1 Oulu-Luleå Partnering Event 15-16.03.2007 Programme & Workshops Status 12.02.2007 Urpo Tuomela.

1 Oulu-Luleå Partnering Event 15- 16.03.2007 Programme & Workshops Status 12.02.2007 Urpo Tuomela

Transcript of 1 Oulu-Luleå Partnering Event 15-16.03.2007 Programme & Workshops Status 12.02.2007 Urpo Tuomela.

Page 1: 1 Oulu-Luleå Partnering Event 15-16.03.2007 Programme & Workshops Status 12.02.2007 Urpo Tuomela.


Oulu-Luleå Partnering Event 15-16.03.2007

Programme & Workshops

Status 12.02.2007

Urpo Tuomela

Page 2: 1 Oulu-Luleå Partnering Event 15-16.03.2007 Programme & Workshops Status 12.02.2007 Urpo Tuomela.


Possibilities of the Oulu–Luleå Partnering Event

• The event will gather experts and stakeholders from 9 different sectors– It will be a good place to establish both personal and official

relationships– It will be a forum to stregthen the future cross-border co-

operation • Exchange information about different activities and best-

practices• Create and propose new initiatives for networks and research

and development activities• Propose concrete co-operation projects based on mutual

interests• Utlize Objective 3 Nord –programme as a funding instrument

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Programme, Day 1

Thursday, March 15th

11.45 – 13.00 Lunch (Teatteriravintola, Oulu City Theatre)

13.00 – 13.45 Presentation of EU-programmes (Oulu City Hall)Kari Aalto, Manager of International Affairs, Council of Oulu


13.45 – 14.15 Oulu and Luleå priorities (Oulu City Hall)Directors of Economic Development: Mikko Karvo & Jörgen


14.15 – 17.00 Parallel workshops (Various places, see next slide)

18.00 – 22.00 Social event in Pehkolanlampi Sauna, informal dinnerBus transportation from the City Hall to Pehkola and


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Parallel workshops

Workshops:1. Wellness (Oulu City Hall meeting room 101)2. Logistics (Oulu City Hall meeting room 103)3. Innovation and growth (Oulu City Hall meeting room 104)4. Support to SME’s (Oulu City Hall meeting room 106)5. Information society (Oulu City Hall meeting room 108)6. Creative industries (Oulu City Hall kv-sali)7. Tourism (Innovations and marketing, Sepänkatu 18, 2nd floor, meeting

room Korttikaari) 8. Unversity co-operation Oulu-Luleå (Oulu University/Department of

Architecture)9. Music (Madetoja Music Centre), to be confirmed, this workshop may

take place on Friday morning, March 16th.

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Programme, Day 2

Friday, March 16th

Venue: Oulu City Hall

09.00 – 10.30 Presentation of reports from the workshops 4 slides prepared from each workshop, 10-15

min./workshopFuture plans & actions included in the presentation

10.30 – 11.00 Discussion and conclusions Deciding on how to process the project ideas further Setting up the next meeting

11.00 – 12.00 Lunchin the second floor of the City Hall