1 Competitive Weapon

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  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann


  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    So, really

    What is management?

    Classic definition: Getting things donethrough people.

    This assumes you are managing people.

    How about one person overseeing anautomated production line.

    There are no people to manage.

    An operations manager manages people,resources and/or processes.

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann


    What is Production?

    The dictionary says it is the act of producing.

    to bring into existence.

    to create something having exchangevalue.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Definition of Operations Mgt.

    Thedesign, direction and control of theprocessesthatcreate or add exchange

    valueto services and/or products forcustomers.

    Customers may be internal or external to

    the organization.

    InputsTransformation Processes

    (Adding value)Outputs

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Operations Management

    Operations is a subset of the broader

    management concepts that are presented in

    a basic management course.

    The subset is the activity of producing

    something having exchange value.

    The something being produced may be a

    good or a service.

    Most companies produce both services and


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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Operations as aManagement Function

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Operations Management versusProduction Management

    Production managementwas traditionallyassociated with goodsproduction.

    Operations managementreferred to the theproduction ofservices.

    The term Operations Management is now

    used for production ofboth goods andservices.

    However, many companies still make a distinction.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Exchange Value









    Traditional View




    and Goods



    Current View

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    ManufacturingInputs and Outputs


    Raw Materials Employees


    Equipment Financing


    Consumer Goods Materials for purchase

    by other firms


    Payments toemployees

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    TCNJInputs and Outputs



    Faculty and Staff Facilities

    Equipment andSupplies



    Educated people


    Public service

    Payments to


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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    SupermarketInputs and Outputs


    Items for resale



    Facilities andEquipment



    Satisfied Customers Service

    Payments toemployees

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Operations as a

    competitive weapon

    Why is FedEx so successful?

    Fast service

    On-time deliveries

    Relatively low cost

    Technology in shipment tracking

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Harry Potter and Scholastic

    Scholastic is the worlds largest publisher and

    distributor of childrens books and educational


    Operates in 16 countries with over 2 billion inrevenues.

    Scholastic started planning early in 2007 forthe worldwide release of Harry Potter and the

    Deathly Hallows.90% of sales of such books occur in the first week,

    so they get special treatment.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Scholastic bypassed its own warehouses and required

    its truckers to ship directly to its large retailers.

    The trucks, if parked end-to-end, would be 15 miles.

    GPS transponders were used to alert Scholastic by e-mail if a driver veered off designated routes.

    Scholastic had to customize, coordinate, andsynchronize its operations and supply chain processes

    across multiple partners at the printing, warehousing,distribution and retail locations.

    They delivered 12 million books to final customerswithin a few hours prior to the scheduled release date.

    Harry Potter and Scholastic

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    2012 Lew Hofmann


    Processes should add value.

    Processes can be broken down into sub-

    processes, which in turn can be broken down


    Any process that is part of a larger process is

    considered a nested process.

    Eg: Registration advisement

    Each process and each nested process has

    inputs and outputs.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Examples of Processes

    Manufacturing something

    Warehousing of raw materials

    Processing insurance claimsTeaching a class

    Getting a product to the customer

    Taking inventoryThe supply chain

    Staff scheduling

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Customer Focused

    Being customer oriented

    Serving customer needs

    Designing process that best add value for both

    the customer and the business.All processes have inputs and outputs.

    Outputs are what the customer gets.

    Most processes dont involve end products or

    services.They involve other workers, departments, or

    plants receiving value-added goods and orservices.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    External Vs. InternalCustomers

    External Customers: Those that are externalto the organization and purchase orotherwise receive the goods and services

    Internal Customers are those who receivethe output of others within the firm. They arepart of the transformation process.

    Inputs fromother


    Transformation Processes(Adding value)

    Outputs toExternal orInternal


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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    External Vs. InternalSuppliers

    External Suppliers: The businesses or individuals

    who provide the resources, services, products, and

    materials for the firms short-term and long-term

    needs. Internal Suppliers: The employees or processes

    that supply important information or materials to a

    firms processes.

    External &InternalSuppliers

    Transformation Process(Adding value)

    Outputs toinside orto outsidecustomers

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Service ProcessesVersusManufacturing Processes

    Manufacturing processes change materials inone or more of the following dimensions:

    Physical propertiesShape

    Fixed dimensions

    Surface finish

    Joining parts and materialsIf a process isnt doing at least one ofthe above, then itis a service process rather than a manufacturingprocess.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Manufacturingand Service

    Goods ProductionTangible

    Can be inventoriedLow customer contact

    Longer response time

    Capital Intensive

    Quality easily measuredGoods can be shipped

    Service Production Intangible

    Cant be inventoriedHigh customer contact

    Shorter response time

    Labor Intensive

    Quality hard to measureLocate near customers

    Most firms provide both goods and services.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Shared Problems byManufacturing & Service

    Both manufacturing and serviceproviders have to match capacity with

    demand.Harder to do for service providers

    Both have to worry about quality.

    Easier to change the quality of a service.

    Both service & manufacturing have to

    deal with internal & external customers.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Value Chains

    Processes add value. When two or moreprocesses are linked, it is called a value chain.

    A Value chain is an interrelated series of

    processesthat produce or add value to aservice or product, or both.

    An organizations supply chain is a value chain that

    is external to the organization.

    A value chain (or a single process) producesvalue or adds value and consumes resources.

    The secret is that the value added must exceed

    the cost of resources consumed in the process.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Core ProcessesandSupport Processes

    Core processes deliver value to externalcustomers.

    Teaching classes is a core processSupport processes provide vital inputs that

    support the core processes.

    The Course/Curriculum approval process is a

    support process.Value chains may consist of core processes

    or support processes, or both.

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Four, Core Processesthat most organizations have.

    1. Customer relationship processes Identify, attract, and build relationships with external

    customers and facilitates the placement of orders.

    2. New service/product development processes Designing and developing new services or products from

    inputs received from external customer specifications.

    3. Order fulfillment processes The activities required to produce and deliver the service

    or product to the external customers.4. Supplier relationship processes Selecting suppliers of services, materials and

    information and facilitates the timely and efficient flow ofthese items into the firm.

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Progressive Insurance

    Grew from $1.3 billion to $11 billion in 13 years.

    How did they do it?

    Operational Innovation (Designing new processes)

    Immediate Response Claims Handling (24 hours a day)

    Agents quickly go to scene of accident.

    Streamlined claims processing went from 7-10 days to 9 hours

    Web site for agents only.

    Web site for customer information, inquiries and routine


  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann


    Productivityis the value of outputs (services and

    products) produced, divided by the value of inputresources (wages, costs of equipment, etc.)

    Production is the process of creating something havingexchange value.

    Value of OutputsValue of Inputs

    Productivity =

    Productivity has to have value! Efficiency doesnt


    Efficiency =

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Measuring Productivity

    Single Factor methods measure the time or cost toproduce a good or a service.

    Man hours to produce a car or the cost to produce a car

    Multi-Factor methods

    Combines two or more single-factor methods

    EG: Cost per hour to produce cars.

    Multiple methods

    Several separate single-factor and/or multi-factor methods

    Using two or more methods is the best way to

    measure productivity

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann


    Three employees process 600 insurance policies ina week. They work 8 hours per day, 5 days perweek. Calculate the efficiency in policies per hour.

    Labor efficiency =Policies ProcessedEmployee Hours

    600 Policies

    (3 Employees) (40 hours/employee)= = 5 policies/hr

    Note: This is not a productivity calculation since there isno value considered. It is a measure of efficiency, not


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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Multi-factorProductivity Calculation

    A company makes 400 units of a product, valued by itsstandard cost of$10 each (before markups for otherexpenses and profit). The accounting department reportsthat the actual costs are $400 for labor, $1,000 for

    materials, and $300 for overhead. Calculate theproductivity. (value of output / value of input)

    Multifactor productivity =Value of Output at standard cost

    Labor cost + Material Cost + Overhead cost

    (400 units) ($10/unit)

    $400 + $1000 + $300= = 2.35



    These types of productivity figures must be compared with performancelevels in prior periods and with future goals in order to have meaning.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    How We ImproveProductivity

    Decrease inputs relative to outputs

    Producing the same output with fewer inputsEG: Same number of graduates but fewer faculty.

    Speed up the through-put

    Doing it faster

    EG: Graduating you in 7 semesters instead of 8.

    Increase output relative to inputProducing more with the same input.

    EG: Upping freshman admittance with same faculty.

    Improve Quality

    Inputs Transformation Outputs

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Productivity &Standard of Living

    High Productivity does not insure a highstandard of living.

    Increasing the standard of living comesfrom producing more than you need.

    Production Capacity per Capita is the key.The U.S. produces more per person than

    most countries, so we have a higher standardof living.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    History of ProductivityGrowth in U.S.

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    The Volatility of Growth

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Determinates ofNational Productivity

    LABOR 16%

    Healthier, better educated / higher skilled workers

    CAPITAL 20%

    Capital investment in plant and equipmentCapital investment per employee

    Turnover of capital (Net sales Invested capital)


    Management takes credit for advances intechnology.

    Working smarter, not harder

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Service Sector

    The Service Sector now accounts forapproximately 77% of US jobs (non-farm)

    Only France, Belgium and Greece are higher.Three approximately equal sectors:

    1. Government Sector

    2. Wholesale & Retail Sales3. Other Services

    (Financial, medical, real estate, etc.)

    G D ti

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Gross DomesticProduct sectors

    GDP is the market value of all goods and services.

    Agriculture 1.8% Industry 22.1% Service: 76.8%

    Service Productivity growth accounts forless than1% of the annual growth in productivity.

    Productivity in the smallermanufacturing sector hasincreased roughly 3.6% per year.

    Thus the lions share of the nations overall

    productivity gain was (and increasingly is) fromManufacturing. Even though manufacturing is now only 22% of our


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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Why LowService Productivity?

    Harder to automate services

    Harder to measure service productivity

    Often brain work rather than machine work

    Service tends to be more labor intensive

    O i

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Operations as acompetitive weapon

    Companies use operations to compete invarious ways:

    High quality (Mercedes) Consistent quality (New York Times)

    Quick delivery (FedEx)

    Fast development

    High technological efficiency (Google)

    Low cost efficiency (Wal-Mart)

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Global Competition

    Businesses must accept the fact that, to prosper, theymust view customers, suppliers, facility locations, andcompetitors in global terms.

    Most products today are composites of materials andservices from all over the world.

    Forces contributing to increased global competition:

    Improved transportation and communication technologies

    Loosening of regulations on financial institutions. (until lately)

    Increased demand for lower cost, imported services and goods

    Reduced import quotas and other trade barriers

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Global CompetitionDisadvantages

    US Firms are reluctant to relinquish proprietarytechnology.

    Political risks of off-shore operations

    Alienation of U.S. customers by sending jobs overseas

    Lower skill levels in some off-shore areas

    Difficulty with global, cross-functional coordination due

    to cultural differences and language differences.

    Harder to produce products and services here that arecost/price competitive with the lower-cost labor areasoff-shore.

    Oth Ch ll f

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Other Challenges forOperations Management

    Very Rapid Technological Change

    Ethical issues

    Increasing diversity of the workforce

    Environmental impact issues

    Economic volatility

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Adam Smith

    Economist and Philosopher

    1723 - 1790

    "An Inquiry into the Nature &Causes of the Wealth of Nations,"covered such concepts as the role

    of self-interest, the division oflabor, the function of markets, andthe international implications of alaissez-faire economy.

    Historic Development

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Historic Development

    Eli Whitney

    Born Dec 8 1765 - Died Jan 8 1825He translated the concept ofinterchangeable parts into amanufacturing system, giving

    birth to the American massproduction concept.

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Historic Development

    Develop a "science" for every job

    Carefully select workers with the rightabilities for the job.

    Carefully train these workers to do the job,

    and give them proper incentives

    Support these workers by planning theirwork and by smoothing the way as theygo about their jobs.

    Frederick Winslow TaylorMarch 20, 1856 - March 21, 1915

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Historic Development

    Henry Ford


    Using a constantly-movingassembly line, subdivision oflabor, and careful coordinationof operations, Ford realizedhuge gains in productivity.

    Model T Production

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Importance of Operations

    The two major functions

    of business are productionand selling. All otherfunctions are secondary tothese.

    -- Peter Drucker

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    2012 Lew Hofmann

    Addressing the Challengesin Operations Management

    Managing Processes

    Process Strategy

    Process Performance& Quality

    Constraint Management

    Process Layout

    Lean Systems

    Process Analysis

    Using Operationsto Compete

    Operations As aCompetitive Weapon

    Operations Strategy

    Project Management

    Managing Value Chains

    Supply Chain Strategy

    Inventory Management



    Sales & OperationsPlanning


    Resource Planning

  • 7/30/2019 1 Competitive Weapon


    Course Components

    Operations As a Competitive Weapon

    Decision Making

    Operations Strategy

    Project Management

    Process Strategy

    Process Analysis

    ----------------- QUIZ ---------------------

    Simulation Process Performance and Quality

    Constraint Management

    Waiting Lines

    Process Layout

    Lean Systems

    ---------------- MID TERM ----------------

    Supply Chain Strategy

    Location Inventory Management

    Special Inventory Models


    Sales and Operations Planning

    Linear Programming

    Resource Planning


    Competing with Operations

    Managing Processes

    Managing Value Chains