1 Lesson 12 — Stacks and Lists Microsoft Visual Basic.NET, Introduction to Programming.

1 Lesson 12 — Stacks and Lists Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Introduction to Programming


3 Vocabulary Body Constructor Infix notation Linked list Parse Peek Pop Postfix notation Push Queue Stack Traversal

Transcript of 1 Lesson 12 — Stacks and Lists Microsoft Visual Basic.NET, Introduction to Programming.

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Lesson 12 — Stacks and Lists

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Introduction to Programming

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Use the Stack collection defined in System.Collections.

Write a stack-based program to evaluate an expression in postfix notation.

Parse an input string. Define and use a Stack class. Use the Queue collection defined in

System.Collections. Define and use a Linked List class. Traverse a linked list recursively. Add nodes to a linked list in order.

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Body Constructor Infix notation Linked list Parse Peek

Pop Postfix notation Push Queue Stack Traversal

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A stack is a first-in, last-out way of organizing data so that only the top element is accessible. If a, b, and c are pushed onto a stack, only the last element, c, is accessible. For element b to reach the top of the stack, element c must be removed.

Putting an element onto the top of the stack is called a push. Removing an element from the top of a stack is called a pop.

Imagine a stack as a spring-loaded stack of cafeteria trays. The last tray, washed and put on the top of the stack, is the first tray removed from the stack. The first tray pushed onto the stack is buried at the bottom and is the last tray to be removed.

To read the top element of a stack without removing it, a peek is used.

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Creating a New Stack Collection

The Stack collection is built into the System.Collections library of Visual Basic. The procedure or method used to create a new instance of a class is called a constructor. The constructor in Visual Basic is the New method. There are three ways to use the New method to create a new instance of the Stack class. The line that follows creates a new instance of a stack with a default capacity of 10 objects. The parentheses are automatically supplied and can be omitted when entering the line.

Dim StackOne As New Stack()

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The StackDemonstration Project Showing the Final Placement of Controls

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Step-by-Step 12.1

At the top of the Code window, just below the line Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form, add the following line to create an instance of the Stack class — StackOne has an initial default capacity of 10 objects:

Dim StackOne as New Stack()

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Step-by-Step 12.1


StackOne.Push(txtEnter.Text) txtEnter.ResetText() txtEnter.Focus()

MessageBox.Show(StackOne.Peek, "Top of Stack")

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Step-by-Step 12.1

Dim x As IntegerFor x = 1 To StackOne.Count lstDisplay.Items.Add(StackOne.Pop)Next

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Appearance of the Application after You Click the Display Button

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There are two ways to code so the run-time error does not occur. One way is to prevent the error by never peeking a value if the stack is empty. If StackOne.Count is 0, the stack is empty and the Peek method should not be executed. Another way is to handle the error with a Try-Catch-End Try statement.

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Step-by-Step 12.1

If StackOne.Count <> 0 Then MessageBox.Show(StackOne.Peek, "Top

of Stack")Else MessageBox.Show("The stack is empty.")End If

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Postfix and Infix Notation

Postfix notation is a way to write an arithmetic expression where the binary operators (like +, -, *, /) are behind the operands instead of between them. For instance, the infix expression a + b, expressed in postfix notation, becomes a b +. Although, at first, postfix notation seems useless and at least a little strange, it is quite useful. Translating a normal expression into postfix notation is easy once you have had a little practice.

Normal expressions use infix notation. An expression written with infix notation places the operators between the operands, for example, a + b.

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When an infix expression is correctly translated to a postfix expression, the operands will be in exactly the same order, although it is possible to have an equivalent expression where the operands are not in the original order.

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To parse an input string means to interpret the string entered by the user into data and instructions.

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Parsing an Input String

The rules for parsing the input string are easy. First, if a character from the input string is part of a

numeric constant (a number), read the remaining digits, convert to a number, and push the result on a stack.

If the character represents an operator, pop the top of the stack. This first value popped from the stack is the second operand. Pop the stack again to read the first operand. Apply the operator to the two values and push the result back on the stack.

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The Split Method

The String class, used to instantiate strings in a program, has a very helpful method called Split. The Split method divides a string into pieces and puts each piece into an array. The separator character, the character that separates one piece of the command from another in the input string, can be specified as a parameter in the Split method. If the separator character is not specified, the space character is assumed to be the separator.

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Final Placement of Controls for the ExpressionEvaluator Application

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Step-by-Step 12.2

Dim OperandStack As New Stack() Dim Operand, FirstOperand, SecondOperand,

Result As Double Dim InputString As String = txtInputExpr.TextDim SubStringArray() As String = InputString.SplitDim SubString As StringDim i As Integer

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Step-by-Step 12.2

For i = 0 To SubStringArray.Length - 1 ' MessageBox.Show(SubStringArray(i).ToString) Try SubString = SubStringArray(i) Operand = CDbl(SubString) ' MessageBox.Show("Value:" & Operand) OperandStack.Push(Operand)

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Step-by-Step 12.2

Catch ' MessageBox.Show("operator:" & SubString) Select Case SubString Case "+" SecondOperand = OperandStack.Pop FirstOperand = OperandStack.Pop Result = FirstOperand + SecondOperand OperandStack.Push(Result)

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Step-by-Step 12.2

Case "." MessageBox.Show(OperandStack.Pop) End Select End TryNext

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Scattered throughout the code are three MessageBox.Show statements. These are commented out so they will not execute when the button is clicked. They are positioned and built to either debug or illustrate the operation of the code. If the code did not work, you could remove the single quote characters that turn the message boxes into comments and, when the button was clicked, messages would appear to let you know what was going on as the code executes. You may also want to remove the single quotes if you just want to see what is happening as the code executes. You can always put the single quote characters back in or delete the lines with the extra message boxes.

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Run-Time Error

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Now that you know what kind of errors can occur, you should think about how you would modify the code to trap them before incorrect values are displayed. An obvious modification is to add Case statements to handle other operators and a branch to stop processing if an unrecognized character is encountered. While thinking about adding additional operators, you should think about the things that you have to do no matter what the operator is. For each operator, you must pop two values from the stack. Once the operator is applied and the result is obtained, the result must be pushed onto the stack. These common operators can be factored out as shown in the code.

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Step-by-Step 12.2

Select Case SubString Case "+", "-", "*", "/" Try SecondOperand = OperandStack.Pop FirstOperand = OperandStack.Pop Catch MessageBox.Show("Error in expression.") Exit Sub End Try

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Step-by-Step 12.2

Select Case SubString Case "+" Result = FirstOperand + SecondOperand Case "-" Result = FirstOperand - SecondOperand Case "*" Result = FirstOperand * SecondOperand Case "/" Result = FirstOperand / SecondOperand End Select OperandStack.Push(Result)

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Step-by-Step 12.2

Case "." MessageBox.Show(OperandStack.Pop) Case Else MessageBox.Show("Unrecognized

character:" & SubString) Exit Sub End Select

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Implementing a Stack Class

If you really want to understand a data structure and learn how it works, you should build one yourself. The built-in Stack class works well, as you have seen in the previous two sections, but you may have no idea how it works. Actually, not knowing how something works internally is a good thing: that is the point of writing and using classes to build objects. It is not necessary to know how the Stack class works to use it.

One way to implement a Stack class is to use an array to store the data and a pointer to the top of the array to indicate the top of the stack. Normally, access to any element of an array is possible. But in the Stack class, the array is declared as a private variable, accessible only from within the class. Access to the stack is limited to use of Public procedures for push and pop.

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It is always possible to write code to increase the capacity of a stack by using ReDim Preserve to change the size of the array that holds the values in the stack, but every time ReDim is executed, a new array is created and the elements of the old array are transferred to the new one. This process takes time. It is always better (but sometimes difficult) to declare an array that is just big enough to hold the data, but not so big as to waste memory.

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Add New Item Dialog Box Showing the Creation of the ArrayStack Class

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Step-by-Step 12.3

Dim StackBody() Dim TopOfStack As Integer Public ReadOnly SizeOfStack As Integer Public Sub New(ByVal Dimension As Integer) ReDim StackBody(Dimension) TopOfStack = 1 SizeOfStack = Dimension End Sub

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Step-by-Step 12.3

Public Sub New() ReDim StackBody(10) TopOfStack = 1 SizeOfStack = 10 End Sub

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Step-by-Step 12.3

Public Sub Push(ByVal Item) If TopOfStack <= SizeOfStack Then StackBody(TopOfStack) = Item TopOfStack += 1 Else MessageBox.Show("Stack is full") End If End Sub

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The compiler recognizes the two New procedures as different because the parameters are different for each. A third or fourth New procedure could be defined by adding more parameters or changing the data type of an existing parameter.

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The Form of the Creating a Stack Class Application

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Step-by-Step 12.3

Dim StackOne As New ArrayStack(20)Dim StackTwo As New ArrayStack() Dim Item = txtItem.Text StackOne.Push(Item) StackTwo.Push(Item) txtItem.ResetText() txtItem.Focus()

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Step-by-Step 12.3

Public Function Pop()If TopOfStack > 1 Then TopOfStack -= 1 Return StackBody(TopOfStack)Else MessageBox.Show("Stack is empty")End IfEnd Function

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Step-by-Step 12.3

Public Function Peek()If TopOfStack > 1 Then Return StackBody(TopOfStack - 1)Else MessageBox.Show("Stack is empty")End IfEnd Function

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The Form of the Creating a Stack Class Application Showing Buttonsfor Peek and Pop

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Step-by-Step 12.3

MessageBox.Show("Stack One:" & StackOne.Pop)MessageBox.Show("Stack Two:" & StackTwo.Pop)

MessageBox.Show("Stack One:" & StackOne.peek)MessageBox.Show("Stack Two:" & StackTwo.Peek)

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Programming Skills

Writing programs for a class can be much different from writing programs professionally. Programs written for a class are typically run a few times, printed, and discarded. A program written for a real application, whether or not you are paid for the application, has quite a different lifetime. For one, you cannot assume that you will be the only one to ever read the program code. If your program serves an ongoing need, it may be in use long after you have left the scene. To help that unknown programmer of the future, document your code. Do not use tricks or shortcuts in your code. Believe it or not, you may forget your own tricks after a month or two. Make sure there are backup copies and print out the documentation along with directory information.

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Step-by-Step 12.4

Public Function CopyToArray() As Object() Return StackBodyEnd Function

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Step-by-Step 12.4

Public ReadOnly Property stCount() Get Return TopOfStack - 1 End GetEnd Property

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Historically Speaking

In March 1988, Microsoft bought a set of visual tools designed by Alan Cooper to customize the Windows interface. The tools were called Tripod. By 1991, the QuickBasic language was integrated with the tools and Visual Basic was introduced at the Windows World trade show.

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CreateAStackClass Application Showing Final Placement of Controls

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Step-by-Step 12.4

Dim Local() = StackOne.CopyToArrayDim i As IntegerlstDisplay.Items.Clear()For i = 1 To StackOne.stCount lstDisplay.Items.Add(Local(i))Next

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The Using a Custom Stack Class Application

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A queue is a data structure that stores a list of values with access granted to both the front and back of the list. But access at the front of the list is limited to removal of an item, and access at the back of the list is limited to the addition of an item. You can liken this kind of data structure to the line you might stand in while you wait for a teller at a bank or to the line an airplane must sit in when it is waiting to take off.

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The Queue Simulation Project Showing the Final Placement of Controls

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Step-by-Step 12.5

Add the following declarations below the Inherits line:

Dim CustomersPerHour As IntegerDim ServedPerHour As Integer

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Step-by-Step 12.5

Private Function Arrival() As Boolean 'chance of arrival per minute: CustomersPerHour/60 If Rnd() <= CustomersPerHour / 60 Then Return True Else Return False End IfEnd Function

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Step-by-Step 12.5

Private Function Served() As Boolean Return Rnd() <= ServedPerHour / 60 End Function

Private Function QueueEmpty(ByVal Q As Queue) As Boolean

Return Q.Count = 0End Function

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Step-by-Step 12.5

Dim LineUp As New Queue(70)Dim Minutes, WaitTime As IntegerDim TotalMinWaited As Integer = 0Dim Customers As Integer = 0Dim WorkerBusy As Boolean = FalseCustomersPerHour = CInt(txtCustPerHour.Text)ServedPerHour = CInt(txtServedPerHour.Text)

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Step-by-Step 12.5

For Minutes = 1 To 8 * 60 If Arrival() Then Customers += 1 If WorkerBusy Then LineUp.Enqueue(Minutes) Else WorkerBusy = True End If End If

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Step-by-Step 12.5

If WorkerBusy AndAlso Served() Then If Not QueueEmpty(LineUp) Then WaitTime = Minutes - LineUp.Dequeue TotalMinWaited += WaitTime WorkerBusy = True Else WorkerBusy = False End If End IfNext

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Step-by-Step 12.5

lstDisplay.Items.Add("Average wait time: " & _ Format(TotalMinWaited / Customers, "Fixed"))lstDisplay.Items.Add("Still waiting to be served: " & _ LineUp.Count)lstDisplay.Items.Add("Total customers: " & _ Customers)

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Linked List

A linked list is another kind of data structure used to organize and store data in a list. Unlike an array that reserves a block of memory and stores data together in the same memory block, a linked list is composed of nodes that exist anywhere at all in memory.

Each element of a linked list is called a node. Each node has a data area and a link that points to the next element in the list. New nodes are created only when they are needed. They take only as much memory as necessary to contain the data that is already stored.

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Step-by-Step 12.6

Public Data As ObjectPublic Link As ListNodePublic Sub New() Data = "empty" Link = NothingEnd Sub

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Step-by-Step 12.6

Public Sub AddItemTop(ByRef LN As ListNode, ByVal Obj As Object)

If LN.Data = "empty" Then LN.Data = Obj Exit SubEnd If Dim TempNode As New ListNode() With TempNode .Data = Obj .Link = LN End With LN = TempNodeEnd Sub

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Step-by-Step 12.6

Public Sub Transversal(ByVal LN As ListNode) If Not LN Is Nothing AndAlso LN.Data <>

"empty" Then MessageBox.Show(LN.Data) Transversal(LN.Link) End IfEnd Sub

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Step-by-Step 12.6

Dim LListStack As New ListNode()Dim LListInOrder As New ListNode()

Dim ObjObj = InputBox("Enter an object:")LListStack.AddItemTop(LListStack, Obj)


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Step-by-Step 12.6

Public Sub AddInOrder(ByRef LN As ListNode, ByVal Obj As Object) If LN.Data = "empty" Then ' the list is empty LN.Data = Obj Exit Sub End If ' list is not empty Dim TempNode As New ListNode() TempNode.Data = Obj If Obj < LN.Data Then ' new first node TempNode.Link = LN LN = TempNode Exit Sub End If

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Step-by-Step 12.6

Dim Pointer, TrailPointer As ListNode Pointer = LN.Link TrailPointer = LN Do While Not Pointer Is Nothing ' more to check If Obj < Pointer.Data Then ' we found the spot TempNode.Link = Pointer TrailPointer.Link = TempNode Exit Sub

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Step-by-Step 12.6

Else TrailPointer = Pointer Pointer = Pointer.Link End If Loop ' if we get here, insert at end of list TempNode.Link = Nothing TrailPointer.Link = TempNode End Sub

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Step-by-Step 12.6

Dim ObjObj = InputBox("Enter an object:")LListInOrder.AddInOrder(LListInOrder, Obj)


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Step-by-Step 12.6

Public Sub Remove(ByRef LN As ListNode) If LN.Data = "empty" Then Exit Sub End If If Not LN.Link Is Nothing Then Dim Temp As ListNode Temp = LN LN = LN.Link Temp = Nothing Else ' there is only one node left LN.Data = "empty" End IfEnd Sub

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Step-by-Step 12.6


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Historically Speaking

The earliest versions of the BASIC programming language were quite different than the Visual Basic of today. Many of the statements we take for granted did not exist in the original versions. There was no If-Then-Else statement. There was no indefinite (Do-While) loop. There was no ReDim statement and no New statement. In the original versions of BASIC, you had to completely anticipate the amount of memory needed to store information. You could Dim an array to a specific size at the beginning of the program, but you could never change the size of the array once it was established. You could not create a new instance of a data structure with the keyword New. In fact, there were no data structures beyond what you could create with an array or with variables.

The ability to claim free memory as needed to create new data structures or ReDim an array is called Dynamic Memory Allocation. Early versions of BASIC had only Static Memory Allocation: all claims for free memory had to be made when the program first started.

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A stack is a first-in, last-out data structure. You can only access a stack by pushing or popping the item at the top of the stack. It is extensively used below the surface of programming languages to translate infix to postfix expressions, evaluate postfix expressions, and support jumping from one code segment to another and back.

The Stack class definition, part of the System.Collections library, is used to create stack data structures in application programs. It supports push, pop, and peek access to the top element of the stack.

A Stack class can be implemented using an array to hold the items in the stack and a variable that points at the next place in the stack to be filled with information. All access to the stack comes through manipulating this pointer.

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New instances of a class definition are created with the New method. This method is called a constructor.

Postfix notation builds expressions by placing binary operators after the operands instead of between them. An example is a b +. The notation that places the operator between the operands, a + b, is called infix notation.

Parsing an input string is taking it apart and recognizing the commands and data contained in the string. The Split method of the String type makes parsing easy by taking a string and returning each part separated by spaces as elements of an array. Once in the array, the separate parts can be examined and processed.

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A queue is a first-in, first-out data structure. A class definition for a queue class is found in System.Collections. It supports Enqueue (add to the queue) and Dequeue (remove from the queue) operations. Queues are useful for simulations.

To simulate an event of probability p, where 0 < p < 1, use the statement: If Rnd() <= p Then.

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A linked list is composed of nodes, each with two fields: one field contains the node’s data; the other field contains a pointer that points to the next node in the list. An advantage of the linked list over an array is that a linked list uses only the amount of memory needed to store the information, while an array has to reserve a block of memory whether it is entirely used or not. A disadvantage of the linked list is that the pointers only point in one direction: you can start at the head of the list and traverse the list from front to back, but you cannot back up.