1 The Cambridge Chronicle · OHSC News 8 humans making special purchases to ... such as convincing...

1 Acting Principal’s Report The Cambridge Chronicle ‘Growth Through Learning’ Cambridge Primary School Carruthers Drive Hoppers Crossing VIC 3030 Telephone: (03) 9748 9011 Fax: (03) 9748 8924 17 th May 2018 Inside this issue Acting Principal’s Report 1 Curriculum Day 2 What’s On? 3 Nella’s News 4 PLC News 5 OHSC News 8 Community News 9 Athletics Carnival 10 Dropping Off and Picking Up Students 10 P - 2 Junior School Concert 11 Library News 11 Chess Championships 12 Mother’s Day 13 Meet Our Staff 14 Walk to School 16 Community 17 This week’s school value: Resilience Next week’s school value: Respect email: [email protected] hps://www.facebook.com/cambridgepsvictoria/ It has been a very busy fortnight with various happenings across the school. I would like to especially thank our teaching staff for their ongoing commitment and dedication to the learning of our students and congratulate them for completing the first round of ongoing reporting, available for all parents to view via the Compass parent portal. Mother’s Day Stall Last week we saw an amazing amount of little humans making special purchases to shower their mum, nana or aunty with last Sunday. This year we saw a fantastic range of gifts at our Mother’s Day stall so I’m sure there were lots of smiley faces on Sunday morning. Special thanks to all the parent helpers who gave up their time to support at the Mother’s Day stall. School Review Process As I mentioned in the last newsletter, Cambridge Primary School is in review year, which means we will undertake an intensive self evaluation involving the collection and analysis of relevant data and information which will allow us to form consistent judgements related to our goals and priorities over the past four years. Staff have been unpacking a range of data sets over the past few weeks. Students will also be provided with the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the Attitudes to School Survey data. Providing an opportunity for our parent community to provide feedback is the next step. I would like to invite our parent community to attend a ‘Reflective Practice Process’ on Wednesday 13 th June at 6pm in the staffroom. Parents will be able to unpack data and provide feedback for the self evaluation.

Transcript of 1 The Cambridge Chronicle · OHSC News 8 humans making special purchases to ... such as convincing...



Acting Principal’s Report

The Cambridge Chronicle

‘Growth Through Learning’

Cambridge Primary School

Carruthers Drive

Hoppers Crossing VIC 3030

Telephone: (03) 9748 9011

Fax: (03) 9748 8924

17th May 2018

Inside this issue

Acting Principal’s



Curriculum Day 2

What’s On? 3

Nella’s News 4

PLC News 5

OHSC News 8




Athletics Carnival 10

Dropping Off

and Picking Up



P - 2 Junior

School Concert


Library News 11




Mother’s Day 13

Meet Our Staff 14

Walk to School 16

Community 17

This week’s school value: Resilience

Next week’s school value: Respect

email: [email protected]


It has been a very busy fortnight with various happenings across the school. I would

like to especially thank our teaching staff for their ongoing commitment and

dedication to the learning of our students and congratulate them for completing the

first round of ongoing reporting, available for all parents to view via the Compass

parent portal.

Mother’s Day Stall

Last week we saw an amazing amount of little

humans making special purchases to shower

their mum, nana or aunty with last Sunday.

This year we saw a fantastic range of gifts at

our Mother’s Day stall so I’m sure there were

lots of smiley faces on Sunday morning. Special

thanks to all the parent helpers who gave up

their time to support at the Mother’s Day stall.

School Review Process

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, Cambridge Primary School is in review year,

which means we will undertake an intensive self evaluation involving the collection

and analysis of relevant data and information which will allow us to form consistent

judgements related to our goals and priorities over the past four years. Staff have

been unpacking a range of data sets over the past few weeks. Students will also be

provided with the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the Attitudes to

School Survey data. Providing an opportunity for our parent community to provide

feedback is the next step. I would like to invite our parent community to attend a

‘Reflective Practice Process’ on Wednesday 13th June at 6pm in the

staffroom. Parents will be able to unpack data and provide feedback for the self





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Acting Principal’s Report cont.


Our year 3 and 5 students can finally breathe easy after working tirelessly to undertake and

successfully complete NAPLAN. It has been a mammoth week for them and all deserve a

special congratulations. Well done everyone for your wonderful level of maturity.

Attitudes to School Survey

Over the coming weeks, all students from year 4 to 6 will complete the AToSS. The survey

asks a range of questions on how students feel about their teachers, learning, peers and the

school. This data will prove valuable when planning for the future.


As the days become colder, I want to encourage all students to wear the appropriate uniform

to ensure they are shielded from the elements. I have noticed different coloured jumpers

being worn to school and ask parents to ensure children are arriving in the correct uniform.

We have a mountain of unnamed and unclaimed uniform jumpers in the lost property.

Parents and students are welcome to take them home.

Have a fantastic fortnight everyone. Be kind to yourself and each other.

Honey Stirling

CURRICULUM DAY Our Term 2 Curriculum Day will be on

Friday 8th June.

Students are not required at school on this day. Our OSHC

program will be running. If you require care for your child,

please collect an enrolment form from the office or the OSHC


Lost property can be found in the

corridor of the main building.

Students wearing the school uniform.




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School Calendar - What’s On?

Grade 5

May 2018

5 14 15 16 17 18

District Cross

Country - 11.30am

6 21 22 23 24 25



Prep, 1 and 2

School Concert


See page 11 for


7 28 29 30 31 1

June 2018

8 4 5 6 7 8

Chess Championship

PLC 1 Ceres


9 11 12 13 14 15

Queen’s Birthday Holiday




Year 4 Swimming

Years 3 and 5 - NAPLAN PLC 4 Incursion St John Ambulance

School council






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Nella’s News

Key points for supporting children’s emotional development

Providing effective support for children’s emotional development starts with paying attention

to their feelings and noticing how they manage them. By acknowledging children’s emotional

responses and providing guidance, parents, carers and school staff can help children understand

and accept feelings, and develop effective strategies for managing them.

Tune into children’s feelings and emotions

Some emotions are easily identified, while others are less obvious. Tuning into children’s

emotions involves looking at their body language, listening to what they are saying and how

they are saying it, and observing their behaviour. This allows you to respond more effectively

to children’s needs and to offer more specific guidance to help children manage their emotions.

Help children recognise and understand emotions

Taking opportunities to talk with children, and teach them about emotions, helps children to

become more aware of their own emotions as well as those of others. Encouraging children to

feel comfortable with their emotions, and providing them with practice in talking about their

feelings, helps children to further develop ways to manage their emotions.

Set limits on inappropriate expression of emotions

It is very important for children to understand that it is okay to have a range of emotions and

feelings, but that there are limits to the ways these should be expressed. While acknowledging

children’s emotions, it is therefore very important to set limits on aggressive, unsafe or

inappropriate behaviours.

Be a role model

Children learn about emotions and how to express them appropriately by watching others –

especially parents, carers and school staff. Showing children the ways you understand and

manage emotions helps children learn from your example. This includes examples of saying

“Sorry, I lost my temper” (because no parent is perfect!) and then showing how you might

make amends.

Student Absences - Same-day notification of unexplained student absences

From the end of Term 2, all Victorian government schools must contact parents/carers as soon

as practicable on the same day of an unexplained student absence. This requirement

supports student safety and wellbeing. Schools need to know when and why a child is absent,

and parents/carers need to know if their child is not at school. Prompt communication also

promotes daily school attendance. Parents and carers must notify the school of their

child’s absence as soon as possible on the day of absence using the school’s

preferred method, including online, by telephone or by email.




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News from our Professional Learning Communities

PLC Prep

Exciting times in Prep! We are in the middle of our assessment weeks and we are all very

excited about how much growth our preps have made, educationally, socially and


Our preps are also very excited to perform in the prep - year 2 performance. They have been

practicing and are becoming such good little dancers and singers. The prep - year 2 Junior

School Concert is on Thursday 24th May. Remember to find some sort of costume for your

child to wear on the night. (See page 11 for times.)

Just a gentle reminder to make sure that all jumpers and jackets are

labelled with the child’s name.

Nude food is on Wednesdays. Please try to pack your child’s lunch with

no rubbish. Students will be able to put a token towards their house

colour, if they have a completely nude lunch.


What a busy term so far! Our year 1 students have been working extremely hard in all areas of learning,

as well as doing their very best to demonstrate our school values. This term for health, Grade 1 students

have been participating in the unit, Respectful Relationships, where students have the opportunity to

learn and understand their emotions and what strategies they can use when they’re not feeling too

good. Students are also discovering different ways we can show kindness to others, and have been great

in exemplifying these strategies in and outside of the classroom where they have been including other

students, playing with everyone and using kind words and encouragement.

In English, we have been learning all about persuasive writing, where we write compelling arguments

about a range of topics, such as convincing our friends or teachers to try out our favourite activity.

Other topics we’ve been writing about are: ‘Should we have free iPad time every day?’, ‘Should we

have longer lunch breaks?’, and ‘Should we be given homework?’ Next week, we will be learning

about writing narratives and creative stories – which the students are looking super forward to!

For reading, we have been focusing on finding great strategies to use to help us monitor our reading,

such as ‘chunk the word’, making ‘text-to-self connections’, ‘inferencing’ and ‘sliding through the word’,

as well as using what they’ve learnt during MSL to help them discover different letter patterns and

vowels in unfamiliar words. Ask your child what strategies they’ve been working on.

Furthermore, we are also learning to retell a story while reading - discovering what has happened in the

beginning, middle and the end of the text. Students also have the opportunity to identify the characters,

the problem and the solutions in the text to help them further understand the story.

After a busy 3 weeks of learning addition in maths, students are now working on their subtraction skills.

As a class, we are finding the best strategies that we can use to help us figure out subtraction problems,

such as using our fingers to count backwards, different materials, number stories and number lines to

assist us!

Don’t forget - The preps, ones and twos have their concert on the 24th May. The year ones will

be starring from 6:45pm to 7:15pm. The students have been working very hard with their

Performing Arts teacher, Miss Barnes, to come up with their dance. We look forward to seeing you

there! And lastly, on the 5th June, year 1 students will be going on an excursion to Ceres in Brunswick to

learn and celebrate different cultures! Please don’t forget their permission slips. Thank you!

Year 1 students

busy at work!




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News from our Professional Learning Communities


As we come up to the halfway point in term 2, the students have shown

our school value of ‘Love of Learning’ by working very hard. In reading,

we have covered topics such as comparing points of view, identifying

noun groups and asking and answering questions about texts we have

read in the classroom. In numeracy, we are covering addition and

subtraction, whilst in writing we are working hard on our persuasive

texts. The students had a fantastic time learning about making healthy

food choices and safe food preparation when they made their delicious

fruit kababs.

We are now in an assessment period, please ensure your child’s iPads are

being brought to school fully charged every day.

PLC 2 are super excited about the P-2 Junior School Concert being held

on the Thursday 24th May (please see note sent home about times, cos-

tumes and admission).


The Grade 3 students have been very busy this week, taking part in the National Assessment Project

(NAPLAN). It is their first time they have experienced NAPLAN, and we are very proud of the way they

conducted themselves. They were well prepared and we are confident that the students did their best


In Term 1, all of the Grade 3 students learned how to play chess. The Cambridge Chess Championships

will be held on 5th June, and this is an opportunity for students to practise their skills in a competitive

environment. This is also a pathway to the Victorian Championships for the best performing students of

each level. Entry is optional but we encourage students to participate. (The entry form is found in the

later part of this newsletter.)

The Term 2 incursion is about creating a ‘SolarBuddy’. The students will build a

light which they will donate to a remote energy poor village in Papua New

Guinea. They will learn about renewable energy, the lives of people in PNG and

they will make connections through writing letters to people in the community.

This activity supports our geography curriculum, where we are learning about

Australia and its northern neighbours.


St John Ambulance will visit our school on 18th May to deliver free First Aid

in Schools training to our students. Through the First Aid in Schools program,

trained St John presenters lead students from PLC 4 through tailored sessions

on the importance of First Aid and what to do in the event of an emergency.

Our students will learn about how to identify when there is an emergency,

keeping themselves safe, and how to call for an ambulance.

A reminder - with important assessment time coming up, it is essential

that students bring their iPads fully charged every day and arrive at school on

time and ready to do their best.

We have lots of sports coming up too with swimming from Monday 21st May to Friday 25

th May

and the athletics carnival on Wednesday 13th

June. Please ensure students have appropriate attire/

equipment for these events and return any athletics permission forms that haven’t yet come back to





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News from our Professional Learning Communities


Wow! Week 5 already! Time flies

when you’re having fun! Students

have just finished a very

successful narrative writing unit,

and are now looking forward to

beginning our poetry unit. In the

next few weeks, we will also be

finishing up our geography unit.

We will then begin our new Mass

Media unit.

Congratulations to all our year 5

students on completing all the

NAPLAN tests over the week. In

the upcoming weeks, the year 5

teachers will be completing

assessments, so it is imperative

that students are attending school every day with their iPads fully charged.

Great to see so many amazing IIIPs coming in this week. Please submit them ASAP, as by the

time you are reading this they will be

overdue, except for the exception of 5D.

Lastly, the year 5s are looking forward to

The Travelling Kitchen incursion, which is

happening Tuesday 22nd

May. Students

will hopefully master the art of rolling rice

paper rolls and be able to share their new

knowledge and skills at home.


The year 6 teachers want to remind the year 6 students to display our school values at all times

during the school day. This includes at interschool sports, where we are representing our school.

On the topic of sport, do not forget to sign and hand back the athletics carnival permission note, so students can attend the fun filled day on Wednesday 13

th June.

Currently, the year 6s are completing their first IIIP for term 2. Their source sheets were due to

their teachers on Monday 14th

May and the full IIIP will be due on Monday 21st May. Please

remember, the IIIP takes place of their usual nightly homework, however, we recommend that

they continue to read each night.

High school transition notes were due last Friday, 11th May. If your child has

not returned theirs, please do ASAP so the school can start processing them. If your child is

going to a Private/Independent high school, please send a copy of the acceptance letter to the

school as soon as you receive it. If you have any questions, please see your child’s teacher or

one of the lovely office ladies.




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As our numbers have increased in after school care, we now split into four

different areas each day. They include:-

Community Room

Last week in the community room out focus was on Mothers and Mother’s

Day, with the children making Mother’s Day cards, hand bowls and flowers.

It was great to hear about the love that the children have for their mum and

why their mums are important to them. This week was National Families

Week (15th May to 21s

t May). The children have been making their own

family tree, as well as contributing to our very own OSHC family tree, where

they have put up pictures of their families they have drawn. The children

have also been encouraged to reflect on what their families mean to them.

This has been done via a Vlog, that the children have put together. Using the service iPads, the children

have been interviewing each other and asking the question, “What makes your family important and

special to you?”


On the smart grass, basketball, playground or the soccer pitch/oval, the children have enjoyed time

playing basketball games, footy practice, hula hoops, imaginative play, hurdles, ABC gymnastics and

down ball. Outside the children also enjoyed shadow drawing, where they drew shadows of the trees.

The children are really looking forward to doing this again, when we have more sun. We have also

started taking a box of books outside for the children to enjoy some reading outside.


We have been playing a number of new games with the children this week,

including Noughts and Crosses Bean Bag Toss and Zone Soccer. The children have

also enjoyed a number of their old favourites in the gym, including skittles, pop

up tiggy, golden child and more. On Wednesdays we have also enjoyed

Badminton, provided by Sporting Schools.

Gym Foyer

As well as homework club in the gym foyer, the children have enjoyed paper

folding with origami and making lots of chatter boxes. For Mother’s Day, they

also made cards and pipe cleaner flowers. In cooking, the children spent two

days making, icing and wrapping cupcakes for their mums for Mother’s Day. This

week, the children helped to make the afternoon snack, by making mini pizzas for everyone to enjoy.


For snack of over the last fortnight, the children have enjoyed a range of foods, including, muesli,

yoghurt and fruit salad (very popular in the afternoons), stir-fry noodles, cheesy puffs, pumpkin soup

with garlic bread, steamed dim sims and corn, ravioli and raisin toast as well as our wonderful fruit

platter. We have also been asking parents for recipes to share for afternoon snack, to give children the

opportunity to experience food from different cultures. If you have a snack idea, that you believe our

children will enjoy, please let one of our educators know.




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We are busy planning for our July Vacation Care, so please keep an eye on this space for more details.



Before and after school places are currently in high demand. We put every effort into placing a

child when care is needed, however, casual booked places cannot always be guaranteed. If

you need to make a booking you can text or phone through your bookings to the OSHC

number 0475 973 325, as soon as possible. In the event that we have reached capacity, and a

child comes to after school care without a casual booking, they will be taken over to the office

and a phone call will be made to the emergency contacts listed at the office.


While we understand that family circumstances change constantly, we ask that you contact

OSHC as soon as possible if there are any changes to a booking and your child is not

attending. This will allow for other families to book into after school care, in a timely manner.


We ask families to ensure their OSHC fee payments are kept up to date. If you are having

financial difficulties, please contact the OSHC coordinator to discuss your options.

Community News




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School News

PARENT HELPERS WANTED FOR ATHLETICS The Cambridge athletics carnival is fast approaching on Wednesday 13th June, It is a large event and our teachers work extremely hard to make it a great

day. As the saying goes, many hands make light work. If any parents are available to help our

wonderful teachers on an event, could you please contact Ange in the office.

Time - 9.30am-2.30pm

Venue - VU Athletics Track,

Hoppers Lane, Werribee

Thanking you in advance,

Glenn Sowter and Dain Firman

Dropping Off and Picking Up Students

All parents/carers need to be aware that before and after school is an extremely busy and potentially

dangerous time. Hence, we must take care in ensuring that all drivers and pedestrians act and/or drive


It is important that parents/carers teach their children how to be safe when arriving and leaving the

school grounds. Give yourself plenty of time to find suitable parking once you arrive at school.

Things to remember

Respect local neighbours and their rights to access their driveways.

Please do not stop on the school crossing and/or drive over the crossing whilst the crossing

supervisor or any pedestrian is on the crossing.

Never let your child out of your vehicle unless you’re parked in a designated parking spot.

Ensure that children exit their car onto the footpath.

Never call out to your children from the other side of the road. Walk across the road and meet

your children after school.

When crossing the road, ALWAYS use the school crossing.

Always follow the school crossing supervisor’s instructions.

Please do not park across staff car park entries.

Consider parking away from the school, and walking in a safe manner with your children to



Exiting the car onto the

footpath from a designated

parking spot.

Crossing at the school crossing.


Do not park illegally!




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School News

Our school library will undergo a renovation during the July school holidays. To enable this to

happen, the whole library needs to be packed up. We will start this process on Tuesday, 12th

June and continue throughout the week. A storage pod arrives on Monday 18th June and our

packed library will be stored in the pod. If you can help with this mammoth task at anytime

from 12th -19

th June, please leave your name at the office with Ange.

Beginning 12th June

Library News




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Chess News

Chess Championships 2018

Dear Parents and Carers,

The Cambridge Chess Championships for 2018 will be held on

Tuesday 5th June. Like last year, the competition will be run

by the professionals at Northern Star Chess.

The competition will be an all-day event, open to all interested students. Entry is $20. If a

student is interested in chess, and can play, they are welcome to participate. Students who

perform well at this event will be invited to participate in the zonal qualifier of the Victorian

State Championships, which will be held at Cambridge Primary School in Term 3.

Trophies will be presented to the champions in each year level and the overall winner will have

their name engraved on the perpetual trophy, which is on display in the school foyer. This

student will be known as the Cambridge Chess Champion 2018.

Our students will have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the great game of chess in a

controlled and professional environment.

Students should be aware that the Cambridge Chess Club continues to operate every Monday at

lunch time and entry is free. This is an opportunity for students to practise their craft and learn

new skills.

Entries for the Chess Championship close on Friday 1st June.

Students who are interested in participating need to complete the form below and return it to

the school with payment by the due date.

Yours Sincerely,

David Jarred (chess coordinator)


Cambridge Chess Championships 2018

I give permission for my child ………………………………………………. of Grade ………… to

be involved in the Cambridge Chess Championships 2018 on Tuesday 5th June. Enclosed is the

$20 entry fee. I understand entry is optional.

Parent/Carer signature: __________________________




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Mother’s Day Stall




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Meet Our Staff


This is my second year at Cambridge. I started my teaching journey at

Cambridge, my very first day of being an official teacher was at

Cambridge. I remember getting the call. It was 1st May, I was about to go

into Fantastic Furniture and I was asked if I would like to teach science,

which in my head was the worst possible thing to teach as I was always

horrible at science, but I said politely yes, of course I’ll give it ago. That

day came along and I was so awkward and nervous but all the staff and

students were all so welcoming and Susie gave me my schedule and I did

it. I taught science and I remember thinking is anyone going to check if I

am actually teaching? After that I never looked back. Cambridge became

my favourite school to CRT at. I fell in love with the Cambridge

community and made great friends that encouraged me to apply for a more permanent job. I am so

blessed to teach prep this year. My students are a bunch of smart little cookies and they and the whole

school is making my first, full time year easy.

I have been living in Geelong for the last four years to go to Uni. I lived in three different share houses in

that time. I met my boyfriend in the first house I lived in, which was a house of seven people and I have

been living with him ever since. We moved to Wyndham Vale last year and we live with my dog Lilly,

who is nicknamed Rattus.

I am one of four children. I have two brothers and a sister. I am the second eldest. We grew up on the

Mornington Peninsula. I am a bit of arts and craft nerd. I love to do photography, card making (never

buy cards), painting, scrapbooking and I have recently had a go at calligraphy. As well as being crafty, I

am a surfer. I also love to travel. My favourite trip was teaching in Cambodia. Education has the power to

change the world, my goal is to teach all around the world one day.


I’m an early settler to Hoppers Crossing, having moved

into the area in 1975. I’ve lived here all my life apart

from 7 years living on the Gold Coast with my husband

and two children. I live for my family and love

spending quality time together going to the beach or

fishing. We love good food and mostly look forward

to exploring new places to wine and dine.

I started teaching at Cambridge in 2008 and got stuck

teaching Prep for 7 years straight. I loved moving to

the upper school in 2014, and going on my very first

camp with year 6s to Canberra. It was such an

awesome experience and a place I’d love to visit again,

especially the War Memorial.

I’m often asked about my cultural background; both my parents are Croatian and I speak Croatian

fluently. My husband is Brazilian and his first language is Portuguese. People are always interested to

know how I met a Brazilian man. Well, it was in a very exotic location - Station Place, Werribee at

Florio’s Pasta House! He was a chef and I was a waitress. We’ve been married 22 years!




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Meet Our Staff


I started at Cambridge in 2008 providing release time to

teachers. I have undertaken a variety of roles in my time

here including delivering the Reading Assistance Voucher

Program, taking Art classes, EAL specialist teacher and

Literacy Intervention teacher. Last year I began working

as an MSL (Multisensory Structured Language)

intervention teacher and this year I am providing

intervention as well as instruction in the approach to

Prep-Grade 2 teachers. I love my role as it enables me to

see the powerful impact understanding the system of the

English language has on our students as well as

experiencing the enthusiasm and dedication of our

teachers. I have a passion for literacy and teaching

children the skills they need to be accurate and capable

readers, writers and speakers. MSL sets children up to be

successful on their literacy journey and empowers them

to use language effectively.

My teaching journey began as an English and EAL

secondary teacher before undertaking EAL primary

teacher training. I loved the challenge of guiding students

through their final year of secondary school and now

love experiencing the amazing growth students make in

their first year of primary school.

I have three children aged 11, 7 and 5, who have helped me become well versed in all things NBA (the

play offs are well underway, go Cavs), Fortnite (wonder how long the craze will last) and pretending to

be a puppy or a kitten (you have to grin and bear it). We enjoy getting out and about and Fairy Park

and Scienceworks are favourite destinations. I am very interested in politics, society and what is going

on in our world so enjoy reading articles that keep me informed. I love discussing current events with

my friends and family.

I love working at Cambridge. The students and their families are genuinely lovely and the staff are a

friendly, supportive group of people who do amazing work every day.


I started teaching PE at Seaholme Primary School in 2012. I

stayed there for a year before the PE position at Cambridge

became available. This is now my sixth year at Cambridge

teaching PE. I love being a PE teaching here as our students

are so enthusiastic and ready to learn. In my role, I try to

spark their interest in being active so our they grow up

leading a healthy lifestyle. I am also the union member on

CC and treasurer of our union sub branch.

Apart from work, my family plays a huge part in my life.

Vanessa and I have two beautiful girls - Alice, who is 4, and

Quinn, who is 6 months old. My weekends usually involve

trips to the park, lots of walking, watching the Doggies (not

going well this year) and watching Netflix.




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Community News




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Community News