1 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND PRESENTATION The way to present the world in a clearer and better...


Transcript of 1 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND PRESENTATION The way to present the world in a clearer and better...




The way to present the world in a clearer and

better view

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 2

Training ObjectiveTraining Objective

Improve knowledge on communication and presentation process.

Increase the awareness on the communication and presentation problem.

Facilitate the participant to practice their communication and presentation skill.

Improve the Communication and Presentation Skill

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 3

Knowing Your SelfKnowing Your Self

1. Perceived Self (Traits, Competencies, Values)

2. Self Acceptance.

3. Self Respect.

4. Self Confidence.

5. Self Direction.

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Attitude Toward OthersAttitude Toward Others

Genuine Interest.

Respect Others.



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How People ReactHow People React





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Experience background.



Social feedback.

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Communicator Communicator CredibilityCredibility

Communicator’s Expertise.Communicator’s education, experience, accomplishment.

Communicator’s TrustworthinessInformation obtained from the trustable sources.Attribution on self interest.

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 8

First ImpressionFirst Impression

How first impression affect our behaviors

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Body LanguageBody Language

Body shape and appearance:





Facial Expression

Eye Contact.

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The process of delivering idea or opinion between two people or more.

Connecting two persons or more.

There is a message to send.

Involving sender and receiver.

Related with symbol and media.

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Effective Effective communicationcommunication

Involving mutual understanding Involving mutual understanding between two people.between two people.

Same perception

Achieving goal.

End up with result

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Benefit of Effective Benefit of Effective CommunicationCommunication

Produce genuine understanding

Build and develop relations

Give clarity to the task required

Save time

Avoid problem

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 13

How to Achieve…How to Achieve…

1. Make it easier (Facilitating the process)

2. Develop an Active Listening Skill

3. Clear and Right while Delivering

4. Check for Understanding

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 14

Achieving Effective Achieving Effective CommunicationCommunication

1. Facilitating the process

Chose the right time and place to start communication.

Avoid intervention during communicate.

Bring a light subject to begin.

Do not give lots of barrier.

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 15

2. Develop an active listening skill

Listening is also important then talking.

Stop talking while listening.

Pay a full attention.

Aware with body language and expression.

Do not make any judgment.

Ask for more clarification.

Summarized the message.

Achieving Effective Achieving Effective CommunicationCommunication

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 16

Communication Communication PortionsPortions

We spend 80% of each day communicating in some way.

Listening 45%

Speaking 30%

Reading 16%

Writing 9%

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 17

Listening ProcessListening Process

1. Receiving the information through ears and eye.

2. Giving the meaning of that information.

3. Deciding what do you think or feel about that information.

4. Responding to what you hear.

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 18

Listening Style (Barrier Listening Style (Barrier – Bridge)– Bridge)

Vacant VincentFaraway look and easily to distracted

Critical CarrieListen critically to each fact and missed a big picture.

Compliant CurtisNot allow speaker understand the real feeling or opinion (shy and want to please everybody)

Active ArloPurposeful and committed listening based on good habits and self control (reach understanding)

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 19

Tips for Active Tips for Active ListeningListening

1. Take Notes.

2. Listen Now, report later.

3. Use your DISC DriveDesire, Interest, Self Discipline, Concentration.

4. Encouraging the speakerAsking, showing interest, expressing concern, paying attention.

5. ‘Whole Body” Listener

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6. Build Rapport by pacing the speakerMatch your voice rate (speed up or slow down if necessary)Change your voice volume.Notice and use some speaker’s word

7. Control your emotion

8. Control distraction

9. Listening is an Acknowledgement of Caring

Tips for Active Tips for Active ListeningListening

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3. Clear and right in delivery

Understand the subject.

Use clear definition.

Analyze and categorize the message.

Use proper language and tone match with the message being delivered.

Learned about your message and listener

Achieving Effective Achieving Effective CommunicationCommunication

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 22

4. Check for understanding

Watch the expression.

Get a feedback at the time or wait for the result.

Asked for opinion or questions.

Seek the source of lack communication.

Do not always trust with the “yes” answer. Asked the listener to repeat.

Achieving Effective Achieving Effective CommunicationCommunication

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 23

Feedback Handling Feedback Handling CategoriesCategories

1. Evaluative: makes judgment about worth, goodness or appropriateness of the statements.

2. Interpretative: attempt to explain what the statement mean.

3. Supportive: attempt to assist the other communicator.

4. Probing: attempt to gain additional information, continue discussion or clarify.

5. Understanding: attempt to discover completely what the statement mean.

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 24

Influencing FactorsInfluencing Factors

1. The Purpose/Objective: What are we going to achieve.

2. The Method: Oral Written Oral and Written Audiovisual

One Way Two Way

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Influencing FactorsInfluencing Factors

3. Environment Is it formal or non-formal? Is it individual or group? Is it in private or public area?

4. Time frame

5. Feed back (to see the understanding or impact)

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Interpersonal Interpersonal CommunicationCommunication

It happen between two persons or group.

There are few persons receive the messages with their own perception.

It is involve dynamic complexity.

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Effective Interpersonal Effective Interpersonal CommunicationCommunication

Implemented In the trustable working climate.

Proper two way communication.

Feed back and result oriented.

Use an empathy approach.

Avoid unnecessary words or sentences.

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Interpersonal Interpersonal Communication BarrierCommunication Barrier


Feeling (Stress).


Personal make-up and attitude.


Environment (Noise).

Message (focus on fact rather than idea).

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Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication DistortionDistortion


Perceived by receiver

Probability perceived by receiver

Unintentional message

Intentional message


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Interdepartmental Interdepartmental CommunicationCommunication

Sharing information between people or group in a two or more Departments.

Represent group.

More complex.

Usually in a formal environment

Managerial behavior is a form of communication

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 31

Distortion in Distortion in Interdepartmental Interdepartmental Communication Communication

Lack of awareness on the other Department competencies and role.

Tend to use a specific technical term.

Assuming that the information will spread out automatically.

Jump to the end.

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 32

Status Effect

Semantic Problem

Cultural Differences

Physical Distraction

Poor choice of communication channels

No Feedback

Distortion in Distortion in Interdepartmental Interdepartmental Communication Communication

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Try to understand other Department doing in brief.

Put your self as a part of other Department.

Have a regular meeting between Department.

Keep your line in a communication purpose.

Have a positive mind and not judging.

Keep you concentration.

Find something to increase your interest.

Achieving Effective Achieving Effective Interdepartmental Interdepartmental Communication Communication

Corporate Affairs DivisionTraining Dept. - DR 34

As a Good Listener…As a Good Listener…

Employee should:

Understand the problem.

Sustain attention.

Retain information.

Clarify procedures

Build good relation with others.