1 TEACHER’S GUIDE Intercambio de talentos

Number of Words: 2028 LESSON 1 TEACHER’S GUIDE Intercambio de talentos by Barbara Dodson Fountas-Pinnell Level S Realistic Fiction Selection Summary Edward wants to play basketball with his brother, León. The only problem is that Edward is not very good. León needs help with his math or he will fail. Edward is very good at math. The two brothers discover that each has something to offer the other. Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers using the corresponding (discipline) Leveled Readers to photocopy student worksheets from this publication in classroom quantities for instructional use and not for resale. Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Attn: Contracts, Copyrights, and Licensing, 9400 SouthPark Center Loop, Orlando, Florida 32819. Printed in the U.S.A. 978-0-547-32199-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0940 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 If you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited. Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format. Characteristics of the Text Genre • Realistic fiction Text Structure • Third-person narrative • Action takes places over an unspecified time period. Content • Various talents • Teaching others • Brothers helping each other Themes and Ideas • We all have special talents. • Helping other people is the right thing to do. • People should believe in one another. Language and Literary Features • Conversational language, the way children actually talk to one another • Slang or unconventional language Sentence Complexity • A mix of short and complex sentences • Exclamations and questions Vocabulary • Many sports-related and math-related words and terms, such as regateo, aro, cociente, residuo Words • Many multisyllable words, some of them challenging: excluyera, culpable, tranquilizarte Illustrations • Lively, colorful drawings support the text Book and Print Features • Thirteen pages of text; illustrations on most pages • Thought bubble in one illustration © 2006. Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H.

Transcript of 1 TEACHER’S GUIDE Intercambio de talentos

Page 1: 1 TEACHER’S GUIDE Intercambio de talentos

Number of Words: 2028

L E S S O N 1 T E A C H E R ’ S G U I D E

Intercambio de talentosby Barbara Dodson

Fountas-Pinnell Level SRealistic FictionSelection SummaryEdward wants to play basketball with his brother, León. The only problem is that Edward is not very good. León needs help with his math or he will fail. Edward is very good at math. The two brothers discover that each has something to offer the other.

Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers using the corresponding (discipline) Leveled Readers to photocopy student worksheets from this publication in classroom quantities for instructional use and not for resale. Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to Houghton Miffl in Harcourt Publishing Company, Attn: Contracts, Copyrights, and Licensing, 9400 SouthPark Center Loop, Orlando, Florida 32819. Printed in the U.S.A. 978-0-547-32199-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0940 15 14 13 12 11 10 09

If you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Houghton Miffl in Harcourt Publishing Company retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited.

Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format.

Characteristics of the Text Genre • Realistic fi ction

Text Structure • Third-person narrative• Action takes places over an unspecifi ed time period.

Content • Various talents• Teaching others• Brothers helping each other

Themes and Ideas • We all have special talents. • Helping other people is the right thing to do.• People should believe in one another.

Language and Literary Features

• Conversational language, the way children actually talk to one another• Slang or unconventional language

Sentence Complexity • A mix of short and complex sentences• Exclamations and questions

Vocabulary • Many sports-related and math-related words and terms, such as regateo, aro, cociente, residuo

Words • Many multisyllable words, some of them challenging: excluyera, culpable, tranquilizarteIllustrations • Lively, colorful drawings support the text

Book and Print Features • Thirteen pages of text; illustrations on most pages• Thought bubble in one illustration

© 2006. Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H.

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Page 2: 1 TEACHER’S GUIDE Intercambio de talentos

Expand Your Vocabulary

cociente – el número que se obtiene cuando se divide un número entre otro, p. 8

dividendo – en un ejercicio de división, el número que se está dividiendo, p. 8

pachangas – juegos que se arman en el momento, sin planearlo, p. 2

pivote – dar la vuelta de repente, p. 10

residuo – el número que sobra cuando un número no puede dividirse en partes iguales entre otro, p. 8

Intercambio de talentos by Barbara Dodson

Build BackgroundHelp students use their knowledge of a talent they might have to visualize the story. Build interest by asking questions such as the following: ¿Tienen un talento especial? ¿Cuál es? ¿Cómo pueden usar ese talento para ayudar a otra persona? Read the title and author and talk about the illustration on the cover. Note the various illustrations in the story. Tell students that this story is realistic fi ction, so the characters will probably act like real people.

Introduce the TextGuide students through the text, noting important ideas, and helping with unfamiliar language and vocabulary so they can read the text successfully. Here are some suggestions:

Page 2: Explain that this is a story about two brothers who each have a unique talent. Suggested language: Miren la página 2 del libro. Lean el primer párrafo del cuento. Edward no se detuvo para preguntar si podía unirse a la pachanga de baloncesto que estaba jugando León. ¿Cuál creen que podría ser el problema de este cuento?

Pages 3–4: Explain that León doesn’t like excluding his brother, but Edward is not very good at basketball. Explain that León’s friends “habían declarado rotundamente que Edward ya no podría jugar nunca más con ellos.” Ask: ¿Qué signifi ca declarar algo “rotundamente”? León es bueno para el baloncesto. Lean la primera oración del segundo párrafo en la página 4. Ask: ¿Cuál es el talento de Edward?

Page 5: León necesita ayuda en matemáticas. ¿Por qué creen que el texto en la mitad de la página 5 está entre comillas?

Ahora, vuelvan al comienzo del cuento y descubran cómo León y Edward solucionan sus problemas.

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Page 3: 1 TEACHER’S GUIDE Intercambio de talentos

ReadHave students read silently while you listen to individual students read aloud. Support their understanding of the text as needed.

Remind students to use the Summarize Strategy and to pay attention to the important details within the story and describe them in their own words.

Discuss and Revisit the TextPersonal ResponseInvite students to share their personal responses to the book.Suggested language: ¿Cómo usó Edward su talento para ayudar a León? ¿De qué manera León usó sus talentos especiales para darle ánimo a su hermano? ¿Qué creen que los hermanos aprendieron uno del otro al fi nal del cuento?

Ways of ThinkingAs you discuss the text, help students understand these points:

Thinking Within the Text Thinking Beyond the Text Thinking About the Text

• Edward uses his skills at math to help his brother, León. In return, León helps Edward become better at basketball.

• Both brothers use their own individual talent to help each other learn something new.

• Edward and León realize what it means to be a good sibling to one another.

• We all have special talents.

• Helping other people is the right thing to do.

• People should believe in one another.

• The emotions and feelings the brothers have about and towards one another are realistic.

• The language sounds real, the way people talk to one another.

• The illustrations help the reader further understand the emotions felt by the brothers.

© 2006. Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H.

Choices for Further Support• Fluency Invite students to work in partners, choose a passage from the text, and

demonstrate pausing and phrasing during reading. Remind students to pause after punctuation by taking short breaths after commas and stopping after periods and questions marks.

• Comprehension Based on your observations of the students’ reading and discussion, revisit parts of the text to clarify or extend comprehension. Remind students to go back to the text to support their ideas.

• Phonics/Word Work Provide practice as needed with words and word parts, using examples from the text. Remind students that many multisyllable words are formed from shorter words and affi xes, such as the bound morpheme -able. For example, the word culpable on page 3 is made up of the word culpa and the affi x -able. The meaning of the new, longer word is closely related to the meaning of the shorter word. Culpable means “que tiene o siente culpa”.

3Grade 4© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

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Page 4: 1 TEACHER’S GUIDE Intercambio de talentos

Writing about ReadingCritical ThinkingHave students complete the Razonamiento crítico questions on Hoja reproducible 1.8.

RespondingHave students complete the activities at the back of the book, using their Cuaderno del lector. Use the instruction below as needed to reinforce or extend understanding of the comprehension skill.

Target Comprehension SkillStory Structure

Target Comprehension Skill Remind students that the structure of a story is important

in understanding the content of the story. Model how to add details to the Graphic Organizer, using a “Think Aloud” like the one below:

Think Aloud

Los personajes del cuento son Edward y León. Escriban eso en la sección “Personaje(s)”, del cuadro. ¿Cuál es el escenario? Hay varios escenarios distintos en el cuento. Uno es la cancha de baloncesto. Escriban eso en el cuadro. Los personajes y escenarios del cuento ayudan a identifi car el argumento.

Practice the SkillEncourage students to think of another story and explain its structure.

Writing Prompt: Thinking Beyond the TextHave students write a response to the prompt on page 6. Remind them that when they think beyond the text, they use their personal knowledge to reach new understandings.

Assessment Prompts• What will most likely happen when Edward wants to play basketball with León again?

• Which sentences on page 6 show that the brothers have learned to compromise and work together?

• The main purpose of the story is to


4Grade 4© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

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Razonamiento críticoLee y contesta las preguntas.

1. Piensa dentro del texto ¿Qué consejo funciona para jugar

baloncesto o para resolver un problema de matemáticas?

2. Piensa dentro del texto ¿Por qué Eduardo ayudó tan bien a León en


3. Piensa más allá del texto Después de leer el cuento ¿qué crees que

León piensa de Eduardo?

4. Piensa acerca del texto ¿Por qué escogió la autora el título

Intercambio de talentos?

Hacer conexiones Todos tenemos algún talento diferente. Todos también tenemos dificultades en cosas diferentes. ¿En qué eres talentoso? ¿Qué es lo que te cuesta hacer?

Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura.

10Razonamiento crítico© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Lección 1H O J A S R E P R O D U C I B L E S 1 . 8

Grado 4, Unidad 1: Tender una mano

Nombre Fecha

Intercambio de talentosRazonamiento crítico

Lo primero que tienes que hacer es tranquilizarte y concentrarte.

Eduardo le enseñó a León diferentes formas de ver un problema de

matemáticas. También lo desa� ó dándole problemas más difíciles y lo


León realmente aprecia a Eduardo. León quería invitar a Eduardo al

juego de baloncesto aunque los amigos de León no querían. León

prestó atención a Eduardo cuando él le ayudó en matemáticas.

Intercambio de talentos es la idea principal del cuento. Eduardo y León

eran talentosos en cosas diferentes. Al compartir sus talentos, cada uno

mejoró en lo que no eran buenos.

Respuestas posibles.

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Responder Estructura del cuento ¿Cuál

es el argumento de Intercambio de talentos? ¿Cuál es el escenario? Copia y completa el siguiente cuadro.

¡A escribir!El texto y tú Escribe una descripción de un talento especial que admiras en un amigo o familiar. Usa detalles vívidos que muestren en qué consiste el talento especial.





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5Grade 4© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Lesson 1: Intercambio de talentos

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Nombre Fecha

Intercambio de talentosPensar más allá del texto

Piensa en las siguientes preguntas. Después, escribe tu respuesta en uno o dos párrafos.

Recuerda que cuando piensas más allá del texto, usas tu conocimiento personal para comprender las cosas de un modo nuevo.

En este cuento, León y Edward aprendieron varias cosas importantes sobre el otro. También aprendieron algunas lecciones. ¿Qué lecciones crees que aprendieron? ¿Cómo piensas que esas lecciones los ayudarán en el futuro? Apoyen sus ideas con ejemplos del cuento.

6Grade 4© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

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Razonamiento críticoLee y contesta las preguntas.

1. Piensa dentro del texto ¿Qué consejo funciona para jugar

baloncesto o para resolver un problema de matemáticas?

2. Piensa dentro del texto ¿Por qué Eduardo ayudó tan bien a León en


3. Piensa más allá del texto Después de leer el cuento ¿qué crees que

León piensa de Eduardo?

4. Piensa acerca del texto ¿Por qué escogió la autora el título

Intercambio de talentos?

Hacer conexiones Todos tenemos algún talento diferente. Todos también tenemos dificultades en cosas diferentes. ¿En qué eres talentoso? ¿Qué es lo que te cuesta hacer?

Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura.

Nombre Fecha

Lesson 1: Intercambio de talentos7© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Grade 4

Lección 1H O J A S R E P R O D U C I B L E S 1 . 8

Intercambio de talentosRazonamiento crítico

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Estudiante Fecha Lección 1

H O J A S R E P R O D U C I B L E S 1 . 1 1

Intercambio de talentos • NIVEL S Intercambio de talentosRegistro de lectura

Behavior Code Error

Read word correctly ✓lobo 0

Repeated word, sentence, or phrase



Omission lobo 1

Behavior Code Error

Substitution lodolobo 1

Self-corrects lodo sclobo 0

Insertion el

lobo 1

Word told Tlobo 1

page Selection Text Errors Self-Corrections

5 Unos días después, el maestro de matemática de León, el

Sr. Cox, lo llamó aparte. —Debes mejorar tu desempeño,

mejorar mucho, o no aprobarás esta clase —le dijo a León—.

Pronto habrá una prueba importante, y si no sacas una buena

nota no vas a poder pasar la materia.

León sintió que se le caía el alma a los pies. Deseaba ser

tan bueno como su hermano para la matemática. Estaba tan

preocupado que no le apetecía jugar al baloncesto esa tarde.

Al entrar a su apartamento, pudo ver a Eduardo que hacía la

tarea en la mesa de la cocina. Eduardo no lo miró.

Comments: Accuracy Rate (# words read correctly/105 ×



Total Self-Corrections

Lesson 1: Intercambio de talentos8© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Grade 4

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