1 18863 whitepaper_retargeting_exposed_chango_2012_q1

Dax Hamman Fklhi Uhyhqxh RĿfhu Ben Plomion Gluhfwru ri Pdunhwlqj Q1 2012 800.385.0607 [email protected] Retargeting Exposed: Not Another Whitepaper About Retargeting



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Dax Hamman Ben Plomion

Q1 2012

800.385.0607 [email protected]

Retargeting Exposed:Not Another Whitepaper About Retargeting

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IntroductionTo most marketers, the term ‘retargeting’ means ‘site retargeting’, the concept of placing display ads in front of people who have visited a website.

This is a limited view: retargeting is in fact a much broader series of marketing techniques, and if properly understood can be used for acquisition, prospecting and competitor conquesting, not just winning back lost visitors.

Also, when using retargeting, marketers are commonly wasting media dollars by talking to the wrong people for too long and with the wrong

quickly by following a series of basic guidelines.

Dax Hamman

Ben Plomion

Dax Hamman is the Chief

Dax founded and led the

developing the concept of

Ben led digital initiatives at GE Capital.

[email protected] @daxhamman

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Table of Contents

How does ‘retargeting’ actually work?

Not all retargeting is the same

The dirty secrets of site retargeting

The new form of retargeting – search retargeting

Only Chango provides the solution

Common questions addressed






Ok, I get ‘retargeting’, but how does it actually work?

How do I turn retargeting into a prospecting or competitor conquesting tool?

between site retargeting and search retargeting?

Is my retargeting really working?

my own site visitors?

Does creative matter?

my attribution model?

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How does retargetingactually work?

The rise of the ad exchangesThe rise of the media exchanges was the real tipping point, particularly the arrival of Real Time Bidding (RTB) – a ‘live’ auction environment where every impression is an individual transaction that looks more like Search Engine Marketing (SEM) than display planning.

Imagine buying a house at an auction. Each house comes up for sale one by one and the auctioneer shares some basic details such as the address and a starting price. As the buyer it is your responsibility to know something about the properties you are interested in, including the number of bedrooms, is their a garage, did it pass a structural survey etc. and with that information you determine what value it holds to you. And so you bid, and if you win at less than your maximum price then you know you have achieved a deal that works for you.

The media exchanges are very much the same process. A marketer can be ‘present’ in these auctions for each ad impression, and based on what information they hold about the individual who happens to be about to see the ad impression, they can determine how much they are prepared to talk to that person. In the case of ‘retar-geting’ that means knowing that the individual has perhaps visited your site before (site retargeting) or performed a search on Google for something that matters to you (search retargeting) and many other actions.

The mechanism that ties the information and the individual together is referred to as a ‘cookie’, which is dropped on to an individual’s browser at the time of an event (a search, a site visit etc.) and contains useful data about that individual that can be read back by the marketer at the time of the auction.

As you think about traditional print buying, it is remarkable to realize just how much has changed in such a short period of time, and that before the very recent history of RTB, retargeting simply was not possible in the way we use it today.

Further reading:

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Not all retargetingis the sameThe term ‘retargeting’ might be the most misunderstood and misused term in digital marketing today.

When marketers refer to ‘retargeting’ they are commonly referring to ‘site retargeting’ - the ability to show display ads to an individual who has visited a site and then left, often without completing a desired action.

Marketers have embraced this tool at an astonishing rate and love the results they see from it, which often represents the highest Click Through Rates (CTRs) and the lowest Cost Per Action (CPA). But retargeting is capable of much more than targeting shopping cart abandoners.

The smart marketer must now look beyond ‘site retargeting’ and understand the bigger picture, and if that happens there is an almost unlimited potential.

To give a more accurate definition, ‘retargeting’ is actually the process of identifying an individual who has done something you have defined; that could be a previous site visit, but it could also be a search on Google, a social interaction or the viewing of some remote content.

There are in fact 7 key types of retargeting that a marketer needs to understand:

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Retargeting a search event – ‘search retargeting’

Search retargeting is the fastest growing form of retargeting, and has been proven to generate some of the highest returns and highest percentages of new customers.

Retargeting a site visit – ‘site retargeting’

Retargeting an SEM / SEO visitorA subset of site retargeting. Each of the individuals you can potentially target has other behavioral data associated with them that can be useful. One such piece of data is the search term they used prior to arriving on your site.

Retargeting from an email

(4.5 – ‘email retargeting’ is in itself a different technique and involves sending an email message to the targeted individuals rather than showing them a display ad)

Retargeting from contextually relevant contentFind other companies and sites within your industry and talk to them about having a deal by which you share the value of your site visits.


Retargeting from your own remote content

Retargeting from the social connection – ‘social retargeting’








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The dirty secretsof site retargeting

HOWEVER, if site retargeting is not understood then these results can paint a false picture of what is really happening, and mislead the marketer into making wrong decisions.

A double investmentSite retargeting is not a customer acquisition tool; it is actually an onsite

the site actually sees.

Don’t retarget twice

Don’t stalk your visitors

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A marketer should start by looking at the buying cycle

Don’t retarget everyoneBest practice states that ONLY relevant sections of a site should be tagged – a

Understand ‘media reach’

By utilizing these simple ideas, you can lower your investment in site retargeting whilst maintaining the same number of conversions!

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The new form of retargeting:search retargeting

How search retargeting works

the results typically place search retargeting at the top of a media plan.

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Not all search retargeting companies are the same…

Critically, Chango collects, generates and optimizes every piece of data and ad impression at the keyword level, allowing

Let’s look at some examples:

Clothes shop – CTR = vs. Clothes shopping – CTR =

Shoes – CTR = vs. Shoes mens – CTR = vs. Mens shoes – CTR =

Flight – CTR =

vs. hotel deal =

And this level of granularity leads to

Search Retargeting in action:

new online channel that would

The campaign was set up to

Chango’s exclusion pixel was implemented.

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Search retargeting for branding / awareness

Only Changoprovides the solution

Chango is an extraordinary media company

Under the hood

they used. At that point a

and if a match against a




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as standard.

additional cost

Contact Sales

Happy retargeting.