1 Welcome to DWP Partnership Working Introduction Aims and Objectives.

1 Welcome to DWP Partnership Working Introduction Aims and Objectives

Transcript of 1 Welcome to DWP Partnership Working Introduction Aims and Objectives.

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Welcome to DWP Partnership Working

• Introduction

• Aims and Objectives

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Partnership Working in Nottinghamshire

Lynne RoomeSenior External Relations Manager

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Senior Employer & Partnerships ManagerLynn Roome

(Band E)

Provider Relationships ManagerJulie Church

(Band D)

Partnerships Manager(Lincs)

Derrick Brown(Band D)

Partnerships Manager(Notts)

Karen McCourt(Band D)

Provider Relationship Team(Band C’s)

Richard ForrestLee Peel

Steve EvansJim FraserTony Lakin

Partnerships Team(Notts, Lincs & Rutlend)

(Band C’s)Bev Pearson – [email protected]

Lorraine Cockell – [email protected] Frow – [email protected]

Employer Services Team(Band C’s)

Geoff KillingsworthClaire Day

Employer Services ManagerDeborah Clifford

(Band D)

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Labour Market Overview

Karen McCourt Partnership Manager

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Overall Trends

JSA Totals Aug 14 Jul 14 Aug 13

Nottinghamshire 19,749 20,384 26, 753

Lincolnshire and Rutland

8,732 9,315 12, 565

Central England 189,149 197,610 278,563

National 961,149 995,835 1,389,688

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ESA and IS Volumes

Total No of ESA Claimants

Feb 14 Feb 13

Lincs, Notts and Rutland

63,510 46,760

Total No of IS Claimants

Feb 14 Feb 13

Lincs, Notts and Rutland

25,630 32,850

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Top 5 Conditions

Type of Condition Numbers

Mental and behavioural disorders 27,550

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue


Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified


Diseases of the nervous system 4,290

Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes


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Top 10 Sector Vacancies

Employer Sector Total Vacancies

Staffing /Employment Agencies


Internet Services 1288

Healthcare Services 1031

Retail 931

Business Services – Other 905

Other/Not Classified 824

Government and Military 549

Automotive Sales and Repair Services


Advertising and PR Services


Education 218

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Sources of Management Information

NOMIS- www.nomisweb.co.uk

Gov. UK – statistics - www.gov.uk

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16-17 Year Old Jobcentre Plus NEET Pilot

Val Frow

Dept for Work and Pensions

Employer and Partnership Team

Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland District

Lancaster House

Orchard ST



Tel 01522 346055

Mob 07920 784393

Email [email protected]

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16-17 Year Old Jobcentre Plus NEET Pilot

• NEET - Not in Education, Employment or Training

• Government’s intention to 18 month pilot, extending JCP support to 16-17 NEETs who are NOT claiming an out of work benefit.

• Working in partnership with Local Authorities who have a statutory responsibility for NEETs.

• To re-engage 16-17 year olds with employment with training, training or education.

• Aim to ‘enhance’ (not replace) the existing offer that LAs deliver

• ..

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• Nationally approx 46,000 NEETs aged 16-17, many coming from disadvantaged backgrounds.

• More likely that these Young People will suffer ‘scarring effects’ with being NEET go on to become long term unemployed.

• We are working with both Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire County Councils and have identified target areas.

• JCP Work Coaches to be appointed who will also work with other organisations such as Prince’s Trust.

16-17 Year Old Jobcentre Plus NEET Pilot

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16-17 Year Old Jobcentre Plus NEET Pilot

• Starts 20 October 2014 for 18 months.

• We will evaluate whether the skills, experience and professional links of our Specialist Work Coach has added real value and how effectively they have supported NEETS to re engage in participation.

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Universal Credit Update

Karen McCourtPartnership Manager

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Universal Credit

Is at the heart of these reforms. It aims to simplify the benefits system and help and ensure people are better off in work than on benefits while providing support for those who need it

Welfare Reform

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Universal Credit

• The external Partner Toolkit is the best place for partners to find out the latest information on Universal Credit


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Claimant Commitment

Claimant Commitment

Individually tailored to take account of someone’s circumstances

Outlines what a claimant must do in return for their benefit

Sets out clearly the consequences of not meeting Claimant Commitment

Claimant Commitment reviewed on a regular basis



Work Coach


Create Accept Work Requirements

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A claimant commitment like a contract of employment

“Working with you to help you and your family become more independent”

Not able to work at all

We will support you

Too committed

to work right now

We will support youor

(It pays to give work a go)

Too sick to work

right now

We will support you and

(It pays to give work a go)

Not working

It pays to give work a go

oryou must

give work a go

Working but could do more

Earning all you can be


It pays to work more

oryou must work more

We will support you

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Universal Support delivered locally

•Recognises need to ensure claimants with complex needs will not be prevented from accessing and using welfare services

•Partnership Approach through Local Delivery Groups

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Universal Support delivered locally

• See External Partner Toolkit for some useful supporting documents to help claimants prepare for Universal Credit.


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Nottingham City Signposting ServiceAngela & Richard0203 535 51 47

First Contact Nottinghamshire0115 9699060 Ext 105

Liz & KarlMetropolitan Sixty Plus

0203 535 51 50Metropolitan Include

0203 535 51 41 Richard Dragonetti


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Working in PartnershipPartnership working is undoubtedly the way forward to be able to engage with as many of the Public as possible and to ensure that all those in need receive the help that they require at the optimum time for them.

In these cash stretched times it is important that as workers who are engaging with older Citizens that we use our skills to look for signs that people may need support to remain independent.

First Contact Nottinghamshire and The Nottingham City Signposting Service work with Partners to ensure that the correct services are introduced to those in need of them, at the earliest opportunity.

The first person in an “Official capacity” that enters the home of someone over the age of 60 is asked to consider the Holistic needs of the householder. We ask that they determine whether they have needs that can be supported by a range of different providers who are Partners of First Contact Nottinghamshire for those within the County or the Nottingham City Signposting Service for those within the City.

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Working in PartnershipThe benefits of Partnership working are:• Opportunity to enhance a range of areas within a persons life from

one visit.• The opportunity to engage with Citizens in areas that they may not

know exist.• The facility to improve living standards, safety and security across a

whole demographic with a much bigger contact base - (workers who can observe Citizens needs).

• Closer working relationships across a range of providers and a better understanding of the way in which Organisations function and therefore their attributes and their restrictions.

• The ability to impact in a positive way on the lives of people who may otherwise become disconnected from their Community, be less able to engage with individual organisations and therefore be at risk of losing their independence.

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What is the purpose of the Nottingham City Signposting Service and First Contact


To act as a low level ‘preventative’ service which:

• Promotes the safety and independence of older people in the home through a simple checklist by identifying their needs and signposting on to Partner agencies

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Objectives of the Nottingham City Signposting Service and First Contact Nottinghamshire

• A First Contact service acting as a Portal to Agencies that routinely work with Older people

• Reducing admissions to Hospital and Long-term Care

• Partnership working for the over 60’s residents of Nottingham & Nottinghamshire to promote independence and safety.

• To highlight and refer customers to the correct Services, in time to prevent a deterioration, and to prevent or delay reliance on others.

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Essential Services Drawn Together• Partnership is the way for all Essential Services to work, to

Safeguard the Vulnerable and Promote Independence for Older People within our Communities.

• Closer Links between the three main Emergency Services are being sought by the Nottingham City Signposting Service.

• We seek to prevent accidents from happening, to foster linked working practices between the essential services and other Partners, to work with these to promote, Safety, Security and Health and Welfare Support to any Vulnerable older person in the City of Nottingham.

• To engage with the older people within our Communities and the Organisations that Support them.

• To work together to prevent hospital admissions, dependence and a move to Residential or Nursing Care.

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First Contact NottinghamshireFree information and advice for people aged 60 and over

A simple and easy way to get help with:

• Benefits and Money• Home Repairs• Crime Reduction• Social Isolation• Keeping warm• Getting out and about• Preventing Falls• Housing Options• Fire Safety• Meals at home

The referral route for these services will vary dependent upon which borough you live, however, by calling:

0115 9699060 Ext 105

you will be able to access the help that is required in these areas.

Remember one form, multiple referrals to Partners who care about those over 60, and their ability to stay independent within their own home

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First Contact Nottinghamshire

Filling in one simple checklist enables people aged over 60 to get vital services from a range of organisations without having to contact them all. These services include:

• a fire safety check • a home security check • home repairs or mobility adaptations • energy saving improvements to keep warm and reduce energy bills • confidential advice on money entitlements • signposting to local voluntary and community groups and clubs • advice on types of housing accommodation that may be available.

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NHS CityCare Falls and Bone Health Service and Community Rehabilitation


Why Are Falls Important?

• 30% of people aged over 65 will fall each year

• This rises to 50% of people aged over 80

• Every 5 hours in the UK, an older person dies as a direct result of a fall

• Yet, many falls are preventable

Falls are NOT an inevitable part of growing older

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What does a fall Cost?

• A fractured hip leads to one of the lengthiest, traumatic and most expensive hospital stays

• Half of those people who fracture a hip will never regain their previous level of mobility and independence

• The estimated cost to health and social care combined, of falls and fractures is thought to be £3.4 billion annually

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Occupational Therapy

• Access• Mobility• Transfers• Personal care• Domestic tasks• Other areas

• Advice

• Equipment

• Adaptations

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Preventative Adaptations

The three main aims are:

• - to increase safety in the home for older people

• - to reduce falls

• - to facilitate timely discharge from hospital

Applicants must:

• - be aged 60 or over

• - have a permanent residence within Nottingham City Council boundaries

What Adaptations Are Available?

• Grab rails, e.g. by the bath or entrance doors

- An additional stair rail - Raising an armchair - Long life light bulbs - Threshold strips• Spy holes/door safety chains

(wooden doors only) - Half step - Rails along sloping paths or steps,

in front or rear gardens (principal entrance)

- Tap Adaptors

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The Adaptations AgencyWhat adaptations are available

Wide range of adaptations including:• Level access showers/wet rooms• Grab rails, handrails• Ramps, paths, hard standings• Stairlifts, vertical lifts, hoists• Wheelchair accessible kitchen units• Wash/dry toilets• Extensions (very limited circumstances)

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Disabilities Living Centre

• Provide free information and advice regarding equipment and services for Disabled, Older people, Carers and Professionals.

• Opportunity to try equipment before they buy.

• Therapists and Advisers to ensure that the correct equipment is identified for their need.

• Free Mobility Scooters Safety Awareness Course

Equipment available• High Seat Chairs• Riser/Recliner Chairs• Beds• Bathing, showering and

toileting equipment.• Hoists• Wheelchairs, Scooters and

walking aids• Stairlifts• Kitchen – preparation, eating

and drinking equipment

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Nottingham City Council Telecare

• Nottingham Telecare Service provides a range of equipment designed to help people remain safe and independent in their home. It can provide support and reassurance, or help a person to manage everyday tasks.

• Telecare is intended for use by disabled or vulnerable people of all ages, as well as those with long term conditions.

• Care Alarm with Pendant Alarm

Linked Sensory Equipment• Smoke Detectors, Movement

Sensors, Fall Detectors.

• Monitoring and Response Centre that receives the alert.

• Appropriate response for the alert up to and including calling the Emergency Services if necessary.

Stand alone equipment such as

• Automatic lights, loud flashing doorbells and easy to read calendar clocks

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Contributory Benefits• State Pension • Job Seekers Allowance• Incapacity Benefit • Bereavement Benefit• Employment and Support Allowance

Non Contributory Benefits• Attendance Allowance• Disability Living Allowance• Personal Independence Payment• Carers Allowance

Income Based Benefits• Employment and Support Allowance• Jobseekers Allowance• Housing Benefit• Pension Credit• Income Support

The Nottingham City Signposting Service provides a triage service for the DWP Visitors Section.Referral’s can be made for a number of different Benefits including:

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Services provided by the DWPVisiting Service

Access for vulnerable customers who are unable themselves or via a representative to access our services through other channels, helping with:

• Claim Form completion• Verification• Changes of Circumstances• Method of Payment• Safe guarding visits such as Appointee• Centenarian’s

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Nottingham City Homes Repairs

• Nottingham City Signposting Service have a Service level agreement for Nottingham City Homes Repairs Service.

• Nottingham City Homes Repairs will engage with all customers referred through our service to repair or replace any defect within the Customer’s home within the remit of City Homes tenancy support areas.

• Where customers have experienced difficulty in contacting or engaging with Nottingham City Homes the City Signposting Service will intervene to resolve these issues.

• Where Customers are having difficulty in determining whose responsibility a defect or repair is then Nottingham City Signposting Service will seek to provide clarity.

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Nottingham HomeLink

• Nottingham City Signposting Service have an agreement to refer Customers to Nottingham HomeLink to enable the following:

• Register - choose - bid - move!• This is how HomeLink works:• Register: apply to be on the HomeLink register and get your reference

number • Choose: look at the properties we have on offer• Bid: When you've found a property you like, you need to 'bid' for it. But

unlike auction websites like ebay, it's completely free! • Move: when you are successful - move in!• Where help is required HomeLink may be able to help or we can engage

the help of Metropolitan Sixty Plus to assist with this process

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Nottingham Warm Zone• Nottingham Warm Zone offers a range of services to ensure your home is warm,

healthy and more energy efficient. Due to a change in funding we can now only offer a limited number of services. Whether you home is eligible for insulation works depends purely on your postcode.

• Loft insulation is one of the most effective ways to keep heat in. Under our 2014 spring scheme we can insulate selected houses for free, however there must be no insulation at all in the loft to begin with.

• Fully insulated walls retain a massive 35% of household heat. We are delivering free cavity wall insulation to a select households in the city in spring 2014 according to Postcode.

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• The average home loses as much as 60% of all heat through the loft

space and walls.

• Up to 25% of all heat escapes through the roof

• Up to 35% of all heat escapes through the walls

• Up to 15% through draughts through the floor

• Up to 15% through draughts around doors

• Up to 10% through draughts around windows

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Trading StandardsTrading Standards work with other Agencies to keep the Public Safe from exploitation and Criminal Intentions from less scrupulous individuals•Support with Consumer Advice•Citizens Advice Consumer Service handle initial telephone enquiries about consumer rights issues such as faulty goods or services on behalf of Nottingham City Council Trading Standards, their trained advisors will offer the appropriate advice and guidance for resolving consumer matters. Contact them on 08454040506 or www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer

Trading standards work with Citizens Advice if there has been a potential crime•Door Step Crime and Rogue Traders•Reporting a Business or Trader•Scams and Cons and how to protect yourself•Dealing with Loan Sharks•Access to the Buy with Confidence Web Site

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Age UK Home Safety Team

Included within the check are:

• Home Safety Checks• Identifying Fire Hazards in the home• Home Security Checks• Falls risk assessments• Access to smoke alarms and Smartwater• Support to access resources such as grab rails, padlocks and

window alarms

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Age UK Home Improvement Agency

• Home Owners living in the City of Nottingham• Older people who are concerned about their property• Older people who need to bring their houses up to ‘Decent Homes’

standard• Advice on repairing and maintaining your property• Housing Options Assessment to determine funding for work e.g.

loans, charitable or privately funded• Provision of property surveys and schedules of repair• Project management of building works• Support to access other useful services.

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Age UK Handyperson ServiceFor an hourly charge, our the

Handypersons can carry out repairs and minor adaptations around the home.

Types of work carried out are:• Fitting stair rails and grab rails• Supplying and fitting key safes• Securing carpets• Securing trailing wires and


• Fitting bathroom accessories including bathroom cabinets

• Replacing curtain rails, poles and blinds

• Joinery work, including fitting shelves and interior doors

• Unblocking sinks• Replacing toilet seats, sealant

around bath/sink• Fitting Yale & Chubb locks• Minor gate and fence repairs

or replaced

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Age UK Money Advice Service

A fully trained Advisor offers FREE, impartial advice on a range of money matters including:

 • Tax credits• Borrowing and mortgages• Saving and investments• Tax• Budgeting• Pensions• Insurance

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My Sight Nottinghamshire

A local charity which promotes greater independence for visually impaired people of all ages throughout the county by providing practical support, advice, information, training and adapted leisure activities.

The charity is at the forefront of the local voluntary sector, providing services that empower visually impaired people to live more independently and achieve their true potential within their own community.

• Magnification and correct lighting are vital to many clients.

• My Guide service, which aims to reduce the isolation that many people with sight loss experience, helping people rebuild their confidence and regain their independence.

• Counselling and Emotional Support

• Hospital Link Service

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Y M C A Gym – Physical Activity on Referral Service

A 12 week programme of exercise for people at risk of Cardiovascular Disease or poor Heart Health. Early indicators include:-

• Raised Body Mass Index (BMI)• Blood Pressure not in Normal

category• High Cholesterol• Stroke• Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease• Anxiety or Depression

The Programme consists of:• Fresh Start Introductory

session• 12 weeks of exercise

comprising of• Circuit classes• Gym Sessions• Studio Classes• Access to several 1:1

sessions with instructor to discuss progress

• Some classes can be adapted to chair based exercises

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Joined together to counter Social Isolation • Access to a minimum of two free

events a month.

• A membership pack with everything you'll need to get started.

• Opportunity to share lifts to and from events with fellow members.

• Access to our local and reliable practical help as and when you need.

• A network of fellow members with a range of interests.

• A monthly calendar of events and activities including free events and events exclusive to Nottingham Circle members.

• Make friends in safe and welcoming settings.

• Access to a monthly diary of activities packed with lots of things for you to choose from.

• Save money on activities, day trips, holidays and events.

• Access to a wide variety of fit for the future activities at discounted rates.

• Four editions of Just the Tonic, the Age UK Notts. quarterly colour magazine packed with informative articles and exciting competitions sent directly to you with your Kindred Spirits newsletter.

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Metropolitan Sixty PlusWho is the service for?

The service is for anyone aged over 60 and living within Nottingham City and needs short-term support to help them remain living independently.

How does the service work?

One of our trained care and support workers will visit you in your own home to help identify what support is right for you. Together, we will draw up a personal support plan that will describe how we will help you meet your goals.

• A wide variety of support• finding and/or maintaining a

home• maximising your income• getting the right aids and

adaptations for your home• home safety and security and

arranging repairs• coping with poor health and/or

disability• general life skills and

confidence building• finding social clubs or ways of

meeting people

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Summary of the Nottingham City Signposting Serviceand the Nottinghamshire First Contact Service

• Low Cost, High Reward Service.

• Early Intervention Programme.• Promote self directed control

over outcomes.• Prevent deterioration and

‘Maintain Independence’.• Partners that can and do make

a difference to peoples lives.• Help to prevent Hospital

Admission.• Help to prevent transfer to long

term Residential or Nursing Care.

“Both the Nottingham City Signposting Service and the

Nottinghamshire First Contact Service is there to ensure that the Citizens of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, get the help

that they need, when they need it and are supported in

making the right decisions for them, for their independence

and for their future”.

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Metropolitan Include Team

Our ‘include’ service is open to anyone who:

• has a learning disability (including autism or Asperger’s syndrome)

• is aged over 16

• lives in Nottingham City

• could benefit from support to live independently.

• How does the service work? • One of our trained care and

support workers will visit you in your own home to help identify what support is right for you.

• Together, we will draw up a personal support plan that will describe how we will help you meet your goals. We will review this with you regularly.

• You can access between half an hour and five of hours support each week. This can increase or decrease depending on your needs.

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Include Team – Housing Related Support

• Choose what support works for you! Up to 5 hours per week of support (however not all of this is engaged with the Customer.

• We offer a wide variety of support tailored to your needs. This can include:

• applying for new housing and setting up home

• maintaining your tenancy, preventing and dealing with rent arrears

• maximising your income • advice and guidance around debt, help

budgeting and developing life skills

• support to access and engage with relevant health services

• support to access leisure opportunities and become involved in your community

• identifying education, training and employment opportunities

• help to understand your rights and responsibilities and help dealing with antisocial behaviour

• and much more: we work with a variety of partners to make sure you get the support need.

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Refreshment Break

Resume back here at 11:30amEnjoy the refreshments

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Migrant Workers

Karen McCourtPartnership Manager

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Migrant’s Access to Benefit

A series of changes to the way benefits are accessed

•A new enhanced Habitual Residency Test (HRT)

•From 1st Jan 14 – 3 month residency requirement

•From 1st Jan 14- Genuine Prospect of Work Assessment (GPoW) at 6 months

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Migrant’s Access to Benefit

From 1st March 14 - Minimum Earnings Threshold (MET)

From 1st April 14 – Removal of Access to Housing Benefit for EEA Jobseekers

From 6th October 14 – Minimum Earnings Threshold (MET) for other benefits

From November 14 - Genuine Prospect of Work Assessment (GPoW) at 3 months

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Changes for clients with Child Support Agency cases

Lorraine Cockell

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New Child Maintenance Service•The new Child Maintenance Service (CMS)

– Improved supporting IT

– Quicker processing of applications

– Income data from HMRC

– Better client service

– ‘Charging’ nudge so parents collaborate and avoid CMS if possible

– ‘Gateway’ conversation to ensure parents are aware of available support

• CMS is now open to all new clients

• Charging introduced from 11th August 2014

• Closure of all CSA cases over three year period – from 2014

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•Parents wishing to apply to the Child Maintenance Service will first have to discuss their maintenance choices before accessing the new 2012 scheme

•Child Maintenance Options will provide the ‘gateway’ conversation – victims of DV will be fast-tracked if required

Key features

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Child Maintenance Options

Provides free impartial information, guidance and support to parentsas well as family, friends and trusted professionals to make the most effective arrangements for them and their children

Available over the phone, via a website or face-to-face together with Live Chat facility for real-time online support

Helps parents overcome barriers to working together (such as housing, employment, legal issues and money)

Signposts customers to other support services

Is the ‘gateway’ to the Child Maintenance Service

Contact - Freephone 0800 9880988 or cmoptions.org

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Key features• Direct Pay• Either parent will be able to request Direct Pay service type – avoiding

collection fees except paying parents where there is reason to believe they may be unlikely to pay

• Safeguards and guidance for parents who are victims of domestic violence • Enforcement • Introduction of charges to influence the behaviour of paying parents and

provide an incentive for them to pay maintenance in full and on time

• Case closure• Once the Child Maintenance Service is opened to all new applicants, the

process of closing all existing Child Support Agency cases will begin • This process will take around three years

• Flat rate child maintenance• The maintenance rate for paying parents (£7) will also be subject to

collection fees where direct pay is not used

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Key features

Charging • A £20 application fee (non refundable)• Parents 18 and under and victims of DV will be exempt

from application fee• Ongoing collection fees for using the Collect and Pay

service. 20% fee for paying parents and 4% fee for receiving parents

• A range of enforcement charges• Also applies to existing 2012 clients

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Changes affecting Child Support Agency (CSA)

• During 2014, the CSA will begin the process of ending all CSA child maintenance arrangements.

• At some time between then and 2017, clients will be contacted and given 6 months’ notice to put a new child maintenance arrangement in place before liability ends.

• Clients will be offered information and support about their options from Child Maintenance Options, a free information and guidance service.

• Clients will be strongly encouraged to put a new child maintenance arrangement in place.

• When clients are selected to go into the case closure journey they will receive a series of letters over a 6 month period.

• Letters will make clear that clients must continue to pay until their CSA liability has ended.

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The client experience - letters

• After the CSA arrangement has ended the CSA will calculate the final arrears balance.

• Parents with care with arrears owed to them will be sent a letter confirming the final arrears balance and offering them the chance to write off these arrears if they no longer want them.

• Arrears will only be written off if parents with care actively request that they are.

• Any arrears remaining will be moved to the Child Maintenance Service.

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For more information please visit:-

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Personal Independence Payment Reassessment

Lorraine Cockell

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Where we are now

• Personal Independence Payment (PIP) has replaced Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people who were aged 16 to 64 on 8 April 2013 or reach age 16 after that date. Controlled start from April 2013, where claimants living in the Northern England were able to apply for PIP. In June 2013 PIP rolled out nationally (new claims to DLA no longer available)

• We are now inviting existing DLA claimants to claim PIP when:-

we receive information about a change in their care or mobility needs on or after 28 October 2013

their fixed term award is due to expire

children turn 16 years of age on or after 7 October 2013 (unless they have been awarded DLA under the Special Rules for terminally ill people)

• We wrote to all existing DLA claimants in early 2014 and are writing again in early 2015 with more information about PIP in their usual annual letters that tell them what their new benefit rate will be.

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What’s coming next…………..

• Reassessment of remaining DLA cases commences in October 2015 (Managed Reassessment)

• Between 2013 and 2018 around 2 million DLA claimants will be reassessed for PIP

• Many people who currently receive DLA will continue to receive support – around 74 per cent of the current DLA caseload will continue to receive an award under PIP (by May 2018).

• A greater proportion of participants will get the higher rates, compared to DLA – around 23 per cent of PIP recipients will get a combination of the highest rates compared to 16 per cent on DLA.

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How long PIP reassessments will take?

• DWP has taken a controlled approach to introducing Personal Independence Payment (PIP), continuously learning lessons. It has become clear that the reassessment process is taking longer than originally anticipated.

• The actual time to get a decision on a claim depends on individual circumstances. In some cases it can take about 21 to 26 weeks.

• We are taking steps to speed up the claims process and dealing with claims as quickly as we can. Any delays experienced in the new claims process will not affect the date from which claimants are paid. Existing DLA claimants will continue to receive DLA until a decision has been made on their PIP claim.

• We therefore intend to introduce the reassessment of existing DLA claimants for PIP in a more gradual way.

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Reassessment – what is different?

• Reassessment claimants have the same decision-making process. However system processing differs:

• PIP New Claim ‘effective date of claim ’ is when the claim is made but in Reassessment the PIP ‘effective date’ will be after a PIP decision is made.

• If the claimant has complied throughout, DLA will continue for a further 28 days, cease and close. PIP entitlement will then start, if awarded.

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Award reviews• The length of award for PIP will be based

upon each claimant’s individual circumstances

• DWP regularly reviews awards

• When awards ends, claimant can make new claim. Letter issued 14 weeks before end of award although claimant may make an “advance claim” up to 6 months before the end of an award should they need to

• DWP contact claimants with longer awards occasionally to see if needs have changed

• PIP claims received after entitlement ended are treated as a New Claim.

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• Information for support organisations and advisers is online at www.gov.uk/pip/toolkit. The site includes a quick guide to PIP for advisers, an overview of the claimant journey and frequently asked questions

• We’ll also include the latest news in the monthly Touchbase bulletin – sign up at the DWP website

• Information aimed at claimants is available on www.gov.uk. Please signpost to these pages from your own sites or materials

• Updated leaflets are also available – generic information in existing leaflets, and PIP specific leaflet

• Talk to your local DWP Partner Manager

Where to find more information