1€¦  · Web viewCharacteristics of persuaders, messages, and audience largely affect...

Persuasive Behavior Research Goals: 1. To get representative samples of Chualongkorn University We did the survey at the canteen of Mahitaladhibesra building. From our observation, Chulalongkorn students from most faculties visit the location more than any other places. They either come for studies or for their meals. 2. To survey respondents, which are representative samples, in order to study the attitude-behavior relations 3. To survey respondents in order to determine the appropriate approaches to be implemented in our persuasive campaign. 4. To get the research findings that can answer our hypotheses. Hypotheses: 1. Attitude can predict behavior best when they are: 1) Strong and consistent 2) Specifically related to behavior being predicted 3) Based on the person’s direct experience 4) The person is aware of his/he attitudes 2. Individuals process messages through one of two routes (central or peripheral), according to the Elaboration Likelihood Model. 3. Characteristics of persuaders, messages, and audience largely affect persuasion. Target Audience: Chulalongkorn students from different faculties, sitting at the canteen of Mahitaladhibesra building. Procedures: 1. Come up with the topic: “Persuading people to donate their money for Ban Kru Noi”

Transcript of 1€¦  · Web viewCharacteristics of persuaders, messages, and audience largely affect...

Page 1: 1€¦  · Web viewCharacteristics of persuaders, messages, and audience largely affect persuasion. Target Audience: Chulalongkorn students from different faculties, sitting at the

Persuasive Behavior ResearchGoals:

1. To get representative samples of Chualongkorn University We did the survey at the canteen of Mahitaladhibesra building. From our

observation, Chulalongkorn students from most faculties visit the location more than any other places. They either come for studies or for their meals.

2. To survey respondents, which are representative samples, in order to study the attitude-behavior relations

3. To survey respondents in order to determine the appropriate approaches to be implemented in our persuasive campaign.

4. To get the research findings that can answer our hypotheses.

Hypotheses:1. Attitude can predict behavior best when they are:

1) Strong and consistent2) Specifically related to behavior being predicted3) Based on the person’s direct experience4) The person is aware of his/he attitudes

2. Individuals process messages through one of two routes (central or peripheral), according to the Elaboration Likelihood Model.

3. Characteristics of persuaders, messages, and audience largely affect persuasion.

Target Audience: Chulalongkorn students from different faculties, sitting at the canteen of Mahitaladhibesra building.

Procedures: 1. Come up with the topic: “Persuading people to donate their money for Ban Kru

Noi”2. Contact ‘Ban Kru Noi’; ask for leaflets and brochures and borrow their donation

boxes (to help strengthening persuaders’ credibility) 3. Come up with questions for survey questionnaires4. Distribute survey questionnaires to 300 respondents5. Evaluate findings from survey questionnaires6. Plan our persuasive campaign; variables (dependent, independent, and

controlled), persuaders, messages, and persuasive approaches7. Implement persuasive campaign and observe respondents’ reactions8. Evaluate findings from the implementation of campaign9. Evaluate limitations and give suggestions

Variables:1. Dependent variable: sources’ credibility (the persuaders; dress in university

uniform or casual wears, the different types of donation boxes; the foundation’s one or our hand-made box, the reputation’s of the foundation ‘Ban Kru Noi’ itself)

2. Independent variable: the amount of money donated by target audience

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3. Controlled variables: location and numbers of persuaders

Limitations and Suggestions:1. Relationships between persuaders and target audience

Some persuaders and target audience are friends. This relationship affects the findings.

We recommend other researchers to do the research in the location where you can rarely find or meet someone you already knew.

2. Timing: exam period It’s quite difficult for persuaders to walk in to the target audience groups

seeing that they are reviewing for the exams. We recommend other researchers to conduct the research with timing as

your priority.3. The foundation, ‘Ban Kru Noi’, is a well known foundation.

Many target audience are persuaded by the foundation’s name. Therefore, the findings could be different for the research done using different not so well known foundations’ names.

We recommend other researchers to conduct the research using not so well known foundations’ names.

4. Respondents with different incomes may act differently under same attitudes. We recommend other researchers to conduct the research using the samples

with similar amount of income.5. We didn’t control the wordings used in our persuasive campaign.

We recommend other researchers to control the wordings used to persuade target audience as well.

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Attitudes and BehaviorsThe goal of this research is also to study the relationship between the attitude and behavior of the population; the Chulalongkorn University students. The result of the survey should be able to represent not only the relationship but also to be able to determine the best approach to persuade our target in the future.Behaviors may be predicted not only by studying attitudes but also under many factors such as situation, society, authority, majority, peer pressure, etc. In order to study whether the attitudes of our target have predicted their behaviors, we have created a questionnaire to determine that.

Attitudes can predict behavior best when they are;1) Strong and consistent-- in order to reach this, we put many questions that

have almost the similar direction to see whether the respondents’ attitudes are consistent or weak. If they answer those questions similarly, it is more likely that the attitude is strong and is more credential to predict the behavior.

2) Specifically related to behavior being predicted—according to Fishbein&Ajzen, the attitudes and the behaviors predicting should have the same level of specificity. In order to predict the behavior of the donations, we try to make the majority of the questions as in a highly specific to the attitude because we are predicting the money donation which is a specific behavior.

3) Based on the person’s direct experience—the questions we have included are based on asking the respondents their own past experience with the donation issue, not in a hypothetical way.

4) The person is aware of his/her attitudes—surveyed were conducted one week before the observation. We assume that the attitudes claimed by respondent in the survey were consistent with the donators due to their similar demographic. If the person is aware of his/her attitude, he/she tends to act accordingly.

We have also adopted the models of attitude-behavior relations to construct the survey questions in order to predict the best relationship of the attitudes and behaviors in our study.

1. The Theory of Reasoned Action-- saying that there are 4 components of the attitude-to-behavior process which are:

i. The attitudes toward the behavior-- we find out whether they support donations or not; asking if the respondents believe that donation is good.

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ii. The subjective norm-- the questionnaire is included with a choice on whether the social pressure has made them decide to donate or not to donate. This theory directs us to find out who are the important people to our respondents. We also observe from the donating phase and record whether the respondents have been affected by their subjective norms.

iii. The Behavioral intention—the questionnaire is also constructed to seek for the intention of the respondents to donate the money.

iv. Behavior—the action is observed on the donating stage.

4. The Theory of Planned Behavior—Just as similar to the theory of reasoned action, but with extra space for the perceived behavioral control. Although donating the money does not need the person to have the physical ability, but we have included the income question because for some people, they might have a positive attitude toward money donation, but does not have a financial ability to do such action. With the use of this theory, we are able to know if they have the ability to act in favor of us, and if they are, we let them know. Tell them that “they have the power to donate”.

5. The Accessibility Theory—the theory says that the attitudes can predict the behaviors if they are activated from the memory at the time of the decision. So according to this study, we observe the difference between giving out the questionnaire about the donations before and after the action. We use the study to observe if the respondents who have completed the questionnaire before the time of the decision will be more likely to follow what they have answered. In other word, the questions and the need to finish the questionnaire will make them be in touch with their desire to donate the money.

In conclusion for the relationship between the attitude and behavior, combining all of the above theories in our survey construction helped us predict the behaviors of the respondents and know what the right strategies to persuade our target.

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COGNITIVE DISSONANCEAccording to cognitive dissonance theory, people can have 2 inconsistent

cognitions, even in donating situation. However, by nature, we do not like the feeling of dissonance in our minds. Therefore, many of us would justify our behavior by shaping our attitudes to be in-line with it. This diagram show donators’ thinking process to get rid of their dissonances of ‘donation is good’ and ‘they (the donation collectors) are lying.’

When we approach to the targets in casual wear and ask for donation from them, they might develop cognitive dissonance because we establish little credibility.

Thai original belief shape targets’ cognition on donation as a good deed and people should conduct good deeds. In contrary, with little credibility, targets might develop another cognition that we might swindle the money they donated.

To reduce unpleasant tension state, the targets that do not donate money would tell themselves that we are fraud. On the other hand, those who donated money to us would tell themselves that we are not fraud and tell themselves to believe that their donation was for a good cause and that they have done a good deed.

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Personality and Persuasion(Qualities of person susceptible to persuaders)

The Myth of the Vulnerable Other When looking to see what makes someone vulnerable, there are three characteristics we look at:1. Self-esteem2. Intelligence3. Gender Self Esteem

People have always believed that someone who has low self esteem are more likely to be persuaded as they are "down on themselves" and doubt their abilities so they are more likely to give in to what other people are saying and may be more gullible and accepting of what others say especially if what they are saying are coming from experts.  

Despite this "common sense," empirical evidence does not agree. It does not seem that having low esteem correlates with being easily persuaded. According to McGuire (1968), in order to persuade someone, you must take a series of steps and someone who is low in self-esteem are so preoccupied that they do not pay attention to messages and are therefore not processed.

The rational conclusion of this is that someone with high self-esteem could be the most responsive to persuasive messages and therefore are more easily persuaded. They listen to the message and give their attention to your messages but because of their high self-esteem, they are less likely to be easily swayed.  Therefore the most susceptible persons to persuasion are those that have moderate self-esteem.  Intelligence

Many people would assume that people that do not posses so much intelligence are more easily persuaded than those that are more clever. The problem with this assumption is that intelligence comes in many forms. It is not a simple, one-dimensional concept. Intelligence includes things such as verbal, mathematical, athletic, musical, and interpersonal skills. Therefore it is difficult to make an absolute decision if intelligence can affect someone readiness to be persuaded.  


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It was thought that women were the weaker sex, more easily persuaded because of their upbringing as a woman's role originally emphasized submissiveness and passivity. But research does not verify this statement. Apparently there is only 1% difference between the genders. But one research did show that women were more likely to give in a viewpoint if the majority supported a view different to theirs. According to Eagly, this is because women are more "concerned with maintaining social harmony and insuring smooth interpersonal relations." But despite this, it is only an anomaly and more research must be done before we can say if there is a specific gender that is more gullible.


In conclusion, there is no specific and definite characteristic of an easily persuaded person. There are many factors to be taken into account so while common sense derives us to believe that a woman with moderate self esteem and little intelligence is the most persuasive person; it is not an absolute statement

There are three personality characteristics that influence persuasibility, which is the capacity of being persuaded. The three characteristics include:

1. Need for Cognition

Need for Cognition or NFC is a stable individual difference in people’s tendency to engage in and enjoy effortful cognitive activity (Cacioppo, Petty, Feinstein, and Jarvis, 1996, p. 198.) It is not the same as “intelligence”. The two are related: You have to be somewhat intelligent to enjoy contemplating issues. However, it is possible that two people could score high on verbal intelligence tests, yet one individual enjoy cognitive thinking, while the other could only think as hard as he/she has to. Therefore, need for cognition is a motive, not an ability.

People high in need for cognition are people who enjoy thinking abstractly. They should be more influenced by quality of message arguments (strong arguments).

People low in need for cognition only think as hard as they have to. They are more influenced by simple cues such as source credibility, communicator attractiveness, and celebrity endorsement. As a result, messages suitable for this type of people are those that use simple and clear appeals (the simpler, the better).

The key for persuaders is to accept individuals for what and who they are and try matching messages to individuals’ personality styles.

2. Self-Monitoring

Self-Monitoring, by definition, is the display of behavior in social situations. High self-monitors are people who adjust their behavior to fit the situation.

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Therefore, they exhibit less attitude-behavior consistency. And if a situation requires that they put attitudes aside for a moment, they happily do so. As the key concept is attitude function, attitude function for high self-monitors is described as social-adjustive function. High self-monitors are influenced by prestigious, attractive, and popular sources of the message.

Contrarily, low self-monitors consult their inner feelings and attitudes. Therefore, they exhibit more attitude-behavior consistency. And if a situation requires that they put their attitudes aside for a moment, low self-monitors strongly disagree. The attitude function for low self-monitors is described as value-expressive function. Finally, they are highly attentive when the message comes from an expert.

The key for persuaders is again, use appeals that match the individuals’ personality style and mesh with the appropriate attitude function.

3. Dogmatism

Dogmatism is people’s tendency to close off or open their minds to new ideas and to accept the opinions.

High-dogmatic individuals tend to be defensive and insecure. They close off their minds to new ideas and accept only the opinions of conventional, established authorities. They also find it difficult to come up with evidence that contradicts their beliefs. They are influenced by the expertise of the communicator.

Low-dogmatic individuals are more open to persuasion because they are open-minded, receptive to new ideas, and willing to consider good arguments on behalf of a position. They are motivated by a need to know, and are willing to acknowledge shortcomings in their arguments. Therefore, they are influenced by strong arguments.

Other Personality Factors

Researchers are continuing to identify personality traits that have implications for attitudes and persuasion.

The need to evaluate strikes people’s tendency to evaluate social experiences as either good or bad. People high in this need have lots of opinions, prefer to take extreme stands, and enjoy strongly liking or disliking new products or issues. In opposite, people low in this need are less likely to be persuaded to take strong positions and probably less likely to make judgments about people they encounter.

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The need for affect focuses on a need to tune in to or tune out emotional events. People high in this need feel that it is important to be in touch with their feelings. They believe that strong emotions are beneficial and emotions help people function well in life.If the need for cognition strikes a preference for intellectual thought, the need for affect strikes a preference for experiencing and acting on emotions.

The need for closure involves a preference for getting a definitive answer on an issue and a discomfort with ambiguity. Under some conditions, individuals high in this need may be less motivated to process persuasive messages carefully. For people low in closure might be more persuade to work patiently though an ambiguous social problem. By the same token, they might also drive you crazy because they would never want to come up with a definitive solution to the dilemma.

As is always the case, there are good and bad points about each to these personality traits. It is interesting to discover how different people are and how differently they approach attitudes and attitude change.

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What We DidSince Thais are considered as to have high philanthropy, donating money to charity is a common behavior in Thai society. However, the factors to this behavior are not only affected by our passions and believe, but also many other external factors. To find out the true motivations for this charitable behavior, we have conducted a public survey. However, it would not be sufficient as they might lies or not notice their behavior in different circumstance. Thus, we decided that the only way to find out what determine people’s behavior and give them motivation to donate is to collect donation and directly observe their reactions.

Face-to-face communicationWe have learnt in Interpersonal Persuasion theory that face-to-face communication would yield a better result than non-personal communication. Also, as we want to observe and determine the factors to their actions, our group has decided to use the direct method of approaching the public to collect donation instead of just putting the donation box somewhere.

We divided into two groups of persuaders using appearance as the factor to create two levels of credibility. First group of persuader would dress in Chulalongkorn’s uniform and carry a donation box that had official Bann Kru Noy sign and picture pasted on it. The second group of persuaders were dressed casual wear and holding a donation box with hand writtedn “Bann Kru Noy” sign pasted on it to create less credibility.

Not only we observed donators behaviors towards our appearances, but we also observed their reactions towards donating money such as if they would ask us any question.

From our experiment, we can briefly conclude the effect of credibility on charitable act and also find out other factors affecting their actions.

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CredibilityCredibility is the quality of being trusted and believed in. The audience is more likely to be persuaded by the credible persuaders. The credible persuaders are people who have expertise, trustworthiness and goodwill.

For this project, we had tested on two credibility aspects, which are on the persuaders' uniforms and the donation boxes. Firstly, we have two types of persuaders which are the persuaders who wear Chulalongkorn University uniform and the persuaders who wear no uniform. We would like to see if just from the credibility of the uniform may affect the amount of the money our audience donating or not. Another factor is the credibility of the donation boxes. There are two types of the boxes, which are the box that is from the Bann Kru Noy Foundation and another is the box that is just hand-written down saying 'Bann Kru Noy.'

After finishing persuading the similar audience to donate money for Bann Kru Noy Foundation, the result is that credibility tends to put a lot of the affect on the money donated. The persuaders who wore Nisit uniform with Bann Kru Noy's box got 4,000 Baht, while the persuaders who wore no uniform got only 700 Baht.

The reasons why wearing university uniform and holding foundation's box gain more money are:

The audience believes that the persuaders must have certain knowledge according to the fact that Chulalongkorn University is one of the leading universities in Thailand.

They tend to make a quicker decision to donate with uniformed persuaders because they know where the persuaders are from. This helps creating trustworthiness. The audience feel more safe that their money donated will definitely go to the foundation.

Uniformed persuaders with foundation's donation box gives great consistency. The donators can know for sure where the money will go to.

The name of the foundation, Bann Kru Noy, itself gives credibility because this foundation is one of the most well-known foundations that helps the children who have problems at home.

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The reasons why wearing no uniform and holding our own box gain less money are: With no uniform and hand-written box, it shows less expertise and

trustworthiness. The audience may have questions in their minds if the persuaders are lying to them just to get the money for themselves or not.

Another important part in credibility is role of context that includes audience size. For the audience size, in this project the persuaders were more likely to meet the large groups of friends, therefore they tried to be dynamic by adapting their ways of saying according to the audience in order to get the audience's attention. For example, for girls they would be with more passion about how those kids have to stay or why all those kids at Bann Kru Noy have to leave their houses. The persuaders tend to use sympathy in this case. For guys, the persuaders are more likely to give facts, numbers, or explanation because guys tend to be less affective.

Social attractivenessThe audience are more likely to be persuaded by the communicators who are likable, similar to them and physically appealing. In this project, we also had used all of the three elements in social attractiveness to make our persuaders more power to persuade.

LikabilityThe likable communicators are the people who are so nice that they will make the audience feel good and may have the audience's interest at heart to show his/her goodwill. The persuaders in this project as well are likable. The day that we chose to collect money was during the exam day of many people, therefore most of them were studying for exams. When our persuaders approach they would say sorry for disturbing their time and ask for their time to donate and listen to our information about Bann Kru Noy. Our persuaders are all female because we believe that female would talk in a sweeter tone of voice. Before our persuaders left the audience they would say something that is related to them such as good luck for the exams or have a nice day.

SimilaritySimilarity means that the communicator shares values, perspective or even dresses to the audience. In this project, we tend to have two similarities, which are value on donating money and wearing the same uniform. For the first similarity, the value on donating money, according to the survey, we found out that people prefer to donate money through charity box as the second most after the temple. The communicators and the audience tend to see that donating money through charity box is convenient yet still effective because the money will be useful for the foundation. Another similarity is on the Nisit uniform. As the result shows that the communicators who wear Nisit uniform tend to gain more money, the main reason might be the similarity. Because the audience see that people from the same university are paying attention to this foundation and donating for them, therefore they may think that they should do it too. Even for the communicators who wear casual clothes, the audience also asked where they studied and after telling that they study at Chulalongkorn, they donated money more. Since donating money for the

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kids who have trouble at home and Kru Noy who has been responsible for more than 100 kids are the emotional decision, therefore having similarity technique can be effective.

Physical attractivenessGood-looking people tend to be more persuasive since people are fascinated by beauty. In this donation project, the audience more likely to use peripheral route by judging the persuaders from their appearances rather than listen to their explanation. All of our group members are female, therefore when our persuaders a group of guys, They are more likely to donate money for us. From what we can see, most of them did not even ask what is donation for. There was one case that the audience even said our persuaders are not only cute but also kind-hearted. From having physical attractiveness, it helped us to persuade people to donate better since it is under low involvement. However, by using this technique, its effect tend to be short-lived. The audience may not really have empathy and sympathy toward the children at Bann Kru Noy. They may not even know what and where is Bann Kru Noy.


Knowing the Audience:The process that we had done to know our audience is through the use of surveys of our target group, which is teenagers aged between 18- 23 at Mahit Canteen. We started performing surveys a week earlier of our donation day. This is because we want to know our target how they think or act toward the word, 'donation.' As we can see from the survey result, everyone would love to donate and respect to the Buddha at the temple. From this information, it gave persuaders more confidence that they would be able to collect more money as they had expected.

Know Purpose: The persuaders should know the clear purpose of the persuasion to have the ability to convince other people. For our persuaders, they all have to read the brochures or research about Bann Kru Noy foundation and some even have visited the place in order to have the sense of how the kids have to live there and so the persuaders will be able to transfer those particular feelings and information to the audience.

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ELM from Observation

The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) suggests that there are two routes that message receivers take to produce belief and attitude change. They are the central route and the peripheral route. In our project, the distinction between donators taking the central route and donators taking the peripheral route is very obvious.

From our observation, we realized that there are less people taking the central route rather than the peripheral route. Most donators would rely on the credibility of the persuaders when they decided to donate; as it is seen that persuaders in Chulalongkorn’s uniform received many times more donations than persuaders in casual wear. However, donators taking the central route usually donated more money than those taking peripheral route.

The Central RouteObservation: People taking the central route usually have high need for cognition as seen in our donators. The donators asked many questions concerning Bann Kru Noy and the donation money, such as where Bann Kru Noy is, what it does, where the money would go to, and if there are other volunteers. There are also a group of people who knew about Bann Kru Noy yet they would still talk to us to assure themselves that our act is transparent such as who we were and the purpose of our action.

Attitude: We have learnt that people with strong believes have more passion in what they do. People who take central route mostly have strong believe therefore we could observe that donators taking the central route would donate more in average comparing to those taking peripheral route.

The Peripheral RouteObservation: From our observation, there are more people taking peripheral route when they decided to donate with us. It is also observed that behaviors toward peripheral route were affected by four factors: non-content cue, context, classical conditioning, and heuristics.

Attitude: Non-content cue was observed when people donated to us after we gave them a number of reasons to such as what Bann Kru Noy is and how children are helped. Yet, we felt that, from their body language, they did not pay attention to what we say, but rather to how many reasons we gave them.

The most common response we got was due to the context of the communication as in the credibility of the communicators. As we have stated earlier, a large percentage of donators would donate with little or no questions when we were in university uniform. The donators recognized that it was Chulalongkorn’s uniform so they trust that we would not swindle their donation.

Classical condition occurred when donators felt that we were friendly and pleasant, as most people would donate to us when we started to smile at them and talk to them

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politely. On the other hand, many people would ignore us when we just stood still and not smile.

Lastly, heuristic response occurred when donators think that it is a good thing to donate, so they donated without needing to know what the donation is for. This occurred because donating in this kind of situation is a low involvement situation as they could give just a small amount of money. The action is simple and required almost no thinking at all.

Strangers VS acquaintancesThere is also a difference we observed when collecting donation from strangers and acquaintances. Obviously, our acquaintances donated more readily and willingly as they trust and believe in us while strangers would try to find ways to assure themselves that we are trustworthy. This was done by asking questions and looking at our uniform. This kind of behavior is also considered to be affected by context of communication as people responded according to our credibility.

On the other hand, behavior in these situations can be explained by another theory known as Social Exchange Theory.

Social Exchange theory explains that people would return any favor to a person who has done something good to them. So, in our project, when we collect donation from our friends or someone we know, they would usually be willing to donate to us as to return our favor that we might have done to them.

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Findings Hypothesis 1 : People who are familiar with the persuader are more likely to be persuaded.Finding 1 : Hypothesis 1 is valid. The theory of social attractiveness suggests that people related to those they know or who have something in common with them and they tend to be persuaded more easily by these people. From our observation, it is seen that people who are acquaint to us are more willing to donate and also donate a relatively larger amount of money.

The theory of social exchange also plays a part in this situation. People who are friends or have benefited from one another sometimes try to return each other favor. Thus, when we tried to persuade our friends, they were happy to donate.

Hypothesis 2 : Attitude can predict behavior best when they are:1) Strong and consistent2) Specifically related to behavior being predicted3) Based on the person’s direct experience4) The person is aware of his/he attitudes

Finding 2 : Hypothesis 2 is valid. From the survey, we have found that Thais attitudes toward donation in general are strong and positive. The survey found that 13 percent of the respondents have negative attitude toward donation. This result of the survey is consistent with our observation that most people we approached donated willingly. Moreover, respondents answered in the survey that most of them often donate at the temple and charity box depends on occasion. With this experience, we assume that people would most likely donate money. Our experiment also found that the attitudes claimed in the survey is portrayed in the observation considering our limitation.

Hypothesis 3 : Individuals process messages through one of two routes (central or peripheral), according to the Elaboration Likelihood Model.Finding 3 : Hypothesis 3 is valid. It is seen in our observation that donators are divided into two distinctive groups. The first group taking central route while the other, larger group, taking peripheral route.

Hypothesis 4 : Characteristics of persuaders (source credibility: clothing), messages, and audience largely affect persuasion.Finding 4: Hypothesis 4 is valid. Persuaders were divided into two groups with two levels of credibility. Receivers were found to be more persuaded by the more credible group (in university uniform) as seen from the amount of money collected. There were also factors of social attractiveness that affected the result. The message with valid reasons also seemed to work more with receivers taking central route. Message also gave persuaders more credibility when trying to persuade the audiences. Audiences also differ in their characteristics of which affected their behaviors. Their characters usually influence the decision making process.

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กลองรบบรจาค ขอทาน



อาทตยละ 1-3 ครง สองอาทดย 1 ครง เดอนละ 1 ครงสองเดอน 1 ครง

กรณาเรยงลำาดบ 1-7 ตามความชอบในการทำาบญ

วด สถานสงเคราะห โรงพยาบาล โรงเรยน

Page 18: 1€¦  · Web viewCharacteristics of persuaders, messages, and audience largely affect persuasion. Target Audience: Chulalongkorn students from different faculties, sitting at the

กลองรบบรจาค ขอทาน สภากาชาดไทย เหตใดคณถงทำาบญ? (ถาไมชอบทำาบญ กรณาขามไปขอ 5)

ความสบายใจ ใหกาวหนาในอนาคต ทำาตามผอนประโยชนเเกผอน

ตามความเชอทางศาสนา มเศษเงนเหลอ เพอนชกชวน





เดกกำาพรา คนชรา คนปวยโรคตางๆ(HIV) คนพการ

สตว อนๆ__________

คณทำา บญในรปเเบบใด?

บรจาคเงน บรจาคอวยวะ เลยงอาหาร อปการะ

บรจาคเสอผากระฐนผาปา อนๆ__________

เมอคณทำาบญ คณคำานงถงสงใดมากทสด กรณาเรยงลำาดบ 1-5 (1 มากทสด)

Page 19: 1€¦  · Web viewCharacteristics of persuaders, messages, and audience largely affect persuasion. Target Audience: Chulalongkorn students from different faculties, sitting at the

จำานวนเงนบรจาค ชอเสยงของสถานสงเคราะห ผทรวมบรจาค

ความตองการของผทจะบรจาคให สถานท

คณมความตองการบรจาคเงนใสกลองรบบรจาค หรอ มอบใหผตองการโดยตรง มากกวากน เพราะวาเหตใด



ถาคณบรจาคเงนใสกลองรบบรจาค คณบรจาคครงละประมาณเทาไร

นอยกวา 10 บาท 20 -50 บาท 60 – 100 บาทมากกวา 100 บาท

คณคดวา คณมความตองการบรจาคมากขน เมอมคนชกชวนหรอไม

ใช ไมใช


การชกชวน จำานวนคนทำาบญ โฆษณา ควมเชอดานศาสนา
