1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number...

1.Family 2.Culture Shock 3.Cultural

Transcript of 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number...

Page 1: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.


2.Culture Shock

3.Cultural Basics

Page 2: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 3: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated or stipulated) from a common ancestor, marriage or adoption. Families have some degree of kinship In American SocietyAmerican Society, a family is defined specifically as a group of people affiliated by blood or by legal ties such as marriage or adoption. Many anthropologists argue that the notion of "blood" must be understood metaphorically; some argue that there are many non-Western societies where family is understood through other concepts rather than "blood."

Page 4: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 5: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

Family life can be both very happy

and very complicated

Page 6: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 7: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 8: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

*Traditionally there are two meanings of monogamy: one is applied to marriage of human beings described specifically by Aristotelianism and Thomism as rational animals (in Latin : animal rationale). The other relates to relationships between non-human animals.

*Among human beings monogamy has two aspects:

*principle of marrying only once in a lifetime, opposed to digamy,

*marriage with only one person at a time, opposed to bigamy or polygamy

Page 9: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

*What is the Divorce Rate in the USA?

*Often people misspeak regarding the divorce rate in America, claiming divorce statistics of 50%. However, the actual divorce rate in the USA hovers between 38% – 40%. While 2011 final numbers have not yet been released, we’ve calculated that over the next 5 years the divorce rate in the USA will continue to rise.

Page 10: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.




Percentage Divorced


Divorce Rate































Page 11: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.







Divorce Rate


























Page 12: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

1. Poor communication

2. Financial problems

3. A lack of commitment to the marriage

4. A dramatic change in priorities

5. Infidelity There are other causes we see a lot, but not quite as often as those listed above .They are:

6. Failed expectations or unmet needs

7. Addictions and substance abuse

8. Physical, sexual or emotional abuse

9. Lack of conflict resolution skills

Page 13: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 14: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.


*Time prelude begins: Time candles lighted:



*AISLE RUNNER (optional)




*Example: We are gathered here to worship God We are gathered here to worship God and to witness the marriage vows of ____ and and to witness the marriage vows of ____ and ____ (full names). Let your light so shine before ____ (full names). Let your light so shine before people that they may see your good works and people that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Let give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Let us worship God.us worship God.

Page 15: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.


*Example: ____ and ____, marriage is an honorable estate whose bond and covenant was instituted by God in creation. Our Lord Jesus Christ adorned and beautified this holy estate by his presence and first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. It signifies to us the mystery of the union between Christ and his church. And the Holy Scripture commends it to be honored among all people. Therefore, no one should enter this state of life unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God; duly considering the causes for which matrimony was ordained.



*Example: “____, will you take ____ to be your wife, and will you be faithful to her, love her, honor her, live with her, and cherish her, according to the commandments of God in holy marriage?”

*“____, will you take ____ to be your husband, and will you be faithful to him, love him, honor him, live with him, and cherish him, according to the commandments of God in holy marriage?”

Page 16: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.



*HYMN or SPECIAL MUSIC (may go before ascending platform)


*Examples: Gen. 2:18–24; Eccles. 4:19–21; Matt. 5:13–16; John 2:1; Eph. 5:21–33; Col. 3:12–17; I John 4:7–12; Song of Songs 8:6, 7.

*HOMIL Y (7–10 minutes)


*Example: “I, ____, take you ____, to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, and according to God’s holy plan, I give you my love.”

*“I, ____, take you, ____, to my wedded husband …” (as above)


*“____/____, what token do you give of your love?”

*“A ring.”

*“____, with this ring I thee wed, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Page 17: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.


*Example: Bless, O Lord, these rings to be a symbol of the solemn vows by which this man and this woman have bound themselves to each other in holy matrimony, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


*Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder.


*Example: Forasmuch as ____ and ____ have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this congregation, and in so doing have given and pledged their vows to each other, and have declared the same by the giving and receiving of a ring, I pronounce them man and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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*Depending upon God for strength and wisdom, we pledge ourselves to the establishment of a Christian home. Together we will constantly seek God’s will and honor Christ in our marriage.

*PRAYER (kneeling)




Page 19: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 20: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 21: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

*Responsibility #1: Be a leader

*Responsibility #2: Love your wife unconditionally.

*Responsibility #3: Serve your wife.

Page 22: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 23: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 24: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

*Responsibility #1: Love your husband unconditionally

*Responsibility #2: Take care of your children both emotionally and physically

*Responsibility #3: Take care of the home

Page 25: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 26: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 27: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 28: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.
Page 29: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

This is not like I thought it would be.

Page 30: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

*excitement and stimulation


*tiredness (sometimes made worse by difficulty sleeping)


*depression (low energy, lack of motivation to do anything)

*anger and hostility toward the local people

*anxiety and sometimes paranoia

*questioning whether they have made a mistake in going to the new country

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Page 32: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

Success is probably the highest value in American life. It relates to so many other characteristics of American life-individualism, freedom, goal-setting, progress, experimenting, social mobility, making money, pragmatism, and optimism. Americans want to "make a success of themselves." This is the "American Dream" which has attracted millions of immigrants and has been taught to generations of American children. Everyone wants to be a success at something. If you do not think that way, you may be considered a failure. It is almost impossible to criticize success. For example, if an employee does something without properly consulting his supervisor, and as a result the company gets a big contract with a new customer, the employee will get much more praise than blame. The success of getting the new contract may be more important than the failure to consult a superior. Sometimes people will even say cheating is justified if it brings success. Other people, however, may disagree.

Page 33: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

Americans love freedom and privacy. In a way that means we love to be left alone. We don't want anyone interfering in our affairs, giving us advice, or trying to run our lives. We want people to "stay off our backs," "stay out of our way," and "mind their own business." Perhaps Live and let live should be listed as the first commandment of American culture, even more important than success. It means that no one should object to anyone else's way of living. If you like opera and I like country music, that is fine. If you want to get married and I want to live with someone without marrying her, that is fine too. Neither of us should try to influence the other or object to the way the other lives. If we are not tolerant of other people, we may damage their self-esteem. To attack someone's self-esteem is to break one of the most basic rules of American life.

Page 34: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

Americans try to have as much fun as possible. Much of our fun comes through various kinds of entertainment, especially TV. But we also try to turn other activities into fun. Shopping is fun. Eating is fun, and in case it is not enough fun, we will put a playground inside the fast-food restaurant so the kids can have fun playing while the grown-ups have fun sitting and eating. Learning to read can be turned into fun, as the Sesame Street TV programs show. Americans look for careers that are fun (although not many succeed). Having fun is the major preoccupation of youth, retired people, and many of those in between. In most situations Americans are very time-conscious. However, we forget to watch the clock when we are having fun. That is why "time flies," that is, time seems to go by very quickly.

Page 35: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

Many Americans (especially American women) shop as a form of recreation. Even if we are not shopping for anything in particular, we simply enjoy looking at all the options. We love the whole process of choosing what to buy and where to buy it. It is a major topic of social conversation. If you want to impress an American friend, convince him or her that you are a "smart shopper." The saying, Shop till you drop, is never used seriously as a command and yet it holds a serious meaning. We are perhaps the ultimate consumer society, and this saying describes us so well that it could be our national motto.

Page 36: 1. Family 2. Culture Shock 3. Cultural Basics. A family is a domestic group of people, or a number of domestic groups linked through descent (demonstrated.

Americans are people of action. They do not like too much planning. That seems indecisive and perhaps a waste of time. They do not like rules and regulations that prevent action. They strongly dislike authority structures where people are expected to inform several other people before they do anything. They get an idea and we want to just do it. Action is seen as the key to success. Action is more valuable than planning, checking regulations, or informing people.