to Uial

Ho w ai #l the <l'»nr«r ai shfj becfluric 1 knew that youreached M, ■ Candacf," he tnld ' to 'run away from'm r,

warm and comp.u- from .cvrrythinK. And 1 didn’t dinylng in{t;int th« I didn't UiinX''it would

fousht wit^i a longinc to clutcl) you. I wanted yo"*J, ’ to.stand and fucc thlncj. Now I’;Tl.e moment pa.|ed. Wt y! Sb, j ^id rlr.h t” '' ’liardenecJ herself. Slic wanted n£ one's p ity . She lald bitterly. "V uur pe rfec t machine In opera­tion, D octor. Tlie patient's condi-' lion / a i l e d fo r somcthlnfi special

the w-ay of treatment^ and youi ichine tro tted It out.”Jlls nw fi pxp rr’jloi) hardrnetl

•'I’l-rfect machines don't break dow ii In the middle of u job."

P e te r w orked w ' h e r and iinothcr o; w atA e d Candace obeylnK o rd e f i as in a ll<r Will K ratrful for the confurion Unit woBId keep anyone from lic tn t tli.'it or liii own distraction. H e (Ire.idcd the blank momcnV

She looked up nt him dully. ••That isn't true. I let my.-.clf in for everythins, from the bcRln- [linc." She added fiuffltioriingly, "The Rlrl?.What of her?"

•'There's a illRht concussion, but no i.kult fracture. Multiple can* lu-rions and nbrar.ions clsewhi-ro but iio fiaclurL- hy X-ray. Tliero

uiiu i .c -I intcnial Injury, It’sIhr p!tvl- H». •‘"ow- dcllnllely alwut

•novlne about; hadly .in shock of. . .1- . . course; but ns far as I can l«'ll

„ . she ehtiuld be all rlcht.” j 111.1 concern w;iiirt for her, It was

ill for Candace. "Ynu'll be v I Imaci

th a t w ouldhotiu- i;lrl hitd been movi :.t:iirr.

I> r.'P .itte rso n h;.d berti inun'-'I, o t h e r CtafI mrmbrr> i.w.irni'-d about; he hoped Dial Itic eoitfiiM>'ii would last until the nur;.c w ho was to relieve Can­dacc, a n d his own relief, had

. Ilf* w aj almost prayrrl^dly tlMlikful when the two turned up pn ic llcally iltnultanrou.Nly and they w ere a t last free ;lo i'

l i e th rew his tojwial alM ihnuldcr,'. and wiillcd to Canihicr a t the ouLildc door thruui:ti w hich i.he must ile Kr:i.-;iic<i l i r r elbow and strerrd her Ilrm ly l>a^t the nurses' luim down th e path to tlie mail, she was frcIlnK even ri'motely he hlninclf fell she wanted to rui . j;)ic u-jintcd to screaro, lo rrlfiiie•ill the < iTintlnnn m-nl Iii> lirnfi'hor. It w ould lie better to walk her. W alk her until Imdlly e*- katjsfion m atched Hut of m/nd, and nerves.

rp iIE Y w ere walklnc for an hour before lie fell lier p .u r sliiclirn,

falte r . -Wor'dlessiy he turned her abou t and started back.

A t the door of the nurses' home )io held h e r hands In his. "Can­dace, I w nn t to tell you: I let you In fo r thi.i, and I'm snrry.' I a;Jced Patterson to fix It so you'd work

She said with wr;iry »urprl;.e, "Why now, m<"Te than before? All thl5—this lo%in»; Martin," sho i.aid, stl(T-1ipt«c(I. "tlial really hap­pened a lone tunc m:o for me. Tonicht—doe;ij|’t m.Mic any clllTef- cntT. NoUiIh;;—Jij.i chiim cd."

A Midden w ave of en- KUlfed hiiri. M.irtln living and mnrriiMl to ano ther Kirl would have been oiie ttilni; to tlKht, Mar­tin rn trai;lrally dead would be fiufto anotlier. Kvcn in death Martin was playinj; dtic-ln-the-

her open car w ith her bright curli blow lnc or sittlnR out-*!idc the.lios- pltnl in it w aiting for her fiance Dr. Corby. Tlic curls were matted

tw, the youiiK face smeared with tears and d ir t nnd discolored by an ugly forehead bruije, the eycj that C an d ace 'h o d scen^rlnk led w l^ laughter were bruised nnc

<. d l!* lo red too..illue, tliose eyes, blue ni a smll'

Inr inland lake, but clouded no« with n Brief too terrible to ie

.Uome^ n wfld look, a lost lookr Candacir had^seen a look like that onco before,''in eyes that had Blared back nl her from a mlrrot In n lonely hotel bedroom; ih* pim.iy-dark eyca of nnolher girl who had' lost Martin n long, toni

■time ago. . . . In. swift remember- 'ing pity she bent to touch tin lEirl'j straining hand.

FaiUi clutclied nt liw* flngera, iRearchlnc lic r face w ith a fierce

Tile way of M artin’s going had Jeft the other girl with a fe.iterlnj core of bltlerni'ta; fo r tier »ak« Ihlr. r.hould bo a clean wound, one that w ould he;il. Candace lied gently, "He nr.Uctl for someoni named Kaith. H e said, 'Tell Kalth I love he r'—"

• ' She turned 'sw iftly , mndc blind- Hy for the door. Peter would iher, he would know r.he eouldn' slancl any more;

Page 9: \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^

__ M onday, O ctobcr 5, li)42 TIM ES-NEW S, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Ninel:-?



WANT AD RATESa CoBt-Der-word

^ 5 e p tr »-or<lOued

•t. d s y -------------------3 day*__I__He per *onl per <l»yfl d i j s _____3c pel « o n l per diiy

Ttrm s — Caah .IN TW IN FA LLS Phone 38 o r 39

IN JER O M E CONTACT MRS. OEOnOIA c h a t d u r n . U1 East ctr Pliono 200-R

DEADUNE3 W cet dky>. 11 a. m.

Sunclny, 6 p. m. 6aturtl«7

Tlila paper euljscnUcs to tUe code of e tiiiu o( Ui'b A«MclaUon of Newspaper Clftislfled Advef- tblns Mwiagcrs ood reser^'cs yi# riKht to edit or reject »ny clu* tilled nclvcrtlslng. “Blind AtfS" carrj-lng a Tlmes-Ne** tw* num­ber are atrtctly .:cmfiaenllal and no iDformntlon can t>e gjjen in reRord to the »dvertl«er. ^

.Errors tJiouM be reporltd itn*. mcdlascly. No nllownnce *.-111 M mode for more than one Incor-. rcet Inicrtlon. ... .

Life’s Like That

1.00 VVILL pay for a 3 tnontft Tljnc3-Ncw4 subtcrlpUon !or Unit buy U) tiie Kn-lce. Order Joday. a t Uie olflee Oi from your earner boy. iThls offer good only to len 'lce mco.)

^ I 'E C IA L n o t i c e s

8P 0R T allop icltta UTapped and mailed, postaso pnlri. to »en’lc« miin. Mali your Xmiui clfts over-l (iciu before November li.t.

TRA V EL jS KESOKTSTW O !a<llr« tlnijre ride to Ifaw-

tliorne. Nevncla. this week. Kiafc -«xpeiu'.cs. H37 E ld itii avenue east.

c n i i t o P H A c r o u s

By Neher h a y , g r a i n a n d f e e d


MAN and wlfe-womnn to (Jo Inun- clry wid man to fire funince. ApfttUneiit fumWied. Perniiinenl ftork. Apply In pert,on, Ciilcilonln Holcl.



LI3TIN 03 on liou.'.e.i. Jarm.i and ftcreaKe.1. \V. O. 8mlll), MO MainllOftll.

: ; r r y c»fc lor jale. Oood oppor­tunity. 12S Mftlii nvenue cfut.

OOOD Krocery-l«i”lncvi In Twlr fUlln. doliVK n\Drc tGOOO.OO pet month. »:000.00 will handle. Rob­erta Olid Ileiuan. ' '

ADJUSTMENTS ccUpvc Ivenrt troaK ble aikl WkU blood pressure. Dr. Ilanltn . 330 Mnin norUi.

BEAUTY S(!OPSEXTRA' sppclal prlce.t on nil permn-

ni-nls. Bcauly Aria Academy- tLillc Deauly Salon.

i*ERMANENTS. $1J0. WO JcfferaoD street. Phona t99S>J. Ma}-ms KIao<

' ' McCabe.PERMANENTS, J2.00. Mrs. Deacicr,

\ Phono 17<7—0 \ ’er In(Ir;>endciil ^ M eat Market.

8PECIAL-J3.00 ou permanent. (3 00; 10.00 oU perm anent $3iO Idaho a irb c r and Be-iuty Sliop Phono C4.

LOST AND FOUNDW ILL pay 125. no questlon.t asked

for Utf. ttjbe Rlolen from car. Drand check. M. Zarublca.Phone 33 a fte r Sunday.


OIRLS. 18 or over, no t ot(rndln« school, wniiled a t We.item Union. MiL- t have bicycle.

WE want two beauty opcratora who nre aieady and w ant to com Wg. moncf. ArtLitlc Beauty S.alon.

CHICKEN picker* wanted a t once. Apply hi i>erKon. Sw ift aj\d Com­pany.


THREE toooi modem apartment. Wattr fiirnliilied. 3M Scconcl, ave­nue cast. • ■ '

MODOTN, Jreshly cleaned anc painted, /itokrr liented two bed- TMan npMUnrnV T.-llh ynrrt. ''On hlKhtt^v midway bct^vceii Kllrr ami t TIh Fnllx Iiifjulre 2U Main we, tr*Twln Palis.

N IS H E: t m 4; n

t w o IfirKf room.i, lifhw. 633 Sec­ond nvi'iiue Kcr.t. alicr 0,' ^

LISTINGS oji city proiK-rty and uniUI traclx. A. Moon heal Es- U te. 301 .Miiln WfT.t.

NEARLY ni-w two or Uiree bwlrootn ' houi.e. priced rcx-.onabir. Have

buycni. K, I . Jc«kln.s. -

I HAVE n buyer for 40 iicrrr. of laml cICK.e to lowu on Kraveli^ ruad. U htnwe.i ixntS loin. Also Nnall lnicl.i. E. A. Moon Real EalAte. Phono 6

HOMES FOR SALESIX room hoiL'.e niKl batli. hard­

wood loc . . icafaKc. One block from Lincoln school. MISO.OO Good terms. RoberU A: Ilenxo^i.

] room house wltli bath. Drslrable nelRliborhood. 13.200.

J room, hardwood floors.

J riKitn hou'.o ,mcKfem exci-i>l hciit. S2.000.



300 ACRES sheep pasture In Castle- forxl. Some com . Phone S27, Caill#- ford. . ________________

CUSTOM grlndlns. P hsn i 309 or 6 0 . M tiStaB ErvU^tn UUUni Berrtee.___________________ ‘


OLIVER potato digger with ne« »»y motor. A. J . Prior. Kimberly.

WORKED o»er W d manure loader.

NEAHLY new Tiding beet puller. *30. L. A. W arner. PUono OUl-Rl. TwinPalla.________________ ■

PR A O nO A U -y new John Dc^rf hprsfl drawn beet puller. AUo twc> McCormlclc-DeerlTjg. On« U a late model, two rarm -aU tractor beet puUen. H arry Miugrave. i

8EO No. 4 3 beel puller for lor, used one aeasoii. Ofie new « :C Inch McCormlck-Dcerlng , Into digger, cla'ie out price. Bar­ton Maclilne Co., Wendell. Idaho,


WINTER btrley, nlfulfiv, elover und PMture gra.«e.% for fall planting. Olobo Seed and ’Peed.

Buyers of seeds of all klnd.i— Onlojw, currotJi, bean*, peiur-lnu.-.


TWIN PALLb fltua bull Uvcred to farm. au eranV and Holstein. Phone Oias-Rl.

Jp n sE Y c< family co o :ao-« .


WILL Pay pretBlum for limited amount of larjre fryers. Poultry liupply. Truck Lane. •

REGISTERED blnck cocker spaniel male, pup.?. Phone W alt Wllllami,

•jo :j .'

GOOD TH IN G S TO BATNICK tomalof.^, 7Sc to^O c juiiieL

'j mlln norili. 1/5 of West Tive polnt.1.

RIPE Concor<l (jr.iiM-.i from Emmett Imvi- nrrlvpd. rjc-ml.'-h Beauty F a rs . tOTiatocs. Public Market. ,

DON’T DO WITHOUT• U ntil You’ve Tried a

TIMES-NEWS CLASSIFIED ADM n n y I te m s mis-sinff f ro m t h e s to r e s a rc

s t i l l a v a i la b le th ro u R h th e c la s s if ie d lids.

Y o u r n c i^ l i l io r m n y h av e j u s t w h a l 'y o u

w a n t n t t h e p ricc y o u wi.4h to p a y .

I t i s n o t n e c e s s a ry fo con ic (o th e o ffice.

J ^ t c aT T an d we’ll b e p le aa ed to h e lp you

w o rd a n a d th a t is s u r e lo b r iiif f r e su l ts .

PHONE 38 or 39 and




U you bave * boy or friend In Uie service h e w’Ul like jw - Uoneiy w ith tho «mblcni of hu len'lce a t the top. Tlie finest la p ito iln s a i Iem c t* ll & « us today.



AUTOS FOR SALE1040 BUICK. low mileage, good 'n ibbcr. Phone HO or Inquire 120


TRUCKS AND TRAILERSNEW C\iUt-ln' tru llrr house. Good

rubber. Cheap. Ltioy Lee, M\sr- taugh.


SPLENDID 80, locatrtl iJ^ ft'ccn Buhl and n ic r. Share rent. Box 20, Tlmcs-Ncw,^.


2-AU'ULT rfllclcncy.. , iparlinent, OuLilde entrancf. sloVer heat, b'li. Phone leco.

MIDDLE-aged women,, help with lioa-icwork and convAle.-.ccnt In exchange for room, board, waKca, 230 Otli east.

^LESWO.MEN, cxp..rlcncc not nc ^ s .in ry . Arc JC lo 45, full time c

p a rt Ume. F. W, WoolworUi con pany.

WANTED: O irl or lady, already wllh nnnlytical cxpcrlcnce or one dc.ilr-

■ in'c lo Inirn. Apply In per;.on. in - tcrm oimtaln Seed ComiKiny.

H E L P W ANTED— MEN'BO.YS,♦.■anted for Tlmes-News . ,

rler delivery routes. Apply In (>er- son. Tlmes-News office.

MAR-RJEiS m an. drsvtl extmpl Wholesale bakery route in nearby towi\. References required. Box 10 Tlmes-News.

MAN, draft exempt, for work In drj' clcunlnR department. Experience unnKCr.;.ary, Apply Tro>’ Laundry,

D0Y8, 15 or older, not In school, wanled a t Western Union. Blo'clenecerwMTT,-.

HELP.^ANTED-JitpeTimce noi


PER.MANE.NT PERIOD Plenty of chnnccs for advance­

ment.APPLY or \vnrTE:-




W A m iE SSES and dbhW oshen wanted. Apply In person.'Covey'4 Coffetj Shop.

ATTRACTIVE two room ap.irinieui Stoker licat, JvcMnulor, Olrl;. only. 2M Sixth fivrnwc ra-M. P'

T^VO _room.v hewlj- decorated, prl- vote eijtrance, bath, leleplione. Adufl.1. 710 Sccond avemw cast after (I,



CLEAN, ntlractlve furnished room, •genUrmcn preferred. Re.-uonablc. 444 Tlilrd nortJi.

LARGE front room, tullaWc (or two -Rlrls. 435 Tliird avenue rast. Phone 213-J, Sunday or after 0:30-

COMFORTAQLY liimlshed, .LlRht, warm. Accommodate two. Excel­len t loc.iilon. Plione OlOW.

locnted. pleaiajitftinia,l(liere. Maid service. Reasonable rates, -Park hotel.

so acres, Kimberly neighborhood, J250 per nero.) acres, Castleford eounto', $9,000.


CO A,—u good liny and ilock riuicli, l i» A, good 1.011. good producing

Jnnn.40 .A .-w rll lociitrd, on ollrd hlch-*

way. Electricity on each farm. , Good torm.i. >

L. A. Wurner. Field Rrp. l l i c Union Ceniml Life In.;. Co.

.Phone 0401-R1—Twin Palls

ICO ACRE Federal Land Bank dalr>- farm one mile from Goodlnu. CO acrt.\ culllviiblL', CO ncrcs pasture. 40 ttcu-iv KtaLiiiK, m MiaTri'TllK

. Wood water. Good 6 focyn dweli- intc. fair outbulldlni:\. Price S5,500, Attractive terms. NuUonal Purm Loan Awoclatlon.i, Gooding, Ida­ho, Phone 20.

380 ACRES 8 ', ml. N.W. Shoshone, On nmll, milk and .ichool bus route, leo acrcs under cultlvnuflh. Good bulldlnRs, Good stock setup. Low down payment. Convenient terms. Low intercjt rale,

S. P. Swenson. Field Rep. Union Central IJfe Ins,

Box 1202, Jerome, Ida.. Phono <06-R

UNFU RN ISH ED HOUSESTHUEE room hOiL\e, modem except

licoL. Oftrasc. Adult-i. 863 T ^ in l <Vcsl. -

FOUR room house, partly fumLihed. *12. Hugh Reed, WashingtonMUtll.

THREE rooms, baUi. Range fum bh- ed. Frnced In Jawn, Inqulro 303 Jactw n.


MIDDLE aged,m an or woman for good' paying position. Neat ap­pearing, flccu.*:tomed to meeting Ih# public. W ilted Box 18. Time*.

I M tix ■ • I

FOUR rofimi, nicely lumUhed. Mod* ern. Eleclrtc rftogt. ttfrjsttatoT . Inquire 1335 7th east beglnnlns Monday.


EXPERIENCED Irrlgntor w a n t * funiblied farm near Tn-ln FiUU or Klmb»rly. ReferencM. 3tJ flth Avenue north.

GOOD BUYS 120 A. good. N, Side land, smill

bldgs. Good soil, la js fine lor-lrrl- sa tlon. 111.000,00. Terms,

120 A. SW of Buhl. New 3 rm. liou.^e w llli w ater pre.-.sure. Sm.ill chick­en house, M.OOOOO. Balance amor- tired over fs years.

Have pro.-.i>ectlvij bityern for 3 good well Improved 60'.n or East, of Tv.ia ralW- W ill pay mostly cash.

• P. C. GRAVES . t SON

TO.MA'fXDia fo; canning, "ny quan* Illy. Carroli. cabbage. J . B. Ca.-.ey,



■osliers, h

S H pa ld f

WAPfTED; Wood or wire hanBcrs. In good condition, l ‘ic cach. .Troy or National plant.

WANTED: Old o ru icless live hotiei. HiKhest prices jKild; Idalio Hide nnd'Tallow. *

CAST and scrap Iron. Jerom e Aulo P.irta, Jerome—Twin Falls Wreck­ing Company. Twin Palls.

CASH FOR YOUR. CAR' —Any model o r kind—

. DeGROFF-WOOD 351 Main Avenue east

NORGE rrfrlgerator. WeiUngholwe rt)ii,ilrr'ovcn, 3 vncuiim-clnmers; niKs,' furniture, dWie.i. Phonu 2338,

BEAUTIFUL Knox-Hntchliu Din­ing room set only 18355. We.iicrn

, Auto, • "USED furniture and ranges. Largo

fL'jortroent. Visit ottr store today. Moon’s.

COLEMAN.£M healer, day bed. and other household ifrtlclej. 253 Oth avenue nortli.

KrrCHEN.. cabinet, bnby bed, bnhy wallu-r, baby ba.-ikct. Phone W87-R5.

BE W18EI Buy your bedroom sulle nt Hnrr>' MusRrnve’n while spring- filled mntlre.'jefl and coll sprlnBS are avallilble. SUMMONH In tlie DI.itrlct Court of Uie Elc%'-

cntti Judicial District of the atnle of Idaho, In and for Twin Falls Comty.

Freda Mae Rji jctlMiv, ptaUitttt,WlTTinm Robertson, defendant,

am-; state of Idaho scn<bgreetings lo Wllllnnj Roberlion. Uie above named defendant.

licrcbr notified Uiat complaint hiu been filed ngaln.'M you In Uic Dlitrlct Court of Uie Elcvcnfh Judicial DI.itrlct of, Uie State of Idaho. In and for Twin Palls 'Couniy by the above noined plaintiff, nnd you tii'e hereby direct-' cd lo apiJcar and plead to the said complaint wlUiln twenty days of Uie • Vico of ihl.s Mininions; and you

: lurUicr nolltlcd wiitcis you apiH-nr iind plead to said com­

plaint wltliln the Ume hrreln 'S|>ec- Iflrd. lln- pliilnllff will take Judg- you.a.s prayer In salt complaint. niLi Is an acUon to Ob'

Dccrce of Divorce on Uii bTniuids Of willful desertion.

Wltnw.i my hand and Uie seal of the /},ild District Court,'-aiLs J8Ui

■ ■•plcmbtr, 1S42.ALTER C. MOSORAVB.

Clerk.RAYBORN RAYBORN,AltonievH for Plaintiff.ReMdlriK at IVln FalLv Idaho.Pub. SejiU 21, 38; Oct. 5, IJ. 19. 1942,

E-Z DO wardrobe.4. t3-0’j: 0x13 im- oleum rugs, standard quality, only, MiJ; oil heaters. Charier Oak ranges, conj hcaten;. Good slock to choose from. Claude Brotvn.


DIRECTORYBaihs and W assages

rbe Su-Well. S27 M«in W Pa. 155

Bicycle Sales and ServiceOloyi^tlnt bleyela,snop. Ph. 80i-R. DLASIU8 CYCLERY. PU. 161

CAiropracioraDr. Wyatt. 151 3id, Ave. N. PJv 13H.

DiamondsR. L. RoberU, Jeweler. 116 Sho. N

Im ect Exterm inalorEed Dug fumlKMIon T. P Floral Co

InsuranceFor Fire .ind Casualty Insurance.

Surety and Fidelity Bonds,’ see Swim Investment Co. Baugh Bldg



PERSONA . STATIONERY aiffrAVing, letur p.*au. ilt^ograpliy

■ business Jorms n tpecially, TIME3*NE\VS •

Commercial Printing Dept.

K ey ShopSdittde Key Shop, 120 Second elreet

south; back o^^D . Store.

Money to Loan

■¥one;/ to LoanC. JONES for HOMES a-d LOANa

Rm. 8. Bank ti Trust 31dg. Ph. ' 2041.

SALARY LOANS aincUy confidential

13 lo jiO lo employed peopU oa your owr signature.


$25 to $750 -ON YOUR CAR



OF VOUR PAR.Consumers Credit Co,

tOwned by pacific Finance)228 MAIN AVF.KUE NORT^

Ofi copa/Zftc PhysicianDr. O. W.'; 230 ^L N. Ph. H37-W.

Plumbing and H eatingAbbott Plumbing Co, ,Ph: 05-W.

Schools and TrainingT. F. Business University Pftont 214.

TrailersGem Trailer' Comf»ny. Phon» 439.

TypewritersSales. <;guls ond scrvlce. Ph. DO.

UpholsteringRepairing, reflnlshlng. Cress & Bru-

ley Pum. 130 2nd SL E. Ph. 655.

Hog Pool Brings Total of $7,330

Ttt'o hundred and 31 hogs sold In .. pool here I’rlday brought 23 mem­bers of the Tn’ln FalLi County Live­stock MarkcUnK us.v>cluilon a toul of I7J30.03. Couniy Agent Bert Bol- InKbrokc announced today.

The hogs weighed a total of 50,- G75 pounds. Top price ot »14.D0 w riTClved, Swift ansy'tiorppony w. Uie purchaser.


JIURRYI We have Jiwt received large shlpnient of davcnos and can now make deJlvery. We still have n feff unfUiUIied chest of drawers. Moon's. *■

CASH pafd for u. ed furniture and stove.v price.i. Gamble sun-e.i.

OR RENT—1>; acres, near Biilil, fair Imprcn'emenUt, Mrs, John Pngae, Frultland addition, BuhLFO R SA LE O R TRADE

FIVE room house, excellent home. Wrlle Box 2ll, nuht. Idolvo.

’-J TON Dodge tnick. Good rubber, good motor. 1 mile, west, i norUi CUIJJ'.

R E A L E STA TE FO R 3 A ^ ETWO low. fine wiUi. house, modern

except heat. Yakima avenue. Box 474, Filer, Jdaho.H A Y , GRAIN AND FE E D

Custoo srlndlng-crlnd anywhere' over 3 ton Sc. Ph. 0498R1 Twin Falls

Filer.73JJ. Ph. calU off grinding' MILLER lULUNO SERVICE


&fOR£LAND kULLING SZmVlCE Pb. au . mar. Ph. oOU qU crtodttts.


WHILE Uipy Ia. t-811ver King al poi. clrnncr-v 3 for 15c, King’s Baicmcnl.

BABY carriage, blue and fraj- lenth- • er. excellent condiUon, 333 Wal­


SILVER fox fur neckpiece. Wurn verj' llltlc- Very reoflonoblyprlccd lot a, birfinlii. Photvc 1060-J.

AM dosing out my limited supply of stock .«lt at 50c cwL Bring siicks, L, L Lttngdon, lO^ourtli west.

NEW trailer hou.'e, furnished oi _ furnWird, good rubber; J935 V-8 Fortl CO.-ICH; nibbcr boot;.outboard motor. 1207 SevenUi avenue, evenlnss-

KEW slftplng bug, used 3 ntghU, New Winchester 13 gaijge pump gun and, 3 boxes shells, hunt­ing cix.; aiid cap. Toledo nnd Rlg- la, rnicliti. pipe dies 'iinch -to 3 inches, viac >i Inch !o 31. inches, large mnchlne vl.-,e.

MDRESCO, kolsomlne in bulk. Bup what you want, brlisg back vhAt )'ou h{kve left; tVe will Hum your bnish free. Wc have a large stock of wall paper at prlo« vou cat ’

' ford to poy. Moon's. Phone 5.CLEAN upl paint upl Oft ready

Uie indoor months. Wo huvo evrr ’- thlng*to brighten the home. A long 'cold winter l.f coming. Save coal by having Uint broken gla« re­placed while there la plenty q/ glsaa. Bring. In your. sash. No charge for setUng. Moon’s. Phone

SPECIAL Tlmes-Nca-J subscrtp- Uon rale.1 to service men—only ttxn to: 3 months <^yable la advance). Addresscj may be changed nt no addlUonal cost, *0 place your irder todoyl


NEW Gulbransen studio console ma- hoginy pi»no. Priced to lelL Ad­ams Miulc Compan}'.

PIANO aooordion. ISO -boss, trade to: WK bontU. Box 21, Ttoes- News.


Traveler Speaks Before Assembly. s. Cohcannon was the featur­

ed speaker at an assembly of the T«ln Falls senior . high school Thursday. Mr. Concannon, who has traveled over oil parLi of the world, gave a Iiumorou-i lalk and dl.iplay- ed watche.-;, which he has colleeled from different countries.

Yell .leaders. Midge RobcrUon, Mickey MlchenLt and Jim William. Introduced a new yell to the student bCKly rtnd the pep band plai'cd cral number.i, '

Edward Ilogel. principal, nounced that seniors were awarded the polnt.s for Uie citlrcnililp cup, which were being given for the cIa.M purchasing Uie number of student body UckeU,

WENDELLEarl Vancouver, Wash.,

vblted at the home of his sister, Mn. E. L, Slmonton. He operated o drug siore here from I0;i to Ifllfl.

Mia Marthii Kappel. Burley, and her molher. }3ts. Anna Kappel,Boise visitors.,

Hirs'ey Muyskens has relumed from a five weeks’ bailntss trip to le west cousl.Mr, apd Mrs. W. F. Smith, Nampa,

visited at the A. Andenoa home.’ Mls.i Dsrlene Bltlcrll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. BItt«rli of West Point eoromuiilty, was married to Robert Eimcrly. Jerome, Sept. 30 at Reno, «tv., They will mate Uielr homo in fian rriincL'.co, where Slm- Crly U employed In the'sliipi'ohls.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Prescott, Boise, ere guesU at the home of his par.' 11.1. Mr. alid Mrs. B. U. Prescott, •Mrs. J,-B. Salklel and llltle 5on,

Larry, Dlctrlch, are juMts at the homo of her parfiit, Mr.' and Mrs. George Singleton.

Ray Suffa, who recently Joined Uie navy, la located at Ban Diego.

Mr. and Mrs. Roland Muffley and twq children left for Cohfocnla where hr expccia to gel into ' work until sjirins when they will jr» lo iheir farm hcrp,Mr. and Mm. II. H. Suhr. Pender,

Neb., vL’.llcd nt Uie K. H, Ru-'-imsn home la.M week.

W. E, Sicwarl If It lor Ncbraika buslnc.v. trip,Mr. luid Mrs, Eddlo Williams and

bikby are vlslUng rclHUvcs at BlllhiKs. Mojit., during his vacailon from Uic IlEA.

Due to a .•rliortnKc of help, the only re-'ilAurant in’town, Uic Camas cafe, has been claicd to'buslncu by Uio oj>*rator, Clyde Osborne.

Ma.tlno Reynolds, teaching at Aberdeen, spent the wcelc'end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. p . O. Rey. nplds.

CASTLEFORDElmo Oskey U now located, at an

air corps technical school al Rcesler field. Mls.1., oecordlng to word re­ceived by Mrs. Oskey, Mr. Oskey, a graduate of Northwesteni school of mti.ilc. E\’aiision. 111., wlioac home Is In 'Delglum. WLi. was band director la UiO local high school last year.

Mr. ind Mr*, RayliRxter ara par- ' son born Sept. 28.

Draftee, Leaving For Army, Buys $1,050 in Bonds

FAIRFIELD, Oct. ^-Camaa coun­ty exceeded Its September bon'd quo­ta of $2,400 by 300 per cent. Post- mwter Claude Ballard has report^ Dojulj purclioicd at the local paU- offlce here amounted,, to (9J7S. .

A dralleo purchawd tolai ot » .- 050 before leaving for an Induction ccnlrr, «t,iUng Jlml he wanted to supply himself wiUj bullels.

JEROMEMr, mid Mrs, Liiwrencc Wheeler

:uid ton.-i, Larry and Robert, huvo moved to Twin Falls, where Mr. Wheeler has acci-pled a po.iltlon with H. C. Eilmunds, public accounlanC, Mr. Wheeler has been In Jerome la the c,ipacliy of ogcnt for state of Idaho, income tax coUertloas, lor ttio post two years.

Mrrand Mrs. Only Powers, Jeromei have departed for Kingman, Arlx., whrj-o Mr. Powers will be employed In wa; woik.

Next meeUng of the Jerome chap- . ter, Job.i Daughters, will be Oct, 8. TlJb will be the last mceUng with' Uie pre.M-nl queen. Mlui - Mary Tvoenrily. In’lSit chair. She plans to • leave soon far San DIcgo to make her home.

:o5II’U;ted - 5 -TWc€tim-

, ELEVATOR co5iru;i;i FAIUFIELD, Oct. J 1 prnlrle grnin growers’ new 110,-

(XK) bu'hel elevator at Fairfield 1ms been, completed by the con­tractors. All wiring and maclilnery h!\ve been Some STaln,already has gunc Inlo the bins.

IPU 4 DOOR «uper de luxe Ford re­dan for cash. Low Inllcage. For particulars call 33e9-J.

OdED paru lot cora and trucks Twin Palli Wrjcklns,- Kimberly Road.

FIELD INSrzCTpR NAMED GOODING, Oct. *5 — Wllllairf

Bn-an hfts accepttda.pott u fieputy fWd-. Inspector" In lO ceunUes lor the crop management uaoclaUon of UnlvffTilty of ■ Idalio extension service. Tlie headquarter* ti in Wen­dell. He was supen'Lw of Uic Good­ing county wcttf eontrti

2 3'■ 'x

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I ner>« ot a etrula brc«4 I. nock

ir. Ooe* tt .n u i ; n itngrrttD II. Kirl>«r t:. ituiiisft ettr

Page 10: \ 11 12 13 J i4 IL H. cardinals (N) . . 0 0 0 1 ' 0 0 0 2 -9 ^

Page Ten T ! '’E?-KK3yS..T-W ry FALLS. IDAHO ..M onday, O ctober 6.-134Z

■ ilP iC IPA i ‘ HEAMACiRS

Ralph BrOATi. principal o( the H i- toa achool, «l«W d p«&ia«ni ot Tn-ln FklU County T ea d ifri nsJio-

' cUUon a t Ihe nnnual fnll mecUns — SB tnrttty -ln the-ldnhp-Poxer-

torlum.B w n wni from jh r

• Tlce-prwldenl’* chair to «uccM-d Ilobrrl . Day. former Norllivlc*: IfBcher who b now In war ORdfn.

Mfl Dunn, principal n l tlic Union •chfol, W14 fIccK d vicc-prrxldriit and Lfla Day, U^nclier n l Knlrvlrw. iroa renamed iccrelnr^’-lrcii-'iirrr.

P ra ltr t Scrap Ifrfp_ t .Mrs. Dorli BLrll^lley^c0Ulll)'‘ UIl^r•

Intcndciit of public Imtrucllnii, <1L• eu-v.fd testJi to be conrtlicifd In itic K hnoli and #L<o Hint ihcuchooli ••coiiUniie Uielr fiiie work ” In Uie 8crnp m ctnl collccilon cam- pulfin.

' VnrJous rfi)ort,i » rre . rfccivfd. Ronald Ciilltr, tenchrr of Hip Dfi'P Creek fchool, reporlH U u t lilx pu- p lli had purchijjrri * in .45 'In uivr

• fiflinps durltlB^tht; flr>t tiiuiiUi o( tcliool.

Tlip meeting wius friiliirdi by an ftddre.-. by MKi Ultn Uiin.’i'n. i.Uiir rlrm entnry suprrvl.wr wjio bern ft.v.lntliiB In 'lt ir orKniilintlnn '^f 'lir ftchooU a t me Jnpa iir \r trlociilloii camp a t Hunt.

.Home Indu riirrML-.j Hani.en urKrd tlir trnchrrs

to learn the lnflupncr.\ to wldch a child lias beeli ftubjrdrd nt Iw nr nnrt fndcnvor to t.rr tlnit the cliHd continued hl« nllenlance to 111' honir. She hnld u J il more «iw expected of Uie eleiiientnr)' tchool-i nnw than cv. r r before and th a t fundnmenliiK ihould be stre/.w l In tlie cnrrlPuliim.

, Tile teachers were adnionblietl to rollow .up tJie Xfcommetitlivllon of Ktiool nume.i In liealih ediiriitlon by welnK th a t the child was In iv hriil- Uiy atniD.ipliere, th a t liriittli habltx be cultivated and th a t liealUi Rtudle. be mrntui lu aell a.i phyMcal.

Here’s That Draft Man

MaJ. (Irn. l^w U R. Ilrniliry makr> a radin a<ldrri« In W uhlnclnn. D. Up Mao oatd llist l( u iiy l>r nrmiary In ilrafC( ftlh rra Itt last guarlrr-i <if l!U3. depeiiilliif nn liow tlir »%ar roe*.

FDR to Be 1st To Name Eight

On High Court,By JAMKS U-. nOlJTHAT

WASUINOTON, o n . 3 (,l'/-Rc.V Ifinntlon of Jil 'tlcc Jamrn K. Hyriiri

/ from the nupreine voiirt to bi-conir economic aljiblllr-itlon d i r e c t o r openctl the way today lor I’re.'ldrni noosevell to make liLi elRlitli Ap­pointm ent to the hliili trlbiiii.ll.

T Iili will MtablL'jh a new rrcord for presidential supreme ■ polnUncnLs .since the ndmlnWriitlon of OeorKC WpJhlnRloii. 'P ic vlou.1 record of live appoinlce.i held iolntly by President* Lliicflln.

, JaclUion and Tuft. Both PrfsUleiiU B ooicvelf and T a f t promoted wuuxlate Justice to be chief JiLstlcr —Harlan K. StCiie and Mward DouKlU While.

SeiecUon ol Dym cj for hlJ por.ltlon WR.1 M unlirral<lrd tha t Tno.ll oI h t i collenRMrs on had no knowledKe of It until the W hite KoiLie annonncenient.

He ttiw the first Ilf tiic seven Ju.v lives appointed by P ro ld e n t Rotx e- vclt Co leave tile b c n rh ..

Wlille Uyrnes served on the court tor only one term , he wrote opinions on out-itandlnK ciLtes than any otlier new justice In many yean,

Tlierc was considerable jijiecula- tion over his likely sncce.- ’ior on tlio court, bul It was entirely uuoffl-

' clal and there was no Rcnerivl aiiree* m ent. Some of the names mention­ed'w ere; •

Attorney Ocneral I'rancls Ulildle. Bollcltor General Clmrlcs Kiitiy. Thurm an AmoUl. iw .lsiani attorney general .In cliarRc of an il-tm st law enforcement, Samuel Ra’-j-iimim, New York supreme court JiL-.tice and one of the Prwldent'A elcv.rst ad' vlser*, and Senator Barkley o( Ken^ tuclty, the Democratic lea<ler.

Hiiiil^amed for First Wliile Mail to Explore South Idaho

HUNT. Oct, i - ’ll i r prr?o the U. S. Jiipani-;.c relocation thorlly who na in td tills nc^^e^ Idaho munlclpalltlr.i, wheri; O.Mxr Japainv r will reside for the durii' tlon o f till- war. niuM lia\<- b« rn ai liillinjile ^lUlII•nt of htMory. Tor n Is iianu-d lor oiii' of the known of AnKTlcaii cxpliirrr;,.

U i i i n «.•..% t o T W t h o n P;uiil. Whlli! n<it y r t 30 jear.s ;e, H unt wiw. cho.-.rn by John Jiu'ob Mor, wcallhy Nrw York City fur

m rrcbaiil. lo an overland iiiiTly from S I . Loul'. t» the mouth of the Coluinblii rUcT to loc iilr, .‘.lic.i lor

p(l^1,■<. Html niid firi men left S t. U nib In tlx- fall ol ItllO. In E^plrnibor of Iflll. they

nd < TuU>i

Booster Night at Hopewell Grange

. n u p E ir r . o n . s ~ w itii Kurst.i Irom the Rupert, fclniplre and Emer- »on OranRe.'., the Hoi>e»eIl OranKC obwrved GranRc l)0(v.ler night. Claude Bownian prc.'.ldpcl.

T he proprrani Incliidrd "Welcome '•fionB” by n KlrU" trio; addrrM of

welcome by Ma.strr-Clivuilp Uownian; flftjr .'Jilute; rendliiK of the 'nntlonal Orango ma.ste;'.^ me.v'nue by Mr.s. H. U. DJayiiey; two violin jolo^ by Leola Je'nsen. uccomp;inlrd by Helen Turley; a talk. "W hat Tlie OranKe Sw nda tor." by Gordon Oofl; rrnd- jng by Wandii M en ; two musical M lectloai by tJie Indlr.s' .sexleltr, of Rupert, accompanied by sirs. Oco.

'H aw k, Jr.; mii.k by .Joan UiuliiKcr; a trum pet r.oio by W alter HafliiKcr. accompanied tjy Mrs. Diuslnner; n

■ rcndlnK by Mrs. 'C harles Gofi; a maslc.ll monolosiie by Mrj, Walter BatlnRer; a violin ^olo by H. Me- Cbiflln. accompiuiled by .Mb.i Helen Turley, and a t.ilk on AAA by Mr. W ation. All past OranRe tnn-'lers were iclvcn reeoiinlilon.

Rcfrcshmenus were r.enwl by the home economics committee. Mr.v Claude Bowman and Mrs. All)erl rrcderkki.


l i r o

rlviTrounty. W lxn they arrUi;d a t I'orl Ilrnrv, near tlir [ii-r.M-nt cUv of Kl; Anthony, ihrv jibaniloiird th n r lior.-.f.s iiiKl cliTlcI.'<I to travel on the Hnake river Ihc of the iviiy,

Member of T.irly D rounnl ’ l l i e .Snake a t Ihl-, .»>olnl mu. tiavl-

Kable for canoe.s and the parly set :5 iKiat.s. On Oct. i l they

IxirUiKcd around Idaho Knit' and Oct. 2< rffl5hfd Amerlciin KjiIIs.

I''our day.i la ter n ciinoe s tru rk a

niplcls iiriir the jire.'-ent vilhiKc ol .\Itl9er. anti one nirmber of ilie piirty was drom ifd. >

'lliLs iifcldnit dlM(iiinined further travel by rAnoe and Hie party broke up Into .-.rvrrid »;roU|is and iK-aded on foil'. lor Hie CoUunblii river.

Hum iitid Ills parlv b<vame tlic llr:.t white men lo follow the 1 ttlilrll Inter bnraliic the /aitioii.s

(Orenoa iniil. l lu rxiWiHon throimh southern Idolio wils the flr:.t by a whli<‘' iiian.

. UUxked tiy Vfiikn On fi'ov. Ul Hunt p:u.M'd south of 1C jnf.Miit «lte of l!l)L r and •

tlinird we.Mward through tlic HoL'.r valley lo Hie Siliikc rher. He lu norHittiircl on the east bank of llic Snjike luitir lie w;i.s bl(K'ked by sherr pc;ik.s hi tlie S>-ven IX-vlls

Iti'lreatlnc .soiiHiward tin party caiiie lo the Wrlser rliei wheie Hie Hunt jiiirty cro.v.e(S tlif» Snake. A fiiiiiVe Indian guided them ip the iliiriit river mid arro:.'i Ore­gon to rnirb the Columbia In the .prliiK or IHi;’.

Hunt bWcr became a Irjulint: cltl- •en. of SI.* Unils where he dlt<l In Ajirll. IHi:. One ol hh clll l■ per- ;onnl , friend.' wa.'i-Clcn. William Clark, thr r ac llk ex- Iilnrer.


• TJie rtririr-'D'-iit of nsrlcuUure ha.'s B--surr.<l tUc T»m tMlls county AAA conanlltee t-’u^ H will o p e ra te ,* price support proiiram for AUitrtim wirH4*r !-•-» Ill 13»3, SecrcUry jjcm Albln of i:i'- local c<*nmltt« announrpd. D' however, huve

H e Mill Dial hiK price p:i>. growi-fs mi;;t I)

'■Infnniio^fii Krcw Austrian ' Niasl be o[)i.iin' Hii«

of Hie proernm. loi been rccelvcd.0 8Ct up a lupport' r;i:n. Bllo|meni»■ made In 1043^Iprn farmers who m irr pea.T Uils yeai1 a-s u b.i.iU for se t'

pri' and maklnc - Alijln declared, - q : '

Krowets are a^ked lo report to tl fOimty AAA oHIi e llirir 19H2 acreageund the acre;i;e tJir) Intend lo plnnt ti'-xt yrar. tiroiers »llo are Inter- rsii-d In p;:intiiu Hi» crop for Uic rirsi.tim '- :ho;i;(1 rej»)rt Uielr Inter: tlon.-. to llip AAA oflke."

•'While there will be no pw altlr; asiiiiiM AAA p.iymmtA for 1 .l edlnK aJliiimeiit.s on Austrian ;er i>e;is i:i 15«, priis produced on icrraKes In etrr.'s of allotnienw may :iavr lo be . cilil on the oiK-n m arket *nh 'o\a oS tUt p r l« »\ii>pori

"j-’iiniirr.s aim huve crown Uie •mil ivlore ii;oiiably will be given (ir.M (•(<li'Mil(>n. with new grow- •rs In adapird iirexs taklnn lip tlie jjHanre of thf r.'.jte allounenti-,"

A'lhln h:il(| ilL' (Irparlmeni of n kiiltu re liiL. o;>erated a price *up- rort. prosnim for Austrian w ln ttr WHS •■ertl,-biiylnK It for distribution o farmers In Hie \p«fUiecn state.s

who ii>c It iL\ u iJ jy f crop to check ;lon In Hirir /unci durliii!

ruliiy w ln ter'n i^h .s. J3 ie 2 y i„ < fn i i 'r« lly planted In

placc ol whnil, yielded J.OOO to 2,000 I>ouiwls in crrtaln ureas. Uie tary reported. Tlie support price was $5 i>cr hiuidredwelxht.

ECU S[Tlie fir.'il' field day and In.spertlon

)r the Twin Kails county battiillon of the Idaho vohintoer re.'.rrvc.s will be field rU 2 p.m. Ocl. II nt Juycee park, tt wa.s annnunced lo(1ay by

•Major L- W. Foboiii. comiimndliiK Iflcrr of the ballaBon.The fiOO men of the nine compan­

ies In Ihc county will be Inspected by Col. Frank M arlin, llnlj

lander of Ihc reirrv commander of the Idaho .state Kiinrd. and AdJ.-CIen, »M, O, Me- Contn-1. Bol'.'.e.

Major Fol.'.nm said Gov. A Clark had been lnvlli-<l to nlti-nd

insiM-etlcm. and had said would come If. hi; eoiiltl,

Capl." Uoyd Jiinies, battalion plsiis and trnlnlnK olflcer, hn.- charnc of nrrnnKemeiil.N for the pro­gram, which ha.s.noi yet been com­pleted. However, Major Folsoin s.Md the- viirloiu companies would be eaUeil «pon to rx rn « e s\irn innnen-

IV.' rlase order mul e.'stendn drill, gunril monnt. first 'nlil, i.cput- Ing, lornial relrcal and revli'W. / biittullon ofllrer of Hie day and nd' Juiaiit lo r the event are yei to be appointed.

Tlie day 's program will be delln- Itely decided tit ft ineetlim of ba t­talion offlci'r.s to l)c held nl Legion hall Tiieiiiliiy night.

Castleford Army Officer Tells of Sinking “Whale”

C.\STUU'ORD. Oct. 8 - When apt. Harolil Senfteti. who Is (fbing r patrol duty In the soutli Atl.intlc

olf the ro.L-.i of U rltW i Oiiliuia,th a t he had

nile,'’ they Hint Uielr

ttroie to liLs pn sunk an "extni Interprctc*! It ti

hud destio marine.

Tlie parents don't believe their )n would have^l a co;. lly

bomb U) kill a whale. Rather Uiey bellevetl he had sunk a submarine

d cerL',or^hlp had barred him from telling thetp In luiy other way than

le m eans he took ih Ills letter.If Capt. Senftcn hiui really sunk submarine he will probably have

become th e first fUer from Idaho |>erfortn Uie feat.

The Sen ltens have nnoHicr olilrr th a n Harold, who Is an army ofllrer. He H rst Lieut. Qenften. w’ho recently landed In Hawaii with a tank destroyer ahon.

Merchants Stage. Luncheon TuesclayTlie M erchants' bureau will hold

lu bl-wpekly mei;ilng a t Uie Roger- son hotel Tue.sday noon, Sccretair Jean H aag nnnpunced today.

Among the m .iitcrs to b« dlscus-'.cd win be teachers' ln.stttule. which the bureau has unrienvTlttcn, and Chrbtma.^ decoraUous._____ _


Ncw a tudcnL s.n t the ColIfEc -of Idaho attended the '21st annual formal ru sh d in n e r-o f the Ring sorority. TofistmlLtress was Hc,anor AflUfr, CllIdwe^I. I

Siiper-Diiper- That'’s Ne^vest Bugle’s Name

WrtSHINGTO.V, Oct. i (.I*,-Pie.'J- Ing thp middle valve <lnwn. the war dcimriment ueiii round and roun<I and the mti'.lc that cniiie 01 today bliusled the sweet dre .•oldler.s,

Olflclnb blared out Hie news Hiat nrw iiliistlc tnm ip rt has l>cen In-

■■nled which wnuld f.avc 20,ounce: of bra.'.s per hutruineiu, ' A

So lns[e:id of .scrapitlnt: the bugles lo .save Ihc briU'.%‘-a.s the .-.oldler.s hud hcipetl — the war di-ivlrlnienl promptly adopted this now super- (lui>er-trooper-whooi)cr for Uie nnny looters lo toot.

If It's any .solarjr to snklirr;.. tlw sad ntw;. '.aid, tliLs plliMlr .slumber- blaster hiLS a b r tte r

re.soiiani ringb.'Ior

Leon l.ovc. Deiin E.ul ...........I/-wi.'i were among the selertres who

• left fo r Suit La’te ' Ciiy. Tlie wives of these men will all remain In M urtiuitih for Hip pre.sent.

f: W. Moonnnn'aiid K'riiest John- i.ivi.ur ri'"" - ' I'cre

i M ' f f o r

nut thf war d^'iKirlnienl wen to flay ihiii the nna7j:y new si buster is amariiiRly ami siartllngly ■suiMrn. too, H does It.s work 1 out evni the decelit v.ann-up |>erlod the (ilil trumpet rwinlred.

'Ilie ofllclaLs calle<l ihe material cellulo.'c aeelnle, b u f Hie nan noi ci|>ecled to last alter Johnny Doiighlmy lean« the news.

Tb cut bugler c.isualHr.s. thn truini>et 1? ciunoullaged olive drab to blend with unllorms and other equipment.

Besldrs all that, the war depart­ment glcelully nnted, the new in .'trumeiit.^ won't elmkc up.

But Hiere's still the bugler, boy.s..

Gooding Prisoner Writes to Parents

COOUINO. Oct. 5 -M r. fuid Mrs. Everett I’fait have received a letter from their ton, Orllc; a prL-,oncr o; the Jnp.-\ne.<c nt Shanghai. A civil­ian worker, h r wii-s taken prL'.oiier

1 U'akc Island.PfO!t de.scrlbed his prL*.on life and

Aljicrt about liLi two children. Palsy and Joan. Tlie letter bore no date but carried hU addre.u.

Tills Li the first direct word from the young man since the fall of Wake Island,


from Fort Lewl.s,„ who vhlled their families and friends here . . rently were .Staff Sgl, John Boltnn, I-lrst SSL Eldon-Diirk. Sgt*. William McCoy. Lewh Arrambarl, Fred Urnga nntl Robert Redfern; Corp.s. Reed Daniey, Wilfred Stephens and Walter IIlgKlas and Pvt. Lloyd Sim- onion. Sgts Ermmet: Ijim beth and Dill Doyer rach had 73-liour lenve.s, Sgl. Harry McComtxs, accompanied by Mrr. McCombs, came from Olyr pla. He also had « 72-hour leave.

G U MBest thins the mails bring to

Australia la "good old American chewing pim ." according lo a letter received by Mrs. Prank

.^m oi, Wendell, from her son. « d o n Amos. Amo.i, a former / ^ i i i /n i l s county. ho.splla) em ­ploye, Is now with the medlckl corps of the United Stales army In Aiutralla.

Dwindling Coffee Stock Threatens That Old Custom

An old Twin FalU cusKim-mld iiionilng and mkl'-nlleriloon coffee (Irhiklng—ls ilirratenrd by an acute iiaUnii.wide diortagc of the modlty,

A Tliiir>Nr-xs reimrlcr was llmlt- rd to" one-iKwiiil when he a.sked lor two, his wreJily .supply, Saturday n t a l(n:al .store.

A iiotlirr .More cojitacled Aald It war. llmlllnn cii.s^mern lo two iviuiids. while a llrfsi^o ee r)- niati- ngrr said HiiU h t had placecl no acluiil limit oa ti l l amount eu'to- rners eould piirrlmr.J but; "If .some­one came lo my More and wanletl 10 buy f.ay -j:, [Kiuiids, I'd try toTnlK hliii«»J||ilo brim; roiileiil with half Hiai amount." The fourth store tiurrlrd jii'.t fLitlv jnid no limit had been set nfTlheip,

’I’vvo of ilie store uiaiiiineni i.ali Hiat Uielr wlinle.-nle hmi'c-.s had In formed Ihi-in they vuiild be llmlled to «.'■) iK'r ei-iil nf the amount they purclinsetl la.s|) year, AiioHirr de- f lared that his uliolesnlcr hatl-Ilmlt- rd h im lo hl.i regular purclmse.s.

AccotdluK lo au ^s;wU^tell Pre:.-. dl.'piiteli, many rlinln .••lores and Independent grocerle.i tlirnuKliout the country hail no rodee liii their shelves or were peiring from slim nnd dwindling jfocks,

T lir dispa'tch said In .some cllle.s and towns comi^lelc .sellouts, averted by Inromially rationing toIn^rR to one ixtund per sale nnd rlerks wlUi "good memorle,s" we: ap|>olnted to HiLs diplomatic task.


TllUIK, ,Mr. and Mrs, Dan Tolman, Vale,

Ore., vl.slted Uielr .son and tlnugh- ter-tn-law . Mr. and Mrs. Jw nes Toi- nmn. recenilv.

Mr. nnd .Mrs. Kerrell Poulter (>nd .Mrs. C, O. Wold, Idaho f’lill., guesf.s of .Mrs. Cleve Fsbert the first of th e week. Mrs. Wold remained here for n visit wltli her daughter. Mrs. Pouller .and Mrs. Egbert arc .sl.sters.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appltbaum have retunie<l to Murtjiugh from Las Ang.-lM, and have oi>ent<l up their old buslnfts.s. opernUng n grocery sto. tr. Tliey moved to Los Angele.t tw-o years ago lo reHrr biit these b iiy times were too miieh for Harry and Uiey arc back on Uic Job a t Hie old stand,

Delcgate.i to bu.slne,vs luncheon held a t thr, home of Mrs. George W ard, stake* president of L. D. 6 . Relief r.oelcllp.s, nl Twin FiULs were the fcllcwing: Mrs. Opal Goodman, Mm. Fay Perklnj, .Mrs, Annie Good­m an. Ptrs, Cffle Walker. .Mrs. Elahie W alkrr. Mrs. Goldie Tolman and Mrs, Naonil Egbert.

Mr. nnd Mr.i. P. J . PiUiey are home a fter rpendlng two 'weeks wltii Uxeir duughter and hrr husband. Mr, nnd Mrs, Cllflord & ans. Blackfoot, T lir/ -Iso vU ltjd In Idaho Falls and "

itello.Andy Hall, who h acting

guard for the canal company, been transferred from RocJt Creek d lslrlcL to Milner,

Mrs. Nannie •Hoops, ISnmelt, Ijere-vhRing Hie Hall.slaters.

Among deer hunters rj^ortiii; their kill were Mrs. Johj Bland. Tommy Ilulledse, L. P, Okie, ben^^. Jame.i Tolman, Mrs. Carolvn Newman. .Mrs, J. R. Drrcdlng Louis Couch.


at thB

Eugcne^Boauty StudioNfctr Fe.ilher Dob—up from J3

rhone C3 i t j <ih Axe. N.



464 Mala Na. PhoDe :t]

I t ’ s t h e S t e a d y - P u l l

s r ' —

■ 7



D O N E'K e e p your business a t the

fingertips of your custom­ers as close as the tele­phone — for small cost. Ex- eirt a steady pull oh the more th a n 15,000 subscribers of the Times-News.


Give ’ R O U N D Th^ C L O C KL • ■ ^ I

S E R V I C E evevy day of the week!

ATTENTIONCash PaidT 'n r \V orllilcs.s o r Dc.itl

Cdw.s . Unrsc.-J an ti I’r icc tif PelLs fo r Dcatl Sheep


- — C o m m c r f i l a l

o r /' f ir m e r ,

T R U C KOWNERSWe are adcfiualely manned and equipped to glvo you fast, expert rep;ilr «ervlce on all trpcKs or tractors. Try oui iliops Ilr.stl


Vy ant To Sell Your Car?Jerome Is Hie m;irkpt In Southern Idaho. We nlft-ay.s-liave a bvrge Mock of good, late-model, loft--mll<-nKe 11.rd car,-, and trucks and wIieHicr you uiint lo buy. sell or trade. It will puy you • to drive to Jerome and :.uve.

^AI.SO ( OMrl.t;TE'.STOCK-or NEtV cftCfuOLHTS AND nL'i,r;KS ir y o u can ql’a m f y .-

N O R T H S ID E A U T O CO.Chfvrolet and Uulrk • Jerome - I'bunr U3

Potato — Onion — GrowersW K A R E PA Y IN G T O ? C A S H PR IC E S


We w ill h a v e poLnto fltornRc n t -Hnii.'ien cclln r 1 hi’K ii'vay a n d onion fltom;rc n t T w in K alis.

/ ' E. s. H arper Co.■ Phone 2203

Investigate the low cost, of constantly .Keeping your prospective patrons a^are of the Services you offer.