1 Connect - crossroadschurchweb.org · Connect & Serve Issue Date DEC 2016/JAN 2017 IN THIS ISSUE...

PAGE | 1 "I'm going on an adventure!" Connect & Serve DEC 2016/JAN 2017 IN THIS ISSUE One of our family traditions is to watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy over the Christmas break. This year, we have added The Hobbit movies as well. The story of the Hobbit focuses on a homey hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. He loves the earthy nature of his hobbit-hole, warm fires, good food, and above all, living a comfortable and quiet life. The story (among many other things), is a story of Bilbo’s transformation: from a home- loving hobbit, to one who excitedly shouts, “I’m going on an adventure!” As we step into 2017, I am convinced that God has big things for Crossroads. I believe He is leading us into a new adventure. Maybe you feel too old for an adventure. Maybe you’ve got young kids and you feel like that is adventure enough. Maybe you’re retired and you feel as if this is your time for you. No matter where you are in life, no matter your station, God wants to partner with you and lead you into something new and exciting! He does not want us playing at being the church. He wants to work through us to do His work: igniting and advancing personal relationship with Jesus! And there are specific things God wants for us this year. First of all, He wants us to reach out with the gospel of Jesus. God has uniquely gifted and positioned you to reach people with the good news of Jesus. You have circles of friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers that no one else has – and many need Jesus. Who can respond if they never hear someone speak of Jesus? We will be praying fervently for boldness to speak Jesus into people’s lives and sharing our stories of how God is working! Secondly, we will be praying about the opportunity God has laid before us with Ygnacio Valley Christian School. What a mutual blessing it could be to work side- by-side together to disciple children and equip parents! This means that we would need the wisdom of our older generation to pass down what has been entrusted to you in Christ. There is no retirement in Christianity or parenting! May we be praying passionately for wisdom and strength and discernment as we seek God’s guidance. Thirdly, we will continue to move forward in our goal to staff some areas that need regular attention. With the guidance of our PSWC Superintendent, Paul Wilson, we are making progress and look forward to hire this year! Finally, we have been praying about and considering what God wants us to do about Day Camp. This has been a strong ministry for almost 40 years and we want to let God lead us into a new vision for how to sustainably continue this wonderful ministry to children! May God bless you in 2017! Pastor Aaron Women’s Ministries… Page 2 Photos… Page 3 News From The Pews… Page 4 What Does God Want For Me?... Page 5 We Are a Flock… Page 6 Birthdays… Page 6 December Calendar… Page 7 January Calendar… Page 8

Transcript of 1 Connect - crossroadschurchweb.org · Connect & Serve Issue Date DEC 2016/JAN 2017 IN THIS ISSUE...

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"I'm going on an adventure!"

Connect & Serve

Issue Date


One of our family traditions is to watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy over the Christmas break. This year, we have added The Hobbit movies as well. The story of the Hobbit focuses on a homey hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. He loves the earthy nature of his hobbit-hole, warm fires, good food, and above all, living a comfortable and quiet life. The story (among many other things), is a story of Bilbo’s transformation: from a home-loving hobbit, to one who excitedly shouts, “I’m going on an adventure!”

As we step into 2017, I am convinced that God has big things for Crossroads. I believe He is leading us into a new adventure. Maybe you feel too old for an adventure. Maybe you’ve got young kids and you feel like that is adventure enough. Maybe you’re retired and you feel as if this is your time for you.

No matter where you are in life, no matter your station, God wants to partner with you and lead you into something new and exciting! He does not want us playing at being the church. He wants to work through us to do His work: igniting and advancing personal relationship with Jesus!

And there are specific things God wants for us this year. First of all, He wants us to reach out with the gospel of Jesus. God has

uniquely gifted and positioned you to reach people with the good news of Jesus. You have circles of friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers that no one else has – and many need Jesus. Who can respond if they never hear someone speak of Jesus? We will be praying fervently for boldness to speak Jesus into people’s lives and sharing our stories of how God is working!

Secondly, we will be praying about the opportunity God has laid before us with Ygnacio Valley Christian School. What a mutual blessing it could be to work side-by-side together to disciple children and equip parents! This means that we would need the wisdom of our older generation to pass down what has been entrusted to you in Christ. There is no retirement in Christianity or parenting! May we be praying

passionately for wisdom and strength and discernment as we seek God’s guidance.

Thirdly, we will continue to move forward in our goal to staff some areas that need regular attention. With the guidance of our PSWC Superintendent, Paul Wilson, we are making progress and look forward to hire this year!

Finally, we have been praying about and considering what God wants us to do about Day Camp. This has been a strong ministry for almost 40 years and we want to let God lead us into a new vision for how to sustainably continue this wonderful ministry to children!

May God bless you in 2017!

Pastor Aaron

Women’s Ministries… Page 2 Photos… Page 3 News From The Pews… Page 4 What Does God Want For Me?... Page 5

We Are a Flock… Page 6 Birthdays… Page 6 December Calendar… Page 7 January Calendar… Page 8

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Bible Study Our Women’s Bible Study groups are diving into a new video series entitled “The Armor of God.”

All day, every day, an invisible

war rages around you — unseen,

unheard, yet felt throughout

every aspect of your life. A

devoted, devilish enemy seeks to

wreak havoc on everything that

matters to you: your heart, your mind, your

marriage, your children, your relationships, your

resilience, your dreams, your destiny.

But his battle plan depends on catching you

unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being

pushed around and caught with your guard

down, this study is for you.

The enemy always fails miserably when he

meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The

Armor of God, more than merely a biblical

description of the believer's inventory, is an

action plan for putting it on and developing a

personalized strategy to secure victory.

We invite women of all ages to join one of our

Women’s Bible Study groups! We meet Tuesday

mornings* at 9:30 in the Ranch House, or

Thursday evenings at 7:00 in the library.

*Unable to make Tuesday mornings? Other

options to join in this study are available.

Email Kathy Howarter ([email protected])

for details.

For this month’s schedule of events, please see the calendars on the back page.

For future months and events, please visit

our website at crossroadschurchweb.org!

Above: Some of the attendees at our monthly Ladies Luncheon (+ Pastor Aaron)

About Priscilla Shirer… Priscilla Shirer is a wife and a mom first. But put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart and you’ll see why thousands flock to her conferences and dive into her Bible study series’ each year. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, Priscilla holds a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies and loves nothing more than to serve her sisters in Christ through the teaching of God’s Word. She considers it a privilege to serve believers from every denomination and culture by helping them to know the truths of Scripture intellectually and by encouraging them to experience these truths practically by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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The Stewarts’ home fellowship potluck before Christmas break.

Four generations of family were present at the baptism of Luke Styskal!

Congratulations, Mom and Dad!

Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer

The Nativity scene in our narthex is a big attraction for little hands.

Sherry and John Tully getting help w yard work from granddaughter Adelyn

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News From The Pews

Tanya Moves – Men’s Fellowship Group Helps Tanya moved into new digs this quarter and several of the guys from the Friday Night Fellowship Group provided strong shoulders for the event. They included Chris Plumley, Jesse Beckom, Andre TimTim and Steve Stewart. Here’s a photo of Tanya, Chris and Andre.

Mark and Becky’s Wedding Mark Clark and Becky are now Mr. and Mrs. Mark Clark as of November 5th, 2016. Here’s a pic of them at their ceremony in San Francisco.

Proposed Partnership The congregation meeting on Sunday, December 11th included introduction of the possibility of Ygnacio Valley Christian School coming to the Crossroads campus. Here’s a pic of their campus at their present campus. The move would provide great use of the “back forty” and fit well with Crossroads, YVCS preschool, Hope Academy, Iglecia Restaurando Vidas Church and the Family Church who share our campus during the week.

Holiday Blessings Thanks to some generous donations, Crossroads was able to provide Thanksgiving Food Boxes to four families in need, as well as overflowing Christmas Food Boxes to two others. Our annual Angel Tree was also a great success, providing all the requested necessities for five young, unwed mothers from Crossroads High School, as well as their children.

Blessings to all!

To include your good news in this section, please email [email protected] or drop a note in the office!

Ygnacio Valley Christian School at its current location.

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Missions We Support: Karyn Sorenson - Counseling in Micronesia

Elena Cortez - Church Plant and Pastoral Ministry in Ensenada, Mexico

Jeff and Carolyn Stoker - Rainforest International School in Cameroon, Africa

New Day for Children - Rescuing girls 10-18 out of human trafficking

Options for Women - Providing alternatives to abortion for mothers in crisis

Backpack Ministry - Providing school supplies to area children

Bay Area Chaplains - Prison Ministry

Peace is something we crave as believers. “I only need a moment’s peace” or “Give me a little peace, please.” Asking for peace from others is not always assured, but asking God for peace is a sure thing. James tells us “You do not have because you do not ask.” (James 4:2b) Jesus told his disciples in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”.

So how do I get this peace Jesus wants to give to me? One step is to seek peace. Psalm 34:14 says “Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” Do you seek peace in your life? Do you strive to end quarrels and fights by being a peacemaker? Is living in harmony with others important enough to you to pursue it?

Another step is to look into God’s Word. Psalm 119:165 says, ”Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” God’s word will lead and show us how to live in peace with others. A side benefit is that we are then assured that we are sure footed and not prone to stumble over worldly pursuits and circumstances. Isaiah 26:3 also talks about God’s word in regard to peace. I love this verse and claim it in my life. “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” Are you experiencing the steadfastness of God’s peace in your life? Are you walking each day trusting in God to provide and lead you?

The last step I want to mention is that we need to let go of our anxieties and things that are causing us to be unsettled or discontent within ourselves. Philippians 4:6-7 hits this right on the mark “Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Let go of your problems and stop trying to solve everything yourself. Step into God’s care and let Him comfort and care for you. Remember, God is greater than anything we can ever face.

I pray that you will be able to apply one of these steps to your life this week and receive the peace Jesus wants to give you. Remember: seek peace, look into God’s word and give your anxieties to God. Then as promised He will give you peace. Psalm 29:11 “The Lord give strength to his people, the LORD blesses his people with peace.”

Blessings of peace, shalom, to you,


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Here- the Western Wall and dome of the rock.

What Does God Want For Me? Peace.

from Linda Knight

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January Birthdays

January 1st Denise Ybarra

January 2nd Gary Willoughby

January 6th Cynthia Benevent

January 12th Dee Baughman

January 12th Robin Pixton

January 16th Tommy Vanni

January 17th Erika Back

January 21st Sebastian Tim Tim

January 22nd Maggie Soltero

January 23rd Lisa Heiderick

January 29th Aaron Gonzenbach

January 31st Dennis Patrick

We Are a Flock. We Are a Family. From Mike Day

When we think of who we are in Christ and how we should live in Christ, it is good to remember two descriptions Scripture gives us. One is sheep. Another is family. Both David in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New Testament described us as sheep. In the well-known 23rd Psalm the relationship between the Shepherd and the psalmist is intimately personal. But in the 10th chapter of the gospel of John we see that sheep follow the Good Shepherd in the context of belonging to his flock. Each of us as single sheep follows the Good shepherd, not simply as an individual, but by "flocking together", which is a simple way of expressing the idea of church unity. Everyone is individually accountable to God, and everyone is individually gifted by God. But the purpose of our individual giftedness is for the building up of the body (1 Corinthians 14:12), and in turn, the church also is accountable to God as a functioning whole (chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation). One of the mysteries of our faith is that following Christ requires we deny ourselves. Though we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14), each of us possessing our own unique DNA, the Lord calls us together to be one in him. He mentally prepares us to do that by calling us his flock. And he

compassionately equips us to come together by reminding us that because we are his children, we belong to one another. John 1:12 says, "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God…" That means that the Good Shepherd's flock is the family of God. And since we are a family who "live and move and have our being in him" (Acts 17:28), we need to avail ourselves to coming together and serving together. The old saying may be trite, but it remains true that the family who prays together stays together. Images of sheep and family can give rise to negative responses, but God has placed these concepts in Scripture to teach us how he wants us to relate to him and to ourselves. That means we need to be intentional about changing our habits to conform to his image (2 Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 4:23-24). Lest you think I'm pointing my finger at anyone, despite my best intentions, I just plain forgot about the prayer meeting in September. Now I've marked it on my calendar: "PRAYER NIGHT 7:00 pm," so I won't forget. Crossroads has set aside the last Thursday of each month for the purpose of praying together. In the words of the old spiritual, "Ev'ry time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray." So, if the Spirit is moving in your heart, be sure to mark the date and time on your calendars. Let's gather as a family. Let's follow our Good Shepherd as a flock. Let's join together in prayer, prayer warriors. We all need to be there when the roll is called. Do I hear an “Amen”?

December Birthdays

December 7th Janice Watson

December 12th Danielle Styskal

December 15th Elizabeth Parsons

December 16th Haley Robertshaw

December 16th Heather Robertshaw

December 21st Maria Berrios

December 27th Joby Brava

December 31st Leah Bredehoft Seselle

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