1 2 3 4 6 Which sign is going to have love problems? Your ... · due dei segni zodiacali....

Master MODULE A © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS PHOTOCOPIABLE Potenziamento • Units 13–16 MODULE 4 40 New Horizons 1 Leggi la pagina degli oroscopi di TeenAge. Scrivi i nomi dei segni zodiacali in italiano. Reading 2 Rileggi il testo e rispondi alle domande. 1 Which two signs are going to hear from an old friend? 2 Which sign is going to win some money? 3 Which sign is going to have a difficult week? 4 Which sign is going to make good progress at school? 5 Which sign needs to dedicate more time to their friendships? 6 Which sign is going to have love problems? ARIES (March 21st-April 19th) Talk to your friends and family about past problems. You’re going to encounter new difficulties at work and at home this week. TAURUS (April 20th-May 20th) You can’t decide between two people you love. You’re going to make a decision soon. GEMINI (May 21st-June 21st) You are living in a period of many changes. Don’t worry! Everything’s going to be all right. CANCER (June 22nd-July 22nd) You are very generous and you’re going to spend some money on a friend or family member. LEO (July 23rd-August 22nd) Have you got your lottery ticket? Today is going to be your lucky day for winning money. VIRGO (August 23rd-September 22nd) A friend from your past is going to contact you and he’s going to give you some very good news. LIBRA (September 23rd-October 23rd) This is going to be an unforgettable week. You’re going to feel more self-confident and you’re going to make new friends. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 21st) Be careful this week! A friend is going to disappoint you! SAGITTARIUS (November 22nd-December 21st) Find more time for your friends this week! Otherwise you are going to lose them. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 19th) Don’t be shy. Today you’re going to meet lots of new people and they’ll bring you new opportunities for socialising. AQUARIUS (January 20th-February 18th) It’s going to be an exciting week. Be prepared for a surprise visit from an old friend on Friday. PISCES (February 19th-March 20th) A fantastic week for you! You’re going to surprise yourself and your friends at school towards the end of the week. Exam results are going to be great. 1 Ariete 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Your Stars

Transcript of 1 2 3 4 6 Which sign is going to have love problems? Your ... · due dei segni zodiacali....



Potenziamento • Units 13–16MODULE 4

40 New Horizons

1 Leggi la pagina degli oroscopi di TeenAge. Scrivi i nomi dei segni zodiacali in italiano.


2 Rileggi il testo e rispondi alle domande.

1 Which two signs are going to hear from an old friend?

2 Which sign is going to win some money?

3 Which sign is going to have a difficult week?

4 Which sign is going to make good progress at school?

5 Which sign needs to dedicate more time to their friendships?

6 Which sign is going to have love problems?

ARIES (March 21st-April 19th)

Talk to your friends and family about past problems. You’re going to encounter new difficulties

at work and at home this week.

TAURUS (April 20th-May 20th)

You can’t decide between two people you love. You’re going to make a decision soon.

GEMINI (May 21st-June 21st)

You are living in a period of many changes. Don’t worry!

Everything’s going to be all right.

CANCER (June 22nd-July 22nd)

You are very generous and you’re going to spend somemoney on a friend or family member.

LEO (July 23rd-August 22nd)

Have you got your lottery ticket? Today is going to be your lucky day for winning money.

VIRGO (August 23rd-September 22nd)

A friend from your past is going to contact you and he’sgoing to give you some very good news.

LIBRA (September 23rd-October 23rd) This is going to be an unforgettable week. You’re going to feel more self-confident and you’re going to make new friends.

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 21st) Be careful this week! A friend is going to disappoint you!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22nd-December 21st) Find more time for your friends this week! Otherwise you are going to lose them.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 19th) Don’t be shy. Today you’re going to meet lots of new people and they’ll bring you new opportunities for socialising.

AQUARIUS (January 20th-February 18th) It’s going to be an exciting week. Be prepared for asurprise visit from an old friend on Friday.

PISCES (February 19th-March 20th) A fantastic week for you! You’re going to surprise yourself and your friends at school towards the end of the week. Exam results are going to be great.

1 Ariete












Your Stars



Potenziamento • Units 13–16 MODULE 4

New Horizons 41



e P




1 TeenAge ha chiesto ai suoi lettori se hanno mai avuto esperienze soprannaturali. Leggi le loro risposte (A–D) e abbinale alle domande (1–4).

1 Are you superstitious? Why?

2 Have you ever had a strange experience?

3 Have you ever seen a UFO?

4 Have you ever seen a ghost?

Reading 2 Rileggi le risposte dei lettori e scrivi il nome della persona per completare queste frasi.

1 plays football in his spare time.

2 had a strange experience in bad weather.

3 has got a friend called Simon.

4 lives in a house with a garden.

5 was asleep just before the strange experience happened.

6 has a photo of a seventh birthday party.

Yes, I have – about a year ago. It was very late and I woke up because I heard a noise. I went downstairs and looked around, but I couldn’t see anything unusual. Then I heard the noise again. A few seconds later, I saw a bright, white light and a figure walked through the door and out into the front garden. When I looked in the garden, there was nothing there. It was very strange!

(Karen Samson, 16)

Yes. I’ve just had a really bizarre experience. When I was at primary school I had a really good friend. His name was Simon. When I went to secondary school, he moved to Scotland and I never heard from him again. Two days ago I decided to look at our family photo album and I opened the album at a page where there was a photo of me with Simon at my seventh birthday party. At that moment, the phone rang and believe it or not, it was Simon himself! What a strange coincidence! (Lara Robson, 18)

Yes, I have. Well, I think I have. It was last winter, in November, and I was on my way home from school. It was very dark and it started to rain, so I thought, ‘I’ll go across the park to

save time.’ Suddenly, I heard a loud humming noise and I saw some bright lights moving back and forwards incredibly fast over the trees in the middle of the park. I was so frightened that I ran all the way home! (Mark Wade, 17)

Yes, I am. I’ve got a lucky cat. Actually it’s not a real cat. It’s very small, about two centimetres long and it’s made of solid silver.

My grandfather gave it to me. I always take it with me when I have to do an exam or play in an important football match. Anyway, last month I played in the local schools football tournament. We played very well and got into the final. But on the day of the final I couldn’t find my lucky cat. We lost 3-0! (Tim Webb, 17)




(March 21st-April 19th) Aries are usually very determined people, but sometimes this means that they make bad decisions because they are also a bit stubborn. You’re going to have quite a good week at school, but be careful on Thursday - you’re going to have some problems in your Maths lesson.

At home you’re going to get on quite well with your parents this week, but don’t ask for permission to go out during the week. The answer is No! In your love life you’re going to meet a new friend at the weekend. Is it time for a new romance? Be careful with your money this week. You’re going to need all your money next weekend.



Potenziamento • Units 13–16MODULE 4

42 New Horizons

1 A coppie o in gruppi. Scrivete un oroscopo per due dei segni zodiacali. (100–120 parole per ciascun oroscopo)

Usate l’esempio qui a destra come modello e seguite questo schema:

• le caratteristiche del segno zodiacale, specialmente la personalità

• previsioni sulla vita scolastica

• previsioni sulla vita familiare

• previsioni sulle relazioni amorose

• previsioni sul denaro

Adesso compilate un oroscopo per tutti i segni raccogliendo le previsioni scritte dai compagni. Fate una pagina per TeenAge.

Writing P T

Star Signs



Potenziamento • Units 13–16 MODULE 4

New Horizons 43



e P




1 Scegli uno di questi titoli e scrivi una storia. (140–160 parole)

Includi queste informazioni:• Quando è accaduto il fatto?• Dove è accaduto? • Che cosa è successo esattamente?• Come ti sei sentito?

Writing P T

•Non dimenticare di fare uno schema decidendo quali informazioni vuoi includere.

• Ricorda che quando si narra una storia si usa il Past simple.

• Cerca di usare le espressioni temporali di sequenza per descrivere la successione degli avvenimenti, es. first (of all), then, after (that), when, finally

• Per concludere la storia si può usare il Present perfect. Esempi: I’ve never been so frightened! I’ve never had such a strange experience!

• Controlla il compito per vedere se ci sono errori di grammatica e di ortografia.

Exam Tip

The night I saw a ghost

My encounter with a UFO

A strange coincidence

I was so lucky!







Potenziamento • Units 13–16MODULE 4

44 New Horizons

1 A coppie. Studente A: chiedi allo Studente B informazioni su Barcellona e completa la tua tabella. Studente B: chiedi allo Studente A informazioni su Parigi e completa la tua tabella.


A What’s the weather like in Barcelona in July?

B It’s very hot and sunny.

Speaking P T

2 A coppie o in gruppi. Discutete i vantaggi e gli svantaggi delle due città e sceglietene una da visitare insieme quest’estate. Quando avrete scelto, scrivete un paragrafo per giustificare la vostra decisione..

We’re going to visit ... because ...

Student A • Paris in July Student A • Barcelona in July

Weather: 21°C and quite sunny. Weather: Sometimes rains.

People: Generally quite friendly. People:

Nightlife: Lots of discos and bars. Very lively. Nightlife:

Shopping: Excellent. Very good variety – Shopping: from designer shops to street markets.

Food: Excellent. Famous for its fine cuisine. Food:Not brilliant for vegetarians.

Public transport: The underground and buses – Public transport: quite good and fairly cheap. Taxis are expensive.

Accommodation: Quite good. Something for Accommodation:everyone – hostels, hotels and self-catering flats.

Sightseeing: Fantastic. Lots to see and do. Sightseeing:

Student B • Barcelona in July Student B • Paris in July

Weather: 25 – 30°C and very sunny. Weather:

People: Very friendly – especially young people. People:

Nightlife: Lively! Lots of bars and restaurants. Nightlife:

Shopping: Quite good. Street markets and Shopping: designer shops.

Food: Not bad. Mediterranean food. Food:Good fish and paella.

Public transport: Quite good. Underground clean Public transport: and efficient. Buses crowded, but cheap.

Accommodation: Good – clean and simple tourist Accommodation:hotels, but luxurious hotels – quite expensive.

Sightseeing: Lots to see and do: museums, Sightseeing: churches, parks.



Potenziamento • Units 13–16 MODULE 4

New Horizons 45



e P




1 Scrivi cinque domande per ogni argomento elencato sotto. A coppie. Scambiatevi domande e risposte.


Speaking P T 2 Scegli uno degli argomenti nell’esercizio 1 e prepara una presentazione che non duri più di due minuti. Preparati così:

• Scrivi un elenco dei punti principali.


• Esercitati a fare la tua presentazione.

In gruppi. Adesso fai la tua presentazione al tuo gruppo.I membri del gruppo ti rivolgeranno delle domande dopo la presentazione. Devi essere pronto a rispondere!

Topic: The best party I’ve ever been tobest party? my last birthday party

– a barbecue

when? last summer

where? at my house

food? sandwiches, chicken, hamburgers, steak, pizzas, crisps, salads, cakes

guests? all my family and friends – about 50 people

good? music was great – hired a disco for the evening weather was good – sunny and hot didn’t finish until very late

The best party I’ve ever been to

1 What’s the best party you’ve ever been to?

2 When and where was it?

3 What was the food like?

4 Who did you invite?

5 Why was it a good party?

The most interesting person I’ve ever met

1 ?

2 ?

3 ?

4 ?

5 ?

The best film I’ve ever seen

1 ?

2 ?

3 ?

4 ?

5 ?

The most embarrassing experience I’ve ever had

1 ?

2 ?

3 ?

4 ?

5 ?

The best holiday I’ve ever had

1 ?

2 ?

3 ?

4 ?

5 ?