1 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension With Threats Gary Looney 11Aug2015

In 2010 - 2011 I was assaulted in the Menindee RTC “Centrelink Agency” by the Agents Husband. I made a Complaint to Police, Shire Councillor and discussed the incident with a “Justice of Peace”. I made complaint to Human Services asking that they have this matter officially dealt with. The Agent then Falsified a Centrelink Non-Compliance Breach in revenge for complaint of Husband. I complained of illegal Breach to Centrelink who were aggressive towards me in defence of the Agent. When obvious this illegal breach was supported by DHS and Centrelink I complained to Ombudsman. Index Chronological: Page 2 Ombudsman 9 Feb 2012 Basic Complaint Receipt. It should be made clear from the outset that I did not want to contact Centrelink by Ph out of choice. But because Centrelink refused to have the criminal actions of their Agent officially dealt with. Page 3 Human Services 11 April 2012 Complaint Correspondence. Quote: Ms Greville is also happy to take your calls locally from a public telephone box and manage your business over the telephone, if that is your preference. :End Quote. Note: DHS/Centrelink are inferring it would be my preference to do business over the phone, when in truth I had no choice after they refuse to address criminal acts committed by their Centrelink Agent. The Centrelink Agency was established to remove discrimination of service, time & tyranny of distance. Page 4 Ombudsman 9 May 2012 Complaint Determinations. This Ombudsman Complaint has been truncated to keep the matter concise and remove false and misleading claims by Centrelink that I had not gone to police or wanted the matter investigated. It is obvious that “complaints were made” and that I wanted the matter officially dealt with. Centrelink have effectively aided and abetted criminal acts through false and misleading information. Quote: You can attend Personal Contact Interviews either over the phone or at the Broken Hill Customer Service Centre. :End Quote. Again Centrelink infers that using a phone and/or travelling to Broken Hill 110km away and 10 hrs in a public bus would be my choice. Rather than deal with criminal action of their Centrelink Agent. After receiving this determination I phoned the Ombudsman “Catherine Petre” raising the above outcome of complaints & was informed the case would not be reinvestigated without further evidence. Page 5 Centrelink Office Docs April/May 2014 Freedom of Information. Murdi Paaki Employment Service was fully aware of Ombudsman Complaint and Human Services agreement before continuing to make appointments to force the use of RTC with Malice Contempt. After stating a wish to Seek Legal Advice I was suspended and threatened with payment cancelation. Page 6-13 Murdi Paaki Employment Service - Menindee RTC Appointments. Remote Employment Service Appointments in breach of Ombudsman/Human Services Agreement. Page 14-16 Murdi Paaki Employment Service - Broken Hill Appointments. Remote Employment Service Appointments in City of Broken Hill, 110km away & 10 hrs by bus. Page 17 Prime Minister & Cabinet July 2014 Complaint Determination. Page 18 – Commonwealth Ombudsman 1st of July 2015 – Complaint Refusal. (Note: DHS & Ombudsman have made many false statements which cannot be referenced as facts) Gary Looney (Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 1 of 18


In 2010 - 2011 I was assaulted in the Menindee RTC “Centrelink Agency” by the Agents Husband.I made a Complaint to Police, Shire Councillor and discussed the incident with a “Justice of Peace”.I made complaint to Human Services asking that they have this matter officially dealt with.The Agent then Falsified a Centrelink Non-Compliance Breach in revenge for complaint of Husband.I complained of illegal Breach to Centrelink who were aggressive towards me in defence of the Agent.When obvious this illegal breach was supported by DHS and Centrelink I complained to Ombudsman.Index Chronological:Page 2 – Ombudsman 9 Feb 2012 – Basic Complaint Receipt.It should be made clear from the outset that I did not want to contact Centrelink by Ph out of choice.But because Centrelink refused to have the criminal actions of their Agent officially dealt with.Page 3 – Human Services 11 April 2012 – Complaint Correspondence.Quote: Ms Greville is also happy to take your calls locally from a publictelephone box and manage your business over the telephone, if that is yourpreference. :End Quote.Note: DHS/Centrelink are inferring it would be my preference to do business over the phone, when in truth I had no choice after they refuse to address criminal acts committed by their Centrelink Agent.The Centrelink Agency was established to remove discrimination of service, time & tyranny of distance.Page 4 – Ombudsman 9 May 2012 – Complaint Determinations.This Ombudsman Complaint has been truncated to keep the matter concise and remove false and misleading claims by Centrelink that I had not gone to police or wanted the matter investigated.It is obvious that “complaints were made” and that I wanted the matter officially dealt with.Centrelink have effectively aided and abetted criminal acts through false and misleading information.Quote: You can attend Personal Contact Interviews either over the phone or at the Broken Hill Customer Service Centre. :End Quote.Again Centrelink infers that using a phone and/or travelling to Broken Hill 110km away and 10 hrs in a public bus would be my choice. Rather than deal with criminal action of their Centrelink Agent.After receiving this determination I phoned the Ombudsman “Catherine Petre” raising the above outcome of complaints & was informed the case would not be reinvestigated without further evidence.Page 5 – Centrelink Office Docs April/May 2014 – Freedom of Information.Murdi Paaki Employment Service was fully aware of Ombudsman Complaint and Human Services agreement before continuing to make appointments to force the use of RTC with Malice Contempt.After stating a wish to Seek Legal Advice I was suspended and threatened with payment cancellation.Page 6-13 Murdi Paaki Employment Service - Menindee RTC Appointments.Remote Employment Service Appointments in breach of Ombudsman/Human Services Agreement.Page 14-16 Murdi Paaki Employment Service - Broken Hill Appointments.Remote Employment Service Appointments in City of Broken Hill, 110km away & 10 hrs by bus.Page 17 – Prime Minister & Cabinet July 2014 – Complaint Determination.Page 18 – Commonwealth Ombudsman 1st of July 2015 – Complaint Refusal.(Note: DHS & Ombudsman have made many false statements which cannot be referenced as facts)

Transcript of 1 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension With Threats Gary Looney 11Aug2015

In 2010 - 2011 I was assaulted in the Menindee RTC Centrelink Agency by the Agents Husband. I made a Complaint to Police, Shire Councillor and discussed the incident with a Justice of Peace. I made complaint to Human Services asking that they have this matter officially dealt with. The Agent then Falsified a Centrelink Non-Compliance Breach in revenge for complaint of Husband. I complained of illegal Breach to Centrelink who were aggressive towards me in defence of the Agent.When obvious this illegal breach was supported by DHS and Centrelink I complained to Ombudsman. Index Chronological:Page 2 Ombudsman 9 Feb 2012 Basic Complaint Receipt. ItshouldbemadeclearfromtheoutsetthatIdidnotwanttocontactCentrelinkbyPhoutofchoice.ButbecauseCentrelinkrefusedtohavethecriminalactionsoftheirAgentofficiallydealtwith.Page 3 Human Services 11 April 2012 Complaint Correspondence. Quote: Ms Greville is also happy to take your calls locally from a public telephone box and manage your business over the telephone, if that is your preference. :End Quote. Note: DHS/Centrelink are inferring it would be my preference to do business over the phone, when in truth I had no choice after they refuse to address criminal acts committed by their Centrelink Agent. The Centrelink Agency was established to remove discrimination of service, time & tyranny of distance. Page 4 Ombudsman 9 May 2012 Complaint Determinations. This Ombudsman Complaint has been truncated to keep the matter concise and remove false and misleading claims by Centrelink that I had not gone to police or wanted the matter investigated. It is obvious that complaints were made and that I wanted the matter officially dealt with.Centrelink have effectively aided and abetted criminal acts through false and misleading information.Quote: You can attend Personal Contact Interviews either over the phone or at the Broken Hill Customer Service Centre. :End Quote. Again Centrelink infers that using a phone and/or travelling to Broken Hill 110km away and 10 hrsin a public bus would be my choice. Rather than deal with criminal action of their Centrelink Agent. After receiving this determination I phoned the Ombudsman Catherine Petre raising the above outcome of complaints & was informed the case would not be reinvestigated without further evidence. Page 5 Centrelink Office Docs April/May 2014 Freedom of Information. Murdi Paaki Employment Service was fully aware of Ombudsman Complaint and Human Services agreement before continuing to make appointments to force the use of RTC with Malice Contempt. After stating a wish to Seek Legal Advice I was suspended and threatened with payment cancelation. Page 6-13 Murdi Paaki Employment Service - Menindee RTC Appointments. Remote Employment Service Appointments in breach of Ombudsman/Human Services Agreement. Page 14-16 Murdi Paaki Employment Service - Broken Hill Appointments. Remote Employment Service Appointments in City of Broken Hill, 110km away & 10 hrs by bus. Page 17 Prime Minister & Cabinet July 2014 Complaint Determination. Page 18 Commonwealth Ombudsman 1st of July 2015 Complaint Refusal. (Note: DHS & Ombudsman have made many false statements which cannot be referenced as facts) Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 1 of 18Commonwealth OMBUDSMAN DefenceForceOmbudsmanimmigration OmbudsmanLaw Enforcement OmbudsmanOverseasStudentsOmbudsman Postal Industry OmbudsmanTaxationOmbudsman Our ref:2012-103064 9February 2012 Mr GaryLooney PO Box191 MENINDEENSW 2879 DearMrLooney Irefer to our telephone call of 8 February 2012 in which yourequestedIprovide you with a summary of the complaint details youprovided to me about Centrelink. Youstate that you do not have apersonal telephone contact number and Centrelink willnot allow you to conduct your business with themusinga public telephone.You also state that thisinhibits your ability to interact withCentrelink andas aresult your payment hasbeen suspended.You further mention that there is a rural transaction centre in your town,at which you could ordinarily do your Centrelink business.However,due to a personal conflict with a familymember of one of the staff at therural transactioncentre,youcannolonger attend the centre.Youadvised that despite your difficulties with the centre,Centrelink say youshould continue to attend this office. You toldme that Centrelink has set up two telephone appointments for you that youdid attend,however Centrelink didnot call you at the agreed time and place. You told me that thishas contributed to havingyour payment suspended. Ihavereferred your complaint for assessment to our specialist team.They will, contact you again when they have had an opportunity to consider the issues youraised.Meanwhile,I enclose acopy of our brochureMaking a complaint to the Ombudsman which explains the Commonwealth Ombudsman's role inmore detail. This information is also available on our websiteatwww.ombudsman.gov.au.If youhave any queries,please contact ususing the detailsat the top of this letter. Yourssincerely ClaireSmith PublicContactOfficer Public ContactandRecordsManagement Team Level 5, 14 Childers Street, Canberra GPO Box 442, Canberra ACT 2601 Phone 1300 362 072Pax 02 6276 0123 [email protected] www.ombudsman.gov.au Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 2 of 18 Australian Government Department of Human Services C12/1407 Mr Gary Looney PO Box 191 MENINDEE NSW 2879 Dear Mr Looney Thank you for your correspondence of 9 March 2012 to the Minister for Human Services, Senator the Hon Kim Carr, about your dealings with the Department of Human Services (DHS) and your Job Services Australia (JSA) provider. I have been asked to respond on the Minister's behalf. I note you have lodged a complaint with the Commonwealth Ombudsman about a range of concerns relating to your income support entitlements and the service you have received from your JSA provider, Sureway. DHS is in consultation with the Ombudsman's office about the issues you have raised. In your letter you raise concerns about the DHS Agent located in the Central Darling Shire Council's Menindee Rural Transaction Centre. Ms Fran Greville, Manager, Broken Hill Service Centre spoke with you about this issue on 12 December 2011.At this time Ms Greville advised you are not required to use the Agent service in Menindee. There are several ways to conduct your business with DHS, including self-service both online and over the telephone.Ms Greville is also happy to take your calls locally from a public telephone box and manage your business over the telephone, if that is your preference. Ms Greville has spoken with the Manager of Sureway, who has confirmed that they are also prepared to make alternative meeting arrangements, and include these in your Employment Pathway Plan. I encourage you to contact Mr Dean Clarke, Manager, Sureway on 08 8087 1555 to discuss these matters further. (From Page 2 of 2) If you would to discuss your concerns about DHS further, Ms Greville can be contacted on 08 8082 5000. Once again, thank you for writing. Yours sincerely Peter Thomson National Manager Ministerial Coordination and Parliamentary April 2012

PO Box 3959, Manuka ACT 2603 www.humanservices.gov.au Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 3 of 18Commonwealth OMBUDSMAN PO Box 7444, St Kilda Road, VIC 8004 Phone 1300 362 072 Fax 02 6276 0123 [email protected] www.ombudsman.gov.au Our ref: 2012-103064 9 May 2012 Mr Gary Looney PO Box 191 MENiNDEE NSW 2879 Dear Mr Looney I am writing to let you know I have finished investigating your complaint about the Department of Human Services (Centrelink). You contacted us on 8 February 2012 about the suspension of your Newstart Allowance and a number of issues centring around difficulties you experienced with contacting Centrelink. investigation Rural Transaction Centre You said that you had several concerns with the Menindee Rural Transaction Centre and you did not wish to use it to speak to Centrelink, but Centrelink would not let you use a public phone. In response to our enquiries, Centrelink stated that you do not have to use the Rural Transaction Centre. It said that it is fine for you to call it using a public phone and has given you the direct number of the Broken Hill Customer Service Centre manager to assist you to make contact. Centrelink said you raised concerns about the privacy of your personal information when using the Rural Transaction Centre. Centrelink said that as a result of you raising those concerns, it gave further training to the two agency staff on 8 September 2010 and 8 December 2011. You informed me that the agent's partner had been aggressive towards you, which made it difficult for you to use the Rural Transaction Centre. Centrelink's records indicate that you informed the Customer Relations Unit that you had an altercation with the agent's partner and that her partner assaulted you. Consideration (From Page 2 of 3) I have considered your claims against the information provided by Centrelink, including relevant records. I acknowledge that you have made a number of contacts with Centrelink about the problems you have had using the Rural Transaction Centre. Centrelink said you do not need to go through the Rural Transaction Centre in order to speak to Centrelink. It has also said that it will accept calls from you on a public phone. For your appointments, it will write to you with an arranged time or will ask you to contact it to arrange a time. You can attend Personal Contact Interviews either over the phone or at the Broken Hill Customer Service Centre.

Yours sincerely (From Page 3 of 3) Catherine Petre Acting Senior Investigation Officer Defence Force Ombudsman Immigration Ombudsman Law Enforcement Ombudsman Postal Industry Ombudsman Taxation Ombudsman Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 4 of 18Centrelink Office Document RecordingsFOI LEX 8656 - Page 3,5-6 Extract Document 1 Name: ( MRGARY, ROBERT, LOONEYDOB: 11J UN1966 M)CRN:RGLI863323LPage: 3, 5- 6Ext r actPr i nt edby:S22 Dat ePr i nt ed: 29MAY2014 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DOC13OF21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Recei pt dat e: 02MAY2014 St or agedat e: 02MAY2014; OFF Regi on: BKN Summar y: CUSENQNSA Ext r aDet ai l : Cust Quer y Txt : Cust omer cont act edBROKENHI LLon2MAY2014r egar di ngGener alEnqui r yf or Newst ar t Al l owance. I nf or mat i onwasobt ai nedvi aCount erSt at ement usi ngPer sonal - I nOf f i ce. Document cr eat edby S22on2 MAY2014.Cont act edat 11: 56Rct No: 618955 Cust cont act edr egar di nghi sconcer nsabout how hei sbei ngt r eat edby DHSandt heJ SASer vi cePr ovi der s. HRGLIeDNAaJ CAappoi nt ment andt hen I r enef r omMur di Paaki hassent hi manappoi nt ment l et t er t oat t end t heRTC RGLIHewascompl ai ni ngbecauseweknow he won' t got oanyappoi nt at t heRTCandt hat par t of t hel et t eri ndi cat i ngt heconsequencesof not at t endi nghasbeenhi ghl i ght ed.I havephonedI r ene, whoadvi sedt hat hi sr ecor dhasbeensuspended, and t hatRGLIhedoesn' t needt oat t endt heappoi nt ment wi t hher onMoni f he r eschedul eshi sJ CA. TheJ CAappoi nt hasbeenr eschedul edt o12on 6/ 5. Oneconcer nf or t hecust i shedoeswant t of i ni shhi scer t I V,but t hat t hepr ovi der wi l l not i ncl udet hi si nhi sI PP. I have r est or edhi spayment sandRTGShi spayt ohi saccount .Cust di dadvi set hat hehadcancel l edhi sl ast appoi nt ment , but Icoul dnot seeanydocs. I havet henf oundt hi si nt he' appoi nt not es:KPM22/ 4medcheck S22. Cust advi sedon22/ 4t hat hewi l l not be at t endi ngt hi sapt andwi l l beseeki ngl egal advi ce S2222/ 4.Recor dshoul dnot havebeensuspended.S22 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DOC9OF21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recei pt dat e: 14MAY2014 St or agedat e: 15MAY2014; OFF Regi on: BKN Summar y: CUSENQNSA Ext r aDet ai l : Cust Compl ai nt r ePr ovi derTxt : Cust omer cont act edBROKENHI LLon14MAY2014r egar di ngGener alEnqui r yf or Newst ar t Al l owance. I nf or mat i onwasobt ai nedvi aCount erSt at ement usi ngPer sonal - I nOf f i ce. Document cr eat edby S22on15 MAY2014.Cont act edat 17: 10Rct No: 994772 Gar ycamei nt oOf f i ce, t of i ndout what wi l l happenwi t hhi spayment s et cast heRJ CPPr ovi der hadi ndi cat edt heywoul dsuspendhi spayment s i f hedi dnot at t endhi sI nt er vi ew wi t ht hemi nMeni ndeet odayat 2pm.Hehascont act edt hei r Of f i cei nBKNpr i or t ohi sappoi nt ment t i met o not i f yt hemhewi l l not beat t endi ngt heappoi nt ment , ashehasi ssues wi t ht hest af f andser vi cespr ovi dedbyt heRTC( Rur al Tr ansact i on Cent r e) i nMeni ndee. I cont act edt heRJ CPPr ovi der I r enei nMeni ndee whohasadvi sedthatshewi l l PRcusti fhedoesnotattendtoday, and t hat heexpect edt oat t endhi sappoi nt sl i keever ybodyel se. RGLI Key: S22= Redact edCent r el i nkSt af f I dent i f i er s.RGLI = Redact edbyGar yLooneyasI r r el evant .RTC= Rur al Tr ansact i onCent r e( Meni ndeeCent r el i nkAgency) Re: Of f endi ngAgent.BKN= Br okenHi l l ( Ci t y110kmaway, 10hour t r i pi npubl i cbus) .RJ CP= Mur di Paaki Remot eJ obs&Communi t i esPr ogr am. NewName= Communi t yDevel opment Pr ogr amGary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 5 of 18REFERENCE:9643460003/RJCPCOF/IH2540 Mr GaryR Looney Po Box191 MENINDEE NSW2879 Dear Mr Gary Looney Appointment withMurdiPaaki RegionalEnterpriseonTuesday,22October 2013 You are required to attend an appointment with us, MurdiPaaki Regional Enterprise,as your Remote Jobs and Communities Program Provider. The purpose of this appointment is to discuss yourongoing jobseeker requirementsincluding waysthat willfurther assist youin your pathway to employment.At thisappointment we willalsoreview your Individual Pathway Plan. 1.What do I have todo? You must attend thefollowingappointment: Time:1:30pm Date:Tuesday, 22October 2013 Place:RTC 51Yartla Street Menindee Phone:08 80914644 Contact:Irene 2.Whatwillhappenif don'tattendtheappointment? Thisisa notice under socialsecuritylaw.Inorder tofulfilyour requirementsfor Newstart Allowanceyou must attend thisappointment and review your IndividualParticipationPlanas required. If you do not attend this appointment your payment may be stopped until you speak to Centrelink and agree to attend a further appointment. If you do not attend that further appointment your payment mayagain bestopped anda penaltyamount may bededucted from your next payment. You will lose your payment for a longer period if you are found to be deliberately avoiding your obligations. Pleasetreat allcommunication fromusveryseriously,becauseitisthesameasbeingnotifiedof yourrequirementsbyCentrelink. Continuedover page... Murdi PaakiRegionalEnterprise 39 Reid Street WILCANNIA, NSW,2836 14 October 2013 Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 6 of 18MurdiPaakiRegionalEnterprise 39 ReidStreet WILCANNIA, NSW,2836 18 October 2013 REFERENCE:9643460003/RJCPCOF/IH2540 MrGary R Looney Po Box191 MENINDEE NSW2879 Dear MrGary Looney Appointment withMurdi Paaki Regional EnterpriseonFriday,25October 2013 You are required to attend an appointment with us, Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise,as your RemoteJobsand CommunitiesProgram Provider.The purposeof thisappointment is todiscuss your ongoing jobseeker requirementsincluding waysthat willfurtherassist youinyour pathway to employment.At thisappointment we willalsoreview your IndividualPathway Plan. 1.What do I have todo? You mustattendthefollowingappointment: Time:11:30am Date:Friday,25October 2013 Place:RTC51Yartla Street Menindee Phone:08 80914644 Contact:Irene 2.What will happenif don'tattend theappointment? Thisisa notice under socialsecuritylaw.Inorder tofulfil your requirementsfor Newstart Allowance you must attend thisappointment and review your IndividualParticipationPlanas required. If you do not attend this appointment your payment may be stopped until you speak to Centrelink andagreetoattendafurtherappointment.Ifyoudonotattendthatfurtherappointmentyour payment mayagain bestoppedanda penaltyamount may bedeductedfrom your next payment. You will lose your payment for a longer period if you are found to be deliberately avoiding your obligations. Pleasetreatallcommunication fromusveryseriously,becauseitisthesameasbeingnotified of yourrequirementsbyCentrelink. Continuedover page... Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 7 of 1822October 2013 Gary LooneyJob Seeker ID #:9643460003 Po Box191 MENINDEE NSW 2879 APPOINTMENTNOTIFICATION Dear Gary You are required to attend an appointment with us, Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise,as your Remote Jobs and Communities Program provider. The purpose of this appointment is to discuss your ongoing or additional job seeker requirements and discuss ways that will further assist you in your pathway toemployment.We will also review your Individual Participation Plan. The details of your appointment are as follows: Time:1:30PM Date:Tuesday,19 November 2013 Place:RTC 51Yartla Street Menindee Phone:08 80914644 Contact:Irene Format:Face to Face If you do not advise beforehand if you cannot attend, your payment may be stopped even if you have a good reason for missing theappointment. You need tocall Irene before yourappointment if you: genuinely can't attend the appointment,and/or havespecial requirements(such as an interpreter or special building access). This is a notice under social security law.In order to fulfil your requirements for Newstart Allowance you mustattend thisappointment and enter intoor review your Individual Participation Plan as required. If you do not attend thisappointment your payment may bestopped until youspeak toCentrelink and agree to attend a further appointment. If you do not attend that further appointment your payment may again bestopped and a penalty amount may bededucted from your next payment. You willlose your payment for a longer period if you are found to bedeliberately avoiding your obligations. Please treat all communication from us very seriously, because it is the same as being notified of your requirementsbyCentrelink. Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 8 of 1826 November 2013 Gary LooneyJobSeeker ID #:9643460003 Po Box191 MENINDEE NSW2879 APPOINTMENTNOTIFICATION Dear Gary You are required to attend an appointment with us, Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise,as your Remote Jobs and Communities Program provider. The purpose of this appointment is to discuss your ongoing or additional jobseeker requirementsand discuss ways that will further assist you in your pathway toemployment.We willalso review your Individual Participation Plan. Thedetailsof your appointment areasfollows: Time:11:30 AM Date:Tuesday,17 December 2013 Place:Rural TransactionCentre 51Yartla St Menindee Phone:08 80914644 Contact:Irene Format:Face to Face If you do not advise beforehand if you cannot attend, your payment may be stopped even if you have a good reason for missing theappointment. Youneed to call Irene before your appointment if you: genuinely can't attend the appointment,and/or havespecial requirements(such as an interpreter or special building access). This is a notice under socialsecurity law.In order to fulfil your requirements for Newstart Allowance youmust attend thisappointment and enter intoor review your Individual Participation Plan as required. If you do not attend this appointment your payment may be stopped until you speak to Centrelink and agree to attend a further appointment. If you do not attend that further appointment your payment mayagain bestopped and a penaltyamount may bededucted from your next payment. You will lose your payment for a longer period if you are found to be deliberately avoiding your obligations. Please treat all communication from us very seriously, because it is the same as being notified of your requirementsbyCentrelink. Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 9 of 18MurdiPaakiRegionalEnterprise 39 Reid Street WILCANNIA, NSW,2836 17 December 2013 REFERENCE:9643460003/RJCPCOF/IH2540 MrGary R Looney Po Box191 MENINDEENSW2879 Dear MrGaryLooney Appointment with Murdi Paaki Regional EnterpriseonTuesday,14 January 2014 You are requiredto attend an appointment with us,MurdiPaakiRegionalEnterprise,as your RemoteJobsandCommunities Program Provider.The purposeof thisappointment is todiscuss your ongoing jobseeker requirementsincluding ways that willfurther assist you in your pathway toemployment.At thisappointment we willalso review your Individual Pathway Plan. 1.What do I have todo? Youmustattend thefollowingappointment: Time:1:30pm Date:Tuesday,14 January 2014 Place:RuralTransactionCentre 51 Yartla St Menindee Phone:08 80914644 Contact:Irene 2.What willhappenif don'tattendtheappointment? Thisisa notice under socialsecurity law.Inorder tofulfil your requirementsfor Newstart Allowance you must attend thisappointmentand review your IndividualParticipation Planas required. If youdonotattend thisappointment your payment may be stopped until youspeak toCentrelink andagreetoattendafurther appointment.If youdonotattend thatfurther appointment your payment may again bestopped and a penaltyamount may bedeductedfrom your next payment. You will lose your payment for a longer period if you are found to be deliberately avoiding your obligations. Pleasetreatallcommunication fromusveryseriously,becauseitisthesameasbeingnotified of yourrequirementsbyCentrelink. Continuedover page... Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 10 of 18MurdiPaakiRegionalEnterprise 39ReidStreet WILCANNIA, NSW,2836 22April2014 REFERENCE:9643460003/RJCPCOF/IH2540 MrGaryR Looney Po Box191 MENINDEENSW2879 Dear MrGaryLooney Appointment withMurdiPaakiRegionalEnterpriseonMonday,5May2014 Youarerequiredtoattendanappointmentwithus,MurdiPaakiRegionalEnterprise,as your RemoteJobsandCommunitiesProgramProvider.Thepurposeof thisappointmentistodiscuss yourongoing jobseekerrequirementsincludingwaysthatwillfurtherassistyouinyour pathway toemployment.AtthisappointmentwewillalsoreviewyourIndividualPathway Plan. 1.What do I havetodo? Youmustattendthefollowingappointment: Time:10:30am Date:Monday,5May2014 Place:RuralTransactionCentre 51Yartla St Menindee Phone:0880914644 Contact:Irene 2.What willhappenif don'tattendtheappointment? Thisisanotice undersocialsecuritylaw.Inorder tofulfilyourrequirementsfor Newstart Allowanceyoumustattendthisappointmentandreviewyour IndividualParticipationPlanas required. Pleasetreatall communication fromusvery seriously,becauseitisthe sameasbeingnotified of yourrequirementsbyCentrelink. Continuedover page... Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 11 of 18MurdiPaaki RegionalEnterprise 39 ReidStreet WILCANNIA, NSW,2836 8May 2014 REFERENCE:9643460003/RJCPCOF/IH2540 MrGaryR Looney Po Box191 MENINDEENSW2879 Dear MrGaryLooney Appointment withMurdi PaakiRegionalEnterpriseonWednesday,14 May 2014 You are required toattend an appointment with us,MurdiPaakiRegional Enterprise,as your RemoteJobsand Communities ProgramProvider.The purposeof thisappointment is todiscuss your ongoing jobseeker requirementsincluding waysthat willfurther assist youin your pathway to employment.At thisappointment we willalso review your Individual Pathway Plan. 1.What do I have todo? You must attend the following appointment: Time:2:00pm Date:Wednesday,14May 2014 Place:RuralTransactionCentre 51 Yartla St Menindee Phone:08 80914644 Contact:Irene 2.What willhappenif don'tattend theappointment? Thisisa notice under socialsecuritylaw.Inorder tofulfil your requirementsfor Newstart Allowanceyou must attend thisappointment and review your IndividualParticipationPlanas required. If you do not attend this appointment your payment may be stopped until you speak to Centrelink and agree to attend a further appointment. If you do not attend that further appointment your payment may again bestopped and a penaltyamount may bededucted from your next payment. You will lose your payment for a longer period if you are found to be deliberately avoiding your obligations. Pleasetreatall communication fromusveryseriously,becauseitisthesameasbeingnotified of yourrequirementsbyCentrelink. Continuedover page... Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 12 of 18MurdiPaaki RegionalEnterprise 39 Reid Street WILCANNIA, NSW,2836 15 May 2014 REFERENCE:9643460003/RJCPCOF/IH2540 MrGaryR Looney Po Box191 MENINDEE NSW2879 Dear MrGary Looney Appointment withMurdi Paaki RegionalEnterpriseonThursday,22May 2014 You are required to attend anappointment with us,Murdi PaakiRegionalEnterprise,as your Remote Jobs and Communities Program Provider. The purpose of this appointment is to discuss your ongoing jobseeker requirementsincluding ways that willfurther assist youin your pathway toemployment.At thisappointment we willalsoreview your Individual Pathway Plan. 1.What do I have todo? You mustattend thefollowingappointment: Time:1:30pm Date:Thursday,22May 2014 Place:RuralTransactionCentre 51 Yartla St Menindee Phone:08 80914644 Contact:Irene 2.What willhappenif don'tattend theappointment? Thisisa notice under socialsecuritylaw.Inorder to fulfilyour requirementsfor Newstart Allowance you mustattend thisappointment and review your IndividualParticipation Planas required. If you do not attend this appointment your payment may be stopped until you speak to Centrelink andagreetoattendafurtherappointment.Ifyoudonotattendthatfurtherappointmentyour payment mayagain bestoppedanda penaltyamount may bededucted from your next payment. You will lose your payment for a longer period if you are found to be deliberately avoiding your obligations. Pleasetreatallcommunicationfromusveryseriously,becauseitisthesameasbeingnotifiedof yourrequirementsbyCentrelink. Continuedover page... Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 13 of 18Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise 39 Reid Street WILCANNIA, NSW, 2836 16 May 2014 REFERENCE: 9643460003/RJCPCOF/BL2645 Mr Gary R Looney Po Box 191 MENINDEE NSW 2879 Dear Mr Gary Looney Appointment with Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 You are required to attend an appointment with us, Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise, as your Remote Jobs and Communities Program Provider. The purpose of this appointment is to discuss your ongoing job seeker requirements including ways that will further assist you in your pathway to employment. At this appointment we will also review your Individual Pathway Plan. 1.What do I have to do? You must attend the following appointment: Time:11:00 am Date:Tuesday, 10 June 2014 Place:AIES Office 80 Oxide St Broken Hill Phone:08 80876111 Contact:Reception 2.What will happen if don't attend the appointment? This is a notice under social security law. In order to fulfil your requirements for Newstart Allowance you must attend this appointment and review your Individual Participation Plan as required. If you do not attend this appointment your payment may be stopped until you speak to Centrelink and agree to attend a further appointment. If you do not attend that further appointment your payment may again be stopped and a penalty amount may be deducted from your next payment. You will lose your payment for a longer period if you are found to be deliberately avoiding your obligations. Please treat all communication from us very seriously, because it is the same as being notified of your requirements by Centrelink. Continued over page... Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 14 of 18Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise 39 Reid Street WILCANNIA, NSW, 2836 23 June 2014 REFERENCE: 9643460003/RJCPCOF7BL2645 Mr Gary R Looney Po Box 191 MENINDEE NSW 2879 Dear Mr Gary Looney Appointment with Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise on Thursday, 3 July 2014 You are required to attend an appointment with us, Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise, as your Remote Jobs and Communities Program Provider. The purpose of this appointment is to discuss your ongoing job seeker requirements including ways that will further assist you in your pathway to employment. At this appointment we will also review your Individual Pathway Plan. 1.What do I have to do? You must attend the following appointment: Time:11:00 am Date:Thursday, 3 July 2014 Place:AIES Office 80 Oxide St Broken Hill Phone:0458 075568 Contact:Brooke 2.What will happen if don't attend the appointment? This is a notice under social security law. In order to fulfil your requirements for Newstart Allowance you must attend this appointment and review your Individual Participation Plan as required. If you do not attend this appointment your payment may be stopped until you speak to Centrelink and agree to attend a further appointment. If you do not attend that further appointment your payment may again be stopped and a penalty amount may be deducted from your next payment. You will lose your payment for a longer period if you are found to be deliberately avoiding your obligations. Please treat all communication from us very seriously, because it is the same as being notified of your requirements by Centrelink. Continued over page... Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 15 of 18Murdi Paaki Regional Enterpris 39 Reid Street Wilcannia, NSW, 2836 7 July 2014 REFERENCE:9643460003/RJCPCOF/BL2645 Mr Gary R Looney Po Box 191 MENINDEE NSW 2879 Dear Mr Gary Looney Appointment with Murdi Paaki Regional Enterpris on Monday, 21 July 2014 You are required to attend an appointment with us. The purpose of this appointment is to discuss your ongoing job focused requirements including ways that will further assist you along your pathway to employment. At this appointment you will also be required to negotiate and enter into an Individual Participation Plan or review your current Individual Participation Plan. 1. What do Ihave to do? You must attend the following appointment: Time:10:00 AM Date:Monday, 21 July 2014 Place:Aies Office 80 Oxide St Broken Hill Phone:0458 075 568 Contact:Brooke 2. What if I amunable to attend the appointment at this time? You need to call Brooke on 0458 075 568 before the appointment so that another time can be made. Youmust attend the appointment outlined below inreturn for Newstart Allowance.If you do not attend this appointment and enter into or review your IndividualParticipationPlan as required, your payment may be stopped by Centrelink.Not complying withrequirements like this can lead to penalty deductions from your payment or a penalty that equates to eight weeks of your income support if you are deliberately avoidingyour requirements. This is a notice under Social Security Law. Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 16 of 18Postal Address:PO BOX 6500, CANBERRA ACT 2600 Telephone: +61 2 6271 5111 Fax: +61 2 6271 5414 www.pmc.gov.au ABN:18 108 001 191

LOVETT TOWER KELTIE STREET WODEN Reference: 140710-000189 Gary Looney PO Box 191 MENINDEE NSW 2879 Dear Mr Looney RE: Complaint about Remote Jobs and Communities Programme (RJCP) provider Thank you for your email received 10 July 2014, reference 140710-000189.As advised in writing in June 2014, reference 152251, the particulars of your complaint regarding the services that are being provided to you were forwarded to your RJCP provider Murdi Paaki for a response. TheDepartmentofthePrimeMinisterandCabinethavereviewedtheresponsefromMurdiPaaki andissatisfiedwiththeirresponse. Weconsidertheservicesprovidedmeetthedepartments requirements. The department will not be taking any further action regarding your complaint and you are formally advised that the Customer Service Line will not accept further contact from you about your servicing arrangement. Any further correspondence on this issue will be filed without acknowledgement. Ifyouaredissatisfiedwithyourcomplaintoutcome,youareabletocontacttheCommonwealth Ombudsman on 1300 362 072.Yours sincerely National Customer Service Line Phone 1800 805 [email protected] Gary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 17 of 18Close PrintFrom:Ombudsman Central ([email protected])Sent: Wednesday, 1 July 2015 3:29:39 PMTo: [email protected] reference: 2015-507406 Dear Mr Looney Thank you for your email dated 1 July 2015. I have considered the informaon that you have provided ouroce and I have decided not to invesgate your complaints at this me. Our roleThe role of the Ombudsmans oce is to assess whether it appears that an agency has acted in accordancewith the relevant legislave and administrave requirements, has given appropriate consideraon to allrelevant informaon when making a decision and, in all the circumstances, the decision made or acontaken was not unreasonable. The Ombudsman cannot require an agency to take a specic acon or make(or remake) a specic decision. The Ombudsmans oce does not have a mediaon role nor do we make decisions regardingcompensaon. Further, under secon 6 of the Ombudsman Act 1976, we usually do not invesgate a complaint where aperson has been aware of the problem for more than 12 months before contacng us. As the events thatyou have described are greater than 12 months old, as well as the fact that we have previously conductedan invesgaon about some of these issues in 2012, I have decided that no invesgaon is warranted. Although, I am not invesgang your complaint, I am concerned that you have stated that you have notbeen in receipt of a payment since August 2014. Our oce can iniate contact between Centrelink andyourself, to begin a new claim for a Centrelink payment. If you would like our oce to assist you inorganising contact with Centrelink, you will need provide a contact telephone number to me by 15 July2015. Please note, that Centrelink does not respond or contact customers via email.Yours sincerely Azure Hermes Invesgaon OcerCOMMONWEALTH OMBUDSMANphone 1300 362 072 | fax 02 6276 0123email [email protected] www.ombudsman.gov.au'Assisng the Australian community by resolving complaints and fostering good government administraon.' Outlook.comPrint Message https://col130.mail.live.com/ol/mail.mvc/PrintMessages?mkt=en-auGary Looney(Menindee) 11 Aug 2015 Human Services and Murdi Paaki Suspension with Threats Page 18 of 18