1-50 Key Skipper

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Transcript of 1-50 Key Skipper

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper




    a. speaking in an honest way even if this upsets people – bluntb. behaving too con dently and speaking too loudly – brashc. cruel and heartless – callousd. bad-tempered and arguing with people for insigni cant things –

    cantankerouse. using very few words in a way that seems rude – curtf. not faithful or loyal to their friends – ckleg. asking too many questions and trying to nd out too many details

    about something or someone – inquisitiveh. not caring or worrying about the possible bad or dangerous results

    of your actions – recklessi. cruel and cold, having no mercy or feelings for others – ruthless . easily shocked or upset by seeing unpleasant things !blood,

    needles) – squeamishk. angry and silent – sullenl. behaving in an unfair or dishonest way to get what they want –

    unscrupulousm. losing temper very quickly and very easily – volatilen. very shy and quiet, and concerned only about your own thoughts –


    1. "he hotel bar was full of brash, noisy ournalists.#. $fter her husband died %riscilla became very withdrawn and seldom

    left her home.&. "hese men are ruthless terrorists and will kill anyone who tries to

    stop them.'. ( d have asked more questions, but ( didn t want to seem inquisitive.*. "he company showed callous disregard for the safety of their

    employees.+. aria can be very blunt and sometimes shocks people who don t

    know her well.

    . organ admitted that some of his actions may have beenunscrupulous, but he denied doing anything illegal.. "his horror lm is not for people who are squeamish.

    /. 0er story was sent back with a curt re ection note.1 . "eenagers are ckle and switch brands frequently.11. "he driver of the car was arrested for reckless driving.1#. 2ick ust sat there with a sullen e3pression on his face, refusing

    to speak.


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    1&. 4ou5d better don5t mention about that to 6ames7 he5s too volatileand who knows what his reaction might be.

    1'. ( don5t like being around %aula7 she5s too cantankerous.

    #) !unit #)

    a. very enthusiastic !for people) – avidb. very obvious, done without shame or embarrassment – blatantc. very e3citing and interesting ! lms, books) – grippingd. very frightening or shocking and making you feel very upset –

    harrowinge. not strict or careful enough about standards of behaviour, work,

    safety – la3f. not strict in the way you punish someone or in the standard you

    e3pect – lenientg. happening very suddenly and quickly – meteorich. high, sharp, and unpleasant !of sounds) – piercingi. very loyal – staunch

    . large and a8ecting everyone !for changes, reforms) – sweepingk. impossible to prove wrong or argue against – watertight

    1. "he company s refusal to hire him was a blatant act ofdiscrimination.

    #. "he lm tells the story of 9ee s meteoric rise from :orth 2akotaradio singer to a;; legend.

    &. 0e was totally absorbed in a gripping detective story.'. $s a keen writer and avid newspaper reader, 6enny had always

    wanted to be a ournalist.*. aggie let out a piercing scream as she saw the truck speeding

    toward her.+. "he lm contained harrowing scenes of starving children.

    . ( think the school has been too la3 about bad behaviour in the past.

    . 9ucky for him, his alibi is watertight./.

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    1. boring and depressing – dreary#. boring, without life, e3citement or colour – dull&. ordinary, giving little satisfaction – mundane

    '. boring and frustrating – tedious


    1. e3tremely bad – atrocious#. very bad – dreadful&. very bad !informal) – lousy


    1. perfect, with no faults – @awless#. perfect, faultless – impeccable&. smth that has not been spoilt or harmed – unblemished


    1. tiring and involving a lot of e8ort – arduous#. tiring and lasting for a long time – gruelling&. needing a lot of physical e8ort – strenuous


    1. untidy, dirty and wet !for people) – bedraggled#. untidy, about clothes, hair, appearance – dishevelled&. untidy !for people, places), old and worn out !for clothes) – scru8y



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    1. clever at understanding people and situations – astute#. clever and good at using deception to achieve success – crafty&. clever and showing good udgement of other people and situations

    – shrewd'. clever, e3perienced at deceiving people and not easily deceived –wily


    1. ordinary, normal – conventional#. conventional, neither strange, nor e3treme – mainstream&. ordinary, not e3treme – middle of the road'. ordinary, nothing special – run-of-the-mill

    ') !unit #) atch the nouns with the ad ectivesC

    1. a breathtaking#. a blatant&. a proli c'. a gripping

    *. a misleading+. a piercing. sporadic. a sweeping

    /. a staunch1 . a watertight11. harrowing1#. a lenient1&. a meteoric1'. an avid1*. la3a. view

    b. ghtingc. documentaries on animal

    e3perimentsd. udge

    e. lief. novelistg. readerh. securityi. republican

    . informationk. generalisationl. risem. alibin. lmo. scream

    1 a # e & f ' n * + o b k / i 1 m 11 c 1# d1& l 1' g 1* h


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    *) !unit &)

    a. showing or saying that you are sorry that something has happened– apologetic

    b. debatable, may be questioned – arguablec. well-informed – knowledgeabled. clear enough to read – legiblee. fully grown, ready to eat – ripef. very careful to be completely honest and fair – scrupulous

    1. 0er handwriting was so tiny it was barely legible.#. Dhether or not Debb is the best person for the ob is arguable.&. "he manager was e3tremely apologetic for our inconveniences.'. 2on t pick the apples until they re really ripe.*. "he investigation was carried out with scrupulous fairness.+. Eradually the band became more knowledgeable about the

    business dealings in the music industry.

    +) !unit ')

    1. to arriveFturn upFleave indribs and drabs

    #. bright and early&. by and large'. to be few and far between*. to grin and bear it+. ins and outs

    . to make a song and danceabout

    . odds and ends/. one5s own @esh and blood1 . an out-and-out lie11. to be part and parcel of 1#. pride and oy1&. prim and proper1'. pushing and shoving1*. spick and span1+. up-and-coming1 . to have ups and downs

    1 . wear and tear1/. well and truly# . to win fair and square

    a. to arrive in small numbersand at regular intervals

    b. get upFleave early in themorningc. generallyd. not to be very commone. to accept an unpleasant

    situation without complainingf. the details of a complicated



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    g. to complain too much aboutsmth

    h. small unimportant ob ectsi. a relative

    . a complete lie

    k. a basic part of sthl. sbFsth that a person is veryproud of

    m. very conservative7 easilyo8ended

    n. pushingo. very cleanp. sb who shows a lot of

    promiseq. to have both good and bad

    timesr. damage caused by dailywear

    s. completelyt. to win fairly

    1. 0e was up bright and early, keen to get started.#. Bccasional unemployment is part and parcel of being an actor.&. De have our ups and downs like all couples.'. 0e went out and got well and truly drunk.

    *. (5d like someone to e3plain me all the ins and outs of this matter.+. 0is rst year as %resident was, by and large, regarded as a success.. ( get bored while waiting for the guests arrived in dribs and drabs.. %eople were pushing and shoving at the barriers to get a better

    view./. any up-and-coming young players have trials for the national

    football team.1 . 0e constantly made rude comments, and ( was e3pected to grin

    and bear it.11. De packed ust about everything, but probably left some odds

    and ends behind.

    1#. "hat is an out-and-out lieG 4ou5ve made it all upG1&. Eood obs are few and far between these days.1'. ( was only ten minutes late. Dhy are you making such a song

    and dancing about itH1*. Dhat do you mean ( cheatedH ( won fair and square, and you

    know it.1+. Ahristina was an only child, her parents pride and oy.1 . 0ow can he treat his own @esh and blood that wayH1 .

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    1. a bla;ing row#. to blow your top&. to be cross'. to be crotchety*. to drive sb up the wall

    +. galling. a heated argument. to hit the roof

    /. to be indignant1 . infuriate11. irate1#. to be livid1&. to be in no mood to1'. an outburst1*. a quick temper1+. to be sick and tired of sthFsb

    1 . to throw a tantrum1 . to be touchy1/. to be up in arms about sth

    a. an argument in which peopleare angry

    b. to lose your temperc. to be a little angryd. bad-temperede. to annoy sbf. sth that is annoying because it

    seems unfairg. a bad argument in whichpeople are angry

    h. to lose your temperi. to be angry because sth is

    unfair . make angryk. very angryl. to be very angrym. to be angry and not want ton. a sudden e3plosion of anger

    o. to lose your temper easilyp. to be fed up with sthFsbq. to start kicking, crying and

    throwingr. bad tempered and easily made

    angrys. to be ready to protest

    1. Iramer s stubborn refusal to answer any questions infuriated theo=cers.

    #. Aorbin apologi;ed for his outburst at the meeting.&. 4ou know how it isC one minute you re talking, the ne3t there s abla;ing row.

    '. De5ve been inundated with complaint phone calls and letters fromirate customers.

    *. y father blew his top when ( told him ( was quitting medical school.+. um will be cross when she nds out about the broken vase.

    . ( know ( shouldn t have spoken to

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    1*. "he most galling thing is that the guy who got promoted is lessquali ed than me.

    1+. ?y the second year of the business, frayed nerves e3ploded intoheated arguments.

    1 . 0e hit the roof when he heard his son wanted to quit school.

    1 . "ry not to look at his scars - he can be really touchy about it.1/. Kric was indignant at being told he would have to wait two weeksfor an appointment.

    ) !unit *)

    1. the black sheep of the family#. to be as blind as a bat&. you canL till the cows come

    home, but it won5t'. a dark horse*. to be dogged by sth+. for donkey5s years

    . to duck

    . it is like water o8 a duck5sback for sb

    /. fishy1 . to hound sb11. the lion5s share1#. to rabbit on

    1&. ratty1'. to have a whale of a time1*. a wild goose chase1+. to worm your way out of stha. sb considered a failure by

    relativesb. to have poor eyesight

    c. you can do sth for a long time,it won5t change anything

    d. sb who people know very little

    aboute. sth bad keeps causing youtrouble

    f. for a very long timeg. to avoid sth which is going to

    hit youh. sth does not a8ect youi. suspicious

    . to persistently follow sbk. the biggest partl. to talk for a long time in a

    boring waym. easily made angryn. to really en oy yourself o. a search for sth that one is

    unlikely to ndp. to avoid doing sth

    1. 4ou can sit here and wait for him till the cows come home, but (5msure he won5t come.

    #. ( forgot to duck and hit my head on the branch.&. ( was always considered the black sheep of the family, the weirdo in

    the group, rightH'. (5ve been dogged by ill health ever sine ( left university.*. ( feel guilty about getting ratty with the children.+.

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    . Mrank said there was nothing to worry about, but it all sounded veryshy to me.

    . 2idn t you see me comingH 4ou must be as blind as a batG/. "he rm has captured the lion s share of the >I market.1 .

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    1. bloodcurdling !scream)#. eye-catching&. rst-hand !e3perience)

    '. hair-raising*. head-on+. light-hearted

    . mouth-watering

    . nail-biting/. narrow-minded1 . well-thumbed

    a. very frighteningb. so attractive that you can5t help

    noticing it

    c. sth you have e3periencedpersonallyd. very frighteninge. a collision between # vehiclesf. funny and not very seriousg. food that lookks very goodh. e3citing and dramatici. not accepting anything

    newFdi8erent . a book that has been read so much

    that the corners of the pages are in

    poor condition

    1. 0e used to wear yellow ties and trendily-cut suits in eye-catchingcolours.

    #. "he waitress came round with a tray of mouth-watering creamcakes.

    &. Bn a treacherous curve, both vehicles went out of control andmet in a head-on collision.

    '. Alara knew from rst-hand e3perience that living in a foreigncountry would be di=cult.

    *. "hey heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from upstairs.+. (t was a tight game, full of nail-biting moments.


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    +. to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do sth important – toget cold feet

    . to tell sb sth that has been worrying you – to take sth o8 your chest

    . to annoy sb – to get up sb5s nose/. to be happy when sb leaves or when sth is nished– to be glad to see the

    back of sbFsth1 .to be obssesed by sth – to have sth on the brain11.haveFgive sb a head start – to haveFgive sb an advantage over a

    competitorFother people1#.( couldn5t stop laughing – ( couldn5t keep a straight face1&.( can5t answer until ( have checked rst – ( don5t know o8-hand1'.( would really like to – (5d give my right arm to1*.legally – in the eyes of the law1+.to know a particular place very well – to know somewhere like the back of

    your hand1 .to learn not to depend on others – to learn to stand on one5s own feet1 .to rapidly make or lose large sums of money – to makeFlose money hand

    over st1/.information given immediately without full knowledge of the facts – o8 the

    top of one5s head# .sth is in very bad condition – sth is on its last legs#1.to become strict and tell sb that they can5t do sth – to put your foot down##.to really want sth – to set your heart on sth#&.to interfere in situations which do not concern you – to stick your nose into

    other people5s businessFa8airs#'.to be able to give good answers to une3pected questions – to think on

    your feet#*.in order to – with an eye to#+.to show by the e3pression of your face how you really feel – it5s written all

    over your face# . you have to admire and respect sb !for sth they have done) – you have

    to hand it to sb

    1#) !/)

    a. to be in with a chance of winning b. to grab an opportunity/chance (with both handsc. to blow your chnacesd. on the o8-chance

    e. there5s every indication to suggest that sth will happenf. the odds are against sth happeningg. to pass up a chanceh. the chances o! sth happening are "ery re#otei. there5s every likelihood of sth happening


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    1. ( felt that my running was improving as the season progressed andthat ( was in with a chance.

    #. ( was afraid (5d blown my chance, but she agreed to go out again on

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    1. 0e5s always wearing @ared eans and large "-shirts.#. rs 0arding herself was thin and frail but her son was a sturdy

    si3teen-year- old.&. 4our sister looks very fetching in that dress.'. 0er coat was grubby and one of the sleeves was torn.

    *. any of the rugs are too garish for my taste.

    @ared P if a piece of clothing @ares out, it becomes wider at one end

    sturdy P someone who is sturdy is strong, short, and healthy lookingFdetermined and not easily persuaded to change your opinions

    fetching P attractive, especially because the clothes you are wearingsuit you

    grubby P fairly dirtygarish P very brightly coloured in a way that is unpleasant to look at

    1*) !1#)

    a. not to be a patch onb. to be at odds withc. to be by far !and away)d. to be every bit ase. to be in a league of one5s ownf. not to be nearly as L asg. to be nothing like as L ash. to be nowhere near as L asi. to be on a di8erent wavelength

    . to be streets aheadk. to pale in comparisonl. there is a world of di8erence


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    +. "here is a world of di8erence between home-made bread and thetasteless substance that many people buy today.

    . 6ames is streets ahead of the rest of the class at reading.

    . Datching sport was by far the most popular activity on

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    /. Ninse the vegetables under a cold tap.1 . $dd the strawberry elly and season to taste with salt and sugar.11. ?acon was si;;ling in the frying pan.1#. ( stood in the hall and listened as the interviewers grilled the

    ne3t candidate.

    1&. (t5s no use trying to butter me up – (5m not going to change mymind.1'. "he hotel workers get paid peanuts.

    rustle up P to make a meal quickly

    dress P to put oil, vinegar, salt etc onto a salad

    soak P if you soak something, or if you let it soak, you keep it coveredwith a liquid for a period of time, especially in order to make it softer or

    easier to cleanbaste P to pour liquid or melted fat over food that is cooking

    sprinkle P to scatter small drops of liquid or small pieces of something

    grind P to break something such as corn or co8ee beans into smallpieces or powder, either in a machine or between two hard surfaces

    knead P to press a mi3ture of @our and water many times with yourhands

    pluck P to pull the feathers o8 a chicken or other bird before cooking it

    rinse P to wash clothes, dishes, vegetables etc quickly with water,especially running water, and without soap

    season P to add salt, pepper etc to food you are cooking

    si;;le P to make a sound like water falling on hot metal

    grill sb P to ask someone a lot of questions about something

    butte sb up P to say nice things to someone so that they will do whatyou want

    peanuts P a very small amount of money

    1 ) !1&)


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    1. go bananas#. as di8erent as chalk and


    &. sth is not my cup of tea'. to take sth with a pinch ofsalt

    *. to simmer down !offeelings)

    a. to become very angryb. to be very pleasant to sb because

    you want sth from themc. very di8erentd. ( don5t particularly like sthe. not to believe that sth is completely


    1. 6a;; ust isn t my cup of tea - ( prefer classical music.#.

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    &. $n alarming spate of bombings has caused widespread panic.'. %olice found a cache of weapons in a warehouse.

    quash P to o=cially say that a legal udgment or decision is no longer

    acceptable or correctcriminal record P an o=cial record kept by the police of any crimes aperson has committed

    spate P a large number of similar things that happen in a short periodof time, especially bad things

    cache P a number of things that have been hidden, especiallyweapons, or the place where they have been hidden

    #1) !1*)

    1. a brush with the $aw#. to hand down a sentence&. a law-abiding citi;en'. not a shred of evidence*. to pass sentence+. to press charges against

    sb. to stand trial. to trace the whereabouts

    of sb

    a. dealings with the police for a minorcrime

    b. to announce in a court of law what asentence a criminal will receive

    c. a person who does not break the lawd. not a single piece of evidence

    e. to tell a court what punishment aconvicted person will receivef. to make an o=cial accusation against

    sbg. to go to a court of law and be udgedh. to look for sb !police language)

    1. "hese men are all decent, ta3-paying, law-abiding people.#. "he police have been trying to trace the whereabouts of the

    suspect.&. 0e s in trouble this time. "he police have said they re going to press

    charges.'. (t was one of the longest prison sentences ever handed down in an

    $merican court of law.*. "he men are due to stand trial on a drugs charge.+. "he udge will pass sentence tomorrow after looking at all the



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    . "here is not a shred of evidence to support the theory.

    . 0is rst brush with the law came when he was 1+.

    ##) !1+)

    • bruised, chipped, dented, lthy, frayed, grimy, grubby, mouldy,rickety, rip, stained, stale, threadbare

    1. (t was di=cult to see through the grimy windows of the cafe.#.

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    stale P bread or cake that is stale is no longer fresh or good to eat

    fray P if cloth or other material frays, or if something frays it, thethreads become loose because the material is oldF if someone s temperor nerves fray, or if something frays them, they become annoyed

    grubby P fairly dirtyF grubby behaviour or activity is morallyunpleasant

    #&) !1 )

    a. to go to any lengths to do sthb. to be hell-bent on doing sth

    c. to be besotted with sbd. to go o8 sthFsbe. to hate the sight of f. to have a soft spot for sbg. to have no time for sbh. not to be overly keen on sthi. to take an instant dislike to sb

    . to take a shine to sbk. to think the world of sb

    1. ( used to think he was really funny, but now (5ve gone o8 him.#. 0e has no time for people who talk too much.&. ( didn5t particularly want to go to $frica, but "om seemed hell-bent

    on going on with the idea.'. ( like all my classes, but (5ve got a soft spot for my pro ciency

    group.*. "he sergeant knew the men hated the sight of him for the way he

    treated them.+.

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    #') !1 )1. a blind corner#. crash barrier

    &. dent a car'. draw up*. on full beam+. a hairpin bend

    . heavy tra=c

    . to slam on the brakes/. the lights changed1 . to mount the

    pavement11. to pull away1#. to pull in

    1&. to pull out1'. to pull over1*. to pull up1+. to put a car into

    reversea. a corner around which

    you cannot see

    b. strong low fence built along the sideof a road

    c. to damage the metal of a card. to stop in a vehiclee. car headlights shining very

    brightly and straight aheadf. sharp bend in the roadg. lots of tra=ch. to break quicklyi. the tra=c lights turned green or red

    . to go up on the pavement whiledriving

    k. to start driving

    l. to leave the road in order to stopsomewherem. to oin the tra=c, having stopped

    previouslyn. to stop at the side of a roado. to stop in a vehiclep. to change into reverse gear

    1. ( slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop.#. $ ta3i drew up at the gate.

    &. 0e mounted the pavement and crashed into a fence.'. 0e pulled up in front of the gates.*. $nd suddenly there was action - the van roared into reverse,

    rushing away from them, its headlights on full beam.+. "hey blame his death on a faulty motorway crash barrier.

    . 0e waved as he pulled away.


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    #*) !1 )

    skid, stall, swerve, tow, windscreen, write-o8

    1. $n ine3perienced pilot may easily stall a plane.#.

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    c. start eatingd. they eat all the food in

    the housee. to be very hungryf. to quickly have sth to eat

    g. to be a little hungry

    h. to eat your food very slowlyFwithoutenthusiasm

    i. to eat sth very quickly becauseyou5re hungry

    . to do sth which makes you hungry

    k. to be e3tremely thirstyl. to be very thirstym. to satisfy your thirst

    1. 2inner5s ready everyoneG 2ig inG#. Dhat do we have for dinnerH (5m so hungry ( could eat a horse.&. ( was famished, having had no food for thirty hours.'. ( m feeling a bit peckish. Dhat s in the fridgeH*. ( bolted down my breakfast and was out the door by C .+. De stopped at c2onalds to grab a bite to eat.

    . 4ou can work up your appetite by e3ercising.. %aige could only pick at her meal, forcing down a mouthful or two./. (t was hot and ( was gasping for a drink.1 . 0e raised the water bottle to his parched lips.11. y nephews came to stay with me for a week and they ate me

    out of house and home.1#. $fter e3ercising, fruit uices are e3cellent because they quench

    your thirst.1&. ( wolfed down my breakfast, but still felt hungry.

    # )• borderline candidate, edutainment, lenient, mock e3am, play truant


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    edutainment P lms, television programmes, or computer softwarethat educate and entertain at the same time

    lenient P not strict in the way you punish someone or in the standardyou e3pect

    # ) !#1)

    1. delicious#. dreadful&. drenchedFsoaked'. distraught*. famished

    +. lthy. @abbergasted. hilarious

    /. livid1 . packed11. parched1#. rivetingvery tasty

    very bad

    very wet

    very upset

    very hungry

    very dirty

    very surprised

    very funny

    very angry

    very crowded

    very thirsty

    very interesting


    1. to sitFstand bolt upright#. bone idle&. crystal clear'. dirt cheap*. pitch-blackFdark+. ra;or-sharp

    . soundFfast asleep

    . stone cold/. stone deaf 1 . stuck fastto sitFstand with a straight back

    very la;y

    very transparentFcleanFclear

    very cheap

    completely dark

    very sharp

    completely asleep

    completely cold

    totally deaf


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    stuck very rmly

    1. ( want to make one thing crystal clear - ( do not agree with theseproposals.

    #. 0e moved slowly and cautiously across the pitch-dark room until hisknees touched the edge of the bed.


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    11. mindless1#. outstanding1&. praiseworthy1'. shallow1*. slick

    1+. sparkling1 . tedious1 . wooden1/. unconvincing actingvery bad

    sth you have no respect for

    boring, without life

    very e3citing

    perfect, without mistakes



    without life or energy

    bad !informal)

    average in quality

    stupid, senseless

    very good

    deserving to be admired andrespected

    super cial

    attractive, cleverly made, wellproduced

    full of life and energy

    boring, frustrating

    without life, energy or passion

    acting you do not believe in

    ) !#&)

    1. a clipi P blink#. a rosi P blush&. a te incrunta P frown'. a ran i P grin*. a scrasni din dinti P grit your teeth+. a te stramba de durere P wince

    . a face cu ochiul P wink

    . a casca P yawn


    1. to keepFhave an ear to theground

    #. to lie through your teeth&. to lose face

    '. to play it by ear*. to do sth by the skin of your teeth+. to see eye to eye on sth

    . to turn a blind eye to sth

    . to turn your nose up at sth


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    /. not to be able to get one5stongue round

    1 . sth catches your eye11. % a$$ ears1#. my lips are sealed

    to be attentive to what ishappening

    to tell an outright lie

    to lose the respect of theothers

    to decide what to do

    according to how a situationdevelops

    to only ust manage to do sth

    to agree about sth

    to deliberately ignore sth

    to think sth isn5t good enough for you

    to nd a phrase di=cult to pronounce

    you notice sth because it is attractiveor unusual

    ( can5t wait to hear

    ( will not tell anyone

    1. "he leaders need to nd a way of compromising without losing faceamong their supporters.

    #. y children turn their noses up at home cooking.&. y wife and ( could never see eye to eye on the business of living.

    '. ( looked at her face and ust knew she was lying through her teeth.*. De ve booked the @ight, but not the accommodation - we ll play itby ear when we get there.

    +. 4our secret is safe with me7 my lips are sealed.. ( was walking through the market when a beautiful dress caught my

    eye.. ( couldn t get my tongue round the names of the villages we d

    visited./. "he car broke down on the way to the airport and they ust caught

    the plane by the skin of their teeth.1 . ( haven t heard any more news, but ( ll keep my ear to the

    ground.11. "eachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school.1#. "ell me e3actly what happened. ( m all ears.

    &') Eive the Knglish equivalentC


  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    1. un ciorchine de strugure P a bunch of grapes#. un strop de lapte P a dash of milk&. un triunghi de bran;a P a wedge of cheese

    '. o radacina de telina P a stick of celery*. un catel de usturoi P a clove of garlic+. un cub de ;ahar P a lump of sugar

    . un pic de sare P a pinch of salt

    . un picior de miel P a leg of lamb/. o paine !o fran;ela) P a loaf of bread1 . un cubuletF o felie de unt P a pat of butter11. un platou de sandwiches P a round of sandwiches1#. o lingura de gem P a dollop of am


    1. butter – rancid#. chicken – drumstick&. apples – peel'. strong cheese – mature*. meat that is easy to cut – tender+. grapes – seedless

    . oranges – pips

    . lemonade – sour/. chocolate or yoghurt – plain1 . meat that is di=cult to cut – tough11. meat that is not fatty – lean1#. fruit that is not ready to eat – unripe

    &+) !#+)• bed, chewy, chop, course, crusty, garnish, grind, lashings, mouth-

    watering, piping hot, season, in season, smothered, stodgy, stringy,succulent, topped

    1. "his part of the country is famous for its ne wines and succulentpeaches.

    #. Erind some black pepper over the salad.&. "he waitress came round with a tray of mouth-watering cream


  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    +. "he cake can be topped with fresh fruit.. Earnish the salad with tropical fruits and sautQed wild mushrooms.. "here was a crusty ring around the rim of the ketchup bottle.


  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    '. Nivera claimed he was kicked and manhandled by police.*. %olice sei;ed *& weapons and made '# arrests.+. "he little girl was tugging her mother s sleeve, trying to get her

    attention.. S$hGT he cried, clutching his stomach.

    . "he other girls surrounded her, calling her names and yanking herhair./. Kveryone was pushing and shoving to see the prince.1 . "he police had towed his car away because it was blocking the

    road.11. 0is hands were tied, but he managed to wrench himself free.

    &/) !# )

    1. $ri;ona is in the grip of one of its most severe dry spells of the pastcentury.#.

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    1#. %atients were discharged from hospital because the beds wereneeded by other people.


  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    • airy-fairy, bug, bung, chuck, daft, dodgy, @og, hammer, nip,scrounge

    1. 6ust sign the card, bung it in an envelope and send it o8.

    #. 2on t let him @og you his car -- he s had endless trouble with it.&. (t really bugs me when ( can t remember someone s name.'. ( managed to scrounge some money o8 my dad.*. 2o we have time to nip down the pub for a quick drinkH+.

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    &. Bf course the carpet s a mess - all we ve got is a clapped-out oldvacuum cleaner.

    '. ( was supposed to make the introductory speech but ( chickened outat the last minute.

    *. Eo on, you kidsG ?eat itG :owG

    +. (5ve chucked out all my old clothes.. (t really winds me up when he goes on about teachers having aneasy life.

    . 0e s always slagging her o8 behind her back./. 4ou owe me twenty pounds. Aome on, cough upG1 . "he trip was far too e3pensive. "he agency really ripped us o8.11. "his acket set me back over O1 .

    '+) !&&)

    1. SNest assured, rs. AopperT said the police o=cer. SDe will ndyour son for you.T


  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    /. ( never vote - ( feel my vote doesn t count for anything.1 . :o woman in her right mind would go out with a man like him.11. $ll told, # people died and 1 were wounded.1#. Murther details will be announced in due course.1&. %oliticians and the media have had a eld day with the incident.

    1'. Euests were treated to wine and caviar at the reception.1*. 4ou ve got your "-shirt on the wrong way around.1+. 6ane has got a real thing about her hair.

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    . ( loved that house from the moment ( set eyes on it./. 0e was stitting at his desk poring over old maps of the area.

    * ) !' )

    1. Ali8 s family worked in the cotton elds to eke out a living.#. %olice have warned stores to look out for counterfeit money.&. any people are living in ab ect poverty because of the poll ta3.'. $fter losing his ob, he fell behind with his mortgage payments.*. De lived from hand to mouth, never knowing where the ne3t meal

    was coming from.+.

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    . (n this kind of economic climate, employees prefer a lower salary ina ob that is secure.

    /. "he ne3t step was to obtain nance to develop the pro ect.1 . Necently the company has been trying to increase its turnover by

    diversifying into other elds.

    *#) !'1)

    1. "his property has appreciated in value during the last ten years.#. "ravellers on a tight budget might prefer to camp.&. "his is a @e3ible, well-designed machine which produces quality

    prints and doesn t cost the earth to print them.'. 2o you want to go halves on a pi;;aH*. 4ou can pay me in instalments if you can t a8ord to give me all the

    money back in one go.+. "he cost of the plan would be in the region of U' to U+ billion..

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    '. "he cost of the pro ect was enormous, but it was not the root causeof its failure.

    *. "here had been signs that their marriage was on the rocks for years.+. any of my patients5 an3ieties stem from childhood e3periences.

    . Aould you lend me O1 to tide me over till ne3t weekH

    . De do have procedures in place to weed out individuals who arecorrupt./. (t may seem logical, but his argument doesn t hold water.1 . 4ou re barking up the wrong tree if you think

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    11. 0is mother was coughing and gasping for breath.1#.

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    1. "he administration s emphasis on the drop in in@ation is ust asmokescreen to divert attention from rising unemployment.

    #. 6immy only eats sandwiches with the crusts cut o8.&. "he painting, believed to be by Nenoir, turned out to be a very

    clever forgery.

    '. "o everybody s great relief, the bomb scare turned out to be a hoa3.*.

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    &. 0e is a pianist of e3traordinary capability, with a musical techniquethat is second to none.

    '. "he police are now back at square one in their investigation.*. Aouples contemplating divorce often have second thoughts when

    they reali;e how it will a8ect their children.

    + )

    1. Aanada and >.

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    #&. a stroke of luck #'. a wealth of information#*.

    + ) !'/)#+.

    1. "he news gave a glimmer of hope that ichael might be releasedfrom prison earlier.

    #. y 2ad used to get up at the crack of dawn every

  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    #. 4ou should be careful of (an - he can be pretty ruthless if anyonegets in his way.

    &. 4ou were always so rela3ed and easy-going. (t was one of the things( liked about you.


  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    '&. sb who always knowsthe right answer

    ''. sb who ruins the fun ofothers

    '*. an all-rounder

    '+. a bystander

    ' . a daredevil

    ' . a gatecrasher

    '/. a has-been

    * . a name-dropper

    *1. anopportunist

    *#. a smart alec

    *&. a spoilsport*'. a squatter

    **. a tomboy

    *+. a wimp

    * . a yuppy


  • 8/20/2019 1-50 Key Skipper


    * .