1 Research Ethics David Myers (8th Edition) Chapter 1: Research Methods PowerPoint Slides Mr. Mable...

1 Research Ethics David Myers (8th Edition) Chapter 1: Research Methods PowerPoint Slides Mr. Mable Tucker High School 2008-09

Transcript of 1 Research Ethics David Myers (8th Edition) Chapter 1: Research Methods PowerPoint Slides Mr. Mable...

Page 1: 1 Research Ethics David Myers (8th Edition) Chapter 1: Research Methods PowerPoint Slides Mr. Mable Tucker High School 2008-09.


Research Ethics David Myers (8th Edition)

Chapter 1: Research Methods

PowerPoint SlidesMr. Mable

Tucker High School


Page 2: 1 Research Ethics David Myers (8th Edition) Chapter 1: Research Methods PowerPoint Slides Mr. Mable Tucker High School 2008-09.


Table of Contents

• Research Ethics

• Ethical Concerns in Professional Practice

• Use of Animals in Research

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Q. Is it ethical to experiment on people?

Ans: Yes. Experiments that do not involve any kind of physical or psychological harm beyond normal levels encountered in daily

life may be carried out.

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Issues for Humans

• Privacy (Confidentiality)

• Informed Consent

• Use of Deception

• Debriefing

• Do No Harm! (Mental or Physical)

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Various Unethical Studies in History

• Stanley Milgram’s study on blind obedience to authority (1950’s)

• Subjects thought they were administering lethal shocks to patients in order to get them to learn.

• Many of the test subjects broke down after the experiment and experienced mental anguish and guilt.

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Various Unethical Studies in History

• Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment. (1970’s)

• Student guards kept control of student prisoners in a fake prison through the use of intimidation and mental torture and abuse.

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Various Unethical Studies in History

• John Watson’s use of “Little Albert” in his experiments on classically conditioning a fear response in a child. (1920’s)

• His use of children in this experiment would not be acceptable in today’s standards.

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Issues for Clients

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Q. Are there separate ethical issues in psychological practice?

Ans: Yes. The doctor/patient relationship is a very complex one with many possible conflicts.

Professionalism is the key!

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• HIPAA (Federal Privacy Law)

• Doctor / Patient Privilege

• Therapists may not discuss client’s specific information to anyone unless they are seeking a consultation or are under supervision.

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Fiduciary Relationship


The fiduciary duty is a legal relationship of confidence or trust between two or more parties, most commonly a fiduciary or trustee and a principal or beneficiary.

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Fiduciary Relationship


One party, for example a corporate trust company or the trust department of a bank, holds a fiduciary relation or acts in a fiduciary capacity to another, such as one whose funds are entrusted to it for investment.

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Fiduciary Relationship

In a fiduciary relation one person justifiably reposes confidence, good faith, reliance and trust in another whose aid, advice or protection is sought in some matter. In such a relation good conscience requires one to act at all times for the sole benefit and interests of another, with loyalty to those interests..

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Personal Relationships With Clients

The APA Code of Ethics states that all Therapists must have stopped treating a patient completely for a period of 2 years before they can begin a sexual relationship with a former client.

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Examples of Fiduciary Relationships

• Lawyer and Client

• Administrator to Teacher

• Adult to Child

• Boss to Worker

• Teacher and Student

• Military: Officer to Soldier

• Doctor/Therapist to Client

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Fiduciary Relationship

The fiduciary is an unequal relationship.

The Trustee normally has power over the beneficiary that can be abused.

Therefore, safeguards and standards must be in place to improprieties from being committed.

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Fiduciary Relationship

Professionals Must AVOID a Conflict of Interests.

Personal Relationships must be avoided with clients.

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Ethical Issues in Animal Research

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Q. Why do psychologists study animals?

Ans: Studying animals gives us the understanding of many behaviors that may have

common biology across animals and humans.

D. Shapiro, © Wildlife Conservation Society

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Q. Is it ethical to experiment on animals?

Ans: Yes. To gain insights to devastating and fatal diseases. All researchers who deal with animal research are required to follow

ethical guidelines in caring for these animals.

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Common Myths of Animal Research

• http://www.fbresearch.org/Portals/9/docs/FactMyth.pdf

• http://www.fbresearch.org/Portals/9/docs/ProudAchieve.pdf

• http://www.fbresearch.org/

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Here’s the Reality

The Real Killers: Polio, Cancer, & AIDS

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More Reality

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More Reality

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The Bottom Line!!!!!

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26Who will be the guinea pig!!!!!

If we stop animal research…