1. Sponsored by... 2 Welcome to the Youth Ministry Technology Room! 3.

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Welcome to the Youth Ministry Technology Room! 3

Transcript of 1. Sponsored by... 2 Welcome to the Youth Ministry Technology Room! 3.

1 Sponsored by... 2 Welcome to the Youth Ministry Technology Room! 3 4 Overview of today A wareness A ssessment A ction *schedule modification 5 The Back Channel Twitter tag: #nccym2010 Adobe connect How did you first hear the music? 6 Lets find out about you Ministry Setting? Current knowledge & skill level using technology in ministry? Hoped-for outcome? Hot topics hoping to discuss today? 7 Im scared to death of technology! I am a tech junkie and want to learn more! Why are you here? 8 MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS Who are you and where are you from? What kind of ministry do you do on behalf of the church? Where did you place yourself on that spectrum and why? What is one outcome you hope will come from this workshop? 9 HOW DO YOU USE TECHNOLOGY IN YOUTH MINISTRY NOW? 10 11 INSERT Did You Know 4.0 Video Here. The state of the web How has the web developed? 1969: DARPA (Defense Advance Research Projects Agency) strung together five computers known as ARPANET. 1980s: Consumer usefulness of internet was just beginning with bulletin boards, : Tim Berners-Lee introduced WWW and laid foundation of hyperlinked documents via the web browser. 1995: Internet Bubble and the challenge of early adopters 2002: Web 2.0 term first used 12 Web 1.0 The World Wide Web 13 Web 2.0 The Social Web The state of the web The Three C s of Web 2.0 Collaboration, contribution, and community are the order of the day and there is a sense in which some think that a new 'social fabric' is being constructed before our eyes. What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for educationb2.aspx 14 Today 1.5 BILLION USERS 15 16 THE FUTURE OF THE WEB State of the Web 17 The church should not hesitate to engage the modern digital technologies which can be vehicles for communicating. It is our sacred duty, however, to ensure that our communication mirrors Gods creative love. 18 what the church says Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth) What the church says Because it is so different from mass media and mass communication, social media is creating a new culture on this Digital Continent. Young people use it as their first point of reference.... The implications of that for a church which is struggling to get those same young people to enter our churches on Sunday are staggering. If the church is not on their mobile device, it doesnt exist. The Church does not have to change its teachings to reach young people, but we must deliver it to them in a new way. (The Bishops on Social Media) 19 Say It Out Loud! 20 theGregCast.com GregCasting 101 Stay in Touch with the Times Its ALL About the Message (of Hope) Its ALL About the Connection (w/ Christ) Its ALL About the Audience (Gods People) 21 YouTube.com/gtministry GregCasting 101 Stay Away From Too Much Glitz! Its NOT About Special Effects! Its NOT About the Perfect Song! Its NOT About the Hits! 22 gtministry.org GregCasting 101 You Need a Computer and a Camera! You Need Some Basic Audio or Video Making Software! You Need About Two Hours... Plan on at least 30 minutes of creative prep for each minute of video! You Need the Spirit! 23 Break Time Name one thing you want to take away from this first section on awareness and tweet it. #nccym So, what are some of the challenges that technology presents youth ministry? What are the benefits/opportunities? SO, WHAT ARE SOME OF THE CHALLENGES THAT TECHNOLOGY PRESENTS YOUTH MINISTRY? WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS/opportunities? 25 Intentionality: Creating a Vision Within a Vision Why do we as youth ministry leaders want to use technology? Accessibility Administration Cost Communication Community Building Outreach Popularity 26 The Vision and the Mission How will our use of technology further the goals of youth ministry and the mission of the Church? 27 As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard. Acts 4:20 Read more here Intentionality: Consulting Wisdom Are there policies/guidelines regarding technology use and youth protection that should be consulted? Parish Diocesan National 28 29 Be Intentional: Create a Plan Who is your audience? What do you hope to communicate? What technology tools does your audience already use? What technology tools do you want to use? Making technology work together Who is your audience? Youth Volunteers Parents Priests Donors Pastoral Staff Others? 30 What do you want to communicate? Information Out (Web 1.0) Youth Programming/Events Volunteer Opportunities Affirmations/congratulations Information In (Web 2.0) Evaluation of programs/surveys Connecting with young people 31 What are they already using? Start where you are: What types of tools are they using? What programs are they using? What do parents think? What are you comfortable with? What best suits your ministry needs right now? 32 What technology tools do you want to use? 33 Blogging Microblogging Social Networking Media Sharing Direct Communication Other Tools 34 Blogging Microblogging Social Networking Media Sharing Direct Communication Other Tools Blogs (from web-log): websites or portions of a website with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other materials such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. adapted from WikipediaWhat technology tools do you want to use? 35 CASE STUDY: Parent Portal Blog onallows for easy posting of 10 minute read articles related to parenting, youth culture, current topics at youth night, etc.TIP: If youre looking to create a basic website for your parish youth ministry but you dont have a lot of time, skill or financial resources, a free blog from blogspot or wordpress is a great way to get started sharing information! 36 Microblogging a broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically much smaller, in both actual size and aggregate file size. A microblog entry could consist of nothing but a short sentence fragment, an image or embedded video. adapted from Wikipedia 37 CASE STUDY: During NCYC 2009 we used a twitter account to keep parents and supporters back home updated on what we were doing in Columbus. We also used twitter to send our participants reflection questions and reminders about bus pick up times & curfew. TIP: Twitter is a great way to send short bursts of timely information (e.g., youth night has been cancelled for tonight because Chris is in New Orleans.See you next weekend!) 38 Social Networking an online service focused on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people who share interests and/or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. adapted from Wikipedia 39 CASE STUDY: This year our Youth Leader Team used Facebook to create an event listing for our annual youth ministry kickoff cookout event. They invited their friends and they were able to see who was planning to come in advance. TIP: You dont have to be the Social Networking expert. Creating and maintaining a Facebook or Myspace presence is a great project for a young leader or group of young leaders, as long as they have appropriate adult guidance. 40 Media Sharing Sites which make it easy to upload and share media such as video, pictures, sound clips, etc. 41 CASE STUDY: Wingclips has a free library of video clips which you can search by topic. For example, if youre looking for a clip on status, Wingclips will suggest clips from movies like Mr. Deeds and Rudy TIP: If youre going to use a clip from the internet in a presentation you can try using a site liketo download it to your computer. This way you dont have to rely on an internet connection. Just be aware of copyright limitations. 42 Direct Communication refers to targeted communication to or with specific users or groups of users (e.g.,, text messaging, etc.) Sms Gateway 43 CASE STUDY: We use SMS Gateways to send text message reminders to students every week. We also use this service to send cancelation notices and other short pieces of information. TIP: Sometimes you have to send more than you can fit in a txt message. Be sure to follow up importantmessages with a txt message reminder to students to check theiraccounts! 44 Website Creation Collaboration Tools CommunicationStaying Current What technology tools do you want to use? 45 Blogging Microblogging Social Networking Media Sharing Direct Communication Other Tools Multiple Tools: One Mission Using the tools in one cohesive effort 46 47 Best Practices Reflection Having heard the possibilities, what are your next steps in using technology in ministry? Whose support and assessment will you need? What youth ministry needs might technology assist you with right now? 48 advocacy Advocacy is Convincing leadership? We knew it, bishops echoed it. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 49 Where they are Using research U.S. Mobile Report: Calling Yesterday. Texting Today, Using Apps Tomorrow (Oct 2010) U.S. Mobile Report: Calling Yesterday. Texting Today, Using Apps Tomorrow How Teens Watch Use Media: The Future (of Media) is in their Hands (June 2010) How Teens Watch Use Media: The Future (of Media) is in their Hands A Pocket Guide to Social Media and Kids (Nov 2009) A Pocket Guide to Social Media and Kids Advocate for a parish-wide (or diocesan-wide) plan through youth ministry plan 51 Message from Pope benedict xvi "The new communications media, if adequately understood and exploited, can offer priests and all pastoral care workers a wealth of data which was difficult to access before, and facilitate forms of collaboration and increased communion that were previously unthinkable. If wisely used, with the help of experts in technology and the communications culture, the new media can becomefor priests and for all pastoral care workersa valid and effective instrument for authentic and profound evangelization and communion." 52 Liability issues What are the issues? What are the risks? Identify and overcome obstacles. Find allies. 53 Liability Issues with Technology Basic Principles Prudent Reasonable Transparent 54 Liability Issues with Technology Best Practices Authentic Relationships Primacy of Parents Facebook Administration of Tools Photo consent 55 Ongoing evaluation Frequency for reviewing/updating plan Criteria for evaluating the plan 56 Q & A 57 Additional resources 58