1 SIMAURIF, The integrated land use – transportation model for the Paris Region André de Palma,...

1 SIMAURIF, The integrated land use – transportation model for the Paris Region André de Palma, University of Cergy-Pontoise and ENPC, FR. Kiarash Motamedi, UCP, FR. Hakim Ouaras, UCP, FR. Nathalie Picard, UCP and INED, FR. ETH, Zurich, March 18 th , 2008

Transcript of 1 SIMAURIF, The integrated land use – transportation model for the Paris Region André de Palma,...

Page 1: 1 SIMAURIF, The integrated land use – transportation model for the Paris Region André de Palma, University of Cergy-Pontoise and ENPC, FR. Kiarash Motamedi,


SIMAURIF, The integrated land use – transportation model for the

Paris Region André de Palma, University of Cergy-Pontoise and ENPC, FR.

Kiarash Motamedi, UCP, FR.Hakim Ouaras, UCP, FR.

Nathalie Picard, UCP and INED, FR.

ETH, Zurich, March 18th, 2008

Page 2: 1 SIMAURIF, The integrated land use – transportation model for the Paris Region André de Palma, University of Cergy-Pontoise and ENPC, FR. Kiarash Motamedi,


Sponsors PREDIT: Interministerial land transport

research and innovation program. DREIF: State department of transportation for Ile-de-

France. RFF : Railway Network of France.

Other partners Dany Nguyen-Luong, IAURIF, FR. José Moyano, adpC, BE. With kind help of Professor Paul Waddell and CUSPA team

Page 3: 1 SIMAURIF, The integrated land use – transportation model for the Paris Region André de Palma, University of Cergy-Pontoise and ENPC, FR. Kiarash Motamedi,


Paris Region KEY FIGURESKEY FIGURES (in 1999)

12 000 km2

11 millions inhabitants (2 millions in Paris)

4.5 millions households 5 millions jobs 4.9 millions housings

2000 km Highways and Freeways

1380 km Railway & Light rail network, 890 stations

35 160 000 trips/day ; +1%/Year

Modes share : 20% Public

Transport, 44% Private Cars 36% Walk and bikes

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Administrative divisions

•3 Rings

•8 Districts

•1300 Cities (Communes)



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Geographical units:Parcels (Communes, Îlots) and Cells


Homogenuous residential parcel modified for each census

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General Census (RGP) (1990 & 1999)

Regional Transportation Survey (EGT) (1976, 1983, 1991 & 2001)

Regional Employment Survey (ERE) (1997 & 2001)

EVOLUMOS : numerical land use database (1982, 1990, 1994 & 1999) – but not cadastre, no floor space.

Family Budget Survey (2000)

Income imputation.

Other sources : notaries’ Database, UNEDIC, firms, retail, local land use plans databases, …

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Real estate prices data

Land price vs. dwelling and office prices Notaries data : average price and the number of

transactions for dwellings reported at commune level (1990-2003; Houses/appart; new/old).

Data from Cote Callon : average price for sale or rent per m² and for dwelling and offices in ~300 communes with more than 5000 inhab. (1998, 2001)

Correlation (Notaries/Callon) is from 71% to 84% for the appartments, from 53% to 74% for houses.

Correlation between sale price and rent for appartments : 58% if it is old, 82% for the new one. Respectively 59% and 50% for houses.

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Model of office prices

Hedonic model :

By property type : old (renovated / non-renovated) / new House / Appartment

Price interval : Min / Max Price for one square meter ~300 observations, R² between 75% & 81%.



k kc c c c c


Ln Cte X Cte X

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Model of office prices (2)CLPBAnMin




Constant 6,0495 6,5305 7,0950 7,5246 7,3043  (55,44) (53,29) (67,67) (75,09) (74,09)

Paris 0,2181 0,0959 0,2740 -0,0160 0,0783  (1,69) (0,66) (2,21) (-0,14) (0,67)

La Défense 0,4602 0,4773 0,4709 0,5165 0,4920  (3,95) (3,65) (4,20) (4,83) (4,67)

Employment Density 0,0071 0,0076 0,0081 0,0106 0,0094  (2,93) (2,77) (3,44) (4,74) (4,27)

Fraction of service (6) 0,5228 0,6913 0,4396 0,5905 0,5769 in employmentf (3,61) (4,25) (3,16) (4,44) (4,41)

Fraction of low income HH -0,6299 -0,5885 -0,6458 -0,7841 -0,7085  (-3,25) (-2,70) (-3,46) (-4,40) (-4,04)

Average age of dwellings 0,0076 0,0084 0,0083 0,0093 0,0092  (4,63) (4,58) (5,31) (6,20) (6,26)

Number of subway stations 0,0182 0,0190 0,0152 0,0188 0,0173  (3,04) (2,82) (2,64) (3,41) (3,18)

Travel time PT -0,0330 -0,0311 -0,0383 -0,0347 -0,0257  (-1,47) (-1,23) (-1,77) (-1,68) (-1,26)

Travel time car -0,3957 -0,2870 -0,3305 -0,3697 -0,3775  (-5,09) (-3,29) (-4,43) (-5,18) (-5,38)

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Residential location model

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The origin of movers









Out 75 92 94 93 78 91 95 77 Out 75 92 94 93 78 91 95 77 Out 75 92 94 93 78 91 95 77 Out 75 92 94 93 78 91 95 77 Out 75 92 94 93 78 91 95 77 Out 75 92 94 93 78 91 95 77 Out 75 92 94 93 78 91 95 77 Out 75 92 94 93 78 91 95 77

75 92 94 93 78 91 95 77

Paris Close Suburbs Far Suburbs

Origin countiesResidence counties

Paris / Close Suburbs / Far Suburbs








Current District

Origin districtTotal 

Outside Paris C. S. F. S.

Paris 42.9% 37.1% 10.1% 10.00% 30.68%

Close Suburbs 29.5% 10.9% 49.8% 9.7% 35.15%

Far Suburbs 24.8% 4.6% 11.9% 58.7% 34.17%

Region 32.01% 16.79% 24.66% 26.53% 100,00%

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Spatial disparity

Sub-region District Average St Dev Minimum Maximum

Paris 75 294,500 16,5241 83,939 694,375

Close Suburbs (small ring)

92 (West) 247,556 20,5038 66,966 1,198,950

93 (North) 115,709 49,055 47,876 259,163

94 (South) 144,098 74,603 53,356 373,499

Far away suburbs

(large ring)

78 (West) 135,122 65,714 38,112 373,815

91 (South) 114,826 46,740 24,719 332,338

95 (North) 104,375 41,670 25,154 241,692

77 (East) 91,539 37,220 18,028 253,827

Low income families: 26% for 78, 41% for 93

High income families: 38% for 78, 26% for 93

Single households: 51% for Paris

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Some points

Location choice model: Multinomial vs. Nested (district then city)

Use of a nested Logit model: move commune infra commune (Ilots, Cells)

Using notaries’ data of mean transaction prices.

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Location / Dwelling price model

Location choice model Individual i=1…N, alternative j=1..J Random utility model :



ijii i i

j jij j ij







Expected demand :jji



1 2 3j j j jj X SP D • Price model :

• Price endogenous , 0 0jijCorr


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Dwelling price results (R²=0.53)

Parameter StandardVariable estimate error t-statistic p-valueIntercept 11.02668 0.12800 86.14 <.0001Log(Supply) -0.04791 0.02466 -1.94 0.0522Log(Demand) 0.09918 0.02244 4.42 <.0001Average travel time -0.00280 0.00085 -3.28 0.0011from j to work (minutes)

• Expected signs for Supply and demand but not exactly opposed• Negative effect of travel time to work places as expected

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Dwelling price results (ctn’d)

Parameter StandardVariable estimate Error t-student p-value% households with 1 member 5.09136 0.37884 13.44 <.0001 with 2 members 1.87960 0.34135 5.51 <.0001 with no working member 1.25241 0.30954 4.05 <.0001 with 1 working member 0.82300 0.33762 2.44 0.0149% poor households -6.63187 0.50316 -13.18 <.0001% households with medium income -4.54311 0.33102 -13.72 <.0001 with a foreign head 1.58406 0.36279 4.37 <.0001

Noticeable effect of the presence of smaller families. Negative effect of the presence of low and medium income families. Presence of foreign families increase the prices may be because of no

distinction between foreigners’ origin (OECD countries or Developing ones)

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Residential Location choice results (PseudoR²=0.22)

Parameter StandardVariable Estimate Error t Value p-valueLog(Price) Residual 0.0360 0.0336 1.07 0.2846Same district as before move 2.5461 0.009353 272.24 <.0001Paris -0.2988 0.0267 -11.19 <.0001Log(Price) -1.7285 0.1009 -17.14 <.0001Log(Price)* (Age-20)/10 -0.0653 0.004695 -13.92 <.0001Log(Price)* Log(Income) 0.1783 0.0100 17.7 <.0001

• No endogeneity problem between location choice and housings’ price• A strong preference to move in the same district• Ceteris paribus, a less preference for Paris (but Paris offers a better accessibility)• Negative effect of price but less important for younger and richer families. The young rich families may prefer more expensive locations

No price endogeneity problem

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Location choice results (ctn’d)Parameter Standard

Variable Estimate Error t Value p value___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number Railway stations -0.0129 0.002838 -4.56 <.0001Number Subway stations 0.007070 0.001300 5.44 <.0001Average travel time from j, 0.000561 0.000483 1.16 0.2457commuting (TC)TC*(Dummy female) -0.006842 0.000697 -9.82 <.0001Average travel time from j, -0.001391 0.000481 -2.89 0.0038by private car (VP)Distance to highway [km] -0.003392 6.273E-7 -5.41 <.0001

• Preference for more subway stations and, ceteris paribus, less railway stations (may be because of noise, pollution or congestion).• The men indifferent to transit travel time but the female headed famillies are sensitive.• Preference for a less average travel time to jobs by car.• Places farther than highways are more appreciated (with the same accessibility)

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Location choice results (ctn’d)Parameter Standard

Variable Estimate Error t Value p value___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

% households with 1 member * 1 member in h * 2.6327 0.0851 30.95 <.0001 2 members* 2 members in h * 0.9366 0.3060 3.06 0.0022 3+ members* 3+ member in h * 3.2437 0.0810 40.03 <.0001 no working member * no working member in h * 6.1790 0.2287 27.02 <.0001 1 working member * 1 working member in h * 0.3384 0.1455 2.33 0.0201 2+ working member * 2+ working member in h * 0.7132 0.1078 6.61 <.0001%

• A global preference to live with the people in the same category which is more strong for smaller families. Families with no worker (retired or unemployed persons prefer respectively the same categories)._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

* : % hh in relevant category in the alternative * Dummy hh in relevant category

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Location choice results (ctn’d)

Parameter StandardVariable estimate error t student p value% households with a young head* -0.0147 0.1335 -0.11 0.9122 young head * young head in h* 4.7947 0.1351 35.50 <.0001% poor households* 0.3853 0.1706 2.26 0.0240% households with a foreign head * foreign head in h* 6.2094 0.1622 38.28 <.0001 foreign head * French head in h* -2.7905 0.1007 -27.70 <.0001

The young households move prefer to live with the young. The coefficient for the percentage of poor households is positive. It may present that poorer places are more populated. The foreign people live mostly together and the french families show less interest to live where there is more foreigners.


* : % hh in relevant category in the alternative * Dummy hh in relevant category

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Capacity constrained location choice

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Employment location choice

Employment sectors1. Agriculture2. Industry3. Energy, construction and commerce4. Transportation5. Financial and Real Estate services6. Service7. Education8. Administration

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Data source: ERE

Exhaustive business establishments database (1997,2001) Activity sector Employments number by gender Located at commune level Location of some establishments at cell level for 2001:

located fraction depends on size and location of establishment.

Problems Errors or modifications in establishments coding Difficult identification of complex establishments particularly in

public sector (eg : hospitals, schools) Difference between employer address and real job location

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Data preparation

Three data bases: ERE 1997, ERE 2001 & Geolocalized ERE have been joined

ERE 2001 is used as pivot and an official establishment identifier (SIRET) was the matching variable. If there was any problem in SIRET, we used address and number of employees to match establishments

SIRENE database was not available for us. This database provides creation and closure dates.

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Sources for employment number variation

1. Creation of new establishments given by classes of: Activity sector Size Location

2. Destruction of establishments

3. Relocation of existing establishments: Destruction then creation

Sector and size of the initial establishment Location choice

4. Variation of the number of employees in a non moving establishment

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Created and destructed establishments



Absent Present Total

Absent ND Creation Creation

Present Destruction Stable Total97

Total Destruction Total01 Total

Creation rate = 120 428 / 292 863 = 41.12% Destruction rate = 112 177 / 284 612 = 39.48%

120 428

112 177 172 435

120 428

284 612

112 177 292 863 405 040



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Size of created and destructed establishments








Tot=1 1<Tot<=3 3<Tot<=9 9<Tot<=49 49<TotClasses d'effectif




Etablissements créés

Etablissements détruits

Emplois dans établissements créés

Emplois dans établissements détruits

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Establishments' evolution by size class

  Tot=1 1<Tot<=3 3<Tot<=9 9<Tot<=49 50<Tot Somme

Disapeared 27% 30% 27% 13% 3% 100%

Created 26% 29% 27% 15% 4% 100%

Not displaced Size en 1997

Size 2001↓ Tot=1 1<Tot<=3 3<Tot<=9 9<Tot<=49 50<Tot Sum

Tot=1 11,4% 3,7% 0,6% 0,1% 0,0% 15,8%

1<Tot<=3 3,8% 16,8% 4,8% 0,2% 0,0% 25,6%

3<Tot<=9 0,7% 5,7% 24,4% 2,3% 0,1% 33,1%

9<Tot<=49 0,1% 0,3% 3,5% 14,8% 0,5% 19,2%

49<Tot 0,0% 0,0% 0,1% 1,0% 5,2% 6,3%

Sum 16,0% 26,5% 33,3% 18,4% 5,8% 100,0%

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Variation of establishments' size

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Jobs, establishments & firms

Estimation of establishments' location choice: 1 model per sector Discret predictors for establishment size Weighting in location model at job level

All the employments of an establishment are located at a same place Better geographical distribution of employments Better model for agglomeration of empoyments

Implementation in UrbanSim : Building types can be used to limit the alternatives for

very grand firms

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Establishment disappearance model

Binary Probit to compute the probability to disappear

Establishment age is an important missing data All sectors together, R²=75,9%

Sect. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

R2 69,4% 87,8% 22,8% 99,8% 80,2% 45,1% 85,5% 98,8%


2240 10140 38854 3790 6681 39517 6065





53694 4955






, (0,1)

Pr( ) Pr( 0) Pr( ) ( )

e s c s e e e

e e s c s e s c s e


e E DU X Y F X Y

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Sector 2 3 6 All togetherConstant -7,854 0,031 0,708 -2,585  (-22,66) (0,12) (2,86) (-20,24)Workforce = 2 -0,382 -0,364 -0,374 -0,393  (-8,11) (-19,32) (-20,53) (-35,67)Workforce between 3 & 5 -0,698 -0,669 -0,616 -0,671  (-15,56) (-36,92) (-35,04) (-63,35)Workforce between 3 & 5 -0,075 -0,126 -0,080 -0,104Gradient (-4,48) (-15,93) (-9,80) (-21,41)Workforce between 6 & 9 -0,863 -0,912 -0,773 -0,887  (-19,67) (-49,63) (-43,22) (-83,18)Workforce between 6 & 9 -0,008 -0,013 -0,068 -0,027Gradient (-0,78) (-2,30) (-11,68) (-8,05)Workforce between 10 & 19 -1,001 -0,849 -0,816 -0,913  (-23,20) (-45,09) (-44,84) (-85,06)Workforce between 10 & 19 0,008 -0,020 -0,005 -0,003Gradient (2,25) (-8,86) (-2,05) (-2,64)Workforce between 20 & 49 -0,958 -0,944 -0,764 -0,888  (-23,10) (-52,70) (-45,39) (-88,46)Workforce between 20 & 49 -0,010 -0,003 0,001 -0,005Gradient (-12,07) (-4,38) (2,58) (-15,00)

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Establishment workforce evolution

Low R2 for prediction of evolution, but the explanatory power is not less than the prediction of final workforce that gives better R2

Extreme cases are ignored: establishments with a very grand workforce (Workforce >1000) or a very grand evolutions (Rel. Var. > 20 or Rel. Var. < 0,99)

Sector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8All


R2 8,03% 6,08% 6,84% 7,53% 4,81% 4,95% 2,45% 5,74% 5,22%

N Obs 3 62214 427

53 663

4 921 11 740

55 012

18 846

9 469 171 700



97 inf, ,( ) * * *( ) *e

es s t t s t t e t s c

t T t T

Ln Cte I I X

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Sector 3 5 7 All togetherConstant 0,25868 0,23728 0,07576 0,20578  (6,84) (2,25) (1,30) (8,99)Workforce = 2 -0,23903 -0,18787 -0,15593 -0,21347  (-32,39) (-11,28) (-14,27) (-49,61)Workforce between 3 & 5 -0,30761 -0,21164 -0,15648 -0,27100  (-41,32) (-13,00) (-11,93) (-61,32)Workforce between 3 & 5 -0,02466 -0,03300 0,01906 -0,01704Gradient (-5,50) (-3,29) (1,84) (-6,07)Workforce between 6 & 9 -0,36392 -0,26458 -0,10667 -0,30946  (-40,72) (-14,13) (-6,16) (-57,99)Workforce between 6 & 9 -0,00335 -0,01517 -0,02436 -0,00560Gradient (-0,79) (-1,66) (-2,72) (-2,19)Workforce between 10 & 19 -0,37583 -0,29910 -0,16103 -0,31840  (-44,37) (-17,55) (-13,14) (-66,89)Workforce between 20 & 49 -0,37630 -0,31849 -0,13976 -0,30662  (-27,11) (-10,70) (-7,76) (-40,81)Workforce between 20 & 49 0,00124 -0,00068 -0,00177 -0,00099Gradient (1,30) (-0,33) (-1,56) (-2,02)

Establishment workforce evolution

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Sector 3 5 7 All togetherWorkforce between 50 & 99 -0,36444 -0,29414 -0,17020 -0,31904  (-22,29) (-9,70) (-11,48) (-40,98)

Workforce more than 100 -0,46207 -0,30054 -0,14200 -0,35091  (-20,22) (-8,55) (-7,57) (-35,98)

Workforce more than 100 -0,00015 -0,00023 -0,00015 -0,00016Gradient (-1,32) (-1,48) (-1,85) (-3,93)

Number of railway stations -0,00450 -0,00225 -0,00086 -0,00165SNCF et RER (-3,55) (-0,83) (-0,42) (-2,27)

Average travel time -0,00991 0,00083 0,00277 -0,00659PT (Hour) DREIF (-2,35) (0,08) (0,47) (-2,59)

Average travel time -0,03845 -0,05972 -0,02271 -0,01044PV (Hour) DREIF (-1,57) (-0,93) (-0,54) (-0,70)Employment zone density -7,63059 -9,98476 -5,28097 -5,933701997 (Emp/m2) (-3,49) (-1,78) (-1,45) (-4,37)

Number of employments in 0,00498 0,00581 -0,00037 0,00248commune sector 3 (thousands) (4,85) (2,82) (-0,21) (4,25)

Number of employments in -0,00136 -0,00295 -0,00095 -0,00141commune sector 5 (thousands) (-2,01) (-2,34) (-0,78) (-3,81)

Establishment workforce evolution

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Location choice model: method and size effects

Multinomial Logit to choose a job place where all the job places in a commune have the same utility. The present number of employments used as proxy for number of job places.

'' 1



i I hii




' ' '' 1 ' in ' ' 1

exp exp log.

exp log

h hk k k kh h

k k i K Kh hi k kk i k k




Sector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Nb Observations 1 945 8 343 41 465 41 465 7 150 46 666 6 083 4 395 Adjusted Estrella 32,4% 28,7% 20,4% 20,4% 24,1% 14,0% 21,0% 15,7%Aldrich-Nelson 29,0% 25,1% 18,3% 18,3% 21,7% 13,1% 19,4% 15,3%McFadden's LRI 8,9% 7,3% 4,9% 4,9% 6,0% 3,3% 5,2% 3,9%Veall-Zimmermann 35,3% 30,6% 22,3% 22,3% 26,5% 15,9% 23,6% 18,6%

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Sector 2 3 4 5 6Paris   0,1442 0,1442        (2,41) (2,41)    Commune neighbouring Paris -0,1041 -0,1429 -0,1429 -0,0111 0,0162  (-1,81) (-5,91) (-5,91) (-0,17) (0,56)La défense   -0,2045 -0,2045 -0,0157 -0,2604    (-4,28) (-4,28) (-0,15) (-5,83)New city -0,1498 -0,1412 -0,1412 -0,0294 -0,1244  (-2,39) (-5,02) (-5,02) (-0,37) (-4,03)Population of commune in 99   0,0036 0,0036 0,0040 0,0035(thausands)   (14,15) (14,15) (7,06) (12,19)Pop Density of commune in 99 16,0993       0,8235(Pers./m2) (5,68)       (0,60)% high income households   1,7098 1,7098 3,5395 3,1164    (7,66) (7,66) (5,77) (13,61)% low income households 0,7297 3,1969 3,1969 2,6617 2,7578  (2,29) (11,43) (11,43) (3,18) (9,09)

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Sector 2 3 4 5 6

% hh with age of head 5,5359 0,6003 0,6003 -3,0029 -0,1676between 35 & 65 (5,24) (2,99) (2,99) (-5,01) (-0,82)

% hh with age of head 2,9331 0,5987 0,5987 1,4412 1,6658Less than 35 (3,86) (3,28) (3,28) (3,17) (8,78)

Travel time PT -0,0340 -0,0287(hour) (-1,17) (-2,16)

Travel time PC -0,6766 -0,6766 -0,3889 -0,3537(hour) (-10,04) (-10,04) (-2,02) (-4,55)

Number of subway stations 0,0243 0,0107 -0,0038

(5,04) (1,91) (-1,59)

Number of train stations 0,0104 0,0104 0,0212 0,0145

(2,94) (2,94) (2,31) (4,32)

Logarithm of offices’ price 0,2678 0,2116 0,3382

(3,03) (2,22) (9,44)

% socio-professional cat. 3 -1,5292 -1,5292 -0,9018Cadres (-11,93) (-11,93) (-7,64)

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Sector 2 3 4 5 6Log of the total employment -1,0496 -1,0321 -1,0321 -1,0252 -0,9684number (-9,44) (-26,92) (-26,92) (-9,01) (-25,70)Log of the employment number 0,0656 0,0400 0,0400 0,0731 0,0706secteur 1 (2,97) (4,08) (4,08) (2,49) (6,78)Log of the employment number 0,2102 0,0638 0,0638 0,0613 0,0487secteur 2 (7,81) (7,82) (7,82) (2,76) (4,96)Log of the employment number 0,3985 0,4587 0,4587 0,0758 0,1864secteur 3 (8,54) (27,19) (27,19) (1,45) (9,72)Log of the employment number -0,0353 -0,0127 -0,0127secteur 4 (-2,10) (-1,78) (-1,78)Log of the employment number 0,0150 0,0150 0,2472 0,0780secteur 5 (1,65) (1,65) (9,56) (8,04)Log of the employment number 0,1454 0,1303 0,1303 0,1105 0,2120secteur 6 (3,24) (7,65) (7,65) (2,13) (11,74)Log of the employment number 0,0594 0,0854 0,0854 0,2288 0,0682secteur 7 (2,18) (7,49) (7,49) (6,68) (5,88)

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Estimation of number of employments at cell level We consider the number of employments at each alternative as

a proxy for its capacity to receive new employments (establishments)

The geo localized establishments are located at cell level The communes’ non geo localized workforces are distributed

over the cells. A linear model of the number of non geo-localized

employments in function of: Number of geo localized employments and

establishments Number of geo localized employments by

establishment size class Crossing these variables with indicators for Paris,

neighbouring communes and near suburbs.

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Land development model

Project location vs. transition

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Transit Priv. car

(R,T)1 (R,T)I (R,T)1 (R,T)I

Trad. Static Model Dynamic






exp( ( ) / )



T k aTaijT


C u du

Travel Decision

Destination Choice

Mode Choice

Route & Departure time Choices

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Integration of UrbanSim and METROPOLIS: an automatic process

Demographics Model

Macro-economics Model

Mi(t) Number of households of type i

Es(t) Number of employments in sector s




3 steps model





Accessibility (O, D)

l : cell’s number

t -> t+1


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Simultaneous destination & mode choice

where .l l l l lijm ijm ijm ijm ijmU V V X

exp( )

exp( )


lijm l


k n



Random Utility Model (Logit) for destination and mode choice:

However, the number of trips allocated to a destination by RUM is not necessarily equal to its trip attraction.

Classic solution: Furness method to equalize the trip number at destinations

We propose a more efficient method by adding a destination-specific constant term in utility function (representing unobserved heterogeneity at destination)

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Technical issues and simulations

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UrbanSim for Paris area

49 236 Cells (22 572 populated), dimension : 500 x 500 m

8 counties,1300 cities, 572 zones Run US every year Update travel data every 3 years Calibration

Baseyear: 1990 Run from 1990 to 1999

Simulation Baseyear: 1999 Run from 1999 to 2026

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UrbanSim We used activity location model instead the commercial and

industrial location models

Development types: residential activity vacant

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Calibration Projection

Base Year:1990

Calibration Year:1999

Prevision year: 2026

Estimation by an external tool (e.g. SAS) Iterative adjustment process

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UrbanSim Models implemented:

'transport_model', # Update the variables output of the traffic model like travel time, number of stations, accessibility, …

'prescheduled_events', 'events_coordinator', 'land_price_model', 'development_project_transition_model', 'residential_development_project_location_choice_model', 'activity_development_project_location_choice_model', 'events_coordinator', 'household_transition_model', 'employment_transition_model', 'household_relocation_model', 'household_location_choice_model', 'employment_relocation_model', {'employment_location_choice_model':{'group_members': '_all_'}}, 'distribute_unplaced_jobs_model',

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UrbanSim household location choice model coefficients

Estimate coefficient_name

2,4991 same_county

-0,0222 distance_to_arterial

0,0117 distance_to_Chatelet

0,0209 subway_stations_within_walking_distance

0,0301 railway_stations

0,0139 railway_stations_within_walking_distance

-0,0000058 residential_units_within_walking_distance_if_high_income

-0,0000091 workers_t_residential_units_within_walking_distance

0,0000102 activity_sqft

-0,0000020 activity_sqft_within_walking_distance

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Variable “Same county” Households: last_county_id Update:



Machine P4 CPU 3.4 Ghz RAM 2 GB

Run time 25 minutes per year ~ 7 hours for 27 years (1999-2026)

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UrbanSim Calibration 90-99

Household location choice

County US output(Households)

Difference absolute

Difference relative %

Paris 75 1186344 75432 7%

Seine-et-Marne 77 428322 -4029 -1%

Yvelines 78 507664 4568 1%

Essonne 91 416195 -4408 -1%

Hauts-de-Seine 92 614232 -10694 -2%

Seine-St-Denis 93 535230 10843 2%

Val-de-Marne 94 492072 -7332 -1%

Val-d’Oise 95 384327 -10363 -3%

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County US output


absoluteDifference relative %

Paris 75 2578042 500236 24%

Seine-et-Marne 77 1076807 -98447 -8%

Yvelines 78 1265698 -62758 -5%

Essonne 91 1034714 -71414 -6%

Hauts-de-Seine 92 1420589 20917 1%

Seine-St-Denis 93 1321222 -34588 -3%

Val-de-Marne 94 1173592 -25025 -2%

Val-d’Oise 95 976711 -106294 -10%

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CountyUS output


absoluteDifference relative %

Paris 75 1815350 214535 13%

Seine-et-Marne 77 329243 -59704 -15%

Yvelines 78 447315 -57 154 -11%

Essonne 91 328502 -72 895 -18%

Hauts-de-Seine 92 786497 -28 974 -4%

Seine-St-Denis 93 490550 6 551 1%

Val-de-Marne 94 474999 2 552 1%

Val-d’Oise 95 369539 -4 911 -1%

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Application to the railway north tangential

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Application to the railway north tangential

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Some characteristics First Bypass in Paris suburbs 2 lines of 28 km 14 stations, 8 existing ones and 6 news will created Connection with 5 RER lines Full starting in 2016 Frequency 5 mn in the ruch hours and 10 mn

otherwise, speed of 50 km/h Capacity of trains is 500 passengers

Application to the railway north tangential

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Some results: Two scenarios, with north tangential and

without tangential. For the 853 cells close to the NT:

Difference in population : + 2000 Difference in jobs: +10 000

Application to the railway north tangential

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Application to the railway north tangential

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Application to the railway north tangential

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- Having explored the interaction of residential location choice and transportation, with particular emphasis on issues of dynamics, endogeneity.

- Estimating a semi-hedonic model for housing prices in the Paris region.

- New developments in UrbanSim related to Paris particularly adaptation to available data structure.

- Some exhaustive data in Paris region but still some missing (or non accessible) data.

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Thanks for your attention