1 Definition of SBD eL II

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  • 7/29/2019 1 Definition of SBD eL II



    The Nature of the Problem

    What is an emotional or behavioral


  • 7/29/2019 1 Definition of SBD eL II


    Estimation: 2% or more of student population having

    some type of EBD

    Difficulty: understanding the characteristics and

    nature of students with EBD

    Understanding the nature of EBD + acquiring the

    tools to teach students with disabilities teachers

    will be better prepared to educate students who

    have EBD

    The Importance of understanding

    (emotional and) behavior disorders

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    1. A student rocks constantly in her seat. Does she havean emotional and behavior disorder?

    2. A student beats up a peer because he was singing asong from a popular movie at lunch. Does theaggressor have an emotional and behavior disorder?

    3. A student threatens to commit suicide because herparents are getting a divorce. Does she have anemotional and behavior disorder?

    Are these EBD?

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    Emotionally disturbed.

    Behaviorally disordered.

    Emotional or behavioral disorders.

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    Important Terms

    Emotionally disturbed-- term now used in

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (1997)

    Behaviorally Disordered-- term used by Council

    for Children with Behavioral Disorders, focuses

    attention on observable aspects of the children

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    Developmental Norms versus Sociocultural


    Universally recognized.

    Muteness, serious self-injury, eating feces, and


    Sociocultural expectations.

    Academic achievement, aggression, sexual

    behavior, and language patterns.

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    Behavior Shaped by Social Context



    Behavior is formed by the childs social interaction and transaction(modeling, reinforcement, extinction, and punishment).

    Example: when dealing with a child with temper tantrums, one

    needs to consider the appropriate expectations, demands and

    reactions of his/her teachers, peers, and parents.

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    Types of Disorders and Causes

    Examples of disordered emotions and behavior.Environmental conditions under which disturbed children grow are varied;

    some disturbed children grow in conducive to normal development

    conditions whereas others grow in adverse conditions.Because there are a great number of possible causal factors of disabilities, it

    is very difficult to determine these causes for the individual child.


    Allen, a 13-year-old, was described as a discipline problem. Examples of hismisbehavior include:

    He justified calling one of his classmates a name by saying that she wasmaking him mad;

    He justified telling his teacher to shut up and calling him stupid, by explainingthat an assignment was Stupid.

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    Types of Disorders and Causes



    Elizabeth has schizophrenia: Since she was in kindergarten she

    avoided doing work. Although she was in the top reading group in first

    grade, she was in the bottom reading group in third grade. In fourth

    grade she was taking Ritalinand thought she was doing better untilshe got really sick and spent 2 months in the hospital. She started

    taking Mellaril and feels that she is doing much better because of the

    medicine and the support she gets from her family and some


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    Problems of Definition

    We judge a behavior as normal or abnormal through our subjectivecultural norms, rules, and expectations. Therefore, definingemotional or behavioral disorders is difficult.

    Examples of these difficulties: Differences in conceptual models,differing purposes of definition, the complexities of measuring

    emotions and behavior, the range and variability of normal and

    deviant behavior, the relationship among emotional or behavioral

    disorders and other exceptionalities, the transience of many

    problems during human development, and the disadvantagesinherent in labeling deviance.

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    Problems of Definition

    Differences in Conceptual Models Psychodynamic








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    Problems of Definition

    Differing Purposes of Definitions





    States definitions of EBD differ. Therefore, a child

    might be considered normal in one state but

    disturbed in another.

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    Problems of Definition

    Difficulties in Measuring Emotions and


    Psychometric tests

    Behavioral frequencies

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    Problems of Definition

    Range and Variability of Normal and Deviant




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    Problems of Definition

    Relationships Among Emotional or Behavioral

    Disorders and Other Exceptionalities

    Mental retardation

    Learning disabilities

    Communication disorders

    Transience of Many Emotional and Behavioral


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    Problems of Definition

    Disadvantages in Labeling Deviance

    We cannot talk about things, includingdisabilities, without using labels (language)

    to describe them.(Kauffman, 2004)

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    Problems of Definition

    Importance of the Definition Medical Legislative

    The Current Federal Definition


    In Bowers 1981 definition, there is some ambiguity in defining the

    inability to learn; is it inability to learn social behavior or only academicskills? How long does it last? How can we determine that inability tolearn is irrelevant to intellectual or health factors? Are health and mentalfactors separable? What are satisfactory interpersonal relationships withpeers? What is inappropriate behavior? What are normal conditions?When is unhappiness pervasive?

    Status IDEA. Did the definition of IDEA resolve the ambiguity in Bowers

    definition? What is the problem of including schizophrenia in thedefinition?

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    Perspective on Definition

    A useful definition for educators is one that

    focuses on the students behavior at school

    settings. Therefore, teachers should be viewed

    as the most important individuals in the

    process of decision making and defining

    disturbed children.

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    EBD Defined: The IDEA definition:

    Difficult to define due to its subjectivity

    The condition persists and adversely affects educationalperformance.

    An inability to learn exists that cannot be explained by factorsrelating to health, IQ, or sensory problems.

    The condition results in poor interpersonal behaviors and a pervasivemood of depression or unhappiness.

    The condition includes a tendency to develop physical symptomsrelated to fears.

    IDEA is criticized because it:

    Leads to under-identification.

    Narrowly interprets school performance as academic.

    Emphasizes emotional problems.

    Underemphasizes behavioral problems.

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    Emerging Definition: National Mental Health and

    Special Education Coalition

    The condition includes behavioral or emotional responses inschool different from appropriate age, cultural, or ethnic norms.

    School performance (academic, social, vocational, and personalskills) is affected adversely.

    It is not temporary or an expected response. The behavior is consistently exhibited in two different settings, at

    least one of which is school-related.

    The condition is unresponsive to direct intervention in generaleducation.

    EBD may include schizophrenic disorders, affective disorders,anxiety disorders, or other sustained disorders of adjustment orconduct.